.@realDonaldTrump trying to lie about @serenawilliams and she busted him! pic.twitter.com/xzkPhF3vSG
— Pnthrgrlgail (@Mama4Obama1) July 11, 2016
Somebody‘s having a good week, and it’s not Donald Trump.
Apart from rolling our eyes at the GOP’s Last Worst Hope, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
President Obama thinks the nation is not as divided as people think. He is living in a world of the make believe!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 10, 2016
“I’m a divider, not a uniter” https://t.co/PLyX8Zj9R5
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) July 10, 2016
Trump & his fervent base don’t want America united. They think they’re getting screwed by having to share the country w the rest of us.
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) July 10, 2016
Gov. Mary Fallin on Trump: "I think he is trying to campaign as a racial healer" https://t.co/6OZtrg079U #CNNSOTU https://t.co/588r7bUbxI
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) July 10, 2016
People who push “Democrats are the racist party” aren’t just idiots. They’re also the people who think racism is worse vs whites than blacks
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) July 9, 2016
It appears the thing with Serena Williams and Trump is fake. Snopes.
Maybe Michelle Obama will be Trump’s black American woman friend. She seems like nice people.
@Origuy: So they are friends?
My twitterfu must be weak but I couldn’t find either the trump or the Williams quote from that first tweet.
Sadly, the Mary Fallin thing is real.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Things are not getting better. Fatal courthouse shootings do not bode well for the rest of the summer.
@Baud: I’ll be her friend.
@JPL: Are you a racial healer?
@srv: I did not know that JHs aren’t supposed to vote.
@srv: Interesting.
If Jimmy Fallon said that, it would be a joke.
When Mary Fallin says it, it’s just a sad, stupid lie.
Mike in NC
She said ‘racial healer’ but we know it’s really ‘racist heel’.
James E Powell
Jehovah’s Witnesses (generally) do not participate in politics in any way. Politics is “worldly” and therefore trivial, a distraction. Surely there are exceptions, but the general rule is to respect the govt but not to play a part in it. One exception that comes to mind is Witnesses vigorously defend their free exercise religious freedom.
Yes, Drumpf is a uniter. He’s uniting all of the people who want to take their country back (from those damn other people that have it).
I mean, for Drumpf to spew that, it’s not surprising, his narcissism rules supreme, but for anyone to actually look at reality, see his statements and what he does and think he’s a uniter, that takes some powerful lenses.
It’s all about humanization. We’re all humans and our basic desires are pretty damn similar from person to person. Sure, each culture has it’s own little quirks about those desires, but we all want to be safe and secure and comfortable and for our families to be so. After that, it’s all decoration right?
Note how a large segment of the population (PoC) have to live with NOT being safe and secure. I’m sure there are policy prescriptions on all levels to help with that. Of course, that means people who are not PoC have to realize that something needs to be done. Some of us see it.
@Mike in NC: Listen, if you live in a world were acknowledging racism is defacto racist, then well sure, Trump’s a racial healer. Unlike Fallin, we live in the real world.
Obama admin finding that the individual insurance marketplace not all it was cracked up to be, the biggest bang from Obamacare has been mostly through expansion of LBJ’s Medicaid program, and maybe we should have a public option – Obama Wants Congress to Revisit Public Option
In other news, the
Berniebros/babesHippies continue to be right. And thus, will continue to be punched.Hal
Once upon a time weren’t evangelicals politically averse, also? Some days I wish they would have stayed that way.
@Baud: I’m just trying to get closer to the President. I think he’s a cutie.
What does this mean? link
Maybe I don’t understand what bipartisan means, but I sure as heck know what public option means.
Miss Bianca
@goblue72: And in other world headlines, any time “incremental progress” continues to be made, so-called “hippies” pee and moan because not only are they not getting ponies, they’re not getting ponies FAST ENOUGH.
Till I encountered leftier-than-thou PITAs like you, I never understood the impulse to *want* to punch hippies.
But she is an open supporter of BLM, so if she was a voter I doubt she would be voting for Drump. She appeared in Beyonce’s Lemonade video this spring. Lemonade has been deemed the most anti police thing ever by Rudy, the Huckster and FOX.
Roger Moore
I would argue that progressives continue to be right. Yes, ACA is far from perfect, but it’s a fair sight better than what we had in 2008. It’s a lot easier to argue in favor of improvements to a flawed but working program like ACA than it is to try to get everything at once. The incrementalist position of taking what you can get today and asking for more in the future is a better long-term route to success than all-or-nothing.
Apologies if this was posted earlier and I missed it, but look who just had a paper published in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)… some guy who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Should make for some interesting letters to the editor… NFLTG Obama, academic medicine style. <3
Major Major Major Major
The mood struck me, so I took a picture of part of my commute this morning.
I also took the proactive step of blocking an acquaintance of mine from seeing my future FB posts about anything, because he always finds a way to shoehorn hating Hillary, loving guns, or both into basically anything even tangentially related.
You do know that every New Deal, Great Society program started out a lot more limited than where it is today, right? Legislating in a democracy is hard, so you take what you can get. Then like the proverbial camel, once your nose is in the tent you move all the way in. Sheesh.
“Barack Obama, JD.” Love the byline.
dr. bloor
@goblue72: Everyone was saying the same thing here five years ago about the public option/medicare expansion. You’re not getting punched because you’re a hippie, you’re getting punched because you’re inane.
Bobby Thomson
@goblue72: take it up with Ben Nelson and Joe Lieberman, jackass.
Villago Delenda Est
@goblue72: You’re being punched because you’re a purity pony.
Sorry 40-something.
We all know you’re not young, but you’re not old enough to be hippie. Just another group you glom onto without actually belonging.
It’s been rumbling outside for twenty minutes… Rain would be nice with that thunder, just sayin
Bernie is in the process of letting the cat out of the bag. Posting about not falling for attempts by “the ruling class” to divide “us.”
Anticipatory wailing, gnashing of teeth, and rending of garments are under way.
? Martin
@goblue72: Best illustration I’ve seen lately of prioritizing winning a rhetorical argument over actually helping people. Nicely done. If only we had listened to you, 19 million people wouldn’t have healthcare and you could rightly take your victory lap. Sorry we denied you that opportunity.
@SiubhanDuinne: I know, right? In his last JAMA paper, it was “Senator Barack Obama.”
Glenn Beck practically twisted himself into a pretzel trying to tie the Dallas shooter to Nation of Islam. (“He stopped drinking after leaving the military. That’s one of the Nation’s requirements.”)
@James E Powell: You mean tennis is not worldly? Not to say that Serena isn’t a wonderful player and person but this kind of thing always seems to be so selective. Also, Michael Jackson was a Jehovah’s Witness.
