Perhaps seeking to parlay the Nice terrorist attack into a last-ditch opportunity to unseat beady-eyed Mike Pence as Trump’s VP pick, Newt Gingrich went on the Sean Hannity show last night and proposed staging an Inquisition right here in the USA:
Gingrich: Western civilization is in a war. We should frankly test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Sharia, they should be deported. Sharia is incompatible with Western civilization. Modern Muslims who have given up Sharia, glad to have them as citizens. Perfectly happy to have them next door. But we need to be fairly relentless about defining who our enemies are.
First, an aside: I’ve been fortunate enough to not lay eyes on Sean Hannity in quite a while. Has he always looked exactly like a penis wearing a coonskin cap or is this a recent development?
Second, Gingrich doesn’t specify to what location he’d deport American-born Muslims who believe in Sharia law, and Peeny Crockett doesn’t follow up. Maybe some reporter could ask the would-be Grand Inquisitor who is on the GOP nominee’s VP shortlist that question. Seems important.
Third, I also find it obnoxious when people insist on giving their invisible friends’ made-up edicts force of law in a constitutionally secular republic. I might be willing to get on board with the Gingrich plan if God-bothering assholes like Kim Davis, Mike Huckabee, Maggie Gallagher, et al, were also rounded up and shipped off to a deportation site to be determined later along with the Sharia-believers.
Yeah, no. As pleasant as it is to imagine an America denuded of its religious nutbags — like a Rapture minus the supernatural intervention, and all us sinners left behind to pick over their stuff! — people are allowed to believe profoundly stupid shit here. That’s one of the things I like about us. Insofar as the word has any meaning at all, Gingrich’s proposal is fundamentally un-American.
WTF does Sharia even have to do with this?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Katty Kay can say this cause she works for a non-USian media organization
Arm The Homeless
I always ask proponents of this profound idiocy whether Halakah / Eclesiastical / Mandatory Arbitration courts should also be banned along with Shariah.
If not, why?
“Insofar as the word has any meaning at all, Gingrich’s proposal is fundamentally un-American.”
Unfortunately, un-American is the new American.
That this is considered serious talk by serious people just shows how unserious the conservatives have become. They are only a step away from slipping and becoming truly evil, but they know they have to get more power first. Their long-game is the only one they have left: to say the majority of Americans aren’t really Americans. And fear and evil are the only way to get that to work.
This isn’t just racist and bigoted anymore. It’s getting to the point where it’s not just systemic and fuck you if you don’t like it. It’s heading toward the place where there’s active talk about actively fucking with anyone who doesn’t believe the jingoistic Christian dogma of the American Sharia of Jesus. 3-percenters and Oath Keepers and Bundyvolk nutjobs are ready to do their bidding. It’s seriously deranged.
But I have trust and faith in good people who will not elect Donald “Moment of Silence/Celebrations on Rooftops/Unicorns and Pixies” Trump.
Wilson Heath
@Arm The Homeless:
Because Jebus isn’t religion, Jebus is science. That’s why they use the Bible as a biology text book.
There’s Good Noot and there’s Bad Noot. Looks like Trump brings out Bad Noot.
Interestingly enough, a better interpretation of the ‘rapture’ in the New Testament is not exactly what most folks have in mind – a proper interpretation of the Greek, and a good understanding of historical and literary context, leaves you with the rather clear notion that you want to be left behind, as the first ones ‘taken’ are the assholes, and you don’t want to go where they are going.
And some folks in the GOP wonder why they don’t like us.
@MattF: There’s Good Noot? Really? Where?
They’re not a step away, they’re there. If the rise of the teabaggers didn’t make it clear enough, Trump should have. And the fact that people like Gingrich are eagerly hopping on board shows that Trump’s message is here to stay, whether or not he wins.
low-tech cyclist
Now there’s a Rapture I would be happy to believe in!
But no, we won’t be relieved of the assholes and nutbags by divine intervention. We’ve got to figure out how to deal with them ourselves.
Felonius Monk
My mind, she is now fried!
The unspoken addendum is that they won’t be believed no matter what they answer.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
One can almost see the gleam in Newts eyes when he thinks about the gifting one could do off his proposal. We can be sure Newt has a resume ready listing his qualification as Sharia Scholar for what ever Red State and House committees that spring up.
