Woman who defaced Western national parks, including 2 in Colorado, pleads guilty https://t.co/0kA2MZhZSt via @denverpost#EarthJustice #USA
— Paul Thornsley (@PTcoldfire) June 18, 2016
Anybody remember the special snowflake who nym’d herself “Creepy-Tings”?
… Casey Nocket, of San Diego, admitted to seven misdemeanor counts in a Fresno, Calif., federal court where a judge ordered her to serve two years on probation and complete 200 hours of community service.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Sheila K. Oberto also mandated that Nocket be banned from federal park lands during her probation, prosecutors say. A plea agreement reviewed by The Denver Post shows Nocket also will write a formal apology to the National Park Service.
Nocket painted and drew on rocks with acrylic paints and markers at seven national parks, including Rocky Mountain National Park and the Dinosaur National Monument. She shared her work on social media, which drew outrage.
After a backpacker posted photos of a Nocket painting along a trail near Yosemite’s Vernal Falls on the website Reddit, the site’s savvy internet sleuths tracked the photo to Nocket’s social media accounts. Steve Yu, a special agent with the Park Service in Yosemite, saw the post and launched an investigation…
Hey, But-I’m-An-Artist, if you’re gonna be a “bad person” and deface irreplaceable public treasures, at least have the elementary cunning not to post HI MOM! evidence of your misdemeanours all over the internet, ‘kay?
I hope all 200 hours of her community service are spend scrubbing off graffiti.. https://t.co/RPz0fj80Ze
— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) June 18, 2016
Welp. There’s my next 7 tattoos.
Kilroy always, always has dibs.
@NotMax: English sailors carving up ancient Greek temples in the 1880’s.
It only makes it worse that she’s really not that good.
@redshirt: Heh, I’m still working on this last one.
I sort of get painting graffiti on old ugly uninhabited buildings, but this? Does not compute.
@redshirt: Greek soldiers carving up Persian temples in the 300s BC.
@Origuy: Yeah. Is there any impulse older? Tagging is ancient.
Ah, so social media actually is good for something.
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: No, don’t try something new. You’ll catch a cold.
@Omnes Omnibus: My lawn: remove yourself from it.
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: A sidewalk is public property.
Major Major Major Major
That “red” graffiti thing that was going around last year is pretty funny.
@Omnes Omnibus: So is a freeway. Go stand on one.
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: I don’t feel like walking that far. Can you get me a cab?
I claim air rights over my domain and will shoot down any intruders without express and written permission.
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: The cool kids use Uber.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: I prefer to use union labor.
Argh. BJ site is a shitshow the past few days. Some crap-ass video ad tries to load that must be put up by the worst, low rent, low tech comany ever. I can barely even type comments because whatever garbage video ad is loading in the background is eating all the bandwidth.
No other site I visit has this issue. I’m running a decently new Mac with a pretty updated OS and updated Chrome. So frustrated a few minutes ago I abandoned writting an on-topic comment.
Oh, and now the audio has started – but I can’t even see the ad or any place th mute the fvking thing. I’m gonna have to bail on BJ till this is fixed. (Not t
@RaflW: This is the basis of my next millenial horror film. Call it
Ah, progress of a sort — the obsessive FB hate is now….expanded.
@redshirt: Domain, I thought you had a compound.
@RaflW: Flashblock. Someone deserves a Nobel Prize in Keeping The Internet Useable for it.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Domain would encircle the Compound, yes?
Install Click 2 Flash. Best. Safari. Extension. Ever.
RobertDSC-iPad Mini
Bango Skank lives!
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Is there an easement?
Adam L Silverman
@RaflW: Turn the Adblocker extension on in Chrome. That’ll fix it.
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: That’s a moat. I highly recommend filling it with alligators.
@Mnemosyne: I’ll check it out in the morning. For whatever reason, if I clear the Host Resolver Cache, things get a whole lot better and the autoplay doesn’t autoplay. I don’t even know what the cache does, but I know that it has been a frequent source of bog-ups on Chrome for me.
Oh, and I tweeted my frustration to our bloghost and he was awake and responded promptly. Color me impressed, Cole!
@Adam L Silverman: Thx! I guess I’m a noob, is that an extension I need to go get and install? (for after I get some sleep and coffee tomorrow).
@eemom: If my peevishness expands any further it will undergo core collapse.
@Adam L Silverman: Domain meaning grounds, land, area, the forest surrounding the main residence.
@different-church-lady: I got that reference.
Adam L Silverman
@RaflW: Real easy. Go up to Chrome along the top of the page. From the drop down click on preference. Once their click on Adblocker. And you’re good to go. There’s a similar extension for Safari as well if you’re on a Mac. I’ve got it turned on for both. You have to do it per browser.
