It’s a little more than 4 months before the election, and Trump’s campaign is learning how to send email:
Since members of the British Parliament have complained about receiving several fundraising emails from Donald Trump, politicians in several other foreign countries have revealed that they’ve also been flooded with email requests for donations from Trump.
Members of parliament in Australia, Iceland, Denmark, and Finland have all received the emails, according to news reports and tweets from the politicians.
That’s illegal. This is simply stupid:
Trump’s campaign made an elementary mistake in its first digital solicitation for donations last Tuesday: it used a new domain, Because Trump’s email solicitation was sent from a new domain, a lot of spam filters caught the campaign.
From a digital marketing perspective, it was a disaster: due to spam filters, an incredible 60 percent of Trump’s appeals never even made it to individual inboxes, per Return Path’s data.
Even if Trump wants to send email from a dozen different domains, this problem is easy to solve, and I’ve solved it many times for clients (I don’t do email solicitation, btw, so I’m certainly nothing close to an expert).
Bobby Thomson
A little more than four months, not five.
@Bobby Thomson: Thanks, fixed.
Major Major Major Major
Wow, also, why.
Jeff Spender
This is good news for The Real McCoy.
Not sure if this is an argument for Warren as VP, but I guess it is for her continuing to play a prominent role in election.
Not sure if Warren also being a woman is what attracts so much attention, of an idiot variety, from the Trumpsters.
Shock Jock Mocks Warren With War Whoop As Trump Warm-Up (VIDEO)
But don’t worry, once Trump is President he will be surrounded by smart people who will offer the best advice and he’ll get things done.
Yeah, it looks like more of the same Trump camp bungling, but has anyone proved that’s where the emails originated?
Mike J
@jl: No veep, she’s teaching defence against the dark arts at the American Hogwarts.
Hunter Gathers
It’s a feature, not a bug.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Just so. Trump has the best words and will win bigly. HRC’s campaign is a disaster. Very sad.
We live in interesting times, yes?
Schlemazel Khan
Its really sweet of him to do this. Think of all the time & effort he is saving bust Americans when his email automatically delete themselves instead of requiring human intervention.
I know little about the arcane of the FEC rules but even I know you can’t solicit money from foreigners (wasn’t there a big scandal involving the Clinton’s?). That is bush league. I wonder if that didn’t get delegated to some Trump fan-boy (or girl) in college or who had just graduated that someone impressed someone (i.e. Trump) and they didn’t know diddly about squat. This sounds like a Lewandowski amateur hour move because I can’t imagine that Manafort would have done this – he has enough experience to know that.
UK, Iceland, and Australia so far, according to TPM.
Yeah, surely someone has forwarded one of the actual emails with all its headers so the question could be investigated.
It’s one more stupid thing where wild allegations are flying but no one is doing a minute’s worth of investigation. We’re in the post-truth millennium now.
And of course the Trump campaign crowed that their huge, tremendous, very excellent fundraising email, the one that got trapped 60% of the time, raised more than $3 mil. Or maybe not. His upcoming FEC report is likely to be hilarious.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I forget who it was here who asked when Trump is going to stop shitting his pants, but it was a front pager, a few weeks ago. I think this just shows that Trump can’t stop shitting his pants. This is who the guy is. He thinks he can talk his way into anything, even the presidency. The force of his AWESOMENESS!!! and his tremendous, tremendous personality are going to take him all the way to Washington. And, to be fair to him, it’s worked up till now. Shit, he won the Republican nomination by doing nothing but talking shit about people and pointing out his own AWESOMENESS!!!
I think he’s gone too far down this road to turn things around. Everything these guys do is incompetent, since all Trump, or the kind of people he chooses to have around him, know how to do is bluster their way around New York’s building industry, and that’s a long way away from what you need to do to win elections.
To be sure, if there’s a cataclysmic war, or Britain sets off a worldwide depression, or if there’s some terrorist attack that kills 1000 Americans in one go, then politics might swerve and we could end up with Trump as president. But I think that at this point, that’s really all the hope he has of winning. He has to root for the apocalypse to have any hope here.
Looks like the Big Tuna has his own e-mail problem
Room full of mirrors?
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I may have missed it, but this wasn’t covered on ABC World News Tonight – but something about Huma Abedin something something Hillary’s email something something was. The thumb is on the scale so hard, I can’t imagine what the MSM will be using on the scale by November.
I wonder if those emails began “Dearest, ….”
Patricia Kayden
@Alex.S: Trump is certainly doing a bang up job of hiding all of these smart people who will come out of the woodwork to help him only after he’s elected to the most powerful position in the entire world. I’ll give him credit for that.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): The bottom line with a rich dude like Trump is that he’s lived his entire life surrounded by Yes Men. Now that he’s actually under intense scrutiny from people who aren’t beholden to him, he cannot stand up to the pressure and is melting before our very eyes. Fascinating trainwreck.
@jl: Howie Carr is not a shock jock. He’s a Herald columnist, a right-wing afternoon drive time talk-show host who wanted to be Barnicle. Even after the plagiarism came out.
And he’s from Swellesley. ‘Nuff said.
So the Dumpster is saying any one of his primary opponents who refuse to endorse him should be banned from ever running for office again.
From TPM
We joke about fascism, but this man is scary, what will be the penalty for citizens who criticize president Trump. This man is a danger to the country and the world.
Thoughtful David
Trump is going to hire the Best People, doncha know. The Best. He always hires just the best, the best at doing everything.