@NickM: Well, depends on which America you are talking about and since Sublime Hypocrite Newt and Dickhead Hannity are well paid up members of the Neo-Confederate Party, they have a long tradition of suppressing views and ideas they don’t like.
I won’t go into the obviously how unconstitutional Newts idea is, but also how much his instinct to use a tragedy for his own political purposes in disregard to how his actions and languages are just the effect ISIS and Al Qaeda want in their propaganda struggle to expand their insurgency. But the key here what Newt wants to do is fire-up the base, and blame Obama and Hilary for events no President could control. (No one that I know blamed Bush Madrid bombings in 2004 or the London bombings in 2005.)
@dmsilev: Really. He shows up, briefly, once in a while. But then Bad Noot shows up immediately afterwards and that’s that.
To nearly all Republicans, that term contains an inherent contradiction.
I look forward to a day when our politics is not based on the other. Fear of the other, dehumanization of the other. I just don’t get it, but I don’t believe in a higher power. When I see people persecute others based on the direction of their imaginary sky daddy (really, no offense to people here of faith, you believe what you want to believe), it pisses me off, whether it’s Muslisms, Christians or even Buddhists.
Yes, Newt’s ideas are despicable and unconstitutional and immoral. Unfortunately, it seems that due to our politics of the other of the last 50+ years, this kind of shit has become normalized. And that’s not to say it’s a left right thing, plenty of people on the left seem happy to demonize and other the people on the right, which just perpetuates the whole fucking thing.
It’s tiring. I can’t wait until November when Hillary routs Trump. It won’t shut up the other-grifters because that’s human nature, but it might at least lessen their volume for a little while.
What kind of test would they even administer? It sounds like a witch trial.
@low-tech cyclist: Yep. Then again, that is the key difference between folks like Gingrich and, well, sane people – he wants to try to magically make people disappear instead of actually dealing with the problems we all face together.
Also, Trump proposed to make looking at ISIS websites a felony. They’d arrest a lot of intelligence agents that way.
ETA: It occurs to me that under Trump, select Federal agencies would be above the law, so no problem.
Remember everyone, the GOP is the party of less governmental intrusion. Unless you’re a woman. Or gay. Or Muslim. Or other.
I would pay to see pudgy little Noot walk up to Kareem and tell him he is going to “test” him.
Let’s not forget that he is the candidate for religious freedom. Where is Newt going to deport them? Muslims have existed in the United States, since the founding of democracy.
@Litlebritdifrnt: I would pay serious money to see that.
Patricia Kayden
@MomSense: You know that demonizing all Muslims is the go-to mode of conduct for Conservatives. Of course, they are mum when one of their own Christianists engages in terrorism, i.e., the shooter at the Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic. Sigh.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
They will ask them to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, because no Muslim can say “under God” and the Pledge was so effective in stopping atheist communists.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Been a while since I saw/read any Harry Potter: What’s the spell where they have to tell the truth, and is it one of the forbidden ones? Or are we gonna borrow Wonder Woman’s Golden Lasso? She still on our side?
(And for those too young to remember: You don’t wanna start a drinking game about Newt Gingrich saying “frankly”, it’s his “BeLieve me”. You’ll be tempted, don’t do it).
The rapture will occur – its called evolution and all these religious nut jobs will discover lack of knowledge of science and facts leads to an evolutionary dead end. Unfortunately for us, it is slow …
Patricia Kayden
@rikyrah: I doubt Newt even believes that we are really at war with every Muslim who lives in the U.S. That just doesn’t make any sense. There are millions of Muslims who are citizens of this country. How delusional to believe that all of them are evil and potential terrorists. Newt is just trying to appeal to Trump to get a good Cabinet position.
O. Felix Culpa
Great idea! Throw them in the water: if they float, they’re guilty; if they drown, they’re innocent. A decision-making approach that’s consistent with the *logic* of Newt and his ilk..and has historical precedent. So there’s that.
Of course it would be. And that’s the point.
I suspect the question would be as simple as “do you believe in Sharia Law.” Which would be a fairly ridiculous question: it’s like asking a Christian if he believes in Biblical law. Most would answer yes, but that tells you nothing about whether they believe Biblical law should be enshrined into secular national law, or exactly what they mean by biblical law, etc. But again, that’s of course the point: give them a question most would answer in the positive so you have an excuse to mass deport or mass imprison.