Jill Stein is the ruling class?
I know this will shock you all since the hispanics love him.
Latino decisions new poll is out:
Clinton 74
Trump 16
Undecided 10
dr. bloor
Not the way she plays it, no.
@Baud: She isn’t part of the proletariat.
@goblue72: You’re not wrong, Walter. You’re just an asshole.
Matt McIrvin
@goblue72: I don’t think anyone here was actually opposed to the public option. We were opposed to killing the entire ACA because version 1.0 (in order to mollify some Blue Dogs) didn’t have a public option. Big difference.
If they’d Killed the Bill we would have nothing at this point, rather than the number of uninsured going down by millions.
Witnesses are discouraged from voting, running for office, or military service. They will answer jury summonses but will typically ask to be dismissed for religious reasons during voir dire.
Actually, you’re just kinda sad. Everyone else has moved on and you’re still stuck in 2008, wanting to debate the public option.
Bobby Thomson
@Baud: more of a useful idiot.
I may not have won the nomination, but I have the ear of the president.
You’re welcome, Mr. President.
@goblue72: You should read this:
Vox.com Max Weber explains the 2016 election
This part is something you should read several times:
Sound familiar?
Well, change one letter in one word, and I COMPLETELY agree with Ok Gov. Mary Fallin’s above statement.
Trump’s trying to bring the races other than white to heel, especially Mexicans.
@Baud: Sooo… we can put you on the short list to run HHS in the upcoming administration?
Martha from Augusta
Is that a euphemism?
@singfoom: Far too many “true progressives” are more interested in winning an argument than winning an election.
@James E Powell:
German Witnesses vexed the Nazis during WW II because of this and they were the first Christian denomination to be banned. Lots of persecution, imprisonment to attempt to break them. Didn’t work.
@Martha from Augusta:
Ha! Probably.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@goblue72: if the public option is so easy why haven’t the commune-ists/hippies passed one in the people’s republic of vermont?
Also, just below the byline:
“Author affiliations: President of the United States, Washington, DC”
Made me chuckle.
@Bobby Thomson:
more of a
usefuluseless idiot.FIXIT for you
Pouring in John’s Creek.
Major Major Major Major
This thread sure is short.
Thanks, troll filter!
@SiubhanDuinne: Finally had about twenty minutes of rain, most of it sideways.. I watered today, so the good news it should only help. The dogwoods in the woods are already dropping leaves, because I refuse to water back there.
Unwitting tool thereof.
Did you ever get rid of all that bamboo finally?
@debbie: Glenn Beck is a Mormon and Mormons don’t drink. Maybe Micah Johnson was a Mormon convert. The Bundys are Mormon and they’re anti-law enforcement.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Shit! That’s the courthouse for my county!
@Miss Bianca:
I just wish we could get smarter hippies. Then we wouldn’t feel like punching them.
@amygdala: Only two published papers in 10 years? He’ll never get tenure at that rate.
But didn’t Glenn stop drinking?
@dmsilev: He’s been busy for the past eight years.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@Baud: she is rich and white.
Miss Bianca
@satby: we were wondering about that!
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q):
Meanwhile, on that same page, some towns are back to banning saggy pants. Because, as we all know, there is no more important issue facing the country today than what teenagers wear to annoy their elders.
@SiubhanDuinne: Yes but I have to be vigilant since my neighbors have it. You should come by, I have roses where the pond was and gardenias where the bamboo was.
In St. Joe, no less. I’m guessing that kind of thing happens there, like, never.
The right thing to do and the best possible thing to do are often two different things; and sometimes the best possible thing isn’t all that easy to figure out.
Also, there’s a difference between hippie punching and asshole punching. NOBODY has s problem with asshole punching.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Wow – these guys will do anything to avoid Trump’s shit show.
Villago Delenda Est
@germy: These dipshits never think things through.
Roger Moore
Good luck with that. You might as well ask for cleaner ones, while you’re at it. And a pony, also, too.
Villago Delenda Est
@Mnemosyne: What the kids should do is open carry semi-auto weapons. The elders can’t object to that.
No shit, Sherlock. Medicaid expansion was always the heart of PPACA, which is why it was such a big deal when the Supreme Court decided that states couldn’t be compelled to expand Medicaid. Maybe if you’d paid more attention to actual events than wishing for your pony, we wouldn’t be having to listen to you burble about it at least 5 years too late.
Hey, have you heard about this new show called “Breaking Bad”? I hear it’s terrific!
@Linnaeus: Actually, the ammosexuals usually shoot themselves.
(I had to deal with her, she always obnoxiously pulled out her concealed carry permit instead of her drivers license to write a check. Definitely a Darwin award winner)
@germy: I don’t know. Doesn’t look like he’s been teaching a full course load either, and his participation in committee work is definitely less than what we’d like to see. Could be a problem. The Dean likes him, though, which certainly doesn’t hurt.
Roger Moore
No wonder he was only a lecturer and never a tenure track professor.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@SiubhanDuinne: It always sort of freaks me to see my name on the psych rotation case conference schedule as Bella Q, JD. Everybody else is MD, or PhD, or MD,MS,PhD…
@satby: I was concerned that might be close by.
This is why court bailiffs shouldn’t carry at work. Not only are the retired PD personnel, they are generally (IME) old and appear easy to disarm. the sheriff’s staff in court tend to be younger and more fit, but none of them need guns in court. IMHO.
@Miss Bianca: later reports are saying he grabbed one of the dead bailiffs guns.
It’s sad.
Iowa Old Lady
@germy: Also Trump.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Have any GOP politicians “accidentally” shot themselves to avoid going to the Convention?
Some people actually enjoy getting theirs punched.
Or so I hear…
Villago Delenda Est
@debbie: Isn’t that one of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints’ requirements, also, too?
@dmsilev: I dunno, I think he’s been doing lots of committee work, but he keeps getting stuck on those goldbricking committees that don’t want to do a thing except argue.
@dmsilev: No, but a few have gone quail hunting with Dick Cheney.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
OK, that cracked me up. Thank you.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Bah. I have to get up at 4:00 am. Suddenly assigned to go to Beverly MA tomorrow. Worse: I have to fly in the hated Logan airport. I can’t even stay up late and play tonight.
Gonna go pout now.
ETA: Lady Thunder just handed me chocolate. Now I feel like a heel. With chocolate.
@Roger Moore:
Heh, I remember back in 2008 some wingnuts making a fuss about that distinction (“He wasn’t _really_ a professor; he’s lying when he claims to have that title”) and the University of Chicago basically issuing a statement of “Well, _we_ think his position carries the title ‘professor’ “.
