A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned I was going to a colleague’s retirement party. She officially retired on the 1st of July. Several days ago, she woke up during the night, fell and hit her head, and did a great deal of damage, and was in a coma ever since. Today they removed her from life support. Everyone is very upset. 2016 has just been brutal.
In good news, Christion got a job today.
Enough catchup. Rinse Pubis is speaking.
I am sorry, John.
How tragic and awful about your colleague. That’s incredibly sad, and I’m so sorry.
Happy for Christion, though. How’s he doing, in general?
I’m sorry. That’s awful.
Wow. I hear ya.
I thought 2001 was a bad year, but I think this is going worse.
dr. bloor
So sorry for your loss, John.
Glad to hear about Christion’s job though. Yay!
And so it goes.
Damn…sorry to hear about your friend John
It really has. I keep expecting to be yanked out of sleep with bad news. I am so sorry.
Congratulations to Christion on his new job.
So on the RNC convention…
I’m betting no real bump…just like with Romney.
Didn’t Romney NOT get a bump after convention.
I wouldn’t expect a negative bump…but if so..I wouldn’t be surprised
Corner Stone
Ok, another thread then please?
I’m seeing a lot of punditry talking about how scary and brilliant Trump’s speech is going to be. Sounds like they’re ramping up for a “Trump saves the day, etc.” storyline?
Jerzy Russian
Damn, sorry to hear about your friend. 2016 needs a good kick in the nuts.
I’m really sorry. My condolences to family, friends, and colleagues.
dr. bloor
@lamh36: Brace yourself, and expect a bump. Trump and the speech he delivers tonight will tap into the brainstems of more American citizens than anyone would care to acknowledge.
OTOH, Hillary, Bams et al are in the on-deck circle. The ’27 Yankees would be envious.
@AP 3h3 hours ago
The O’Jays decry use of their song at GOP Convention, one saying Donald Trump “just may be the anti-Christ.”
Rinse is not a very impressive speaker.
Horrible; I am so sorry! Congrats to Christion, though; some joy to go with the grieving.
RNC- I haven’t watched anything that wasn’t posted on Twitter, and don’t intend to start watching it now. If Trump spontaneously combusts while giving his big speech, someone is sure to capture the moment on their phone.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@jayboat: Mr. Pubis isn’t a very impressive anything.
Finished working out…I will tune in to watch the Donald just to see just how far he can up the outrage meter.
@dr. bloor: I would be a tad more excited if it didn’t sound like she had settled on 2 boring-ass white guys (Kaine and Vilsack) as her finalists. I suppose one can hope that she comes to her senses and picks Perez?
Who is this band? Are they a real band, or just a Cleveland dad-rock-cover bar band? Why are they playing in all the between-speech segments? Could the RNC really only find one band willing to be seen with them?
I really hope that the DNC features 20 different music luminaries from all different genres to heighten the contrast.
Also, delegates should never attempt to dance.
This band is really terrible.
That’s horrible John. Condolences to you and your colleagues.
Great news for Christion. Thanks for letting us know. Best of luck to him!
Take care.
(Who is watching the RedSox destroy the Twins.)
dr. bloor
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): You have trouble speaking if you knew the audience was trying to work out anagrams for your name.
So sorry about your friend, John. 2016 has a lot to answer for.
Congratulations to Christion.
For all the resources available to her, why doesn’t Melania wear something that fits better?
Another white shmata tonight, again bunching up in a number of places.
Insane glibertarian coming up.
Schlemazel Khan
What an awful story, so sorry for all involved John. 30 years ago I worked with a guy, we were on our way to his retirement luncheon, the day before his last. He had a massive stroke & didn’t even make it till the ambulance arrived. One of the nicest guys you would ever meet with many great plans for his retirement.
Life is needlessly cruel.
Major Major Major Major
When does the off-brand comic book villain come on?
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Where did you hear that? I really don’t want her to choose Kaine. We’re lucky here to have two Democratic senators, and I don’t want to have to have a race for an open seat in an off-off year. We’ll have a tough enough time holding the open governor’s seat. We don’t need the hassle of having to fight to keep a Senate seat, too, and then we’ll have to do it all over again, when the seat comes up in 2018.
Sorry about your friend, Cole.
2016 has been brutal.
Tell Christion Congratulations.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): It’s the current news speculation.
GE Smith of SNL fame. Also played with Dylan. Briefly married to Gilda Radner. Played the RNC in 2012.
dr. bloor
@PsiFighter37: I’d rather Perez as well, although I suspect they’re going to look at the post-convention numbers pretty closely to figure out who they need to appeal to most.
Interestingly, heard a bit on NPR last night about HRC consulting with Obama on her choice. At one point, it was said that Obama regards his choice of Biden as “the best political decision he’s ever made.”
About a percentage, I think it was 1.3
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Kaine has been tabbed as the/a frontrunner for the past couple of weeks. Vilsack just popped up, which would be extremely disappointing.
Clinton should recognize that it’s Obama’s Democratic Party that got her the nomination – the last thing we need is a centrist white guy with zero charisma. Of course, it likely comes down to the fact that she doesn’t want someone who could potentially overshadow her…
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@Baud: Jesus Christ. We don’t need that fucking headache here in Virginia.
Back to Pubes… Why do I get the feeling every time I see him speak, that after he’s done, he goes into a room by himself, sits down, puts his face in his hands and hacks out great, retching sobs?
Major Major Major Major
Do you guys think Putin’s buddy Snowden dropped off a video spot for the convention? He’s no Obama-Hillary fan after all.
Fair Economist
I’m so sorry to hear that.
And the news about your colleague is even worse. That’s just so unfair, to die in a freak accident and not be able to enjoy retirement. I’m sure it’s hard on you and everybody else. Hope you can find something positive and comforting to take your mind off it (pets are good for that!)
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
I’m drinking. It helps soothe the angry thoughts directed toward Paul “Needs a Russian Bullet in the Skull for Failing His Lord and Master Putin” Manafort, and Peter “I Really Deserve a Curb Stomping from Someone a Lot Less Smug and a Lot Less White” Thiel.
Yay, Christion!
@dr. bloor: And apparently Obama has been talking Kaine up as well. Obama does personal politics very well. Party politics – less so.
Who cares about bathroom usage? Republicans.
@PsiFighter37: I like Kaine, as well as Perez.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
Fuck. I’d been hoping we could lose that Lee Greenwood bullshit forever.
@PsiFighter37: Obama sold us out!
Mary G
They’ve got the littlest Trump with them today. That man has some strong genes. He looks a mini-me of Uday and Qusay. OK, they cheered the gay guy.
Reinse Priebus has almost as much charisma as Ben “Mr Excitement” Carson.
She will pick the right person for herself, as Obama did. I remember the usual suspects tearing their hair out over Biden, and Uncle Joe did brilliantly.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Shit. One of the reasons she had cooled on Warren was supposedly that it would put a Senate seat in a race in an off-off year, when it would be harder to hold, and now she’s thinking about putting another, harder seat in play instead? What can she be thinking here? I’m going to be truly pissed off if she does this.
Sorry about the loss of your friend John.
Congrats to Christion.
Gin & Tonic
Very sorry about your friend, John, but happy for Christion at the same time.
Didn’t see much mention here (although, shame on me, I haven’t read every post in every thread) but the NBA removed next year’s All-Star Game from Charlotte because of HB2. Sucks for the people of Charlotte who seem to be enlightened, but this is an important stand, and the NBA should be commended.
Right. She’s got to have a good relationship with that person for 4 to 8 years.
So many musicians have objected to the GOP’s use of their music. Maybe there will be a lawsuit soon. It seems like a lot of rights are being ignored.
@PsiFighter37: vilsak was ok. But if I remember right, he panicked during the Sherrod Affair and fired her before getting her side of the story.
So sorry about your friend, Cole, but congrats to Christion.
Mary G
I forgot to say condolences for your colleague, John, and congrats to Christion.
Andrew Sullivan is freaking out – he’s read Trump’s speech and thinks it’s brilliant and is going to catapult him. So far his performance at this convention has been much less than brilliant but he’s starting to panic me too. But I’m also trying to remember his freak out after the first debate in 2012.
They are the official RNC band, put together back in 2012, so look forward to their scintillating performance in 2020.
With the GOP House and Senate gutting research funds a speaker at the GOP National convention actually wonders why the Federal Government no long invests in science and technology?
dr. bloor
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
As were many when Obama selected the Senator from Mastercard.
I won’t be thrilled with it, but generally regard the dynamics of the choice as being well above my pay grade.
@NickM: As a political analyst, Andrew Sullivan is Tweety with a British accent. Ignore him.
Schlemazel Khan
I do not see what Kaine brings to the party. I don’t see him delivering VA in some way anyone else couldn’t, he certainly is not exciting or charismatic, I’m don’t see him as an expert in any area Clinton is weak (both policy and electorally). Whats the draw there?
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@Emma: Yeah, but it’s always dicey choosing a senator to run with you, since that seat opens up if you win. You know, it was only blind luck that we even held that Delaware seat in 2010, when Biden’s seat came up in a special election. Chris Coons was likely to lose to a well liked long-time congressman and former governor who was running to take the seat. It was only because not-a-witch Christine O’Connell took the nomination that Coons won the seat.
Ugh, that’s just awful. No way around that.
Can’t even bring myself to watch the Trump speech. The entire RNC convention this year felt like watching part of the American soul wither up and die.
I see Sullivan is pissing himself all over again – just like his freak-out after Obama’s first debate performance against Romney. Hillary has her flaws – but going up against blowhard bullies isn’t one of them. You’d think a GOP obsessed about Benghazi would recall the degree to which she eviscerated and filleted the GOP during Benghazi testimony. Sullivan seems to forget that while Trump has mastered the art of bloviating lies, that Tracy Flick is up every morning at 5AM memorizing the Encyclopedia Brittanica.
@NickM: I hope someone gives him a paper bag that he can breathe into.
There’s zero chance Trump comes out of this smelling like roses. The main has zero capability to deliver a speech via teleprompter with any kind of touch.
That’s how my Mom went.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
dr. bloor
Relax. “Andrew Sullivan” is Queen’s English for “Bill Kristol.”
@Baud: And kaynahora, get him ready for his own run.
Howard Beale IV
So now Alex Jones and Roger Stone plan to ratfuck/primary Ted Cruz in 2018. Can it get any better? Calling Ted Cruz a RINO? What is this world coming to?
Another billionaire. Boring.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): I agree but they might also be thinking long term. Get someone in there who can run for President after her.
OK, do you really want to say that Trump is best reflected in his wife?
Which one?
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
i actually kind of like this guy.
Major Major Major Major
Oh, and condolences, JC. That’s awful.
Anybody else get this email from the DNC about why trump is like Voldemort? Nobody will say his name
@Emma: I hope she picks someone who has held elective office. Tom Perez has a good record, but his elective office experience is kinda light (4 years on the Montgomery County Council; he ran for MD Attorney General but was disqualified by not having practiced law in the state for 10 years).
Whoever is on the ticket is going to have to work hard for the ticket and campaign like there’s no tomorrow. I hope he (or she) is a good fit for that part of the job, also too.
(Who doesn’t think a general/admiral would be a good fit for VP for that reason, either.)
Matt McIrvin
@NickM: You can set your watch by Andrew Sullivan freaking out.
schrodinger's cat
@Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill: Why?
Mike in NC
Good grief, what a horrible event. Sorry for your friend.
