Day two. What could possibly go wrong?
— David Axelrod (@davidaxelrod) July 19, 2016
RNC Chair @Reince defends Trump's unpredictability: 'We tried the buttoned-down Boy Scout approach. It didn't work so well.' @bpolitics
— Susan Page (@SusanPage) July 19, 2016
The first day of Mitt Romney's convention had better ratings than the first day of Donald Trump's
— Shane Goldmacher (@ShaneGoldmacher) July 19, 2016
Donald Trump isn't here, but he's here by Jumbotron.
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) July 20, 2016
The story of the "who ordered the Code Red of the Melania speech" issue forced some barely-cloaked Trump feuds into public view today.
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) July 20, 2016
.@realDonaldTrump models himself on an insecure narcissist whose lies & schemes embarrassed our country. Figures.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) July 19, 2016
Guards covering a "No Racism. No Hate." banner, because wouldn't want the delegates to think they're against those.
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) July 20, 2016
What makes the Trump camp lies so exasperating is they're so obviously false and imply therefore we're too stupid to notice.
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) July 19, 2016
If you think Chris Christie can lecture anyone on ethics, we have a bridge to sell you. #RNCinCLE
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 20, 2016
Trump convention planners are doing something wrong. This is a primetime shot of the hall. Empty.
— adam nagourney (@adamnagourney) July 20, 2016
Tonight's message seems to be that Republicans have no economic agenda.
— Timothy B. Lee (@binarybits) July 20, 2016
One of America's two political parties is literally lighting itself on fire and its members are cheering wildly as it happens
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) July 19, 2016
Don’t worry, even now, the grown-ups are working behind the scenes… Aieeee! Nazgul! Shadow Riders!
"I'm worried," Bush told them, "that I will be the last Republican president."
A shadow #RNCinCLE: via @politico— Mike Wereschagin (@Wrschgn) July 19, 2016
oh, man, needs a live twitter stream…
damn these fuckers are tossing more red meat than a seasick lion.
The verdict is in: the ‘make America work’ night had basically zippo about jobs, economy, etc.
Yeah, me too. Except for the worried part.
Proving once again, IOKIYAR
yeah, what’s the word…oh yeah ecstatic.
Major Major Major Major
I’m trying to find the State and Main clip of Alec Baldwin crashing a car in a multi-flip, roar-of-screeching-metal wreck and then crawling out of the wreckage and saying, “…so that happened.”
I was going to post it here :(
Adam L Silverman
And then there was this:
@RaflW: No, they’re creating lots of jobs for fact-checkers, Benghazi-blamers, kangaroo court bailiffs, etc.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: I saw that! WTF
One of the few clips I heard had somebody saying that when Donald Trump gets in, Americans better have their resumes up-to-date, because…
And then the commenter cut in to say something and I didn’t get to hear the end, but in my head the person said “because YOU’RE FIRED!”
@Adam L Silverman: Because a spoils and patronage system worked _so_ well for the civil service in the 19th century.
Apparently, the GOP wants to recreate all the best parts of Jim Crow _and_ Tamany Hall.
@Adam L Silverman: Yup. It all seems more Putin-y every day.
@Adam L Silverman: erdogan, the murkan version.
Anyone else recall a convention this sparsely attended? So many empty seats.
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: Please do a separate post about this tomorrow, when people will see it!
(I’m too punch-drunk from sleep deprivation to do justice.)
Anyone got a recipe for Apricot Hellbeast Surprise Upside Down cake?
Omnes Omnibus
@dmsilev: Come on, wiping out the Progressive Era has always been a goal.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: 1:55 mark:
En Espanol para nuestros lectores españoles:
@hellslittlestangel: I thought Dick Cheney was the last Republican President, and George W was the last Republican Sock Puppet.
@Major Major Major Major: I think the follow-up line was something like “because Trump is going to create so so many new jobs”
The memo apparently hasn’t gone out that unemployment has actually come down quite a bit since that recession Obama inherited from Bush. (the name ‘Bush’ has not, to my knowledge, been mentioned by any of the speakers so far)
They couldn’t find the word in the word cloud it was so small, per chuckles.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Photo of 2012 Democratic convention
One is not like the other (photo)
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, the social conservatives have been gunning for the Enlightenment for a while now, so I guess that’s only fair.
