Secretary Clinton is scheduled to speak right now on economic policy from Columbus, OH. The live feed is below. Donald Trump, according to the Guardian, is supposed to give a speech from Manhattan sometime tomorrow. If I can find a live feed to embed or link to it tomorrow I will.
Keith G
Her warm up act is a bit underwhelming.
Thank you! Excited to see this.
Adam L Silverman
@Keith G: You noticed? And no offense to Ted Strickland, I’m going to go make a smoothie before Secretary Clinton gets started.
AP is saying that Clinton has narrowed down her search for Veep. Castro, Warren and Kaine are still in the running, according to sources close to the campaign.
@Keith G:
It makes you wonder how bad his opponents must have been for him to have been elected so many times. Yes very much plain vanilla.
Prediction: Clinton will make the same proposals that were on her platform when the campaign started. The majority opinion will be ‘thank goodness Sanders pushed her to the left.’
? Martin
@JPL: Please not Kaine this cycle, but super happy to see the other two. Warren is the better choice of the two – just hand her the lead on economic policy. But Castro would be the hot stove that Trump cannot help but burn himself on constantly.
Keith G
Ted Strickland:
Now I know that he meant well, but it seems to me that Hillary’s campaign wants to avoid stuff like that.
But, he ended well.
Adam L Silverman
@JPL: I think she’d be better served with Perez than Castro. But that’s a good list.
@JPL: Ugh on Kaine.
On the other side, it really is one big grift.
Trump paid Trump companies $1 million for campaign expenses in May. Paid himself $400k to rent his own Florida mansion for a press conference.
Miss Bianca
looks like people are still milling around. Any ETA on Sec. Clinton? Or have I missed her speech already? I do have a tendency to show up late to these parties…
Strickland is a good manager and a good organizer. He was a decent governor, though he was willing to make deal with a Republican dominated general assembly and I suspect that was his downfall when he ran against Kasich – it was a very close race, but at the margins he irritated a lot of people who were upset by the targetted funding cuts he made and they didn’t bother to turn up to vote for him in the off-year election (which, given what Kasich has done since, is a bit of cutting off their own noses despite their faces. But we’re Democrats – mutilating our own noses is what we do best!)
@Keith G:
Like what? It isn’t like he holds an office or any political power these days. Or even that the Democrats have any power at all at the state level in Ohio – Republicans control our governor’s office, both branches of the general assembly, and the Supreme Court. Strickland’s comment is just pure cheerleading and only a conspiracy theorist way out of touch with reality could read it as anything else.
Adam L Silverman
I think he’s going to be very, very lucky if he comes out of this and doesn’t wind up having to file at least a corporate if not also a personal bankruptcy because of the campaign.
Josh Barro thinks Hillary should pick boring, in order to not detract from Trump. I want Hillary to win. If allowing to media to focus on Trump’s racist attacks, keeps his negatives high, fine with me. Republican turnout will be lower. Maybe the key is to keep the republicans home, not necessarily try to win them over.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: The event was scheduled for 11:30 EDT and that’s when the reporting was that she would speak. The guy who introduced Strickland came on about 11:40, then Strickland, now we’re waiting for Secretary Clinton. Keep your office kittens on!
Keith G
@Adam L Silverman: The Castros are such a good story and lordy they are both whip smart and charismatic. Julián Castro would be a solid get.
That said, Perez seems to have bullet proof resume.
As a Texan, I would love to see our local (county) Democratic Parties use a Castro VP spot to stir up more excitement and registration and general participation. We are not ready to go full-blue yet, but Castro as VP would be a big help and should speed up the process.
Iowa Old Lady
@JPL: I want her to remain serious about serving the country and pick someone who could serve as president if, God forbid, the need arose.
Corner Stone
Any day now, Sec Clinton…At least she already has the presidential “never start on time” skill that is so critical.
Adam L Silverman
@Keith G: I think Castro’s a very good choice. The only reason I think Perez is better is his resume is better. That’s it.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: Perez!
Gin & Tonic
@Iowa Old Lady: What a wet blanket you are today.
Corner Stone
Sick burn!
Holy crap. On several earlier threads I copied and pasted a paragraph from a NewYorker article describing Darryl Issa hopping a fence to avoid a reporter. I never thought I’d actually see a clip.
Samantha Bee played the clip of Issa jumping over a fence to avoid a reporter.
It should be played again and again by every opponent who ever campaigns against him from now to eternity.
Wall Street cash or Elizabeth Warren: Hillary’s choice
Ben White | @morningmoneyben
Monday, 20 Jun 2016 | 11:21 AM ET
Wall Street has an unambiguous message for Hillary Clinton: Don’t pick Elizabeth Warren as your vice president if you want to keep getting our money.
That warning came through very clearly in over a dozen interviews I did over the last week with some of the largest Democratic donors on Wall Street who have helped fund Clinton’s campaigns over the years as well as funneled cash to Bill Clinton’s political career in the 1990s.
“If Clinton picked Warren, her whole base on Wall Street would leave her,” one top Democratic donor who has helped raise millions for Clinton told me. “They would literally just say, ‘We have no qualms with you moving left, we understand all the things you’ve had to do because of Bernie Sanders, but if you are going there with Warren, we just can’t trust you, you’ve killed it.'”
