I’ll admit it right up front — this poorly executed image of a lobster isn’t my best wine foil art:
It looks sorta like a headless and hideously deformed mermaid. But at least I wasn’t drinking crappy Buds!
Got any big plans for the holiday weekend? Open thread!
An American microbrewer should put out a beer with “Belgium” in large script on the label.
Can’t get over the chootz-pah of 100% furrin’-owned formerly America’s second or third-crappiest beer with the name thing. At least it’s not Trunp!
Was going for crawfish but lobstah will do just fine.
Felonius Monk
Betty, if that lobster was supposed to be grilled, I think your fire was a little too hot. :-)
I think that’s a very good impression of a lobster (or crawfish) balloon with the air let out.
You should call is “Boris.”
This weekend – I’m starting an advanced fused glass class, and possibly go out to dinner with some friends. May also go hiking Sunday or Monday, depending on weather. Oh, how I love a 3-day weekend!
Don’t worry, it looks like a lobster.
Just tell us how many bottles you had before your sculpture and we will forgive you Betty. For myself I think you did a great job of a crawfish.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@jl: Perfect.
Amir Khalid
Or maybe “Czech Republic”, because that’s where the real Budweiser beer is brewed.
Corner Stone
Of course not. You were drinking…America!
Buds are for smokin’ and Amero-beer’s for avoidin!
A quick parental visit (hospice for mom and a burger with dad) to Sonoma County is on tap for Saturday. Dave will do a bike ride and I’ll shop for cheese. The rest will be dedicated to baseball watching, swimming at the park, reading, napping in the hammock, eating and drinking a variety of stuff, and keeping the thundershirt handy for Chet the Weinie-dog who is opposed to all manner of loud fireworks.
The weekend can’t start soon enough!
Wha chew mean wake up? Where’s my breakfast bowl!?! And what is Homer doin’ up here? Don’t want to hear any damn “sleeping together” jokes, either.
it’s the latest in American cuisine, cajun lobster, blackened and crispy!
Miss Bianca
i got a tiny kitten purring on my lap and left arm. game: blouses.
schrodinger's cat
@jeffreyw: When did garage kitteh get promoted?
schrodinger's cat
I though East Cost liberals drink Sam Adams.
I look at that, and I see straight-up lobster. Good job.
I thought it was a dead bat.
We are waiting to see if my 89-year-old father will leave the hospital any time soon. He’d go to rehab, unfortunately, not home. Either way he’s tired of it. I probably would be too. I’M tired of all the paperwork.
Ultraviolet Thunder
I’m at the airport. Heading from Detroit to Tuscaloosa, where I’ll work through the weekend. Home for one day off on the 7th, then off to Germany on the 8th. I’ll be home on the 17th.
If a child made that lobster…
Actually, it’s adorable.
Paul in KY
@Pogonip: Hope your father gets well soon. One thing about these rehab centers is that he’ll be motivated to get the Hell out of there & if he’s like my father, will be doing his exercises, etc. like a maniac to be able to return home.
Just keep being positive with him & keep his mind focused on getting stronger, etc.
The lobster is lovely. Needs butter.
We might try to do a Cape May day trip Sunday. Not sure how good of an idea that is though. Also, WV closed a bunch of stuff – including one of my childhood pools – that I was planning to go to in a few weeks while in WV. That’s kind of a bummer.
@schrodinger’s cat: In Bwahstin, sure-ah! In Flahridah? Do they ship that far south?
Gin & Tonic
As a New Englander, I can actually forgive BCrack, as they don’t have lobsters in Florida. Now if she lived in Maine, there’d be no excuse.
We are heading to a (minor league) baseball game tonight, which is followed by fireworks, then by an hour-long traffic jam trying to get to the highway. The rest of the weekend will likely involve the beach to a lesser or greater degree. At some point creatures from the sea will be consumed and wine will be drunk.
I like the lobster. I do origami, mostly with dollar bills. I think there’s a lobster in one of my books, but I haven’t attempted it. The most complex model I’ve done is a dragonfly. Mostly I do cats and unicorns, and give them out as tips.
schrodinger's cat
@FlyingToaster: Their summer sampler, is pretty fun!
They’re everywhere ,including the left coast. They were cutting edge maybe fifteen years ago but now just kind of fade into the background. IIRC they do some amount of contract brewing to meet the relatively massive distribution.
One of the unsung beer triumphs is Stone’s new brewery in…Germany. Evidently Germans are West-coast-IPA-curious. Das Pilsner is ein bisschen boring, ja?
I was hoping to take today off, but I have a lingering project I’m hoping to finish before the weekend. At least we get to leave at 2 pm today.
Sunday I think we’re going to go ride bikes in Ventura on the Ojai Valley Trail. My niece and nephew are at an Undertale con this weekend, so we’ll probably hike up into the hills for fireworks.
Ultraviolet Thunder
I’m headed to Germany again next week. I do not like the bier served in most restaurants. It’s like they’re not even trying and they end up with Lite by Miller. Disappointing. There’s one called Bittner that’s OK. I’m not a big beer drinker though. I’ll stick to wine for the most part, and that’s about twice a week.
@Paul in KY: Thank you! We’d like to see him make 90.
@Gin & Tonic:
Um is that a joke? I don’t get it, I have to say. Sorry to be a wet blanket if it was a joke but of course Florida does have lobsters. I was always a bit afraid I would encounter one snorkeling as they hang around the coral upside down in crevices and can pinch hard when you try to get a shell of fish (salt water aquarium stocking) Haven’t gone in years though and now sis is allergic to shell fish so we have to avoid anything like lobster.
Mike E
@Tokyokie: Here’s one with Trump on it.
Prescott Cactus
Shameless Pimp Warning !
4pm Eastern here at the Balloon Juice Factory
“Be nice to your kids, they pick your nursing home”
A short blog on housing choices for the olds.
Pork loin roast weekend. Full loin cut into 4 pieces.
Teriyaki marinade w/ Kickin Chicken spices
Mesquite marinade w/ Apple Chipotle spices
Cajun marinade w/ Raspberry Chipotle spices
Brandy & Herb marinade w/ assorted spices.
As sunset arrives, blacken one loin in a cast iron skillet and place in a crock pot over night.
Wake up, let the meat rest and use to forks make pulled pork.
I start teaching a new class on Tuesday so I’m clearing out the decks and getting ahead on my other work in anticipation of movie-watching this weekend.
– Recommendation letter for a student
– The next module of the course I’m developing (due next Wednesday)
– Lecture notes for my first week.
Miss Bianca
@Prescott Cactus: Hey, btw, I picked up Atul Gawande’s “Being Mortal” as an audiobook choice while I was waiting for something else – figured based on the discussions you’d led here on hospice/end-of-life care that I ought to crack it open – thought it was going to be like eating my Brussels sprouts as a child, but I’m finding it really fascinating as well, of course, as somewhat horrifying.
We’re heading to CT for a wedding this weekend. Daughter of some friends of ours. Wife’s father is actually the rabbi who married us 30 years ago this August. The hubbies, back about 24 years ago arranged that their son, now 27, and our older daughter, almost 26, would get married. At one point during her childhood she was appalled by the idea, but in the years since she’s found it to be a handy excuse from time to time. One of those old family jokes that are almost impossible to explain to someone else without a long detailed explanation.
It looks like a crawfish.
Prescott Cactus
@Miss Bianca:
Getting old isn’t a battle, it’s a massacre. The bride and I are trying to be very proactive in setting ourselves up for a decent life(style) as we age. With nothing more than luck my father was
kidnapped and releasedmoved into an fantastic Independent Living complex. Basically an apartment with breakfast plus a lunch or dinner meal.We await the time when a decision needs to be made on another move. . .
Miss Bianca, do you like Brussels sprouts now ?
Citizen Scientist
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Not sure where you’re going in Germany, but try checking out a local brewery wherever you are. Almost guaranteed to be better than the bier selection in some restaurants. Altbier is probably my favorite German style; look for it, especially around Dusseldorf.
@Amir Khalid:
It’s Czechia now. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/04/15/the-czech-republic-is-getting-a-new-name-czechia/
@Miss Bianca: I keep waiting on that to be $2 daily special on Kindle, it looks interesting.
Ferd ofthe Nort
Dear Ms Cracker
Your lobster is totally inadequate. Obviously the wine bottle was too small.
Bigger bottle is better lobster.
Or bigger worser lobster – Hic!
@Miss Bianca:
pics or it didn’t happen.
Villago Delenda Est
America…the beer of an exceptional country.
Exceptionally BAD.
Villago Delenda Est
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Screw “restaurants”. Find a nice Gasthaus out in the country somewhere (most small towns have several) and treat yourself to local cuisine with local brew.
Miss Bianca
@Prescott Cactus: I do now, yes! Once I learned that the proper ways to cook them did *not* entail boiling them till they resembled soggy grey balls of Kleenex!
@PaulWartenberg2016: Did you miss the kitty pic thread last Wednesday? Or are we saying *moar* kitty pics? ; )
Villago Delenda Est
@Miss Bianca: There is no such thing as too many kitty pics.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
On call for the holiday weekend. Will get together with the closest mutual friend Mrs. Cisco and I had/have. Basically going to rest and hope my more notorious workaholic users pump the brakes for once.
Also,kudos to whoever suggested Daredevil and Jessica Jones. Both have been enjoyable.
@schrodinger’s cat: Mrs J lets him in when Toby is out.
Uncle Cosmo
@Amir Khalid: Which I have imbibed vom Fass at the brewery restaurant in downtown České Budějovice. Beats the living piss out of the Clydesdale urine that the Belgian operation in St. Louis passes off as brew.
FYI, if you want to drink the real stuff without traveling to Yerp, the brand name in the USA is Czechvar & it is occasionally imported by larger beer/wine/liquor stores. Apparently they aren’t even allowed to use the letters “Bud” here.