You all know what to do. And no, I’m not posting a how to video.
Here’s some nice comic book kissing art though!*
And here’s a baby panda kissing its mom! The cuteness, it burns!!!
* H/T to Io9 for both the heads up about International Kissing Day and the image.
** Unfortunately this was retconned out of existence when DC did its New 52 reboot, along with every other marriage, proposal, and long term relationship – straight or LGBTQ. Now that they’re doing Rebirth to fix the continuity problem they created for themselves, there is some hope this will be reinstated as canon and Kathy Kane and Maggy Sawyer get their happily ever after!
Omnes Omnibus
Is posting allowed on this thread?
Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
Ohh lets see if the gremlins are gone.
Edit: yay!
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Avoid gerunds for now.
Comrade Scrutinizer
The constant retcons are why I gave up on DC and Marvel ages ago.
ooh 2nd times the charm…
Comrade Scrutinizer
Two gone.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Bugger this.
Omnes Omnibus
@Lamh36: Hey, been tryin’ to tell you that Dirty Dancin’ is on Oxygen right now. My public service for the day.
Adam, you’ll have to unban “n……g” as it’s that ban which caused this current madness.
This fact discovered by Omnes.
I’m iff to bed now though…but since we’re talking comics…
For the BJ ladies and the males who are so inclined, I’ll share something to take my mind off all the tragedy before going to bed…
Jason Mamao training for Aquaman/Justice League
Never been more interested in Justice League movie prior to Mamoa
Comrade Scrutinizer
I’m iff to bed now though…but since we’re talking comics…
For the BJ ladies and the males who are so inclined, I’ll share something to take my mind off all the tragedy before going to bed…
Jason Mamao training for Aquaman/Justice League
Never been more interested in Justice League movie prior to Mamoa
ok I tried to post another comment but nothing?
@efgoldman: Adam can fix this.
But this is also the terrorist plot to send this blog to tears – the only way they ban trolls here is to actually ban the words of the user name. You can see how this will eventually crush us?
Gin & Tonic
The person I most like to kiss is away, and I will be away also starting tomorrow, so the timing of this day is sub-optimal.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: No it isn’t. I can post anything with ng together and it doesn’t cause a problem. And I have no way to go in and modify or unban anyway.
@Omnes Omnibus: can u hear me now? testing
Gin & Tonic
Wow, that was odd. A completely benign comment vanished.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: No he’s not. I’ll text him in the AM.
Once again my fair state makes the news….I know we’re not unique in producing our share of roaring flaming assholes, it just seems that way.
testing out 1.2.3
Comrade Scrutinizer
Argle bargle
It’ll be our sort of our bj pig-latin for a bit, adding bj in between all combinations of nbjg as a runninbjg work-around.
Major Major Major Major
\bNG\b is the regex you want to ban.
can ya see this? having trouble
@Adam L Silverman: You’ve got front page powers. We don’t.
Gin & Tonic
So, leaving out the evil diphthon_g, I was sayin_g, that the person I most like to kiss is away, and I will also be away startin_g tomorrow, so the schedule-in_g of this holiday isn’t optimal.
nbjg? my current piglatin workaroud test
The dull one is the empty italics workaround for gerunds.
Gin & Tonic
So another vanished. This is exhaustin’.
@Adam L Silverman: You can’t undo what you did to get rid of “N—G”?
wow I’m having trouble…if y’all can see this I’ll check back tmrw I guess.. good night
Right mateys, just don’t speak proper and we’ll all be talkin properly.
Gin & Tonic
What I tried to say several times is that the person I most like to kiss is away, and as of tomorrow morning I will also be away, so this holiday doesn’t suit me.
Major Major Major Major
This is worse than when mclaren got banned in that thread about sports cars.
Gin & Tonic
What the fuck? Whatever I post vanishes.
Mike in DC
Sanders to endorse next Tuesday (MSNBC).
I believe this is a deliberate effect from the troll, by the way.
We are now at the mercy of the troll.
I can no longer remember all the things I wrote in the comments that got eated downstairs.
But they were the best, believe me, tremendous words, very very good words, I will tell you that.