I was also told at one point by a UofC Senior Administration Official ™ that the University got a whole bunch of people demanding that they fire William Ayers. Who worked at the University of Illinois, Chicago, an entirely different institution….
@Villago Delenda Est:
As Glenn is not terribly bright, I’m guessing he saw “X” was Johnson’s middle initial and immediately assumed Malcolm X, rather than, you know, the guy’s middle name being Xavier.
I was asking about that in a thread downstairs, thinking it was probably not far from you. I used to drive through St Joe all the time, back when I lived in Michigan and still had relatives in Chicago.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Sounds like these two bailiffs were exactly that: retired after 30 years as cops I think. I’m with you, bailiffs shouldn’t need to be armed considering all the security just to get into the building. And the sheriff’s office is right next door.
@JPL: What works to get rid of bamboo?
(Without warning I have expanse of garlic mustard now too.)
@JPL: You have a birthday soon. I’ve been wanting to take you to lunch anyhow, so let’s do it this week or next. You name the date. Do you still have my email address?
Ultraviolet Thunder
I heard that on the radio on the way home from work. Two dead. No details yet.
@SiubhanDuinne: And right now it’s full of vacationers, but since most of them are fellow Chicagoans, the terrors of St. Joe won’t really panic anyone.
Oh, that happened in St. Joe, too? Hm.
Major Major Major Major
@dmsilev: Damn, beat me to it.
@Roger Moore:
The funny thing is, I grew up in hippieville surrounded by actual hippies. The SDS met in our basement FFS. They were all day meetings because they made decisions by consensus.
I do have very fond memories of some of it. Then there was a schism and the whole thing fell apart dramatically.
The whole hippie punching meme strikes me as some kind of persecution complex by people who feel nostalgia for a fantasy version of being a hippie that they never actually experienced.
@Major Major Major Major: That’s what you get for filtering trolls.
You don’t say.
@Major Major Major Major: It was a hanging curveball. Someone had to take a swing at it.
@Linnaeus: yeah. They’re keeping quiet on the shooter now, but for the sake of all of us I hope he’s a meth head white guy or militia guy.
Reggie Mantle
You mean the option Hillary now says she’s for?
Amazing how that hate makes you tie yourselves in rhetorical knots.
“Must mock the idea of the public option because progressives like it, but Hillary is for it but only purity ponies are for it and Hillary is centrist and pragmatic and the public option is not but she likes the public option bzzzzzt…” as smoke starts pouring out your ears.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: @Reggie Mantle: Oop, missed one! Also, Reggie dear, please do try to keep up, that little whine makes so little sense it’s embarrassing.
@Reggie Mantle: Lordy you are tedious.
@Aleta: Cut the stalk and within ten or fifteen seconds, put two tsp of roundup. I had hundreds, so it is easier with two people. A son cut and I poured. A few months later, I was able to dig up the roots. They looked like a prehistoric animals. The only natural solution is cut and let it grow a foot and cut again. Maybe in a decade they will finally die.
I waited until the following spring to replant.
I left about six inches of the stalk in case I needed to repeat the process.
Roger Moore
No, but one apparently burned himself severely, or at least claims to have done so.
My father was raised as a Christian Scientist; his father died when my dad was only two, and he ended up going to a (long-extinct) boarding school for orphaned boys of CS parents, called Chicago Boys’ School. It was located in St Joe. Apparently that was also quite the vacation place for Chicagoans back in the early ’20s.
Bill E Pilgrim
Trump Pence?
Has a very Dickensian ring to it, somehow.
“Jacob, do collect before that child dies. Eight shillings and trumppence. Or we’ll be faced with drawn curtains and complaints about the cost of burial and never see the money we’re owed.”
Fitting, really.
Just One More Canuck
@Major Major Major Major: Do you have brontosaurus (sauri?) where you live?
@Reggie Mantle:
Oh, look, another idiot who missed 2012. Were you in a coma or just out of the country for the Medicaid ruling?
Man who witnessed Alton Sterling’s death files lawsuit against Baton Rouge Police Department for stealing surveillance video without warrant, locking him in car for four hours(WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT)
Monday, July 11, 2016, 5:24 PM
The convenience store owner who captured Alton Sterling’s death on video said police stole the surveillance video from his store, took his cell phone and locked him in a car for four hours.
Abdullah Muflahi, who owns the Baton Rouge Triple S Food Mart where Sterling was killed on July 5, claims that police confiscated his phone and locked him in the car, in a lawsuit filed with the Baton Rouge district court.
Sterling, a 37-year-old black father of five, was tackled and wrestled onto the hood of a car, then the pavement, by two police officers around 12:35 a.m. The officers fired five shots at Sterling, who was hit once in the chest and once in the back.
In a 42-second cell phone video taken by Muflahi, one of the two officers takes a gun from Sterling’s right pocket, despite earlier reports that the man had pulled the gun on the officers.
@Bill E Pilgrim: I read that in John Oliver’s voice.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Which horrible terminal are you arriving in?
(Note: Only B is abysmal. A, C and E have all been remodeled, but E is now Intl’ only (Southwest having finally been shunted off to A.)
Logan is finally not a complete PITA, though, alas you’re going to Beverly. It could be worse — Wellesley!
Reggie Mantle
It’s quite amusing watching the Hill-bullies raging at people for pushing for things that Hillary at least claims she’s for. At least she does now.
@Baud: It’s a good thing you didn’t get the nomination: all that time you’ve been spending on the dark internet would have been uncovered eventually.
@Major Major Major Major: Nothing penetrates their fantasy conversations. I’ve never met two people more committed to answering what people are not saying.
IIRC, the original (Iraq War-ish) meme was that rational people were trying to say that war was a stupid idea and the media and Bush Administration acted like we were just stupid hippies who didn’t understand foreign policy.
Now it seems to have morphed into any policy a given person likes that they want to feel persecuted about.
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s a long time favorite of several famous Chicagoans!
Bill E Pilgrim
How you got in Jon Oliver’s voice, I’ll never know.
Now, whose voice are you reading that one in? This is a test.
@Emma: Hey! WTF Emma?
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: I thought the exact same thing when saw that story about Abbot.
So did the NY Times writer, probs.
@Bill E Pilgrim: Rod Serling!
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Even worse, you have to go to Beverly afterwards.
@Baud: Me? What did I do?
@Baud: That’s why I like this blog. It’s the best blog ever!1!
Reggie Mantle
“Whining,” “Trolling”, “paid Trump shill,” etc., are just the buzzwords you BJ’ers use when confronted by your own sloppy thinking born of unreasoning hatred and crankiness.