Schlemazel Khan
@Mary G:
But the reason they love him, the reason he is there at all is – despite his being gay – is that he is using his personal wealth to destroy independent media. They love anyone who can afford to make reporters afraid to tell the truth and to bankrupt outlets that dare to not play in the billionaires favor.
I do hope that Peter Thiel gets completely ostracized by the folks back in Silicon Valley for making himself look like an ass on television. Of course, that won’t happen, but he deserves it.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: I have decided to trust her on this one. It sounds she’s consulting all the right people. Deep breath.
@schrodinger’s cat: He sounds normal.
dr. bloor
@Howard Beale IV:
I doubt he’s worried. I already foresee the early stages of the 2020 primaries in which Cruz has the luxury of giving Rubio, Christie, Cotton et al sonic wedgies over their endorsements for the product of a fever dream who has faced civil and criminal charges for his conduct since the election.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
@schrodinger’s cat:
This guy (Tom Barrack) engages the audience well, and speaks in a cadence which resonates with me.
I’d be a total sucker for his country club investment pitch at a bar.
schrodinger's cat
@Baud: He is a sane guy in a lunatic asylum.
@Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill: I want to buy a time share NOW.
Did I misunderstand the businessman nincompoop, or did he really refer to Donald Trump striding in *in his armor*?
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
He does well doing an extemporaneous talk with a crowd – this is a truly naturally gifted public speaker, politics be damned.
The rest of the Log Cabin Republicans were supposed to rush the stage during Thiel’s speech.
Major Major Major Major
@smintheus: my friend said he talked about how Trump is punctual? Is that right?
@delk: How could you have even told if he did?
Almost makes one miss those weeklong shiny, happy infomercials.
@Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill: Agree.
Villago Delenda Est
@Pogonip: What Pogonip said. Condolences to you and your colleagues, John, but major cheers for Christion.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
Not only a time share, a Gatlinburg time share, with a floating maintenance fee.
I totally need this, and know that I can do an easy swap for a Kauai timeshare – really!
OK, new theory. The band has photos of RNC PR BS with an underaged goat.
Omnes Omnibus
@smintheus: Probably said armoire – it’s across from the credenza.
So sorry about your friend, John.
Sullivan is frustrating, I know, but he’s right about the strongman approach Trump is taking, and I suspect his usual panic reaction is exacerbated by the eerily placid coverage it’s getting from a tainted press.
Of course, anything he says about liberals or “the Left” is almost apodictically certain to be wrong–but we’ve known that for years.
@hovercraft: He played with the Dead too.
Omnes Omnibus
Condolences, John.
Congrats, Christion.
@Major Major Major Major: His sheriff’s star only has three points.
@Dadadadadadada: ` I recognize the guitar player in the back from the SNL band!
The HillVerified account
Trump family would get $7 billion windfall from Trump’s estate-tax plan: analyst
I’m so tired…I’m going to bed early I think.
Before I go though…
Is it bad I think Leto’s Joker will be the weak link in the Suicide Squad movie?
Suicide Squad, Joker Extended
Omnes Omnibus
@delk: Cold.
Major Major Major Major
The North Carolina delegates are all, er, butthurt about Thiel mentioning bathroom laws. “We thought tonight was supposed to be about unity…”
So, if I’m reading the schedule correctly, the next speaker is Ivanka introducing Dear Old Dad at 10 PM Eastern when the networks tune in. So, they’re just going to play crappy music for fifteen minutes straight?
@Schlemazel Khan: Kaine is a guy who knows how to win conservative voters while having a good heart and holding liberal positions. He’s a strongly religious guy who argues that it’s not his business to impose his religious beliefs on others.
They apparently got along pretty well in their joint rally in Annandale.
I agree that it would be better if there was someone outside the Senate that was as good a choice. Maybe there is, maybe there isn’t. But he would be a good choice, and could campaign hard for Hispanic votes, helping to make it a wave election, and thereby increasing the chance of flipping the Senate (and the House).