Gin & Tonic
Ah, I know, I used the term for the part of the day that comes before noon.
@Gin & Tonic: Are you readin’ any other posts in this thread?
Major Major Major Major
@Gin & Tonic: no gerunds, gerundives, or progressive verb formations allowed.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: if he really wanted to troll he would have named himself e
I cannot remember all the words I wrote in the comments that got eated downstairs.
But they were the best, believe me, tremendous words, very very good words, I will tell you that.
I am forming a post right now. Seeing a problem?
Our cable is freaking out, so I was wondering if the posting issues were related.
DNS attack?
We are at war with gerunds. We have always been at war with gerunds.
Villago Delenda Est
It’s all FYWP living up, with a vengeance, to its name.
@Major Major Major Major:
I took a couple of weeks off from reading blogs or following the news very carefully awhile back. When I returned mcclaren was gone. Been meaning to ask what happened.
Villago Delenda Est
Just ate one of mine. Totally.
Gin & Tonic
@redshirt: All except yours.
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: Right now I’m restoring everyone’s comments from being in Spam. But there’s a lot of stuff in there before I put the troll back in the box. As soon as that’s done I’ll see if I can figure out how to fix the other issue.
This is weird.
@Major Major Major Major:
I took a blog break for a couple of weeks awhile back, and when I returned mclaren was gone. Been meaning to ask what happened.
Gin & Tonic
I bet you can use the casino trick to post any fucking gerund you want.
Roger Moore
@Major Major Major Major:
We can write well without such fancy parts of speech.
@Gin & Tonic: I know. I’m invisible. :(
Gin & Tonic
I was right.
@Major Major Major Major: Or “Sometimes y”.
@Gin & Tonic: What is this magic??!
Roger Moore
The US can fight more than one war simultaneously; why not Balloon-Juice?
Has nothing to do with kissing that’s for sure but this link is for anyone who has an interest in Trump’s crazy rant that I still can’t step away from:
Gin & Tonic
Casino. Viagra. Cialis. Running dog. Poker.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: There once was a young programmer who had a problem.
“Ahha!” he thought, “I’ll solve it with a regular expression.”
Soon the young programmer found he had two problems.
Gin & Tonic
@redshirt: I can’t tell. Wouldn’t be sporting.
Roger Moore
You insert an empty italic into the middle of a word so that it breaks up the forbidden letter combination, like “fuckin[em][/em]g”, except with angle brackets instead of square brackets.
ETA: Sorry G&T; I just had to share.
Adam L Silverman
Fixed it!
I found the controls for this and took care of it. You all should be good to go. Give me a couple of minutes to get everyone’s comments out of the hole.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Thank you.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Gin & Tonic
@Roger Moore: Spoiler alert!
@Roger Moore: Thanks! I’ll see you in Magic Court @Gin & Tonic:
Major Major Major Major
There once was a youthful programmer who found that he had a problem.
“Ahha!” he thought, “I’ll solve it with a regular expression!”
Soon, the youthful programmer found he had two problems.
@Adam L Silverman:
I just tried to post a link to a “Crooks and Liars” piece….poof.
@Adam L Silverman: Don’t do it Adam. It will be a deluge of
Are you saying my fingers are long?
EDIT: Thanks, G&T!
Prescott Cactus
I post, therefore I am.
If this disappears, I guess I’m not.
This is certainly one way to pick up the names of parts of speech.
Adam L Silverman
We should now be good to go. And everyone’s missing comments should have been reclaimed.
Whoa, this is trippy. Reading after everyone’s comments were restored, it’s like being in a (virtual) echoing cavern, with comments being repeated… repeated… repeated.
…and I used a gerund. Hopefully this comment won’t join the others in limbo.
Damnit. I can’t even. I’m going to bed!
check out this hashtag if you dare
Adam L Silverman
@Quinerly: I got it out. About nine or so posts went into the trash while I was figuring out how to fix the problem.
I said before, if a troll wanted to really screw this site up he’s just make sure to get banned under the name “the”.