I’m just wondering when he’s going to start?
Trump delenda est
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
I believe she is scheduled to be interviewed about what if anything she knows about the server.
Well, we can only hope that Drumpf keeps punching himself in the dick like this every day until November 7th. Given that he’s behind on fund raising and is sending e-mails that are illegal, there’s plenty for him to fuck up until then.
It’ll be interesting to watch that 80%/20% estimation by 538 creep up to 90% by election time.
It’s going to be the yoougest, classiest, best concession speech you’ll ever hear.
@hovercraft: If politicians at any level were barred from politics for life for doing something “disgraceful”, no one anywhere would have a functioning government.
? Martin
So 538 has Texas at R+5, South Carolina at R+3, Mississippi at R+4, Georgia at R+2.
Lot of new potential swing states on the map.
@FlyingToaster: He’s too old and “white” for “shock jock”. Screaming old curmudgeon affhole.
@smith: Hey, sounds like Trump’s fundraising emails reached a lot of Nigerian princes.
@? Martin:
Wave election! Oh please oh please oh please baby jeebus.
sm*t cl*de
New Zealand Labour Party members also too.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
I know NPR isn’t popular here, but their show today on Benghazi (and by extension, the emails) was really pretty good.
It’s almost as if Trump hired every retread from Bremer’s Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq to manage his campaign effort.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
I know NPR isn’t popular here, but their show today on Benghazi (and by extension, the emails) was really pretty good.
Gin & Tonic
@Poopyman: Here’s an example of one sent to an Australian MP. You don’t have to be a Twitter user to see it. Click on the image to see that it’s shown as coming from “Donald J. Trump” — i.e. not a PAC or anything.
Enhanced Voting Techinques
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Actually, I disagree. I think if things went bad the voters would go to Hilary because the name Clinton means the roaring ’90s, Trump is just a leap into the unknown. Like with Bush jr in 2001 I think Trump would do better if the economy was doing well because secure voters worry about nonsense like is America American enough .
In a depression everyone wants a job, in a boom everyone wants to be told how awsome they are.
Chyron HR
@Gin & Tonic:
Do you pronounce the parentheses, or his his name just “Tim Emmpy”?
Gin & Tonic
@Gin & Tonic: Yeah, actually, here’s a better one, sent to an Icelandic MP.
Gin & Tonic
@Chyron HR: Sorry, I don’t speak Australian.
Thoughtful David
@? Martin:
What makes this good is that it could start forcing Trump and the RNC to have to start pouring money into states they’ve never had to defend before. And that means less in other states. And the problem isn’t symmetrical. With it already close, Clinton and the DNC don’t have to put much money into force the Republicans to have to pay big.
Maybe Trump should talk to Sec. Clinton about setting up email stuff, I hear she’s an expert on these matters.
The Native American vote is small and already solidly Democratic, but I feel confident that they’re another member of the Obama coalition that will crawl over broken glass to vote for Hillary in November.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Actually I was wrong, according to bloomberg there was a release of a deposition of Huma Abedin about Hillary’s e-mails to the RWNJ Judicial Watch
@debbie: I have listened to a lot of On Point when I was not a day-shift fellow.
I can’t declare but would guess the number of hours they’ve spent BothSiding the Benghazi and the emails still puts them in the debtor side to Hillz. I would like to think that they’ve learned anything about how the GOP and the right do things.
schrodinger's cat
There was an article earlier in the campaign that Trump doesn’t know how e-mail works and has all his emails printed out by flunkies
@ThresherK: Ah, the EnjoyIng the Sound of Tom Ashbrook’s Voice show? He often has potentially interesting guests; if they only had a chance to talk.
Not so on this show. It was three reporters and they reviewed how the report dispelled the bullshit spewed by the GOP. I tell you, it really was surprising. And they got plenty of air time.
@Mnemosyne: I think calling Warren ‘Pocahontas’ and war whoops will send up warning flags for a lot of groups, including a lot of moderate White voters, as well as indigenous peoples.
@Mike J: Having attended the American Hogwarts (google Bryn Mawr College for pics), I can tell you Defense Against the Dark Arts is actually being taught by a man who looks like Gilderoy Lockhart. He has the mind of Rowena Ravenclaw, thankfully.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@Enhanced Voting Techinques:
Well, I hope you’re right, but what scares me is that when things go to shit, lots of people flip out and lose their shit. Also, they tend to blame whoever is seen as being in charge at the time, and, since the presidency is Democratic right now, that would be our side.
Hubby made the point this evening about the foreign emails – that it takes the attack on Hillary about the Clinton Foundation fundraising off the table as anything like an effective (or potentially effective) line.
I know we’re talking about Rs here and when have they ever let facts get in their way, but still.
Why the hate for shitweasels? Carr would consider himself honored to be included in that cohort.
Actually, no, he wouldn’t, because he has no self-awareness re: how big of an asshole he is.
Villago Delenda Est
“Contempt” is about 1/10th of the intensity of the emotion I feel towards these motherfuckers.
@hovercraft: “….a phone conversation Christie had with New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo concerning the lane closure investigation…”
I keep wondering when Cuomo is going to be taken down with Christie. The “Port Authority of New York and New Jersey” is run by BOTH states. No way that crap happened without Cuomo knowing about it.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Aren’t slavers and traitors two of the worst things on earth to be? Confederates are right up there with Nazis.