Schlemazel Khan
Hearin “Log Cabin Republican” THIS is all I can think of
Schlemazel Khan
@Major Major Major Major:
I guess he’ll make sure the trains run on time
@Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill: He was so boring and unfocused I had to turn it off. Seemed like a crappier version of a bad PBS time filler.
@Major Major Major Major:
What, no mention of making the trains run on time?
@Gravenstone: Trump makes the gold-plated helicopters fly on time.
Kevin Drum
Last minutes to place your bets on how long Trump will speak before he goes off script and starts ranting and raving.
The Crazy is coming. The Crazy will be yooooge….
Maybe it will be a good thing if they have to go apeshit nuts all over to try to support their big lies.
Manafort: FBI Crime Stats Are ‘Suspect’ After Bureau’s Handling Of Clinton Probe
@Omnes Omnibus: Seems more credible. I could only think of one of those atrocious Roman statues with a saggy old politician’s head stuck onto a virile armored torso. That’d be really gruesome in Trump’s case.
@Baud: rofl!
@Renie: Point of order: The speech as leaked is largely ranting and raving. How can we tell the difference?
@Renie: He’ll be on meds so don’t worry about it. I miss the manic Trump myself.
Schlemazel Khan
Agree about his religious/state views, I just don’t see that as winning many votes. That he makes conservatives comfortable is not a huge advantage to Clinton either. I’m more worried about our left than the GOPs ‘left’ this November. Anyone approaching sane is not voting for Drumpf. I don’t see Kaine adding to the tally. Maybe in a debate with Pence he will be exciting.
Villago Delenda Est
@Major Major Major Major: Oh, fuck the North Carolina delegation. With a rusty, unlubed chain saw.
I am quite convinced most modern Republicans are shit wrapped in skin. Ambulatory fecal matter.
Mary G
I’m not sad that it’s almost over. I did enjoy Sully’s insults if Peter Thiel and only being able to find one non-crazy Tweet in support of Trump. Why are all the employees they show are young, skinny women?
Villago Delenda Est
@jl: Cripes. Can Putin’s stooge be any more obvious?
Schlemazel Khan
Always tell the sucker he took you. Chances are they are stupid enough to believe it. That makes them willing to come back for more
I have a small idea that maybe is a big idea.
We can’t counter fear with fear. That doesn’t work.
But what we can do, in addition to normal election volunteering, is spread hope, spread kindness, togetherness, etc. All the values that are opposite to fear and hate. And we can do it in a partisan way.
Imagine groups of people doing charity work, community activities, fun events, etc. but wearing Hillary or Dem buttons, etc. This sends two messages simultaneously without having to be explicit about it, and directly counters fear. It also can bridge divides in ways explicit campaigning can’t.
Doug R
@NotMax: Hey, Melania is just showing her roots, growing up a poor black girl in Chicago.
So, they started showing the video 5 minutes _before_ the networks started their broadcasts?
Trump speaking off the cuff is incoherent. So far, tonight has cleared the incredibly low bar of not being a flaming wreck of a disaster. Every single night so far failed. Can Trump pull off the ‘listlessly read from a teleprompter’ victory the press is slavering for?
Iowa Old Lady
I think I’ve reached Trump overload because my only observation is the shallow one that all the women in Trump’s family wear their skirts tight enough to cup under their butts. It looks trashy to me, but what do I know?
@NotMax: Yeah, I wish people would stop thinking that “tight” makes them look thinner. All it does is make you look like you’ve gained weight from whenever you bought it. Well fitting ALWAYS makes you look better.
Good news about Christion, very glad for some good news for him.