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: First you whine, bitch, and moan that I need to get rid of the troll. Then that what I did screwed things up and I need to fix it. Then when I fix it you complain that something else is going to happen.
Do I look like the complaints department?
@chopper: Yeah, we’re now literally at the mercy of the troll’s next name. But think of all the other names that have been banned that cause posts to just disappear.
It’s not a good system.
First they came for the gerunds…
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: I didn’t realize I could go in and modify that stuff. Remember I got no orientation or instruction on how to use the dashboard just a link to log in and told to post what I like when I feel like it. So unless I have a reason to muck around under the hood, I don’t.
@Adam L Silverman: LOL. Welcome to blog moderation!
@Adam L Silverman:
No biggie. It was mostly a test for me. 10 year lurker…binge posting today. Some learning curve involved on my Windows Phone. Thanks.
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: Listen, I spoke up for the goddamned gerunds.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: The dude is a Front Pager not a Mod.
ETA: It’s damned decent of him to poke around and try to fix things.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: Yes, I know, this is abuse.
Adam L Silverman
@chopper: I now know how to fix that!
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I most definitely do not dress like this:
I’m also not a Teddy Boy or a Punk neither!
@Omnes Omnibus: Adam’s been banning this troll for some time now. That’s Mod work.
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: Flyin’ out tomorrow in the AM, for a week or so. Should probably get to bed.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: I was just teasing her. Its fine. I’m sorry that what I did messed things up for a bit and happy to now know how to fix it if it happens again.
Roger Moore
@Adam L Silverman:
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: W’evs.
@Adam L Silverman: My dad was one in the early ’60s. A Vespa, the ability to tune a late night radio to Memphis, and everything.
@Adam L Silverman: Missed all the drama, but Adam – is you not happy to have this little ray of sunshine in your life? Are we not like the Dalai Lama on zoloft and cinnamon toast?
Adam L Silverman
@seaboogie: Its fine, I was teasing her.
Aftermath of officer-involved shooting in Falcon Heights captured on phone video
Her daughter wa in the backseat guys!!!!
Omnes Omnibus
Bullshit. Your were here for the last upgrade.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh35: That’s bad.
@lamh35: I posted that in a dead thread. The woman is a friend of a friend.
And goddamn if that isn’t the standard MO of these bastards. Ask for ID, then use the movement to be “afraid of the suspect.” Goddamn them. And us as a society for not having addressed this by now.
@Adam L Silverman: i can’t watch another video but apparently you can hear the baby girl telling her mom “it’s okay, I’m right here with you” to her mama.
the man apparently died at the hospital!
Once again my fair state makes the news, and not in a positive way. We’re not unique in having our share of roaring, flaming assholes, but it does seem that way. Conceivably it’s something in the water.
@lamh35: In case you didn’t get the memo, BLM is kind of yesterday, it’s all about der Trumpenfuhrer now. /snark
Interesting that the latest shootings are of black men carrying guns – which should make them patriots, amirite?
Sick of this shit, altogether….
Officer safety above all, doncha know.
Prescott Cactus
I’ve never done zoloft, but I’m making up a batch of cinnamon toast right now.
Adam L Silverman
@gex: I see they’ve got the BCA in charge of the investigation, not the locals. And the news’ report indicates that the victim is at Hennepin County Medical Center undergoing treatment, so hopefully he’ll pull through.
And hopefully there will be dashcam and/or body cam video and audio. Not really sure why the cops decided to arrest the driver for a busted tail light other than to try to intimidate her. I’m sure there will be a resisting a lawful order or something similar charge.
@Adam L Silverman: the office could have hit the lil girl or the GF. imagine if GF had not been calm what may have happened!!!
@efgoldman: Thanks, ef – I was aiming for maximum chill.
What fucking pisses me off is she absolutely has to be SUPER HUMAN and not react naturally. She has to be calm and “behaved” otherwise she’s going to get shot by the cop too. Goddamn.
The Dangerman
Adam L Silverman
@lamh35: The Strib link didn’t say anything about him dying at the hospital.
Okay, just found one of the four local TV sites that has that as an update:
This is going to be ugly.
