A note from Heather Hanna, who is running the fund drive for relief to the flood devastated areas downstate that you all helped with:
John has kindly offered me the opportunity to express my gratitude to all of you. Please allow me to tell you a few stories that will not be on the news. The first major issue encountered in the small town of Rainelle was where to put the bodies. There was no way in or out of the town so they had to find a temporary holding facility for their deceased. An entire family in White Sulphur Springs was missing for 2 days following the beginning of the flooding. They were found in a pond in the center of a golf course. There are still bodies trapped in cars submerged in so much mud that they cannot get to them. This is the reality of the situation here. Lives lost. Homes lost. Businesses lost. Jobs lost. Entire neighborhoods are gone. The damage to infrastructure is unfathomable.
My husband and I were residents of the Ohio Valley until 7 months ago. We visited this community one year ago and fell in love. From the moment we arrived as visitors and then as residents we were welcomed with open arms. This is truly the kindest community I have ever encountered, and I am a well-traveled woman. We upped stakes, sold my small business, put our house on the market, and moved to Greenbrier County. Now here we are, and our new community has been decimated. I want you to know the kind of people you are helping. There are a lot of donation centers handing out food to the homeless and first responders and volunteers. One gentleman recently reached the front of the line and was given an entire loaf of bread. Much to the confusion of the volunteer distributing food he refused to take it. He opened the loaf and removed two slices. He informed the lady that’s all he needed to hold his slice of bologna and asked her to give the rest to someone else.
I’m sure that the majority of you have no ties to this region, or for that matter, West Virginia as a whole, other than your association with J.C. Please know that your kindness is going to benefit a good and decent people in dire need of help. May your kindness be returned ten-fold.
Y’all are good people.
Greenbrier Co. sounds like a good place to live.
Culinarians, I am puzzled by 2 recipes that finish up with “cold pack for 2 hours.”. What does this mean?
My sister and her family are working shoulder to shoulder with those who lost so much. The damage any of the clan suffered (and it was serious at my niece’s house) was infinitesimal to what happened in Rainelle. They are out helping others recover and as pointed out in the post, the damage and the impact are far worse than they appear.
Mary G
Thanks to Heather and JGC for putting the word out. It’s amazeballs how much a little bit of money like my donation grew into a big piece of money when combined with so many others.
Every time I see a RWNJ natter on about how liberals don’t give to charity, I think about things like this. First of all, I don’t pay taxes because I’m a poor, much less have enough income to itemize, and second, we just do it when we can and don’t brag about it. Remember that guy who refused to sign up for Obamacare, then got sick? His GoFundMe was 99% liberals.
I thought I had completed my donation this morning but the net must have burped because gofundme sent an email asking me to finish my submission. It’s not a lot, but this also reminds me in spite of my recent troubles I’m so much luckier than so many.
Edited to add: you go MaryG!
god that’s heart breaking. I didn’t realize just how serious the flooding was.
Heather sounds like the kind of person I’d want as a friend and neighbor. When I made my (sadly, very small) donation, I neglected to put a comment such as “sent by John Cole” or “referred by Balloon Juice,” although I did see several other notes to this effect. Anyhow, Heather, if you’re reading this thread, I want to thank you for taking time to provide email updates, and to give such a comprehensive and personal statement in this thread.
See, this is why we love John Cole. He knows the best people!
@Davebo: I’m struggling with the trapped in the car and drowning part.
Sadly I’ve seen it happen here in Houston too many times.
My ex lives on a ridge in Friar’s Hill so the only damage he had was to his driveway and garden, which is minor. I sent him the gofundme page also.
I think I might send him some gently used things, and have him give it to an organization.
“One gentleman recently reached the front of the line and was given an entire loaf of bread. Much to the confusion of the volunteer distributing food he refused to take it. He opened the loaf and removed two slices. He informed the lady that’s all he needed to hold his slice of bologna and asked her to give the rest to someone else.”
I’m bawling. We’re supposed to visit my mom’s family for the July 4th weekend and I know we’ll see the tragic effects of the flooding. It’s heartbreaking. Nobody deserves this.
@SiubhanDuinne: He does, he really fucking does. Makes me proud to be here.
The PGA had no choice but cancel the golf tournament at the Greenbriar, but that also will leave an economic impact. Tourism is a large industry. The county is suffering enough.
John, could you add the donation link somewhat prominently to main body of this post, too. So, we can link to social media. And they can read this on-the-ground report and contribute. And any BJ people who missed the first post can click and give now.
Realize the gofundme has reached its very modest goal. But this report makes it clear much more money will be needed for a while. Maybe the “goal” can be increased?
@satby: Good grief! With all you’ve got going on? You’re a saint! And probably just shamed a couple hundred BJers into donating.
ETA: What Mazedancer said just above.