Cole’s tweet from a little while ago (about how the fall of Roger Ailes and the impending annihilation of Trump at the polls could mean a ‘new dawn’ in American politics) got me thinking:
According to Strauss-Howe generational theory (which, I know, is a crackpot theory, but read the books; it hangs together surprisingly well, given everything), we’re about 10 years overdue for a moment like the Crash of ’29, the attack on Fort Sumter, or the beginning of the American Revolution. Such a moment should kick off a decade or two of furious reordering of civic life (like the Revolution, the Civil War, and the Depression/WW2), in which old and useless institutions suddenly die off and new, tailored-to-the-moment institutions quickly take their place.
The closest parallel I can draw is to the Civil War period, when the Whig Party couldn’t make ups its mind about slavery, and vanished basically overnight, supplanted by the anti-slavery Republicans. That was the last time this country witnessed the birth or the death of a major political party, and I think we might be right on the verge of another moment like that.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: Its a long standing thing. My understanding is that the Clinton Administration converted about 47 appointees in their final year in office. I know the Bush 43 Administration was doing it as far back as 2005. Specifically they were salting Cheney loyalists throughout the civil service a few at a time in order to ensure their (Cheney’s) preferred policies would remain in place regardless of who was next elected president.
@Adam L Silverman:
They’ve been watching Erdogan very closely, and they like what they see.
pseudonymous in nc
American Psycho Trump Junior, Elephant Murderer And All Round Fuckstick, seems to think that he either has a political career or he’s going to be Hereditary President.
And Christie seemed to promise uuuuuge purges, purges that would make Erdogan’s purges look tiny.
Omnes Omnibus
@dmsilev: First the New Deal, then the Progressive Era, then the Enlightenment, then the Renaissance. They do have a plan.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: But wasn’t it a scandal when they did it at Justice?
@Omnes Omnibus: screw them. I’ll take the cylons!
so, no news about the much touted gun nutz swarming the convention?
I’d be pissed if I was the Trump camp to have paid this fool to write an original work and instead he basically recycled his own shit…smh
I don’t even care…you do you Trumpsters/GOP…smh
@lamh36: You’re assuming that they actually intend on paying him…
Maybe it’s the virus, if not they can still use it as an excuse.
If Christie wasn’t a clueless jackass, he would have imitated Raziel… but no.
[‘Hey! Remember that time Cole told us how cool he thought Christie was?!?!? That was great!’]
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: We are in dire need of some smart civil service reforms. But the reason we have civil service protections is to prevent the mess that would be created from a political patronage and spoils system. The idea of allowing people to serve part time and still maintain their private sector jobs is just nuts. The conflict of interests would be tremendous. I held a term appointment for four years from the Army – Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) detailed to US Army War College (USAWC). Right before I started I was approached about consulting on a contract project, as I was one of the top subject matter experts, that was being pursued by a different DOD agency. The ability to make some extra money was appealing and I asked if it would be possible to put an amendment in my orders allowing it. My higher HQ at TRADOC reviewed it as did the folks I would be reporting to at USAWC and it was determined that this would actually further the goals of the Army that had led me to be recruited and detailed to USAWC and it was approved. The money was never authorized to be dispersed, so it never went anywhere, but I had to get multiple approvals at multiple levels and I had no ownership stake in the contracting company – I was just going to get paid for whatever work I did and it couldn’t interfere with my assigned and delineated duties. The conflict of interest for people on corporate boards or owners or officers of companies is going to be gigantic.
O/T The best storm-chaser video I’ve seen yet, filmed this spring. Here’s hoping Republicans are feeling that sense of doom soaking in, I thrive on their despair.
Adam L Silverman
@Anne Laurie: Depends on my schedule, but I’ll try to work it in.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: many thanks. I swear the full clip used to be up there!