Judge Crater
@singfoom: I just hope Hillary beats Trump. Assholes like Gingrich will be in the cabinet if Trump wins, and the polls are trending in the wrong direction.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Gingrich must be truly desperate. I never would have thought he’d want to be somebody’s vice president this badly, even less so if that somebody is Donald Trump. But I can’t see any other reason for him to spew something like this unless he wants to knock Pence out of the way.
@MomSense: I think it would consist of densitometry, to quantify one’s darkness of skin. Next, a gastro lavage where they would sample one’s stomach contents and search for evidence of falafel and hummus. Then it would involve the burning of various holy texts, to see which one really got a reaction from the subject. Finally, a name check, whereby any “Al” or “El” in the name would be an instant red flag for deportation to an ice floe.
@MomSense: Like in the “good old christian” days; hold them under water. If they drown, they were good Muslim amerikans. If they don’t drown, they are not the good ones and need to be deported to Califorication … . I see O. Felix Culpa beat me to it …still, my ending is funnier.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Veritaserum. (Potion, not spell. Also strongly restricted I believe).
Jeebus! I have to stop reading BC’s posts while I’m (ostensibly) working. I’m dying over here! Coonskin cap, heh!
(No, I’m really not able to stop.)
@MomSense: There’s Malleus Maleficarum for the traditionalists.
O. Felix Culpa
Ok. You win. :)
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
If they believe in Sharia Law, they must be deported. The terror pundits were all shaking their heads on msnbc. Wouldn’t work & unfortunately he might be VP. They were not amused.
Gingrich isn’t running for the Rudolph Hess role in the inner circle of the Trump Regime. He’s happy to leave that to Pence. He’s running for Goebbels’ job.
Being a Man of Destiny and a World Historical Figure, as well as a Very Serious Student of History Who Has Written Many Extremely Important Books, Gingrich gets that once Trump’s in power, the power of the people in the inner circle will have very little to do with the constitutional precedence of the office. Drop Newt into the Secretary of Education slot, Kobach into Homeland Security, Christie into the Chief of Staff slot to fill Martin Bormann’s role, and all we need a jolly yet sinister drug addicted kleptocratic war hero and an architect with a talent for intrigue to fill out the rest of the Inner Circle.
@Patricia Kayden:
Eh. A fascist is a fascist is a fascist. Who cares if they’re that way because they actually believe the Protocols of the Elders of Zion gobbledegook, or if they’re that way because it’s a good career move.
give it up, noot. you never gonna be veep.
The problem is that the media is in on this shit. This morning Chris Cuomo was badgering Christine Quinn a Clinton surrogate as to why Trump’s bombastic reiteration of his muslim ban is a bad thing. The stated reason for taking the bombast seriously is that the American people feel afraid and so their leaders should cater to those fears. These mother f**kers are the same ones who were the biggest cheerleaders when Shrub and co lied us into Iraq, saying that the people needed to see their government do something. Appeasing the feeling of the populace is not how you conduct foreign policy, the leaders and the media have a responsibility to make decisions based on careful analysis not political expediency. The left is worried that Hillary is too much of a hawk, the right and the media establishment are worried that she’s not enough of one. When people get scared they want action, and apparently we are dumb enough to have forgotten how ‘action’ can get you unintended consequences. I despair of the stupid people in this country.
My thought exactly. Then I remembered him on a couch with Nancy, and his education tour with Al Sharpton. So there may be slivers of good I’ll grant you that.
The Dangerman
Nothing “perhaps” about it; Gingrich has been jacking off for weeks that not only would he be VP, but Trump might actually quit if he won and he’d be the President. This was just the Blue Balls talking and screaming for relief.
This in the same week that the GOP’s platform committee made their official platform basically tax cuts + Taliban-rule-but-with-a-different-imaginary-friend-calling-the-shots. Where’s Noot gonna deport THEM to?
Which is why I don’t have a lot of patience for those who live for ponies and unicorns. That ‘both parties are the same’
Ordinarily, it would be good enough to say “because it is unconstitutional.” Like, oh, maybe when the 2nd amendment is at play. But not here. Here, you have to explain why exactly it is (a) bad policy, (b) not practicable, and (c) so dangerously close to nazism that we should all get tested for aryan blood.
@Arm The Homeless: Well, I kind of think they should, actually!
Same test they would use to see if you can come in in the first place, if you drown you’re okay, if you can swim ,no America for you. There are apparently a lot of non sharia muslims who tried to cross the mediterranean.
maybe we could do something with lions in a big arena….