Roger Moore
I think the distinction is a lot more significant in the humanities and sciences than it is in law and business. The distinction, of course, is that academic institutions are really where the action is for humanities and sciences, so lecturers are people who couldn’t get a tenure track job. In law and business- and to a lesser extent engineering- the most important work is taking place outside of academia, so lecturers are people bringing valuable real world experience back into the academy.
@Baud: Reggie and goblue are only one?
Matt McIrvin
@Reggie Mantle:
Do you even understand what that was about? The main dispute among liberals back in 2009-2010 was with people who wanted the ACA killed if it didn’t have a public option (or, if they were especially insistent, if it wasn’t entirely a single-payer system). Had they prevailed, we would have no healthcare reform at all today.
Understood, but he was specifically trying to connect him to NOI because they, like Jeremiah Wright, hate America.
@Emma: M^4 replied to me and RM, so it appeared you were referring to the two of us.
Roger Moore
Other than nuclear weapons? Not much.
@Reggie Mantle:
GoBlue is being punched because he’s an idiot who didn’t pay enough attention to the healthcare fight to realize that Medicaid expansion was the fucking CORE of it, and it was shot down by the Supreme Court.
And, as usual, you ignore the reason why something is happening so you can cling to your personal sense of grievance.
Reggie Mantle
Actually, it’s because you’ve taken on the worst characteristics of the Bushistas.
What’s the inverse of Cleek’s Law, wherein “today’s pragmatic centrism is the opposite of whatever progressives want today: updated daily”?
@dmsilev: Sure, but what works to get rid of pandas? (Asking for a friend…)
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Yep.
“Hey, Cecelia, hows that pipin hot broth comin on the stove.”
“Its comin nicely, Greg.”
“Pour it on my legs, babe. I need something to prevent me from goin to that consarnit conventun.”
“Alright pumpkin.”
I know thats how it actually went.
Is that considered worse than spending time here?
Reggie Mantle
That’s your fantasy, not mine.
And then I think a video came out called ” The Dirty Fucking Hippies Were Right” but I don’t remember when that was. It may have been 2005 or 06.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Baud: D’oh!
Okay now that was my fault, I distracted you with the “this is a test” line, redolent of “Do not attempt to adjust your television set”. Even that’s still wrong since that would be The Outer Limits, but close!
Actually that could be the motto of the Trump campaign. This is really happening. There is nothing wrong with your television set. There is something wrong with roughly 40 percent of the population of your country, but your TV is working fine.
Ok, who here lied about WMDs?
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Reggie Mantle
Way to miss the point again.
@Reggie Mantle:
I dunno, but I’m pretty sure you’re playing games with Poe’s Law here.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Man – Taylor Swift has a really photogenic pùssy (photo)
@Roger Moore: How about kudzu? Maybe that would out-compete the bamboo.
Dealing with the kudzu is left as an exercise for the reader.
@Baud: Oops. My apologies. My only excuse is that the Naproxen isn’t kicking in fast enough.
@GOVCHRIS1988: Although: all the evidence we have so far is guv showing up in orthopedic shoes his staff purchased for him, and alleged bandaging under his trouser legs.
Could be a likely story … at first I thought, “what has Rick Perry done now?”
@Reggie Mantle: Sorry.
Ok, who here hired a former horse trainer to run an critical federal agency?
Chyron HR
@Reggie Mantle:
Hey, Reg, still planning to vote for Trump in November in order to punish America for not loving and adoring Bernie?
(Free clue: I only say things like this because I think it’s hilarious getting you to throw screaming fits on command. And even though I’ve straight up told you this, I bet you’re going to do it anyway. “Sad!” as your idol Donald Trump would put it.)
Are those smokestacks still there? They were always fun to fly between in order to land.
Villago Delenda Est
@Reggie Mantle: Why are you wandering into Jim Hoft territory, Reggie?
Ultraviolet Thunder
I’ve been told it’s improved. Thanks for the reminder. I need to check in online and get my marching orders.
The worst part is going through the damn tunnel, and your GPS gets lost, then you come out and have to make a turn decision. Which will be wrong. I drove through Cambridge half the night in the rain last time trying to get to Turner’s Falls. I use Manchester if I can, and I’ll fly out of there if possible.
But I may have to drive to Hartford CT after Beverly MA. We’ll see.
@Elizabelle: Kick him in the shins. Only way to be sure.
Sorry, my bad. In my defense, it was a really sweet bribe.
@dmsilev: The gulch behind my house is a giant kudzu patch. What works is mowing every week, it’s like training your hair.
Reggie Mantle
@Lyin’ Chyron HR:
No, you still planning to keep lying about what people say?
The very definition of trolling, innit?
BTW, Lyin’ Chyron, if you think this is a “screaming fit,” you really need to get out more, buddy.
Bill E Pilgrim
@efgoldman: Only after eating and shooting.
@different-church-lady: OSX 10.6
[ducking and running]
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: “Is that a proper cat?”
@debbie: Oh, yes. I don’t expect them to disappear any time soon.
@Chyron HR:
I believe the quote ends with “…and the pig enjoys it.”
@Roger Moore:
Much as I hate to be fair to any Republican, any kind of burn is very dangerous for someone who’s paralyzed. The only worse thing is a blister, which can turn into a nasty systemic infection faster than you could believe.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@different-church-lady: It’s a poo-tay cat.
Mike E
DougJ, ladies and gentlemen!
El Caganer
@efgoldman: Yeah, but there’ll be a different type of problem. I’m pretty sure pandas would do in bamboo what bears do in the woods..
Bill E Pilgrim
You train your hair with a lawnmower?
@Bill E Pilgrim: Name that movie:
Your ass is grass and I’m the lawnmower/
@LAO: I wrote this on the thread below:
@Ultraviolet Thunder: No tunnel to Beverly. Take 1-A North towards Revere (away from the tunnels) to the 1a-16-60 circle. Take the 2nd right out of the circle onto 60W for about a mile to the second circle (1st circle is 107), hop onto US 1 and take that to MA 128 N (I-95 N) ; stay on 128N to Beverly. Skip the tunnels, tolls and lack of signage.
It’s the North Shore, however, and this is tourist season. Best of luck.
Luvvie’s at it again….
#BLAXIT: More Things We’re Taking With Us If We Leave
Awesomely Luvvie — July 11, 2016
This country is ungrateful as hell. You know good and damb well Black folks built this thing with our blood and sweat, literally. Now you wanna treat us like Starks at the Red Wedding and we do not appreciate it.
If we decided to peace out and make our Black Exit (BLAXIT) like Brexit, they’d be up shit’s creek. Ulysses Burley III wrote a piece on The Salt Collective called #BLAXIT: 21 things we’re taking with us if we leave. And well, it was fantastic and you gotta read it. We just have more things we need to take with us.
