This is the most recent FEC filing by the Trump scampaign:
Trump campaign expenses in May, per @FEC report:
Hats: $208k
Online advertising: $115k
Data management: $48k
Communications consulting: $38k— Kenneth P. Vogel (@kenvogel) June 21, 2016
So let’s not fuck this up.
Open thread
Update 1
Trump has less cash on hand than the former majority leader of the New York State Senate, who is headed to jail. h/t @mahoneyw
— Nick Confessore (@nickconfessore) June 21, 2016
Recipients of payments from Trump campaign with “Trump” in name, through May 31. Doesn’t include Mar-a-Lago/planes.
— Derek Willis (@derekwillis) June 21, 2016
I think we would all be better of as a nation if Trump was handing out condoms to his supporters emblazened “Make America Great Again.” Now I would contribute to that!
How much did he spend on his hair?
Kenneth Kohl
I see donnie-boy has prioritized his spending quite well. Thanks for the humor this morning.
@eric: Too bad nobody handed one to his father.
We’re way behind on crucial spending on hats! We’re in deep trouble if we don’t up our game on Hillary-Hats in battleground states.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
The fingers are really the way to blow him up. With the inference he always draws, it’s just like a burr stuck in his ego. And those fingers really are a freak of nature – they are tiny. And given his elaborately fingered hand gestures, it’s obvious in nearly every photo.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: Nothing. Possums can clean and care for themselves.
We need to close the hat gap.
i think Hillary should hand out those giant we’re number one foam fingers with Trumps name on them, except they are really tiny and so Go Hillary on the other side ;)
It’s as though the whole campaign was a yoooge scam gone awry.
@eric: Haha.
Even more fascinating is that he spent almost 1M at Trump properties, and $35k at an ad agency called, no shit, Draper Sterling, which is based out of a house in rural New Hampshire and has existed for approx. one year.
Con man gotta con.
All about the grift. As someone here pointed out, the GOP donor class is not opening their checkbooks to pay off Trump’s loans to the campaign. They simply won’t at this time.
Combover Caligula’s expenditures do not look like those of a presidential campaign six months before the general election.
And, if any other party nominee had $1.3 million on hand…they would be vilifying them as a pathetic candidate.
For full effect, it should always be a woman making fun of his fingers. Use movie stars. Latina movie stars. But don’t start too early. If he strokes out he will be replaced.
Well. At least we’ve seen the hats. They exist.
Didn’t want to sully the darling beagles thread below with this, but it’s kind of a love letter to Reince Priebus and how it sucks to be him while Trump is rampaging through his party.
Includes more knobwashing where Paul Ryan is concerned — and he is concerned, deeply concerned, about poverty. As was Jack Kemp, RIP. And if that Donald was not sucking all the air out of the room ….
Anyhoo, take it away Mark Leibovich: NY Times: Will Trump Swallow the GOP Whole
Also: have you noticed, all these lengthy essays on what’s going crazy with politics — they never address the rightwing wurlitzer and Fox News and Rush — they might get a quick mention — but it seems to me the real problem is that the Republican base is radicalized and retrograde. The writers never spend much time on that — maybe because it would seem to be a problem with an actual solution? They just talk about the crazy, no compromise politicians sent to DC. (The Atlantic article was TL;DR but had some notable omissions.)
Silver lining: they’ve pretty much stopped whingeing about “both sides.” This week.
Amir Khalid
Could it be that hats are to someone in the Trump campaign what yard signs are to Peggy Noonan?
NPR reporting that Ben Carson has more money right now in his suspended campaign.
It seems I’m going to have to reassess my opinion of the Trump children. As a New Yawker and someone who has lived in the tri-state area pretty much my entire life, I’ve always known Donald Trump was a loudmouthed bigoted, racist liar, so this campaign is no surprise. However, I thought his children were along for the ride, because its “dad” what are you going to do? Based upon last night news (Lewandowsks firing at Ivanka’s request) and some of the other less obvious doings of the children this election cycle I’m beginning to lean towards its “dad” and he raised us and his views are our views.
Jack the Second
Why would Trump want anyone to pay off his campaign loans? He’ll funnel the cash out of the campaign, declare a couple of strategic bankruptcies, publish another book, and come back stronger than ever.
Has everyone noticed that if you take the vowels out of ‘Reince Priebus’, you get RNC PR BS? Can that possibly be just a coincidence? I only ask.
Jack the Second
@Loviatar: I think his children are also in a weird place because they aren’t really the children of a billionaire, they’re Trump’s children.
There’s no incentive for them to try to put Trump away and divide up the empire among them, because there’s no empire to divide, just a house of cards. Trump is rich in the way several of the Founding Father’s were rich — he controls a lot of assets, but owns very little free and clear. Don’t get me wrong, it’s better than being “poor” or “normal” or even “a little rich”, but it is a very fragile construction and unlikely to survive him with quite the gold-plated majesty it now has.
Hmmmm, a Jonah analogy? I’d have gone with more of an Ahab analogy, myself.
Patricia Kayden
@Quinerly: Dr. Carson did a great job grifting the American people. I wonder if he can donate his largesse to Trump’s campaign.
ThresherK (GPad)
@MattF: And if the consonants are removed, it’s
“E I E I eu” (or, “ewww”).
Maybe he shoulda stuck with Reinhold, or gone to his middle name.
Patricia Kayden
Anti-Trumpism includes hundreds of GOP delegates. Their Convention is going to be a hoot.
@Patricia Kayden: We may have an answer as to why Trump has the good doctor in his campaign now.
It sounds like something out of the old campy Batman TV series. Priebus as the arch enemy of the week (perhaps in league with the Penguin or Catwoman. Batman and Robin are in the batcave puzzling over the riddle when Robin blurts out the answer: “RNC PR BS!” “To the batmobile!” Adam West yells, and they rush to RNC headquarters (where Megan Mcardle is hostage).
This is all you need to know:
20% of Donald Trump’s campaign spending goes to Trump businesses, filing says
Can’t tell if you’re serious, but at least one front pager here has noticed and made use of that fact.
Note, btw, that everyone is talking about Trump’s FEC filing for May. I know it’s hard to recall things that far in the past, but May was when Der Trump’s polling had pulled even with Hillary’s, and everyone was getting anxious. If May was a catastrophe, June could be extinction-level.
