Christion is out of town for his father’s funeral, Carlo is working 70 hours a week, so the last week or so has been some pretty unimpressive cooking. I’m basically putting no thought into things and just eating everything that is going to go bad. For dinner tonight, I had two hot italian sausages with grilled onions and jalapenos on corn tortillas (I don’t eat bread and I am not buying a bunch of buns for 2 sausages).
It’s a wonder CBS has not called me to put me on their show.
Also, I got sucked into an MMORPG and just had to break to wash a sinkful of dishes that was so dirty I debated throwing them out and buying new.
Also, rumor has it that Trump has picked his VP and will announce it tonight.
I would so vote for Trump/Palpatine. We’re all going to die anyway. Might as well be at the hands of a Sith Lord.
Campaign is bigfooting itself.
How many members of Iceland’s Althing will sign up? Dibs on zero.
So, does this make Hillary Princess Leia or Luke Skywalker?
Give Palpatine some credit: No way he’d tie himself to a loser.
which MMO?
How did we get to a point where this crazy person commands this much attention, much less the actual Presidential nomination of one of our two major parties?
Thanks a lot McCain
Trump/Binks ’16!
“We-sa gonna make America so-o-o great again.”
I’ll never join them.
Ditto on a dinner of stuff that will go bad if I don’t eat it soon: last night’s leftover grilled cod (marinated in lime juice and cumin), in a tortilla with lettuce, onions, salsa, and avocado slices. Pretty good, actually.
Corner Stone
That…ummm…does not really describe the bachelor living experience.
Corner Stone
Can I catch a bus over that way in time for dinner?
@NotMax: It will be the greatest ever, even better than the 1890’s
Corner Stone
“I wrote a few words today.”
I shutter at the thought at what Trump could possibly have crayon scribbled down on papyrus.
Besides, a Trump/Palpatine ticket would just become a Palpatine ticket overnight, that being how the Sith roll, so it would spare us the horrors of a Trump presidency for all but the first few days (or hours).
Have you been watching the U-19 world championships?
Well, since Obama is obviously Luke, that would make Hillary Leia.
Bill therefore as Han Solo; yeah, that kind of fits.
Corner Stone
Trump keeps telling us if we don’t “do X” then we won’t have a country anymore. We won’t, believe me.
Corner Stone
I think Trump is medicated at this event.
Major Major Major Major
@dmsilev: Who’s Bernie?
Luke’s not cool enough to be Obama, and Bill’s not cool enough to be Han Solo.
Corner Stone
Trump ate the edibles. He’s seriously fucked.
@Major Major Major Major: The key is to look at the hair. Chewbacca.
Corner Stone
What? Are you telling me that Bill could not play the swashbuckling smuggling space pirate?
Corner Stone
Is no one else watching this Trump event? I am flabbergasted.
This crowd is flat stonefacing Trump’s ass. They are not anywhere near into this speech.
Oh. My. God.
@Corner Stone: Brooks is saying basically the same thing today fwiw…something along the ‘healthy growth on the forest floor being able to overcome the rot in the canopy’ (paraphrasing but pretty close to his exact words)
Check this out:
Um Dave I hate to tell you, but only half of the ‘national system’ needs redeeming – the other half is thinking quite practically and non-dogmatically. Only one half of our national politics is ‘deranged’. Has he relocated to Colorado or something, because he appears to be smoking the good stuff so much it’s turned his brains to mush.
Roger Moore
Bill: You like me because I’m a scoundrel.
Sounds about right.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: Chris is young. He probably doesn’t really remember ’90s Clinton.
Mary G
I just had a piece of leftover pepperoni pizza and a PB&J with Rainier cherries for dessert, so you have me beat.
Tomorrow I have a 4-hour nuclear test on my heart to make sure that I can have anesthesia for my hand surgery. Then we’ll go shopping for rocks and plants for the front yard.
I thought Trump would hold out longer for the highest bidder at his VP auction.