Ulysses correctly identified Beyonce, Oprah, Shonda, soul food and HeLa cells as 5 of those things. What and who else do we take with us in this BLAXIT? Well, my Facebook friends had a field day. Because if you can’t count on us for nothing else, you can ensure that our petty cup always runneth over.
What are we taking with us when we go to New Blaxica? Hella OnyxLand? Republic of Noir? Land of Sable?
@Reggie Mantle:
Really? Pointing out that someone apparently missed the entire mishegas of the Supreme Court’s Medicaid ruling is now “taking on the worst characteristics of the Bushitas”?
I already knew you were already pretty opposed to bothering your beautiful mind with factual information, but I think you’re hitting new heights of, Damn the facts, I know my gut is right!
Which does remind me of the Bushistas, so projection much?
Bill E Pilgrim
@raven: “Debbie Does Santa Barbara”?
Patricia Kayden
Good for Serena. She’s no racist’s “black American woman friend”. LOL. Trump needs to keep her name out of his racist mouth.
Edit: Just read the first comment which shows this exchange was fake. Oh well. Seemed plausible enough.
Villago Delenda Est
@rikyrah: Taking soul food with them? OK, this shit has got to stop, right now.
@SiubhanDuinne: I love his author affiliations: “President of the United States, Washington, DC”!
ETA: sempronia beat me to it!
Villago Delenda Est
@rikyrah: Damn, resource limit reached. Can’t get the page to come up. This sucks.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Thanks. That sounds doable. I like to have a route in my head as a reality check against Garmin. In dense areas it tends to lose track of which highway you’re on and become useless.
Bedtime. Gotta get up at 4:00 and go fly.
‘night, all.
@Reggie Mantle:
No, he correctly determined that you had no point.
I’m partial to Blacklandia.
Roger Moore
I’m willing to be that your local zoo would be happy to take them off your hands.
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: Deforestation.
@dmsilev: 1 in Nature, 3 in NEJM, and several in lower impact journals. Plus he’ll kick ass in the public service part of his tenure dossier.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Roger Moore:
I think there’s a treatment you can get at the pharmacy, takes a few days and comes with a little comb, sometimes the little ones are really hard to see.
Ultraviolet Thunder
I like Turner’s Falls. Beautiful. The first time I went there I picked Albany to land, but didn’t plan on the Berkshires until I saw them on the horizon. Nice April day with no traffic. It was very pleasant. But now I fly into Manchester to go there.
ETA: Gotta sleep. My comment got eated. have a nice night, all.
@Mnemosyne: My favorite response to this is a cartoon in which a young man with saggy pants and and old woman are waiting at the bus stop together. The old woman says to the young man, “You must be so proud of yourself to have lost all that weight!”
Roger Moore
And the teaching requirement? I guess he’s schooled the Republicans enough times to skate on that one.
Bad dog, Reggie. No pooping in the thread. Go out in the back yard while we clean up after ypu.
Bill E Pilgrim
I think there’s a treatment you can get at the store, takes a few days and comes with a little comb, sometimes the little ones are really hard to see.
@Just One More Canuck: LOL I was going to ask the same question but thought I must be looking at the picture wrong
I’m not cleaning up after that asshole.
In a post titled “Speaking Truth”, Anne posts an outright fabrication — the Serena Williams response. How hard is it to double check this by clicking the link to her twitter timeline?? At the very least, add a note right below that tweet.
@efgoldman: I felt I had to tell a couple of my 30-ish friends on FB today that I wish they had paid better attention to their required participation in government in high school.
@Mnemosyne: If his paralysis was accompanied by severe numbness, it may be why he was severely burned. Hot baths and electric blankets can cause severe burns when people don’t have enough sensation to realize it’s too hot.
This is the kudzu behind our house, there are trees and a creek down there!
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Sammich by Georgia O’Keeffe?
@raven: That’s a lot of jam!
@rikyrah: Let’s understand each other here. You are not messing with my fried chicken, corn bread, and sweet potatoes!
Mark B
@Roger Moore: Yeah, that’s real. It’s unfortunately probably an error by his staff. I doubt he has enough feeling in his legs to know when he’s being burned, so anyone who helps him with cleaning has to know what they’re doing and not use water that’s too hot. As much as I detest Abbot as a politician, I really wouldn’t wish this kind of injury on him .. or anyone. I wish him a quick recovery. And I hope he quits as governor soon.
rawhide rawlins
Thanks Bill E Pilgrim, you got a genuine unexpected laugh outa me.
Just One More Canuck
@Renie: It has a real Flintstone look to it. Major x4 probably says “Yabba Dabba Doo” on his way to work
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@satby: The keeping quiet implies that, but then given last week, it could also go the other way. I’m hoping the same thing you are.
@raven: Holy cow. That’s an insane amount of that stuff.
@raven: OMG that looks like a monster taking over your land!
It’s your turn. You agreed.
Abbott is a paraplegic — a tree fell on him while he was jogging, apparently. So, yeah, any injury to the paralyzed area is not good at all.
(My brother is a partial paraplegic due to a car accident, so that’s why I know these things.)
@Emma: The first year we were here we didn’t pay much attention to it because we were working on the house. It really does grow nearly a foot a day in the heat of the summer. I did all kinds of research online, South Carolina had a big eradication project, but the best advice I found was to mow mow mow. It actually is a nice border for the rest of the yard!
@efgoldman: You want him to take the Ted, Tip and Zake to get to the North Shore?
I’m not giving him the river-road directions to Newton Corner. That’s for people I hate.
Is this after you’ve mowed?
@debbie: I’m processing a vid I just shot in this intense wind. Our yard(s) are a bit to the left of the photo and they look really good bordered by the kudzu foothills.
here’s a youtube, our yard is where you see the light.
@efgoldman: Patrick is the ultimate blowhard. Former 3rd rate sportscaster turned failed restaurant owner who got a slice of a tiny AM station that got in early on the Limbaugh phenomenon.
Vile does not begin to describe him. The day after the Orlando attack he tweeted a biblical verse basically explaining “you reap what you sow”.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Mark B: All of this. He’s an odious human being – collect a big settlement (for an injury that’s horrific to be sure) for his own accident, then enact tort damage limits so others can’t. Still I wouldn’t wish him the awful burns, which can get more awful in a hurry without excellent expert care. I read that he has enough sensation that they’re painful.
@efgoldman: is it the Lt Gov. or the AG that’s under indictment? Or both? I can’t keep up.
Except those foothills are advancing toward you a foot a day! Can you hear it growing?