It probably did. Mumble mumble DMCA
Government layoff are not a loss of jobs, because government doesn’t create jobs.
Yeah, going after the academics cements it. When will Republicans call for “Our Cultural Revolution”? Blew their chance of “Our Great Leap Forward” tonight. “All housewives must melt down your cookpots to bring our jerbs back.”
Oh, incurious George, from your lips to God’s ears. What a perfect indication of what the Republicans have become as for him to be their last President!
@gf120581: Maybe they’re in line for the loo?
I certainly hope so. That or a meteor.
@sinnedbackwards: I’d say more like the bar. Cleveland bars are probably doing a booming business from Republicans looking to drown their sorrows or kill all brain cells that contain memories of this shitshow.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: That was a separate issue. What you’re referring to was a Karl Rove as Deputy White House Chief of Staff for Policy driven initiative. It wasn’t an attempt to salt political appointees in as civil servants, but rather to replace their appointees as US Attorney for not coming up with cases against Democratic candidates for office with US Attorneys that would do their bidding. One of these involved a hold over US Attorney from the Clinton Administration in Little Rock. The other very well publicized incident was against a Bush 43 appointed US Attorney in NM: David Iglesias. Iglesias was not only a Republican, but was a highly decorated Navy JAG. There had been an attempt, instigated by Senator Dominici via Rove through to AG Gonzalez to investigate one or more Democratic candidates. Iglesias’s preliminary inquiries failed to turn up anything criminal and also invoked the DOJ policy about not bringing indictments of political candidates in the months immediately preceding an election in order to not influence the outcome of the election, so that even had he had anything prosecutable, he couldn’t do so until after the election. This was also the same situation with a couple of the other Bush 43 appointed US Attorneys. So Rove had Gonzalez get rid of them. Basically they ratfucked their own personnel for having integrity.
Adam L Silverman
@amk: My understanding is that 2 people showed up at the open carry rally the other day. That’s neither a quorom nor a minyon.
Omnes Omnibus
@gf120581: Strip clubs.
I hope this convention is the closest this country ever comes to a Nuremberg rally.
@Adam L Silverman: lol. the usual thing then? all talk and no show.
I imagine that if you could see into every hotel room in Cleveland, you would find that self-proclaimed Christians are doing the lion’s share of the adultery and fornication.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: so the distinction is that they were trying to do a “prosecute them or I’ll hire somebody who will” thing with people who were already supporters, rather than swap out other people’s sycophants for their own?
Kevin Drum caught something today. “Donald Trump has told prospective donors that, if elected president, he plans to nominate former Goldman Sachs banker Steve Mnuchin for U.S. Treasury Secretary.” Mr. Mnuchin is Trump’s national finance chairman.
“Trump’s message to Wall Street is: The guy calling you for donations is going to be Secretary of the Treasury in a few months. So no worries: treat him right and he’ll treat you right.”
Major Major Major Major
@burnspbesq: I’ve had a Leonard Cohen line stuck in my head the last couple days, “the sinners in high places say their prayers out loud.”
@pseudonymous in nc:
Apparently he’s been trying to get daddy to run since 2011. msnbc talking heads wondered if drumps run is laying the ground work for Udays future in presidential politics.
According to Digby’s Twitter feed, Jake Tapper said that the only reason Clinton wasn’t prosecuted for her emails was because she’s too important. Excuse me Jake, when the hell did you work for the FBI, become a lawyer, and an expert in Federal law. I love how these “impartial journalists” are allowed to throw around such accusations on national television.
This entire #RNCinCLE so far…proving the truth of white privilege …you really do get away with low expectations when your a white & especially…
ugh…I’m going to bed
Good night BJ
Adam L Silverman
@burnspbesq: Given the percentage of Christians in the US, I expect that they are always committing the lion’s share of adultery and fornication.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: For the most part yes.
@Adam L Silverman:
Tradition is that all 88 United States Attorneys submit their resignations during the transition period, and the new president and her AG-designate decide which ones to accept.