Major Major Major Major
@Jeffro: thinking non-dogmatically? I call that being a democrat. Of course, out here in San Francisco, they call it being a sell-out neoliberal whore.
Corner Stone
@Mary G:
Nice to meet the next installment of Iron Man comics.
@Corner Stone:
No, I’m telling you that Bill could not be Harrison Ford.
That is, even Bill could not be Harrison Ford.
Only Harrison Ford can be Harrison Ford.
mike in dc
@Corner Stone:
Incredible tone deafness on display with this speech, esp. following the Dallas memorial. It just looks like he’s doubling down on the asshole quotient.
Major Major Major Major
@Corner Stone: Mary G’s a teenaged black girl?
Why does Trump have to repeat everything three times?
Corner Stone
Please Lord to make my enemies buffoons.
This was so bad MSNBC cut away from Trump. I would look for a transcript later but it’s so awful I don’t think I can chew through it.
Roger Moore
No. I think that we’re reaching the end of reasonable sounding “both sides” arguments. The Republicans are so obviously crazier than the Democrats that it just isn’t possible to sell both-siderism while sounding erudite and well reasoned.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: It’s the internet, so who really knows?
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
This is pretty good.
Major Major Major Major
@Litlebritdifrnt: that’s how you’re supposed to speak to children.
Poor Christion. So young to lose his dad. I was blessed with mine for nearly 57 years.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Corner Stone: This was so bad MSNBC cut away from Trump.
Wow. That is something.
They usually too-polite Chris Hayes did just laugh at the ex-Fiorina aide he has on his show, for reasons that I’m sure make sense to him.
Corner Stone
@Chris: That’s not what you said. And sorry, but Bill kicked terrorists off Air Force One before Harrison Ford did it in the movies.
Schlemazel Khan
Nope, Bill is the devil-may-care pirate doing what he needs to do to get by while evading the worst brigands and crooks.
It fits
EDIT: @Corner Stone: got here first
EDIT II The Editing! @Roger Moore: also too
I wish he’d just repeat “Bloody Mary” three times. In a mirror. With the lights out.
Omnes Omnibus
@Litlebritdifrnt: He needs to beat Jimmy Two Times.
I have high hopes for City of Titans. It’s taking forever, but they’re making no bones that’s because they want to do it right.
@Schlemazel Khan: I can see Newt as Jabba the Hut.
@Corner Stone:
Nah, Harrison Ford totally did it first.
(He used a time machine. The same one he then gave to Obama so he could go back in time and fake his birth certificate).
@Schlemazel Khan:
So who’s Chewie?
Search your feelings…
you know it to be true.
Omnes Omnibus
@Chris: Biden
@Roger Moore:
It’s not only possible, it’s easy. First of all, too many people have an emotional need for it to be true. Plus if you have media bobbleheads doing all the talking while only providing little out-of-context snippets of what happened at a given event or was done by a given politician, you can catapult the propaganda real far.
@Corner Stone:
I’m 30 minutes behind, so it hasn’t started yet.
@PaulWartenberg2016: I liked CoH/CoV. Tried the Champions MMO and was disappointed to find it was basically CoH code dipped in a coat of Champions paint.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Corner Stone
@hovercraft: It’s horrifying. Watch for the crowd cuts. They show these shit-kicking pig-fuckers in the audience and they are so not into the words coming out of Trump’s mouth you wonder if they are planning to spit and roast him later.
Roger Moore
The thing on top of Trump’s head?
Schlemazel Khan
I was trying to place him – you nailed it!
I just don’t see anyone competent enough to be Vader. Plenty are evil enough but none with any skill or talent
@Baud: Roger Aisles as Jabba.
Formerly disgruntled Clinton supporter
@Schlemazel Khan: Well, some have theorized that JarJar is actually a Sith Lord. It fits!
@dmsilev: Wouldn’t that make Chelsea Kylo Ren?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Roger Moore: that’s an ewok that ate after midnight.
Or am I crossing the streams?
Schlemazel Khan
Uncle Joe!
EIDT Pasta dammit! @Omnes Omnibus: beat me too it! I need to type better! :)
Formerly disgruntled Clinton supporter
@redshirt: Too perfect. (And eww!)
@PaulWartenberg2016: Fuck off, jackal. I was at NC, the blood was bad. Some Korean thing, but we tried.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Just got home and turned it on.
@Jeffro: Do you really believe he’s visiting mayors around the country, or that said mayors are actually seeing David f’ing Brooks to discuss anything? Just like everything else he excretes this is just more bullsh!t.
@Schlemazel Khan: Vader was just a lackey. Palpatine was always the brains and the will of the operation. Heck, when we first meet Vader, he’s taking orders from military bureaucrats and being mocked to his face. Not successfully, mind you, but still.
@Schlemazel Khan:
I see plenty of them who could be Kylo Ren, though.
I felt like Champions was CoH-lite. The kiddie version, less complex and sophisticated in every way, including the graphics.
He his perspective, Democrats start out in a place of irrational dogma, believing in childish idealisms like actually helping people being the way to help people, or that minorities have problems that won’t be fixed if they aren’t more like that naturally superior being, the rich white Christian.
Adam L Silverman
@Mary G: Here you go:
Le sigh.
The cry of the wounded Berniac
Formerly disgruntled Clinton supporter
@Chris: Al Gore (with a beard)
Patricia Kayden
@Jeffro: It’s amazing, isn’t it? This is something that Reoublicans can never live down. It’s as if they were singing that Caribbean ditty “How Low Can You Go?” during their primaries.
@Mary G:
Best wishes on your test. Are you considering general anesthesia instead of a shoulder block? (I won’t be offended if this is none of my business)
Roger Moore
Vader was Palpatine’s ax man, not an ordinary lackey. He was on the Death Star as the Emperor’s personal eyes and ears, and a lot of what you see from the military types is resentment at having this outsider there watching and waiting for them to slip up.
Damn right not successfully. That was a perfect example of someone failing to understand the difference between official and unofficial power. Lucas is a pathetic writer, but that scene was brilliant, most of all because Vader is killing that guy and everyone is like ‘I’m not here. I didn’t see anything. Got NO opinions on the Force. That guy? My friend? Never met him before!’
@Corner Stone:
What the hell.
That is all.
Just saw a clip of Trump saying Hillary was responsible for the creation of ISIS. So she’s a time traveler?
ThresherK (GPad)
@Chris: “Everybody wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be Cary Grant.”
I have about another 20 minutes to goof off until G gets home and we have to finish packing and start heading to the airport. I’m pretty much done, I just have to get all of my electronics into my carry-on.
The stories about the TSA have him so spooked that we’re going to be getting to the airport about 3 hours before our flight. Sigh.
Schlemazel Khan
True but do you really see anyone with the (admittedly harsh but still) leadership talent? Can you imagine any of them besting Luke and Obi wan with a light saber? I can’t see it in any of them. Bohner was the general Vader force chokes but I can’t make any of the lice that did him in as Vader.
BTW – who is Obi Wan?
@Roger Moore:
Sure. But he’s also clearly answering directly to Tarkin, an official. As compared to TESB when he clearly is answering to no one except the Emperor. Losing a Death Star shook up the hierarchy.
It’s implied that Palpatine kept his Sith background and Force powers a secret all along. But after the loss of the DS, things started unraveling.
Corner Stone
Tim Kaine is not my zero to five choice for a VP but actually, he’s not rubbing me the wrong way either.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mnemosyne: singing up for pre-check is one of the smarter things I’ve done in the last year
@Schlemazel Khan:
Jimmy Carter.
@Frankensteinbeck: “No no, sorcerer’s ways are awesome, really! Go Force!”
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemazel Khan: The last Republican with the skill to be Vader was Nixon.