@Loviatar: I don’t see anything in that link to imply Ivanka is racist. It does imply she is one of several sources urging Lewandowsks firing, and the slant of the article seemed to be that L was against any changes for a general election including hiring more staff and that Manafort and others thought they needed to do some additional things, which unfortunately from my point of view is probably correct. They are still running a Trump campaigns thought so I still think their going to lose.
It would not surprise me if any or all the children are racist too because parents do have an impact. I just didn’t see it in that story. Actually the daughter Tiffany has according to Wiki been raised a long way away from Trump in California so she might have escaped the influence more. Her current age just starting college, in my experience makes it likely she wants his attention, but will probably figure out the downside in a few years. supposedly Ivanka has been nice to her, which reflects well on Ivanka. I read a quick Wikipedia on them but otherwise don’t have a clue. I have been ignoring Trump for years since I saw him in the news in the 70’s and realized he had terrible vulgar taste but thought it was good taste. Gold plated and marble do not automatically mean taste but he thought it did.
@Patricia Kayden: More like Trump/Carson.
@Baud: I first read that as ‘We need to close the hair gap’.
My husband’s co-worker was asking people at work where he could get a Trump Make America Great Again lawn sign which puzzled everyone. My husband asked him why in the world he wanted one. He said he wanted to block out the T and the P so it would say
RUM Make America Great Again.
@Jack the Second:
Yeah, but I’m starting to realize that the children are playing a much more active role in the campaign. They are not props like his wife Melania Trump, who is generally trotted out to look pretty and say something inoffensive. They seem to be more actively involved in the decision making process, if so then I have to believe they agree with his thinking. Kind of sad, while you may not want to denounce you “dad” the candidate, you sure the hell can distance yourself from the campaign.
@Elizabelle: The picture scared me, when I saw it earlier. I’m afraid he’s going to swallow us all.
Someone on another blog pointed out:
” The GOP weaponized the stupid……and then was surprised at the results.”
I love weaponized the stupid.
@Baud: Carson will be Trump’s VP selection, because he has the money. How many times will we hear Trump say my African American. Christie still has a slim chance though, because Trump seems to think Americans like a fat person. At least, he implied that in the past.
NY Mag article by Gabe Sherman: Why Trump Ousted Corey Lewandowski (it was the kids)
@JPL: By that logic, Noot is also a possibility since he would presumably bring Adelson aboard. I.e., an actual billiionaire.
Jeff Spender
@Elizabelle: That’s really Sad!
@JPL: Plus he brings in the religious right, some of whom might actually be offended by Trump’s personality.
In the 1980s I lived in a small apartment across the street from a comic books store. Needless to say I stocked up on Love And Rockets, Freak Brothers and R. Crumb comic books.
R. Crumb featured Trump in one of his comics:
@MattF: Yeah, I wonder. The NY Mag article makes it sound like there might be a VP pic under wraps already.
Was thinking “Sheldon Adelson, come on down!”, but clearly it would be Newt if so.
And how helpful for the Sanders brigades to be out there, screaming about Hillary’s dirty money, when they haven’t seen what’s coming this campaign’s way.
Paid $350,000 for the month to rent his private jet and almost 1/2 million going to rent his own properties (including Trump Winery, and Trump golf courses)for events.For what it’s worth, I think Newt will be his VP pick….because….Adelson
@Jack the Second: Because he owes the debt to himself not to others as usual.
Just One More Canuck
@Baud: all of it, Katie
@Jeff Spender: OK, you guys gotta point me to the beginnings of the SAD! meme.
I know Nancy Pelosi has deployed it from time to time, to great effect.
But what did I miss?
@Baud: In fact, RW Christians are bitterly divided over Der Trump. Noot as VP would make that worse, since the R ticket would then achieve a total of six ex-wives.
Yeah. Just about every column Michael Gerson (to name only one Republican commenter) has written in the last few months has featured his anguished fee-fees over ‘The GOP’s Bad Choices’, or ‘their presumptive nominee’, or some other phrase illustrative of what the genius Driftglass has termed Republican Detachment Disorder. Like ‘I never had anything whatsoever to do with this madness during my career as a Republican Party functionary and water carrier, and I’ve never heard of this Limbaugh guy either!’. Like the Trump Phenomenon just suddenly appeared one day, much like a mushroom cloud over the offices of the RNC.
Racism doesn’t have to be in your face, it can be something as subtle as unobtrusively agreeing with or supporting a racist. It can be you saying you’ll endorse or vote for a racist. Or in this case you actively working for a racist whether he is your father or not. There is such a thing as walking away.
Clarence Thomas
Well, one must admit that Newt is more photogenic than Jabba the Hut. Granted that doesn’t require much effort or makeup.
I remember Ivanka’s awkward walk-on when Trumpf hosted SNL. There was no applause. Nothing.
I’d never seen a celebrity walk-on greeted with such indifference in the history of SNL
Patricia Kayden
My comment is waiting moderation again. Sigh.
@danielx: I also think a lot of it has to do with knowing not to piss off a possible/probable future employer.
Jeff Spender
Thoughts on this exchange?
“It definitely wasn’t just California who had extreme voter suppression. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that Hillary’s numbers go way up in states with the most suppression.”
And me:
“Can you prove any of those accusations? Can you show that any of the suppression you are alleging is causally related to anything?
At the end of the day, I care about evidence and I care about the argument. I do not find insinuations persuasive, especially if they’re not accompanied by any solid evidence.
Take that as you will. As I’ve said, being a skeptic demands rigorously questioning everything and making sure if you reach a conclusion it is backed up.
I just don’t see any good evidence that any campaign somehow engaged in suppressive efforts, and since elections are controlled by state governments, you’d need some damn good evidence that highlights collusion between bureau of elections in every state and a campaign.
The simpler and more likely conclusion is this: we have problems with how our elections are run, and have had these problems for a while. Incompetency is more likely than a conspiracy.”
have the emmessem idjits started bloviating how deadbeat donnie reset his campaign for the ge?
There’s that, although the wingnut welfare racket will go on no matter what. Nobody wants to spill the rice bowl upon which so many depend.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Elizabelle: Trump’s tweets: he likes to end his insults with Sad! or SAD! A tiny fingered schoolyard bully. With very thin skin.
@Patricia Kayden:
Think it has something to do if you include a link….I’m an eight year plus lurker. Only posting recently. Seems it has happened with me if I include a link. Is this the way it’s always been?
@Jeff Spender: as I commented on the late night thread, the accusation makes no sense. How would anyone know who are Sanders supporters in advance in order to target them for voter suppression?