The arguments of course are mostly self-serving. The financial services industry loathes Warren, who more than anyone in the last 80 years has channeled the rage against Wall Street that began with the Great Depression and continues to course through the nation following the 2008 financial crisis. Warren wants to break up the nation’s largest banks. She created the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The mere mention of her name draws groans from bankers.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: trying to dose one of them with ringworm meds while the other is climbing up my leg is proving very entertaining so far…more so than the visuals of people fanning themselves!
Keith G
You have just described all Republican voters, some “independent” voters, and a non-zero percent of Democratic voters.
NTL, what I was getting at is branding; Hillary (notice the first name only brand) as her own force of nature.
@rikyrah: I want the Senate to turn blue and I want Warren on the Supreme Court. I don’t think that is asking for much, at least I didn’t ask for a pony. just sayin!
Waiting for Hillary. Listening to a bunch of damn pop music that is not very appropriate for either the crowd or a candidate of Hillary’s age. This is NOT 1992.
@Iowa Old Lady:
I want her to pick someone who will be a good work partner and sounding board like Biden was for Obama. I seriously think Biden has been the best second-in-command a president could hope for.
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: Will leave the destruction to one Mr. Pierce of Boston:
Adam L Silverman
@JPL: We can get you a pony, that’s actually a reasonable request.
@wvng: Well, this is what I’m listening to
Jefferson Airplane – Comin’ Back To Me
Iowa Old Lady
@Gin & Tonic: I know! I can’t help it. Trump has made me crazy.
I can only assume that either these bankers are stupid and think that the role of VP is more important than it is or they really, really, really want Clinton to put Warren into the useless VP slot and get her out of the Senate where she’s doing God’s Work.
I suspect they’re stupid, because everything I’ve seen from them over the last 8 years would support that interpretation. But if they’re crafty, then they’re trying a bit of double-reverse psychology to get Clinton to name Warren as VP (the most useless role in the government unless the president dies or the president is George W Bush) and get someone less damaging to their long-term plans into the Senate.
ETA: Oh who am I kidding? “Long term plans” for guys like this involve the end of the fiscal year. They’re just stupid.
@Keith G:
I would be overjoyed if it was Perez. I mean, the guy’s a good guy. Solid as they come.
PLEASE, not Warren. She’s done a great job in Congress and can continue to do so for years. We don’t have enough good people there as it is.
Keith G
Play’in the grandmother card.
“Naa Na” in Chief?**
**I think that is awesome.
Corner Stone
She seems a little distracted.
Davis X. Machina
Speaking of VP, I found one for Trump:
Keith G
@Corner Stone: I would guess, a bit tired – looks to me
Miss Bianca
“I have to admit it’s a little wonky”…I heart wonky, Sec. Clinton. : )
Keith G
Did she just stick a bit of a knife in Bernie?
@Chris: I am with you. Warren is great in the Senate and that is an important place to be.
@germy: I recorded last night’s episode but haven’t watched it yet. That should be fun!
@Keith G:
Not watching.
Corner Stone
@Keith G: I didn’t hear it.
Did you try to get Hamilton tickets? I heard you Chicagoans managed to crash Ticketmaster when they went on sale today. ?
Keith G
She puts away the knife and brings out the baseball bat with Trump’s name on it.
Corner Stone
Ooooo, Economist Intelligence Unit with a sick burn on Trump!
Not Hillary’s biggest fan, but if she can stand up to Wall Street, I don’t think we have to worry about her with ISIS.
Corner Stone
She’s having trouble hitting her stride but so far it’s an ok speech.
Keith G
“…not just what I what to do, but how I plan to pay for it” (paraphrased)
Though technically, that is an issue with Trump as well, but the comment came before the Trump focus.
I just do not think that her writers are not aware of the connections created by that usage.
Good speech but a bit off in her delivery. She seems really tired but her voice is strong
Streaming her now on CSpan
Miss Bianca
Hamilton shout-out!
@raven: Love that song. Love the Airplane.
Adam L Silverman
@Quinerly: Not every speech has to be a barn burner or a stem winder. Also, she’s probably been up with the new grandson a bit, so…
Betty Cracker
@srv: Cue the neck-bearded firearms pedants to scold AR-15 buyers for misidentifying the Orlando massacre murder weapons…
Bobby Thomson
@JPL: Castro has already said – days ago – that he was told he was no longer being vetted.
Patricia Kayden
@JPL: Hope of those three, Kaine is crossed off quickly. I can’t see what he would add to the ticket. I thought Perez was also being considered.
@JPL: Barro is Republican. Not sure how he would define boring given his party’s idea of an exciting candidate.
@Adam L Silverman:
Seems to be hitting her stride. I’m just glad her voice is rested.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Adam L Silverman
@Betty Cracker: Also the clean shaven ones. The ones with Van Dykes and goatees and mutton chops!
Keith G
@srv: “Fools and their money are soon parted”, my Pappy used to tell me.