@Roger Moore:
But there never were any reasonable-sounding “both sides” arguments. Brooks is off the deep end, clutching at straws, and making me mix my metaphors. In his far-ranging historical examples this time out, he really shows just how far he’s willing to go before acknowledging the truth:
On one side we have a candidate with a nice resume, leading a party 98% unified on the issues, who is more fiscally responsible than any major party candidate in the last four decades, who has just been (mostly) exonerated by a Republican FBI director for her one last ding-able issue and had her long-time primary opponent finally but wholeheartedly endorse her. She has fully embraced the (out-going) Prez who helped get us out of the Great Recession and two wars, to say nothing of advancing marriage equality, getting healthcare for millions, and advancing climate change regulation to the greatest extent possible w/o Congress’ help.
On the other side we have a highly offensive TV reality show star ‘leading’ a party that’s split on most issues (but unified on social issue stances that alienate over half the country), with a gazillion lawsuits against him and another gazillion examples of previous fraudulent dealings, with half of his former primary opponents ready to pounce at the convention if there’s the slightest ‘conscience clause’ opening and/or a second ballot. He undermines himself daily (hourly) and is so obviously unfit that even the previous GOP president and previous two GOP presidential candidates will not be at the GOP convention, much less endorse him.
But you go, Brooksie…it’s all about the ‘purity of the local government’, or the ‘forest floor’, or whatever. Sheesh.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
We fly maybe twice a year, so we haven’t been able to justify the cost. My boss signed up, but she flies a lot more than I do.
Schlemazel Khan
OH man, great call, even sacrificed himself to the ultimate evil to empower the rest.
Does that make St. Ronnie Vader? I could kinda see that
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemazel Khan: Saul Alinsky. (Or is he Yoda?)
@sukabi: Oh Brooks is not visiting anyone other than his own beautiful mind, I have no doubt of that.
@Schlemazel Khan: A proper Vader has to be a former Liberal who fell to the Dark Side and became a monster…… So yeah, Reagan works.
Iowa Old Lady
Is anyone else watching The Tunnel? We just watched the episode we recorded Sunday night. It’s set around the Chunnel with a joint English/French police team. One of the things I like is that it’s bilingual. In France, all the characters speak French (except, realistically, the English cop) and it’s subtitled. They subtitle the English parts in French too.
@Schlemazel Khan:
Reagan was Jar-Jar. Started off hanging out with the good guys (Ronnie loved FDR and the New Deal) but betrayed them as soon as he got a taste of power.
Schlemazel Khan
@Omnes Omnibus:
Having read Alinsky he IS Yoga. The guy was amazing, seriously clever and smart and good. He knew how to use the force for good
@Adam L Silverman: I was thinking of what you said before about Trump wearing a bulletproof vest and that’s why his suits are so ridiculously big. But I saw this pic and it’s clear that he carries his weight from the waist down. Perhaps it’s a bulletproof diaper. He also takes that models pose where he sticks his butt out so he looks thinner from the front. Of course no one can see him from the side so that totally works.
I’m not even going to start on the fucking fatuous face he has on.
Schlemazel Khan
@Mnemosyne: Jar-Jar got mind tricked and fooled into betraying the Republic. He was never a bad guy.
If he’s Tarkin’s lackey, I can only say that he’s a lot better at his job than his boss. Go, Vader.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Correct! Like I said: nowadays, they’re all Kylo Ren. Inferior rip-offs with less brains and more zealotry.
@Schlemazel Khan: You mean Yogurt? Use the Schwartz!
There was this fantastic story in the WaPo today about a different Donald Trump, who they found accidentally while looking for Trump charity donations. He expertly trolls Hair Furor throughout, asking him to do a charity thing where you have to shave your head, saying he hopes they can get together when DT has more time after November etc. This guy is my hero today.
@Schlemazel Khan:
Vader failed too. Failed to find the plans to the DS, failed to stop the assault on the DS. So much fail.
Schlemazel Khan
I see your Schwartz is much bigger than mine!
Funny, she doesn’t look Druish
@Patricia Kayden:
Absolutely. Paul Ryan’s on a CNN Town Hall right now, telling a member of the audience that no matter how repellent Trump’s positions are, he just HAS to support him because the alternative is…Hillary Clinton (gasp). Principles be danged, impulsive man child candidate be danged, Ryan just HAS to do it. Ok Paul, I think that says quite a bit about you, quite a bit indeed.
And semi-OT: Did some Republican witch or wizard cast a spell or bad dream on America one dark night back in the mid-late 1990’s, where ol’ Harmless Hillz appeared to them in a nightmare with horns and a forked tongue? Because I just do not get the venom and madness directed at her. (Maybe it’s just pent-up Obama payback? The death-rattle of a party about to split in eighty different ways?) I don’t doubt her convictions or determination, but HRC doesn’t strike me as Death, the Destroyer of (GOP) Worlds.
Eh. Still compares favorably.
Keith P.
No way Trump would go for a Sith Master as his “apprentice”; Palpatine would kill him in a week. Dooku, on the other hand…
@Corner Stone:
Oops! It’ll have to be another time…
ThresherK (GPad)
@Schlemazel Khan: “How many assholes do we have on this ship, anyway?”
@Jeffro: It started with Bill. A year plus after Desert Storm he beat GHWB, a man who was born, nay conceived, to be President.
The right has been looking for their minds ever since.
@ThresherK (GPad):
As a few people have observed here in the past, Republicans believed that Reagan had re-consecrated the White House as a Republican-only domain in 1980. The sight of anyone else taking it back at any point since then drives them fucking insane.
Here’s a thing.
My first thought was “Of course. These are kids growing up in their world. How could we expect otherwise?”
My second was: “This will be tagged as ISIS propaganda by idiots on the right”
But note the imagery. Particularly the way they’ve commandeered the “burning oil in the desert” motif. And the little red-headed white boy.
Arab gangsta? Dunno. But millions of views.
Schlemazel Khan
@ThresherK (GPad):
I knew it! I’m surrounded by Assholes!
Miss Bianca
@Jeffro: Brooks’s whole gestalt would be somewhat different if he’d relocated to CO. Just observing. For a friend.
Miss Bianca
@Corner Stone: why are they not into it?
J R in WV
@Mary G:
Is Higgs still hanging in your area? How is he, if you’ve heard?
Miss Bianca
@Schlemazel Khan:
Do not dare say Bernie Sanders. Altho’ I’m sure one of his homebros would.
Another bachelor’s recipe:
7 am. Can of pork & beans in the bottom of crockpot. Pre-barbeque-sauced pork ribs on top of beans. 2nd can of beans on top. Set to lowest setting on crock pot (mine is Keep Warm).
Go to work.
5 pm. Come home. Eat juicy tender barbecue ribs and beans.
Serves 2 or 2 meals. My lunch tomorrow!
Matt McIrvin
You may need it. Last summer we missed our flight home from Denver International even though we were at an airport hotel, because we got to the terminal only 2 hours in advance. One full hour for ticketing and baggage check, another full hour for the TSA. And we spent the whole day there trying unsuccessfully to get a flight out because almost everyone at the airport was in the same situation. Ended up getting the first flights we could get a seat on and spending the night sleeping on benches at Chicago Midway.
Matt McIrvin
@Jeffro: It is not Obama payback. Even when Bill Clinton was President, Hillary was the one they really hated. The loathing for her was absolutely more intense.
I am pretty sure it started in 1992 when, responding to an attack from Jerry Brown, she said “I suppose I could have stayed home, baked cookies and had teas.” From the moment she uttered that sentence (taken somewhat out of context), Hillary Clinton was Ultimate Queen Bitch, the most hated woman to any member of the American right, and they wanted to destroy her personally. She was identifying herself as not a potential First Housewife, and it kinda sorta sounded like she had some contempt for housewives, or for being a housewife.
And the hate lasts to the present day, so intense that it leaks through even to the American left, even though most people across the spectrum probably don’t even remember exactly what started it.
