Kinda says it all, no? Whoah…
h/t @JohnFugelsang
— Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) July 23, 2016
* (/snark)
Meanwhile, I still {heart} Barney Frank…
HECKLER: Listen to your voters!
HECKLER: Listen to your voters!
FRANK: Oh, I'm sorry, I wasn't listening to you.— daveweigel (@daveweigel) July 23, 2016
Ok, someone want to justify Clinton adding DWS to her campaign staff?
Snarki, child of Loki
How did Palin get such a large “true” fraction? By accidentally telling the truth, or by lying about something false?
WTF Biden?
I am experiencing deja vu. I swear that graphic and that tweet were front-paged earlier this week. Have I lost my mind?
@Snarki, child of Loki: Maybe they didn’t understand what she was saying and gave her the benefit of the doubt.
@Tom65: I’ll guess continuity, so she can win the election.
@Tom65: Yes.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Tom65: I didn’t know that she did, but probably the same generous instinct that led to make the mistake of letting that spiteful old crank Bernie Sanders name that spiteful old crank Cornel West to the platform committee.
I guess that’s more an explanation than a justification, but then there’s really no need to justify it.
@Tom65: It’s an honorary role. Stop getting so worked up.
Trump is gonna be PISSED if he ever sees any blue contaminating his classy and yuuge bar.
Has that bar graph been unskewed? Because if not, it doesn’t deserve to be here.
Omnes Omnibus
@Tom65: To spite you.
Major Major Major Major
@Tom65: why shouldn’t she? I’m guessing you have a reason.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
That’s the best you can come up with? She’s trying her damndest to lose this election and you’re gonna be snarky about it?
@Major Major Major Major:
You mean other than the fact the she had to resign in disgrace less than 24 hours ago?
Anne Laurie
Politifact is not only strongly anti-Democrat, it’s deeply, nay painfully literal-minded.
Not gonna bother googling, but I remember much pearl-clutching about Biden making fun of that nice young man Paul Ryan and that well-meaning-if-somewhat-under-prepared lady Sarah Palin. “Is this kind of nastiness what we want from someone a heartbeat away from the Oval Office?!?”
@Tom65: I think Hillary has been doing a great job.
HR Progressive
Real curious to know what Pants On Fire things BFD Biden has said.
Also, I would like to note Bernie’s POF rating is either 0 or is so small as to not be seen in this bar graph, so there’s that.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Meanwhile…
Major Major Major Major
@Tom65: not due to incompetence, I should point out. Hillary could hire Grindlewald for I care if it helps beat Voldemort, as long as it isn’t a policy gig.
Patricia Kayden
According to that graph, Sen Sanders has never told a pants on fire lie. Good for him.
Trump and the truth rarely meet.
@Snarki, child of Loki: “I wash born here, an I wash raished here, and dad gum it, I am gonna die here, an no sidewindin’ bushwackin’, hornswagglin’ cracker croaker is gonna rouin me bishen cutter. ”
Now who can argue with that.
@Tom65: Seconded here…if Clinton did hire DWS onto her staff, that’s a little rushed. Day after convention is over would have made sense and avoided furthering the issue.
Le Sigh.
I don’t care if she’s Clinton’s god damned driver; she shouldn’t be anywhere near the campaign.
Patricia Kayden
@HR Progressive: Didn’t Biden plagiarize a story from a British politician?
@HR Progressive: I understand he actually hates trains.
@Major Major Major Major: DWS’s strength is supposed to be fundraising, so I’d imagine that’s what Hillary wants to use her for.
Bill E Pilgrim
Is there something disturbing about Santorum making “pants on fire” statements, or is it just me?
Probably just me.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Tom65: what the fuck are you babbling about, you fucking moron. You think the presence, or lack thereof, on HRC”s campaign matters to anyone but a bunch of butthurt Berniebots desperate to claim martyr status?
Your social media feed-wall-thread-joint whatever-the-fuck is not the electorate.
High level resignations are often cushy, Look at all the goodies Ailes got.
DWS resigned to remove the problem from the DNC, but having her humiliated was never going to happen.
Martha from Augusta
Oh, shit. Could she be in league with Putin too?