@Mnemosyne: There’s more to the story… The homeowners had cared for the tree, and it was recently inspected. Abbott sued them anyway, and made a nice settlement. When he took office, he signed a bill, insuring that folks like him, would never be able to sue again. It’s the I got mine.. fu.
I do agree that he probably didn’t know the extent of the burns and that is why he is now in the hospital being treated.
Of course, he could be in the hospital overnight, in order to avoid the President at the Memorial tomorrow. Anything is possible.
Wow, it sounds like the ocean!
@debbie: The “runners get out in front of the main plant and look king of like asparagus. This is what it looks like when it’s dormant, the picture was some 15 years ago and those pines are now about 45 feet high. I took the video from the sidewalk at the top of the pic.
Major Major Major Major
@Just One More Canuck: a@Renie: it’s a big bow and arrow called Cupid’s Span. Bay Bridge in the background.
Make sure you send that to Anne Laurie for a Sunday garden thread. It’s obviously a very good year for kudzu!!
Dan Frosch @djfroschWSJ
UPDATE: Dallas cop shooter legally bought guns used in attack at gun show or on internet, official says.
America….where the unstable can get weapons of death….
@Miss Bianca: Demanding things is the only way the status quo changes. “What do we want? Tiny incremental changes that won’t add up to meaningful change with our lifetimes” has never been a rallying cry.
The holy triumvirate of civil rights legislation in the 20th century (the CRA of 64, the VRA of 65, and the FHA of 68) were not incremental change but watershed legislation that all occurred within a very narrow window of time.
Same thing with environmental legislation – the National Environmental Policy Act of 70, Clean Air Act of 70 (a major amendment that really established the clean air act as we know it), the modern Clean Water Act of 72, Endangered Species Act of 73. A watershed flurry of activity in response to growing environmental activism of the era.
The “change only comes in increments” is – and always has been – a bullshit answer.
Bobby Thomson
@Reggie Mantle: Christ, you’re an idiot. You and gotroll72 both are convinced people here hate and hated the idea of a public option, which is a bald faced lie. Just go play in traffic.
@Roger Moore: Truth.
Even if I had grandkids they’d be much older than the apparent age of 4 and would be fully capable of cleaning up after themselves. Years and years ago I had a stepdaughter who was 4 and she was far more than capable so he’s on his own. IOW fuck him.
And besides you are going to have to show me where I said that I agreed, in writing and notarized.
This is OT. I’d copy the paragraph, but it’s not that simple. Trump likes divorce in Saudi. link
Can we just stop calling them the party of family values…
@raven: That stuff looks like something out of a Stephen King book. Quietly advancing at night closer and closer to homes until its too late and it encompasses the house!
As far as Texas governors go: Bush made Perry look good, Perry made Abbott look good, and Patrick will make Abbott look good. Unfortunately, Texas is a southern weak-governor state, so the Lt Gov actually wields a lot of power.
If Abbott cannot attend the Dallas memorial, then Patrick, the man who called the BLM protestors cowards and hypocrites will go in his stead. I’d bet money on him casting shade on Obama if he speak, if not outright blaming him for the tragedy.
@Renie: That’s not Stephen King, that actually happens in GA.
@raven: But IIRC from a friend’s house, when it’s windy it’s noisy! It sounded like a choir imitating rushing water. Can you sleep when it gets going?
@debbie: That could just as easily tie the shooter to the Mormons.
Glenn? Are you sure you really want to go there?
@Renie: If you don’t keep a handle on it, it will. There used to be a traffic helicopter guy in Atlanta that would track an abandoned school bus as it was eaten by kudzu every year. Here’s better shot of it in the early spring, it has to be 70 for it to grow.
@Emma: I have a noise machine next to my head so I sleep just as well as normal. Lil Bit breathes so hard I have to block it.
Omnes Omnibus
@goblue72: If you think that the ACA was small potatoes, you have your head farther up your ass than I had suspected.
McChrystal is out. Pence is considering a modified Palin option – quit his job, run for VP, ????, still be politically viable.
We’ll also take swagga, slang, the side eye, on no you didn’t, talk to the hand, and all the other cultural appropriations that make you seem cool. Oh and cool itself.
Did he sue?
EDIT Sorry… I didn’t see JPL’s comments above.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@rikyrah: Don’t you know? Guns don’t kill people…
Roger Moore
It’s a fucking strawman, too. Nobody here is saying change comes only in increments; they’re saying not to knock incremental change because it can lead to bigger things down the road. Ask for what you want, take what you can get, and don’t let perfection be the enemy of real improvement.
@raven: Wow that must be something to watch. Up here in NY its considered a prohibited plant. Is that your yard in the foreground of the picture?
@Villago Delenda Est:
Here is the direct link to Luvvie
@goblue72: And you’re building a straw and bullshit man two stories tall.
Oh, and…. {arms winds up for a haymaker}
@Renie: Yes, the pines had grown to about 6 feet and we we’re just putting in the raised beds. Here’s an angle from above the Kudzu. This time last year we were half way through putting a big addition on the house, it comes all the way down to where the raised beds are.
@Renie: Here’s the addition, you can see that the old screen porch is still there.
@raven: The trees – those are the kudzu-covered bumps in the photo, right?
@dmsilev: But of course! Though in that scenario as soon as the bamboo was gone I’d have to plant more.
@CaseyL: Yes and there is a really nasty polluted stream down there!
Mark B
@efgoldman: He’s a piece of crap. He makes Abbot look like a saint. A horrible human being. I also do not wish him physical harm, but I hope he leaves Texas and moves somewhere far away from people as he can.
Unfortunately, I can’t think of a single statewide elected official in the state of Texas that isn’t a really crappy excuse for a human being. It’s a byproduct of being a one-party state for so long that the worst rise to the top.
I’ve been having fun reading the DPRK twitter feed. Normally I eschew the twatter thing, but this is kind of amusing. Hard to tell if its real or not, the entire existence of North Korea seems like performance art, with missiles.
Without looking it up, how many previous Civil Rights Acts were there?
Bonus question: what year was Brown v Board of Education decided?
Matt McIrvin
@BruceFromOhio: This tweet was the one that made it clear to me that this is a parody account.
Last night the beavers took down 2 plum trees at the swimming spot. I had seen them at dusk when we walked down to swim, and found their trail, leading to a peach tree and lilac I planted years ago.
