Everyone in the US is buying Canada the nicest present they can for Canada Day in the hopes it'll let them move there if Trump wins.
— OhNoSheTwitnt (@OhNoSheTwitnt) July 1, 2016
May your loonies never decrease, and your poutine never congeal!
(Don’t worry, I’m too stubborn and lazy to try emigrating — and besides, Trump’s gonna lose bigly.)
Canada and the US should have a mutual dual citizenship arrangement so we can move back and forth based on the quality of our governments.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
Blame Canada….
@Baud: That would be awesome.
@Baud: @JPL:
Canadiens aren’t that foolish. State gubmints count too!
I have been yelling at Scarborough this morning and decided to actually do something. Scarface, his girl Friday mika, ex ambassador Nick Burns, some bug-eyed skank ex-DoD-er have and repuke lick-spittle Mark Halperin have been tut-tutting over ISIS and Syria. Scarface has been touting this is Obama’s legacy and it will be worse than 100,000 dead Iraqis and 4000 dead soldiers as well as unleashed turmoil. Scarface is so fucking smart I have an offer:
As God is my witness, I will pay the airfare for any two of Scarface’s strapping boys from any of his failed marriages and liaisons to any city in Syria they care to go and I will throw in the cost of any two home-bought assault rifles. In that way they can practice what their dad preaches and rectify Obama’s failures.
@Baud: I suspect the traffic flow would be mostly northbound.
Goopers and the VSP’s are still in a snit over Bill Clinton meeting Lynch.
Bernie continues to run for ….. something
And Scalia is still dead.
One out of three isn’t bad.
t would have been possible in the 1930s as I know about family history to cross the border into Canada from the US and be welcomed to become a Canadian citizen. I noticed when they had the more recent photo ops of the Mid East refugees arriving in Canada, they stressed having sponsors before entering the country. The US required the sponsors at one time as well.
Even I having been born in Canada would have a problem establishing my right to reside there.
@SteveinSC: I wouldn’t hold your breath on Joe of the Morning taking you up on that rather generous offer.
Interesting piece by Charles Lane, who if I remember correctly usually falls on the conservative side.
When I listened to them, the crowd was screaming about Bill saying hi to the AG on the Tarmac. I screamed at them too. Told them they had a lot of nerve since they both divorced their spouses so they could screw around. Theyre not trustworthy either. I’m probably Twitter blocked now forever. Sorry, Syria has no US interests bc Russia has been there 50yrs. No reason for us to stop their civil war. We will kill Isis & leave. They want Assad removed but Obama is not doing it.
Jeff Greenfield has a piece on the Daily Beast ab out all of the ‘questionable things’ the Clintons have done over the years to justify why we should not trust them. The lead item was Bill’s meeting with Lynch. According to Greenfield it could not possibly been two old friends having a chat after crossing paths in the airport. Clinton should have had a full on ‘optics’ review before considering the meeting.
Now I have a different theory. Without excusing every last thing they have done but the media has made an issue out of fact that the Clintons even existed for the past 30 years. I think it was a Harvard study that recent found 80% of the current campaign coverage of Hillary has been negative. If the only things being reported are what the Clintons have done wrong, or if not wrong then the optics are bad or just that the Clinton’s have done it (Hillary is shrill and gets her hair done) of course people are going to thing they are dishonest. Somewhere lost in the noise is Ken Starr spent 100 million dollars and came up with a blue dress and a blowjob.
Just ensure that all Canadians vote for HRC.
Matt McIrvin
Austrian court overturns the presidential election, in which the Green candidate narrowly beat a far-rightist. Sounds like instead of just handing it to the scary guy they’re going to have a do-over in the fall.
It’s amazing how tough they talk when other people’s children do the fighting.
@SteveinSC: Never a mention of Obama’s plan that the House repubs took a crap on.
The part of Moanin’ Joe that had me screaming was the reassurances that all the panelists know Trump personally and in private he is not a racist. Why do they have to cover up for him? I know they’re not very smart, but they think we should ignore his very public pronouncements repeated ad nauseam and trust our betters.
Now some airhead named Stephanie is on MSNBC and she is the worst. Yesterday Stephanie told us that John Brennan has said that an Istanbul-style attack could happen here. She then said, wow, this really has me scared, all pouty and shivery. Really? And you’re on tv to tell us how skeered you are?
I told a Bernie or buster that one of the reasons to vote for Clinton was so that corporate owned media wouldn’t get away with their 30 year smear campaign. It started an interesting conversation where the buster started to reflect that perhaps he had allowed himself to be manipulated by corporate interests. I didn’t press the issue because he is a neighbor and he and his wife have been stopping by frequently to have a glass of wine at the end of the day and I figure I can keep dialoguing with them. I also noticed that his wife was silent on the subject and I suspect that she is a closeted hillzilla.
Riiiiight. What they are really saying is that they don’t care that he is a racist and doesn’t stick to the Frank Luntz script about it because he has assured them that he won’t be reckless about their beloved tax and business interests.
Gin & Tonic
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I’m pushing that angle too – that the media (and of course, Trump and everything he represents) is the real enemy and tool of the (mostly Republican) corporate elites to lull you with their subtle brainwashing. Why does the media go all in on Clinton hate, and double standards of coverage for them v. Republicans? Why would you let yourself be manipulated like that? Progressives think Hillary is a Republican, and Republicans think she’s such a threat that they’ve been going all in on every level for 25 years to damage her. Both of these things can’t be true.
Happy Canada Day!??
Major Major Major Major
I seem to only ever have one Canadian friend at a time. Currently, I have zero. I’m taking applications.
My current (temporary) apartment overlooks an artery that feeds into the highway. When my dad visited he called it “the river”. The cat really likes watching the commuters. He’s chirping up a storm and swinging his tail like a labrador this morning.
Matt McIrvin
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: I’ve tried to hold back on the meta-criticism about how the optics of something or other is bad–maybe that’s true, but if there’s no substance to it, why help the shitshow along? Meanwhile, with Trump the scandals and gaffes that would wreck any normal candidate come with such frequency that people get numbed to them and he just gets away with a lot of it.
@Gin & Tonic:
I know…but you have to understand the Bernistas up heah. We are talking people who wish they were hippies in the 60s and are trying to recreate something that never was. The actual hippies are all Hillzillas. Go figure.
I like to go to the ballpark when the Toronto Blue Jays come to town, just so I can sing “O, Canada.” Except I sing it in French. And get a lot of strange looks.
Gin & Tonic
@MomSense: I was complaining about your choice of word, not the underlying act.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
Happy Canada Day.
Also too, His Vulgarness Hair Furor is speaking in Denver today at the Western Conservative Alliance meeting (or some such group) at the Convention Center. Our light rail train went past it; barriers up all around, tables selling Trump and anti-Trump tchotchkes (sp?), heavy police presence. Fortunately my building is a couple streets away. Good times…
@Gin & Tonic:
I know. This is the word that group uses because talk or conversation just doesn’t convey the same intensity or intention or something. I’m sooooo not a new age person.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Matt McIrvin:
I watch my twitter feed fill up all day with the most ridiculous, outrageous, stupid, venal, racist, ignorant things that come out of Trump’s anus of a mouth or a surrogates mouth – and then watch the evening news and not one single mention of it, like it’s just another he said she said day, and oh, there go Hillary and Bill being deceitful again, even though no one can catch them at anything. The thumb on the scale blows my mind – by November the media will be piling bowling balls on the scale to make Trump seem normal. It’s really out.of.fucking.control. This country just simply can’t survive with such a dysfunctional, amoral and corrupt media.
@MomSense: So what they’re saying is, in effect, that Trump knows that racism is pernicious but that he’s willing to employ it in order to gain power. Excuse me, but that makes him worse. Racism is based in willing ignorance, but using racism to achieve personal goals is actively evil.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
The “Mexican” judge and “there’s my African American” has already been shoved down the memory hole. Our media act like the goldfish in the bowl in that Ani Difranco song – seeing Trump say something ignorant and racist is a surprise every time, because he “doesn’t really mean it”, although he can’t seem to go a day without being incredibly offensive and proud of it. White supremacists are his biggest supporters, but yes, let’s talk about economic anxiety and Trump’s edge over Clinton on whatever nonsense he spews on trade policy and take it seriously. So disgusted with our idiot media.
That’s what they are implying but I actually don’t think they care at all if Trump is a racist or not. They don’t like that he doesn’t dog whistle it but what they really care about is whether or not he will do what they like when it comes to taxes, deregulation, and their preferred laissez faire economics.
Just listened to the radio. Head of the Chicago Park District was on. If you have a kid, 17 and under, they can golf for free. Some courses require an adult to play with you, but other courses, if you are a teen, you can play by yourself for FREE.
FYI: still spots open for Summer Camp around the city.
And, somehow, the non-Whites are supposed to go ‘ OK’ with this.