/ sd bs bots
Amir Khalid
DWS can’t even be Hillary’s driver? Are you afraid she’s going to cut Bernie off on the way to the convention? For goodness sake calm down.
@GxB: I am very happy that everyone was here today to hear that authentic Frontier Gibberish.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
along those lines, did anyone see an article yesterday or the day before about the percentage of voters who actually discuss politics on-line? SPOILER ALERT: It’s kinda low.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: that’s my guess yeah. That said this is the first I’ve heard of the story.
@Martha from Augusta: shhh, we’re not supposed to point out that the enemy is an apocalyptically bad, almost literal Manchurian Candidate. For some reason.
@Technocrat: But if Tommy wants the sprinkles and the crushed oreos and the crushed nuts but pick out each and every pecan, he hates pecans and the m&ms (no red ones) on his yogurt then that’s exactly what Tommy and everyone with him is going to get.
Amir Khalid
I have to say, this new concern troll sucks donkey balls.
The next 8 years are going to be happily frustrating, rather than apocalyptic.
it’s amazing how this chart infuriates people. Absolute apoplexy. I bet there’s a paper or two in figuring out why.
From now until the damn election, we’re going to have Bernie bots going apeshit at every step Hillary takes. The Democrats paid Danegeld; we’ll never get rid of the Dane.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Duh. We’re competing with Pokemon GO!
Oh FFS, another new troll? Wouldn’t you think they could at least space out the timing a little bit?
Watching Clinton-Kaine on 60 Minutes:
So calming. Great team. Very informed, methodical, decent.
100% behind them both. :)
It’s a good life, Tommy.
(please don’t send me to the cornfield)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: is that like Meerkat?
@Emma: and that’s why they should put Barney Frank in the Chair, even if it’s purely honorific and all he does is bang the gavel once before passing it off to Donna Brazile.
@Snarki, child of Loki: I hear Sarah Palin Word Salad Shooters(TM) are on sale at Amazon.
@Snarki, child of Loki: In all fairness, most of what Palin says is nonsense, and can’t be classified as true or false. What would you do with ” ‘Splodin heads keep ‘splodin” for example.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Fiery frothy mixture.
@SiubhanDuinne: Either there’s a pre-paid mass invasion or John has put a lamp in the window.
@Amir Khalid: Amir! How crass!
Schlemazel Khan
Thats some might fine real authentic Western gibberish right there! I hope you kids can appreciate it
@Tom65: I wasn’t thrilled about that either, but DWS has been loyal to Clinton for a long time and I saw it as Hillary being gracious as DWS was suffering the humiliation of being pushed to the curb at the DNC.
But Baud may be right that it’s all about the fundraising.
@Emma: What can they do after the convention? Say mean things on Twitter?
@germy: You made me laugh.
@Amir Khalid: God, it seems we get some whining asshole that bitches about some obscure sin that the Clinton campaign commits on every thread. I’m still convinced that a lot of them are rat fucking concern trolls.
Missed it. I guess I’ll have to watch it tomorrow on YouTube. But tell me this, so I can sleep tonight: were they seated in gilded thrones?
@SiubhanDuinne: That’s the problem with buying the Val-U-Pak at Troll-co. Sure, the unit price is great, but who needs 24 trolls at once and sadly they’re too big to stick in the freezer and defrost as needed.
Is there somewhere online I can watch?
Not clear from the chart how many statements each person was graded on. It just says a minimum of 50 each.
Palins blue bar is suspiciously large. For a True Grifter, it’s impossibly large. I’d call shenanigans if I cared even one bit about the Tundra Twat.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: I do both!
I caught a Mankey today!
@dmsilev: Scream, moan, bitch, complain, scandal, scandal, scandal. Between Putin’s Pet and a media just waiting to take a whack at Hillary, the little bastards can do some damage.
Schlemazel Khan
Well, I notice our dear “black” friend has disappeared . . .
Of course Sanders scores low. He only had the one speech.
@Schlemazel Khan: Or has he…?
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: Are you Kwame. ?
Patricia Kayden
@Trentrunner: Quite a contrast to Trump and Pence.
@Major Major Major Major: Depends. Are you white?
dems aren’t good even at lying. we are gonna lose. we are gonna lose.
@Major Major Major Major: @Baud: Excuse me, but I didn’t think we were allowed to discuss Kwame if we weren’t people of color. How dare you speak of him!