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: that’s a demesne.
@efgoldman: well.. they did elect one as Governor…
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: heated moat. Very shi-shi.
ETA: I remember they had to pull one off the Pennsylvania Turnpike that was blocking traffic several years ago. No one’s quite sure how it got there, it clearly didn’t have EZ Pass.
@Adam L Silverman: Jeepers Q. Leapers, mister! What’s the difference?
Temporarily Max McGee (Soon Enough to Be Andy K Again)
So do I, but thee government won’t keep out those damned alien life form that have have been hovering about 20 light-years above me.
Thanks, Obama. Time to vote for Baud. He’ll get the aliens out of our air airspace.
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: about five letters. Its pronounced dimayn, its a variant cognate, for domain and comes from the same Latin root.
@Adam L Silverman: It does accurately describe the situation.
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: You do know I’m just giving you a hard time, right?
@Adam L Silverman:
Some jackasses set an alligator loose in an LA park after he got too big for them to handle. Fortunately, no one got hurt (though I’m sure there weren’t too many ducks left in that park) and they were eventually able to get him to the Los Angeles Zoo …
Where he promptly escaped from his enclosure again. They put him back in, reinforced it, got him a girlfriend, and now he seems relatively content. We saw him back in December sunning himself.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: Everyone’s a sucker for a happy ending.
ETA: there’s a Pocahontas County, WV legend about a cryptid fire dragon. From the descriptions of it and its behavior, I’m convinced someone released a gator or croc or cayman and that’s what’s being seen. Apparently the thing loves to get close to heat sources like camp fires and firepits and things like that. Of course since a lot of the sightings are at not, and not a lot of folks in rural WV have seen a gator or croc in real life, its become a cryptid legend of a fire lizard monster sort of thing.
There’s no Late Night Music Thread on C&L, so, you guys waill just have to suffer instead. ;)
@Adam L Silverman:
Was it you who was saying the other night that most of the valid Bigfoot and/or Yeti evidence points to it being a subspecies of bear?
I’m a 90s gal, so when I see “peaches,” I think of this.
@Adam L Silverman:
Please. Just stop.
@seaboogie: Said ironically…please continue… Adam, you are one of our most valued commenters/FPers.. per what Mnem would quote – you bring the thunder.
@Adam L Silverman: No. I thought this was still part of the test.
@Mnemosyne: When I was living near Walla Walla, there was a self-proclaimed Bigfoot expert living north of the highway – by the state pen – who was convinced there was a colony of Bigfoot living in the Blue Mountains. If you gave him half an opening, he’d try to convince you, too.
I’m not sure if it’s related or not, but his family had a pig for a pet that was the largest such specimen I’ve seen. I’m still not entirely sure how it made the transition from porch to living room, but I saw it in both locations when I was out delivering pizza so it must have happened.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: Yes. Or, rather, in regard to yetis, there are really two different and complimentary legends of yeti. Among the people that live high up in the Nepalese Himalayas state that there is a special type of high Himalayan bear that is a yeti and that in the same areas there is a type of human/hominid that is a yeti. The recent documentary, Yeti or Not that goes through the folk tradition at the same time that it tries to collect samples for genetic testing.
These hairy hominid legends exist in almost every culture. So for the rest of them, who knows. My guesstimate is that a lot of the sightings and other “physical” evidence is mistaken identity of bears on their hind legs or bears standing up in heavy brush and forest or of double strike – back paw strike in the just made front paw track – bear prints. But that said, there’s enough uninhabited forested areas that its certainly possible there’s a species that hasn’t been discovered yet. So who knows, other than the four people on Animal Planet and the six neighbors of Cole’s on Destination America are definitely not going to be the ones to find the truth.
Adam L Silverman
@seaboogie: Not that kind of happy ending. Though I did have an aikido student when I was running the UF dojo who was working on alligator genetics for his graduate work. He used to go down to the everglades to collect alligator sperm samples. So, maybe that kind of happy ending after all…
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: Sorry, I was being a smartass and yanking your chain.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: You? Well I never.
I learned the word/variant demesne from some fantasy thing or other.
Adam L Silverman
@SoupCatcher: The people that have claimed to seen it are convinced with almost the zealous fervor of the reformed sinner.
I think a lot of sightings are misidentifications caused by force perspective and the brain’s internally wired drive to make sense of discordant and incongrous visual data. When we still had our place in NM, one summer we went up to Angel Fire and Eagle’s Nest for an craft fair and art show. On the way home, as we were driving down through the Santa Fe National Forest I could have sworn I was looking at an 8 foot tall plus very broad shoulder human shaped something standing next too and partially obscured by a large tree. As we got adjacent to it the reality became clear. It was a very large, conically shaped boulder with a medium boulder in front of it. But the distance, the way the light was filtering through the trees, the shadows in the forest, and the forward momentum of the car all sent competing visual info to my brain, which made sense of it all by determining that it was a susquatch, which it wasn’t.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: Piers Anthony’s Adept series.