So sorry to hear about your friend. 3 years ago my dad passed out and fell backwards down half a stairway made of slate and hit his head. He was sedated for several days and when he regained “consciousness” couldn’t speak, couldn’t remember much of anything, barely, if at all, recognized me, couldn’t breathe on his own. He had often talked about not wanting to be kept alive just to be alive, so my brother and I made the decision to remove life support. I know logically that it was the right decision but every six months or so I wake in the middle of the night convinced that I’d made a horrible mistake.
Trumplet 1 is up.
Corner Stone
Oooohhh, soft peach. Or maybe lite salmon?
Good night.
I’m glad ya’ll watching this shit, cause I just can’t.
This entire convention, I’ve just been looking at clip and this has been me:
“Who are you talking to? What the hell are you talking bout?
Major Major Major Major
You know who else was the people’s champion
Ivanka: 16 very talented competitors. Most of America: sure Jan.
I’m bored by Jared Leto. The one thing I thought I liked him in, it turned out I had mixed him up with Jared Harris (who later turned up in “Mad Men,” where he was really good).
I’m not sure I could even tell you a movie I saw Leto in at this point.
Ivanka’s up. I really do wonder what the family dynamics are like with the Trump kids…it is no secret at all that Ivanka is by far Donald’s favorite.
Corner Stone
@Major Major Major Major: Crixxus?
Gin & Tonic
Holy cow, this is funny.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
I’ve cranked up “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” for Trump’s entrance.
Is it a thing for women of fashion to trowel on goop to the point of looking they’ve been punched in both eyes?
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: The advantage for Kaine is that a Democratic governor gets to name his replacement, unlike Massachusetts, much as I love Senator Professor Warren.
Major Major Major Major
“And they would leave his office, as so many often do, after meeting with Donald Trump…”
Well, at least he doesn’t kill you.
@Cornwr Stone
Crayola “flesh” tone.
@dmsilev: More brilliant stage management from these clowns.
Corner Stone
Ok. F Society is way the fuck out of hand now.
FWIW, this is exactly the strategy they’ve been talking about in the Hillary campaign emails I’ve been getting. They even have a button: “Hope Trumps Fear.” Lots and lots of talk about being kind to each other and coming together, which I think a majority of voters overall will respond to.
Major Major Major Major
So… Let’s run America like a construction site?
@Schlemazel Khan:
Kaine is a good liberal democrat. The left seems to care more about style over substance so they’ll always be up in arms. If that’s who she is most comfortable with, she should pick him. Politics as entertainment needs to end in this country. Choosing a vp isn’t a policy decision; Biden didn’t call the shots in the Obama administration, yet he was a good partner. Trustworthy and loyal. I’m getting frustrated with this “boring white guy” meme. Most politicians are boring. I’d be happy if she picked Perez as well, but he’s far from exciting as a speaker.
“My dad is not a bigot. Really.”
Corner Stone
God damn. This is a real deal Trump family fucking hate-off. Melania hates Ivanka so hard.
Corner Stone
“He’ll ask them if they’ll take a hair cut on what they are charging.”
@Corner Stone: Melania’s not there?
Doug R
@lamh36: YES! MOAR BATMAN!
He wants to make sure that every minute of his favorite child and him speaking is in the 10 o’clock hour. The video doesn’t need the crowds adulation he does, and he’s waited long enough dammit.
Ivanka not as good as Uday, but then again I’m not a guy. I suspect she’s supposed to blow everyone away with her glamour and looks.
@Corner Stone:
Not watching — what do you mean?
I’m only awake, because I am waiting for company to arrive. Since I use an antenna, my channels are limited, but I did manage to find something else to watch.
Listening to Miss Trumpet makes me want to throw up
Does anyone believe that Donald is a hands-on manager who takes advice from the guys actually pulling wire and hanging wall panels?
Do they have a fan under that podium? Who is she Charlie Crist?
Mary G
I hope Hillary has a bunch of people Trump stiffed lined up to counter this BS his kids are spewing.