@Baud: Dunt! Dun! DUNN!
@Schlemazel Khan: He was the hired “Kaine Specialist” He can only be evoked by naming the Democratic VP candidate.
Oh God, what have I done?
@WaterGirl: How do you know I’m not? I could be just as much as Kwame is.
Just One More Canuck
@Major Major Major Major: no – he is Spartacus
Miss Bianca
@GxB: thank you for that.
@Emma: Well, we’ll see, but I think without the (forlorn) hope of upending the nomination, the Bernie-or-Bust folks will lose a lot of their focus. The professional rat-fuckers, on the other hand, you’re probably right about.
“dems in disarray”.
go, media.
I think some of you are a bit harsh on Kwame. Specifically with accusations of being a troll.
Expressing unpopular opinions is not necessarily trolling. It could be, but it could also not be.
In Kwame’s case, I believe he’s not trolling, but rather expressing his opinions on matters.
You may not like those opinions, but that doesn’t make it trolling.
@Capri: Spew, that is all.
@dmsilev: What day of the convention is the delegate tally?
Patricia Kayden
@AnotherBruce: On the good news front, it appears that some prominent Bernie supporters have completely come around and are supporting Clinton.
Anecdotally, a good friend, who had told me awhile back that she wasn’t going to vote for Clinton, has done a complete 180 degrees turn, even without me having to prompt her. Watching the RNC hatefest last week completely cured her. Thanks Trump!
Schlemazel Khan
Here is the deal: why would anyone waste their own time going on a web site & being an asshole? Find the knitting site & claim crocheting is the only correct thing to do? Whine that true knitters only use true blue yarn? Only an idiot would do that unless there were getting rewarded for it.
@dmsilev: Can’t we put some of them in a chest freezer?
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: Kwame’s “opinion” kept changing.
Now it’s certainly possible he’s just bad at expressing himself.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: All of the trolls this week have been third-rate, if you ask me (and I know you didn’t.)
@HR Progressive: Repetitive pablum can’t get one’s pants on fire.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: Baud’s chart is all dark blue, of course.
[Peering around cautiously] are they gone yet? Whew, looks like all clear after comment 24.
So, how we all doing tonight?
@dmsilev: Why would I ever need to defrost them?
I saw no gold. It was a good interview.
@Patricia Kayden: Good news all around. Thanks, PK.
@Schlemazel Khan: I don’t understand it either. I have never wasted my time trolling right wing or far left sites. I would probably be ashamed to waste my time like that.
@redshirt: I call it trolling when he arrives unannounced, proceeds to basically call us all racists and then tell us he should only be addressed by a person of color. At that point I started to massively ignore him.
Schlemazel Khan
no, no, no! The lines are:
Are we awake?
We’re not sure. Are we… black?
Yes, we are.
Then we’re awake… but we’re very puzzled.
@Patricia Kayden: baud’s whole campaign was a LIE.
Just finished watching the entire 60 Minutes Clinton-Kaine interview. (No idea where to find it online, but I would start a the CBS site.)
Again, it’s so calming to watch these two field questions. Kaine came off really well, earnest, warm, moral, and at ease. Definitely had comfortable chemistry with Hillary, and vice-versa.
Can’t wait for the convention. :)
@dmsilev: From your mouth to the ear of the deity of your choice.
@debbie: Really glad to hear that.
What comes to mind for me, not snark, not justification, merely word association, is the old saw – keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer.
@Baud: Which is most likely not at all. What a joke he was.
@germy: I don’t get this. It’s stupid. Trump is already losing women. Why associate with a creep who has a long history of sexually harassing women. He’s a Bill Cosby waiting to happen.
@redshirt: I did not get any kind of genuine vibe from him at all.
Iowa Old Lady
I thought DWS was the one who nixed the plans to attack Sanders on his atheism. So then I thought she resigned so she wouldn’t be a distraction at the convention. Is that all wrong? Because if it’s true, then I can see why HRC hired her. She resigned over something that happened on her watch, true, but she didn’t do it and indeed told people it was a bad idea.
I haven’t read the emails so I could be all wrong on this.