Adam L Silverman
That’s it for me, time to rub some doggie bellies and rack out!
@Adam L Silverman: I’m always taken off guard by conversations with zealots. At some point, my initial amusement at the topic gives way to the feeling of “oh, we’re doing this for real.”
As far as the lonely country road at night, and the brain’s ability to anthropomorphize pretty much damn near anything, yeah, been there. Usually accompanied by the AM soundtrack of whichever host is doing Coast to Coast.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: Perhaps, though that doesn’t ring a bell. Might have been urban fantasy. That’s kind of my thang.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman:
Grandfather Bear!
R.A. Lafferty insisted that all children dreamed of bears, even in cultures where there were no physical bears or logical reasons for passing on the bear myths. But then Lafferty was a self-proclaimed liar, a/k/a storyteller…
And then again, as another storyteller/anthropologist (Marvin Harris? Stephen J. Gould?) explained, “Better to mistake a thousand shadows for a lurking tiger, than to mistake one lurking tiger for a shadow… “
Keith G
@redshirt: Yeah, damn good thing ancient humans never drew on rocks.
We are a strange species.
I think of how bad I am supposed to feel about how uniquely awful ISIL is for destroying ancient structures and then I remember Western History…all of it.
Major Major Major Major
@Keith G:
OK, just normal awful then.
This is Obama’s fault. His iconic campaign poster was made by a former big time graffiti artist Shepard Fairey. I remember his Andre the Giant graffiti art in the Boston area back in the day. It’s always Obama’s fault!
Everything is Obama’s fault.
If only he hadn’t gone back in time and forced this parents to have sex at gunpoint….
Just One More Canuck
@Temporarily Max McGee (Soon Enough to Be Andy K Again): Vote Baud – he’ll get the voices out of your head
sm*t cl*de
@Anne Laurie:
… who wrote a story about leaving marks on rocks.
@redshirt: There’s carvings in Machu Picchu from some numbnuts in Hiram Bingham’s expedition.
The Pale Scot
Some acts are just so thoughtless and narcissistic that I think a good flogging is a proper reaction.
Whip the stupidity out of them, liken those “scout leaders” that tipped over leaning rocks for “safety reasons”.
It took at least a couple million years for nature to create these places, she doesn’t need an art critic in the form of a hairless ape that showed up 80G years ago.
The Pale Scot
@Origuy: Don’t forget the aboriginal hand prints in Australia, what, 20, 000 yrs old or older?
@The Pale Scot:
I belong to a FB group of local artists. Many are much younger and don’t understand why people would object to their “right” to graffiti at will or to drive nails into trees in the park to hang their work. Most of these clowns are going or have gone to the art school I went to. I’m thinking of asking a friend on the board to suggest a class in ethics or something similar.
The Pale Scot
I use COCOA COOKIES to clean out the cookie bin every couple of days, seems to stop a lot of that shit, the bots don’t know what to hit you with so it stays simple.
Warning, there’s cookies you’ll wanna save, so after you check mark the box in the toolbar (RegEx) that populates a list, go thru it and checkmark the sites you wanna keep (like BJ) and THEN click remove cookies.
Iowa Old Lady
Just heard on my car radio that Iowa held its state D convention yesterday and some Sanders delegates switched to Clinton. The announcer said IA sends 50 delegates, and at the moment, 27 are for Clinton and 22 for Sanders. The leader is officially neutral. I know that doesn’t add up. I have no explanation.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
Here are some brogressives practicing for Philly.
@Major Major Major Major: There was an anigif going around 5-10 years of something similar in NYC (on a gray plywood wall or something, if I recall correctly). It was more of a poem though – one or a few words, painted over, next line, etc.
Unfortunately, I can’t find it.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Found it.
Here. It was in the UK. (The version I saw had the street sign cropped off.)
@RaflW: I felt that way, too. The damn video & audio was playing even with AdBlock! But then someone here told me to put the url for the ad in exclusion list in AdBlock (which I did) and I have never seen it again. Try that – I would hate to see you go. You can do the same thing with AdBlock Plus, but the steps to do it are slightly different.
Steeplejack wrote up pretty good instructions, but I don’t think I was smart enough to write them down. Chime in if you need more direction than what I gave you.
@Mnemosyne: What settings do you use for Click to Flash. That worked for me for years, but it didn’t work with that damn ad!
@RaflW: What did Cole say in his reply? I love Cole, but I don’t think he understands how maddening that ad is and how much it affects BJ usage. Hoping that perhaps Cole has seen the light.