The Dangerman
I think I saw this type of comment a few times this morning.
Ya know, it’s sad, but if I made a derogatory remark about a populace (pick one, LGBT, whatever) and then came back with “but, hey, no offense” I’d get banned. Come on, Folks, we are better than this…
OT. A patent application for voice-activated TV ads. I’m pondering now why I’ve never thought of that.
@Judge Crater:
A) Polls in July are meaningless.
B) But if you want to go there, Trump never gets above 42%. Ever. So I’m not that concerned yet.
O. Felix Culpa
@The Dangerman:
Thank you. This. I am a person of faith…and a liberal. These are not inherently mutually exclusive attributes. I’ve been silent (’til now) about such comments, but find them unkind and inaccurate.
BC in Illinois
Excellent. Exactly. That sentence needs to be quoted repeatedly.
This description might even have an effect on Christians. Many of them may have been in Bible classes where that discussion comes up: “What about [this law or that one]? What does that mean today? Does it apply to us? Love the neighbor? Tithing? Meat offered to idols? Divorce?”
Or–to use a example–both the New and the Old Testament prohibit eating meat that has blood in it. The Lutheran Confessions of the 1500s brush that off: “Who follows that today?” (Blutwurst, anyone?) But is it not a Biblical law?
My study of Sharia extends no farther than Wikipedia (from which all knowledge flows) . . .
. . . but I note that it covers not only human interaction, but also affirmation, prayers, fasts, charities, and pilgrimage. Therefore the most complete analogy is not only Biblical law, but also Canon Law, the Book of Confessions of various denominations, books of Rules and Discipline, and the Constitution and By-Laws of various denominations, and even the statements of faith and rules of any particular congregation.
Ask people if they are bound by those rules. What authority they give to their church or its leaders. What are the limits of that loyalty. Now imagine the Mormon answers being evaluated by the Baptist, the Catholic evaluated by the Jew, the Muslim by the Hindu. Pretty soon, reasonable people might decide that that kind of cross-religious evaluation might be problematic. Made only worse if it were backed up by the power of the state. In fact, maybe a government ought to make no laws concerning the free exercise of religion and no religious test be part of the workings of the government.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
I think Newt should ask Richard Thompson about his views on Sharia. And then send his ass back to England if he said yes. But I’m sure RT doesn’t look very Muslimy to Newt (and that ilk).
Also, I’d pay more than I could afford to see Newt, the self styled leader (possibly) of the civilizing forces, stomp over to Kareem, look him in the hip joint and demand to know his thoughts about Sharia.
@O. Felix Culpa(#58):
And as has been responded in the past, one is inherent, the other a choice. Also, being gay, or black, etc. does not require others to live by some set of principles or code; regardless of bigots claiming that allowing blacks or gays equal access and treatment is forcing their lifestyle down their throats.
O. Felix Culpa
@henqiguai: Can you please elaborate? I don’t follow what you’re saying here. Thanks.
Wasn’t it just yesterday that Newt claimed he’d be the more “staple” VP pick? Jeeee-sus, its gonna be one long hot summer.
Not really O/T (because watch it): A few days ago, someone was wishing for a Downfall “Hitler Learns Bernie Endorsed Hillary.” And here it is!
@The Dangerman: Bingo. Think of it this way, even if you aren’t an adherent of a particular tradition, it doesn’t hurt to support (or at least not derisively mock) the progressive, thoughtful types in those traditions. Painting with too broad a brush doesn’t do any of us much good.
I’ve always thought Newt was an asshole, but I never thought he was dumb until this. If you are a Muslim who believes in Sharia law, and you’re called up before a panel of right-wing nitwits who have already said you’re going to be deported if you believe in Sharia, what the fuck could possibly get you to say “Yes, I believe in Sharia law”?
Just One More Canuck
@O. Felix Culpa: if they float, they may be a duck
The Dangerman
I don’t understand your point…
…but my point remains. It’s a better world if I’m respectful of “other people”. This includes all populations that are not me. Seriously, it isn’t that hard. If you want to take a shit on someone (i.e., insult someone’s intelligience) and then come back with “hey, no offense”, that shows youre level of sophistication, not mine.
@SiubhanDuinne: That was brilliant.