So are you saying that politically Trump could either be a dead man walking or the afterbirth of a nation?
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: learning is fun!
Adam L Silverman
@burnspbesq: I’m aware. In the case of the one in Little Rock he was kept as a hold over. As I’m sure you know this does happen. Often not for very long, but it does happen.
So is Ohio one of the silly states that’s shut down all the planned parenthood clinics? If so, would it be wrong to hope the nitwits looking to score a little strange end up with an std?
Anne Laurie
… “but not very competently.”
Carl W
I saw this in Politico’s convention live-blog:
and started thinking about IOKIYAR. What would be the Republican response if Hillary had divorced Bill, was currently married to a 44-year-old Mexican immigrant, and the spouse offered to debate reporters in Spanish?
And Taibbi won’t write or say a word about this.
What in the fucking hell would make you write something that horrible to contemplate?
Major Major Major Major
@burnspbesq: Who?
Seriously though what’s that guy been up to since Endorsementghazi?
I have the Nature’s Miracle concession. The more vomiting I can cause, the more money I make.
Ferd ofthe Nort
Dumpster fire, no.
This is a demolition derby by flaming dumpsters, on a frozen sewage spill.
Next up by Mel Gibson to be “The Passion of the GOP”?
Crucify Her, Crucify Her!
One of the authors (I think Howe) actually said in a blog post a few years back that he views 2008 at the start of the fourth turning. In their theory, a second/third major event happens about 5 years after the start of the fourth turning, which would have been 2013. So either it’s delayed or the theory is bunk. We’ll see. But yeah, I’m not relishing the thought of us going through a fourth turning with a GOPer at the helm.
@Major Major Major Major:
No good, as usual.
Taibbi recent columns
I’m just trying to imagine the mainstream press coverage and behavior if a Dem nominee had such close ties to Putin’s regime. And then if they unleashed the kind of policy proposals or pronouncements that this group has….sheeesh, it’s so absurd.
This angle obviously deserves to be explored by the press in a responsible manner with historical context and these ummm, “interesting” ties in mind.
Major Major Major Major
@BR: The rapid drip-drip-drip of technology doesn’t count? It might be happening a little gradually, but I do think, especially with proper stewardship, the internet ecosystem could be this generation’s ‘that moment’ pretty easily.
Major Major Major Major
@burnspbesq: Ugh, forget I asked.
Actual economic/jobs substance, or lack thereof, from tonight’s program aside: am I alone in thinking the evening’s slogan of “Make America Work Again” kind of read like either (a) “Get a job, you lazy fuckers!” or (b) just an endorsement of endentured servitude/slavery?
Adam L Silverman
@JordanRules: They got the platform committee to soften the language regarding Ukraine. No longer is the official GOP policy to arm Ukraine to resist Russia. At the behest of the Trump campaign it was changed to provide appropriate assistance. Here’s a good question: are Manafort and his crew currently registered under the Foreign Agent Registration Act? And if so, on who’s behalf?
@Major Major Major Major:
Nah — the sort of thing they were talking about in the book was on the scale of the american revolution, civil war, and great depression/ww2. Technological changes were happening through those eras as well (big ones) but it was the political, economic, cultural shifts that happened so suddenly (plus major wars) that made them key turning points. And the reason they recur is because of generational patterns. Anyway, that’s the theory. It’s a bit scary to think that there could be something to it.
At least some one is making a buck off of this clusterfuck masquerading as a political party.
@Adam L Silverman:
You should suggest someone (like TPM) look into that question.
Adam L Silverman
@BR: We do have a religiousity cycle, an extremism cycle (they often seem to overlap…), a crime cycle, and economic cycles. While I’m not familiar with what you’re referencing, should they all synch that could do it.
@MCA1: Yeah, I thought so. So easy to see it as “Force America to Work Again”
Major Major Major Major
@BR: No, I know the theory. I really do think that, if we’re allowing for the theory, “The Internet” (for lack of a better term) is the thing this time around. It’s just not a super rapid shock to the system, more a series of tiny revolutions over a ten, fifteen-year period starting honestly right around now.
