Supreme Court decisions, Freddie Gray verdict, shooter in Germany, and I am up to my armpits in pc guts as replacing a liquid cooling unit is more difficult than I expected and I have to rush my computer to a repair place so I can get it fixed.
What’s the god damned point of having large tower cases if they are going to cram everything into 1/3 of the god damned case?
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Air, lots of room for air, is what I’m told WRT tower cases.
in the case challenging UT Austin’s admissions policy.
So far, the news is reporting no dead (except the shooter) but 20 – 30 injured; hope this holds!
dr. bloor
Because you voted for Shillary, duh.
dr. bloor
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: In Cole’s case, though, “air” = “cat hair.”
President Obama is going to make a statement about immigration at 11:45.
Don’t forget the Brexit vote. Haven’t heard an update on that.
What happened???
Go work on your computer. Everything here will be ok, Cole.
I’m sure Fisher is meeting now, trying to decide how to proceed. It doesn’t appear that she had standing, because UT showed there were many candidates on the waiting list before her.
From Benen – Hillary’s Statement about the Immigration Case:
She needs to get on Univision and Telemundo and break it down like a fraction.
YOU want something to change, then YOU have to register to vote and YOU have to vote in November, and not just for President, but Congress and Senate too.
Looks cooler if it’s bigger?
@Shell: Polls in the UK are open from 7AM to 10 PM (2AM to 5PM EST), a nice long time to vote and it’s the same time all across the country, like a democracy should be.
Exit polls will be there shortly after the polling stations close and the result should be final around 4-5 AM BST, unless it is nailbiting close.
Re: your computer case.
I don’t know what kind of case you have, but it’s worth it to but a car that has a layout that isn’t terrible.
I’ve had cases like yours. Never again.
She phucking lost in a case that NEVER should have come before the court in the first place.
maybe not
Haven’t done liquid cooling, have a giant tower case, maybe your case isn’t as large as you think. I think that liquid cooling might be bulky compared to a fan on the CPU.
Lots of reading to do at Scotusblog. BTW, if there are any other people here that are podcast listeners, Dalia Lithwick’s Amicus podcast is always a great listen about SCOTUS.
Haven’t even heard about the Germany shooter, ugh. Everyone stay safe out there.
But, but, but that requires that I put down my Xbox controller and get offa da couch! And, also, too, Bernie & Jill are the only pure unicorns to grace this planet so they should both run and steal as many votes from Klinntoon.
Keith G
I spent some money today as well. This morning I received a note from Hillary’s website requesting another donation. In light of the news of the last 2 days it was a very easy to click donate.
Is that the one where he finally, at long last, admits that he was born in Kenya, and that he was actually smuggled into the USofA in 1967 on the back of some hermano with calf muscles the size of cantaloupes, but he’s granting himself retroactive amnesty? As well as launching an investigation into whether Trump’s mother was here illegally, etc.
I would pay good money to see him give that speech.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@MomSense: Guy opened fire in a theater somewhere in the general area of Frankfurt. Shooter dead, around twenty wounded.
@Shell: Amen. I have no skin in the game, but I sure hope they vote to remain.
I don’t want to see further disintegration of our (Earth) political bodies. I’ve always thought growing multinational organizations bring peace and stability, so to see them threatened worries me. Because it is the forces of fear, hate, and anger that doing the threatening.
… a nice long time to vote and it’s the same time all across the country, like a democracy should be. …
What about having caucuses and letting people from other countries vote?
Ryan is now complaining that the reason the sit in is a stunt is because it already failed in committee and because the Dems are fundraising.
I’m sure the going nowhere ObamaCare repeals were never used to raise money.
Ryan doesn’t want to take constitutional rights away from law abiding Americans (tell that to our uteri, you wanker)
@Calouste: From the Telegraph.
What’s going on in Italy? New mayor of Rome. I’m trying to learn more about the Five Star movement over there. She is part of that group.
@Seanly: And there are STILL some Bernie supporters that are convinced the final California count will save them all!
@SFAW: If I say yes, will you mail me a money order.
glory b
@dr. bloor: Ugh, coffee in my keyboard.
dr. bloor
I hear Pecos County Community College has rolling admissions.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: What’s so far reported is that the injuries are from the teargas the police used, and that the gunman might have had a starting gun instead of a real one.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@MomSense: Interesting timing. Took him this long to figure out he could block C-SPAN from carrying the streams by rowing a press conference.
Looking for the POTUS remarks now.