“He hires the best person for the job” and then lets them choose: accept 10 cents on the dollar or spend the rest of your life in court.
mike in dc
GOP cheering for equal pay and maternity leave. Which I’m pretty sure is NOT in their platform.
I think she got some pages from the Dem speech by mistake.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
Affordable and accessible childcare? Pay equity?
They chose the wrong O’Jays song
should have went with “Backstabbers”
Corner Stone
For those not watching – Melania is staring hated daggers at Ivanka.
gogol's wife
There’s a new thread up top.
I’m really sorry, John. Something similar happened to the husband of a good friend recently. 2016 has been the worst.
I can’t believe I’m watching this convention tonight. I can’t take much more of this Ivanka speech. When a woman becomes a mother she is supported blah blah blah. Not one of the Republicans elected to Congress will vote for paid maternity leave. Why are these people cheering for equal pay or affordable childcare when they never ever vote for the candidates who support these policies?
They’re trying compassionate conservative again.
He is so supportive of women that he chose Pence to campaign for him.
(Affordable and accessible childcare takes government support, doesn’t it?)
@Gin & Tonic: Oh dear *snicker*
Record setting in its height? Where?
The Lodger
@PsiFighter37: Wasn’t Vilsack the cabinet officer who sandbagged Shirley Sherrod? If so, bad idea making him VP.
Corner Stone
If you’re going to be thinking anyway…?
Note the different lectern which will be there when Donald speaks, with a gold stripe in the same shape as that of the wings of the symbol for radioactive.
Vision becomes reality and promises he made become fantasy.
Major Major Major Major
Oh, shit. What if this is the pivot.
I read his speech so if that’s really what he’s going to say then we’re fine, but this sounds like a pivot.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
I like Ivanka. I’d consider supporting her.
I won’t be voting for her dad.
Her brother give her a standing ovation while Melania is not watching, she’s talking to the youngest princeling.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
@Major Major Major Major:
I think it is the pivot.
She rehearses speaking in front of a mirror.
Major Major Major Major
They still didn’t fill the hall.
What is his name again?
Major Major Major Major
Well, he’s on script for one sentence so far. That’s a record!
They said he had a special entrance planned, what happened?
Did he go out and get an extra coat of color, he looks more orange than usual. That ferret was also trimmed.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Cole, I am so, so sorry for your loss, and for that of her family and other friends. I can’t even imagine.
Yay Christion!
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): I still think Elizabeth Warren for VP, wins the election, says she will return to the senate.
@hovercraft: Bulletproof metallic visor
@Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill:
Fun fact: many people mistake it for a real Nazi song, but it was written by two Jews, Kander and Ebb, specifically for the show.
That’s what gives the song its extra layer of irony: the “tomorrow” that the kid is singing about only lasts for about 10 years, and he probably dies in the frozen mud on the Russian front.
Major Major Major Major
Phew, no pivot.
gogol's wife
It’s kind of a parody of the Horst Wessel Lied, isn’t it?
I would like to nominate Chachi as the winner of the most odious D list celebrity to speak at he RNC. The interview he had on CNN where he was questioned about the vile Hilary photo he shared on FB sealed the deal. The absolutely smug, self satisfied smirk he had on his face during the question spoke volumes. Hopefully he disappears back into the void or gets relegated to E list celebrity status soon.
gogol's wife
I think he was already on the E or F list.
Botsplainer, Neoliberal Corporatist Shill
Jesus, he’s going for Radio Rwanda – I have to turn it off before I get mad and shoot my TV.
Miss Bianca
Oh, dear God. That is so terrible. I am so sorry.
I mean, I’m glad Christion got a job, but the other is just cruel, cruel, cruel.
The Berniacs on my FB feed are screaming “betrayal” (yes, they have become one-trick ponies) at the very possibility of Kaine’s consideration. Apparently his crime is supporting a minor tweak to a banking regulation, designed to give small to mid-size local and regional banks some flexibility in dealing with capital requirements. Ironically, there is almost no space between Kaine’s position and Warren’s.
