Rep. Steve King filed legislation to block Treasury from putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill via @zachdcarter
— Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) June 21, 2016
Sure, Donald Trump’s caught all the sweet, enticing media attention, but Rep. “Calves Like Cantaloupes” King will not be ignored. Per his hometown paper, the Des Moines Register:
… The Iowa Republican’s amendment, which was first reported by the Huffington Post, would prevent the Treasury Department from spending money to redesign paper currency or coins. His measure would scrap the federal government’s plans to replace Jackson on the $20 bill with a picture of Tubman, a black woman who was born in to slavery in 1822 and later escaped. She subsequently made repeated missions on the Underground Railroad to rescue black people from slavery. During the Civil War, she served as a Union Army scout and spy…
Kim Weaver of Sheldon, King’s Democratic opponent in Iowa’s 4th District race for the House this fall, issued a statement criticizing the seven-term lawmaker’s proposal.
“Iowans have four representatives in the United States House of Representatives, and unfortunately one of them seems to maintain a laser focus on where his next headline-grabbing piece of stunt legislation will come from,” Weaver said. “What will this amendment do for residents of Iowa’s 4th District? Nothing. How will it make the lives of his constituents better? It won’t. And what chance does this meaningless and mean-spirited gesture have of actually passing? Just like most measures introduced by Steve King, none.”
A spokeswoman for King in Washington, D.C., said Tuesday the congressman planned to issue a statement about his amendment, but she offered no immediate comment…
Couldn’t even be arsed to come up with an excuse for being a massive douchecanoe — at least when he was the sole vote against a 2009 “resolution to acknowledge the role that slaves played in the construction of the U.S. Capitol Building”, he said it was in retaliation for his fellows’ insignificant fealty to the modern American Pharisees among his supporters. (“Last night I opposed yet another bill to erect another monument to slavery because it was used as a bargaining chip to allow for the actual depiction of ‘In God We Trust’ in the Capitol Visitors Center.”) Guess he figures that, by now, he’s locked up the bigot vote, and no decent Iowan will be persuaded to join him.
Iowans: Is it worth donating to Kim Weaver’s campaign? Any chance the bigots will stay home in November?
ETA: King found his excuse…
remember: white ppl don't have a race, men aren't gendered, and the status quo is value neutral
— Josh Fruhlinger (@jfruh) June 22, 2016
Truly, Steve King is a ‘unifier’… in that all decent people despise him.
glad to see our least-smart twitter trolls have a voice in congress
— laura olin (@lauraolin) June 22, 2016
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I can’t wait to see what excuse he pukes up.
Makes me glad our Nebraska wing nuts aren’t as bad. What an asshole.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
One of Stephen Colbert’s Greatest Hits…
Patricia Kayden
Another example of Republican racism. Another reason to defeat them. They’ve made it clear how they feel about Black people.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): she broke the law. On the other hand, what AJ did… well, genocide wasn’t illegal at the time.
A racist gotta be racist.
Patricia Kayden
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Little Green Footballs quotes him as claiming that the President is being racist and sexist by proposing the change. Projecting their bigotry on others is a Republican art form.
@Patricia Kayden: waits for him to claim that they must keep these negroes off of the nation’s currency lest they believe that they are entitled to any of it…..
How strange is it that one of our worst Congressman is like from out of a Stephen King novel?
And that the real S. King is a gigantic Liberal and is working hard on that cause.
Mary G
Since they can’t admit that they’re racist, he’ll probably come up the justification that like illegal immigrants, we shouldn’t glorify her because she broke the law, stealing other people’s property, including herself. After all, slavery was legal and we must respect the rule of law. Lord, he just can’t keep his feet out of his mouth, can he?
Hillary Rettig
another one from Iowa…
What a fuckin’ crybaby loser. Seriously.
Also, installing a bunch of updates on one’s laptop is not nearly as much fun as you’d think.
@Mary G: If we follow that argument about the rule of law, stealing other people’s property etc. to the end, there will be a woman on the banknotes in the United States.
Counterfeiters rejoice!!!
@Patricia Kayden:
Didn’t Jack Lew propose the change?
@Patricia Kayden:
Of course it’s racist and sexist to permit white men be anything less than first in everything. Or if you’re Jim Webb it’s racist and sexist to permit white Scots-Irish men be anything less than first in everything. Obviously!
Michael Bersin
My description [Your $27.00 won’t get you into heaven anymore] of Saturday’s Missouri Democratic Party state convention graced a Bernie Sanders supporter’s social media page, which sent a number of commenters my way. I spent a good chunk of my online day reading and responding to their excuses in the comments.