So, with the 4-4 vote on Dollar General Stores v. Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, the tribal courts do have jurisdiction per the lower court ruling, correct? Good.
Happy to hear about the decision on Fisher (though the wording seems to try to make it very narrow). Worried about Whole Women’s Health…
@dr. bloor: Hey, my computer case resembles that remark.
I even have cat hair under my laptop keys, and I’m not prying off those fragile keycaps to remove it all. The canned air can work only so many miracles.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Calouste: Suicide by cop?
schrodinger's cat
I don’t have an opinion on Brexit. However you don’t have to be a xenophobe to realize that the EU as it exists right now has a lot of problems. EU’s handling of the situation in Greece last year and the ongoing situation regarding the migrant crisis has been awful, to say the least. An economic union without a political one is doomed to fail eventually.
@Seanly: What happens if it is 4-4? I’m not sure how the lower courts ruled, but I’ll try to look it up after the President speaks.
Gin & Tonic
Nobody needs a fucking liquid-cooled PC.
@JPL: Nothing happens, it stays as it was.
schrodinger's cat
@JPL: Ruled against the President’s initiatives.
@MomSense: A shooter at a Movie theater near Frankfurt shot a number of people; the shooter is dead. Details are being reported.
@Brachiator: Ah, should have realized that after the polling fiasco at the 2015 General Election.
Failing any exit polls, there is one city (Newcastle or Sunderland IIRC) that prides itself on its efficient vote counting operation, and they usually have their results out within two hours. Which should give some clue.
Free market failure, a result of abandonment of regulation. Many of the markets are rigged by monopolistic cooperation between the few businesses in the market. In almost every market, there’s been concentration, with so many firms being bought up by competitors that many industries have only a handful of participants. Go into the supermarket, look at nearly any product. Behind all the different alternatives for it, there are a few suppliers. When there are few suppliers, there isn’t adequate competition.
One example: for internet service at the level that consumers in S. Korea get, we have to pay 10 times the price they do. Internet service is feebly regulated, and in most U.S. places there are only 2 or 3 providers. Where there are more, prices are significantly lower.
Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt
The Fifth Circuit upheld the new requirements, although they have not yet gone into effect yet.
@Cermet: He didn’t shoot anybody.
@schrodinger’s cat: But Britain controls both its own money and boarders so neither issue really applies.
@raven: Good to know! That explains the no deaths! Thanks
schrodinger's cat
@shomi: @Cermet: That’s why I have no opinion. All I know is that if EU wants to continue they need to reform. I have no idea how the members of the Union are going to do it.
@Cermet: Yea, that was “late breaking” and the MSNBC guy said that’s why they didn’t go with much from the early hysterical German news reports.
Can some legal eagle summarize what the SC Immigration ruling means going forward?
@schrodinger’s cat: Western Europe has had a financial union since somewhere in the 70s. It wasn’t formalized, but when the Bundesbank said “jump”, the rest of the central banks asked “How high?”.
And whatever the EU’s faults are, no war for the longest time since Charlemagne (if not the Romans) makes it all worth it.
Corner Stone
Actually he did admit he was really a Kenyan. It’s odd how little reaction he got from the press there.
Keith G
@Seanly: It seems to me that the folks needing the change that Hillary was writing about are not kids sitting on the sofa playing video games. I think her message was directed at the tens of thousands of citizens of Latin American descent who have a vested interest in a better immigration policy.
I understand that it’s really cool to find some way to dump on the few Bernie supporters, but don’t be so quick to pull the trigger next time.
So, it jumped from the 5th Cir. to the Supreme Court, right?
@Calouste: Furthermore, the UK gets all the best of EU while opting out of some of the more “onerous” parts. They’ve really got the best of both worlds with the EU and they’d be foolish to throw it away over some xenophobia.
Miss Bianca
@shomi: Boy, don’t you ever get tired of your anti-Cole schtick? Because some of the rest of us sure do.
@rikyrah: Yes — Circuit Courts are intermediate appellate courts, with the Supreme Court being the highest court. ie. District Court —> Circuit Court —–> Supreme Court
Iowa Old Lady
Here’s a FB post from a friend in England whose husband recently died of cancer.
Jordan Rules
@Miss Bianca: rAmen!
Why do they keep coming into someone’s house to talk bad about them? It’s weird!
I just struggled mightily to understand which SCOTUS decision involved a tower. Fuck you Cole and your 180-degree unannounced and poorly communicated change of topics.
schrodinger's cat
@Calouste: I think EU is a good idea that needs some reform. I am just a long distance observer and I don’t understand the minutia of British politics or that of any other country in western Europe for that matter.
for a summation of the dollar general lawsuit… here’s Sam Bee
reposted from downstairs where I ended up in moderation
damn, moderation again…. sigh
More room for clouds, old man.