@danielx: And it’s malevolently ingenious. Because failing to “scare the cop” by moving means you have willfully disobeyed their order. Also grounds for shooting.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: The horrible thing here is that I have a tail light that is out. The needed part is back ordered. No one will fuck with me at all about it. I’m a WASPy guy driving a Saab. Even if I get stopped over it, saying that the shop has ordered the parts will be enough.
Police around the country are murdering people every day.
But I suppose they always have, and we’re now just finding out about it due to cellphone cameras.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: hells no!
He’s a gap-and-dwell man (a little like being a Dapper Dan man).
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: I know that you ain’t young, but carburetors?
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s it, LED taillights for everyone. Lets do a Kickstarter.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh35: I’m not defending the officer. What’s really an issue is that almost every state that allows concealed carry requires that if one is carrying and is pulled over or approached by an officer that one must inform that one has a concealed carry permit, provide the concealed carry permit, and inform the officer that one is carrying at that moment. So there’s no excuse for police to escalate when someone like Mr. Castile is attempting to comply with the law in order to inform the officer. These requirements exist for officer safety.
Omnes Omnibus
@trollhattan: Because of the back order, they are looking for used parts.
I still wonder which super genius decided to teach cops that the best way to deal with aggressive or upset people is to be even MORE aggressive because that will, what, magically calm them down if the supposed authority figure starts acting even worse? Seriously, who came up with that?
Formerly disgruntled Clinton supporter
@lamh35: Feeling so much anger and sadness. Another state sanctioned murder, this one with a child right there!! Heart-breaking. And it will happen again and again until… what?
someone said FB is erasing the video from folks TL! Anyone see this happening?
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: A fellow shavetail and I were walking from the BOQ at Fort Gordon (Home of the Signal Corps!) to the PX.
We came across a couple of new enlisted. You could tell they were new because they were terrified by shiny brass. One of them gulped and asked if we knew where the PX was.
My fellow shavetail, feeling cocky, replied “Do I look like an information booth to you, private?”
Poor kid was mortified. I just gave them a sympathetic smile and said “Follow me, but stay about 10 paces behind”.
It also appeared that Mr. Castile was the passenger – so WTF regarding the stop?
Villago Delenda Est
Reinhard Heydrich?
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: Both of you were ROTC, weren’t you?
@Formerly disgruntled Clinton supporter: In darkly positive news, his children are probably better off now when the inevitable lawsuits payout.
@lamh35: Yes, I can confirm that several people I know who posted that FB live video no longer have it on their timelines.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I know. Its a mess. I had lunch with the now retired crim professor that supervised the criminology side of my doctorate. This was in late Fall 2014 and we were discussing Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown and several other similar events. I mentioned that back when I was his student we talked in the criminal justice seminar how the C/J system often produced racist outcomes even when the parts of it were not created with that intent. There’s a pretty decent sized literature in C/J about this. I told him at lunch today that I was now thoroughly convinced based on empirically observed real world events that the system was racist and it seemed to clearly be designed that way. He nodded and said that that conclusion was hard to argue with based on what was actually happening no matter what the literature indicated.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Jesus Fucking Christ! What is wrong with you?
Prescott Cactus
@lamh35: ACLU has a mobile app for your smart phone called Mobile Justice. You take the video and it goes straight to your local ACLU.
Download is done by the state you live in.
There is a 2 min video at the bottom of the page that explains it.
Peace out.
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus: Why, yes!
They did render salutes and were as military courteous as their obvious anxiety allowed, so they were that far along in their training. Early AIT, I’d guess. They just didn’t see officers very often in their everyday lives.
@Omnes Omnibus:
pfft, any decent mod rode a lambretta.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’m running into a brick wall with the area indys WRT Saabs. The end, she is near. I’ll be sad, as they’ve been my 4-wheel transportation since ’78.
My mother died when I was seven years old. I can tell you from personal experience that NO AMOUNT OF MONEY ON THIS FUCKING EARTH can replace a parent. None.