I wrapped the tree bases in aluminum foil for the night until I could get chicken wire today. ((When I went back down with the foil, there was a 4 year old boy strapped into his stroller holding an ipad and hunting Pokemon. If not for this blog, I would not have been able to hold an intelligent conversation with him,)
Blocked their trail partly with a canoe across. Went down this afternoon and they had taken the plums, which is OK since they had been spreading. But tomorrow I have to wrap the main plums. Some years ago the beavers took a young apple that came with the lot, and my little sekel pear tree which was quite aways from the water and bore small fruit like mad every fall. I’m still mad about the pear.
Crap! Phrased it backwards….Should be
Bush > Perry > Abbott > Patrick
Mark B
@bmoak: Whoever comes after Patrick in that inequality would have to be a real corker. Maybe somebody like Ted Nugent.
Oh my.
/Sulu voice
AL, you should borrow that hammer from AS.
@efgoldman: People like goblue and others are convinced that Obama never really was for the public option and that if he had pushed for it it would have been included.
They also believe the only reason that Hillary is even bringing it up now is because Bernie (who as far as I know never brought up the public option during the campaign, though i could be wrong) pushed her in that direction.
And they still believe the only answer is single payer, particularly Medicare for all. They ignore other options and ignore the fact that Medicare is really not that good of insurance.
ETA: regarding the first, they are totally wrong. Regarding the second, they are totally wrong. Regarding the third, they are just ignorant (trying to be nice, other words did occur to me).
Uncle Cosmo
@efgoldman: Tell you what: I’ll hold goblowagoat72 while Miz Bianca hits him. Then when her punching arm gets tired, you can step in. Deal?
Uncle Cosmo
@Drudgie Mumble: As always, Drudgie, you are cordially invited to fuck off & die.
@Reggie Mantle:
reg, in all seriousness i hope you get chewed alive by red ants.
@goblue72: Christ, did you even pay attention to the span of years for that legislation? Three to four years each. ACA has only been fully functional for about two years. We also have a Congress that will gut it in a heartbeat. THERE IS NOTHING THERE FOR US TO WORK WITH!
If we are lucky we will take the Senate. It is exceedingly unlikely we will get the House. Exactly how are we supposed to implement the sweeping changes you want?
Reggie Mantle
@Uncle Cosmo: Right back atcha, cupcake.
We just aren’t wishing hard enough.
Another option would be to elect Sanders and sit back and be amazed at how everything would just appear one day. Don’t you know how magic works?
Reggie Mantle
The fantasies of BJ’ers in regards to me are often very disturbing.
You realize that’s Gamergate level hatred, right? Or maybe you don’t.
@raven: I’ve read about the addition and your wife and her planting but its so nice to see it all together in the photos. That addition is great! That’s nice you were able to keep the screened in porch. I bet it gets buggy at night by you. In the picture looking at the gray kudzu, is that all your property to the top of the hill where the trucks are? Is that an industrial piece of property or just a neighbor with alot of trucks.
Omnes Omnibus
Not quite. If we work hard, we may take back the Senate. No matter how hard we work, it is exceedingly unlikely that we will get the House.
@efgoldman: when I think of globule
Yeah, my typing fingers are worn out from mocking them. The keyboard character paint holds up, amazingly.
Omnes Omnibus
@LAC: Nah. Per gb72’s statements: s/he is a Michigan Law grad, 40-something, and working in RE development. Pure armchair revolutionary poseur.
@Mnemosyne: @goblue72
Here are a few more:
1) When was the first March on Washington organized?
2) When was the NAACP founded? When did it start fighting for a) voting rights; b) desegregation; and c) anti-lynching; and when were those things achieved?
3) How many amendments have there been to Social Security since it was first enacted?
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, I omitted the blood, sweat and tears, but Goblow isn’t acknowledging reality anyway. If I had, it would have just kept rocking to itself in the corner. Probably still will anyway.
Omnes Omnibus
@Monala: What do college sports have to do with any of this?
Oh, NAACP, not NCAA. Never mind.
/Emily Litella
Donald campaign speech
@Reggie Mantle:
I’m serious as a heart attack here. you. red ants. make it happen.
Reggie Mantle
Funny that Lyin’ Chyron fantasizes that I’m throwing “screaming fits” over his lies while a supposedly “trusted” poster here is actively wishing I be tortured to death in the most horrible way imaginable— for disagreeing with the common wisdom on a blog.
And you call yourselves liberals? You really have gotten worse than the worst of the right. I don’t recall even Drumpf calling for any of his opponents to be devoured alive by ants.
Omnes Omnibus
@Reggie Mantle: You are a silly person. You either lack any sense of humor, irony, satire, sarcasm, or snark or you are brick-wall stupid.
@Reggie Mantle:
So, Reg –
You planning to move on from “YOU ALL FUCKING SUCK! AND I HATE YOU ALL SO MUCH THAT I ONLY COME HERE TO TELL YOU THAT YOU ALL FUCKING SUCK!” schtick (which you should copyright, if you can). I go away for however long, and I come back, and here you are yet again, being your usual asshole self. You’re as predictable as RtR (although at least you don’t seem to be a racist, so there’s that).
I mean, you’ve been pulling that shit for — what is it, two months? Three months? More? And you can’t seem to quit it. (Not that you want to, of course.)
So go back to RedStoat already, and you can have mega-yuks with your soulmates over there. Or at least try to find a new, different way of dealing with this site.
Reggie Mantle
@Omnes Omnibus:
So it would be okay with you if I posted a fantasy about someone who disagreed with me being tortured to death with ants and then said “what, don’t you have a sense of humor?”
I think not.
Reggie Mantle
This entire blog has become a betrayal of liberalism, the faux-liberal version of Bretibart, and you should be confronted with that. You should have your noses rubbed in it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Reggie Mantle: Post away. I am not a fan of the pie filter or any other limits on conversation. I just think that you are stupid. I was trying to determine the nature of your stupidity. I don’t think that you were stupid for supporting Sanders. That is a political judgment. I do think that you are silly for being a dead-ender. He lost; she won.
Dude, if you take everything posted on a blog literally, you will have a difficult online life.
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): turns out it’s white guy. Thought he could bust out of jail.
Trick question! The Republican Congress is trying to repeal it! And they will, once a certain Racial Healer FINALLY takes over from the Kenyan Mooslim Divider-and-Racist-in-Chief.
And the WORST part about that last sentence is that I now have Marvin Gaye in my head, singing about “Rac-i-al Healing.” Shit.
Omnes Omnibus
@Reggie Mantle: Oh my god. Liberalism takes many forms. If you can’t get that….
Reggie Mantle
@Omnes Omnibus:
Your mother and sister should be gang-raped by Rottweilers, then devoured alive by vultures.
Hey, it’s satire! Don’t take it literally! Don’t you have a sense of humor?