Assholes, the lot of them. And ignorant, to boot.
I think if President Baio had been in charge, Syria would be in much better shape.
Under what conceivable scenario does the Republican governor of Massachusetts re-appoint a highly effective Democrat to the seat she resigned from to become Veep?
They will never take
our CREDO !!!!
Miss Bianca
@dr. bloor: “generally regard the dynamics of the choice as being well above my pay grade.”
Thank you for this. Helps me to keep things in perspective.
btw, completely o/t: I think “umbilical stump” is an invective term that for sheer awesomeness competes with anything that Tom Levenson’s Baroque/Restoration-era rake-intellectuals ever came up with…
@gogol’s wife:
IIRC, they combined a few different things, but it’s supposed to take the place of “Horst Wessel.”
@Mnemosyne: Fight Club. For like two minutes. He was good in Lord of War.
KS in MA
Oh, man, I’m so sorry about your colleague.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Getting to the thread late. Cole, very sorry for you and your friends’ loss. 2016 has been both brutal and unnecessarily cruel. The only coverage of this fractal dumpster fire of a convention I’ve gotten is through this site. Thank all of you who have been watching so the rest of us didn’t have to.
Trump needs to be DESTROYED AT THE POLLS.
Irony Abounds
John, I understand your sentiments about 2016. Among the highlights: my sister died at 58 earlier this year, my best friend was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, the 26 year old son of the gal who has been cutting my hair for over 35 years was diagnosed with the worst kind of brain cancer, and my daughter’s fiance broke his neck (no paralysis, thankfully). Don’t mean to be overly dramatic, but when people say Trump doesn’t stand a chance, I just look at how shitty this year has been and I’m kinda thinking that may be the crowning blow to a really really bad year.
I have a similar story where, my friend who was fighting pancreatic cancer, retired from her place of work and then not two weeks later relapsed, fighting for her life and died. It was terrible. I had to attend her funeral. All very sad. At least it was over quickly. Sometimes I think that is the best way as a drawn out affair would just suck all the money from you and leave your family destitute.
Christion, Congratulations. Wishing you a good summer.
Condolences to your friend’s family. I’m sorry for your loss of friend and colleague. I’m sure it has hit you hard.
My parents were planning the big cross country camping trip they had always talked about, for right after her retirement. My mom had sewn a tent and was starting on sleeping bags; my dad was designing the back space of a used toyota truck for a camper. He died a year before she retired.
It was such a blow to her, and she regretted that she had needed to keep working. (But they had no choice as it was their only income.) Then she made sure she did the trips she had dreamed of. Asked for a kayak for her retirement gift (so she could keep paddling as a single person). Over the next 15 years she came to Japan to stay with me, took a raft trip down the grand canyon in her 70s, then down the Volga. Scotland for a whiskey tour, Elder hostel archaeology trip to the southwest. She invited me to come on some of them but I didn’t. I regret it.
Paul in KY
John, very sorry to hear of your colleague’s death. Has been a bad year.
Paul in KY
@lamh36: Maybe. Revelations talks about the Bear of the North & if Putin’s hand is up Trump’s ass…
Paul in KY
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): I would like Sen, Franken, myself.
Paul in KY
@Schlemazel Khan: He is Catholic, I think & Catholics have migrated to Repubs a lot, so this could hopefully draw a bunch of them back.
Paul in KY
@Shana: Shana, that’s what he said, when he was lucid, that he wanted. You were a good daughter & did your duty. I hope you start sleeping better.
The kind of ‘life’ he would have endured is no life.
Paul in KY
@Mnemosyne: 30 Seconds to Mars is a great band. Have seen them play & killer performance.
The media destroyed Howard Dean’s primary campaign because he said “Yearrrgghh”. Donald Trump’s daughter had to physically pull away from him to keep his teeninchee hands off her backside, in front of tens of millions of people, and…nothing.