@Keith G:
I was speaking with my tongue firmly in my cheek. I agree completely with Clinton’s statement as well as rikyrah’s closing sentence which is what I was blockquoting. There are many people though who do think Clinton isn’t pure enough and think we need to have both Sanders and Stein in the race to reduce votes for Clinton.
I don’t agree with Clinton on everything and do hope that she keeps her leftward shift. The stakes in this election are as high as they’ve ever been. If the Republicans aren’t going to follow the Constitution and allow Obama to select a Supreme Court justice then I want it to be Clinton doing it.
Also, as a 48-year old gamer, I am actually insulted that you think it’s still something that only teenagers do. Even Cole posts about his occasional gaming.
@rikyrah: That’s what I read. Only the Texas law is being considered, I think. Hopefully, the lawyers will pipe in, but it looks like if it is a 4-4 split, Texas can close most of their clinics.
We should know what happens on Monday.
What part of “up to my armpits in pc guts” did you not understand?
Yeah, everything is expensive. As my old man used to say, “Rich or poor, it’s nice to have money.”
@Gin & Tonic: Or even a merely horny PC.
Iowa Old Lady
@MattF: And as mine used to say, “Money can’t buy everything, but you can’t buy much without it.”
@schrodinger’s cat:
I mean, the big problem with the EU that we saw played out in Greece was the currency. Since the U.K. isn’t on the euro, it would seem that the biggest problem with the EU doesn’t apply in their case.
Just for Mnemosyne: “The world turned upside down!”
If Whole Women’s Health is AEDC’d, the Fifth Circuit opinion is authority in Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. There is a similar case pending in MS. I assume (and hope) that if similar legislation were passed in LA, it would get vetoed, but I don’t know enough about the makeup of the LA legislature to have an idea whether a veto would stand.
jake the antisoshul soshulist
It is the nature of politics that we almost always have to choose the lesser evil. Due to human nature, those that seek power are those that should be kept farthest from it. So we have to determine whom will do the least damage. Hillary will almost certainly do less damage than Trump, and might potentially do some good.
Water-cooled systems are the end-user-PC equivalent of driving a sports car. That they are more expensive and more difficult to maintain is sort of the point.
Oh, and happy birthday!
Billy K
There’s only one company that gives a rat’s ass about actually *designing* their computers anymore (I’ll give you one guess). The rest just slide by with, “well, this is how we did it before. Just do that again and make it look a bit different.”
Keith P.
Not much of one, IMO. Most people would do just fine with a docked laptop, or even an Intel NUC (4″ square PC). Want more power? SFF cases can handle i7s with bigger display cards.
@burnspbesq: Thanks.
Hey John G. Cole isn’t today your birthday or was it yesterday?
Happy Birthday big guy!!!
I have liquid cooling. The part that attaches to the cpu is tiny since it has no fins, heat pipes or fans. The bummer is routing the coolant hoses and getting clearance to mount the radiator on the side of the case.
James E Powell
Wondering if this decision will generate increased turnout for Ds from the Latino voters.
@Josie: The part prefacing it, referring to cases involving SCOTUS and Freddie Gray.
Mark B.
There are some self-contained liquid cooling systems on the market which are pretty cheap and easy to install, like the Corsair H55. It costs about $60 on Amazon.
One of the interesting and perhaps dramatic effects if Brexit passes: Will all the millions of British pensioners living in Spain, Portugal, and other European countries have to pay cash for their medical care? Because the reciprocal EU arrangement they have now would have to disappear, right?
The thing that drives me most crazy about Brexit is that nobody could be bothered to investigate what specific changes it would make (Who knows? Maybe they’re not bad! Maybe they’re disastrous! Let’s burn it all down and see!!) but they’re still going to vote on it.
They’ve got plenty of voters who would love Trump, too, I guess. He’s got no program that he describes the same way from moment to moment but what the hell. Burn it all down and see.
@shomi: Cole is likely running overclocked for gaming, hence the water cooling. Air only has so much thermal capacity, no matter how hard it blows.
One of these is not like the other.
@James E Powell:
If knowing that the Supreme Court holds your family in the balance doesn’t get you out to vote and one candidate has already called you rapists and criminals and will build a wall….and the other candidate is like, I support your right to be here….
I don’t know what else could motivate you.