Reggie Mantle
@Omnes Omnibus:
Which form of liberalism involves the deliberate misrepresentation of people’s words because you fantasize that it might make them angry? Which form of liberalism is defined by the explicit wish that someone suffer an agonizing death? Which form of liberalism adopts the rhetoric of an eight year old bully?
Omnes Omnibus
@Reggie Mantle: I don’t have a sister and my mom is really into rottweilers. The vultures thing is a bit Greek, but whatever.
In any case, your thing is that you have no sense of humor. Got it. Not trying to drive you away, but this is a tough place for people who are humorless and are sensitive about sharp elbows.
Reggie Mantle
@Omnes Omnibus:
You know that “can’t you take a joke?” is the standard rejoinder and lame excuse of online bullies, right?
@Reggie Mantle:
being chewed alive by red ants isn’t the worst form of torture. knowing that you continue to exist and draw breath is far, far worse. I mean come on, won’t you just die in a fire already?
@Reggie Mantle:
Oh, Reg, you petulant little boy –
“Betrayal of liberalism”? I realize that cute phrase sounds great to someone like you — the right blend of viciousness, untruth, and “fuck you BJ”-ness — but you, as always, really have no idea what you’re talking about. Carrying the “Only liberals for MEMEME!” banner is OK if you don’t care about effecting change. And if having a conservative “solution” is preferable (for you) to a not-pure-enough-liberal-but-still-WAY-better-than-a-RW-idea solution, then you’re not really a liberal, you’re just a self-important moron.
But if you REALLY want to stick it to the faux-liberals — or rather, those who are faux-liberals in your immature mind — go vote for Jill Stein or Ralph Nader or Gus Hall or George McGovern or Eugene McCarthy or any one of 100 “real” liberals. And then watch the
dollarsponies roll in! I’m sure it will work out stunningly well for you.chopper
@Reggie Mantle:
damn, the ants talk really got to you. I guess we know your weakness.
Omnes Omnibus
@Reggie Mantle: Hey, I think you are a GOP troll. So I also think that you can fuck off in general.
Reggie Mantle
Glad to help.
Funny, I don’t remember even Drumpf wishing that people who disagreed with him should die in a fire.
So who are the good guys again?
@Reggie Mantle:
apparently the red ants.
@Reggie Mantle:
Apparently you do not understand the difference between going after someone directly, and going after their (uninvolved) family.
I thought all “liberals” understood that. Well, all “liberals” with a mental age greater than seven, that is.
@Omnes Omnibus:
But-but-but he SAYS he’s a liberal! Are you saying he might not be telling us the truth? .Stunned, I am.
Reggie Mantle
@Omnes Omnibus:
If I was (which I’m not), you all would have given me plenty of quotes to add to the right wing cliche that it’s the liberals who are filled with hatred, intolerance and viciousness. Kudos! You’ve turned every right wing slander defensible again.
Omnes Omnibus
@Reggie Mantle:
Not you. You showed up here only after Bernie clearly was done. You ain’t on our side. I say that you work for anti-Dem forces. And you have no credibility here.
Reggie Mantle
It was a JOKE! It was SATIRE!
You’re so humorless.
@Reggie Mantle:
Well, I, for one, am convinced by your unassailable logic.
And it’s “were,” not “was” — subjunctive case. You’re welcome.
This is gonna get bad IMHO. Healing is likely slow due to perfusion problems with his paralyzed legs.
I wouldn’t wish this on anybody…. He needs to really focus on healing and not government responsibilities. He has an uphill climb on this I fear…
@Reggie Mantle:
You’re a fucking moron. Good job not addressing the point I made.
Reggie Mantle
@Omnes Omnibus:
You tell yourself whatever you need to to justify your hypocrisy.
@Reggie Mantle: this Rottweiler vulture thing – this isn’t the story of your conception , is it?
Omnes Omnibus
@Reggie Mantle:
Please to point it out.
Reggie Mantle
No, I correctly determined that you had no point.
@Reggie Mantle:
Reggie –
You can spout that bullshit all night long, but it’s pretty clear that you have never been interested in doing anything here, other than screaming how we all fucking suck. You use different words, sometimes, but it has been a persistent and pervasive theme in your comments since you first appeared.
@Reggie Mantle:
“Correctly” only in the context of your “intelligence.” In the context of the rest of the world — not so much.
Vultures eat dead stuff, like “Reggie’s” bwaaaain. Republican plant and a shitty one, like bermuda grass or kudzu.
Reggie Mantle
Have you considered that perhaps you DO fucking suck? That you really HAVE betrayed liberal ideals in favor of “triangulation” and “pragmatism”?
No, of course not. That would require some self awareness and intellectual honesty.
Omnes Omnibus
@Reggie Mantle: How could we have arranged the public option In 2009?
tee hee!
@Reggie Mantle:
in all honesty, look at yourself. you aren’t shit. you don’t do shit. i’d say you’re a hashtag warrior but you don’t even go that far. when i say i hope you get chewed alive by red ants i’m actually kidding, because it would be a waste of the ants’ time. you bitch at people on the Internet. that’s all you are and that’s all you’re ever going to be because you don’t actually give a shit about anything but acting like a self righteous prick.
god knows what you would have ended up in the days before the internet but i’m sure it would have been even more annoying.
@Reggie Mantle: Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! I fart in your general direction!
@Reggie Mantle:
Oh, Reggie, you’re so cute when you make shit up to try to “prove” your “point.”
For the last N months, I’ve pointed out that you’re a Reggie one-note. Rather than address that quite-accurate observation, you dissemble, misdirect, and ignore the facts. Just like your love object, Deadbeat Donnie Trump.
“Triangulation”? Do tell. Did you read that word somewhere, and decide to add it to your “repertoire”? Because you clearly have no idea what it means — there ain’t a whole lot of “triangulation” going on here.
But you keep beating that purity pony, as if you really were a liberal. You may actually have some here convinced that you are. Becnel, for example. [Disclaimer: I have no idea if JHB still shows up here, or got banned, or is on sabbatical, or what.] But to the rest of us, who really ARE liberals, it’s pretty obvious you’re either lying, or delusional. Or maybe both. Well, everybody’s gotta be something, I guess.
“Help! Help! I’m being repressed” – R. Mantle, 2016
Eats shoots and leaves?
Thread long dead, but I couldn’t resist.
Bust out of jail? AT the Courthouse?
Don’t forget “The tough coughs as he ploughs the dough.”
Thread even deader, now.
Paul in KY
@James E Powell: Would think playing tennis was ‘trivial’ too.
Paul in KY
@dmsilev: Well played!
@JPL: Somehow I missed your answer before. Thanks. I wonder if a goat would work Not that I have one. They destroy poison ivy patches I hear.