Adam L Silverman
@gex: @Omnes Omnibus: @redshirt: And the officer safety thing is a canard. There are approximately 50 law enforcement officers killed each year. I think the last year I saw DOJ data for, which was 2014, had 54 officers killed in the line of duty. Not to make light of anyone’s death, but that’s just a stunningly small number given the number of law enforcement personnel, at all levels – municipal, state, and Federal – in the US.
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s true? Do I need to apologize that it’s fucked up?
Adam L Silverman
@Villago Delenda Est: Ahh, E1s.
What part of NO AMOUNT OF FUCKING MONEY ON THIS EARTH CAN REPLACE A PARENT was confusing to you? Do I need to bold it, too?
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: My military background is weird. I went to an expensive private college, and then joined the Army more or less on a whim. I went to regular Basic and then OCS. Fucking with new trainees just seems mean to me.
ok I’m out…. I have a new car so no busted light or what not, but my sister, Zoe’s mother always got shit wrong with her old ass car and now I’m imagining if she ever got in the wrong side of some cop and Zoe was in the backseat…ugh..
I’m going to bed. I can’t take anymore of this
@gex: I’m really sorry and sad about this for so many reasons, but first and foremost because you have been touched by this so closely. My condolences to you and your friend, and also – this shit has to stop.
Omnes Omnibus
@chopper: It was fucking Wisconsin. He did what he could with what he had.
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus: Which is why I waited until the new troops were out of earshot before figuratively slapping my fellow shavetail upside the head.
Some of the Hudson High grads were like that, too, but most of them were decent enough people.
@Adam L Silverman:
Insofar as emperical data, we seem to have plenty. I’m appalled not just by who the obvious focus of most of these shootings is but also the enormous number. Wasn’t it Germany where the nation’s entire law enforcement contingent discharged their guns fewer than 100 times in a year? Not fatalities, discharges.
I prefer that.
@redshirt: May each and every one of your loved ones be replaced by species cash so you can kiss and cuddle your professed better alternatives. You and they’ll all be better off for the swop.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Are you serious?
@Omnes Omnibus:
all the bike’s mirrors must have come in useful to reflect the sun and melt all the snow.
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: Yep, that was Germany. Part of this is we have ridiculously low standards for entry level law enforcement. Many places require a bachelors degree for entry level and then masters, minimum, for advancement above a certain rank. In a lot of places in the US even a bachelors degree is considered too much education.
Mike J
International Kissing Day? You know who likes physical affection? The special guests at our LD Democratic Party meeting.
Prescott Cactus
@Adam L Silverman: @Adam L Silverman:
Before AZ went (Wild West) were any legal gun owner can open or conceal carry, I took the concealed class. Taught by off duty cops at the local community college. Explained the duty to notify officer by one cop pretending to be a driver, the other the cop the approaching officer. Driver starts yelling “I’ve got I gun, I’ve got a gun”, while he waved it out the faux car window. Very impressive way to hammer home a point.
I doubt this gent acted in such a way.
Villago Delenda Est
@Adam L Silverman: Polizei. Nicht ein Job, ein Beruf!
@Omnes Omnibus: Yes? The guaranteed multi-million dollar lawsuit will provide for this family in a way their in front of the store CD selling Father never could.
@seaboogie: Thank you for your thoughts. Agree that this shit needs to stop. Preferably several hundred years ago.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@redshirt: We’re talking about a different “cop kills a black man” story now.
It is rather hard to keep up with these unfortunately.
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: Okay then. Sadly, my real army social circle ended up being Pointers and posh (Princeton and a few others) ROTC folk. The guys from WMU and Texas A&M* tended to have married young and have no interest in skiing.
*Although one of my battery commanders, Gary Giebel (from A&M) got a star. He was damned good at his job.
@Omnes Omnibus: In fact I’m serious enough to say the only way to curb police brutality is through lawsuits that bankrupt the towns and cities in which this violence occurs. Soon enough towns won’t want to pay for murderous law forces and will forcibly implement new policies.
@Steeplejack (tablet):
Not sad, yooge and classy!
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Are you explicitly saying that cash beats a parent?
The Dangerman
@Adam L Silverman:
Because of meds I’m on right now, I’m not supposed to drink…
…but between Trump and this shit? Bartender!!