@Miss Bianca:
Hey Miss B —
What is it with the power of resentment and grievance these days. Honestly that seems like the main psychic energy powering any action or thought these days. And it is so negative — so draining ultimately and yet, it powers on — filling everyone with the desire to turn away from each other, not towards anything…. It unfortunately defined Bernie’s campaign to a large degree as well as Trump’s. Actions like the House sit in and other hopeful and positive actions counter this but the weight of these people’s spiritual darkness is the challenge of our times, don’t you think?
Steve Finlay
Everything seems to cost a lot, but on the other hand — when I was about 10 and you were born, that computer would have cost you a few hundred million dollars, and would have required a few floors of an office building and several megawatts in order to run.
Mark B.
@Hoodie: Well, even water-cooled systems eventually use the ambient air to disperse the heat from the CPU, they just use a small radiator and coolant like a car to transfer the heat out of the case. I use a small liquid cooling system because it’s just quieter, not that I’m overclocking.
@piratedan: I think something got broken/regressed recently where naked links put you in moderation.
Use the “Basic HTML Tips” button in the Comment area, or make an anchor tag manually yourself:
[a href=””]My name for the link[/a]
with the square brackets replaced by the corresponding triangle brackets (and the URL and text replaced, also too).
2016 is the first presidential election in 50 years without Voting Rights Acts protections.
karen marie
@rikyrah: Fisher isn’t doing anything. It’s the people funding and running “her” case.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Mark B.:
This is Cole we’re talking about. Nothing is easy, when he gets involved.
karen marie
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: I had live stream on when the presser occurred. The smarminess of the questions and comments from the press were as disgusting as Ryan’s responses.
Villago Delenda Est
Also, too, the rent is too high.
I guess I’m as ADD as John Cole is, because it didn’t confuse me at all. Different strokes and all that….; )
Villago Delenda Est
@Comrade Scrutinizer: The hosts of heaven protect us if the mustard gets misplaced.
schrodinger's cat
@Villago Delenda Est: And the mustard is still lost, while the Subaru languishes forlorn in an empty field.
I’ve been in London since Sunday. Not that I’m an expert on the issue but it seems that all the crap people say they don’t like about the EU wouldn’t go away if England votes to leave.
I’ve seen way more In stickers and signs around this week than Leave ones. And Stuart Murdoch of Belle and Sebastian gave a righteous rant to remain at last night’s 20th anniversary Tigermilk concert at the Royal Albert Hall. I’m interested in what he has to say at tonight’s Sinister show.
I read quickly and thought you were saying “large lower cases” in some sort of unhinged rant against font sizes and styles.
Villago Delenda Est
@redshirt: Racists are shitheads who don’t think anything through by nature.
Mark B.
@Comrade Scrutinizer: True enough. When I installed it, it took me about an hour, because all of the different ways you can set it up for different CPU sockets are a little confusing in the directions. If I had known exactly what I was doing, it would have taken about half an hour or less. I don’t know how to translate that to Cole hours, but probably a lot longer.
@schrodinger’s cat: That sounds like the opening of a prayer, perhaps from a Monty Python movie.
The first computer I bought for myself, in 1993, cost $3300. While things are more than we’d like to pay, things are significantly cheaper. I now look at a PC that costs more than $700 not including a monitor with suspicion.
Mike J
Outbound link tracking got turned back on, no idea why. The poorly written plugin that does the tracking (even when you have do not track set in your browser) repeats the url 3 times in its javascript and triggers the “more than three links is spam” filter.
@Steve Finlay:
One of the commenters here mentioned that when she worked at a university in the 1970s or 1980s, they circulated the water from their swimming pool to simultaneously cool the computer and heat the pool.
I am typing this comment from a handheld device that probably has 100 times (at least!) more computing power than that one did.
schrodinger's cat
A Day in the Life of WV Blogger
Everything costs too much
The mustard is still lost,
And the Subaru languishes forlorn in an empty field.
The naked man mops
While his four legged menagerie looks on.
gogol's wife
schrodinger's cat
Enhanced Voting Techinques
Ah, and who will weep for poor Mr Ryan is all this horror?
Does anyone here think that the young and supple Paul Ryan’s dreamy eyes were mean to behold the sorry spectacle of politics being done in Congress, of all places? A resounding no and thousand times no! Dreamy Paul Ryan was mean to behold better things, things serious and solemn. Like telling the lower social orders it’s their civil duty to lose their retirement so a rich man can get a tax cut.
schrodinger's cat
A Day in the Life of a WV Blogger
Everything costs too much
The mustard is still lost,
And the Subaru languishes forlorn in an empty field.