@Iowa Old Lady: How does that not add up? 27 + 22 + 1 (neutral) = 50.
edit: It must be that new math!
@Adam L Silverman: Along these lines, I had a wonderful moment of my brain tricking me. I was walking with my family on a dirt road, and saw a stick in the road. I bent down to pick it up and BAM! The stick turned into a snake and slithered off.
I really saw a stick at first. Now, I am fully aware it was never a stick but a snake all along, but I marvel at how my perception changed. And I wondered if events like that in the far past would have been assumed to be magic or the Gods or whatever supernatural force you’d like to reference.
@GregB: I went to a party at Shepard’s house in Providence back in 1994 or something. It was kickin rad.
@The Pale Scot: I believe the Aboriginal art is the oldest known human art in the world, circa 40,000 years old.
As much as I don’t like facebook, it does keep me in touch with les Arts florissants. Today they provided a link to a live performance of Bach Mass in B Minor.
Iowa Old Lady
@WaterGirl: Wait. 21 for Sanders. I think.
ETA: What was really interesting to me was that the announcer said 7 Sanders delegates had switched to Clinton. I can’t see how that many Sanders delegates were there. But really, I don’t care. It’s over, and I hope more Sanders delegates get hold of themselves for the good of the country.
Jim Parente
@redshirt: I had a similiar experience. Soon after moving to Fla., I was walking my 2 adopted Goldens around th eperimiter of my Apt. Complex. The time was @ 10pm. Ginger and Buddy put on the brakes and very enthusiastically start to sniff at on object on the lawn. I looked down and saw what had to be a child’s beaded bracelet. You know the kind kids would make at camp.
I stuck my nose close to this red, yellow and black object. It moved! Coral Snake!
I hustled the Pups back to the Apartment and then returned to the spot. I The critter was only about 12″ long but I wasn’t going chance handling it with bare hands. I was armed with a dust pan and whisk broom. I swept he/she into the pan, fully expecting an imminent attack from a slavering, venimous serpent! Nope. Critter was un-fazed. I walked the beast to the woods at the edge of the property and set it free to gorge on insects, amphibians, other snakes and eventually mice and rate.
The most laid back deadly critter I ever ran across. BTW, the Coral Snake is stunning in its beauty!
@Origuy: Ancient Romans tagging up Rome.
Eric U.
@WaterGirl: the ad is really tricky. Actually, not sure it’s on purpose, but firefox allows you to mute a tab. But that ad un-mutes the tab somehow. I actually had to install adblocker and disconnect plugins because of this site. There are still some sites that lock up the browser, most notably the local paper’s site. My understanding is that it’s trying to figure out my location, but not sure why firefox locks up. Wonkette also is problematic for some reason
@Major Major Major Major:
That needed a trigger warning. Flashing back to first year property class.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@RobertDSC-iPad Mini: Is that a reference to Edward Abbey’s Hayduke? Maybe I’m missing something, but I always found that character to be extremely uncharismatic… Just a constantly-polluting, hypocritical mutt. He was always blowing up something in the name of nature while littering the landscape with beer cans. Am I alone on this feeling and assessment?
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@Adam L Silverman: For reals? He just wandered up, grabbed a gator by the Johnson and worked up a sample? Did he gather from the va-jayjay of a blissed-out female gator basking in the afterglow? The mind is boggled.
J R in WV
@Keith G:
We saw a graffiti in a cave with ancient paintings in either France of Spain. It was a guy’s name, carved in the cave wall, with a date – early 1600s. At least he didn’t deface any of the paintings, which were awesome.
I’m not sure (and I just looked). Basically, I seem to have it set up so that everything Flash has to be clicked on except WeightWatchers.com. No other exceptions.
I also keep the sound turned off on my laptop, so if it is making sound, I wouldn’t know it.
So let’s see if things are better over here in Safari-land. The site is damn near unusable on Chrome for me at this point. I can’t even type 2 sentences before total bog down. Even right now on Safari it’s fairly choppy.
FYI DougJ (who I cc:ed on twitter last night) was pretty brief (but to the point) in his response
@WaterGirl: Cole said there shouldn’t be an ad that autoplays.
Update: the ad eventually does load on Safari and makes this page a shitshow as well. (As I type, it’s showing the words with a delay, reminds me of writing code on a minicomputer in 1985 in the basement of the CS dept in college).
Gaaah its sooo crappy. I have better Sunday time wasters than this.
@RaflW: Huh. Last I heard Cole said that ad was making him a ton of money so we could just get over it if we had issues. (paraphrased)
Yeah, I use Safari and it made me crazy until I blocked it by typing the URL into the AdBlock settings.
Paul in KY
@Adam L Silverman: Also verbal legends passed down from when there were large hairy hominids.