@Matt McIrvin: Find that Dkos link in this thread. It shows an aggregate of polling on Clinton from the early 90’s to 2012, I believe. It’s amazing.
Miss Bianca
@Matt McIrvin: that’s my memory of it too – that the avalanche of Hillary hate started with that (in retrospect, maddeningly unfortunate) remark of hers. It’s a little shocking now to think about how much that “baking cookie” deficiency cost her.
@Matt McIrvin: If you read The Hunting of the President you will find out that the far right had its claws out for her long before she said that. The truly shocking thing about it was how easily the main media outlets of the day, and there were relatively few of them, allowed themselves to be used to foment what was even then a very retrograde, old fashioned, sexism.
Matt McIrvin
@redshirt: I’ve seen it–she actually recovers a remarkable amount of public goodwill until the moment she starts seeking elected office, then it plummets until she’s either elected or quits, then it rises again. People don’t like to see her seeking power.
@Matt McIrvin: It’s hard to deny that conclusion, and that it is based in sexism, specifically of the right wing.
@Jeffro: It must be a scary place, what with all the fapping echoing around that empty space.
@Mary G: Good luck tomorrow Mary G!
@Iowa Old Lady: I’m watching it. And listening carefully as I have enough trouble understanding the British accented shows and then you throw in a bunch of French speakers (which does make the whole thing more realistic). I’m not getting the captioning on my public TV station that’s airing it, though. That would help. . Since I’ve such a hard time hearing/comprehending the dialogue, I tend to get major brain workouts during the showings. That’s all to the good for an aging brain like mine.
Omnes Omnibus
@Iowa Old Lady: I like it.
Calming Influence
Pro tip: Hide dirty dishes in garage until wife/partner/room-mate returns, then sneak dirty dishes into sink a few at a time.
Sure, it’s more work than actually washing the dishes, but it’s the principle of the thing.
Omnes Omnibus
@Calming Influence: I don’t have a garage. Now what?
Calming Influence
@Omnes Omnibus: Good God, man, show some spine and think creatively! For instance, does your neighbor have a garage? How about the crawl space under the house? You could even arrange them in the yard like garden art!
Omnes Omnibus
@Calming Influence: I am in a 10 unit apartment building with surface parking. I can be quite creative about fake cleaning in most cases but dishes defeat me. They seem to need to be cleaned or acknowledged.
@Omnes Omnibus
Art provides an answer: Mobiles.
@Omnes Omnibus: Imagine the sink is lava. Don’t let your dishes touch lava.
@Miss Bianca: No, I think Bernie as Obi-Wan is spot-on. Killed off early in the storyline, but still won’t stop showing up and lecturing the main character for two more movies.
Paul in KY
@Trentrunner: Ha, ha!!! Agree, Sidious/Palpatine was a winner (for a time).
Paul in KY
@Litlebritdifrnt: He took lessons from the announcers at monster truck events events events.
Paul in KY
@Corner Stone: Now that would make for good TV!!!
Paul in KY
@redshirt: The Grand Moff Tarkin is in charge, until he gets blown up.
Miss Bianca
@Nicole: oh, classic, CLASSIC! All right, you’ve convinced me!
Paul in KY
@Frankensteinbeck: The Grand Moff orders him to quit killing him & Vader has to comply.
@Jeffro: She spilled the beans. Talked about the thing that was not supposed to be named: “the vast right-wing conspiracy”.
The media went after her 24/7 after that. Nasty and vicious, and it never stopped. Because, you see, what she was talking about really did exist, and she wasn’t supposed to talk about that. Even though it was totally true. Shit, wasn’t until the blowjob incident that I saw it for myself. Embarrassing to say, I did not believe her either, not for a few years, not until that and watching the media throw billions into smearing her and Bill over it.
Paul in KY
@Miss Bianca: I think the Healthcare thing she chaired did not help either.
Paul in KY
@Omnes Omnibus: Hide in closet., the dishes.