Oh Lordy, I meant “stable”, of course
@O. Felix Culpa(#61):
If you’re Xtian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, or whatever, that’s a matter of choice; you can leave the fold. If you’re gay or black or some particular racial group you’re stuck with it. Even gender reassignment does not change your chromosomal assignment; you’re still XX or XY (in general; there are outliers). So the disdain expressed for a philosophical holding does not strike at an inherent invariant characteristic. I’m an engineer; feel free to slam the weirdness that is considered typical of us all you wish; being an engineer is my choice. I’m black; slam that and you’re going to something over which I have no control.
No-one is demanding that everyone live a gay or black or Hispanic (your choice of which variant) lifestyle. But many Xtians and Islamic jihadists are demanding that everyone live a fundamentalist Xtian or Islamic lifestyle. Hell[sic] for a while in this country we were required to kowtow to Catholic teachings.
O. Felix Culpa
@The Dangerman: Agreed. Our political affiliations and vision of what makes a just society are also matters of choice. That’s why we gather at BJ. :)
@jon: There is something else going on here. The GOP is using the institutional powers of Congress to try and decapitate the presidential nominee of the opposite party. It is a coup by another name. If they don’t succeed at the ballot box then they will go the impeachment route after Hillary is sworn in .
So where is Gingrich going to deport an American born muslim who believes in Sharia? What if they are third genration Americans? What about some American who’s converted to Islam whose forefathers way back were English or German? So dumb.
The Dangerman
A minority (likely, a very small minority, but a minority nonetheless) of the overall population of either Faith, actually; perhaps you should reconsider overly broad generalizations. It would do you well.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Did Noot and Hannity cook this up when Noot bummed a ride on Hannity’s PRIVATE PLANE when Trump’s plane broke down?
O. Felix Culpa
@henqiguai: No-one is demanding that everyone live a gay or black or Hispanic (your choice of which variant) lifestyle. But many Xtians and Islamic jihadists are demanding that everyone live a fundamentalist Xtian or Islamic lifestyle.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
remember when it comes to islam these guys put a whole lot of stock in ‘magic words and phrases’.
Arm The Homeless
Perfectly reasonable response, but it’s an all or nothing prospect, considering they all have the same basic equirements for those engaged in them
Uh, maybe that’s because they’re trying to destroy our nation?
San Francisco, duh, that’s not America. Rent money won’t be included, just a ham sammich and an armband.
@The Dangerman:
Really? So we should be respectful of TeaPartiers?
Splitting Image
Aside from the obvious, Newt seems oblivious to the very real problem that there are people in Western countries who have been radicalized by online contacts with Al Qaeda and Daesh and have been deliberately trying to get into a hot zone to help cause trouble. For example, the guy who shot up Parliament HIll in Ottawa awhile back was waiting for his passport to get approved so he could go to the Middle East. Deporting these people (rather than dealing with them here as a police problem) is doing 90% of their work for them. Not only that, once they make it to the Islamic State and hook up with Daesh, then soldiers (including American forces) trying to contain the problem there will have that many more fighters to deal with.
And remember, this is the best case scenario: where the people getting deported actually deserve it. If Gingrich gets his way there will be a lot of perfectly innocent people born in the U.S. sent off to war-torn countries they know virtually nothing about.
Yeah, where would we [leftists] get that idea from?
@O. Felix Culpa:
Ironically enough, we were watching MP’s “Holy Grail” last night at the Jeffro household…
Couldn’t most any dumb TV reporter point out how dumb the “test” is? (I’m sure SNL’s going to have a field day with it tomorrow night)
Trump Federal Agent: “Are you a Muslim?”
Citizen: “Yes”
TFA: “Well, do you believe in Sharia?”
Citizen: “No”
TFA: “Okay, then…WAIT…how do I know you’re not lying?”
Citizen: “I’m not”
TFA: “Okay then…WAIT…how do I know you’re not lying about lying?”
Citizen: “I’m not”
TFA: “Okay then…WAIT…”
(you get the idea)
@O. Felix Culpa:
Damn you, now you’ve made me think of Monty Python and the Holy Grail when this is supposed to be a serious thread.
“So if she weighs as much as a duck, she’s made of wood …”
@Splitting Image:
Newt’s less oblivious than a pathological liar. He’s the four-year old who comes up and starts hitting you while saying “I’m not hitting you.” He could not care less about accuracy and fairness, he wants the world to match his viewpoint.
Does that sound at all like a certain presidential candidate?