Villago Delenda Est
@Omnes Omnibus: One of my fellow LTs in Germany (a ring knocker, who didn’t knock his ring ever) got four. Seriously. Just retired two months ago.
@Omnes Omnibus: A missing Dad, never around, never provides anything…?
Yes. Absolutely.
Other degrees of Dad missing, less absolutely.
Steeplejack (tablet)
You used a naked hyperlink. Different problem that will kill your comment. Dress it up with the “Link” button.
@redshirt: “Art thou a douchebag? Let me count the ways…”
Christ on a popsicle-stick, you are quite a piece of work, sometimes!
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: The closest I have have come is working with H.R. McMaster when he was an 0-3 and I was an 0-2.
@redshirt: Funny how neither seem applicable in the cases you seem to apply them to. Are you this blatantly desperate for notice in meatspace?
Steeplejack (tablet)
The HTML processor strips out the codes, so the text you are blockquoting no longer contains them.
Adam L Silverman
@Prescott Cactus: I’m pretty sure that’s not the best way to notify.
Omnes Omnibus
Evidence of this with links would be nice.
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m generalizing.
Seriously that NYDN cover is such trash… whoever sanctioned that cover can go to hell! I’ve notice though that folks are NOT retweering the cover like they usually might…good!
Now I’m really going for sleep. I’ve got work tomorrow
good night BJ
@Steeplejack (tablet): @Omnes Omnibus: Am willing to trade one red shirt for some small footwear. The latter used to wear me out, but the former is quite the pill. And no good music, to boot!
@efgoldman: It’ll work eventually as the cities can’t afford to keep paying out these kind of “tragedies.”
Prescott Cactus
Works great if the lighting is right, the dash & body cams are 5 by 5 audio & video and the DA gets the Grand Jury to indict.
How did that work for the Rice family in Cleveland ?
@seaboogie: You were horrid just recently.
@Omnes Omnibus: 45% of all “families”?
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: No, because the municipalities or the states are insured. The only way to change this is to 1) increase/change entry standards for aptitude, personality type, level of education; 2) increase/change promotion standards including requiring advanced degrees even for uniformed officers; 3) fix/adjust/correct training curriculum and standards; 4) make actual officers liable for damages, as opposed to just the municipalities, after a certain threshold number of improper responses or a threshold for the type of response; and 5) ensure that the criminal justice system actually treat law enforcement officers who commit criminal actions like they do everyone else. This includes taking investigations of, and the decision to prosecute, officer involved uses of force, including shootings, out of the hands of the local authorities and place it under some other level/form of oversight.
Prescott Cactus
@seaboogie: Peace, Love & a batch of cinnamon toast !
Live well !
Just watched the video of the man shot by police in Minn. If you can bear it I think it is important to actually see the depraved insanity loose in this country. I have to find a place to go demonstrate tomorrow because this is beyond hope for me if I don’t do things in response to this.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: He’s currently the ARCIC Director, which is one of the two power players in TRADOC. He’s a sharp GO.
I’ll start it…..
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: So, no actual evidence? Got it. Your general theory is that cash money equals any personal loss? It doesn’t.
I mean no offense by this question, but are you on a judgment spectrum that differs from the norm?
@Prescott Cactus: Indeed! Don’t have a toaster, but I remember it very, very well. Living a minimal life makes every small thing a pleasure, even the memories of cinnamon toast.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: He was obviously meant for great things back when I knew him. He was also a good guy.
@Omnes Omnibus: Of course not cash money equals any loss. $10,000 doesn’t have anything on $1,000,000,000
@redshirt: I guess you are going to need to explain – not that you are wrong – but show it.
@Adam L Silverman:
A friend who was regional manager for the Secret Service related how many working LEOs wash out during the screening/psych eval. He just shakes his head. “”After a couple of hours they think they’re in the clear then we tell them there’s another half day.”
I need to find out whether they ask about hookers now.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I’ve provided some support for him/his people at ARCIC over the past few years. This is almost always a push – when I do something for someone else that I think he’s going to want to see, I push it across.