@Gin & Tonic: Correctamundo
My guess is that Hillary doesn’t approve of DWS falling on her sword at all, and is doing this just to give the finger to the jerks who’ve been harassing DWS this whole time. That’s mostly not Hillary’s style, I grant you, but neither is tossing someone under the bus at the first sign of scandal, and the misogyny involves is likely Hillary’s greatest peeve. I know that’s all speculation.
Definitely a troll, whether or not Kwame was dishonest. His/her/its first run of posts were heavily larded with hostile language towards whites, to the point I’m mildly surprised Kwame wasn’t banned for racism. They were plainly meant to insult and start fights.
@Iowa Old Lady: You’re right, as far as I know.
Howard Fineman on Twitter
Booman nailed it when he said the Kaine pick took the pot off boil.
ETA: That vague discomfort when you think you’ve overused “the”
@Frankensteinbeck: I caught MSNBC saying that the Hillary team (and others) wanted DWS out. Maybe they realized that she was a distraction, even if they didn’t blame her per se. It happens.
Miss Bianca
@Iowa Old Lady: You mean, HRC might value someone’s ability to suck it up and take one for the team? Oh, you DON’T Say.
Kwame how i love you, How i love you, my dear old Kwame.
@redshirt: yeah, I call bullshit on the guy being black at all. He sounded just like what a white racist imagines black folks would like to say.
Reggie Mantle
Guess it doesn’t bother anyone that DNC staffers were suggesting asking Bernie wedge questions about his “faith”. How very Rethuglican of them.
BTW, you can whistle past this graveyard and yell “troll troll troll” all you want, but I’ve seen 3 people already who are friends/followers on FB and Twitter who supported Clinton all the way through the primary and who now are saying they can’t vote for her or the Democrats.
Dems keep shooting themselves in the foot like this, and Trump’s going to pull this one out.
@Patricia Kayden: That is good news, I’m working on a friend myself. He told me that Sanders would never endorse Clinton. I don’t see him that often, I’ll find out how he’s dealing with that.
I’m reading a book on Truman, and the fight at the convention when he was named Veep was a billion times worse that what’s going on right now. But as soon as it was over, everyone supported the ticket. Of course, it helped that no Dem was in a position to challenge FDR in 1944.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Oh, I wanted to add this about Kaine, esp since Bernie today said that “he’s not progressive” and he wished Hillary would have picked somebody else (mansplaining white guy syndrome AGAIN).
Kaine is a better man, statesman, and politician than Bernie. Kaine has accomplished more, has a better reputation, is more liked and more trusted than Sanders.
Kaine is so good that I think he would have had a shot at beating Hillary in the primary, because he understands POC in way that Bernie (at 75 years old) never, ever will.
My .02.
@Iowa Old Lady: HRC repays loyalty. DWS was loyal. Maybe she’s a great fundraiser, I don’t know. I did not think she was a great DNC Chair. My opinion…
@Trentrunner: Your comment reminded me of the interview with Trump and his VP, who said “Trump speaks from the heart” and then Trump interrupts with something like “I speak from the brain, too”. Almost as awkward as the almost kiss on stage.
Anti-chemistry, those two have it!
edit: I seriously think that Trump may fire him as VP candidate. Or,alternately, Trump wants to keep him around to blame when Trump loses.
Gin & Tonic
@Reggie Mantle: Oh, shit, now you?
Yeah, a dated caricature. The whole “every ticket must have a black person” bit was too much.
@Reggie Mantle: How about I yell, “fuck off you shit eating dog fucker”? Like that better?
@Reggie Mantle:
Shorter RM and all the rest:??????????????
Reggie Mantle
Well, I’m sure it would be easier for you than actually addressing the issue.
@raven: I do.
That’s just a Nkrumor.
(The olds will get the wordplay.)
@Iowa Old Lady: You are correct. DWS fell on the sword for the Emperor, so to speak. You know, I dislike the woman, but it pisses me off that the one time she did nothing wrong she gets the axe. She’s in a big primary down here; I’m thinking Hillary gave her this honorary position to keep her in play.
@Gin & Tonic: I think they work in shifts. Earlier today, we had Jonathan Livingston Béchamel sharing his wisdom.