Adam L Silverman
@Quinerly: Her voice sounds good. Part of this is the contrast now is Trump at rallies, where he’s all wound up and feeding off the crowd. When you see Trump in a prepared speech loaded into the teleprompter he’s flat and there’s no energy.
Meanwhile Think Progress is on the whole Draper Sterling expense:
Keith G
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Will it be the best speech ever?
Totally failed :(
sigh…but, one day.. I will see it :)
She’s on MSNBC. Can’t wait to hear Mrs. Greenspan tell us again that even though Hillary is leading, more Americans think Trump would be better at handling the economy. Something only an idiot would believe, but don’t expect Andrea to point that out.
I’m also sensing the new narrative could be about how poor innocent Trump is walking into the Hitlery buzzsaw/machine. Before you say not possible, just remember how boooorrrring Al Gore was with his facts and figures and lockbox and how much we all long to have a beer with Bush Jr.
@Bobby Thomson: Imagine AP being wrong.. Thanks, I had not seen that.
gogol's wife
@Miss Bianca:
What was her Hamilton shout-out?
Adam L Silverman
The chapter 11 crack was good.
ThresherK (GPad)
@germy: From downstairs: I distinctly remember a Batman TV episode where a front business covering for a crime ring lists one K G Bird as proprietor. (No points for a right answer.)
Just like you imagine, when Robin figures it out, his reaction is turned up to 11.
Keith G
Chapter 11… Snap!
Now that she has left the “details” part of the speech and has turned to the “appeals to emotion” section, she has stepped this up to a very good performance.
Keith G
Trump University = Fraud.
Whack goes the bat.
@Adam L Silverman:
Let’s hope Trump is a flat out mess tomorrow….teleprompter or not. HRC had a good line about “Chapter 11.” I also like her personalizing it with talking about her dad. Made me smile.
You’ll have more chances — you guys get an open-ended run like they have in NYC.
It always cracks me up that people tweet LMM whenever there’s a problem, like he’s the composer/star/tech support guy.
@Adam L Silverman: Hillary is much better when she doesn’t have to yell her speech.
Ouch – “would he know what to do?”
It is still a negative campaign- “Don’t vote for Trump “- rather than “Vote for me”. Has she simply given up on personal appeal?
@Wyliecoat: It is June and the iron is hot, what with all the news about Trump. So of course she would take a whack at it. But she did have a section on policy before that.
Now she is too shrill!!!!!
I thought it was a great speech. She pointed out the grifter’s con game but also appealed to our better selves.
Keith G
@Wyliecoat: Dude, what speech were you listening to. She did both.
I (maybe like you) really value an “issues” first focus, but Trump’s main issue is him, so any candidate opposing him has to deal with that.
If I were Hillz I wouldn’t go here just yet but oh well:
I wonder how he’s going to react :). This is somewhat different than accusing him of having small hands but I can see him trying to blow it off in the same way.
I’ve noticed that Warren seems to deliver her hits on Saturdays, right before Trump is assured to be on a Sunday show. He just very reliably takes the bait, when his attacker goes first he always makes an ass of himself. I’d say they were in his OODA loop if I thought the Trump campaign was methodical enough to have an OODA loop.
Miss Bianca
@gogol’s wife: that would have been “Alexander Hamilton”, not “Hamilton Exclamation Point”! My bad for raising expectations!
@Adam L Silverman: Agreed. Heard myself muttering, “ouch!”
Trump just put this out on twitter
I am “the king of debt.”That has been great for me as a businessman, but is bad for the country. I made a fortune off of debt, will fix U.S.
Did he just admit that he people?
Davis X. Machina
How American Politics Went Insane.
Systematic efforts to remove the politics from politics has created the political landscape we find today, where the country is rapidly becoming ungovernable.
I’d be overjoyed, too. I do love Perez but I’m actually hoping that they are polling the crap out of every potential VP pick as well as vetting them thoroughly.
@sigaba: There’s really no doubt that Der Trump is hiding something. Hillary is just reminding people of that fact.
gogol's wife
@Miss Bianca:
Sorry, there’s no such thing any more as just referring to “Alexander Hamilton”!
@Adam L Silverman:
And I think he will have done some real damage to his and his family’s “brand”. Oh, not so much because he is a racist hater, but because he is not a “winner” — not as rich as they thought — not a good businessman. All talk… bla bla bla — It wasn’t supposed to be all about talk — he was supposed to be authentic and real. That was all a big fat lie….
@gogol’s wife: I guess I’m the only one who doesn’t give one damn about “Hamilton”.
@MattF: Maybe that’s why he put out, the I’m the king of debt tweet. If he feels it necessary to release his taxes, he’ll be able to explain it.
IMHO Castro looks too young and,on top of that, hes going to make Hillary look older. I’ve seen Perez on teevee several times. Hes better than Castro in that hes quicker on his feet and better at staying on message. I like Kaine but not sure what he brings to the table. A white male veep is not going to make white males vote for Hils. I’m wondering if Perez is too tall for Hillary.
Bobby Thomson
Chaka Fattah convicted.
@raven: You’re not alone, man. Stand tall!
Adam L Silverman
@JPL: He said the king of debt thing at one of the debates as an explanation for why he understood the deficit better than anyone else.
gogol's wife
No, you’re not the only one. I know people who walked out in the middle of it. Chacun à son gout. (don’t know where the circumflex is)
Of course it’ll be a negative campaign. The Republicans nominated Donald Trump for the presidency. Not only should that be the number one attack that she and every surrogate makes for the next 4 months, it should also be hung around the necks of every single Republican politician in this country every day for the next 4 months.
The Republicans have nominated a racist, sexist, screw-your-partners-to-make-more-money reality TV star as their frontrunner. If you’re not running a negative campaign against THAT then you should never be allowed to run for office again.
Having said that – she laid out the positive case at the start of the speech. The back half of the speech was punching the clown, the front half of the speech was about plans for the future after the clown has been well and truly laid out on the mat.
Keith G
@srv: You made this comment by using those refrigerator vocabulary magnets, didn’t you?
Go ahead. It’s okay to admit it, really.
FWIW, Warren is the only one of those announced VP considerees who is consistently in my mailbox with campaign emails. That may mean something, or not.
Also too, the local (DC) 24/7 news station is saying that AG Lynch is having a presser at 2:15 EDT from Orlando re: the shooting.
@nonynony: People always, always ALWAYS pay more attention to the negative than the positive.
And I think Wyliecoat just proved that.
So, is she still pretending to no longer lovelovelove Free Trade and the TPP, etal?
That’ll last until the day after Nomination is sealed.
@nonynony: With tip o’ the hat to Harry Truman, you’re just telling the truth, and the Republicans will be squealing about the negative attacks.
Keith G
@raven: It’s really a good piece of musical theater. The book and score are filled with catchy creations. But yeah, there is a bit of “the internet has fallen in love” kind-a-thing going on.
Chyron HR
P.S. Just because Bernie continues to believe that God sent a little bird as a sign that he would be President doesn’t mean the nomination wasn’t “sealed” weeks ago.
@Adam L Silverman: Tom Perez is swell! Smart, funny, mind like a steel trap. Awesome Secretary of Labor and I so hope he is her pick.
@Keith G: I like what I’ve seen of the dude but damn, if no one can get fucking ticket what’s the point?
@srv: I wouldn’t trust any source that can’t figure out the difference between the plural and the possessive.
@nonynony: I also believe she said that she would give more details about her plans for the country tomorrow in a speech in North Carolina. This was a speech about how dangerous Trump’s ideas were for the economy as she had previously given a speech about how dangerous his foreign policy plans would be.
@Bobby Thomson: Interesting! I guess that’s the polite way of saying “you are no longer on the short list”. Please let it not be Kaine.
Keith G
@raven: I did not see A Chorus Line until it’s 3rd national tour (c.1980). It was so good that I did not recover my capacity for speech until much later that evening.
Someday, I will see Hamilton and enjoy the shit out of it. I am a patient man, so I don’t feel any need to get caught up in the hype.
Shorter Hillary: Is he a coward or a liar? You choose.
Guys, help me out here. I never read srv’s comments, but I just read the one at #98 without noticing the nym. Surely this has to be snark. Yes?
@Keith G: Did I mention that think musicals suck? The Umbrellas of Cherbourg was abut the only one I liked. I remember a friend telling me how I HAD to see Miss Saigon because it was so intense. What a joke.
The Golux
I think she should always find a spot in her speeches to call him a millionaire.
Also, I love the idea someone else had, for her campaign to sell foam fingers with Trump emblazoned on them, with a really short finger.
Or something like this.
All right all you Central Marylanders. Time to duck and cover. Radar showing some nasty shit.
Yes, I did tune in late..will look for a transcript.
@WaterGirl: srv’s a Troll’s Troll. srv says whatever makes sense to srv in the moment without fear of inconsistency or looking ridiculous. Mostly srv makes me laugh, occasionally srv makes me angry and then I remember “it’s srv! Nice one trolly-o – you scored a point in your little game.” and move on.
This one’s a clear miss. In fact, it’s a bit closer to the stupid that R2R might serve up, rather than the classic srv we’ve come to expect.
@WaterGirl: srv might be Corey Lewandowski.
Adam L Silverman
@Poopyman: I thought that new Independence Day movie wasn’t a documentary?
Patricia Kayden
@WaterGirl: srv is stupid. You cannot figure out what he’s saying and if it’s snark because it’s rubbish. Don’t even try.
@Wyliecoat: What difference does that make? If Secretary Clinton can win by exhorting us not to vote for Trump, that’s still a win. She has plenty of appeal which led to her beating Senator Sanders. Not sure what your point is.
Keith G
@raven: I see where you are coming from.
I have a ticket … for 2017. It came as part of our season ticket package for the Pantages.
But, also, it’s all about the cast album. Every so often, a cast album breaks out and becomes a crossover hit. That’s why I still know all of the songs from “A Chorus Line” by heart — my dad played the cast album over and over again.
Matt McIrvin
@Davis X. Machina: I’ve been thinking of LePage as a Trump running mate for quite a while. They are certainly kindred spirits.
@nonynony: @catclub: @Patricia Kayden: Thanks!
edit: At least I got a laugh out of the comment before I realized I had read it in error.
Matt McIrvin
Running mate or no, Warren is a superstar–she’s incredibly popular with liberals, so it’s useful to have pitches come from her. But that’s nothing we didn’t already know.
@gwangung: This is a consistent feature of humans — negative emotions always seem to be felt more deeply and garner more focus. Fear of bad things seems to galvanize action (including voting) more so than the appreciation of good things.
@Mnemosyne: We were at a conference in Chicago and wandered into a huge Sondheim thing in Millennium Park . He was there and all these cast peoples. It was free so we went but I didn’t have a clue.
Miss Bianca
Office kittens are mashed together asleep on my desk. Head-melting squee.
Pancho was interested in HRCs speech, to judge by the way he was pawing at the screen while it was playing. : )
@WaterGirl: I think it is never safe to underestimate srv’s capacity for snark. YMMV.
@nonynony: I don’t know, I thought it was funny in a “if life gives you lemons make lemonade.” kind of way.
Deadbeat Donald and the RNC wish she would hoard it, but I’m pretty sure her campaign will spend every penny of it reminding everyone about his 4 bankruptcies, schools for scamming and stiffing of workers and contractors.
Apparently some SS agent that guard the Clintons just released his book and is all over Bill for having an affair with Mondale’s daughter.
svr doesn’t have to worry about the cash difference because it doesn’t exist.
via TPM
Clearly, srv has learned a lot from the Mango Menace.
@rikyrah: Yes, I just saw a headline:
Trump campaign has $1.3M, Clinton $42M
It’s sort of like “Evil corrupt librul has all that money, plucky underdog businessman in for the fight of his life” narrative.
They want a horserace and they want everyone to distrust the “democrat party” nominee.
@Miss Bianca:
And the pictures of these kittens are where, exactly?
Im just wondering why taxpayers are still footing the bill for his Secret Service detail if theres no viable campaign any more. Did he want to impress his friends in Congress when he came back yesterday for the gun control votes ?
Hey oh!
Matt McIrvin
@raven: Isn’t that the one RtR was touting a while back? If so, I think I recall hearing the guy wasn’t actually part of the presidential security detail, he was just posted inside the White House for some short period of time and is repeating a bunch of rumors he heard. But this is all over the wingnutosphere. Eleanor Mondale Poling is dead, so she can’t weigh in herself.
srv just likes getting a reaction. I’m always reminded of the song “Julia” from the Beatles album: “Half of what I say is meaningless; but I say it just to reach you…”
True — never underestimate white Republicans’ appetite for stories about how they’re the REAL victims of feminists, people of color, etc.
@rikyrah: It should be Perez. Hopefully it will be. If I were Clinton I’d appoint Warren to be “POTUSBFF” and create a whole new category for the relationship. Appropriate to an ex-Senator and a sitting Senator.
@WaterGirl: All I would stay is, by all means, GOP, let Trump run that little experiment in JIT campaigning.
I don’t know how that will help with this :
The narrative will need to be that those poor brown people won’t give him a fair shot ?
That sound you hear? That’s the sound of the wheels of the RNC bus backing over Trump. Then pulling forward. Then backing over Trump again.
They just said “No need for donors to open up their pocketbooks – Trump’s a rich man, he’ll pay for this himself.” They will probably come around again later to say “But you know, the RNC needs your money to help in downticket races, so why don’t you just write that check to us instead.”
And Trump can’t really say anything to differ, because to say otherwise would be to admit that he’s either not got the money he claims he does or that he isn’t really “in it to win it” such that he – a billionaire – isn’t willing to part with the paltry 40 million it would take to get himself up to par with Clinton’s campaign.
true that
I was waiting for someone to catch that. What the hell
@Matt McIrvin: Link to Politico story on the guy. Not favorable.
@Frankensteinbeck: have any lottery number predictions? You’re probably correct.
One of the great moments in BJ comment history was when srv and RightToRise showed up in the same thread and traded a few barbs back and forth before both disappearing. It was like watching two ferals raise their backs, hiss and spit and each other. A brief flurry of claws and it was over.
I strongly suspect that he was baiting Trump. The size of his bankroll and the size of his hands are both things he’s very sensitive about.
That’s what we’ve come to here in the year 2016. The RNC is baiting its own presidential nominee while pretending to be defending him. Just amazing.
I nominate this for the Betty Cracker Great Sentences Award.
Certain campaign managers are always convinced that you can win the presidency with just the white vote. It’s been disproven twice (see 2008 and 2012), but they cling to it.
The other miscalculation the Trump campaign has made is that most racist white voters prefer their racism to be decently clad in phrases like “welfare reform” or “forced busing.” Lee Atwater is trying to scream at Trump from his place in Hell right now — I invented racist dogwhistles for a *reason*, you idiot!
@WaterGirl: Thank you. I accept this award on behalf of ferals everywhere.
So, how are Arthur Laffer’s ideas working out for Kansas?
THIS is a fabulous observation, and you might be on the money.
(rolling stone)
Trumps trade policy? I didn’t know he had one.
At least it was someone elses daughter, unlike the creepy yearnings of the current carrot-topped fascist in waiting.
Matt McIrvin
That’s how Trump won the nomination, though. Which makes this a longer-term problem for the Republican Party.
I’m sick. I can’t hear those words “crossover hit” without hearing Anya in “Once More, With Feeling.”
That “virtually” is doing a lot of work there.
I disagree.
The squishy deniers, along with their enablers in the press, want the racism to be decently clad.
The GOP mainstream…they voted for the man that DID NOT speak to them in dogwhistles.
@JPL: Those three + Perez are about all she could consider. I love ’em all. If I had to choose, I’d leave Warren in the Senate launching fireballs right and left for eight years, and put one of the other three on the ticket.
@Matt McIrvin:
So true. He was not coronated. He was SELECTED by THEIR BASE.
He spoke to them in the language that they wanted to hear.
He fed them red meat….
and now, the GOP wants to give them Kale-covered dogwhistles and expect for them to be satisfied.
Ahem. I think it was actually “breakout hit.” Not that I’ve watched the episode and listened to the album a million times or anything.
@rikyrah: Trump was winning states with less than 40% of the vote through most of the campaign. Which would suggest that 50-60% of the GOP prefer to keep the racism under wraps.
I think this is largely correct. The majority of the GOP base actually does have a problem with racism in that they know that it’s “bad” to be a racist. They don’t care about systemic racism at all but they hate to be perceived as “racists”. Atwater had the right observation there – throw a cover over the racism and the folks who want low taxes and don’t want to live next to black people but also don’t want to be called “racist” will support you and so will the overt racists. Take the cover off and it becomes more questionable.
We’ll see. I actually think that the GOP is such a polarized party at this point that Trump will get all of the votes that Romney got despite the distaste that some of the voters might have for overt racism and sexism. But I’ll be happy to be proven wrong!
Right, but as we know from 2008 and 2012, there aren’t enough voters in the Republican base to win a presidential election. Appealing to them is a dead end, especially when those appeals are exactly the ones that turn off the squishy middle voters.
@Mnemosyne: LOL, I think you’re right; but such is my devotion to that episode that really any mention of any kind of “hit” with regard to musical numbers brings me back to Anya talking right through the fourth wall.
I’m sitting here at work and I wasted twenty minutes looking for a youtube of the exchange to insert into my comment, but all the clips I could find were of the main production numbers, not the awesome dialogue in between. “Witness arias.” DYING.
@Davis X. Machina: Skimmed the article and will read the whole thing later…BUT…it’s not “American Politics” that has gone insane. It’s a majority of one party that’s off the rails.
Kaine most definitely would help with Virginia (although VA’s most likely in the Dem column anyway). Kaine also speaks fluent Spanish and has strong outreach there, plus he’s very strong on military issues. He’s a good pick. He or Perez would be solid choices.
True fact: Alyson Hannigan only has a few sung lines and no character song because she’s (by her own admission) a terrible singer.
True, but I guess this is just how long it takes theater to ‘scale up’. “Hamilton” has only been on Broadway for a year or so. And I was surprised to find out just how expensive these things are to get started and then to keep running.
Ah well – listening to ‘just’ the cast recording has been enough for me and the family, for now. We’ll see it live eventually.
Miss Bianca
@Mnemosyne: sending some pics to Anne Laurie as soon as I get them sized down a bit. Perhaps she will be so good as to post them!
@raven: Politico has a great story up about how former SS agents are quite busy tearing the book apart, calling the author out on his facts, basically calling him a liar. Politico, of all places. I don’t think this “Swiftboat” stuff is going to play too well, and equally important, I don’t think the Clinton team’s going to let it slide.
They want to hide behind the dogwhistles.
It’s why I have enjoyed Trump, because dogwhistles are bullshyt.
Own your phucking racism.
That’s actually a good idea. Just let Warren keep punching, throwing fireballs at the GOP all day long, and have her appear jointly with PHC whenever it seems helpful/appropriate. She could be the Dems’ enforcer for a decade or two.
Miss Bianca
@Elmo: Haha for inserting a ref to my favorite Buffy episode into a Hamilton comment!
I’m finally going to see “A Chorus Line” this summer after listening to the cast album for 40-ish years. Hopefully it will live up to the hype! ;-)
@Mnemosyne: And the cast members weren’t even alive when your first heard the cast album.
I suspect I’ll see a traveling roadshow version of Hamilton with a cast that today hasn’t been born yet.
Having lived through Monicagate, Travelgate, and all the other madeupgates of her husbands tenure, then Benghaaaziii, and e-mailgate, she is ready for this shit. Her campaign and the superpacs especially Priorities USA which is the one run by mostly Obama vets will push back hard. This morning the morning joke hacks were all lamenting that because Dumpster and his superpacs are broke she can bury him for good over the next 6 weeks.
These swiftboat attempts don’t work like they used to because twitter provides immediate response and in this case is tearing it apart.
Donald wants to dominate the headlines and he is, as a Clinton aide tweeted yesterday let him, because these headlines are not helping.
I guess this means game on
gogol's wife
@Miss Bianca:
Two phenomena that Wesleyan University has given to the world.
gogol's wife
Somebody one day was spitballing that it would be starring Tony Danza and Zac Efron or some such.
They’re preparing a version that high schools will be allowed to use at low or no cost, so you may be seeing your grandkids in it.
@gogol’s wife: That might have been me. I said by the time the show reached my neck of the woods it would star Tony Danza as Hamilton and David Cassidy as Burr.
Actually, I’d rather just watch the original cast on video. Haven’t they preserved it for posterity? I have problems with the decibel level of most live entertainment nowadays; I really don’t feel like stuffing foam earplugs into my ears for an over-amplified live performance.
Patricia Kayden
@hovercraft: Trump’s spokesperson has said that “money is not a problem” for Trump so I almost wonder why he’s begging for money. He could just pull out some of his billions of dollars to pay for his campaign. Right?
@rikyrah: I did not think it was possible to outshine Governor Terry McAuliffe, who is a ball of lightning. But Tom Perez was on fire at the Virginia Democratic Party State Convention this weekend. I came away convinced he would be a perfect partner for Clinton. I did not know his Civil Rights background at Justice. He would be incredible on the campaign trail and a wise advisor once in office.
Patricia Kayden
I’m in moderation again. Thanks Adam.
@Mnemosyne: True fact. And that’s why she has a dance number instead.
Also the three minion dancers were the same as the dancing janitors.
And the happy dry cleaning mustard guy is writer and producer David Fury.
I am reduced to a squeeing fangirl whenever that show comes up. Pity me.
He is my number 1 choice for what it’s worth.
gogol's wife
Right, it was you. I forgot about David Cassidy.
I heard that now people sing along with it during the performances, which would drive me nuts, especially at $900/seat. And if it’s way amplified, that would be a problem too. But unfortunately, the NYTimes said that the filming of the original cast was “for preservation purposes,” so it will probably be in the Lincoln Center archives for the foreseeable future. I guess they’re making a movie version of In the Heights now, which might work, but I can’t see Hamilton being successful as a film. (I no longer have italics capability on this blog.)
Fortunately, I know plenty about Drumpf’s religion. I simply take a $20 bill out of my wallet, examine it carefully front and back, and put it back in my wallet.
That’s his religion.
Gin & Tonic
@Mnemosyne: Hey we went to see The Phantom of the Opera for the first time a couple of months ago in London. I understand it was pretty popular in New York for a time.
Do you know how lucky you are ?
Uncle Cosmo
@Quinerly: That’s not Draper, it’s D Raper–Donald Raper.
They have to call this guybout for being gossipping panty sniffer who should be on the payroll of The Enquirer.
@hovercraft: Good Lord, she’s a Methodist. The epitome of quiet, middle of the road, reasonable Christianity. They don’t go around screeching about their faith.
@gogol’s wife:
If you’ve never seen it, you might want to get the recent director’s cut of “1776” — having people in colonial dress sing and dance actually works surprisingly well. The songs aren’t nearly as good as the ones in “Hamilton,” but there are a few toe-tappers.
When we watch it this year, I will be wondering if any of the dispatches they quote from were the ones Hamilton wrote on Washington’s behalf. Apparently the vast majority of Washington’s dispatches and orders that have survived to today are in Hamilton’s handwriting.
@planetjanet: That’s great to hear.
Count me in the “fingers crossed for Tom Perez” camp.
@rikyrah: This.
And, if I may add, I always look forward to your contributions to this blog.
Patricia Kayden
@hovercraft: Wow! So Trump really needs to get that White angry bigot vote. Good luck with that.
Patricia Kayden
@hovercraft: Trump cannot bring himself to pretend that Blacks are Americsn do he uses “the black” or “a black” terminology to signify that they are part of the other. Ditto “the gays”.
It’s so refreshing that he speaks his mind.
Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.
Lets see, twin Castro brothers and it’s Julian the rumors were about. He is head of HUD, says he is no longer being vetted.
Tim Kaine VA senator. Democratic governor McAuliffe so that’s not a disaster but it’s safer to leave him alone. Civil rights record. was DNC chair and gave a speech to the senate in spanish so he isn’t quite just a white guy I guess. Has been governor himself so executive experience.
Elizabeth Warren, Democratic senator Massachusetts, Republican governor, bad idea for gaining the senate
Tom Perez, secretary of Labor and civil rights record.
they all sound pretty good but I don’t like using senators.
Kaine brings totally inadequate support of what Clinton indicated (by scheduling her first speech after winning the primary) is her #1 issue: reproductive justice. His position is lukewarm at best which is not good enough when it’s a civil right that he’s unenthusiastic and incomplete in supporting.
I would be extremely disappointed to see him as VP candidate.
gogol's wife
But don’t you think that Hamilton depends on a kind of Brechtian alienation effect that would be spoiled by the realism of film? I guess Chicago is seen as a film that handled that problem well, but I found it unwatchable.
The Lodger
@hovercraft: The Czech left him. Now he has to stroke a Slovenian.
The Lodger
@srv: Podesta had Laffer over for breakfast? Did they open a comedy club?
@Mnemosyne: I tried for Hamilton tickets today and couldn’t find anything through next March. I hear that they will be filming the New York performance before Miranda leaves, so that may have to be good enough for me. Scalper prices are crazy.