Keep on bringing the truth
Agreed, and agreed, and we (& our candidates for office from dogcatcher on up) need to point it out explicitly at every opportunity
Yes – heck some of them have said as much already. As in my comment above, we need to be loudLoudLOUD about this at every opportunity. They’re a desperate party on the verge of cracking up for good. They have tried unprecedented smears and tactics against our current President, thankfully to no avail. It’s more important that ever that we deliver a Democratic Senate (and House, if possible)…it would be nice if that were the goal just to help advance progress in this country, but now it has to be a must in order to avoid this kind of coup attempt.
I love that whole meme, and have great admiration for the folks who come up with the ideas and captions. Thought whoever did this one was especially good.
Schlemazel Khan
As for Newt on Hannity (ugh, wait, let me fix something)…
As for Newt on Hannity, I read right here on this blog a couple of days ago that Fox and Gingrich had mutually agreed to part company effective immediately. Now perhaps technically it was that he would no longer be a Fox “consultant” or “contributor” or whatever the term they use is, but voiding the contract and then practically the next day bringing him on as a guest — well, it’s a distinction without a difference. Typical disingenuousness.
Splitting Image
Quite right. I stand corrected.
I’m fine with people believing profoundly stupid things. I’ve simply lost faith that letting them spout it in unlimited volumes and fashions is actually a good idea.
glory b
@Face: I read somewhere that the majority of American Muslims are African Americans who have converted or are the children and grandchildren of earlier converts.
Interesting how the Repubs pretend like they don’t exist.
oh, by the way, “Peeney Crockett???” I can’t be laughing like that at work!
Betty Cracker
O/T: I wonder if a certain whiny ass Oracle of Doom concern troll will show up to discuss this data:
Colorado: Trump vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ/Marist Clinton 43, Trump 35 Clinton +8
Virginia: Trump vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ/Marist Clinton 44, Trump 35 Clinton +9
North Carolina: Trump vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ/Marist Clinton 44, Trump 38 Clinton +6
Florida: Trump vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ/Marist Clinton 44, Trump 37 Clinton +7
Probably not!
@MattF: No Noots is good Noots!
@Just One More Canuck: Why a duck? Why a no chicken?
Matt McIrvin
@Yutsano: I just saw Rasmussen is trolling the poll aggregators hard: their latest has Trump +7. (Before Hillary’s latest dip they were just Trump +4.)
Matt McIrvin
…This may be the most extreme Rasmussen has ever been, with regard to disagreeing with everyone else. Even the polls I normally think of as Republican-leaning aren’t even close.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Betty Cracker: those polls are not stunning/Politico
Btw could we please get a thread just to discuss the new Trump/Pence ‘TP’ logo? It’s truly astounding…looking like the ‘T’ is having relations with the ‘P’ (which in a metaphorical sense is true of course)
Suffragete City elftx
The Inquisition, what a show
The Inquisition, here we go
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Don’t know if it’s been addressed yet, Betty, but the answer is an emphatic YES. Hannity has always looked like a male member with his stingy, smug lips and constantly-twitching brow. When he was born, the nurse did not slide him into a diaper but a Sheik condom.
grandpa john
@hovercraft: Of course the media is in on this shit, Hell they are the ones proposing it and pushing it, She should have told him that if it had to be explained to him then he is too stupid to understand any explanation
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@glory b:
“Peeney, Peeney Crockett! King of the wild wingnuts!”
The Lodger
@West of the Rockies (been a while): A Sheik condom? Sounds Muslim to me.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@The Lodger:
Oh. Damn. You’re right… Is there a Jeebus ® brand condom?
Betty Cracker
@Jeffro: Link?
West of the Rockies (been a while)
That Trump Pence logo is very….
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
And that’s why I expect the word “taqiya” to start popping up more and more. “Not only do they believe in Sharia, they’re also a bunch liars! Better deport ’em all, just to be safe!”
Miss Bianca
@SiubhanDuinne: Oh, freaking brilliant. That’s equally as good as the Boris Johnson-Brexit one.
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
I’ve learned to love my peoples
Of all colors, creeds, and kinds
I’m all wrapped in the Skin of the Lamb®
Miss Bianca
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Do you seriously think Newt even knows who Richard Thompson is?
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@Miss Bianca: Of course not. But I didn’t let that stop me.
Miss Bianca
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): I could totally see RT shredding the Newt in in a new song, tho’…
“Gingrich’s proposal is fundamentally un-American.”
No, its not Un-American, its ANTI-American