Because bigfooting my own breaking news thread with a breaking news thread is how my day has gone:
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! Hillary Clinton has Chosen Senator Kaine to be Her Running Mate!!!!!
(Not an actual image of Senator Kaine!)
(Also not Senator Kaine, but borrowing this entry would be cool for the VP debate!)
* Image found here.
** Image found here.
Kaine is able
Clintizen Kaine!
Welp, Christmas came early for Jill Stein this year.
Old Dan and Little Anne
Big Daddy Kaine.
No Kaine, no gain.
Another week of whinging on progressive radio…
Omnes Omnibus
Adam, you are missing an “e.”
Ronnie Pudding
Cripes, you could have spelled his name right.
I think you mean Jill Fucking Stein.
Didn’t they go out of business.
Major Major Major Major
You misspelled Kaine.
Schlemazel Khan
Well, he does not exactly excite me but he’ll do. I’ll like him a whole lot more once the assholes drop by here to say how this proves Hillary is worse than the Drumpfster fire.
Yippee. I’m good with it. Solid pick; good guy.
Good pick. Solid pick. I’m pleased.
Matt McIrvin
@Schlemazel Khan: You didn’t read the other thread? That’s been going on for hours.
Raising Kaine!
No Kaine, no gain!
The attack dog with sharp Kaine-ines!
(I could here all day)
Schlemazel Khan
DR Jill fucking Stein
I should add I like what the governor of VA is doing after the VA Supreme Court shot down is mass voting amnesty for felons. Send him some pens! I hope this works and that he follows through on it.
“Despite the Court’s ruling, we have the support of the state’s four leading constitutional experts, including A.E. Dick Howard, who drafted the current Virginia Constitution. They are convinced that our action is within the constitutional authority granted to the Office of the Governor.
“The men and women whose voting rights were restored by my executive action should not be alarmed. I will expeditiously sign nearly 13,000 individual orders to restore the fundamental rights of the citizens who have had their rights restored and registered to vote. And I will continue to sign orders until I have completed restoration for all 200,000 Virginians. My faith remains strong in all of our citizens to choose their leaders, and I am prepared to back up that faith with my executive pen. The struggle for civil rights has always been a long and difficult one, but the fight goes on.” – See more at:
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I told you all in the thread yesterday its not Edam its Adam. I am not missing an e!!!
Why Men Want to Marry Melanias and Raise Ivankas
JULY 21, 2016
YOU can tell a lot about a person by whom they choose to marry. As the nominees selected at this week’s Republican National Convention and next week’s Democratic one take the stage along with their family members, they will display not only stark policy differences, but also two competing views of marriage, kin and the role of women in society. What we saw from Republicans: Men who want their wives at home while they celebrate the professional successes of their daughters.
The Republican Party has long praised traditional family values and intrinsic differences between men and women, while Democrats emphasize egalitarianism and expanding opportunities for women and girls. Few candidates in recent history have embodied those dissimilarities in such sharp relief as Hillary Clinton and Donald J. Trump. On Monday night, Mr. Trump’s wife, Melania, spoke about her husband and their family values. The speech was, like the woman herself, fairly unobjectionable on its face, with platitudes about family and country, patriotism and hard work. Like much of the Trump image, though, the shiny veneer hid shoddy construction: The very same parts of the speech that lauded integrity, hard work and honesty were lifted almost word for word from Michelle Obama’s 2008 convention speech.
It seems not even purported Trump family values are authentic. To borrow from Mr. Trump: sad.
One traditional value Mr. Trump does hew to: wanting an old-fashioned wife but a modern, professional daughter. On Thursday, convention-goers heard from the elder Trump daughter, Ivanka, a successful businesswoman whose feminism-tinged speech about the gender wage gap and affordable child care sounded less like any policy positions ever pushed by Mr. Trump and more like her book-in-progress, “Women Who Work.” They also witnessed how the Trump family embodies a very old sexist hypocrisy: Men who want one thing for their wives and another for their children.
While Trump family values may not be particularly honorable, they are perversely traditional. Melania Trump told the R.N.C. audience that “Donald is intensely loyal to family,” a claim belied by his own marital history — she is wife No. 3, and No. 2 was the woman with whom he cheated on No 1. Mr. Trump has children with three different women; he blames giving his wife too much responsibility in his business for his first divorce, and his wife’s wanting him to spend too much time at home with her and their daughter for his second.
I’m fine with it, he kind of reminds me of Biden. She needed to pick someone she is comfortable with, apparently he is that guy.
Major Major Major Major
It’s causing my annoying friends to publicly humiliate themselves on Facebook, and I think he’ll be a fine VP, so all’s good over here. There is also a very handsome hapa fellow next to me on the train. Happy Friday!
Amanda in the South Bay
I’m in search of the mythical left leaning blog that’s not going to have a fucking freakout over the next few days over this. Is BJ my oasis of sanity?
Chuck Todd said Kaine has been a big advocate of the President having to seek a new war authorization for some time now. That’s a pretty progressive position and one that might make for less fretting over Hillary being too hawkish. I honestly don’t know too much about the guy other than his need for a haircut, but was there a progressive knight some people were hoping Hillary would pick?
Edit: One other question. Since when are VP choices supposed to be more; or at least as exciting as the main candidate? I thought they were always suppose to be safe picks.
Run, Lillian!
This is a great article by Krystal Ball, a Bernie supporting Virginian:
The Progressive Case for Tim Kaine
Since so many folks around here are _dying_ for some emoprog to pile on, I offer myself.
His enthusiasm for the TPP isn’t my favorite position.
@Amanda in the South Bay: Not until Steve comes home.
Schlemazel Khan
@Matt McIrvin:
Just got home. Can I safely assume the assholes have already arrived and dropped their effluent of ‘wisdom’ on us?
Seconded here! He’ll be a great partner/teammate for Clinton.
Funny note: Mrs. Jeffro and I were living in Delaware 1995-2013, and naturally everyone there was pretty psyched when Uncle Joe was picked back in ’08. We move to Virginia and wham, here we go again! (Note to Colorado Dems seeking higher office: we’re thinking about heading your way when we retire, so let’s hear those offers…it just might improve your chances of being picked for the #2 spot in 2036!)
Lieberman 2.0. He will not get Hillary one single vote from a person who wasn’t going to vote for her already, and he will cost her a significant number of votes. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Stein polling almost as high as Gary Johnson in a few weeks. But we’ll see I guess.
Politics. Who could’a knowed??
The only thing that matters is that she thinks he will compliment her well. Tingles down your legs don’t translate into more votes.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks, Egbert.
@scottinnj: Yes. I FUCKING love that.
I think I’ve said it before, but Kaine speaks Spanish better than Perez or Castro. I know identity matters a lot too, but I think Kaine will work hard on Latino outreach in a way Vilsack or Biden or even Warren (who was my first choice) can’t or won’t.
@joes527: Oh come now, man, put your back into it!
He’s a good choice. Consistently liberal, appeals to moderates and Catholics, helps in Virginia. OTOH, was wrong about Iraq, which is frustrating but not surprising.
Oh my god! is it? is it? My god it is! KAINE!!
Corner Stone
Good Fucking Sweet Fucking Christ.
Adam L Silverman
@Luthe: Just go with this!
She could have won with George Clooney.
now let’s go win this thing.
@Adam L Silverman: Norm!
Won’t we need to chop down some trees to see that?
Villago Delenda Est
It may well be that the Village has reached it’s limit: ABC’s World News Tonight characterizing Trump’s conniption fit over Cruz and Kasich as “Trump’s Tirade”.
@Corner Stone:
That’s Dr. Good Fucking Sweet Fucking Christ.
@OzarkHillbilly: Well,and that who is picked is competent enough to be President in case of disaster. I don’t care about the chemistry, I just want to avoid a possible Snowbilly Snooki in the big chair.
no calvin klein puns?
@NR: Oh, bullshit. Lieberman was chosen as a way to deliberately break with President Clinton, and this choice is absolutely nothing like that. I predict it will move the needle very very little in either direction, which is to say “normal for most VP choices”.
Felanius Kootea
Okay, I don’t know much about Tim Kaine, and I was hoping she would make a bolder choice, but I can live with any VP pick that’s a Democrat.
Not sure if someone already posted it here but the Washington Post Editorial Board came out strongly against Donald Trump today.
As long as there’s a market for Casper mattresses and gold investments, they will persevere.
@BR: I think the Spanish is a BFD.
Ruth Coniff of the Progressive Magazine is unhappy that Hillary has decided that she doesn’t need the progressives because Trump is so bad. Apparently 100% by Planned Parenthood, fighting for gun control measures, and being great on most progressive issues isn’t enough. We must be pure.
They annoy me.
Villago Delenda Est
@NR: So what color is the sky in your world? I don’t disagree that he’ll win over votes, but he’s not going to lose any, either. Brinks trucks, unlimited corporate cash…Teh Donald is doomed.
That is phucking awesome
Do you think we can convince him to add a ‘Mc” to the front of his name? Might fool some of the stupider Villagers (which is to say, most of them) into thinking that he’s their old-time buddy from Arizona.
@Villago Delenda Est: I think Trump connecting Cruz’s father with Oswald is freaking them out.
Omnes Omnibus
@Percysowner: But, but, but he only gets a 94% from the AFL-CIO.
bemused senior
He is known personally by family members (coached my niece’s tball team years ago). So though I’m not a Virginian, I have followed him through the years. I think he has a lot of integrity and holds liberal positions.
@Adam L Silverman: Seeing as Trump thinks the campaign is just pro-wrestling dressed up as politics, that is very apropos.
@NR: 6.0, and it wasn’t the Russian judge this time; it was the dismount.
@Omnes Omnibus: Pfft. You can prove anything with numbers.
1st post-Kaine-announcement Trump tweet: was it a dig at Warren or Bernie? (Or is he still talking about Cruz?)
He can actually crack jokes in Spanish while being interviewed by Univision. Has solid approval ratings from major liberal groups. She likes him.
I’m good.
We’re discussing favorite positions now? I didn’t know it was that kind of website!
(Hey, you leave a hanging curveball like that right over the plate, what do you expect?)
Schlemazel Khan
There was nobody I felt as a ‘must’, but then what is a VPs real role? IF a President wanted to give their veep some specific role it would probably be a project they were an expert at or had a passion for. Mostly though a veep does what is needed to push the POTUS programs. If the relationship is good I would suspect the veep could have some influence but even that is debatable. Skip the Blunder Years, every other veep in my lifetime pushed the agenda his boss wanted & none of his own.
@dmsilev: Okay. I say Stein’s poll numbers go up at Hillary’s expense. If I’m wrong, I owe you a Coke.
mike in dc
I am disappointed but will withhold judgment until they’re in office. If I start having flashbacks to the mid-90s(and not in a good way), then my loyalty and trust will not have been vindicated. If it looks more like 2009-2010, I will do my happy dance.
Villago Delenda Est
@Schlemazel Khan: CAPTAIN Jack Fucking Sparrow
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@gwangung: Good luck to him. I’d have horrible writer’s cramp if I tried to sign 200,000 documents between now and November.
Adam L Silverman
@amk: I’m not following.
Schlemazel Khan
@Corner Stone:
I read that & said, “Ah, YES, there it is”
@Aleta: Baud! would have won with George Clooney!!
Corner Stone
And then what? And then fucking what? Stein is not Perot 2.0 to use your garbage time phrasing.
Major Major Major Major
@Villago Delenda Est: I do prefer captain Jack Fucking Harkness.
Soylent Green
@NR: Progs who would switch to Stein because a perfectly good liberal got the nod for veep can just fuck off. We don’t need them.
Keith G
I am sure of that Hillary will be using stability and readiness to govern as key arguments for the desirability of her team. Kaine will add to that.
At 58 he is the baby of the four candidates (and 3 months older than me). I wish there had been a non “Boomer” that met her needs. So many of the heavy hitters of the Democratic Party are getting long in the tooth.
I finally got the text message from my new BFF Jess at the Hillary campaign, so I know it’s true.
I don’t have a strong opinion either way, so I’m willing to be won over. I wasn’t thrilled with Biden and that turned out fine, so I’m willing to give Kaine a chance.
Schlemazel Khan
smart ass!
Stuff like that is why we need a “like” button
If that’s not a “Simpsons” reference, I’m going to be very disappointed in you.
Amir Khalid
As I understand, the choice of running mate doesn’t help a presidential nominee all that much. People vote for or against the person at the top of the ticket. I’ve always been in favour of Hillary picking the right VP for the four or eight years ahead. And there weren’t any truly poor choices on her shortlist, so she wasn’t really going to go wrong with anyone she picked. Besides, in 2008 a lot of people were unhappy with Obama’s choice of Joe Biden, and Biden’s turned out to be a fine VP.
Adam L Silverman
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Autopen:
Xecky Gilchrist
All of them, Katie!
Or so we will soon see it claimed.
so, he is a false prophet because of TPP…would that rule Obama out as her running mate? I understand that complaint, But, what are the other REAL issues with his liberal bona fides (within the confines of contemporary American politics)?
@Schlemazel Khan: And stuff like what they were responding to is why we need a “smite” button.
Keith G
@NR: If he won or lost Hillary more than just a handful of votes, he would be an historic anomaly. The bottom of the ticket just simply does not move numbers. If you have evidence to the contrary I would be interested in seeing it
Major Major Major Major
Call me crazy, but I think she picked Kaine because she thinks they would work well together.
It’s a very Hillary reason to do something.
@Major Major Major Major: Captain Jack Fucking Harkness is everyone’s sexual orientation. And we are all his.
@srv: Idiot.
@NR: VP picks, with the exception of catastrophes like Palin, do basically nothing to the race. If Stein’s numbers go up (which I doubt), it will be because of Hillary Clinton, not Tim Kaine.
Schlemazel Khan
She pulled an AMAZING 400,000 votes last time do you think she could double or triple that FANTASTIC number because of how awful Hillary is? That would be a stunning number, a number that would almost guarantee her a second place finish in some Congressional races . . . well, maybe the primary.
mike in dc
@Keith G:
Gen Xers are between 36 and 52, roughly. Millenials are 35 and under. So we should be seeing both demographics emerge as the Boomer pols essentially age out of viability.
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym: Note that McAuliffe has also been known as a centrist tool of the Democratic machinery.
Maybe Virginia governors have the capacity to surprise us.
Schlemazel Khan
@Tissue Thin Pseudonym:
I don’t think the law requires him to do it with a pen, he could get a rubber stamp
@eric: I actually wan’t kidding when I said that I didn’t like his TPP … stance.* But noting disagreement on policy is evidently the same thing as accusation of false prophetude around these parts so I’m just going to let my freak flag fly.
Burn the witch!
* not gonna say position again. Not gonna do it.
Every Democrat to hold office in this century has been known as that.
I’m wit it.
@mike in dc: as one of the older millennials is striking to me how much it feels like my cohort and younger are playing a much more visible role in politics and public life than our slightly older siblings and friends. Where are all the 40 year old rising stars? I feel like i can only think of one or two.
Major Major Major Major
@joes527: reasonable people can disagree on TPP. It’s when you (not *you*) get into “the TPP is proof that Hitlery eats Palestinian children with Goldman Sachs bankers” territory that it becomes a problem. We see a fair bit of the latter ?
Bill E Pilgrim
Probably the smartest choice, despite being not my first choice. Which is why it’s good I’m not the one picking.
He’s “personally pro-life” MSNBC told me which made me stop eating and make that “hunh?” sound that Jon Stewart used to do so well, but the 100% PP rating, which I learned about next, is pretty reassuring.
At this point I imagine it’s a matter of saying okay, we can only pick one person from either Pennsylvania, Ohio, or Virginia, not three people, one from each of those states. So pick one. They know the states that they’re going to win no matter who the VP pick is, and the ones they’re going to lose, those three are the main ones that are up for grabs where local pride can make or break things. And those are the states that will make or break the overall. So, pretty smart.
Just a little disappointed she didn’t pick a Hispanic guy, (for that extra little fuck you to Trump and the GOP) but happy she didn’t snatch Warren from the senate. Looking forward to seeing how this guy handles himself on the campaign trail. Probably won’t need to be too good to handle Pence.
@Keith G: Perez is younger than kaine.
Well, he wouldn’t have been my first choice, but he’s got a few things I can see n his favor. First, he has never lost an election in purple VA. Second, and related to the first point, I can totally see that a politician like Caine would appeal to some voters, especially those who are looking for someone who can be portrayed as moderate, here in PA and OH. Third, the fluent Spanish is a major plus.
Major Major Major Major
@TheMightyTrowel: Gen X kind of shit the bed on civic engagement
@Major Major Major Major: Hitlary said that she was against TPP. I trust that this changes nothing.
@Major Major Major Major: Also, most conservative demo.
@Major Major Major Major: That and we run kind of looney conservative like our silent generation parents and a lot of us thought Oliver North had some good ideas. We’re not the neo-marxists that Sullivan was a-feared of last night.
@Schlemazel Khan: Would be nice if he pulled up in front of Trump Tower to sign some of these.
Omnes Omnibus
As I said in the earlier threads, I have no problem with this choice. If she’s comfortable with him, it is good enough for me. As far as any policy differences between Him and her, it’s now his job to support her policies.
@geg6: Yep. I don’t see him as having a history of going out of his way to piss off any of the members of the big tent who aren’t inclined to be pissed off. Did he grandstand in the Senate and put holds on nominees? Work to stop democrat initiatives even if he didn’t agree with them? When he was governor did he purposefully decide that he was the governor of the white people to get more votes? Something like that?
@Aleta: Ha! I would love me some Vice President Clooney, but he would never pass the vetting. He’s even said so himself.
Mr, Trump has some explaining to do. 5 bucks he never checked Pence’s trade record.
Major Major Major Major
@Peale: no, that’s my generation with our hippity hop and Pokemon Go and trigger warnings.
@joes527: well whenever she does something the left likes it’s disingenuous pandering.
@Baud: Have you met the Silents?
@Major Major Major Major: Me too!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: The silents aren’t conservative per se so much as racist and easily confused. A lot of them were Roosevelt Dems who we lost when we became the civil rights party.
Major Major Major Major
There is also, alas, a reason that we don’t have a lot of gay leaders from Gen X right now.
You know, there was a time where “personally pro-life but not sticking my nose in somebody else’s business” was the perfectly acceptable default standard.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Fluent Spanish is YOOOOGE. Nice face, nice smile, knows how the Senate works and is well liked in the Senate, will give the largest pool of voters – white men, of which only 5-10% peeling off from the GOP this cycle would assure a Trump drubbing – some comfort, and most importantly Hillary has a comfort level with him. I’m relieved.
Yes We Kaine! Yes We Kaine!
This is a solid pick. Locks down VA. Will be a good governing partner. Terry Mac will appoint his successor, so no loss in the Senate. Overall, more pluses than minuses.
“Hillary — may I say, you look especially lovely tonight.”
@SiubhanDuinne: You’ll be here all week?
patrick II
I was hoping for someone who was a more exciting campaigner as a balance to Hillary. But the advantage of a more quiet person is that the emphasis can be on competence — which I think directly attacks Trump’s weak spot.
Every day, and twice on Sunday.
@Schlemazel Khan:
Oops, my bad. I sometimes get Dr. Jill Fucking Stein confused with Dr. Cornel Fucking West.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@patrick II:
Trump is chaos and lunacy, the opposite of which is quiet competence and stability. The choice is clear – “Daddy’s scary – I want Mommy”.
Mary G
I used to want drama, but Obama has seduced me to the quiet and calm side. Kaine is our next vice-president and I look forward to watching him beat down Pence in their debate. Fluent Spanish is the next best thing to sn actual Hispanic.
Not the biggest fan of the choice, but very thankful it’s him and not Vilsack.
Let’s go win this!
Is it a … wide stance?
Sorry, man, you got me on a roll now!
Seriously, though, I wasn’t thrilled with Biden because he had a lot of not-so-great baggage from his time as the Senator from MBNA, and that worked out great because he and Obama work so well together. I’m willing to give Kaine a chance and see how things go. TPP won’t be his choice, anyway.
I’m fine with Kaine as the VP pick. And I think that Elizabeth Warren needs to stay in the Senate rather than being VP.
Oh vomit.
He will be ignored as a blah male.
Her choice – but I did not like Biden. His role in the Thomas, Supreme Court candidate. Old history, Biden was an enabler.
This non entity is now on ignore .
Doesn’t matter – I don’t see how he helps the ticket – besides the fact that he has a penis? He basically a safe nobody – that is my solid west coast POV.
Hillary is the 100% important one. What’s his name will be another yawn.
Can he take the battle to Trump? Joke.
@SiubhanDuinne: lol.
@patrick II: Let’s have Warren and Sanders be the firebrands. Bernie is going to want to really amplify the differences between Hils and Trump as things progress, because it is his best chance to have influence in the new administration.
We know from Wikileaks douchery that the DNC was against him all along: well, HE knew that better than anybody, most likely, so there is absolutely no surprise there and it changes nothing. Hell, they didn’t use some of the stuff they were considering against Sanders. If anything he can have some satisfaction that he did as well as he did, because they weren’t playing softball with him (or he with them). Good HARD fight, and Clinton will be our next President, and the real prize is GODDAMN WAVE ELECTION.
Given how hard DNC and Clinton fought against Bernie (whom I liked and like), I expect them to fight twice as hard against Trump and not pull any punches. We have to go with a full-on wave election and Clintonian economic reboot through selling redistribution as ‘bump the economy and you’ll all make more in the long run’, just like Bill did (but with more attention to the extremely poor).
Kaine will be fine. I used to use a credit union.
At least Hillary is wearing my favorite jacket.
That jacket looks handwoven. I am a fiber artist and the design and styling is awesome.
As for the guy? East coast dude, blah. My first, in moderation post, I called him, just another p e n ix . The bottom of the ticket is yawn. I doubt he has the junk to take on Trump effectively.
Omnes Omnibus
Any evidence for that?
J R in WV
@Mary G:
Actually, I think a guy who speaks fluent Spanish and ran a Jesuit school in Honduras might be better than a Latino guy named Tomas Villa who doesn’t speak a word of Spanish. Way better.
Not to give you a hard time, we usually agree on the hard stuff. Just my $0.02 on this pick.
Miss Bianca
I’m psyched about it. But then, I’m of the opinion that HRC can be trusted to pick someone good. I look forward to being as pleasantly surprised by the Tim Kaine choice as I was by the Joe Biden choice.
Fuck you and your smug ass “west coast POV.” You have no idea what you’re talking about.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: There’s the eemom we know and love.
Oh my.
You are an example of the bad east coast.
Articles written by east coast types all believe that the west coast is L.A.
I do not have to like Kane – so I will and can ignore what’s his name. I’ll add your name to my who the fuck list.
Back to reading why Hillary chose what’s his name.
Omnes Omnibus
@Barb2: Nice chop on your shoulder. Any answer to my question?
Worth reading Hillary’s reason for selecting what’s his name.
Too much religious talk for my taste. But her choice. She wanted someone who can step up and be Presidential in case. Putin’s Puppet wasn’t concerned about that.
Now get out the vote for HER.
I am prepared to accept HER choice but don’t have to like it. The missionary bit I find creepy. But growing up in a religious cult tends to do this survivors.
eemom – did you get that stick out?
I know in general VP pick does little for a candidate. There are plenty of studies that simply having a candidate from a state or a given demographic does little to change the way the electorate will vote. I am making the very specific claim that Kaine in particular is quite popular across both NOVA and southern Virginia, a state with broad political differences that went both for and against Obama. Virginia was already seen as a narrow toss up, and I do think that some of the Republicans that voted for him in previous races could break dem and in a state likely to be as close as VA a small effect may be huge. If nothing else it feels like an edge case I haven’t really seen examined
I re read what I wrote.
You are nuts lady. East coast mom who probably drives like a maniac.
So you think acting like a jerk will me us like what’s his name, another cookie cutter male politician? Wow you are unhinged.
After reading Hillary’s bit – what’s his name is still a blah, boring male. But I am happy for her. Since this is America I don’t have to be an automaton/robot, like you seem to be.
My opinion as I said – now you my dear, can go fuck yourself.
There are too many male politicians – can’t tell most of them apart. Some are R and some are D. They all look alike.
Omnes Omnibus
@Barb2: I am guessing that you recognized Bernie by his hair?
@Omnes Omnibus:
What’s his name hasn’t been actively doing his bit to get through Putin’s Puppet’s thin skin – as far as I can see.
But who cares – the women are doing just fine without the help of what’s his name.
All of a sudden the bots show up to demand mindless obedience to the latest addition? This is not a cult – we are allowed our opinion. The missionary background makes me very nervous.
What’s his name will need to prove his worth as a pit bull. Show me the fresh meat.
@Omnes Omnibus:
His hair? He has hair. I hadn’t noticed.
Omnes Omnibus
@Barb2: Ah, you are sad that it wasn’t Warren. Get over it.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You get over it. The missionary part of what’s his name resume bothers me.
Warren is better as a Senator. Also everyone from Massachusetts would be crying and blubbering if she were the VP nominee. All those tears would be obnoxious.
On the other hand, Two grandmother’s taking on Putin’s Puppet – would have been entertainment. Warren has proven she can do the take downs on her own.
You guys need to get over it – most of you were scared to death of two strong, smart women.
Omnes Omnibus
@Barb2: OMG, that was it. Warren is better in the Senate. The executive branch isn’t everything. OYOH, I suspect now that you are a loony, so do what you what.
FWIW, the best boss I have ever had in my working life was a woman.
You are an insufferable little twat whose vote doesn’t matter, West Coastess. Get the fuck over yourself.
Are you still yapping like a brainless chihuahua?
Off your medication?
I like to research and study a candidate before he or she gets my support.
You are more like a brainless cult follower.
Two years on the east coast was more than enough. Yep the are good folk all over the world. Yet the migration west happened for a reason.
One day what’s his name might get my support, but not this day. I remain neutral – because it doesn’t fucking matter.
Hillary is all that matters – getting Hillary elected is ALL that matters.
That is the POV of sane folk from the west coast.
Check that drawer next to your bed for your meds. Are you always this unhinged? Most folk just ignore this old lady – who refuses to jump on anyone’s band wagon.
Getting Hillary into the white house is all that matters.
Second verse same as the first.
First ever Woman President. Thankfully she is not you.
Oh and the Pacific Ocean is more beautiful then the Atlantic ocean. Our trees are bigger, our mountains are huge. We have active volcanos. Our skies are bluer. Our roads are way better. We have better drivers. And Washington, Oregon, and California are BLUE states.
Getting Hillary elected is all that matters.
@Omnes Omnibus:
You dearest are the loonie.
You are most likely a bot, out to bully.
Need the attention?
Poor thing.
Keith G
This got entertaining.
I’m waiting for the Jesuit conspiracy theories to start.
Jeebus, you people don’t get it. Kaine is fine as a pick most of the time. But in this election it is one more instance of Clinton being tone deaf. Picking Kaine is little more than screaming, hey who loves the status quo? It just reinforces Clinton’s biggest weakness, that she represents the DLC/ right of center, economic policies that have done nothing to improve the lives of average working folks.
She had a chance to reach out to those younger Sanders supporters, and give them a reason to come out and vote. I don’t think those people will go vote for Trump, they just have no reason to vote at all. And don’t reply with, “not letting Trump win”, as a compelling reason, because it’s not for many of them. They truly don’t fear Trump the way older people do, because the current system is so broken, and tilted to the plutocracy, that they don’t see how doing the same thing over, and over, which is what Clinton/Kaine represents, is worth getting out and voting for.
So many Clinton supporters are whistling past the graveyard when it comes to the advantage Trump’s populist economic rhetoric holds, particularly in places like Ohio, Penn, Michigan, and Wisco. Picking a guy that is a TPP supporter does not send a good message to those people, regardless of any other liberal positions he holds.
It’s not about ideological purity, it’s about having the right position on policies that large swaths of people that might vote for you deem important.