Until JC can modify the post, here’s the GoFundMe link:
West Virginia Flood Relief
@JPL: My 92 year old mom, a big golf fan has already written to PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem advocating the Tour donate the entire prize money for the event to relief funds and solicit its members (some of whom are really rich) to donate more.
Decades ago, my car stalled in a flash flood. Before the car stalled, I was able to lower the windows including the back one. I had a station wagon at the time. The water was just above knee high and I was able to help my mother out who had a cast on and my four year old son. Besides the four year old screaming, we are all going to die, the only true damage was to the car. I can’t imagine what these folks are going through.
I do know that besides finding lodging, clothing and food, they need to talk about their experience.
@Mary G:
I believe he’s on record as changing his political leanings because of the support.
Glad we were able to help, even if just a little.
Being trapped in sinking car is one of the things I worry about (Seattle has had some flooding over the years). I had one of those little hammers that’s supposed to shatter the window, but I think it was among the items taken one of the times my car was stolen. Need to replace it.
Thanks for that. My niece-in-law (who is always very big on the “thoughts ‘n’ prayers” stuff) just posted on FB a gif of a flickering candle flame with the message “Let us light FB up in prayer for West Virginia flood victims family and friends” [lack of punctuation sic]. “United we stand in love and prayer.” I immediately posted a comment saying “I actually gave money. Anyone can.” and included the GoFundMe link.
Passive-aggressive? Me?
@gene108: I think it was a little more nuanced than the sound bite that most of us remember. ThinkProgress.
@SiubhanDuinne: You could always point her to:
Thoughts and Prayers
if you want her to unfriend you. ;-)
(via a JC post a week or so ago).
@SiubhanDuinne: Passive-aggressive? Me?
Oh, we don’t call you that. Well, to your face, anyway.
@Poopyman: Sweetie, it’s just $10 bucks, more symbolic than helpful at this point. But I have to kick in.
@SiubhanDuinne: Oh, WELL DONE!
The thing is, though, it is helpful. MaryG made the point about lots and lots of small contributions adding up to a really serious amount of money that can do real good. If there are matching funds out there, of course, so much the better. Please don’t ever feel ashamed of the size of your donation. You are one of the most giving persons I’ve ever known, and I hope I have the chance to tell you that to your face one of these days.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I must have been distracted (ha!) because I missed that.
So of course I just shared it to FB.
And you are the sweetest kindest person ever!
@SiubhanDuinne: and you are one of my role models, so I hope to say so to you also!
Mary G
@SiubhanDuinne: You’re one of the treasures of Balloon Juice.
And since I’m always cursing my AutoCorrect, it cracks me up and makes me appreciate it more because every time I type “Balloon,” it suggests that that the next word should be “Juice.”
For reasons I fail to understand, that opens up absolutely nothing for me. I remember now that the same was true when John posted it and I tried the link…just, nuthin.
And FTR, I really like my NIL. I just disagree with her about a whole shitload of stuff, but she is very sweet and means well.
Okay, this is beginning to sound cruel. Imma stop now.
@Mary G:
Blushing up a storm here. Thank you to two of my treasures and role models.
MaryG, that AutoCorrect story is too funny!
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s a simulation of an ancient blocky-graphics video game. It seems to be written in HTML5 (it’s not Flash). Maybe your browser doesn’t like it. (It runs fine in Chrome on Windows, it seems OK on IE also too.)
There are many more “games” in a similar vein here – TheGOPArcade.com
(Who is glad you have a NIL that you can gently tease about things like this. I’m sure it makes a difference.)
@satby: No, you are! :-)
Maybe that’s the problem. I’m on my iPad (Safari). No worries, but thanks for the additional information.
I usually just ignore my NIL’s posts of that kind, and then go out of my way to respond positively to anything she puts up that’s non-controversial. I have no desire to anger or alienate her, and for the most part, as long as we avoid discussing guns and Sheriff Joe Arpaio, we’re good.
@SiubhanDuinne: My Nazi SIL calls him THE GREAT SHERIFF ARPAIO!
Yikes! Obviously there is something about him that really appeals to some people, but I kind of don’t want to look too closely as to what that “something” might be.
I’m going to assume your Nazi SIL is a Trump supporter. AFAIK, my NIL isn’t — although I admit I haven’t asked her outright. Too afraid of the answer, I suppose.
@JMG: That’s a great idea! I hope they do it.
@CaseyL: I had one of those little hammers, too, with the seat belt cutter, and mine was also stolen when my car was broken into! It’s been 2 years and I still need to replace mine. We should all have them.
JosieJ (not Josie)
It’s not that complicated: he’s a racist fuck. It’s no coincidence that there’s a lot of overlap between his supporters and Trump’s.
@JosieJ (not Josie):
Well, yeah, “racist fuck” goes without saying. I was thinking more along the authoritarian spectrum.
About half-an-hour ago, the gofundme page for this campaign reached to just past its new goal of $10,000.