@MattF: It’s certainly consonant with what he spouts to the press.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Thank you.
Jeff Spender
@Monala: That is a very good point.
Steeplejack (phone)
Internet traditions, we are aware of them.
@amk: It’s interesting (and newsworthy!) that the ‘real Donald Trump’ is a story of failure, bankruptcy, and incompetence. But although there have been occasional items about that, it’s not the accepted narrative in the MSM.
Sheldon Adelson literally looks like he was drawn by Ralph Steadman. Newt has a thing he does when a camera is pointed at him, where he tries to look innocent and angelic. But he comes across as a crooked used car dealer, or a racist state college professor who flunks students of color just on principle.
Warren Terra
Some highlights from the report:
The report describes one month (May 2016). Total receipts $5.6M, total spending $6.75M, leaving the campaign with $1.3M cash on hand at the end of the month. The Ben Carson campaign apparently has more cash on hand!
At least $1.1M of the spending was going into one or another of Trump’s own pockets: hundreds of thousands in monthly rents on various Trump properties ($200K on Trump Tower and Restaurant, $420K on Mar a Lago, $66K on golf course rents), hundreds of thousands more on his “airline”, even some tens of thousands literally paid to Donald himself.
The biggest single line item I spotted was $1.5M spent on a mysterious organization in Scottsdale calling itself “Morning In America”, having no apparent visibility by Google, and with the explanation “Ballot Access”, which seems a bit weird for someone who’s going to occupy the Republican ballot line.
As noted elsewhere, he also spent about $1M (or more?) on hats and other swag (not all to one vendor).
The campaign owes about $45M, all of it to Donald Trump personally. At this point it’s unclear if any money donated will go to campaigning or to reimbursing Trump. Especially if Trump refuses to accept contributions and accepts the ~$100M in public financing on offer.
The MSM and most of the conservatives who didn’t vote Trump remain committed to seeing him as an inexplicable one-off event that just appeared out of thin air and is only powered by the vaguest possible things like “anti-establishment sentiment.” It’s why I don’t take any of these people seriously. None of them has any interest in facing what Trump represents. They just want him to go away and stop embarrassing them.
“I would have gotten away with it, too! If it wasn’t for those meddling [Trump] kids!”
Trump was shocked Lewandowski didn’t have any other campaign ideas? I’ve always thought Trump is just winging it but to not have any clue what his top aide has planned or not planned is mind boggling.
@germy: Sheldon Adelson has worse hair than Donald Trump.
That’s hard to do.
pic: NY Times article: Sheldon Adelson is poised to give Donald Trump a Donation Boost, from May.
You can tell it’s a very nice suit and tie, but that head atop it. Yuck! Not to mention, the guy’s politics and influence… and he turns out to be born in the US. Massachusetts. Lucky us.
@bemused: Yeah. Talk about business expertise, or lack thereof. That was shocking.
CA Republicans Headed for the Slaughterhouse
by BooMan
Mon Jun 20th, 2016 at 11:17:19 PM EST
There are a couple of outliers, but the general consensus of the polls is that Donald Trump is going to get right around 33% of the vote in California. Maybe when all the undecideds are counted, he’ll do slightly better than that, but it’s still likely that when Election Day rolls around in November, Golden State Republicans will be looking at a party champion who is trailing by twenty points or more. It’s hard to find a reason to drag yourself to the polls under circumstances like that.
Now, maybe a Republican might get motivated to vote in the governor’s race, but there is no governor’s race there this year. And, perhaps a good Senate contest might interest a conservative voter, but the only two people on the ticket in November in the race to replace Barbara Boxer are Democrats: Attorney General Kamala Harris and Rep. Loretta Sanchez. And check this out:
Now, if there is no governor’s race and the presidential race is a foregone conclusion (and don’t forget that Californians will know how most of the country voted long before their own polls close) and 64% of Republicans have no intentions of casting a vote in the Senate race, then the only reason most California Republicans will have to show up at the polls is to cast a vote for their U.S. Representative and some state and local races.
Can you imagine the turnout challenge facing Republicans running for the House of Representatives this fall?
Democrats will at least have a Senate race to weigh in on, although I kind of doubt the polls will be close in that contest either. Still, the business community is pondering whether it might profit them to get behind the candidacy of Loretta Sanchez. Her own campaign is pitching her pro-business “Blue Dog” credentials.
@bemused: It’s common knowledge that Lewandowski’s mantra was “Let Trump be Trump.” But.. isn’t there an itsy-bitsy lesson about what that approach led to?
@Elizabelle: He looks like an elderly Marty Allen. “Hello dere!” (with a wife who smooths his hair down with a bar of soap)
@Warren Terra: I noticed a smallish sum going to Erik Trump Winery, or something like that …
Quite shocking and I didn’t think anything about the Trump mess could stun me anymore. HIs family must have had concerns about Corey long ago so do they even have a difficult time getting Donald to listen to them?
Warren Terra
Yeah, but it was $4K. Hardly worth mentioning!
Fair Economist
@Jeff Spender:
It takes a special kind of delusion to say the primary with the biggest turnout in California history is an example of “extreme voter suppression”.
What’s with the sons hair style? Is the comb back greasy look in?
I actually like this aspect of Trump, if true. Rob them Repubs for all they’re worth!
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
@Jeff Spender: Of course you would say that because you are on #neverhillary’s payroll along with all the other neoliberal #shillarys. There is a University of Phoenix study that proves Debbie Wasserman Schultz colluded with the DNC back in 2012 to rig the election for #neverhillary by using Life Model Decoys of Bernie Sanders to distract his supporters and prevent them from voting. Guccifer6.5 is going to drop a bomb today that will cause #neverhillary to be instantly indicted and make all the super delegates switch their support like the 9 imaginary super delegates that switched in the last week that the MSM isn’t telling you about. And something something Julian Assange will finally be released when Bernie is POTUS because magic. #feelthebern #neverhillary #ifsomeoneturnsonamicrowaveipoopmyself
Greenleaf begins tonight on OWN at 10 pm EST.
One episode tonight.
Two episodes tomorrow.
The Gordon Gekko look. Everybody needs someone they can look up to.
@Jeff Spender:
Let me guess: This is based on that “statistical study” which started by assuming that exit polls were perfectly accurate and dispositive, and if there was a difference between the (unweighted) exit polling and the actual vote, that was proof of voter fraud?
I hope you avoided the temptation to smash your head against the nearest wall after hearing that.
Chyron HR
Apparently they’re quite flatulent (and proud of it).
One of the many long articles about Trump I’ve read had quotes from some of his kids. Maybe it was Ivanka who said the family enjoys having dinner together and they laugh and laugh and have so much fun joking around. I remember thinking then that if they think their dad is hilarious they must share many of his traits.
Roger Moore
As far as I can tell, it’s based on Josh Marshall’s Metrical Analysis of Trump Insult Haiku. He pointed out that Trump’s tweets generally follow the form simple declarative sentence, simple declarative sentence, short insult. Trump’s actual tweets use quite a range of insults, but the less talented people who aped his form have settled on “Sad!” as a general purpose final insult.
Trump raised less money in May than the Veronica Mars kickstarter.
The Trump campaign is taking its love of Mad Men too far. They paid money to a company called Draper Sterling.
sunny raines
everyone is missing the forest from the trees regarding trump’s cash on hand. As we’ve seen, trump does NOT pay his bills so it doesn’t matter how much cash on hand he has – he just buys, paying his bills is for suckers.
randy khan
“Trump Old Post Office LLC” got money from the campaign? That sounds like the Old Post Office building in D.C., which currently is under renovation to become a Trump hotel (I drive past it every day on the way to work). It’s a construction site, and definitely isn’t open. What in the world would they pay that company for?
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
@dmsilev: That’s what I would expect from someone on the payroll of #neverhillary. There is a Lincoln Technical Institute study that was posted by H.A. Goodman today that proves that Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the neoliberal shill, personally destroyed every third ballot cast for Bernie Sanders in California at the orders of #neverhillary even though the FBI and Guccifer2.5 have it all on tape and are weighing the best moment to indict #neverhillary.
Once #neverhillary is indicted then the Democratic Party will unite around Bernie Muad’dib Sanders -could he be the one?- and the revolution will be permanent. #neverhillary #bernieorbust #innumeracy #iwearthishelmetbecauseimspecial
Roger Moore
There are going to be at least 8 propositions on the ballot, and quite possibly more; that by itself should be plenty of motivation for people to get out and vote.
The tell was when he was asked about debating Sanders and his immediate response was (paraphrasing): “Sure, so long as I get paid for showing up.”
Can’t quite recall the details, but the story was something along the lines of Trump forcing the winery owner into foreclosure through sleazy chicanery, gaining ownership for pennies on the dollar and then gifting the place to the fruit of his loins.
@Jeff Spender: California does have extreme voter suppression! We have to register to vote no later than 30 days before the election and can only change party registration up until two weeks before the election (some nonsense about printing and distributing election day materials for poll workers). Both of those operations involve logging on to a computer and can take upwards of a minute to accomplish. “Decline to state” voters with no party affiliation can vote in either primary, but they have to jump through hoops to do it. They need to walk up to a poll worker and say, “I’d like a Democratic ballot, please.” It’s horrible, just horrible.
@randy khan: Seriously? My guess is that the money went to a rainy-day fund. Capital budgets have lots of little WTF items like that. Because you never know when it might start to rain.
Amir Khalid
@J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford:
Is there a link?. HAHA Goodman is always good for a laugh.
@randy khan: Speaking of Trump Post Office, the two celebrity chefs who had signed on to put marquee restaurants in there — Geoffrey Zakarian and Jose Andres — both pulled out and sued Trump after his “Mexican rapists” tirade, alleging that their association with Trump made it impossible to operate a viable restaurant business, given how many Hispanics work in the industry. The judge in the Zakarian case made Trump give a deposition the other day. If he loses, Trump could have to fork over millions for breach of contract.
Pretty blatant transfer of $$ from campaign to pocket, laundered through a entity that exists on paper, at least. With a completely feckless and toothless FEC and a GOP that is too dumb or partisan to care, that leaves only Dems to notice and point it out. Then, of course, it becomes a “political disagreement”, gets treated with the “both sides do it” workover (b/c certainly Hillary has given Bill a dollar at some point), and later gets ignored when another 82 blue hairs die in another assault rifle rampage at a Walla Walla nursing home…..
Zakarian exhibits an ego roughly the size of the Crab Nebula, but he at least chanels it to productive use.
@Monala: Obviously the Sanders supporters are the ones with the halos around their heads, walking just a few inches off the floor or over water.
Tiffany just graduated from Pen State, she graduated the same day as on of Bidens’ grandkids. They were both in attendance.
Amir Khalid
@Amir Khalid:
Oh wait. i keep forgetting, you’re playing a parody troll.
@Punchy: I heard the apotheosis of this kind of reporting from NPR the other day. Can’t quite remember what it was but they announced that their reporter was on capitol hill and “would report” that “democrats are saying” that “republicans are doing” what republicans were obviously doing. The number of ways in which the reporter was distanced from actually reporting on what republicans were actually doing was so extensive that the listener could only conclude that, of course, the democrats were slanging off on the republicans again, like always. The fact that what was actually being reported was an action, by the republicans, on legislation, that didn’t need any “he said/he said” treatment was completely lost.
If had to hazard a guess, would be that there are signs on the property with his name and declared those with the the word Trump as space rented for campaign advertising.
Exactly right. The most under-reported story for the past year is how off-the-rails the entire GOP has become, especially in comparison to the extremely sane, pragmatic, and pleasant Democratic Party. They keep trying to go with ‘both sides equally unpalatable’, but that is not because both sides are equally crazy, mean, and out-of-touch. One is crazy, mean, and out-of-touch…the other has 30 years’ worth of negative propaganda bombardment against its candidate, plus a compliant, horse-race-craving media.
I thought this was encouraging, at least…look at the writer’s tone throughout, and how he pulls back the curtain for us readers:
@aimai: And the interview with the guilty party begins with:
Reporter: Sir, Democrats have said…
just a quibble: teh stoopid was always weaponized. The Rethugs monopolized and normalized it. Except for anti-vaxers, who seem to be across the political spectrum, they own it, they encouraged it out from under its rock.
Hello, moderators? A little help at #112? Any hints as to why the comment went into moderation would be greatly appreciated.
@aimai: I notice that all the time.
It’s so gutless. But the Villagers are pretty much all doing it.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
@Amir Khalid: I’m sorry, I’m goofing on you folks. Lincoln Technical Institute is a trade school for mechanics and HVAC in the Chicagoland area.
Clay Aiken was on All In with Chris Hayes last night, and he said that basically the kids are his closest advisors, especially Ivanka. He said when he was on the apprentice they were the main contacts with the contestants and it was their judgment that was the main factor in determining the winners each week.
@hovercraft: I assume that is because Trump is too lazy to even make up his own mind. Must break him out in an uncomfortable sweat.
@hovercraft: At what point is it safe to assume the kids are covering for his increasing dementia?
@Jeffro: with bj, as the cliche’ goes, it’s a feature, not a bug.
I view it more as kids seeing dad get in way over his head, with the stress probably making him a bit crazier than normal.
I’m viewing it more as an intervention than a full endorsement of Trump’s rhetoric.
Church attendance is a big indicator of support for Donald
@Warren Terra:
So, wouldn’t the first 45M of the 100 M of public financing go back to Trump?
Betty Cracker
@MattF: A total of six ex-wives — LOL!
@dmsilev: Is this the study that Booman’s embarrassing front-pager’s dad says is statistically valid?
Iowa Old Lady
@dmsilev: I spent years teaching grad students, including teaching them research methods. Jeff says this was a paper by two Stanford grad students, not a peer reviewed publication. I can tell you from experience that those two things are not the same. No one evaluated the sample size, how it was chosen, the math, or anything else.
randy khan
It’s hard to figure out how contributing to a rainy day fund would be a legitimate campaign expenditure. Honestly, it’s hard to figure out how making a payment to a hotel that won’t open until late this year – probably after the election – would be a legitimate campaign expenditure.
Amir Khalid
Could be more. What interest rate is he charging his own campaign?
randy khan
The signs at the site do say “Trump. Coming in 2016.”
Iowa Old Lady
@NotMax: He also said his appearance in the primary debates drove up big ratings, and he has to ask himself why he wasn’t getting paid.
Mike J
@Amir Khalid:
I really need some Trump yard signs, 50-100 of them. I want to put them up next to the signs for Republicans running for the state lege. Tie them together. Any time I see one of their signs in the median or at a bus stop I want a Trump sign right with it.
Yeah I keep hearing the villagers saying that she’s going to be a huuuge asset with women for him. Much like the Romney 5 I don’t see her having a big impact. The fact that his kids are well spoken and don’t chew with their mouths open as far as we know is a low bar. Yesterday Don Jr. was being interviewed and he seemed as uninformed as his father, he managed to get out this stinging zinger, ‘the media is on Hillary Clintons side along with Wall Street’. Good one.
@bemused: / @hovercraft:
The Trump children had several options at the start of their dad’s campaign
– 1) They could support him because he is there dad while trying to minimize the damage
– 2) They could actively support him because they are bigots and racist themselves
– 3) Walk away, just walk away (ex. no comment, he is my dad and I love him, no comment)
I started out believing they chose #1, now I’m leaning towards they may actually be a #2.
Funneling that much money to your own businesses has to be a crime, right?
Betty Cracker
Regarding the Lewandowski firing and Trumpling intervention: It confirms my suspicion that the Trump campaign has no real management talent on board and relies on external polling and Beltway media consensus to monitor the health of its own operation. As long as Trump was blazing through the primaries and the media horde was focused on his opponents’ fail parade, Trump was convinced he was a political genius and that Lewandowski was competent.
Now that Trump is trailing in the polls and the dumpster fire nature of his campaign is splashed across front pages everywhere, Lewandowski is the scapegoat. The real problem is that Trump is a horrible person and candidate, of course, but that can’t ever be acknowledged. So we’ll probably have more of these upheavals to look forward to — possibly even the disowning of the Trumplings!
Actually I think their water may be off, the consensus was that Corey was a problem but not the problem, Trump is the problem. I think the fact that he is such a dumpster fire they are trying to keep a safe distance until there are signs that the fire can be contained. They did say that maybe the fact that he is losing and broke may cause him to finally start listening to people who know what they are doing.
@rikyrah: Oh, wow! surprise twist!
@hovercraft: I only skimmed a wiki article. it was probably out of date. I read something that implied Trump didn’t actually even have a BA degree. That he had said or implied an MBA but it was just a seminar course there. Occurred to me that might explain some of the Trump University stuff…he just doesn’t take College or education seriously. Maybe.
My impression from a quick google skim was that Tiffany was getting more attention from big sister than she had previously from dad and that Marla had deliberately put a whole continent between them after the divorce. Reporters probably can’t really know, so I doubt we can tell how she’ll turn out or the others. I think the older boys are big game hunters which puts them on my bad guy list.
Mike J
@Mike J: Get a sticker, it will be easier, then just slap it on. If that’s legal, which I doubt because I think it would constitute defacing their yard signs. Alternatively you could invest in signs with an arrow on them Trump Supporter —-> and put them up on trees and signs pointing to the house with the local republican signs.
@C.S.Strowbridge: Opinions differ.
Bruce K
At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone in the Trump campaign was actually being paid by Leverage Consulting & Associates LLC.
The Trump campaign has sent out mailers asking for money, so much for the self funding. He is going to make a speech about the election tomorrow. hmmm
Don’t you remember during that victory night infomercial with all the products, he said it is the biggest most successful winery on the East Coast!
Iowa Old Lady
@gvg: I don’t know whether Trump has an undergrad degree or not. He talks about attending Wharton, which is the graduate business school at Penn. So he’s implying he has an MBA from a prestigious school. Actually, he transferred from Fordham to Penn and took undergrad classes in real estate that Wharton profs offered. That’s obviously not the same thing as going to Wharton, which is a separate graduate program.
@Loviatar: I find it hard to believe that Ivanka, who converted to Judaism and has Jewish children, is really happy with the storm front connection. I’m sure she’s the kind of genteel, white (and even Jewish, sigh) racist who thinks that its ok to be racist as long as you imagine that you are simply against “bad” people. They probably aren’t opposed to, or even overtly impolite to, people of color in their own lives or social circle. They just think they are against the, you know, welfare queens or rapists from over the border. They just don’t recognize the overall racism of their stance since its not “personal” or, as they see it, volitional, its situational.
peach flavored shampoo
@NotMax: “Crab Nebula” would be an awesome name for a seafood dish
@Mike J: I am hoping its a star studded, cross generational, event like Obama’s events were. If they get Beyonce they are golden. I have my fingers crossed.
@Mike J: OK, now you’re just chumming the waters here at Hamilton Central.
@randy khan:
He held a presser there, so he charged the campaign. I believe it was after his first visit with Rinse Prius
@Patricia Kayden, @Quinerly:
It appears that right now FYWP does not like a “naked” URL in a comment. This has been a problem in the past. You need to “dress up” the URL with the link button above the comment box to make it a “text” link.
Note: Make sure the
prefix is correct, or FYWP will screw up the link anyway.misterpuff
@germy: So Drumpf is Scrappy-Doo? Both have the same sized fingers….
And remember the courts were in on it too they refused to extend those deadlines to election day. Rigged ! Voter suppression !
@Quinerly: And nobody knows campaign grift like Newt. He’ll show Trump how to truly rake it in.
Gin & Tonic
@gvg: There are numerous sources for this. He does not have an MBA. He attended Fordham as an undergrad for two years, then transferred into Wharton’s undergrad program for two years, apparently getting in due to some strings being pulled. He appears to have graduated, but without leaving any mark – he has never released his transcripts, though. Several reporters who have talked to people who graduated in the same year have had a lot of difficulty finding anyone who had any impression of him.
Jack the Second
@aimai: In NYS at least “public spaces” — eg, next to highways, stop signs, etc — have always been fair game. I don’t know if that is actual law or just the gentleman’s agreement between the parties. Defacing or removing the signs isn’t cool but it is totally normal to drive around and add one of yours wherever they’ve stuck one of theirs.
@Iowa Old Lady: Wow! He certainly indicates that he graduated from Wharton.
See that the thing about racist, they come in all different type of flavors. Everything from the white sheet wearing, confederate flag waving redneck to the genteel upper west side jewish matron you described. What the Trump campaign has done is shown that the two are one and the same.
The best thing coming out of the Trump campaign is that the Republican party and its supporters are exposed for what they are; no more will the code words and dog whistles give them believable deniability. You can not support a racist without being a racist yourself, Chris Christie is a racist, Paul Ryan is a racist, Mitch McConnell is a racist, etc., etc., etc.
Iowa Old Lady
@Steeplejack: Someone took mercy on me and explained in kindergarten terms how to use the link button, so let me pass it on.
Highlight part of your post to which you want to tie the link.
Click the link button.
Paste in the link address.
Click OK
I think ‘Trump turning a page’ or ‘Trump pivoting toward the general’ is gonna be the desperate bleat of this campaign summer. Much like in 2012, it was the constant ‘Today, America is going to see the real Romney.’ (i.E. something warm and fuzzier than his robotic presence.) Never gonna happen.
‘Managing’ Trump is a little like trying to manage King Kong.
@Loviatar: Trump is a vengeful petty tyrant with a history of turning on people thought to be close to him including wives. I think the kids must fear being disinherited if they don’t look like active supporters. Not that that is an excuse for them, but remember 2 of them weren’t registered to vote in the NY primary? There were possible innocent reasons but it was convenientt. Also implied they were still registered Democrats or didn’t vote.
If I was his Jewish son in law from a Democratic family, I’d try to subtly sabotage his campaign by just making sure the truth gets out there. They may also be very used to trying to manage him. Frankly I can’t believe this guy as a businessman is still around. He really is not good at it no matter what he thinks. The wide exposure of his habit of stiffing people ought to kill most business, let alone a campaign. This is the election after Romney stiffed his own staff after he lost and that got a fair amount if attention so now campaign workers look out. Romney wasn’t as bad as this guy.
@161: Assuming that there is something to inherit.
@Betty Cracker: actually it”s four ex wives plus two current for a total of six. Although given Newts and Dah Donald’s records it could be six ex wives by election day.
@Betty Cracker:
Katy Tur has reported several times that facebook and twitter are his pollsters, he monitors both to see how his followers are reacting and will adjust accordingly when necessary. So even when the media and the DC repubs are freaking out, if his fans are happy he sticks with it. He says it works and is more economical and proves how fiscally responsible he will be with your money.
@aimai: In 1994 local republicans put “90% with Clinton” stickers on local Democratic candidate’s signs. perfectly legal if the signs are on public land (like the roadside.) Signs on private property are different.
I stole one of the stickers and put it on my car bumper.
Knowing Trump as we do, they would likely be made by Puma.
From last year….pretty detailed: @Gin & Tonic:
Yes lots of pictures with dead elephants and the like. Which in my book makes you a terrible person, I’m fine with hunting for food, but killing just for the fun of it is depraved.
I don’t know about his education level except that he was not a very good student.
@bemused: How about Rum Margarita Again?
@aimai: she never struck me as smart enough to make the connection. and, not to be catty, but have you noticed how both Trump and Newt’s current wives both look as if their faces are frozen in place? I’ve seen Barbie dolls with more flexible faces.
Did you gnaw on the windowsills when you were a wee tiny tot? Lead poisoning seems a plausible explanation for your diminished capacity.
randy khan
I guess that explains it. In some ways, it’s perfect – he charged the campaign for a press conference that probably mostly provided publicity for the new hotel.
Here’s your problem.
Mike J
@aimai: Stickers wold be too small, and, as you say, illegal. I gave some thought to printing some myself, but there are regs about signs and I don’t want any expenditures that could be traced back. It could be done guerilla style, but I think the effect would be better with professionally made signs, and again, it would be illegal. The best thing all around is if I can get some from his campaign(and I have a few dozen people I can send in), but it’s not like Trump actually has a ground game anywhere.
Detailed piece from last year on Trump’s education:
Yeah, in Londonderry, which is the next town over from Windham, NH, home of… wait for it… Corey Lewandowski.
A couple of bankruptcies out of hundreds of grants is pretty good in my book.
Iowa Old Lady
@JPL: Right, and taking classes taught by Wharton profs is no substitute. One reason a place like Wharton has such a good reputation is that getting in is very competitive. There’s no evidence Trump could have been admitted.
@Mike J: are you sure it’s illegal if it’s a sign on public land? there used to be a guy around here who took down every sign he found on the roadside. when the campaigns complained the police said it was legal.
@Iowa Old Lady: It’s even worse than you think. The study, and I’m being nice by giving it that name, didn’t do any first-hand sampling, but instead used exit polls (somehow; they claim to use the raw unweighted exit poll numbers, which (a) are unreliable as all hell and hence (b) aren’t usually publicly released), _opinion polls_, and other such things to claim evidence that the actual vote was rigged.
And when you look at their numbers a bit more deeply, you find that the “rigging” consists primarily of Hillary outperforming expectations among Southern African-American voters. And, of course, we all know that the Republican governments of the South would be _so_ eager to rig elections in favor of the Hildebeast.
If I had a student turn in a statistical project with such shoddy methodology, it would come back to them with a gentle note explaining that if they wished to receive a passing grade on the project, substantially revisions would be required.
@rikyrah: I had not heard of Greenleaf, so I googled it. The google search said Greenleaf and Thirteen were not to be missed. Just set both to record on Tivo. Thanks.
DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT. The Trump children have less to fear than some black family in 1950s Mississippi or some Jewish family in 1930s Berlin. No, their cowardice in the face of their dad’s bigotry and racism is no excuse.
@Fair Economist: Well, these are the kind of people who are going on about “Clintonvilles” (compare to Hoovervilles), even though Clinton hasn’t been in a position with authority over economic affairs for more than 7 years.
@randy khan: It would be a real shame if the IRS decided they needed to audit Donald Trump.
@Loviatar: Yes, and the Orlando murders have done the same thing w/r/t LGBTQ issues. I was reading over at a parenting/women’s blog where women get together to talk about their issues with their families and their inlaws. Some number of these women are always the children of right wing or evangelical families and they have the usual conflicts over child rearing issues (“My mother in law smokes around the kids” or “My father refuses to use the car seat for my infant child”) But after Orlando I saw several people basically cut off family members, like parents or in laws, over anti LGBTQ beliefs and statements. The reality of homophobia, like the reality of racism, is sinking in and people who once found these kind of beliefs and statements just troublesome now realize that they are actually really hate speech, and they don’t want their children to be exposed to it.
@Betty Cracker:
Yes. Snopes has a half-assed entry on it here—half-assed in the sense that it covers—and quotes from—the Booman poster’s dad’s “analysis” but omits anything about the firestorm that ensued.
@Mike J: Maybe its time for some good old fashioned highway overpass blogging. Can’t remember the name of the guy who did it all through the Bush years. Bue people could do it for their local congress critter or senator.
TRUMP = GRASSLEY on a highway overpass, put up overnight, would get a lot of views.
@gvg: The son-in-law is suppose to be a vengeful tyrant.
Here is just one article about Jared, the son-in-law.. link
Iowa Old Lady
@dmsilev: Now that really is SAD!
Spent Father’s Day with my Dad and he started off on the Syrian refugees again. He blamed them for having to wait for sixteen hours in Emergency for treatment a little while ago. I asked him what his wait had to do with the refugees and got the usual argle bargle that all of Canada’s resources are going to them and not to citizens [read white guys like him]. The good news is that my brother actually confronted him about his racist views before me.
My Dad was actually quite pissed about PM Trudeau greeting refugees at an airport. Told us that no one from the government of Canada greeted his family when they entered Canada. My Dad was a refugee from eastern Poland in WW2. I told him that they should have, and there is nothing wrong with being kind, generous, and welcoming.
What happens to people when they get older? Is turning more conservative, bigoted, and mean as much a part of aging as losing your hair, memory, and bone density? My Dad used to be almost liberal back in the day. I miss that guy.
In Ohio you walk up to the poll worker and ask for a ballot for the party you want to vote for. You can also request an issue only ballot as an independent. If your request doesn’t match your previous party affiliation you will apparently be asked to sign a form saying that you promise that you really and truly are switching parties and are totally not a ratf*cker. This doesn’t happen if you declare yourself an independent for an election cycle (which is how I switched from R to D in the 1990s – R for my first election as a dumb kid, independent for a few elections, then Democrat from 1998 onward).
Ohio went for Clinton, despite our incredibly lax attempts to suppress the Sanders vote. (And heck, I voted for Sanders and nobody tried to stop me. Except for the exceptionally long lines at my suburban polling location – but that was mostly the large number of Republicans who live around me desperately trying to #stoptrump and actually showing up to the primary for a change I think).
I think his idea is just slash the T and P so people take a second look, making fun of Trump and piss off any Trump supporters. I doubt he is going to easily find Trump law signs though. The Dems usually win in our district but Republican Stewart Mills of Mills Farm and Fleet is running against Dem Rick Nolan again and it was close last time. I wonder if Mills campaign or any other Republican campaign, for that matter, are even stocking Trump signs.
That’s why I never agreed with the whole “my uncle is racist, but I don’t want to make a scene at the Thanksgiving table” bullshit. No, if your uncle can’t respect you enough to keep his racist assholetry to himself then why should you expose yourself or your children to that type of hate speech. Walk away, just walk away and then tell them why.
I’m trying to teach my son that 99% of his choices in life will come down to just doing the right thing; not raping a young lady who is unconscious in your company, not hating someone because of their ethnicity, color, sex or religion. These discussions become a lot harder if he sees me tolerate that kind of behavior from someone just because they are a relative or close friend.
Roger Moore
More likely it will cause him to stop listening to the people he was listening to and focus even more on his existing ideas.
Just One More Canuck
@dmsilev: I would be inclined to suggest that they should explore the many exciting opportunities in the field of food service
When it was just me, I’d keep my mouth shut because I didn’t want to start a fight with someone who wasn’t going to listen to me anyway and it would only irritate the rest of my family who know that if you just let the old man rant for a while he’ll stop when nobody takes his bait and we can all move on. I was raised to be polite, after all, and to internalize my own misery instead of spreading it around.
Having a kid definitely changes that calculus. I’ve been a lot more aggressive about telling relatives to shut their mouth about their “personal beliefs” around my kid, and around me while they’re at it. Not just because I don’t want my kid exposed to it, but because my kid also needs the example that I never really got about confronting people who are saying racist/sexist/homophobic garbage and not putting up with it.
@Jeff Spender:
Is there a specific state where they are alleging suppression? To me it just seems like more of the Revolution cannot fail it can only be failed nonsense.
Grumpy Code Monkey
@Jeff Spender: Pretty much dead on. Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by stupidity/greed/incompetence. Elections are a cluster when everything goes right.
I never wanted to punch anyone in the face more than the Berner behind me at the convention who kept yelling “WHAT DOES DEMOCRACY LOOK LIKE?!” He kept regurgitating every tin foil hat conspiracy theory about suppressed votes, superdelegate shenanigans, rigged machines, etc. Texas has an open primary, we don’t have an obnoxious registration deadline, we are a bright red state so the odds of state election officials rigging things in Clinton’s favor are pretty damned non-existent.
I never got how being polite meant putting up with others abusing your politeness.
I believe we have a Republican party who govern by this theory.
– They count on the rest of the country not talking about gun control after a mass shooting at an elementary school, because it wouldn’t be polite.
– They count on the rest of the country not talking LGBT rights after a mass shooting at a LGBT nightclub, because it wouldn’t be polite.
– They count on the rest of the country not talking about racism after a mass shooting at a black church, because it wouldn’t be polite.
smh. We should ask next time -repeatedly- when is the polite time to talk about those things.
Pretty much “states Clinton won”. But don’t complain about caucuses. Those are totally cool and completely democratic.
Now, let’s be clear that this is only a very small fringe of the Sanders movement. But, it sure is a vocal and annoying fringe.
The Arizona ‘Sanders was cheated’ post I was subjected to said that Maricopa county was high in ‘minorities and college students, which is Sanders’ consituency.’
Getting white America to refuse to see racism was the core of the Reagan Revolution. If everyone who thinks they’re not a racist has to admit that the Republican Party’s central principle is racism, that house of cards collapses. Worst of all, media figures and politicians are themselves exposed to accusations of racism, since they sincerely believe in policies that are racist (‘entitlement reform’). Because cognitive dissonance is the opposite of what most people believe it is, it is tremendously hard to break Reagan’s mask. Trump is close to achieving it.
By American standards, yes. Most democracies tend to be a lot better at them.
My poor kids are dealing with this in their peer groups. The other day my son was ranting at this facebook timeline as he responded to this kind of stuff. The next day he decided to hike in the White Mountains. He wants to delete his social media accounts.
He said that one of his friends said there is no way he is voting for the “blond bitch” and my son replied that if you are calling Secretary Clinton a blond bitch you cannot call yourself a progressive.
Mike J
Depends on where you are. Typically, campaign signs are allowed but may need contact info of campaign, have to be removed by certain date (< 1 week after election is typical), Different places, different laws. Check with your city and county before putting signs up.
This is reason 4,278 why smart politicians align themselves with a party rather than doing all alone. Your local Democratic party will have been through this dozens of times. Too pure for a party means no access to the knowledge base they've built.
Yes a small but very annoying segment. That includes the likes of Nina Turner who I used to like but now she says stupid shit like it’s not about the math or votes it’s about a social movement. Elections are about votes and votes are counted using math. What the hell are these people talking about. One day it’s rigged, the next day it’s voter suppression, the day after that the actual votes don’t count. What is it, how are we to gauge who won. When you compete there are winners and losers, maybe this is liberals fault for giving out participation trophies. These young uns don’t understand what it is to lose. I’m trying to be nice here but they keep dragging me back in.
El Caganer
@Loviatar: Why, there is an answer, and it’s always the same: “Later….” And yet, somehow, “later” never arrives.
karen marie
@Elizabelle: I’ve read that Trump will go with solidly-racist Senator Jeff Sessions. I’ve also read Lewandowski was hated by Ivanka because he was leaking negative stories about her Jewish husband, Kuchner (I believe) to the press, and that’s why he got the boot. Several publishers, including conservative imprints, wouldn’t touch a Lewandowski tell-all with a ten-foot pole out of fear of decades of lawsuits by Trump, even if it were marketed as a work of fiction. Hahahaha.
? Martin
$94 to Trump Cafe. Looks like he reimbursed himself for the taco bowls.
@Iowa Old Lady:
I do believe that there are undergraduates who get their B.A. in business from Wharton at UPenn, in addition to those who get their MBA’s from Wharton.
@Jack the Second: In New York it is illegal to place campaign signs on public property.
That said, it is routinely done….everyone does it, even the ethical candidates.
It is also illegal to take them (that’s stealing, just like anything else). The correct thing to do is pull them out of the ground, lay them flat on the ground (thus making them ineffective) and then call the jurisdiction in which they are located for pickup.
Grumpy Code Monkey
Even better, now the Berners are convinced Hillary needs to cater to them specifically and adopt Bernie’s entire platform in order to secure the nomination in June and defeat Trump in November. Never mind that she’s won 3+ million more primary votes than Bernie with the platform she already has. Never mind that she’s won 2.5+ million more primary votes than Trump*. That doesn’t matter. There’s absolutely no way she can defeat Trump without the Berners, and without adopting Bernie’s platform in toto. Because belief is what matters, and Berners don’t believe in math.
*Yeah, apples to oranges. But still.
@Iowa Old Lady: much appreciated- I will try this next time!
@Steeplejack: noted and appreciated, thanks S!
I think that they, particularly Jared and Ivanka, are afraid of what “Dad’s” implosion could do their businesses. They are trying to stave off a complete collapse of the Trump brand Too late you say? When this started I think that they thought it was gonna be different and that they could kind of just be along for the ride – that Daddy was with it enough to know how to stop and that he would not endanger their situation Now they know different and its now, “hold on, wait a minute, gotta take some control here”. I see Daddy as falling apart. Sure he is doing his little Tweet things and his rallies, but the man aint gotta clue and is headed for catastrophe that no one can abate at this point…
The thing that frustrates me is that they can’t seem to fathom that we evaluated both candidates and their positions before voting. They would rather attribute his loss (by a lot) to anything else.
BTW, the WA state Democratic party leadership changed us from Caucus to primary over the weekend…Yes!!!!
Delegates numbers will be awarded in the primary but the actual delegate elections/selections will be at a caucus later — but the numbers for each candidate will be by primary.
@Elie: Agreed. Trump is the dog who caught the car, and what to do with it now? The kids see that more clearly.
Hillary up live, next thread. Just started; just spoke about the new grandClinton.
Not Penn State. University of Pennsylvania. They are quite decidedly not the same institution.
Omnes Omnibus
@Iowa Old Lady: Wharton has an undergrad program.
Wharton has an undergrad program. I would know because I graduated from it.
And no, we are not Penn State.
@WaterGirl: According to Trump, the IRS is already conducting audits of multiple years of his filings. Not an accountant, but I imagine his taxes are a giant mess. Look at all the different Trump entities listed above and realize there are many, many more Trump Organization subsidiaries. I’m guessing there is a very interesting line between Donald Trump personal expenses and Trump Organization (and subsidiaries) business expenses.
Paul in KY
@germy: McArdle is a villain. They call her ‘Pepperpot’!
Is that $94,000 and change to the Trump Cafe?