@Reggie Mantle: Oh, fuck off. The DNC did Sanders a HUGE favor by not bringing up his atheism, which, by the way, Trump would have brought up and it would have GUARANTEED a Trump victory.
Hillary treated Bernie with kid gloves because she knew she was going to beat him like an old rug and because she knew she wanted to get as many of his supporters to vote for her in November.
Now we’re seeing that many Bernie supporters are just bros, Trump-curious misogynist douchecanoes who think that date-rape isn’t rape. Fuck OFF, already.
@Reggie Mantle: I know this is hard for you to understand, but your 3 friends are the ones that are enabling Donald Trump. If they’re too stupid to understand what a threat he is, it’s their fucking fault. Not Hillary’s or the Democratic party. And really, I don’t hear you criticizing Donald Trump very much. Are you still that butt hurt about Bernie losing? Or in your heart do you want to justify your desire to vote for Donald?
@Technocrat: Among other obvious bs. spewed. Like only POC should be allowed to respond to him. That even failed the Cornell West test.
@Reggie Mantle: Tell your mother.
@Anya: Did you read Trump’s response? He was all “these women have said good things about him, even recently, and he has really helped them in their careers”. He helped them so there is no harassment. I suspect Trump thinks there really is no such thing as sexual harassment. He clearly has no boundaries with women, and (ick) he certainly doesn’t seem to have them with his daughter.
Schlemazel Khan
2 things working against special K (well, 3 but the last is unfair)
He just happens to pop up. If you or Raven or Baud or a host of others made a similar case (not the same, see #2) it would be more believable and would have gotten a very different reception.
The way he presented his argument was not in a way someone wanting an honest discussion on the topic. He was needlessly provocative. I might be able to ignore one but the two together not so much.
The 3rd, which is unfair was that he made those arguments behind an obviously ‘black’ name. That includes dissing Kaine for being Gov while 6 AA men were put to death by the legal system. Against the backdrop of black disenfranchisement that smells ‘funny’ to me I would have ignored it but it looked like a tell given 1 & 2. I have seen exactly this crap on other sites. The punchline comes after they start a rollicking fight & then claim they have proven liberals are the real racists because the argue with “black” people.
@dmsilev: Not tonight. There’s a gathering happening.
Lord help us if all the trolls join forces.
@NotMax: well played.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Well his campaign has touched bottom.
Has it not?
@Reggie Mantle: Please. People who said that were simply looking for an excuse not to vote for her and grabbed the lifeline.
ThresherK (GPad)
@dmsilev: Isn’t that what the cryogenic lab was built for?
Miss Bianca
@Reggie Mantle: Well, then, your friends are idiots.
But then…you did say they were *your* friends. QEFD.
Schlemazel Khan
I AM OFFENDED! My deity does not have ears, only noodly appendages!
@satby: One of the recent revisions to the emoji standard added this:?, which is useful to keep in the repertoire.
(if it doesn’t render on your computer, ‘Reversed hand with middle finger extended’)
what trolls?
Reggie Mantle
Of course. Nothing can ever be Hillary’s fault. Or the almighty DNC. The Queen can do no wrong, for if the Queen does it, it is right. Right? If she loses voters, it’s the voters’ fault. Good luck with that.
Did they rate Jeb!’s recent editorial in the Post? He went with the “Obama is the real divider” line. He’s no better than any of the rest of them.
Iowa Old Lady
Today finally drove me to install Troll-B-Gone.
@redshirt: You may be right. For me, being told that no one could respond to him unless they were a POC put him in troll territory for me. I’m not saying ban him, I just blocked him.
@jamesjhare: Probably too vague to rate.
@ThresherK (GPad): We try not to put troll parts in the nitrogen tanks; too much work cleaning them afterwards.
@Trentrunner: Kaine positively and meaninfully contributed to real people’s lives. He didn’t just gripe about bankers, he fought for social justice. Bernie should just STFU and stop undermining our nominee.
Major Major Major Major
@amk: I think they mean the people talking about pie, like this lovely Reggie fellow.
@Iowa Old Lady: That one’s great because it blocks responses too.
@Schlemazel Khan: Oops. My apologies. From your mouth to the FSM’s stratocyst.
@Frankensteinbeck: It did kind of feel like Hillary was flipping everyone off and it did seem to go well beyond the kind words one speaks publicly when dumping someone from a position. Personally, I thought it was kind of tone deaf, but then I think that is one of Hillary’s tendencies. Of course, I might just have been reacting to the fact that the article mentioned one of Hillary’s lone time advisors – someone I think is terrible, so it brought up all my negative reactions to Hillary again. I’m trying hard to have an open mind and give Hillary the benefit of the doubt. (But yes, I am voting for her.)
@Reggie Mantle:
So what’s the appropriate organizational reaction to that?
I think the proper constituent response is to think, “Stupid email. Glad they didn’t go through with it. Could use a little organizational housecleaning.”
I recommend you find it online. Scott Pelle tried to get her to talk about the vast rightwing conspiracy, but she didn’t bite.
@Iowa Old Lady: Good move. It’s a weird hobby, this trolling thing. One might suspect that they’re sad little men (and they’re all fucking men) who aren’t very successful at other endeavors in life.
@Amir Khalid:
Next thing you know, he’ll be saying that Balotelli should start. In goal.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques
I see what you did there.
Somewhere in the neighborhood of 90% of the emojis people use here don’t render on mine.
Which I do not consider as a negative state of affairs.
@Schlemazel Khan: A good argument.
How about this: He’s not one of the familiar trolls who haunts this place, but rather a new individual who’s aim is to be provocative? Is provocation trolling? Probably. So he’s trolling, but it seems sincere – and there is sincere trolling as opposed to soulless trolling; example, witness RtR’s transference of trolling allegiance as each Repuke exited the race, until of course he started trolling for Trump even though he was hugely anti-Trump just a few months earlier. That’s real trolling.
Kwame’s just “opinionated”. And here for a fight. That’s not the same thing as trolling.
Ohio Mom
Interesting to me that my governor scored pretty well on telling the truth. Kash is still a misrable @$!#//#!!!.
@debbie: I’ll do that. The truest statement she ever made, and she stayed on message. Good to hear.
Reggie Mantle
Well, surely not the actual response– which was “Amen.”
@Reggie Mantle:
Still no criticism of the candidate for Russia, er the Republican party. Thanks for proving my point, comrade.
ThresherK (GPad)
@redshirt: Remember Batman TV show? At some points Batman, Robin, Comm’r Gordon and Chief O’Hara would put their heads together to solve an intractable problem.
The combined intelligence on display was not going to strike fear in the hearts of criminals. More added up to less, somehow. (Batgirl was the smart One.)
So, I’m not worried.
@Anya: Wasn’t that great? It’s clear he’s at home with these folks.
Schlemazel Khan
Perhaps not. What if his tiny circle(jerk) of FB friends is so pure, so clean, so ethical that they need to vet and approve every single person who works for Hillary in ANY capacity? It could happen. I myself have met assholes that large in my life, maybe it was 3 of them.
Gin & Tonic
@dmsilev: Oh, I missed that one. Spent most of the day at the beach, not on the Internet.
@dmsilev: I like it.
@dmsilev: I wonder if they are unionized.
ThresherK (GPad)
@Reggie Mantle: From your lips to MoDo’s tailor’s ears.
Calm, reasonable, the whole nine yards. I was impressed. She’s much better in interviews than in large gatherings, much more personable and human. I think it would be good if she did a lot more of them.
If she caves too little, she will piss off Bernie’s base – who she’s trying to win. If she caves too abjectly, she risks the ire of her own base, who at some point will think “enough”. It’s probably a balancing act.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: If the wobblies managed to unionize the trolls there would be a revolution…
Schlemazel Khan
You are forgive. we Pastafarians are a forgiving bunch
Nina Turner is shocked at the vile things that were said and done to Bernie by the DNC. Chris Hayes says they were not done, they were shot down. Nina comes back with, it’s the environment that allowed the conversation to happen, and that comes from the top. She wants Hillary and Donna Brazille to acknowledge the pain that the 13 million Sanders supporters are feeling, and she is disappointed that they tried to blame the Russians, and the only reason they are acknowledging there was a problem at the DNC is because the e-mails came out. So I guess there really was rigging and the e-mails exposed it, or does she mean that the e-mails revealed that there are a bunch of mean girls at the DNC? Who knows I guess both are the same and Hillary should just apologize for both.
EDIT : Failure to do this and adopt Sanders platform proves that the democratic party is not a big tent party. They just claim to be to get Sanders voters. They are the future of the party. I guess that means that most people here should just hurry up and die.
Uncle Cosmo
@Drudgie Mumble: Jeezus Holy Chicken-Fried Keerist on a Harley, haven’t you fucked off & died yet, you vile sack of fermented excrement? Time’s a wastin’, fuckhead!
ETA: I see that @raven: has said it better than I could, & quicker.
Must bat-link.
@Reggie Mantle: No. DWS, most appropriately, put her foot down and said no. Or didn’t you read the email?
@debbie: I’ve heard that. I also think it helps when people get to see her directly, rather than when her soundbites are presented and her words paraphrased in the news.
@Technocrat: Agree completely. All of the conversation assumes that her own voters simply don’t matter.
@redshirt: I’m with Schlimazel on this.
@Reggie Mantle:
Lying again. The actual response was “don’t.”
It’s really dumb to lie about shit that is so easily verifiable.
Major Major Major Major
@debbie: Hillary is fantastic at interviews. They are almost never mentioned in the media after they are aired. If you think this is a coincidence, I’ve got some real estate between San Francisco and Marin that you should take a look at.
Thor Heyerdahl
The thread would probably look like this classic from the 3 Stooges
@Emma: It shows his realness. I was a Kaine fangirl since 2008. I was volunteering at the campaign. Kaine and other elected officials & big name celebrities (John Legend among them) used to visit campaign offices to encourage/thank volunteers. He’s such a good guy.
I assume she called on Bernie to drop out of the race after his people hacked Clinton’s database.
So disappointing.
Gin & Tonic
@hovercraft: I must be a bad liberal, but every time I see comments about Nina Turner, my reaction is who? Is this an important person in any way?
@Emma: True bros never trouble their pretty little heads with facts.
@AnotherBruce: It’s impressive how much the strained economy of VisPutin’s Russia is investing in American recovery.
Schlemazel Khan
Don’t respond to me unless you are a person of color.
Thats not provocative, that is laying groundwork for the denouement.
The Thin Black Duke
@redshirt: Kwane isn’t black, and white guys who pretend to be piss me off, O.K.?
Reggie Mantle
Just saw a message on FB from a fourth former Clinton supporter—who I know has been for HRC from the beginning–saying that Clinton’s hiring of DWS was so over the top he’s wavering.
Maybe you guys can persuade him by holding your hands over your ears and screaming at him.
@Technocrat: I always figure that if you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t, you may as well do whatever you think is right, since you’re screwed either way!
@Reggie Mantle: ‘Scuse me? You have a reference for that?
@The Thin Black Duke: thank you!
Hillary also needs to stop shouting at people with her robocalls. Not helping!
@The Thin Black Duke: Yup. Pretty much. Blackface and yellowface piss me off.
@Anya: I’m fast becoming a groupie myself. He’s so centered. An oasis of calm with enough edge not to be a pushover.
@WaterGirl: Ha. I haven’t gotten one, but I’ve heard people say that.
In 30+ years of working with corporations, I have never seen a manager fired because his subordinates asked to do something stupid. Not once.
@Major Major Major Major:
Vast fourth estate conspiracy? ;)
Let’s just all pretend to have Troll B Gone and let their little piles of word shit lay where they drop them.
Schlemazel Khan
@Reggie Mantle:
post the links
on second thought I like @Omnes Omnibus: answer better
Omnes Omnibus
@Reggie Mantle: I saw message on my FB feed saying that your FB friends are fucking with you because you are a tool.
@Omnes Omnibus: Win.
ThresherK (GPad)
@NotMax: Is that a Bat-boner on your utilty belt or are you just happy to see me?
If the latter I hope you’re carrying a Batshield (wink).
You realize that Hillary is not running against Bernie Sanders anymore, right?
Major Major Major Major
@satby: I see no such piles.
@Omnes Omnibus: VERY well played!
@satby: I’m thinking it’s time for some good music. Elgar’s The Dream of Gerontius, I think. Maybe it will ease the rage knot building at the base of my skull.
@Mnemosyne: Maybe she’ll be biased against Trump. Wouldn’t be right.