Uh huh
Uh huh
I’ve said it all along: they’re as mad as the GOP about his non-use of dogwhistles, because THAT is what they used to hide behind.
@hedgehog the occasional commenter:
When he came to my metroplex he had the “decency” to speak at an airport hanger with “his” jet posing in the background, on a 104-degree day. No traffic impacts unless you were trying to fly that afternoon.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
This is what I find so hilarious about the entire thing. Unless something totally unexpected happens on the e-mails, various and sundry government agencies, special prosecutors, media outlets and right wing witch hunters have spent 100+ millions of dollars and wasted several rain forests worth of trees and all they have found is one blue dress and a consensual blowjob. Sure the Clinton’s have done stupid things (the e-mail server) and made bad policy choices but what that is no corruption or a scandal. What politician hasn’t made a bad decision? Greenfield’s article mentioned Hillary’s ‘evolution’ on gay marriage as another example of the Clinton’s being devious or something. H++++LL the whole country (or at least most of it) have ‘evolved’ on gay marriage. Why make the Clintons out to be some kind of monsters because they evolved also.
gogol's wife
Morning Joe is bad for one’s mental health!
As for moving to Canada, there’s this.
They make it look like heaven on earth, and in some seasons it may well be. :-)
Not to mention the music.
I may have made a mistake by engaging an unknown BernieOrBuster on Facebook. I pointed out that LA County voted for Hillary, he pointed out that his district *within* LA County voted for Bernie, I pointed out that more people in my district voted than in his district and Hillary got a majority.
Square miles don’t vote. People do. If fewer people vote for your candidate, your candidate loses even if everyone *you* know voted for Bernie. Why am
I having to explain this to grown-ass adults who are my age or older?
What? Canada Day and nothing from
this guy
Mike in NC
Three of my grandparents came from Canada (well, one of them was born in Scotland), so can I claim some special status to emigrate if Donny Rotten gets elected here?
The happy day has finally arrived. The total unprocessed ballots in the California Democratic primary is less than Clinton’s lead. May all the the facebook posts claiming Bernie won California cease! There are 350,460 unprocessed ballots as of 6:30 pm June 30th. Clinton leads Bernie by 399,254 vote for a 53.5% lead versus 45.6% for Bernie. On Election night, Clinton won by approximately 438,000 votes with a 13% margin. I am waiting for some of my friends who have lost their touch with reality to try that media conspiracy argument again and provide them some inescapable facts.
Matt McIrvin
I always think of George Wallace. There’s abundant evidence that Wallace’s segregationism was an intentional put-on. It doesn’t excuse it, more the opposite–that guy was acting with malice aforethought.
Matt McIrvin
@planetjanet: I have to hand it to Bernie Sanders–the final count was significantly closer, just like he said on Election Night. Just nowhere near enough to get him California, let alone the nomination.
The polls were bimodal–there was a high group and a low group concerning Clinton’s win margin. The final result was, I think, somewhere in between but still closer to the high group.
@Matt McIrvin:
True? If Wallace’s segregation stance was an act he was one hell of an actor.
Matt McIrvin
@JanieM: Canadian politics is going through a good patch at this moment (when things seem to be going south in so many other places). It’s been different before and will be different again, though.
Gin & Tonic
@srv: Hey, my memory isn’t so good, remind me of Bill O’Reilly’s outrage when a sitting justice of the US Supreme Court accepted an expensive multi-day vacation from a businessman who’s had a case before the USSC.
After posting yesterday’s #s I was informed the vote difference was AP’s fault. Assuming it was humor, but it’s hard to tell sometimes.
@Gin & Tonic:
For that matter, in the last, say, four decades was there one day O’Reilly was not outraged? “This loofah is too smooth!!!”
@Matt McIrvin: Yet Clinton’s margin on actual votes only dropped by 38,000 since election night out of just under 5 Million total votes. Yes, the percent margin dropped from 13 to 9, but we are talking 38,000 votes.
@srv: You know, your right. The Clinton’s are so arrogant that they will put ‘the fix in’ right there in public in front of TV cameras on an airport tarmac. I’m sure if social media had existed at the time Hillary would have posted photos of her love nest with Vince and a U-tube video of her killing him. Bill would have been all over face book with Monica and the clenis.
and that is snark just in case it needs to be pointed out
Seriously if the fix was in, it was done months ago in a back room in DC
Matt McIrvin
Hillary Clinton plays directly into Freddie deBoer’s every nightmare:
I finally talked G’s family in Oak Park into letting our niece do the theater track at her YMCA camp. I’m still hoping we have the next Audra McDonald on that side of the family. ?
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Reason being, they have done nothing wrong. They have been investigated continuously for 25 years and still no indictments.
They should either accept that they are innocent or watch out cause they are bullet proof.
@bystander: In the unlikely event that he is not actually a racist in his private life (He just plays one on tv?), they’d do better not to mention it. His main appeal to his followers seems to be that he is a racist..
@Gin & Tonic: I was thinking of Scalia on a hunting trip with Cheney while Cheney had a case before the court.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Oh, the conspiracies are out there. I was reading a doozy yesterday about some Time magazine poll + exit polls + Guccifer2 = proof of DERPETY DERP DERP. Bernfeelers are dumber and more delusional than teabaggers as it turns out. Sad!
I wonder if old Breitbart actually read Andrea Mitchell’s segment or just say the word conspiracy. According to Mitchell, Bill has been doing this for years. When he travels and is in the same area as another politician with a secret service detail, he will make arrangements to stop by and say hello. According to Mitchell he did it when Ted Cruz was in the area and still had a secret service detail. (I just wonder what evil plots Bill and Ted were dreaming up). But I guess the real ‘conspiracy’ here is that secret service details TALK to one another.
@catclub: Actually if they are that good at hiding all of the people they have killed, Hillary will liquidate Daesh before the last dance on Inauguration night.
Doug R
@D58826: Remember, she was in the situation room when OBL died. She probably gave the kill order.
Doug R
@Matt McIrvin: It was a close election campaign. I think the turning point was when the Conservatives tried to turn women appearing at their citizenship hearings in their Muslim face covering into a wedge issue. It turned into a wedge issue, alright-it turned soft Conservative voters away to vote for the centre-left Liberals.
@Doug R: No No NO you don’t understand how the Clinton’s operate. She had her image airbrushed into that photo, She was actually in Benghazi with the terrorists planning on how to kill Ambassador Stevens.
Canada isn’t perfect.
Note that the linked article is eight years old. If anything, it’s more of a dystopia now than it was in 2008.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Doug R:
Now this is happening: “How Canada is putting the world to shame on Syrian refugees” It might be the most Canadian thing I’ve ever read. Makes me proud to be anchored (pun intended) in Nova Scotia.
I punched the button for KGO radio while driving in this morning, hoping to get a traffic report. It’s recently changed from somewhat center-right talk to all-right. I caught someone referring to the Clinton-Lynch “summit” and decided I didn’t need to know about the traffic that badly.
Doug R
@burnspbesq: Alberta tossed out their Conservative government after about 40 years of rule, replacing them with social democrats. The plummeting price of oil hit Alberta HARD, the massive fire that flattened Fort MacMurrary may turn out to be a blessing is disguise-giving them an opportunity to rebuild infrastructure for the 21st century.
Matt McIrvin
@Doug R: The Conservatives were all for doubling down on Canada’s status as an obligate petrostate, which was going to kill them sooner or later.
I understand the right wing freak out. The Rove’s/Murdoch’s/O’Reilly’s will try and create a controversy over everything. There was Hillary’s haircut, her pants suit, Bill’s haircut at LAX, Jimmy Carter’s son parking a jeep in front of the white house, Jimmy Carter carrying his own suit bag, etc and etc and etc. It’s the VSP in what used to be the ‘responsible’ media that give these stories legs by covering them. If they haven’t figured out by now that they are being trolled by Murdoch and the GOP they should find another line of work. Palin was right the MSM is pretty lame at this point.
@JanieM: I was on Cape Breton last summer. It’s beautiful and I love the music. But it shuts down in winter.
@D58826: Exactly. Wouldn’t you want to avoid angering someone that powerful and efficient?
Josh Marshall @joshtpm 13m13 minutes ago
So pretty obvious Trump now coordinating with his SuperPACs to solicit foreign contribs. Great work, folks …
I live in central/rural Maine, so I’m in good practice for that. :-)
@rikyrah: IOKIYR
If Hilary would just announce she’s divorcing Bill it would dismantle half the opposition’s attack plans for the next few months. (At least Huma isn’t going off on a birdwatching weekend with Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Elena Kagan.)
Ultraviolet Thunder
I trained a new Canadian colleague this week. So glad he’s on the team. I spent last winter driving up and down the 401 between Detroit and Toronto. And I hate the cold. 6 months more training and he’ll be on his own. Then I can take missions to southerly locations next winter instead of Ontario.
Several reasons, but I think the most important is that Trump has the whole media terrified that everyone will finally realize that Republicanism is founded on racism, that Trump IS the Republican Party. A big part of that is that they don’t want to admit to themselves that they’re racists.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Some of my officemates are ‘wingers and hate HRC. Their explanations is that she employs squads of PR people to keep the bad stuff out of the news.
As if that would keep her from being prosecuted. They are convinced that she’s a secret supervillain hiding in plain sight. Oh, and Trump will surge to victory when the truth comes out.
Nope. They would turn on a dime and criticize her for not standing by him. It would prove she’s a lesbian.
Clinton rules.
Miss Bianca
@hedgehog the occasional commenter: My condolences! Hope the torture doesn’t last long!
It is a wonderful place,…in summer, winters though, lets just say CB can be a little more challenging…part of my family is from those ways, and I remember visiting the area as a child in winter, and even taking global warming into account that is still something I suspect many Americans might find a bit of a shock…LOL.
Seriously though CB is truly majestic in so many ways, I wouldn’t go so far as to equate it heaven, but I do understand those who do. The music is very cool too, but the downside is if you are ever nearby to a student first learning to play the bagpipes, I tell you truly that is a unique experience in oh so many ways!
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
That’s no joke. frozen slush and ice wind
Why do pipers march while they play?
To get away from the sound.
(My friend is a scottish bagpiper, plays her father’s pipes. One of her jokes)
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
I’ve always been proud of being a Buenoser, it is why I use the alias Scotian, to show both my heritage and my pride in my home. Nice to see that article, and I’ve always been proud of how Canadians tend to treat immigrants overall, even if we too alas have our thugs and neanderthals and pur laine types, even here in lovely NS.
hedgehog the occasional commenter
@Miss Bianca: Thanks! Traffic apparently right now is an unholy mess, as I found out when I called for a delivery to another office…..
Matt McIrvin
@Aleta: Ha ha no. A divorced *woman* running for president? They’d be running the old “stand by your man” clip hourly. The attacks write themselves.
Yet alas it follows them everywhere they go, no matter how pretty they march nor how far…LOL
Yes, I’ve heard that one before, not recently though, thanks for the chuckle. Some years back I had a neighbour who decided they were going to learn to play, and they had no real soundproofing in their house, so the entire neighbourhood got serenaded, after a couple of months the local block association decided to make clear he either upgraded his house to include a soundproof room, or they were going to start filing noise complaints with the police. The neighbour thought that was an empty threat, alas, he learned it was not, and the police were not amused. There is a reason why so many view the pipes as a sonic weapon for the Scots as much as the instrument of pride and challenge. In the end his wife made him give it up, apparently it got to her too, and the reason that is so funny is that she was essentially totally deaf. That says a lot about what a learner on the pipes can do to those in close proximity if anything does, as it was more the vibrations running through her body than the sound itself that apparently got to her in the end.
They have been investigated continuously for 25 years and still no indictments.
what kind of country is this, where so many people relish torture and hate
@Matt McIrvin: She could wear a scarlet letter D
Gin & Tonic
@Scotian: My daughter recently acted on a long-standing obsession and got an accordion (to learn how to play it.) We, and her husband, consoled ourselves that at least it wasn’t bagpipes.
@Gin & Tonic:
My BFF’s daughter has apparently decided she wants to play the largest stringed instruments available. She started on the viola, then went to the cello, and now she’s on the double bass. It’s so big that they rented one for home and have a second one at school for practice and concerts so they don’t have to try and figure out how to transport it.
@Scotian: Interesting about the vibrations. Maybe that is what stimulates the sense of majesty or ceremony (for some people!) My friend gets hired for a lot of wedding gigs (outside!). When her father (a born Scottish piper) lay dying, she “piped him out.”
@D58826: I suspect they were talking about time traveling so they could pass their history exams and start their band.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
My father’s great uncle was Captain Angus Walters. So, yeah, feeling proud and Canadian today!
J R in WV
A great old friend of ours is a teacher of piping, and once, years ago, we were in his town on another mission. When we came out of our place of business to walk across a campus to our hotel, there was a wedding at the chapel, and he was outside, playing the pipes.
It was amazing. We could tell it was him from quite a distance, even in the late dusky evening.
Then another time, Mrs J was working in New York City, and saw there was a Scottish music fest at one of the big clubs, sponsored by Dewars. So she got tix and went, and our friend was the master of ceremonies. She had her card sent backstage, and got to visit with G backstage in New York City. He was floating on air he was so happy. So much piping, in such a famous location!
Happy Canada Day, all. Be proud, be happy…