A portion of one of the exchanges:
“….And I will say what no one here has had the guts to. I applaud the woman who spoke at the end. She only spoke the truth, it may have been out of place or out of time, but it is no less true. Hillary Clinton is under federal investigation, and you are most likely to get a Trump presidency with Clinton as the candidate. WAKE UP! If you cared about the party none of you would be burying your heads in the sand….
….Your dismissive and rude treatment of us individually and as a whole will come back to bite you, and you won’t have anyone to blame but yourself.”
I responded: “You get Hoynes.”
It’s a freakin’ cult.
Don’t forget the best bit: “King, for his part, sees the amendment as crucial.
“President Obama’s on his way out the door,” he said. “He’s going to do everything he can think of to upset this society and this civilization.””
@efgoldman: Peter King is shitweasel you are thinking of. From Long Island.
As this is an open thread, I will share my sadness tonight with my fellow BJ animal lovers. I had to say goodbye to my sweet , if notorious, JRT today. He was a sweet little boy. But at 15, he was no match for debilitating and frightening seizures. I feel I did right by him but there is a hole in my heart and I miss him.
So sorry for your loss. ?
Steeplejack (phone)
You left out jackanapes.
Steeplejack (phone)
My condolences on your loss.
Felonius Monk
Why are you so complimentary to this supporter of terrorism?
hedgehog mobile
@NotoriousJRT: So sorry for your loss.
@NotoriousJRT: I realize I’m just an anonymous stranger on the internet but you absolutely did the right thing. I was too selfish with my last dog and regret his suffering because I couldn’t let go.
My condolences on your loss.
Adam L Silverman
@NotoriousJRT: So sorry to read that. It is never easy, but fifteen is a long life and I’m sure you made it a good one.
Steeplejack (phone)
You do have to snarl it. But I thought you were there already.
@efgoldman: BTW, I went to the same sleep away camp as Steven Kings daughter. It was surreal on parents visiting day. He always wore black.
Adam L Silverman
@LAO: The Congressman or the author?
@Adam L Silverman: author.
ETA: camp was in Maine. Not far from the Kings home.
The Fat Kate Middleton
“Any chance the bigots will stay home in November?” Just back from a week or so in the great Iowa Fourth Congressional District – talked to all kinds of folks from that benighted place, and in answer to your question, Anne, no, no they will not. They lurved what he said about even terrorists needing to be able to buy guns, ’cause, you know, Hillary’s gonna take all our guns away from us.
Felonius Monk
@NotoriousJRT: Sorry for your loss.
Is that that IRA motherfucker?
There are two Kings and I can never remember which is which?
patrick II
Perhaps race and color doesn’t exist in modern color-blind America. But when Ms. Tubman was alive slavery still existed, and if we must pretend that slaves weren’t enslaved because of their race, then Ms. Tubman bravely, and at great risk to her own life, freed those alledgedly raceless slaves and is a great American hero anyway.
Chat Noir
@NotoriousJRT: I’m sorry for your loss. I had to put both of my cats down a couple years ago so I know how hard it is.
Anne Laurie
That would be Rep. Peter‘NORAID Defender” King, of Lung Guylund, who see-saws between competing with Steve “Pigmuck” King for Worst Person & (secretly) being grateful that Iowa takes some of the negative attention.
It’s tragic. Yet another instance in which David Brooks, Michael Gerson, Jennifer Rubin, et al, will be absolutely appalled to find out the Republican Party is full of…Republicans. You know, those Republicans over there, who they’ve never seen or heard of and certainly never encouraged. As opposed to nice polite Republicans who use code words, the ones over here, with large bank accounts, who they’d be happy to have sitting at their dinner tables.
Anne Laurie
@NotoriousJRT: My condolences.
2016 just hasn’t been a good year for rock stars, has it? Not even little four-footed ones!
Adam L Silverman
@LAO: I figured, but it was just ambiguous enough to let me play games.
Steeplejack (phone)
The IRA one is Peter, from New York.
I do feel for you. I’ve had to get two of our cats put down, and our 19 year old best boy Eric is looking worse by the day. I told the spousal unit she’s going to have to go this time. It’s easy to say it’s for the best, but you still miss them terribly and feel like a complete shitheel in the bargain.
@Adam L Silverman: this election has broken my snark meter!
I’m so sorry. Even when they’ve had a long life and are in pain, it’s still hard to do the right thing for them.
“…[I’m] unifying. …just don’t change anything” is probably what pro-slavery folks were saying in the leadup to the civil war. King is of course a fully unreconstructed racist, a-hole and all-around horse’s ass. But people in his district seem to like the smell of fresh piles of agricultural waste, so they keep re-electing him.
It is beyond serious dispute that Peter King is a malignant asshole … but I wonder if he would be the target of less, more, or approximately the same amount of hatred if he were a shill for the UDF.
