My friend and former girlfriend for years just moved and was unpacking stuff she hadn’t seen in years, and passes along this gem:
That’s me in the middle as Fred, a mutual friend on the left as Daphne, and my ex as Velma, rocking the Scoobie Do for Halloween. If my memory is correct, this was for Halloween in Athens, Ohio, circa 1993-94. I honestly have no idea why I was pursing my lips like that, but that medallion, scarf, and halfway button silk shirt is something, isn’t it?
Good times.
Now that’s commitment to the look! Thanks for today’s first and so far only laugh.
OU is famous for its Halloweens.
Ok, now I have to pull away from the internet and sit somewhere dark and quiet for a bit.
(thanks for the final straw. needed to happen — but can I pull it off?)
You were Scoobie-do?
Amir Khalid
Was there a Shaggy?
Never knew the blonde dude was called Fred! Guess I just watched a few shows for Shaggy.
Is Scooby Doo making a return? My cousin, her husband, and two kids dressed up as the gang last Halloween. I have no idea what is popular with kids these days.
Formerly disgruntled Clinton supporter
OT? I appreciated this roundtable discussion of casual sexism in journalism. You don’t need an over-the-top boys club atmosphere a la Fox News to foster sexist journalism.
@eclare: It sorta never went away. There have been several animated series in the cartoon channels, although the quality of the drawing was dismal compared to the original. Then the movies.
(added) My favorite part of the first movie was that they pasted that little brat Scrappy.
The Scoobie gang smoked? Not sure that’s canon.
@FridayNext: Sure they did, but they couldn’t show them smoking weed on a kids show.
@Emma: Thanks, just saw the original! Yeah, Scrappy was annoying. Normally I love all dogs…
@philpm: Oh, weed, yeah. I meant cigarettes. Those are cigarettes.
Wow…thats about 45 kgs ago.
Villago Delenda Est
The women are just fine, but that guy in the middle merits a trigger warning.
Was that before or after the meddling?
@eclare: It cycles around every 10-12 years. There’s a current series — Be Cool — that my 8-year-old watches on Cartoon Network, and she watched the one before it — Mystery Incorporated — on Cartoon and Boomerang. When she sees the really old ones, she asks me if they are one of “mine” :)
Betty Cracker
Y’all look fabulous!
Patricia Kayden
Awww. Cute photos rule. You all look so fabulous.
I succumbed to my inner Velma back in college, though I should have stuck with her haircut and not the even shorter one that made me look like a 12-year-old boy. When you’re a short, round brunette who wears glasses, it’s pretty much impossible not to look like Velma.
ETA: Note that, like most short, round brunettes, Velma figured out early on that she could rock a miniskirt.
Major Major Major Major
@FridayNext: @philpm: Smoking in the costume, especially if it’s a “kids'” costume, is 43% of the fun of Grown-Up Halloween.
Patricia Kayden
@Cermet: He said he was Fred. Lol.
@Mnemosyne: So there I am quietly drinking a diet coke at my desk, when I read your comment. You “owe” a new keyboard.
Anyone know how to get soda out of a keyboard? Sadly, not asking for a friend.
@Major Major Major Major: Can’t argue with that. I’m assuming the other 57% is the drinking done while in a kids costume?
Miss Bianca
@Formerly disgruntled Clinton supporter: cool article!
In my experience, much of the cost of a keyboard is in the “moisture detection and shutoff” circuitry. I’m nervous eating a moist brownie near my keyboard.
schrodinger's cat
I am confused, isn’t Scooby-do, a dog?
@Punchy: Not often do you see “John” and “woman” in the same comment at BJ, absent a post about hookers. Seriously, can we start a gofundme to get him an inexpensive girlfriend?
peach flavored shampoo
(looks at costumes)
My husband was the Old Man from Scoobie Do for his team at last year’s office Halloween contest. He’s not a costume wearer and has taken a liking to cardigans, so it wasn’t much of a stretch. Fortunately his coworkers know how to deal with him on this sort of thing and what his comfort level is.
From countrywide tragedies to local: my boss’s son broke his neck diving last weekend in Mexico and was in surgery for 10 hours yesterday after being medevac’d home; no clues yet on the degree of paralysis or the duration. And my BIL’s lymphoma has company in the form of spots in one part of his lungs according to the X-ray; probably not a promising development in his one in a million cancer. This year is sucking, hard.
@LAO: Washing is part of the manufacturing process. You can use a dishwasher, but it’s not necessary. Just make sure it is fully dry before using it again..
Good luck!
I don’t think Velma would EVER smoke!
@Technocrat: @LAO: Keyboards are very cheap…. Just move on and put plastic wrap on the next one….
@Immanentize: that’s not say that she wan’t smokin’ in her own way, I consider it a Mary Ann vs Ginger question myself :-)
comrade scott's agenda of rage
One interpretation of a smokin’ Velma:
@StringOnAStick: I agree that 2016 has been a pretty crappy year on the family medical front. My father’s uveal (ocular) melanoma has moved to his liver. He’s had a good life (he’s 81), but getting a rare, uncureable cancer is always hard.
Best wishes to you and yours. Hang in there.
Miss Bianca
@StringOnAStick: Oh, so sorry to hear it. All of it.
Indeed you are correct Immanentize — a quick trip to staples a block from my office and I’m back! (just not better than ever).
@piratedan: “Extremely smart, daring, fearless, glasses-wearing, non-smoker who prefers (as mentioned above) short skirts….”
Just about perfect
I took a staycation day today — I thought I would get all this stuff done before tomorrow’s trip to Chi-town. But all this has kept me a little distracted. But I thank you all for your insights and kindness and humor today. Really, thanks. It cooled my outrage.
I am going to get off for a while and toil in the soil.
OU was (in)famous for its Halloween Party. I attended once and it was fun (I dressed as the 4th Doctor) I was a grad student, and we often hunkered down or left town for the weekend to let the undergrads and out-of-towners (ahem) have the streets for a night to party.
@piratedan: @Immanentize: that’s not say that she wan’t smokin’ in her own way, I consider it a Mary Ann vs Ginger question myself :-)
Mary Ann!!!! She was not only pretty and nice she could COOK! and Ginger was so high-maintenance.
A musician friend of mine is traveling to Cuba with the Oakland Youth Symphony.
My friend isn’t in the symphony; she plays in an all-woman mariachi band and occasionally in Irish sesiuns. Thanks, Obama!
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: That is so difficult, and I’m sorry for you father and family.
You’re all misspelling Scooby-Doo. All of you. Badly.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@StringOnAStick: Damn. I’m so sorry for both families. This year is sucking hard for so fcking many people.
Sorry! This is why I use a plastic cover on my keyboards. You should be able to rinse it off with bottled water (NOT distilled water) and let it dry upside-down for a week.
I found this out after my late great cat Boris tried and failed to jump into my lap while I had a mouthful of cereal and an open laptop. Now *that* was a mess!
Mike in DC
For a little twisted humor, try googling “Scooby Don’t”.
Just One More Canuck
I see a bit of Phillip Seymour Hoffman in that picture
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Thanks, Cole, for this post and the gentle reminder one.
I want to be Notorious RBG for Halloween this year. So please someone find me an event for that.
Boris Johnson how come you never told us that you run this blog.
So this was you’re secret plan all along fuck up the UK and then run off to hide in West Virginia. Brilliant.
I’ve decided to only worry about this today
Designating Sulu as gay in an alternate timeline is the essence of tokenism.
Mark k
I’ll try to catch the next open thread closer to the start of discussions, but I just wanna ask, are we all okay with the police using a Bomb on a disposal robot to bomb the shooter “suspect” to death?
I mean, if you see him shooting someone dead, and we know police can kill for far less serious matters, cough traffic stops, I get the reasoning…. but…. something about police departments even having their own bombs and explosives, and choosing to just blow up a guy instead of catching, cornering, waiting out, dogs, mace, etc seems like… like the entire enormity of the situation made us blind to the fact that the police will sometimes just bomb a suspect?
does this seem like something that should be allowed to happen??
I don’t mean killing him, he’s probably better off being bombed instead of the police catching him alive for that, but I mean USING BOMBS to end a standoff??
Paul in KY
@schrodinger’s cat: A pretty intelligent & goofy dog.
@Mark k: Who cares how they did it?
Paul in KY
@sigaba: George said he has always envisioned the character Mr. Sulu as being heterosexual.
Still blows my mind that Kasey Kasem was the original voice for Shaggy.
Mark k
@raven: all of us should. why bombs if they can buy private missles next?
Paul in KY
@Mark k: In this particular situation, from what I’ve read about it, I am OK with the police doing that (as best way to stop any more police from being shot).
@Mark k:
This debate was raging on the “Gentle Reminder” thread downstairs, it’s slowly dying but still on-going.
@Mark k:”The MARCbot is not just notable for its small size; it was the first ground robot to draw blood in Iraq. One unit of US soldiers jury-rigged their MARCbots to carry Claymore anti-personnel mines. If they thought an insurgent was hiding in an alley, they would send a MARCbot down first, and if they found someone waiting in ambush, take him out with the Claymore. Of course, each insurgent killed in this fashion meant $5,000 worth of blown-up robot parts, but so far the army has not billed the soldiers.”
Miss Bianca
@redshirt: what?? REALLY?? Kasey Kasem?? That is my Fun Fact to Know and Tell for today!
Of course, whenever I think of Kasey Kasem, I also think of U2 and Negativeland. But now I’ll also think about Shaggy!
Villago Delenda Est
@Paul in KY: Yeah, but this is the retcon Star Trek. I mean, in this one, Uhura is Spock’s girlfriend. They blew up Vulcan.
Miss Bianca
@Immanentize: I think I’ve got the start of my next on-line dating ad…//
@Miss Bianca: Enjoy!
Miss Bianca
@redshirt: Oh, my word! Thanks for that!
I haven’t made up my mind yet. It unfortunately seems a little lazy — why not at least make Checkov gay instead? The character played by the openly gay actor has to be gay, too?
Heck, why not make Scotty gay? Simon Pegg could stretch as an actor, too.
@Mark k: No I don’t care about how. What they do is more important. The question should be was it appropriate to kill him? And that depends on if he was still able to hurt people and weather there was some way to take him alive without too much risk to themselves. worrying about robot or drones versus plain old gun is just misdirected technaphobia.
Earlier this morning what I read was that he had broken off talking with the police and was shooting again. He had claimed many bombs were placed too. Now what I read might not be correct. reports can be false or mistaken and police have been known to ah slant their story to make themselves seem better. However if what I read is correct, robot bomb is fine with me.
What we need to get better at is oversight of the police. Not just washing our hands and saying if police did it it must be ok etc. So, when I have more verified facts, then i will think again. And what this police department did today might be ok or not but the next time it will need checking for those facts. Like I said, what they did, not the tool.
Scooby doo is on something like it’s 7th series. My kid loved the mystery incorperated series best and had a 6th birthday party 2 years ago themed on Scooby. he owns most of the shows on dvd, has the figures in 2 sizes, a mystery machine and a haunted house. He identifies with shaggy and wants shaggy to be with daphne. I loved the original show. Apparently so did others because there are at least 2 vans in our smallish city painted like the mystery machine.
Paul in KY
@raven: What about the claymore!!! Those things aren’t cheap either!
Paul in KY
@Villago Delenda Est: Saw that Uhura was dating Mr. Spock in that one. Guess I hadn’t seen that Vulcan was blown up. Maybe that was the disturbance I felt in the force after I stopped watching that movie…
@Miss Bianca: Kasey Kasem continued to be the voice of Shaggy up until about 2 years before he died through multiple series and including the movies. He turned vegetarian at some point and held out till the series writers drew Shaggy vegetarian. Apparently quit for awhile over Burger King commercials.
Has anyone seen the Mike Tyson cartoon on the Cartoon Network? It’s really funny.
It’s a dirty Scooby Doo with Mike Tyson as the lead, a ghost, a talking pigeon, and Tyson’s adopted Asian daughter. They solve mysteries. It’s ridiculous.
All these years and I thought it was Thelma, not Velma. Jinkies.
@Paul in KY: Point Toward Enemy!
So glad I am heading to Europe for two weeks. Between sweltering DC Summers and the news I can use a break.
@StringOnAStick: Very sorry to hear this. This indeed has been a challenging year for many.
Hang in there.
@Paul in KY:
Makes sense. There are scenes in some episodes that support this. I think that Duly in the novels has a daughter who is also Star Fleet. This does not prevent him from being gay, but it is still a new direction.
Ultimately, I guess it’s a victory for representation, if that rocks your boat. Looking back, I think I identified with Sulu, because he was young and brash, and starting out his career in Star Fleet. Neither his race nor sexual orientation meant anything.
That Uhura and Spock are an item is more of an issue. But it’s a retcon reboot, so what can one say?
I’m mildly interested in the upcoming Trek movie, even though the early trailers put me off big time.
Keith P.
Shorter John Cole: “I am worse than Hitler. I am Fred…from Scooby-Doo.”
FX makes me mad. They never really got behind this show.
If not for the miracle of the DVR, I wouldn’t have even known this show is back on.
@Brachiator: I’ll go see it because I have too, but I’m sure I’ll be mildly disappointed. No one dares make any real Trek anymore. It’s all explosions and genre cliches.
Sorry for all the troubles.
If it’s a desktop keyboard, disconnect and get in the grooves with a barely damp sponge. Let dry. I wait 48 hours out of an abundance of caution.
Ugh. I had to have a bit of a discussion with one of my workmates who thought I was downplaying the shitastic events of the last few days. But we had a good talk and at least now she knows that I’m as pissed off about Alton Sterling and Philandro Castile as she is and wasn’t trying to downplay it. Talking is good, and she’s going to send me a link to the “Thoughts and Prayers” video game.
Kenneth Kohl
@Woodrowfan: Go Bobcats!
I should probably leave a Cole thing in a Cole thread — Thanks for this place!
Happy Birthday Lowell George (dead you know — woulda been 71)
Fat Man in the Bathtub
Matt McIrvin
@Miss Bianca: Casey Kasem also did Robin on “Super Friends” (sometimes opposite Adam West as Batman). It’s pretty obvious if you listen for it.
Miss Bianca
@Matt McIrvin: OMG!! Now I’m having flashbacks to “Super Friends”!
@Brachiator: “That Uhura and Spock are an item is more of an issue. But it’s a retcon reboot, so what can one say?”
We can only say what everyone has been saying- the reboot is explicitly Star Trek for people who hate Star Trek, made by a filmmaker who, his undeniable talent notwithstanding, openly admits he doesn’t really get Star Trek.
I’m surprised nobody has mentioned the rural myth that Velma represented Smith College, Daphne was Mount Holyoke College, Fred was Amherst College, Shaggy was Hampshire College, and Scooby was UMass Amherst….notwithstanding the creators assure us it’s not true, it sure works! T-shirts can be had for your fav school/character.
@MoxieM: That’s not true?!
@MoxieM: Velma was totally a Smithee.
@sigaba: yeah, she sure was…my kiddo is the Smithie, so , yeah… har har
My Truth Hurts
Wow John, you mean there was actually a time in your life when you knew how to have fun?
@My Truth Hurts: Buuuuurn!
It’s amazing how conspicuous cigarettes look like now in pictures, and I bet when this pic was taken they were barely even seen.
@My Truth Hurts: You must not have been reading this blog for very long if you think Cole doesn’t know how to have fun.
The Lodger
@sigaba: I thought Alan was a Smithee.
Matt McIrvin
@sigaba: Uhura/Spock didn’t bother me, but the portrayal of Kirk did. Not to take anything away from Chris Pine, who looked the part and played it to the hilt, but they actually wrote James T. Kirk as more irritating than Shatner’s version, as if they were basing the character on sketch-comedy parodies of Kirk rather than the guy from the actual TV show. He was almost Zapp Brannigan.
@Shell: My five year old loves Scooby Doo.
John, you look better now. Especially with a beard.
Death Panel Truck
Fred: Dobie Gillis
Daphne: Thalia Menninger
Velma: Zelda Gilroy
Shaggy: Maynard G. Krebs
The Scooby-Doo characters were based on the characters from The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis.