One of the things I truly did not understand in the 90’s when I was a Republican was that there were a not insignificant number of people on “teh left” who hate Hillary Clinton as much or more as Rush Limbaugh. I was not a fan of hers during the 2008 primaries, but other than that, there’s really nothing she’s done that’s moved me to the kind of ire that I say leveled at her from certain alleged Democrats. I thought the email server was stupid, and said so, opposed Libya and said so, but other than that, there hasn’t really been anything to make me furious.
Trump’s Russian buddies used wikileaks to dump the DNC hack, and there is some shitty stuff in there, like a couple of clowns talking about using Bernie’s alleged atheism (which is about as open a secret as Dreier’s sexual preferences were) in WV, which is kind of disgusting, but here’s the thing. They never did it. So, umm, ok. Some shitty people at the DNC said some shitty things, and thus Hillary is evil and the election was stolen. That totally fucking makes sense.
Not to mention, you think atheism and religion wouldn’t be an issue in the general had Bernie won? At any rate, the intra-party nastiness with this release and the Kaine selection is kind of eye-opening.
Major Major Major Major
Hell, we talk about how Bernie has a kid out of wedlock here and that doesn’t make us scumbags, it makes us political people who think about political politics politically.
Atheism, schmatheism. Out of wedlock, schmout of schwedlock. Who cares?
Major Major Major Major
@efgoldman: Hoocodanode?
People said stupid stuff in emails that they never acted on. It would be utterly shocking if stuff like this did not exist.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
as you say, they never used it, and the R’s and Villagers would have. I had a fantasy where to prove he was a viable GE candidate, Bernie! called on some media outlet– Politico or Buzzed, say– to hit him with everything they had. The press mostly treated Bernie like their crazy but lovable uncle, and the Clinton campaign treated him like Billy Mummy from that old Twilight Zone episode– It’s good that Bernie did that! Please don’t tell the Millenials to send us to the cornfield. Listening to them when about unfair treatment would be comical if it hadn’t been going on for six months. Listening to Michael Moore and Ben Jealous talk about everyone they know hating Tim Kaine is just irritating.
If there are any proven connections between Russia and the Trump campaign, he should get no security briefings, or at the most highly abridged briefings.
Fuck Trump. And fuck the Republican Party.
dr. bloor
@Barbara: Just imagine if e-mail was around when Jefferson and Adams were squaring off.
Not to me. I’m here instead of at daikykos because of how that community handled Obama’s first two years. And Obama was much more well liked and dealing with a world that was falling apart. If we’re fortunate enough to have a President Clinton next year, it’ll be much much worse than that.
dr. bloor
IIRC, content is at the POTUS’s discretion, and in Trump’s case, will probably consist largely of showing him where Turkey, Estonia, and Moldova are on a map.
Felonius Monk
Too much attention on the Bernie-Bro fee-fees over a few inconsequential emails and crickets about the release of personal information like SSNs and credit-card numbers. The priorities are a little confused here.
Oh, Clinton Derangement Syndrome. If I hadn’t been too young to notice politics in the nineties, I would have been so much better prepared for Obama Derangement Syndrome.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@dr. bloor: in the run up to 1860… LBJ’s emails… Nixon’s… party elders talking about Teddy Roosevelt, Republicans talking about Franklin, about Eleanor!
Hell, Alice Roosevelt’s emails would be a hoot. Has anyone started a fake Alice Roosevelt twitter yet?
dr. bloor
I’ll take “Struggling to Remain Relevant” for $200, Alex.
@dr. bloor: Email has the informality of water cooler chat and the permanence of a formal memo. What could go wrong?
Fuck it. It will all work out in her favor. No doubt plenty of shit-covered negativity to pour over Trumpolini between now and November.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
there has always been a nihilist-naderite wing.
in 1936 they were going to primary FDR with Huey Long until he got shot. in 1948 they walked out and ran 4th party candidate Henry Wallace. They primaried LBJ and Carter. Now they very same people who hated them, now love LBJ and Carter (sans Raven). I was watching O’Donnell last night and Nina Turner was berating Elizabeth Warren, saying she’s not liberal enough.
There will always be a small element of the fringe and childishness.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
* (should read)
There will always be a small childish fringe element
I voted for Bernie in the CA primary. I would have been thrilled with a Tom Perez pick and I’m meh at best by Kaine.
Nevertheless I’ll work like a rented mule for Hillary. I’ll get over my not getting everything I ever wanted and be satisfied if we avoid outright facism. There lies madness.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: True. The difference is that he GOP is much more popular with voters today than they were back before 1980.
Uncle Cosmo
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
Yep. The salt of the Old Left. You know, morons.
Chyron HR
@Felonius Monk:
You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few hundred thousand eggs.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: has it been a year since long-time Clinton ally Nina Turner found out that the people she asked to campaign for her in her disastrous run for statewide office were unclean? quick google check says no (Nov 15, ’15).
@dr. bloor: Maybe, we’ll see. I travel the roads you all have NO idea about.
Hillary is the Devil.
Like I said, The Bastions of the Left better REALLY come out.
Roger Moore
I think the big thing Bernistas are complaining about with the emails isn’t anything the DNC did but the implication that they were favoring Hillary rather than being a neutral arbiter. Of course it’s hard to know what was really going on without reading the whole archive; the Benghazi committee showed how distorted a picture selective release of information can be.
You know, I’ve never been a real fan of either Clinton, and in 2008 was an Obama supporter from the start so I wasn’t happy with the Clinton campaign then either. And I still am not a fan of her speaking style (mainly that she hasn’t learned a natural rhythm of speaking, or how to enunciate when amplified).
So I was always considering voting for Sanders in California in the primary, but he lost me. His campaign showed they were disinterested in the diversity that is the strength of the Democratic party, and they didn’t seem to understand that if you’re running a campaign as an outsider you need to prove yourself and *despite* the obstacles win the election, like Obama did. Not complain about it at every step. Also, his plans turned out to be full of nonsense — if you promise pie in the sky, I expect a good recipe.
Anyway, I didn’t know what to expect with Clinton’s VP pick, knew nothing about Kaine, but am pleasantly surprised by him.
Josh Marshall has been reflecting on Trump’s relationship to Putin: Trump & Putin. Yes, It’s Really a Thing.
How this isn’t a huge thing I don’t know.
@RandomMonster: It will be. They brought it up at the rally today.
dr. bloor
@laura: As someone who has been debating a friend of a friend on FB all day who is digging his heels in on the “KIllary v. Drumpf” trope, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Yes. The 1880s and 90s.
Omnes Omnibus
On purpose?
dr. bloor
Beat me to it. Never forget, if you want today’s journamalists to connect the dots from A to Z, you have to spot them A to Y. Clinton/Kaine will be more than happy to do just that.
There are some sad sack self-styled progressives who are desperately trying to find a way to show the world that their refusal to vote for Hillary in November is an act of political courage, not the infantile bullshit that it really is.
There is nothing to be done for these people. They are as irrational as birthers.
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s called a job.
Major Major Major Major
I’m quaking in my boots here.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: Jeffery Goldberg has a piece on it in/at The Atlantic, I’m guessing it will get some discussion this weekend.
Omnes Omnibus
@Andy: I’ve heard of those.
@Baud: Baud, you give me hope. It should be the story of the election. And it certainly makes the most sense of Trump’s recent cryptic foreign policy statements (if you can call it a policy).
Trump just tweeted a video that tells us how many minutes of applause he got during his acceptance speech.
The man is pathetic.
(((anibundel))) @anibundel
Whatever you may think of Clinton, the reality is: a vote for anyone other than Hillary is effectively, mathematically, a vote for Trump.
12:25 PM – 23 Jul 2016
(((anibundel))) @anibundel
Not voting is also effectively voting for Trump. That’s all there is to it. That is the entire conversation.
12:26 PM – 23 Jul 2016
To be fair, bernie himself has been silent about this (but he is also silent about kaine, hmmm). It’s his ‘surrogates’ on teevee and the 3rd rate msm who are b&m ‘ing.
Trolls here? Yes, what about them?
@different-church-lady: I’d take an 1890’s Republican over a 1990 version.
Ari Berman @AriBerman
Tim Kaine was fighting housing discrimination as a civil rights lawyer in VA while Trump was refusing to rent to African-Americans in NYC
7:39 PM – 22 Jul 2016
@rikyrah: Yep.
@Baud: What did they say about Trump and his Russian “friends”?
jasoncherkis @jasoncherkis
Kaine increased pre-K by 40 percent in his state while Pence decided to ditch a federal grant application for pre-K funding in his state.
8:25 PM – 22 Jul 2016
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: it’s not even self religiousness. I wouldn’t like it, but I appreciate consistency. No, it was something more fundamental – she was a paid surrogate. For a counter example, take David Brock — he’s an attack dog, but he’s been a Hillary loyalist for 17 years. He’s being consistent in his advocacy, not pay-to-play.
@Major Major Major Major: That’s because you’re an elitist homo. Raised on some idea of parity. That’s not real working America.
@dmsilev: I don’t remember exactly. It was just some jab shots at Trump and Putin. No details.
@hamletta: Oh, God, I hope the ratings for Hillary’s speech on Thursday are higher than Trump’s were. His meltdown would be absolutely hilarious to watch.
@andy and I’ve seen fire and I’ve seen rain.
@Omnes Omnibus: Prolly not since Law School.
@dmsilev: Trump’s were lower than Romney’s.
Iowa Old Lady
Is comment 50 ban worthy? Or just offensive?
Omnes Omnibus
@Andy: Why did you capitalize law school?
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@Baud: Sad!
@maya: I’ve also seen Tim Kaine.
Major Major Major Major
That’s, uh, certainly a series of English sentences, there. For the most part.
Omnes Omnibus
@Iowa Old Lady: If not, he’ll get there soon.
@Iowa Old Lady: Ask Adam?
@different-church-lady: More like the 1850’s.
Jeez, the third season of Luther is dark.
@Major Major Major Major:
He seems nice.
@Major Major Major Major: You all actually don’t want to discuss anything out of your comfort zone. Identity politics is not going to win the election.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Odd how you lump Ted Kennedy in a small naderite wing.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
Nailed it at #19. Thank you!
@Major Major Major Major: Are you not gay?
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@debbie: what outlet is that on: BBC America or Netflix?
@reshirt Pudding & Taine, that’s my name,
Ask me again and
I’ll tell you the same.
Major Major Major Major
@Andy: Huh? I don’t really do identity politics. How you could pay enough attention to know I’m gay, and not enough to know that I mostly care about econ and FP… you must not be too bright.
dr. bloor
@Iowa Old Lady: Let’s let him stay until we can figure out his angle.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
Naw, I’m low rent. DVD from the library.
dr. bloor
@Andy: No, we are DEVO.
@debbie: Socialist.
@Baud: If I remember the story correctly, Trump outdrew Mittens, but fell short of Gramps McCain.
Channeling my inner Raven here, but fuck ’em.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I was not shocked…
@Brachiator: Bingo!
I stand corrected. I thought he fell short of Romney.
The most revealing thing about the DNC hack is that politics is, fundamentally, mundane. Boring, even. The stakes sure are high, though.
Ok you stupid road warrior. We tried to be nice but you have abused that courtesy.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: This is what you all always do here.
So I looked it up, because my wife is smarter than I am and wanted to know the specifics and history of the briefings for candidates. Truman was sandbagged by FDR–among his stupid moves, ‘not telling the VP that we’re building an atomic bomb because the Germans are too’ makes the list–and vowed to set a higher standard for the predictable transitions of the executive.
The briefing is a meeting, typically several hours, in which the candidate is provided a snapshot of our upcoming predictable known problem areas. Candidates have to make themselves available in a secure location, and ask questions, to learn anything that isn’t in today’s global news. So I’m not at all concerned because no one can tell Trump a damn thing and he’s the most incurious sumbitch to ever get this close to national office (we thought W was a high water mark but with the changing climate you gotta move those yardsticks).
Bill Clinton, who was too busy beating a third-party candidate and a failed POTUS to plan for a 3 hour briefing, asked the CIA guy to outline the top 5 things he needed to know…and because Bill is incredibly smart, he listened and then said, screw my schedule for the evening, give me that book. And read the whole thing in 90 minutes. Because he may be the most curious sumbitch to ever sit at that desk. In the sense of ‘wanting to know the why behind the what’, curious.
The PDB will be available to the winner starting about 60 days before Jan 20th. Now that, in the hands of a lunatic running on Russian money who refuses to reveal his taxes and I’m guessing will also ignore the norm of the blind trust to prevent trading on the office…U Haul going north is going to be out of trucks.
@dr. bloor: I thought we were Spartacus.
Right arm!
Major Major Major Major
@Andy: I’d ask for examples but fuck you
@Joel: There are other tranches of leaks supposedly coming.
Felonius Monk
@Omnes Omnibus: Is this our POC impersonator from last night reconstituted as an alien life form from Planet Hosrseshit?
@dmsilev: No, we are Borg.
Betty Cracker
@hamletta: OMG, you weren’t kidding! Jesus.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@Baud: State run television.
Where the fuck is Adam when we want him?
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Nah, he’ll talk shit about your wife. Do keep up.
@Andy: You can leave at any time. Nobody’s forcing you to post here.
dr. bloor
@dmsilev: Devo. Better hats.
Speaking of Kaine, I read an impressive series of tweets from a local guy I really respect. It’s quite good, and he storified it.
I have very similar reservations as those Dan wrote about, and his evolution, as someone called it, is intriguing. It’s something I’ll be considering and sharing. It elicited this response from Adam Bonin, whom you may know from Dkos and Netroots Nation:
(I’m voting for Hill/Tim in any event–was never a consideration of not voting for the dem nominee for me.)
Worth noting that Wikileaks has turned openly antisemitic over criticism of this escapade.
@Major Major Major Major: Fuck You! Works towards a great ending.
dr. bloor
Doesn’t mean anything unless he gives us today’s conversion rate on “Minutes of Applause” to “Penile Length at Tumescence.”
Major Major Major Major
That’s a great summary, thanks.
There’s a book?
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
Oh, Wallace.
One of the more impressive things about Truman was that he managed to win the presidency in 1948 in the face of not one but TWO third-party challenges – Wallace from the left and, more famously, Thurmond from the right.
@Major Major Major Major: Didn’t you see National Treasure II? Of course there’s a book.
Omnes Omnibus
@Felonius Monk: No, but he is a renamed troll. Which one, I don’t know. Troll taxonomy isn’t my strongest suit.
Major Major Major Major
@Andy: You want a happy ending, the massage parlors are at Turk & Leavenworth.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
I don’t know how he was sandbagged. He was told in mid april and he didn’t use the bomb for another 4 months. they didn’t even know if the bomb would work until mid july. 4 months was more then enough time for an extremely well read and experienced person like Truman to digest the news.
How the ‘policy wonk’ Hillary vetted the list and chose her ‘plain vanilla’ veep candie.
Contrast this with the deadbeat donnie’s how can I dump this guy in the last minute ‘vetting’
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@RSR: I’m glad I read past this
it’s the kind of guilt-by-association and -optics that drives me crazy. You’d think, least, I would, that after having dug a little deeper into Kaine’s career he could have got beyond “meh”
@dr. bloor: Back in 2000, one of the less savory bits of the GOP Convention was that George W Bush was watching the roll call making him the official nominee, and he was caught on camera sporting a rather prominent erection (apologies to anyone who has just finished a meal). I mainly remember The Daily Show’s coverage (“Bush is standing tall in a recent poll”, etc.).
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I should say it is a good string of observations, it just made me a little nuts that he felt the need to open with so much negativity. Too typical of too many on our side. IMHO.
@Andy: “Quaking in my boots”, because I dare state that you all on this blog are closer to the talking pundits, than actually talking to the people out in the country.
And, yes you do have a biased slant towards a alternate view. Which, I don’t even give a rats ass.
She voted for the war.
dr. bloor
@Major Major Major Major:
Indeed, and on some days it’s titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in the U.S.”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Andy: what’s your cocktail of habit? I’m thinking five?
dr. bloor
@Major Major Major Major: Oh, thanks, the week after I get back from S.F.
@Major Major Major Major: You are so shallow in the end.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: It was more “Hey, Mr. President, guess what? You know those billions of dollars that we couldn’t tell you about while you were a Senator? Well, guess what…”. Remember, Truman rose to prominence in his role of overseeing wartime contact spending, and when he got sniffs of the Manhattan Project, he was told to back the fuck off. Sure, the decision of whether and where to drop the bomb was a few months off, but the very existence of this ~100,000 person totally secret project was quite the shock.
Major Major Major Major
@dr. bloor: Huh, I’d always thought that one was more of a memo, like, one page. But then again my shallow and, one presumes, incurious ass never bothered to look that part up.
@Major Major Major Major: Isn’t there always one about anything and everything?
Oh heck yeah it will. Has the advantage – unlike so many wingnut-started, media-enabled air quote “scandals” about HRC and the Dems – of actually having a basis in reality. Even my right-leaning dad was like, “Whut?!?” earlier this evening.
A majority of the GOP wants an out on Trump anyway – I have no problem if a fact-based scandal showing his campaign’s very pro-Putin for his/their own benefit ends up torpedoing Der Trumpster. If a good thing happens and it happens to marginally benefit my enemies, then oh well, it’s still a good thing.
dr. bloor
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: But he had no clue about it until April. That’s a legitimate basis for a VP of the USA to have a “What the Fuck?” moment or two.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: @Jim, Foolish Literalist: Always the realist.
What intra-party nastiness? The way I see it, some people got slightly butthurt on twitter because their vp choice was not chosen. Big deal. I’ve seen lots of people on my TL and on #ClintonKaine saying how wrong they were to question the choice. I think this supposed conflict is way milder than 08.
@dr. bloor:
I’m reading a book on Truman now. He knew they were making a big bomb and spending a lot of money on it when he was still Senator. He actually foolishly disclosed the bomb in a letter to a friend.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Trolls today… I’m starting to really miss Brick Oven Bob.
@Major Major Major Major:
“To Serve Man.”
@dr. bloor: No. Absolutely no!
@dr. bloor:
He’s STILL trying to settle every last grudge and criticism. As if re-fighting every Cruz issue the day. after. Trump’s. nomination. wasn’t enough, now he’s trying to justify criticism that his acceptance speech was too long…people were applauding for too long, after all, don’t you know?!?!
I try to point out to wing nut friends and relatives (because they simply cannot deny it): if Trump were President, isn’t it pretty clear that 90% of his time would be spent on Twitter, and 90% of that would be carrying on with grudges & complaining?
Felonius Monk
@dr. bloor:
@dr. bloor: Some scientists thought that the bomb would never work, others thought that if it worked it might start a chain reaction that would destroy the planet. Nobody knew for sure. better to tell as few people as possible.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): Watch “Alien”.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@dr. bloor: code word projects are above top secret and they are compartmentalized. for example incoming President Obama was only told about Stuxnet a couple of days before his inauguration.
gogol's wife
Trumpolini! Love it!
@Brachiator: It’s a cookbook!
Have seen the Bernistas asking people who donated to the DNC to join their class action suit. It’s like they are Trump’s pawns.
Major Major Major Major
I know that they thought so in an “igniting the atmosphere and killing us all” sort of way, but it is kind of true, philosophically.
@Jeffro: Via Josh Marshall’s twitter feed:
It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Oh, you have one of those stand up desks like Rummy?
I remember being a environmentalist-labor lefty back in the 90s. It was exhausting defending Bill back then to the point where a lot of us were too tired to go after him every time he “wanted to take an issue off the table” like free trade or welfare reform. The worst part wasn’t that we had to defend him against Limbaugh and Starr but that we also had to defend him against right wing democrats like Lieberman and Zell Miller. That’s why Gore picking Lieberman was such a slap in the face.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Best thing he ever did. They are nice.
@dr. bloor:
G and I were talking about this, and if our spooks have any brains at all, they’ll use this opportunity to feed Trump some enticing bits of misinformation and see where they turn up. It apparently can be quite an instructive way of finding out what your opponent’s network looks like.
@lollipopguild: Yeah, isn’t that an inspiring thought? “We might burn the entire world down to atoms…. maybe?”
Also, they had no idea what radiation could do to a person. Hence all the soldiers stationed close to the tests.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
“How do we kill it, Ash?”
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: I think I saw that on Game Of Thrones.
@lollipopguild: Sort of. There were two types of bombs developed by the Manhattan Project, the Uranium gun bomb (“Little Boy”, dropped on Hiroshima) and the Plutonium implosion bomb (“Fat Man”, tested at Trinity and dropped on Nagasaki). Everyone in the project was confident that the gun bomb would work, which is why they didn’t feel the need to do a live test. Extremely highly enriched U-235 was a lot more tedious to produce than plutonium, so they only built the one gun bomb. Implosion was a lot more speculative, so even after an extensive series of mockup tests, they still had to do the Trinity test to prove to themselves and to the military that the thing would work.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: You’re one of my favs. I’ll never leave as long as you post “Cheers, Scott”.
Thor Heyerdahl
Or they could just print page after page of bogus material that the intelligence community has proven false. Trump would demand the yugest briefings no?
What, get pissed off when you become so desperate for attention that you start slinging random insults?
@Andy: So you’re just an asshole? Insult me next!
@Thor Heyerdahl: Gold leaf font.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): You can’t, ask “Mother”.
@Mnemosyne: It’s called discussion, other than “Clap Louder” venues.
Truman was told very little by FDR, but that was FDR’s style. He kept most of his associates in the dark about many things, even Churchill, his closest ally. FDR did tell things (not all, some) to Sam Rayburn, the Speaker, who then told Truman who he liked. But not the bomb. Marshall and Stinson went to Rayburn for a billion or so more bucks for the Manhattan Project and Rayburn said, “you’ve got it, but don’t tell me why. If I don’t know, I can’t leak.”
@redshirt: Hey man, read the thread.
@lamh36: Did someone kick him under the table between the two halves of that sentence?
While supporting a white supremacist is horrific, supporting the wrong Democrat is worse.
@Andy: Not very insulting. 1/10.
Major Major Major Major
@Andy: That’s not how that word works.
@lamh36: so he knows who Duke is now?
@Omnes Omnibus:
?Meet the new troll, same as the old troll….?
@Thor Heyerdahl: Just outline for Trump basic geopolitical situations; stuff that you could pull out of Wikipedia. It’ll be all new to him, guaranteed. “Did you know we even have bases in the Phillipines? The Phillipines! Like anyone cares what goes on there. Sad!”
Major Major Major Major
@eemom: Where’s Adam? My shallow gay ass wants this one gone.
Gin & Tonic
@Mnemosyne: They have people who specialize in that. It would not surprise me one bit.
Anyway, that briefing is more in the nature of custom. It’s not a law. The Obama administration could simply decline to give it. Somehow I doubt that HRC needs much of a briefing to know what’s going on in the world.
@Mnemosyne: And really, I don’t think “Homo” is that big a an insult, I used to deliver Beer to the Gay bars, and believe me, it’s a big cat fight of insults thrown around. All in good fun.
Thor Heyerdahl
Andy – when the moon hits your eye like a big piece of pie you’re an asshole
@Baud: The CC information is probably the most worrying. A lot of vulnerable people could be exploited (if they haven’t been already).
Gin & Tonic
What would you like to discuss? Feel free to give us a briefing.
@Citizen_X: I think they should give Trump an extensive briefing on US policy towards Freedonia.
@Joel: CCs have a lot of legal protections, however. I hope these people are being informed somehow.
@Baud: I heard SS#’s and birth dates were also in there, that would be more concerning.
Major Major Major Major
Replace ‘black’ with ‘gay’ and ‘homo’ with a certain other word and try again, sweetie.
You should read up on Kaine. I think you’re going to really like him when you see what he’s accomplished. And he’s a terrific speaker, too.
I was “meh” this time yesterday, and now I’m a fan.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I agree.
Not your call, sunshine.
Took a minute for Trump’s brain to sort out who David Duke is, did it?
@Major Major Major Major: OMG,OMG!!! What part of Drag night did I miss…You “HOMO? I was there bitch….Cranking out the beers, to you ladies. So just stop.
White privilege ain’t going to work. Maybe here, cuz they all dumb-dumbs.
Hmm…..guess that means you’re a Truck Driver. Real Man of the World kinda guy. Please, tell us more about Cat Fights.
Gin & Tonic
So now Viktor Orban has more or less endorsed Il Donaldo. Quelle surprise.
Major Major Major Major
@Andy: ‘Ladies’, classy.
@eemom: Brinks Truck driving man…
but not RtR. We got a new one here folks.
@dmsilev: Hail! Hail! Freedonia!
The Kaine pick has landed with a thud among Sanders supporters.
But it’s okay, you don’t need them, right?
@Mnemosyne: What do you know from what my reference was called from?
You are one big all mighty judgemental Mnemosyne.
@NR: Oh no!
Thanks for the Sanders update btw. We barely hear about him anymore.
Tilda Swinton's Bald Cap
Who’s paying the overtime tonight guys, Rove or Putin ?
@Major Major Major Major: Am I wrong?
@Technocrat:Chuck Todd was trying to be all “hardball” by not just saying “would you vote for David Duke”…and it wasn’t even much of a trip up question…yet of course Trump falls in..smh
@Andy: I’m talking about 25 years ago, probably before you were born.
@eemom: I know more than you would believe. eemom. I’ve read your shit here for 5 years.
The scientists who worked on the bomb knew what radiation could do. The military might not have known nearly as much.
Donald makes them work so hard to keep the horserace alive. We’re one hot mike away from hearing Chuckles whisper the right answer to him.
@Tilda Swinton’s Bald Cap: Putin. Rove’s tapped out.
@Ruckus: I thought there was no good evidence or idea what radiation could do to a person until the mid 50’s. I could be wrong.
Bet Tom would know.
@Major Major Major Major:
Agreed. This one is just trying, and succeeding, at being a world class fucking asshole, nothing more.
@Ruckus: @Ruckus: Wow. The bubble tightens. “Adam, You are, are only hope!”
Thor Heyerdahl
Okay. You asked for it asshole. 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105…
oh boy. trolls… morons…. what next, cole & co?
Trump directly confirms to NBC he will give $10m to anti-Kasich PAC, $20m to anti-Cruz PAC & target a “small” GOPer.
Mary G
@Andy: Please go away.
@Ruckus: WHY?
No wide spread idea. Most people didn’t know what radiation even was. But the scientists knew. They took risks that they shouldn’t have for sure but people without knowledge, like the military, didn’t even really know to take minimal precautions.
@Mary G: @amk: Fuck you
@Thor Heyerdahl: Oh Yeah, Fuck You.
So the Republican nominee is going to spend 30 million on anti-Republican PACS? He’s going to run ads against the Governor of Ohio during a GE??
OK, I’m calling it…Ashton Kutcher is somewhere with a camera. No way this is happening.
Gin & Tonic
@Andy: I thought you said you wanted to “discuss.”
@Gin & Tonic: Did you see anything that had an inkling of discussions in it’s query?
@Technocrat: Oh, it’s happening. Along with the Nazi salutes and threatening journalists and getting CNN to take on his payroll.
Honestly, this is the ickiest candidate ever. And I remember (barely) Nixon’68. He was Ted-Cruz creepy, but not icky.
@Andy: LOL. Point proven.
The only thing I want to know from you is who decided that you needed to be a major fucking asshole to the human race and pissed battery acid in your cornflakes to make it happen?
@amk: What point was that? That I didn’t go away? And said “Fuck You”? Yeah, major props to your point.
@Technocrat: No, the GOP nominee is _claiming_ that he’ll spend big bucks attacking fellow Republicans. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that just because Trump claims that he’ll spend his own money on something, that he actually will spend the money.
Eric U.
@lamh36: I don’t remember previous DNC chairs having a major role at the convention, but a lot of people get to speak.
Gin & Tonic
@Andy: You said twice in this thread that you were interested in “discussion.” Yet the content of your posts is all random insults. I think the accepted way to start a discussion is to stake out a position on a topic, state your thesis and present reasons for it. But I could be wrong, of course.
I hope you sober up before the morning, frankly.
Now is the time for GWB to put up some “miss me yet?” billboards.
Major Major Major Major
@Andy: No, Walter, you’re just an asshole.
Good to know he’s not the vindictive type.
@Andy: Point proven. Again.
@Eric U.:
The operative phrase is “no longer.”
@Gin & Tonic: The discussion was about inter party grievances, and somehow took a turn to identity politics. Which is the norm here nowadays..
Drinking is a tradition on this blog, fuck Cole and his sobriety.
And then per normal for this site anymore, distort statements.
And if you are a teetotaler, fuck you.
“Beer” is it? I heard you delivered your ass to the gay bars, the kind of divey ones where they didn’t care what a cheap whore you are.
Omnes Omnibus
@Andy: Dude, it sounds like you have a number of problems. Seek help.
@Major Major Major Major: I personally don’t even think you’re gay. I’m more bright and showy, like a light-brite, than anything I’ve heard from your posts.
Major Major Major Major
Also @Andy, apropos of nothing:
It’s Becnel.
@amk: You=Idiot
@Andy: You’re confusing flamboyance with homosexuality. Common for 90s sitcoms, but most of us have grown up since then.
Major Major Major Major
I don’t really care.
What’s that got to do with being gay, you crazy diamond?
The Sheriff's A Ni-
@Andy: Ah yes, ‘identity politics’. The cry of the affluent white boys who’s vision of liberalism only extends as far as their college loans and ability to smoke weed without being treated like those scary colored folk in the inner city.
You’re thirty years removed from becoming Drunk Uncle Racist. Fuck you, go vote for Trump.
@Omnes Omnibus: Kill the Lawyers, for starts.
Joy ReidVerified account
Read this: white nationalists “euphoric” over Trump:
Major Major Major Major
@Andy: Look, it can misquote Shakespeare!
@The Sheriff’s A Ni-: Nope. Gary Johnson, my friend.
@Major Major Major Major: You are such a bitch.
I’ve been having a blast sending out links to Josh’s article at TPM and letting family/friends/folks draw their own conclusions…
Most likely: Trump’s not actually being paid by Putin, but he (and especially his advisors) are being swayed by their contacts and financial interests over there. Unbelievable. As if there wasn’t enough reason to vote against Trump…
Major Major Major Major
@Andy: hahahahahaaaahahahhahahahahahahahahahah
it’s a libertarian!
Omnes Omnibus
@Andy: Just wow. Not every gay man is Jack McFarland.
@Major Major Major Major:
Nailed it.
@Kropadope: Boring
@Andy: P.P.A
@Major Major Major Major: At least it’s an equal-opportunity hater. That’s something, I guess.
Nice to see that Resident Racist, a/k/a Unlimited Corporate Crass, a/k/a Racist Tries to Rise has found a new IP to get around whatever wall Adam set up.
Well, no, not “nice” …
He’s pulling the same shit as he did before his last banning — no more telling us all how Jeb/Marco/Trump/Christie/Stassen/Gus Hall/Trump/Putin/Trump will win because reasons, just all-incoherent-insults-all-the-time.
“I travel the roads you all have NO idea about.”? Dave Vitter, is that you?
Gin & Tonic
@Jeffro: I’d sure be interested in a foresnic accounting of Manafort’s company.
Mary G
@rikyrah: Scary. Not even probably pretending anymore.
The Sheriff's A Ni-
OK, that’s two posts that haven’t shown up. What part of the Gary Johnson ‘fuck the poor’ platform is tripping the moderation or whatnot.
@Major Major Major Major:
Of the recently-departed, it’s more like Reggie than Becnel. But I think it’s actually RtR. RtR’s most recent shit (well, the most recent that I saw, that is), had the same incoherent insults and self-fellating puffery (“I travel the roads you all have NO idea about.”) is the tell.
@JMG: Rayburn was officially briefed on the Manhattan Project and he brought Minority Leader Joe Martin to the briefing. And Sam surely told Truman about it because he was a regular member of the Board of Education (Rayburn’s bar) as well as Chair of the Senate Committee investigating the war effort. It’s in all the Rayburn biographies and Rayburn himself made it public the day after Hiroshima. But Truman was never “officially” briefed like Rayburn.
Testing: FYWP keeps eating my comments. Oh, did they ban him so I can’t post his name?
@Kropadope: The asshole has been banned, his name is now a killing word.
Omnes Omnibus
@The Sheriff’s A Ni-: I have had the same issue.
I told the BlogLord, and I think he hath smitten the beast. Until it next rises like Michael in Halloween, anyway….
@redshirt: Damn, I was trying to inform him of the poor quality of his gay humor. I’m a bit of a connoisseur and this a-hole walks in here with the jailhouse toilet gin of gay jokes. Tsk. Tsk.
@eemom: I prefer mockery to banning, but to each their own.
@SFAW: I’ve had a few tangos with this one. I doubt it’s RtR. They once were, in fact, contemporaries.
@SFAW: No way. RtR doesn’t mix up his act. He’s always pro whatever Republican is a leader at the moment, and doom and gloom for Dems. That’s his thing. He’s never varied from it to my knowledge in all his different names.
@ndy tonite was a completely different type of poster. There was no politics to his posts. Just insults. That’s not RtR.
Major Major Major Major
@SFAW: Hmm, you may be right…
EDIT: ding dong the witch is dead
The Sheriff's A Ni-
@redshirt: Well, that would explain it. Good riddance to goldbug rubbish.
@Major Major Major Major: Yup.
@eemom: Cole did it? Seems doubtful.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Well, at least the banning saved me from having to post that I agreed with you about something.
@Major Major Major Major: Idiot
@eemom: Adam is a douche. You guys need some exposure.
@Major Major Major Major: Let’s talk about gay clubs in the 90’s, I bet I know more than you.
@eemom: You are another authoritarian.
Major Major Major Major
@FIBark: Now why would I want to do that?
@Major Major Major Major: It’s usually your standard for all things.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Gay bashing is one of Cole’s ban triggers.
Major Major Major Major
@FIBark: Gay clubs in the 90s?
@Omnes Omnibus: Damn, I wouldn’t want that either.
@FIBark: The authoritarian wing of the Dem party needs a home too.
Omnes Omnibus
@FIBark: Back already?
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m not bashing, that’s what you perceive.
@Omnes Omnibus:
He doesn’t have shit else to do with his life. Saturday night, so the kleenex and hand cream are probably running low.
That wasn’t RtR. But I think RtR turned insult-only at some point, I think after yet-another banning.
@Omnes Omnibus: I believe him that he’s not bashing. He’s just too stupid to know his gay bar patrons weren’t laughing with him, but at him. Also too, they didn’t like watching him walk away, but were sure happy to see him leave.
@Technocrat: @SFAW: Where is the insult so put upon our 4Major?
@Kropadope: You have know idea what the conversation was about.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: From the outside looking in, his comments seem like bashing. Cole may have seen it the same way. In any case, he’s already back.
Fuck off, malaka.
@Omnes Omnibus: What bashing? You’re supposedly a lawyer? I was relating my experiences with delivering beer to the Gay community taverns.
@SFAW: Fuck OFF, malaka.
@FIBark: “THE” conversation? I was left with the impression that this was a regular thing from your post upstairs. Also, I’ve seen enough to figure out how things played out. The nice, tolerant, smiles. The snickering behind your back. Your girlfriend’s fling with that cute gay couple who invited her to spice things up. I hear the three of them are still together.
@SFAW: I’ve never seen him not focused on politics except for a few moments where he clearly loses his temp and attacks. But it’s always brief and never the main mission.
Andy here is all attack, all night.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Omnes Omnibus
@FIBark: Weird capitalization again. What’s the deal?
Tis better to burn out then to fade away.
— Shakespeare
@Kropadope: You. Are. Delusional.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, with all the security protocols around here, the ban hammer is about as much use as a whack-a-mole mallet.
@Omnes Omnibus: Probably a serial killer.
@Omnes Omnibus: So again, off point?
I spent 7 minutes trying to decipher this gibberish. I admit defeat.
@redshirt: Lester Long here!
Wow, pretty original. I always thought “I know you are, but what am I?” was about your level of intellect, looks like I was right
Put it in italics, you shit-for-brains, it’s a foreign word.
@Technocrat: You paid for 4 years, to get to that point.
@SFAW: Hurts, online meanies.
@FIBark: Hmm. I don’t get that reference, and my google is broken.
@redshirt: Clay Pigeons
Anyone have a list of common words that contain the string a-n-d-y? Because they’ll soon be sending comments into the void when used.
Omnes Omnibus
That was well done.
@FIBark: Yeah still no idea.
@different-church-lady: If I were a troll my next nom de troll would be “And The I” and when that’s banned, this blog shuts down.
all new nyms go into automatic moderation. until someone checks and clears.
how hard it is, cole, really? fywp does it for you even.
@different-church-lady: I’ll just go buy another laptop
Serial killer in the movie “Clay Pigeons”
He should start with himself, see if he has a talent for it.
@redshirt: Not well read then
@SFAW: Whats your address?
Kill yourself first, motherfucker, then maybe we’ll talk.
@FIBark: That’s kind of an insult! Thanks!
@FIBark: Buy 80 or 90, for all I care.
@SFAW: Nice manners babe!
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: FIBArk – the event, rather than the troll – is a whitewater festival here in CO – stands for First in Boating the Arkansas. Actually, the oldest whitewater festival in the US.
Which is what makes me suspect the creature lives in CO somewhere closer than I’d like. Creeepy!
@different-church-lady: It hurts to have to see what you don’t want to. Cleek is your friend, cynic.
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: I did mean the capitalization within the post. But that is interesting info.
@Miss Bianca: Quit your bitching. You came and picked up a stray from me.
Kill yourself first, motherfucker, then maybe we’ll talk.
@Miss Bianca: You even read the vitriol? or just jump on board?
@SFAW: Fuck You Ass
@FIBark: No, I’ve never met Cleek.
Kill yourself first, motherfucker, then maybe we’ll talk.
@FIBark: I’ve read it in the original Latin.
@different-church-lady: Let me clue you into a widget he has to block trolls-Cleek
@SFAW: I know it’s great….wheeee!
Kill yourself first, motherfucker, then maybe we’ll talk.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: That’s why it’s capitalized that way.
Omnes Omnibus
@FIBark: You aren’t even trying anymore. If you can’t manage grammar, why should we talk to you and why should Putin pay you. Don’t drink on the job. It isn’t complicated.
@SFAW: You actually should be banned after all that has happened in the arena of online threats and such.
@FIBark: And miss your star turn on “Ow, My Balls!”? Why would I deprive myself of that?
@Omnes Omnibus: Fuck You Ass. , that’s not grammatically correct?
Nah. Inner-city kid, perfect Math SAT. Didn’t pay.
@FIBark: I suggest you write to Cole and complain. He enjoys that sort of thing.
@different-church-lady: Better than being Frito Lay!
Miss Bianca
@FIBark: *raises eyebrows*. If you are the person who contacted the list about the stray dog a few months ago, I find it hard to believe. *That* person struck me as a gentleman.
@different-church-lady: Yeah, yeah. Closed content does not make a good forum. Even a WV Prof. knows that.
@Miss Bianca: I am. This forum is not. Which you are a party to.
@Miss Bianca: Dogs are better than people.
Omnes Omnibus
@FIBark: No.
@Omnes Omnibus: What would be in that context?
pseudonymous in nc
I think a lot of people went from meh to yay today. There’s an ease and a lack of front about him — it’s the confidence of someone who has worked bloody hard for the right to be confident. And he’s just a nice person with no spite about him, which is backed up by the GOP senators who were offering personal congratulations today. I can see that working really well in NC and the Rust Belt and Midwest. Send him to Greensboro, send him to Pittsburgh, send him to Indianapolis, send him to his hometown of Kansas City and let’s see how the Missouri poll numbers look, because if Missouri starts to look competitive, then that’s going to chafe Trump’s rear and make him blame Pence.
Miss Bianca
@FIBark: Then I can only come to the conclusion that you are on some drug that does not agree with you. A pity. I wish you the best.
@Miss Bianca: Spare me the melodrama. I’m just glad that Adam was good for something…finding that dog a forever home.
Good Luck up in Salida.
Oh, quit whining, you candy-ass. I haven’t made any threats. In fact YOU are the only one who has offered veiled hints of threats, right “Lester”? Add to that the “What’s your address?” veiled threat. So, as with all you vile motherfuckers, it’s all projection, all the time
No, I merely offered a suggestion. Actually, not even a suggestion — a sort-of-condition you might consider meeting, if you want to have a conversation with person(s) who do NOT aspire to be a serial killer.
That being said: Kill yourself first, motherfucker, then maybe we’ll talk.
@FIBark: Creepy.
Omnes Omnibus
@FIBark: Per any grammar text.
Says the only one who has been making threats (veiled or otherwise). Projection is everything with you children, eh?
@redshirt: I know…finding a 3 legged dog a good home is just fuckn crazy..what was I thinking?
@SFAW: What threats? I said “Homo”…to a guy that hears it all the time in the clubs.
@SFAW: I’m older than you I’m sure……
Omnes Omnibus
@FIBark: I don’t think you are capable of thought.
@FIBark: Are you seeking rehabilitation?
Surely you don’t want to actually converse with this cult?
@Omnes Omnibus: Fuck You , such a smug fuck online.
Major Major Major Major
Wow, that got creepy fast.
@Major Major Major Major: You too.
@FIBark: How about me? Am I smug?
Omnes Omnibus
@FIBark: Oh dear. Am I upset? Golly….
Major Major Major Major
@FIBark: Me too what?
Is it cool? I’m too cool?
Miss Bianca
@FIBark: Seriously, are you drunk? Or high? *Something* is making you sound like a real jerk, which does not seem really consistent with the guy who cared for Bear.
“Lester Long” and “What’s your address?” for starters.
Doubtful vis-a-vis chronological age.
Re: intellectual age: good joke. Apparently you have a sense of humor.
@SFAW: After being called a serial killer by you…
@Miss Bianca: Have you read any of this supposed craziness?
@SFAW: You are a sublime asshole I see.
@FIBark: Who are you to come here and start insulting everyone? Do you have a backstory? Some kind of chemical spill, I assume?
Miss Bianca
@FIBark: Let’s see, you start with addressing Major Four as a “homo”, wind up taking a completely gratuitous swipe at Adam, and along the way you threaten and insult everyone in your pixel path. Honestly, what the hell is the matter with you? That guy who rescued Bear was cool – I’d much rather hear more from that guy.
You really mean after you called yourself a serial killer.
So you’ve now moved from asshole to stalker to liar.
Kill yourself first, motherfucker, then maybe we’ll talk.
@SFAW: Your such a piece of shit. Spin it douche. Omnes said I was prolly a serial killer way up thread, you jumped on-board. Who fucking cares, except you want the last word on calling me out.
@SFAW: @SFAW: Is that the Sandra Bland mentality around these parts, douche?
Just keep whispering it, till it comes true. Truly you are a piece of shit.
No, you lying motherfucker, you called yourself “Lester Long,” I told redshirt what that reference was, made a comment about you should try it on yourself first, then you asked for my address.
It’s all on you, motherfucker.
DO try to keep up, you lying motherfucker, will you?
Oh, is wittle baby’s feewing’s hurt?
Sandra Bland? Whatever.
All projection, all the time.
@SFAW: @SFAW: I got all night for you.
You can’t even get your references right. First it was Omnes, now it’s another story.
There, there, wittle baby, maybe yer Momma can kiss away your angry tears.
You got all night for the lotion and Kleenexes, maybe.
@SFAW: I reply with the facts, you just want to cry like a little bitch.
@SFAW: Aren’t they missing you at the shelter?
You wouldn’t know a fact if it bit you in the ass, wittle baby.
@Miss Bianca:
He admitted further up to being drunk. Sounds like somebody needs an intervention.
@Mnemosyne: What a way to get a TBogg eh?
@Mnemosyne: I never said I was drunk.
@FIBark: That’s not very nice.
@Yutsano: Almost there…just some more from the clown shoes.
Major Major Major Major
@SFAW: Who uses kleenexes, anyway?
@FIBark: Your words, they say no, but your style…
@Mnemosyne: The spin this place puts on the statements would make a lobbyist blush.
Major Major Major Major
@FIBark: The spins, or the statements? Or do you have the spins from being so drunk, and you’re confused.
@Major Major Major Major: Because I talked about the truth of a situation I had 20 years ago. What gay bars are you going to? Because the ones I’ve been to are pretty merciless. Be it here, or Oz.
@Major Major Major Major: Childish rancor
Major Major Major Major
@Major Major Major Major: Can’t say I go to bars much.
@Major Major Major Major: So you know not of what you speak…perfect for this site anymore.
Major Major Major Major
@FIBark: Fucking verb tenses, how do they work?
@dr. bloor: nope, Flint Water for 1000
Well, of course, Cole. Since you were for it why would voting for the Iraq War disagree with you?
@amk: Bernie’s going to be worried about Kaine previously favoring TPP. Kaine hasn’t even opposed that trade deal for two weeks yet: seems like maybe it was a condition of him being picked, that he join with Clinton in respectfully opposing it (respectfully, because we don’t insult Obama by getting all stroppy about it).
That would be the thing that would get Bernie to break ranks. He very likely wants to kick up a big stink about neoliberal economics hacks wiping out the lower classes with these trade deals. If he is being silent, that’s a good sign that he (at least slightly) trusts Clinton to continue to negotiate rather than plotting some kind of gotcha for after the election.
If she DID mean to completely go back on her word, she’d pick Kaine as someone who also intended to ram through TPP and further trade deals. If that was the case, I don’t think Bernie would remain silent as this is actually his big issue.
But the thing is, Bernie represented/represents a very large constituency and this has always been one of their core issues and he’s not shy about communicating that. And, he’s also right (if you follow economists like Mark Blyth, who’s been getting more and more apocalyptic post-Brexit). And there’s Brexit: the story about that being all about racism is for the plebes, I think smart people in the elites understand what Brexit was about. It is well past time to throw bones to the poors to stop them rising up and eating the rich. As Blyth said, ‘The Hamptons is not a defensible position’.
So, it’s good that Bernie is sitting tight on his opinion of Kaine. Just like Clinton, Kaine is allowed to take on new information and adapt to a RAPIDLY changing political world. Bernie has already said all he has to say 1000 times, often to humongous crowds. It’s over to the administrative, coalition-building types to integrate the constituencies: one part of that, is Kaine agreeing to reverse his position on TPP.
Being pro neoliberal trade deals right now is too big of a weakness, even if said trade deals are set up to strengthen rich elite American corporations (and thus, ‘America’, sort of). There’s both a human aspect and a geopolitics aspect to deals like TPP. I think Obama likes it because TPP does actually cement American hegemony in some of the few ways we have left to do that. However, it’s a big loser in the human aspect, and represents everything wrong with the last few decades.
J R in WV
@Major Major Major Major:
Dead thread, but I’m still going to get this on here. There’s a great GIF that shows over time every nuclear explosion in the history of the Bomb. All over the world. French bombs in the South Pacific, Chinese bombs in Asia, Russian bombs all over the place. Bimini and Bikini atolls.
Starting in Nevada, then going underground for a while. At the end, there are thousands of them everywhere. It’s a wonder modern children are not green with ant parts. No wonder cancer is a problem, we’re all overexposed to radiation. We should all be dead from the fallout.
OK, not a GIF, a Youtube: Here! Different colors for different nations, French are green, etc.
@dmsilev: Gutsy to test version 2 of an extremely new idea before deploying version 1 in war. I am a physicist and this never ceases to amaze me.
No One You Know
Oh, poot. The pie filter is not compatible with my browser? And just when I was ready to realize dream of opening an online bakery!
Carolyn Kay
There are proven links between Trumps BUSINESSES and Russia (
There are proven links between campaign manager MANAFORT and Russia (
So the Clinton campaign is questioning how these relationships may be the reason for the hack and the dump of the emails (
Carolyn Kay
It was Democrats who foiled the changes the Clintons tried to make when Bill first became president. They were the ones responsible for the loss of Congress, which forced him to work more with Republicans. It was self-styled lefties who thwarted Al Gore’s candidacy enough to make it possible for Dubya to steal the presidency.
Funny how the focus is on *who* leaked it and not the leaks themselves.
The DNC (and their chosen candidate) are toast.
Maybe there is a Glob after all.
@Uncle Cosmo: Yes, they always believe in “heightening the contradictions.” It worked so well in 1933 Germany, 1968 America (Nixon), 1979 U.K. (Thatcher), 1980 America (Reagan), and 2000 America (Bush). After the election, they are just shocked, shocked at the right-wing policies of the patently right-wing candidate promised to implement if elected and blame the candidate and party they did their best to sabotage for the loss. But they preserve their own precious self-righteousness and rarely suffer adverse personal consequences in loss.
As some have noted, and has Paul Krugman wrote on Friday, Vladmier Putin appears to be actively intervening on Trump’s behalf with the hacking into the DNC and now this release timed for the Convention. Apparently even treason is IOKIYR for the mainstream media.
As to the story itself, it was not exactly a secret that DWS and here crew were all in for Hilary and detested Sanders. That perhaps is not a political sin. Being a ham-fisted idiot about it is.
Regarding Hilary herself, the good and the bad, Ezra Klein’s Vox interview is a pretty good start. See