@Michael Bersin:
It doesn’t count if they forget to use ‘SHEEPLE’ after the ‘WAKE UP”.
(Of course, there are consequences.)
Adam L Silverman
@LAO: Check Amazon, they may have them in the gold box deals.
Hasn’t anyone shown Steve Pawn the meme that Tubman was a gun totin’ Republican who liked shootin’ Dimmycrats?
The Ancient Randonneur
Maybe he’s auditioning to be Trump’s VP.
Steve King, worst person of the week?
He covers a lot more ground than one week. He’s a major asshole of epic proportions. He could have an entire year of worst person awards.
Sorry about your friend and what you had to do for him. I’d bet he’d want you to find another friend when you are ready.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotoriousJRT: You will miss him, but only you were in the position to do him that last favor – to let him go out of this world when it was his time.
@Patricia Kayden: No no no. Noticing race makes you racist! It’s just so simple!
(Or at least, that argument works on simpletons).
Oh I’m so sorry. You did the right thing but it still hurts like hell.
Dog Dawg Damn
I cannot believe the great luck the Dems are having. At the moment of salvation and a new Ryan Revolution, Trump is throwing the election. Just in disbelief. This is too good to be true.
Jeff Spender
@Michael Bersin: Isn’t it funny how they can be dismissive and rude and insulting but can’t take it in turn?
Thanks to all for the kind words. They have brought me comfort on this hard day.
Anne Laurie
Absolutely, but this year there’s so much competition!
@Anne Laurie:
A rock star he was – in my world anyway.
S. King has already convinced me of cantaloupe thighs.
@NotoriousJRT: Oh, no. I am so sorry.
@Michael Bersin: Fascinating! And very well written. Thanks for linking to that, Michael.
@NotoriousJRT: So, so, sorry. I know what a terrible grief it is to lose a pet, and such a long lived one is even more grievous. So many memories bound up with that little life.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotoriousJRT: I still miss a Cocker Spaniel who went away in 1985. He was almost useless in any real sense, except as a guard dog – he barked at things and refused to let people in to feed him and let him out to pee if the family was away (even if he knew them). He was viciously aggressive with other dogs, but, with family, he was wonderful.
TL;DR: One misses doggies.
Dog Dawg Damn
@NotoriousJRT: 15 years! I hope you can treasure the memories in the coming days and never forget the time you had. Sounds like he had a good life and was loved. So sorry for your loss.
Omnes Omnibus
@srv: Up your effort. That was sad.
@NotoriousJRT: really sorry, but keep him in your heart.
@srv: Can you imagine if you respected other people?
Steeplejack (phone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Who is this “One” person you keep talking about?
Good night. That’s all I can muster for tonight.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (phone): A friend from college. I thought I had made that clear. My fault if I hadn’t. I do still love that dog though.
Villago Delenda Est
@redshirt: I can’t.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
One gets loopy from the blog fatigue.
Thank you, Dennis Leary….
Major Major Major Major
Goooood evening, Balloon-Juice! ??
pseudonymous in nc
It’s not even as if Steve ‘Racist’ King pretends to be anything other than what he is.
@NotoriousJRT: So sorry you have lost your sweet pup, and also happy for the years that you shared together. Dog love is the best, purest, least complicated love of all….
@Major Major Major Major: Hey M4! How is the new job?
@Anne Laurie:
There is just a bit too much competition isn’t there?
If we gave out evil fucker awards and worst person awards, we’d have to run the assembly line 24 hrs a day, with the current crop of republicans.
Major Major Major Major
@seaboogie: See you upstairs seaboogie!
I don’t start until Monday :)
Miss Bianca
@NotoriousJRT: Ohh…so sorry to hear it. It hurts like hell, don’t it, even if it is the right thing to do.
It’s a pro-counterfeiter bill, too, as it prevents Treasury from spending any funding on currency redesign.
So not like Steve to think things through. Wonder where he gets that?
Villago Delenda Est
@NotMax: Clearly anti-counterfeiting measures are a plot by Daesh to pollute our precious bodily fluids!
@Villago Delenda Est
We must alter the currency, then, to feature pictures of pigs. Lots and lots of porkers.
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
@Patricia Kayden: They think they are being cute. For the Republican base “outreach” to minority groups means “kicking them in the gonads.”
No One You Know
@NotoriousJRT: I, too, have had to make that trip, and learned my fur people were as important as my people people were. I am so sorry for your loss.
@NotoriousJRT: It was his time, although that does not make it any easier. Comfort yourself that you gave him a good life and a safe place. They also continue to live in our hearts and memory. We are nursing one of our cats who basically at the “long as she is eating apparently enjoying life” stage of her descent.