For a shock to the system, I guess we could just wait for Elon Musk to invent artificial intelligence, but I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you on that count.
But even World War 2 (for instance) wasn’t that much of a surprise, if you were paying attention. For those who were it probably felt like a slow drip-drip-drip from around 1910 onwards.
If you want to get Hegelian, then yes, this guy’s work does follow a pretty standard dialectic cycle, but that’s less exciting to think about because it doesn’t elevate Important People and doesn’t pit one generation against another in an eternal war.
tl;dr: yes, i’ve read his stuff, this time around it’s the internet.
Adam L Silverman
@BR: Chait already has at NY Mag. He cites someone else in his column on it. Since I don’t have any contacts at TPM and my media contacts are limited and don’t include anyone at TPM. They literally don’t know me from Adam.
ETA: that’s reference the platform thing, not the FARA registration.
Mike J
@lamh36: Favs and Lovett were going at it hard enough to make Hill’s current writer comment on it.
@Adam L Silverman:
Josh Marshall at TPM is pretty responsive — email him here. If you tell him you write here and your background, I bet he’ll listen.
Anne Laurie
@Anne Laurie:
I don’t like Avocado farming getting lumped in with Trump craziness. I grow Avocados (not commercially).
Major Major Major Major
@BR: Better not be those damn Florida avocados. The people who grow those will be the first against the wall when the Great Generational Revolution comes.
Erm, under the theory, it would be the millenials cleaning up y’alls mess IIRC, ja?
@Adam L Silverman: Putin playing the long game.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: Just because they feed gators, and are armed to the teeth, and stand their ground, and there’s too many of them over the age of 80, doesn’t mean that Florida avocados are all bad…
Adam L Silverman
@bluehill: Of course.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: #NotAllFloridaAvocados
@Major Major Major Major:
Of course not… Florida (West Indies type) avocados are awful. Here in CA not only can’t we grow them (wrong climate) but there would be no point because the Californian types are way better. The funny thing is that in South Florida they could grow Hawaiian types, which are very good, but they don’t for some reason. It’s too late in any case — the beetle has destroyed Florida avocado growing just like the psylid has destroyed Florida citrus growing.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: well done!
I still don’t really understand why Michigan passed when counting the roll…
@Adam L Silverman: We do have a religiousity cycle, an extremism cycle (they often seem to overlap…), a crime cycle, and economic cycles. While I’m not familiar with what you’re referencing, should they all synch that could do it.
The Year of the Jackpot!
[‘Hrmm. Interesting question time…’]
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: I try.
Mike J
@max: See also Gibson about the jackpot.
Have now read my way through all four RNC threads and feel reasonably caught up. But I don’t recall seeing any mention of the possibility that the convention planners may have invited the wrong Chris Cox to speak.
Adam L Silverman
@max: Don’t think its that precise or works that way.
@Anne Laurie:
I thought that was sheetrock pouring and cement hanging.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: Looks like it.
Speaking of cycles. I wonder if the backlash against globalization could lead us towards a modern version of the dark ages. In the US the repubs continue to fight against science and reason. Europe is more secular but nationalism is growing which could limit free expression. China is China. Parts of the Middle East have yet to experience their Age of Enlightenment in my limited view.
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: @Adam L Silverman: The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a bank is a good guy with a gun.
@bluehill: Oh, easily.
I may have just discovered your problem right there. They know how to plan bullshit, they have an idea how to ferment hate and stupidity, they can grift with the best of them, but plan an actual event with humans and reality? NFW.
@Adam L Silverman:
Major Major Major Major
So not to toot my own horn (OK, to toot my own horn) but I really like this passage I just wrote about the Sacramento exurban area.
First, finely dice one hellbeast.
It’s traditional for other states to pass in order for the numbers to come out right to have a candidate’s home state (in this case NY) put him/her over the top. When they outcome of the balloting is not in doubt, it’s all pre-planned as to who will pass, etc.