The computer is too hot
The naked man mops
While his four legged menagerie looks on.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mnemosyne: When I was the signal officer of a Division Artillery, I had to store a magnetic core memory unit for the designed in the 60’s fire control system in my COMSEC vault, because it had classified data on it. The thing was no longer used, but we didn’t have authorization to dispose of it, so it took up space. The thing was 2’x2’x3′, or thereabouts, and weighed something like 600 pounds, and had the memory capacity of a 5 1/4″ floppy disk.
Mike J
In the 70s, a Cray-1 could do 80 million floating point operations per second. A Samsung Galaxy S5 can do 140 billion.
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: Ah, the good old cage in the basement.
The Other Chuck
@Mike J:
I was under the impression this was done somewhere server-side in PHP, not in client-side JS. If it is being done all client-side, I think I have some work to do with EBBJ, which hasn’t had any love in a while.
Villago Delenda Est
@nutella: They never think these things through, the racist idiots. Never.
schrodinger's cat
@Enhanced Voting Techinques: MSM’s standards for Republican men to be considered dreamy are very low.
Other dreamy candidates were Fred Thompson and John POW McCain.
@Omnes Omnibus: Ya’ll had basements?
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus: Fortunately, I had a spacious cage.
@Mike J:
I have never concealed the fact that I’m terrible at math, which makes it even more important for me to have a computer in my pocket at all times.
Villago Delenda Est
@schrodinger’s cat: To be fair, John McCain had that tire swing in the back yard that the Villagers adored.
Mike J
@The Other Chuck: It’s in the Yoast plugin. Outbound link tracking is an option that can be turned on or off. My guess is they “upgraded” and the default got reset.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: So did the units you were with. It just that their basements were back in the US where the units’ formal homes were.
@Omnes Omnibus: Hmm, I dunno about that. So the 7th ID in Korea that had been there since 1951 had a rear somewhere stateside?
“From 1953 to 1971, the 7th Infantry Division defended the Korean Demilitarized Zone. Its main garrison was Camp Casey, South Korea.[2] During these occupation duties, the division saw a complete reorganization in compliance with the Reorganization Objective Army Divisions plan.[3] The division’s former headquarters company grew into the 1st Brigade, 7th Infantry Division while the 13th Infantry Brigade was reactivated as the 2nd Brigade, 7th Infantry Division.[3] The 14th Infantry Brigade was reactivated as the 3rd Brigade, 7th Infantry Division.[4] In 1965 the division received its distinctive unit insignia, which alluded to its history during the Korean War.[5] On 2 April 1971, the division returned to the United States and was inactivated at Fort Lewis, Washington.[6]”
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh so that’s how basement cat controls the world.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: I forgot you had been in Korea too.
@Omnes Omnibus: But weren’t the units in Vietnam the same? I know we were one of the last to ship as a unit but I don’t remember leaving anything at Ft Lewis? Maybe we did and shitheads like me didn’t know it.
Corner Stone
@The Other Chuck:
Is there a wait list someone could get their name on? Asking for a friend.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Think of the state-side scenes from “We Were Soldiers…”
J R in WV
I completely and totally disagree with your old-fashioned and straight-line thinking about blog posts – you, sir or madam, are just wrong !!
By involving several topics in his post, more comments will be made by more people, provoking more discussion on all the topics John brought up, Even topics John didn’t bring up, like these comments on how John brings up multiple topics in even a short post.
So thank you for adding complexity to the discussion, even if you were so totally wrong !!!
Take it easy, fellow Balloon-Juicer, and enjoy the upcoming weekend…
Enhanced Voting Techinques
@schrodinger’s cat: I am sure Tompson and McCain Male-on-Prisoner-of-War collaborative political slash fiction must be out there on the internet somewhere.
Why are things so expensive? Because some dumb asses put liquid cooling systems on a computer in an attempt to squeeze just a little more power out of a processor they could just upgrade.
Let me guess Cole, you also have neon lights and 12 case fans!
@Omnes Omnibus: That unit was actually the 2nd Air Assault and was re-flagged as the 1st Cav and the 1st Cav became the 2nd ID in Korea. There was still a lot of Cav stuff around since we were actually in the Cav/2nd ID AO as arty support. That doesn’t mean that there was not a structure at Benning. I did basic at Campbell, tow of the thee 101st Brigades had shipped but one was still there. I guess it depended on the size of the unit since my signal outfit was just a battalion.