One of my students and former advisees just got his first star in the Guam National Guard.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Got it. Cash wins, in your mind. Others actually care about people,
Trust me, you don’t want small footwear back.
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: It wouldn’t surprise me. My guess is its like the psych/behavioral eval for Special Forces. They are looking for very specific makes, models, and types. And then they’re looking for three different varieties: 1) uniformed Secret Service, 2) plainclothes that work investigatory cases, and 3) plainclothes that work personal security details.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Adam, you have done so much tonight to fix this blog. Just relax and go to bed.
@Omnes Omnibus: Sure, in some situations for some kids.
@aangus: I don’t. But Omnes and Steep had some fun wit da music with him – that is what late night here at BJ used to be. So maybe we need to bring the music back – that wouldn’t be so terrible – except that I am an ignoramus in that genre.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: FYWP ate my comment. Thank you, Adam, for what you do here.
The answer that came up in previous threads was ‘George W Bush’ who after 911 changed federal policies to uncentivize local police to change from a deescalation training system to the current model that emphasizes a policeman do whatever it takes to make sure he/she is not the person who dies in a shooting situation.
O/T Was the Donald bragging he’s taking California? He’d best giddy up, since he trails Hilz by 30 points head to head.
We’re back to campaign ATM status again.
@Adam L Silverman:
Most interesting. Wish you could get an article out of this.
Something is going way wrong, no doubt.
Adam L Silverman
@seaboogie: Open thread, with music, is up. I’m going to bed!
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Found it and liberated it. Now on to Remagen! Wait, sorry, wrong campaign…
Adam L Silverman
@Elizabelle: Actually I’ve discussed with a law officer friend of mine about doing an article together about how current law enforcement/non law enforcement interactions are destroying the grey zone and with it the necessary good will and rapport needed for effective policing within diverse communities. He’s, of course, busy and its not a pressing thing for me. And policing is a bit out of my area of expertise, though I have done some training on conducting Engagement, establishing rapport, etc for law enforcement.
@Omnes Omnibus: Tell me how.
@redshirt: You’re being insanely callous. I don’t think you get how painful your words are and the mental harm you’re causing fellow balloon juicers. Please either apologize and withdraw what you said or simply withdraw from the discussion. You are hurting people and for people of color like me, we’re already walking wounded.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Considering I basically broke the blog, fixing it was the least I could do. But thanks for the kind words. I’m going to go rub some baby bellies and crash out. Today was my first day back in both gym and dojo after being out for almost three weeks with that verdamt respiratory infection. I am going to be quite sore tomorrow, though I was pleasantly surprised that my cardio capacity had not been knocked back as badly as I thought it had been.
@ruemara: I apologize to anyone I’ve offended. I don’t mean to.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Sleep well.
@Villago Delenda Est:
What an asshole. Please tell me he was later fragged by his own platoon.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Bull shit.
@Omnes Omnibus: While it certainly is bull shit it happens every day to kids across the country.
@Omnes Omnibus:
True dat. As someone who grew up in the military—as a “dependent”—I can confirm that a lot of more senior officers, if they had observed that interaction, would have taken the shavetail aside and reamed him the fuck out. The enlisted guys were not committing any infractions of “good order and discipline” that would have warranted that bullshit, especially from someone who was not their direct report-to.
Quite digging. That’s not the point at issue. It’s your completely insensitive ha-ha “dark humor” comment.
Sad that your deathless prose was lost, of course.
LOL. As I have (belatedly) read down this thread, I was thinking that Redshirt was sounding more and more like L.B. but without the music links.
In memoriam: “Dancing in the Moonlight.”
@redshirt: I don’t think you did and I understand the point. It’s just that we don’t get a chance to heal with someone picking at the wound. And the wound has been reopened in less than 24 hours. Hence my polite request.
Eh. I’m certainly not defending the death-penalty offense that got him banned, but before that I was always a little surprised at how much vitriol he elicited from the commentariat, especially compared to our genuinely odious trolls. He was more of a garden gnome, and, Christ, he was only around in the late night.
The Staple Singers, “The Weight.”
Death Panel Truck
@Omnes Omnibus: