It looks like we could use a shiny new thread to take us into the wee hours. And, perhaps, something funny. So here’s Al Murry, the pub landlord, explaining world geography and the global system.
ETA: Murray ran against Nigel Farage for Britain’s Parliament. To some extent it was a joke candidacy, but it did help keep Farage out of Westminster.
We’re watching season 2 of “The Great British Baking Show” from the DVR. It’s so very, very English, innit?
ETA: And I like that they very obviously sought out a diverse cast.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: Yes, yes it is.
Just up now waiting for annoucement of Womens Gymnastics Team for Rio
Simone Biles
Gabrielle Douglas
Lori Hernandez
Madison Kocian
Ally Raisman
Alternate: Mickayla Skinner Regan Smith Ashton Locklear
Adam L Silverman
Just did a quick update with reference to Murray’s run against Farage for Parliament.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: Why did the alternate’s parents give her four middle names?
Also, I sent you an email earlier. Please check your inbox!
LAX. Bleah.
Amir Khalid
As a Malaysian, I like the reference to having all their manufacturing done by four-year-old Malaysians for a quid.
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: I was going for amusing Malaysians late at night. It was sort of the theme for the post. ?
Mike J
Season 2 of baking show? Is that season 6 of Bake Off?
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: I saw that earlier. We’ve reached the point were almost every new piece of information that comes about about the Trump campaign should be followed by “can’t make this stuff up”.
@efgoldman: Has he tried sending out Nigerian-prince emails yet? Ads for finger-enlargement pills?
@Adam L Silverman: Just wait until he announces his veep sometime in the next week or so.
So (Nigel)Farage phonetically means Va Gi Na in Malay and (Boris)Johnson means Dick in slang English. There’s a joke in there somewhere. Or some kind irony.
@efgoldman: Dear sir/madam/other:
I am the campaign manager for the Donald a Trump campaign, and I am responsible for a $$$ bank account in an offshore bank. I need your help in laundering, I mean moving the money so we can pay our weekly hat bill. Will you please help by posting all of your banking information? In exchange, you can grift ten percent off the top. And I’ll throw in a free hat.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: I cannot imagine LTG (ret) Flynn, for all that he’s upset with the current administration, would agree to be on the ticket.
.Probably the simplest and pretty darn smart way to think of a Donald Trump presidency.
Jim Jefferies — Donald Trump (2016) h/t @Green_Footballs
Work tomorrow, so I’m off to bed on time tonight. Good night BJ
@Adam L Silverman: My guess is that it will be Newt Gingrich, Supergenius (self-described).
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Terribly posh, doncha know.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: I think that’s a likely possibility.
Omnes Omnibus
@dmsilev: I have heard mention of Pence.
Schlemazel Khan
I posted a couple of these earlier but have added to the original. I had some time to kill and decided to create The Drumpf Family Circlejerk all quotes are from the Drumpfster fires own oral orifice.
Some of them amuse me
I’m of the consideration that Trump is gonna roll a 6d to determine if he offers the Veep to Newt, Christie, Palin, Flynn, Rubio, or Pennywise the Clown from Stephen King’s IT.
I was going to post the link about the “magical negro myth” down thread but I’ll do it here.
Many if not all of the videos of cops killing AfrIcan American men demonstrate white racism.
Here’s a key paragraph from the article:
Several videos show the aftermath of a “magical negro myth” inspired killing and exposes a racist cop. Baton Rouge – black victim lays on ground, mortally wounded. Cop is on knees as if expecting the black guy to magically rise up and?? Do a zombie thing?
This myth is probably why so many African American males end up dead when stopped for a tail light check – or whatever the story lying cops come up with.
Cop candidates can be screen for this specific brand of racism. There is no excuse for hiring racist cops.
Google “magical negro myth” for more articles. This myth has been around for well over one hundred years.
Omnes Omnibus
@PaulWartenberg2016: PEOPLE REALLY NEED TO STOP TALKING ABOUT CLOWNS! Nothing personal, dude.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I doubt it’ll be Pence. He’s not very bright. He doesn’t excite anyone in the base. His governorship has been meh, which is why he didn’t run in the primary. He had nothing to really run on other than trying to manage/not make worse the mess he inherited and screwing up the religious freedom bill.
Adam L Silverman
@PaulWartenberg2016: Original It or the remake that’s just started filming?
@PaulWartenberg2016: I still haven’t seen any legal opinions ruling out the person who, in Trump’s mind, is undoubtedly the most competent and qualified running mate: Trump himself.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: Ivanka.
My post got eaten. Probably the subject matter – the link is to a Slate article about a certain kind of racim. This term is used in research papers and it explains some cops behavior toward African American men.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: His upside for Trump is that he will never upstage the Donald. He is a former Rep. and Gov., so he hits the “qualified” boxes. My little birds could well be wrong.
Amir Khalid
I think it entirely possible the Donald might have to postpone naming a running mate to after the convention, simply because almost no one will take a three-month gig that ends up with them wearing a LOSER sign.
Adam L Silverman
@Barb2: I just dug it out.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: He checks the boxes, but he was so bad at being a Congressman and at being the head of the Republican Study Committee and now as a governor, that I’m not sure that’s what Trump is looking for.
@Adam L Silverman: got it. thx
@Amir Khalid: The legalities of that would be interesting. The GOP nomination rules probably could be rewritten, assuming the party felt like doing Trump a favor, but state ballot deadlines are actual laws, and those deadlines will start coming up in the not too distant future.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: No offense, but you seem to be crediting the Trump campaign with logical thought. Pence is a pseudo-logical choice. Possibly up Trump’s alley.
Miss Bianca
Damn. With all the shit going down in real life in Dallas, I think I’ve picked the wrong time to start watching “Luther”. That second episode was pretty harsh.
Think I’ll switch to Lexx in between bouts of watching wildfire come up the other side of the hills from Coaldale way.
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: There’s actually a movement afoot to change the rules to strip Trump of the ability to name his own running mate. They want to make it so that the cooler heads can pick someone legit that is credible and could actually do the job of the Presidency if necessary.
This is separate than the movement led by the woman from Colorado to free the delegates in order to prevent Trump from becoming the nominee. That woman, a political and religious ally of Gordon Klingenschmitt, is trying to stop Trump from getting the nomination because she believe the Deity has called her to do so.
Has the Trump campaign said when the VP announcement will happen?
@Amir Khalid:
Highly unlikely. The whole idea is that the candidate and running mate exit the convention ready to rumble. I can’t imagine the GOP letting Trump hit the campaign trail proclaiming”please vote for me… and person to be named later. “
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Not sure if I’m crediting them with rationality, but there does seem to be a logic. That logic is outrageousness and I don’t think Pence gets anywhere close to outrageous.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: You mean this Lexx?
It will happen as outlined in Article XXII of the Constitution.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Good point.
Run, Lillian!
I’m hearing it will be Pence, Trump also added a campaign stop in Indianapolis on Tuesday.
Did that work? Did I learn to use the link button?
Run, Lillian!
No, no I did not learn to use the link button. There are many sources of this speculation, mine was the Washington Times.
Adam L Silverman
@Run, Lillian!: No, its trapped the reply button in the embedded link. I’ll go in and fix it. Not your fault, seems to be a bug.
Possibly also accounts for a very disturbing detail I’ve noticed in pretty much all the cop-shoots-black-man videos: After the man is shot and immobilized (so the magic should be gone) they wait a very long time before calling an ambulance, and never attempt first aid. Are they thinking he’ll magically spring back to life because he’s too tough to be stopped by just a bullet?
ETA: Woops, I see you did make this very same point. Sorry to repeat.
Run, Lillian!
@Adam L Silverman:
Thanks! I’ll figure out WP someday.
Adam L Silverman
@Run, Lillian!: Its not your fault, it appears to be a bug in the code with the embed function. I’ll ping Alain in the morning.
@Mike J:
It is apparently the real season 2. Why PBS in the US is so far behind, I don’t know.
@Mnemosyne: it’s like top chef minus the bravo reality show bullshit, and the product placement
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Ja wohl! I just watched that episode last night! I think I’m going to find this one very interesting.
Adam L Silverman
@Run, Lillian!: Its not you, this is a code error somewhere. As for the article, Pence would have to be even dumber than I thought to step down as governor if he were tapped to run for VP. The idea is to not step down until you know that you’ve got the next job. The WT article intimating he’d step down in June if tapped is, I think, an indication the rumors are just rumors.
Mike in NC
Drumpf / Brownback 2016 would be awesome for the Zombie Apocalypse.
The Nigerian prince said, “I had to cut that Trump fellow loose. He was a total incompetent. He was ruining my operation!”
It’s almost too funny. It seems like only yesterday when Trump jumped into the presidential race, selling himself as the master businessman who was going to save the country mainly through all these amazing deals that he was going to make with other countries.
And here he is now, looking like a bum who can’t walk and chew gum at the same time. He can’t even sell the sizzle off one of his tough, inedible Trump steaks.
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
I like the optics of the Republican party saying: “We can’t trust Donald Trump to pick himself a suitable running mate, so we’ll have to pick one for him. Trump/TBD 2016!”
I once thought it impossible that Trump would seek political donations from every member of parliament in Britain, Iceland, Sweden, and Australia. Now, I know that he did.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: Time zones. Its the time zones!
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: I found the whole thing hit and miss. Some of it was well done, some of it I was like “the showrunners and script writers are clearly on something, because this episode is completely incoherent”.
Major Major Major Major
I had been assuming that Trump would pick a military fella. Don’t know much about Flynn though.
I actually watched several seasons of the “Great British Baking Show” on YouTube. PBS is way behind.
I like that everyone comes in for the weekend to film and then gets to just go home afterwards until the next weekend. You can do these things when your whole country is approximately the size of Minnesota.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: He’s sharp, but got himself sideways with the administration in his last assignment/command. He was Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and didn’t finish out the assignment. And, as a result, he was forced to retire early. He’s a career intel officer, is exceedingly hawkish in regards to the Middle East and Islam, and very soft in regards to Putin and Russia. He’s also a Democrat and pro choice.
(I did not pick the title for that column, Ricks did)
Mike J
@Mnemosyne: PBS season 1 was BBC season 5.
Warren Terra
For more context on Al Murray, you could do worse than watching/listening to his appearance on Richard Herring’s Leicester Square Theater Podcast (RHLSTP), an extremely loose and sometimes insightful interview podcast by the British comedian Richard Herring, who incidentally bought his house by writing most of Al Murray’s sticom for a few years. The interview was recorded just weeks after Murray had contested the seat with Farage.
Warren Terra
Flynn has spent the last few years implying all Muslims should be rounded up and put in camps, all the while cashing checks from the FSB (I’m sorry, from “RT”). In any sane world either would keep him off of the GOP nominee’s shortlist, but I fear both are seen as strong points by this presumptive nominee.
I’m debating whether or not to unsee my cousin’s husband’s Facebook posts. I don’t have anyone else who would ever post a Breitbart video in my Friends list, so it would at least give me a window into who the fuck is voting for Trump. But do I really want that window?
Omnes, you need to recruit at least two other Wisconsin Democrats so you can outvote him and my cousin this fall. She might vote for Hillary, but why take that chance?
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: He wasn’t crazy, but he was, by reporting, difficult in his final assignment/command:
I’ve never met him and my only real interaction was when I wrote this response to his CNAS report for Tom Ricks’ column at FP:
My impression of the report, which I elided through politeness, is that he and his coauthors had no real idea what they were talking about. They knew there was a problem, but beyond that didn’t really understand it because it wasn’t/isn’t an Intel problem. Its a cultural operations problem. And not only has the Army not fixed it, it simply gave up on it while at the same time needing it more than ever.
There was a great game going on between Canada and the Iroquois at the world under-19 men’s lacrosse championship, until the ballast for one of the light towers blew up and started a fire. I think they moved to to one of the other fields where, alas, there are no TV cameras. Ended my night prematurely.
Someone already has a Blastoise owning the gym near me. I’m a bit speechless. Tempted to go over there with a magneton I caught in NYC and see if thunder element might work. Or a weepinbell.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: I live some place where they weigh rather than count the Dem vote. My friends and family in state, who are remotely persuadable, are on our side. I can’t control the the few abortion and gun fanatics who are second cousins once removed or more.
@Run, Lillian!:
TrumpPence, and not a farthing’s worth of brains between them.
El Caganer
@srv: Looks like the barbarians are prepping to sack our national heritage. Swell.
Major Major Major Major
See, now the augmented reality smartphone RPG has leaked into the comment section on your whiz-bang free to use citizens’ publishing platform. And we’re talking about how a fascist reality TV clown is going to pick a flamed-out ex military running mate.
Fair Economist
@Adam L Silverman:
All true, but Trump doesn’t have good choices. If he’s looking for somebody “serious” it’s down to Pence and Christie and at least Pence isn’t wrapped up in a major scandal.
Here’s a thought that could very well make you vomit.
If a few things had broken differently, the smarter-than-her-husband former First Lady running for president could be Susan Bayh.
@Omnes Omnibus:
This is someone I see once a year at best, but I’m still like, Really, you’re getting your information from some mook at Breitbart who doesn’t realize how ridiculous he looks in that sleeveless denim shirt? Really?
Mike J
SecuriTay @SwiftOnSecurity 3 minutes ago
Pokemon Go shows millennials are interested and willing to mobilize for their goals, but just not enough to vote.
Whoever Trump picks will be seen as a game changer by the press because the anti-Trump republicans will jump on board by rationalizing the veep choice as some sign that Trump is acceptable.
Mary G
I think Trump will pick a colorless nonentity like Pence because he is insecure and doesn’t want his #2 upstaging him.
Just be grateful that the Democratic nominating process isn’t run like the All-Star balloting. We would have ended up with Rahm Emanuel as the nominee.
@Adam L Silverman:
Thank you.
Ha! If he only could.
In any event, it may be interesting to see how this gets resolved. I’m sure that the GOP is desperately hoping for someone that would give Trump a credibility bump.
Warren Terra
@Mike J:
It’s a good line. It seems inevitable that Nintendo will make polling stations a go-to point for their game on election day, because it’s cheap, good publicity.
I’m more curious about whether candidates will be paying Nintendo to make their rallies Pokemon Go lure points. If you’ve got an open-air rally in a downtown park from 2-4, how much would it cost to seed that site and time with 250 Pokemon macguffins, to encourage some young people to show up?
Note in either case, you’ve led the horse to water (the gamer to a site of civic activity). Doesn’t mean you can make the horse drink.
Adam L Silverman
@El Caganer: It won’t make it through the Senate. And every independent cost/benefit and risk analysis on these types of things have determined that devolving control and responsibility back to the states would actually bankrupt the state within one fiscal year. Managing these areas cannot be done on a state budget and state revenue base. Just the forest fire management costs alone would bankrupt everyone one of the western states. That’s why the state level bills never actually pass.
Adam L Silverman
@burnspbesq: He does have good hair though!
pseudonymous in nc
@Warren Terra: Al Murray’s a friend of friends: he’s known Herring (and Stew Lee) since their first day at university.
I think Matt Yglesias has all the best quotables about Mike Pence.
The cop’s waiting to see if the black guy is really dead – needs to be repeated. We are seeing racism. Over and over and over sgain.
Adam L Silverman
@Burnspbesq: That man is absolutely useless.
El Caganer
@Adam L Silverman: Then it will be the perfect time for the Sovereign Citizens to take over and strut their stuff – who needs government (aside from the Second Amendment), anyway? Hand it all over to developers and magic-hand the shit out of it. BIG WIN!
Adam L Silverman
Any of our Mountaineers lurking this evening? What’s the deal with this Ghost’s of Shepherdstown show? Are there really that many ghost sightings in Shepherdstown?
Adam L Silverman
@El Caganer: What’s interesting about this is the inability of the folks screaming for this to happen to realize that if it does, the only way its even remotely practical is if the lands are leased out to the private sector. The minute that happens you can kiss hiking, camping, canoeing, rafting, fishing, and hunting good by. All of these activities, of course, are important to the people screaming about Federal tyranny and state’s rights. And yes, again, state’s don’t have rights, they have powers. Individuals have rights.
@Miss Bianca
Lexx is an, um, acquired taste. Watched it well over 10 years ago. Series was fine, one of the movies (but don’t recall which) was absolutely awful. Guy who played Prince had Malcolm McDowellesque oily malevolence down cold.
The one hard and fast rule of Lexx: Stanley’s hat never comes off.
” Lexx – I command you not to eat Holland!”
“But I’m very hungry, Stan.”
Prescott Cactus
Interesting twitter post. Powerful
@Adam L Silverman: Haven’t thought about that show in a long, long time.
wow, forgot what I wanted to say. I’m tired.
@Adam L. Silverman
Only when mushrooms are in season.
Adam L Silverman
@ruemara: Sleep well!
@Adam L Silverman:
Goes to show how stupidity of the “states rights” idiots. Their lack of common sense and basic math skills is evident. The sports and recreation value of mostly BLM land in the west is what keeps the rural economy going.
Obama would veto the bill as will Clinton.
Has there ever been an election with so much at stake?
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: That is a possibility. The show actually involves the local PD calling in paranormal investigators because they’ve gotten so many calls of strange sightings. So I was curious what the WV take on Shepherdstown really is. As in is this just publicity to drum up tourism.
Adam L Silverman
@Barb2: 1860. 1932.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: They are determined aren’t they.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Apparently it is.
@Adam L. Silverman
“Paranormal investigators.” The mediums of the 21st century.
Get better use from burning the money spent hiring them. At least could keep warm and toast some marshmallows.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Practice makes perfect.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Smores!!!!!!
@Mike J: All you need to do on election day is stuck a lure module on each polling location. You’ll get a whole bunch of twenty year olds playing pokemon there and you can simply ask them to come in and pull the lever. This works better in states with same-day registration.
But a more measured response would be that turnout is lower in minority communities, where people may not be playing pokemon hours a day. It will take real work to register members of these communities, clear hurdles put up by voter ID laws, and have an *actual* political revolution resulting in increased turnout.
This is:
a) What it looks like when you stick a lure module on a PokeStop.
b) Effective community relationship centered policing
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: So use some other cookie. No one is going to call the food police if you use tollhouse cookies or snickerdoodles or Scottish shortbread or what have you.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Oy vey.
@NotMax: Isambard Prince was played by Nigel Bennett, who I first encountered playing Lucian Lacroix in Forever Knight. He does great, kinda twisted bad-guys.
The President is headed to Dallas on Tuesday to meet privately with families of the wounded and deceased and to speak at a memorial service. Biden will also be in attendance, as will George W. Bush. He’s done this too many times.
.@Adam L Silverman: If the national parks, etc. were to be made private, it would affect the economies of those states. Those states are roughly the ones to which tourist income is indispensable and because of cronyism the sale prices would be cut rate starting out.
Adam L Silverman
@LesGS: A Forever Knight. Another pilot movie with Rick Springfield where he never makes it to the actual series.
Adam L Silverman
@PurpleGirl: No disagreement here.
@Major Major Major Major: In 118 days, this will all be over. Just 2,832 hours more of this fascinating nonsense. This horrible week has been a serious wake-up call, and I predict very long lines for voting, especially in Democratic districts. In the media, we are going to see long lines of blacks and hispanics waiting to vote on November 8. And women…lots and lots of women of every color. Not because Hillary is a woman, but because women (excepting the bottle blond republican traitors to their gender) are eminently practical and hands-on.There is already a Republican Women for Hillary movement happening. Mostly just hoping for big shifts towards D in the down-ticket races so we can make America sort of sane for once.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: well, looks it will still be more interesting than “Red Dwarf”, so there’s that…
@Adam L Silverman: Who sleeps? Working on some applications.
@efgoldman: Even cooler than living next door to the guy who played “Swamp Thing” or The Creature from the Black Lagoon – I forget which.
@Adam L Silverman: Okay by me. Geraint Wyn Davies did a great Nick Knight, though I always snickered when he said “clue,” with that hint of a Welsh accent. And apparently cops have to say “clue” a lot.
Miss Bianca
Yeah, the fire that has started round Coaldale has jumped the hill to our side of the valley. 5,000 acres in less than 24 hours. This could get nasty…
But, great view of the moon over the woods on fire, so there’s that!
I was in the 3rd grade, and on the day of the assassination, we were told that the president had been shot and we were sent home. School was closed until after the funeral. Different times those were, when no one thought about whether or not there would be someone at home.
@Miss Bianca: Heresy. Red Dwarf is golden joy.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman:
You jest, but it wasn’t uncommon among Irish-Americans during the 20th century. There were only a couple dozen ‘legitimate’ first names — priests were sticklers for saints’ names only, and between WWI and the 1970s working-class parents didn’t want to stick their kids with ‘funny’ ‘foreign’ names, so that knocked a bunch of the Irish saints out of contention. Once you factored in families with six or more kids, each of whom would go on to have a half-dozen or more of their own, you ended up adding multiple middle names & hoping the kid would be able to find a niche.
My father had three middle names, plus his confirmation name. My mother got two, but she used her confirmation name in preference to either… and later, of course, took her husband’s name, which bumped her ‘maiden name’ into the middle-name slot. Since they gave me a double-barreled first name, I ‘only’ have one — plus the confirmation name I was assigned at age 7. My sibs got two each (“just in case”), but at least three of the five use their confirmation names on legal documents.
Adam L Silverman
@LesGS: I thought it was an entertaining show.
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: I’m well aware of some of the naming conventions, but you are correct, here I was being a smartass.
Miss Bianca
@ruemara: I like the leader actor and the guy who plays the cat so much, I feel guilty saying I don’t like the show! Maybe i’ll give the second season a try in a bit..
@Adam L. Silverman
I want to lie shipwrecked and comatose
Drinking fresh mango juice
Goldfish shoals, nibbling at my toes
Fun, fun, fun in the sun, sun, sun
Fun, fun, fun in the sun, sun, sun
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: The first season was a but rough, it hits its stride during season 2 and then is solid till about 6. At that point the showrunners split and went separate ways and Craig Charles was accused of rape, which basically sent him off the edge of mental health for a bit, and then ultimately acquitted at trial. So there was a three year hiatus between seasons 6 and 7. From season 7 the good episodes were great and the bad episodes were horrid.
Adam L Silverman
@NotMax: Overall I loved that show. Started watching it when I lived in Scotland.
@Miss Bianca
Cat and Kryten are both a hoot.
Lister: “Go to Code Blue!”
Kryten: “You do realize, sir, that will involve changing the light bulb.”
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: Trump can’t nominate Ivanka, she seems to be the only one of his kids competent enough to keep the Trump businesses running. At least she seems to be able to get along with other people well enough to pick managers who know what they’re doing, a skill set Uday & Qusay don’t seem to have acquired. And the sprogs from marriages #2 and #3 aren’t old enough.
Anybody checked to see if Shelley Adelson has a kid might want the job?
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman:
See my new post, up top. Pence is undoubtedly a moron of the first water, but he’s a big favorite with the Talibangelicals… and he will never outshine Trump. (He would have difficulty outshining a reasonably well-trained Labrador Retriever, and I don’t have a high opinion of your average Lab’s intelligence. Very trainable, lovely personalities, just not in my experience among the top 25 smartest breeds overall.)
@Miss Bianca: Pls do. There’s excellence in them thar sillinesses. I mean, you haven’t even met Ace Rimmer yet or been to the backwards planet. Or Planet Rimmer. Or had your emotions eaten by the emotionphage.
@Anne Laurie
Smarter than Irish setters.
You misremember — the Creature was played by diver Ricou Browning in the swimming sequences and by a different stuntman for the land sequences. Landon did play a Teenage Werewolf, though.
Anne Laurie
I’m half-hoping that either Trump will “fire” his VP pick sometime in September, or else the VP candidate will jump ship a few weeks before the election!
Still have a bad taste in the mouth from making the humongous mistake of watching the pilot for the proposed American version.
So true! About Red Dwarf.
One of my favorite episodes, when they find themselves back on present day earth and the crew stuff themselves in a Smart car. Slap stick. The director and cast in a special extended view told the viewers the back story of the tiny car.
@NotMax: very bad idea
@Barb2: was that where they had been playing a vr game for years? So funny.
job app done off to bed
@efgoldman: @Mnemosyne:
Only here is this possible – especially if you follow the threads and realize that this is in response to Mrs. ef-onion-on-her-belt Goldman getting the toll house cookie recipe from the woman who invented chocolate chip cookies.
Steeplejack (phone)
This a link test. Fail.
@Miss Bianca:
Ouch. I hope they can get it controlled. There’s a fire burning by Nederland, CO, that went from 150-700 acres overnight. My daughter is working an internship at Indian Peaks Wilderness Area, where the fire’s burning (part in/part out of the wilderness). She got evacuated last night, but couldn’t get all her stuff. She & her boss were on an 8-mile hike & got radioed to get out ASAP. She’s safe, but stressing out.
Man-made fire; 2 bozos from Alabama were camping & didn’t put their campfire out.
Miss Bianca
@cckids: yow! I hope your daughter stays safe!
@Brachiator: It also puts lie to the argument that he’d hire all the best people around him. He can’t even do an email correctly.