We’ve made it to the 4th of July here on the east coast and there’s only intermittent late night/early morning fireworks going off in the neighborhood. To kick everyone’s Independence Day celebrations off here’s the Presidential Salute Battery of the 3rd Infantry Regiment, the US Army’s Old Guard, with their 4th of July 50 Gun Salute:
And here’s the Old Guard’s Fife and Drum Corps in traditional 18th Century Uniform during the 4th of July parade in DC in 2010:
Here’s the Walt Disney World 4th of July, 2013 Celebrate America fireworks extravaganza at the Magic Kingdom:
And for you Uber Traditionalists:
And in case anyone is wondering, this is what a 4th of July fireworks display looks like when done by an Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team:
Major Major Major Major
You’re on the east coast? Do you sleep?
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: I’m an AI. I control the horizontal and the vertical!
I’m a consultant right now, so unless I’m on temporary duty on site somewhere, I work from home. So I can set my own hours as long as I get my work done. And while I can conform to an 0 Dark 30 to 1630 work schedule without much trouble or problem, I’m a natural night owl.
Soonergrunt (mobile)
Adam L Silverman
@Soonergrunt (mobile): How you getting on?
Randy P
I’m seeing ads in Danish at the top of the mobile site. Probably has something to do with the fact that I’m in northern Denmark at the moment. So I’m not expecting to see a lot of fireworks.
I was mildly curious to see what Europe had to say about American politics. So far the evidence is “not much”. We grabbed a Mirror on our way through London yesterday and the main coverage was about the death of Caroline Aherne, apparently a much-beloved TV comic star.
Also Jeremy Corbyn fighting for his political life.
Oh and I guess Wales won their game in the Euro cup.
Wotta juxtaposition.
“this is what a 4th of July fireworks display looks like when done by an Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team:”
Video is “Full Trump Anti-Hillary Speech.”
Can’t say that FYWP doesn’t evince a sense of humor.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: Ahh, I’m the same way.
@Soonergrunt (mobile): Look who it is!
The 4th of July is also the day we bombed Tokushima, Japan, where I now live. (the night of the 3rd in Japan)
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Here’s the actual link:
@Soonergrunt (mobile):
cheers, mate.
@Adam L. Silverman
Oh, the correct video appears on the comments page. Only the front page gets borked.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: okay.
@Adam L Silverman, @Major Major Major Major:
Ditto. I can do the diurnal thing, but I have strong night-owl tendencies. My first three- or four-week stint on the newspaper’s “nightside” when I was a cub reporter was a revelation. I felt like I had come home.
The Glorious Fourth.
I love it that the musical accompaniment to the Explosive Ordinance Disposal display is the Jimi Hendrix version of Star Spangled Banner.
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack: I’ve also been fighting this respiratory infection for the past two weeks. So I’m sleeping a lot, as needed, including during the day. My sleep cycle is so screwed up right now.
Adam L Silverman
@CaseyL: Try this longer one from OIF 2007 in Samara, Iraq. The 2nd of the 505th Parachute Regiment, 82nd ABN DIV.
Since this is an open thread, as per Mem’s request, drinking scene Hillary. She didn’t specify it had to be good.
Splitting Image
I heard some fireworks go off a couple of hours ago in the west end of Toronto. I blame Obama.
@ruemara: It’s good.
Adam L Silverman
@Splitting Image: I apologize for not doing a Canada Day post for you all on Friday. I was going to post this, which I understand is something of an unofficial Canadian National Anthem:
@Adam L Silverman:
Over the last few years my sleep pattern has kind of divided into a short night sleep and an afternoon nap of varying length. No matter how late I stay up, I almost always wake up/get up around 7:00 a.m. (partly because of demanding, crepuscular housecat), and then most days I take a nap in the mid- or late afternoon. It seems to work, but I can’t shake the feeling that it’s not really good “sleep hygiene” and that I should try to get more continuous sleep at night. Hard to do with all the modern distractions.
ETA: Hope the respiratory infection clears up soon. I had a tracheotomy after an accident as a kid, and for a long time I was prone to bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. No fun at all. It really saps your energy when it’s a big effort just to breathe freely.
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack: Actually, from what I understand, that is actually a perfectly normal circadian rhythm. I’ve seen references that indicate that this is what the sleep cycle is supposed to look like. I’m not a sleep researcher, so I have no idea if its true.
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack: Thanks. I caught it early, went to the doc right away. Got me right on the big antibiotics. Unfortunately the chest part got worse until almost the last day I was on the antibiotics. It isn’t the worst one I’ve ever had, but getting back into the gym is going to be painful. By yesterday I was finally starting to feel human. Even better today. Now just some residual congestion. Going to go and do about 40 minutes of cardio tomorrow and see how far back its set me.
Total night owl here as well, since forever.
The older I get, the more sleep has become a suggestion rather than a requirement.
@Adam L Silverman:
I know there is research that indicates that pre-industrial people went to bed for long periods—hey, it’s dark, what are we gonna do?—but that they would typically have a wakeful intermission in the middle of the long night’s sleep. I’ve never seen anything about a night/afternoon split, although, now that I think about it, I guess that’s pretty much the siesta thing that Hispanic countries have.
Jordan Rules
Night owls unite!
Yeah, there is the “needing less sleep because older” thing. Kind of weird, because I’ve never considered myself sleep-averse. Heh.
Randy P
@Steeplejack: I have seen plenty of articles suggesting our employers allow afternoon nap time because that’s more natural.
Italy has siesta too, or at least an early afternoon break in shopping hours. Seems to be a characteristic of places where afternoon is unbearably hot and nobody wants to be on the street.
I actually HAVE been sleep-averse most of my life. Love being up till wee hours, love seeing sunrises. An irritation of getting older is that I actually need to sleep, and take a couple of days to recover from severe under-sleep.
And of course we’re discussing this on the one night when I do have to get up fairly early in the morning so I can pick up a friend and drive to Rehoboth Beach. Good times.
@Randy P:
Yeah, I was wondering if there are any societies with a siesta that isn’t heat-based.
My sleep cycle has been messed up for two years. I’m fairly awake until 4:00 or so and then I fall asleep for about three hours I’ll have breakfast and then fall asleep in two hour periods for 6 or 7 hours and then I’m awake for the evening and overnight. I don’t get much done. I also sleep in my reclining chair — I have a hard time sleeping flat on my bed.
The winnah! I laughed out loud.
Major Major Major Major
@Steeplejack: IIRC this is basically right.
Although really, even Bill Dement, who sort of invented sleep science, said “As far as I know, the only reason we need to sleep that is really, really solid is because we get sleepy.”
You sound like Marcel Proust! Maybe you should write a gigantic novel. Or line your place with cork and bake some madeleines. Either way is good.
I sometimes wonder if the split-sleep thing would work better if I were more regimented about it, i.e., tried to do it on a set schedule rather than just winging it on a daily basis.
Full disclosure: I am going to bed soon, but I always come back to check the comments.
@Major Major Major Major:
I can see that, although I hope that’s not the only pillar of Dement’s sleep science. Heh.
Happy 4th y’all. So far it hasn’t been too bad here at the cave for Miss Nikki(the cocker). I’ve been lying low setting up a computer that I tried to give away but no one had much interest in. So I decided to get some cheap ssd’s and duel boot OSX and Linux Mint. It was a bit of a challenge, the dual boot part, but I got it working this afternoon. Now, I’m trying to get Chrome Remote Desktop to work in the Linux boot; it works fine in OSX.
Major Major Major Major
@Steeplejack: My favorite thing from his class was the narcoleptic dogs.
@Major Major Major Major: There’s some interesting newish evidence that during sleep neurotoxic metabolites are cleared from the brain.
I envy you night owls. I’m a morning glory, up past my usual bedtime because I just got home from a barbecue. Tired (sleepy, even), with a tummy full of fresh peach pie a la mode.
Villago Delenda Est
I’m something of a natural night owl, which during my Army days had its advantages and disadvantages. In the field, I was in a position where I pretty much set my own hours, based on mission requirements. In garrison, however, it was rise and shine for PT at 0530. which meant I had to get to bed by 2330 to get at least six hours in a night.
This night owl just finished a fun story and chunk o code.
Keith G
Back home after a quick check in at work. Then off to the hospice gig. City streets were very dead. Only encountered two cars in my ramble through near-downtown Houston. Unusual and very nice.
The 50 gun salute is the best part of the,Inauguration Ceremoney, after the swear in of the new president. It always gives me chills, another peaceful transfer of power. It doesn’t feel like 50 bc it’s quick.
Well, just for contrast, I’m a morning person– and have always been one. I get to work about two hours early, drive home early, eat early, go to bed early. Sleep pattern varies– used to have serious insomnia, nowadays it varies, but I no longer get anxious about it.
Spent 25 years as a newspaper writer in sports and most days worked roughly the 4 to midnight shift. I still woke up early (had children) and the effects on me were not great.
Worked next 7 years as an editor for an electronic information services firm with much international business. Worked from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., working at home. Began going to bed very early, like 9.
Now retired, settled into a roughly 10 pm to 6 am sleep cycle. It isn’t so much when I sleep, it’s the hour or so of slow wake up (black coffee, sports section, total silence) time I need that determines how well I function.
Also, as a result of many early morning wake up calls to make airplanes, I have enormous trouble sleeping the night before I travel, even if it’s just a drive of a few hours.
Sadly, not the only people who were marching around DC in tricorner hats in 2010.
Miss Bianca
As for me, I’m a night owl forced to become a day person. The results are not awesome – now I just want to go to bed early and sleep late!
Hendrix. Heh.
J R in WV
Well, I can take sleep as it comes, as long as there are at least 4 or 5 hours in there somewhere.
I grew up in a home where Dad was working 2 or 3 hours in the afternoon, then home for 2 or 3 hours, and them back to work until the wee hours, 2 or 3 am. He ran a morning newspaper with a press roll of midnight, and wanted to be there to read that edition closely. Then he would spend some quiet time getting something written for the next day’s editorial page.
Thus Mom split her sleep, getting us kids to bed so we could do school in the mornings, then being up with Dad for a couple of hours in the wee hours, and then getting us up at 5:30 or 6 am to catch a school bus. Or driving us to school sometimes.
I like being up in the wee hours, it’s quiet, there’s webbage to read, or re-read a good.
bemused senior
I know this is a dead thread, but I loved the You-Tube selection and am going to play it on the big TV for my twin 9 month old grand-babies in a while. Thanks, Adam!
@CaseyL: Yes, the music was the perfect touch! Thank you Adam!