In totally OT news that is both good and not about the RNC my latest book (an academic edited volume) just got a positive and really thoughtful review in the top journal in my field. :)
Mike J
@TheMightyTrowel: I guess you could say they really dig it.
I’ll get me coat.
Major Major Major Major
@TheMightyTrowel: Congrats! That’s awesome!
@Mike J: And that’s not!
@Mike J: hee hee. We in archaeology love puns – just heard about a phd in progress looking at axe hoards in circular ditched and banked enclosures which is apparently currently titled “Hoard of the rings”
ETA still not the best though. the best was a legendary phd on archaeometallurgical work on iron age sites in Yorkshire called “Old slags of the North York Dales” (you might need to speak british to get this one, but it’s really really f*ing funny if you do)
Vile puns do travel across oceans. Golf clap awarded.
Neighbor girl married a nice young Scottish archaeologist who’s now looking for work in California. I unhelpfully told him we don’t have any old stuff here, so best of luck with that.
Contextual advertising just now. Air Canada: Thinking of moving to Canada? Why not test-drive Canada first?
Ready for the Trumpocalypse.
@Adam L Silverman: Don’t think its that precise or works that way.
Well…NO. I didn’t it was either – that’s a story working through the set of ideas as Asimov was writing about in the Foundation series, and William Gibson and other people have thought about this stuff Mike J mentions above.
The lack (so far) of any way to determine the future course of events in a rigorous and replicable at least hints at the notion doing so may not be possible – that is, we do not suffer the curse of predestination – we have the curse of free will or at least appear to.
Thinking about it suggests another notion that most thinkers seem to ignore – what if everything turns south at the same time. If you consider that for a moment, then it occurs (to me, at least) that the fastest and most plausible way to get to complete catastrophe is simple exchange of nuclear weapons. Human beings resort to war quite regularly in historical terms, and any war between between the major powers has a good chance of ending with a nuclear exchange… which would be catastrophe.
No need for aliens or Relevations or killer robots or superplagues or any of that stuff. The highest probability of catastrophe, and the biggest threat, is major war. If we then consider consider the last 10 years, we have the use of StuxNet kicking off the first worldwide cyberwar (with no signs of letting up), and we have Georgia, the Ukraine and the South China indicating that tension between the powers is quite high, and we have the problems of social disruption brought on by globalization and economic stress brought on by the financial crisis, and we already have a witch’s brew.
Some grand convergence of cycles isn’t necessary to light up a combustible mix – just foolishness and bad luck. Collapsing the reasoning chain suggests that the human race is playing Russian roulette with World War III and has been for a decade, and an added string of bad luck is going to send us to dark places. No grand theory needed.
[‘Typing on a tablet, pardon the brevity of the argument.’]
@trollhattan: The US Army Corps of Engineers is currently hiring archaeologists in CA, but you need US citizenship. There are a few other CA based archaeology positions up on USAjobs
Also california has wicked cool archaeology – both pre contact and post contact. the colonial period stuff is also deeply interesting :P :P :P
Thanks, will mention next time I see him. Must be a citizen of sorts on account of marrying a gen-you-wine ‘murican, but is that really English he’s speaking? Opinions differ.
Nite all, sacktime.Keep your collective eye on those pesky, infected Republicans.
Patricia Kayden
@Adam L Silverman: Wow!! Not a parody. I hope a Federal workers hear about this and vote against Trump in droves.
Shrub is right: this is the end of the Republican party as a national party. It will survive via gerrymandering and voter suppression on a regional level and will dominate Congress for quite a few cycles still, but no longer a Presidential party.
I’m also going to place my bets on Troll firing and replacing Pence before the election. Because, reasons.
@BR: You mean Pokémon Go isn’t going to bring on therevolution?
I can’t quite believe the ‘sources’ in the T campaign who’re suggesting that Mel messed up her own speech, aided by Trump’s ghostwriter and/or carelessness by Manafort’s assistant. Doesnt seem like Trump would have been able to keep his hands off it; and doesn’t seem like he would let her have complete control over her speech. Weird but not out of character that he would so easily let her be blamed. Sick guy.