@Miss Bianca: It’s all the boy has. Let him play. The adults just ignore him and keep talking.
@Villago Delenda Est: Not nearly in the same class, but this made me think of the giant decks of punch cards the programmers would haul down to the data center for batch processing.
As for the nose-in-the-air about water cooling, it is typically more efficient and quieter. Yes, air fans can do it, and when the cpu is kicking 85% or greater keeping up with some of the crazy graphics in the games now, it gets noisy as hell.
@Gin & Tonic:
Although my son’s computer does not fuck, per se, it is overclocked with 16 gig RAM and needs a big honking cooling system (not liquid) to keep it fucking awesome! The big tower cases are so you can put in multiple drives, media cards and large heat sinks and fans. So I’m told….
I don’t know who posted that, but I may have as well. Indiana University did that when I worked there in 1975. I wasn’t in the main computer center, but before it became the computer center, it was the University telephone switchboard, the old kind with operators plugging wires into holes. My grandmother worked there for years.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
We frequently have problems in our server room, and have to run both an AC unit and backup AC, and the towers in there are onlly serving about 50 different terminals, laptops, etc.
Stays fucking hot in there. AC went down last year and that temp shot into the high 90s – completely fried the server.
@Mike J: The computer on Apollo 11 was the size of a refrigerator and had the computing capacity, basically, of a digital watch. Morgan Freeman told me that.
schrodinger's cat
@Enhanced Voting Techinques: Eeeww. Need brain bleach stat.
Miss Bianca
@Elie: Yes, I definitely get tired of all the negativity, and I wonder at my lack of tolerance for it! //
Holy hell, indeed:
CNN has just hired Corey Lewandowski as a political commentator, according to Politico.
I guess Goebbels was unavailable.
What the actual fuck, CNN?
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: I had a great sever room once with a fatal, non-intuitive weakness: When it got super cold outside, the AC unit would not have enough pressure to run and would shut down, thus sending the server room temperature soaring. So I had to develop a mindset of being wary of cold snaps because they could cause heat events. Confusing!
@Trentrunner: Clinton News Network, amirite?
“Fuck them, they live abroad. It’s their fault for living there in the first place. They probably do it because they hate Britain and think they’re too good to live here with all the rest of us. If it’s such a problem, they can just move back.”
Just reading an article in the Guardian about Adolf Trump’s Scottish golf course. It’s located 10 miles north of Aberdeen (avg. high Dec-Feb: 44 F), so unsurprisingly it is closed a number of months during the winter, and also unsurprisingly, it is losing money.
To give fair, balanced, unbiased analysis of the presidential race?
Villago Delenda Est
@Trentrunner: CNN is desperate to degrade their credibility even more, I guess.
If you’re looking for fun, #beckywiththebadgrades is Black Twitter’s discussion of the UT case.
11th Air Assault.
@BruceFromOhio: My mother worked clerical jobs for the Army during her summer vacation from college in the early 60s. One summer she typed a bunch of reports onto paper tape. The following summer she typed the same reports onto punch cards.
Best depiction of punch card computers is in Our Man Flint.
@Tripod: Yep, and I knew it in the back of my mind!
Iowa Old Lady
@germy: I swear to god you can’t make this stuff up. I thought all the reporters were mad at Lewandowski after he manhandled that woman from Breitbart.
Eric U.
I was buying a high-end workstation from Dell recently, and they had water cooled options. I imagine that the cooling would be the first to go, so I didn’t buy one.
Exxon! Goldman-Sachs! Boeing! Hyundai! GE!
Happy day after birthday day.
@Miss Bianca: Durfs gotta Durf.
@germy: It’s important for the media to be fair. Since Rick Tyler got a political commenting job at MSNBC immediately after Cruz fired him, this is only right. Anyway, it’s just until they run for office in a couple years.
John Cole @ Top:
Why is everything crammed into a third of the case? Did you put a MicroAT motherboard in there instead of a full-sized AT board? Also did you buy commercial or build it yourself? Since you mentioned NewEgg, I’m assuming, possibly incorrectly, that you built it.
Anyway, what are you using for water-cooling? I’ve got a Corsair H90, and it only took about 45 minutes to install, if I recall correctly.
They filled out the TOE with the stateside 2ID when they re-flagged to 1st CAV.
James E Powell
@schrodinger’s cat:
And where the %#%& are my pants?
@Feathers: That is hilarious.
Miss Bianca
@Shana: Any results in yet on the Brexit vote??
@Shell: …including Bernie, probably.