@gogol’s wife:
I dunno, I haven’t seen it live yet. ;-) I may have a better opinion once I do.
I liked the film version of “Chicago,” so maybe that’s the disconnect. I even liked Tim Burton’s “Sweeney Todd.” I think that, with the right director, it could be done, but they shouldn’t rush into it like they did with “The Producers.”
Out here in LA, I got season tickets to the Pantages Theatre just so we could be absolutely sure of seeing “Hamilton” while it’s out here. There are five other shows we want to see (including the return of “Book of Mormon”), so it’s not quite as crazy as it sounds.
@Gin & Tonic:
My last obsession before Hamilton was Phantom. I wound up going to see Phantom in NY, Washington DC, Toronto, Chicago, Los Angeles.
I was obsessed with Michael Crawford. yeah, this was before social media…..because that would have made it 10x worse.
They are filming 2 performances this month with the entire original caste, before they start to leave. He hasn’t figured out / decided what they will do with it. But he says it will get out in some form.
Jesus H. Christ, what a moronic asshole. He seriously thinks “the blacks” — especially those well-edumacated ones, what don’t talk in Ebonics, of course — have it easier than “the whites”?
Were there a Just God, Deadbeat Donnie would have experienced in instantaneous increase in his melanin level, and an instantaneous 100-percent decrease in his bank account level, and then be “set free” to show just how easy it is for “the blacks” to succeed in ‘Murica.
Kind of makes me wish there was one (i.e., a Just God). Hilarity would ensue.
Ah, yes, Arthur Laffer, whose mantra was “Let’s cut tax rates to Zero, then we’ll REALLY see in an increase in Revenue.”
I remember that. So mofos like Halpern can miss me with the Trump is a racist is recent.
Trump was first sued for discriminatory housing practices back in 1977. Anyone who thinks his racism is new hasn’t been paying attention.
J R in WV
Me neither. The bit pieces of it I have seen don’t do a thing for me. But I don’t care for hip-hop, rap, etc, etc. To me, the best roots of black music are Miles Davis, Taj Mahal, Buddy Guy, piano players in jazz and blues like Oscar Peterson, Pinetop Perkins and Thelonious Monk, etc.
Chanting BS is more a fireside bonfire handicraft like drum circles, compared to Miles…
I know it’s not being considered, but I still liked the idea of Hillary selecting Al Franken as VP. He has the advantage of being media-savvy and is a Senator from a state with a Democratic Governor.
J R in WV
@Miss Bianca:
Yes, Miss Bianca, exactly where are the pictures of these alleged kittehs??????
Just rumors and fiction, so far!!! Are you hanging out in your little Colorado mountain town? I’m tempted to move to Salida, they have a hot spring the whole town uses in an aquatic center the spring runs into.
I visited there a couple of decades ago while on a prospecting (rock collecting) trip and that hot water allowed me to continue on the rocky parts of the trip!!
Does your small mountain town have any such hot springs? Because I’m loving hot water bubbling from the Mother Earth !!!
@Adam L Silverman:
I thought it was great. She’s not noted for one liners like that. Hopefully, more are being written at this moment.
J R in WV
If Arthur Laffer was an economist at all, this would be full of deep meaning.
Since Arthur Laffer is not even as much of an economist as I am, then, not so much, not at all.
I see I am not the only commenter here to remark on this topic. I was fortunate enough to attend collegiate econ classes while interest rates and inflation rates were around 20%… My professor was the chairman of the department, and he enjoyed having someone in his class who questioned every declarative sentence in the lecture!
I was a hairy young back-to-the-land hippie at the time, but was pretty well educated in an auto-didact way, and we spent several semesters arguing about micro-economics AND macro-economics.
Shame I was a computer science major, I really enjoyed econ with the professor. I wonder, was there any real money in being an econ grad at the time? Maybe as a double major?
Miss Bianca
@J R in WV: I was just in Salida last night – it’s a great little place, no doubt. But, alas, fast falling prey to gentrification and soaring house prices – partly because of amenities like the Aquatic Center – that have older locals unhappy. Westcliffe not so much – at least not yet! Maybe because there’s no hot spring really close to here!
As soon as I can figure out how to contact Anne Laurie (I thought there was an email link to the front-pagers somewhere, but I can’t find it now), I will send her the kitten pics – pinkie-swear promise…
Adam L Silverman
@raven: @Jeffro: He was a uniformed officer with an assigned posting somewhere in the West Wing. He stood in one place, he claims just outside the Oval Office door, for his 8-10 hour shift, then clocked out and went home. He wasn’t on either Secretary Clinton’s First Lady detail nor on President Clinton’s Presidential detail nor on Chelsea Clinton’s President’s Child detail. He did not have access to the residence, nor was he with them off site or at odd hours. He’s been flogging this stuff since the late 90s/early 00s to anyone that will 1) listen and 2) throw some money at him.
Adam L Silverman
@Patricia Kayden: I did not put you in moderation. And your welcome?
gogol's wife
@Adam L Silverman:
Maybe she meant Alain?
@Miss Bianca: At the very top, under “Quick Links”.