She embarrassed him. I can easily see a very ugly, scary scene at Trump Tower. The man admits no faults in himself, and accepts no faults or mistakes in others. No-one on earth means as much to him as his own image does.
@Aleta: This is a singularly strange candidate and campaign that allows for a lot of projection. Campaign manager has ties to Putin. Chachi is a speaker, and tweeting a photo calling Clinton a cnut, and the Spox is using Princess Sparkle Pony to explain Melania’s plagiarism of Michelle Obama’s speech at the ’08 convention.
It feels to me like we might tend to give this campaign too much credit for acting within the normal bounds of what is usually done, and also lack imagination for the ways in which it is profoundly dysfunctional, as Trump needs to micromanage it. And – also too – the shameless lying that Trump et al get away with, because ratings for the journos.
We could use us some Molly Ivins and Hunter S. Thompson right now.
On the plus side, Roger Ailes seems to be on his way out the Fox door….
Okay, that’s funny. If only Ailes could be dealt with by being towed out to sea (preferably after being flensed for blubber and oil).
low-tech cyclist
@burnspbesq: It’s starting to look like Hate Week from 1984.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
@low-tech cyclist:
Said it before, I’ll say it again – this convention is hate bukakke, with America as the recipient.
kd bart
Dubya was often cringe worthy but you knew that his campaign was run by professionals. This is like watching the worse community theatre production of Oklahoma night after night.
Only by historical American political standards.
Trump has fashioned himself into the presidential candidate Conservative reactionaries have always dreamed of. The histories of other (failed, some recovered) nations are littered with such characters. The combination of insecurity, narcissism, and fetishism Trump displays is similarly common among the leaders that right-wing authoritarians choose for themselves.
I really need to see video of the empty seats during the prime time hours – 8pm EDT to 11pm EDT – just to be sure we’re looking at an abandoned political party.
@kd bart: Except with these clowns, rather than having Ali Hakim forced at gunpoint to agree to marry Ado Annie, they’d end Act I with an extended nightmarish ballet sequence of Hakim’s waterboarding. Although, of course, they’d still use “Out of My Dreams.”
@max: You do realize a nuclear war between nuclear super powers isn’t a catastrophe but the absolute extinction of all human life? That is the reason there has been no major wars in the world because these nuclear super powers – there are only two – know full well what that means as do all secondary nuclear powers and all non-nuclear major military powers. Not gonna happen.
But don’t worry, AGW will provide a full and devastating world catastrophe over the next 50 or so years; happy?
I just want to thank Anne and all the Balloon Juice writers for their coverage of this “event”. I cannot bring myself to watch it, but appreciate the links and summaries of the low lights.
This convention is made for Twitter. It really does not require any deeper analysis than can be put on a tweet.
Or one struggling with Norovirus at all your finer area hotels. Either in their rooms, or at the arena, the GOP is busy shitting itself.
Ella in New Mexico
@Adam L Silverman:
Well, the Rat-bastard oughta know about that, seeing as he and Bushco wrote the textbook on that whole thing…
Ella in New Mexico
@Major Major Major Major: Yes, Millennials are the Hero generation, equivalent to Alexander Hamilton or the “greatest generation.” They’re the foot soldiers of the world-redefining conflict, and then they go on to establish and manage all the new institutions.
@Carl W:
That might be the most insightful thing I’ve ever heard Dubya say. He’s not as dumb as I thought.
Adam L Silverman
@trollhattan: USAJOBS. Keyword search for archeologist or corps of engineers or both. They’re often entry level, even with a PhD, at GS 12, but they’re almost always looking, though it might not be in your area.
@Major Major Major Major:
Nothing about the Sacramento exurbs is temperate. Have you been there in summer? Nice visuals, though.
We need a magic talisman. Look for the sword of Zorro!
Paul in KY
@dmsilev: Trumpuny Hall. Has a nice ring to it…
@Steeplejack: What I’ve seen says that Murdoch’s sons are trying to get Ailes fired for cause which would nullify that $40million he’s trying to walk out the door with.