@Major Major Major Major: neither do I. Just be careful where you step.
Have to agree with all of that. You know the GOP’s going to go all-out, all-in, for 2020. The combination of redistricting + making HRC a one-term president + not setting up Kaine for ANOTHER 8 years of Dem rule will cause them to take out third mortgages and donate the proceeds to the RNC, if it comes to it.
Only thing scarier to most Repubs than a black guy president and then a woman president? Have them followed by a white guy with the exact. same. views. and a spotless record. LOL
Short version: sexism.
@Baud: I am apparently getting all your calls, too. I have (stupidly) picked up the phone about 5 times and they have called me dozens more times but I don’t pick up the phone when it IDs as “washington, dc.”.
If I had the technology available, I would record a robo call that says “Stop yelling at me!” and I would call Hillary’s office dozens of times a day, for at least a day, to get it out of my system. Okay, I wouldn’t, but it made me feel better to type that.
I was wondering when someone would bring him up. You old fart.
Reggie Mantle
Major Major Major Major
@satby: Are trolls like cows? Because a very interesting species of fungus can grow on cow shit.
Too good not to also link, from the same issue of the comic (and dialogue unaltered in any way from what appeared in print).
So she rehires Debbie Wasserman Shultz. The Arrogance boggles
J R in WV
@Snarki, child of Loki:
How did Sarah Palin get so many true statements?
She was mistaken…!
I got my 3 AM call. I was ready.
The pizza guy had indeed arrived.
Major Major Major Major
@Wrb: This is the first I’ve heard of it!
@Major Major Major Major: Ha! Must have been a shift change.
Reggie Mantle
I guess you think “Amen” means “don’t.”
@redshirt: I did like it when Hillary recently made a joke about her 3am phone call. Don’t recall the joke, but it was well done.
@Emma: This is soothing.
Gin & Tonic
@redshirt: I thought you were a hundred miles from anywhere. They’ll drive pizza all that way?
@Major Major Major Major:
I especially loved when he posted the correct definition of “kyriarchy” but then had NO CLUE how that could possibly apply to Hillary Clinton because she is white.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: They need to start documenting their tickets better.
@Baud: It is getting kind of obvious. I wonder if they get paid $12 an hour.
Thor Heyerdahl
@Reggie Mantle:
Right. And I have Trump’s yacht to ply the open waves between Wichita and Topeka.
@Reggie Mantle: your imaginary friends are as ridiculous as you are.
@Reggie Mantle:
Is that because Hillary was the Dem staffer who suggested “outing” (so to speak) Bernie’s alleged atheism? Or because she was the one who green-lighted the idea? Or the one who called DWS and said “Do it, but make sure my fingerprints are nowhere to be seen”? Or because Hillary something-something-something-mumble-something? Or maybe because Hillary killed Vince Foster WITH HER BARE FUCKING HANDS, and Bernie knew, and therefore something-something-mumble-something?
In other words: while any bullshit excuse may suffice, it’s still bullshit.
Miss Bianca
completely o/t, but…dark chocolate-covered pecans.
Oh. My. Word.
Plus, about 14 hummies stacked up outside my big hummie feeder. Amazing!
Reggie Mantle
Trying to post the links but they’re in moderation.
Try looking on the Wikileaks site for #11508.
Reggie Mantle
AMEN Amy K. Dacey | Chief Executive Officer Democratic National Committee 430 S. Capitol Street, SE Washington, D.C. 20003 202-528-7492 (c) | 202-314-2263 (o) [email protected]
On 5/5/16, 1:33 AM, “Brad Marshall” wrote: >It’s these Jesus thing. > >>
On May 5, 2016, at 1:31 AM, Brad Marshall wrote: >> >> It might may no difference, but for KY and WVA can we get someone to >>ask his belief. Does he believe in a God. He had skated on saying he >>has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could >>make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps >>would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.
@Thor Heyerdahl:
He needs it to visit the submarine base there, so you’ll have to wait a bit.
@Miss Bianca: trolling, eh?
@Reggie Mantle: Why don’t you call Putin to get that fixed?
@satby: Bookmarked for later listening. I know little about Sibelius except Finlandia and a couple of the symphonies.
@satby: Sigh. That is a thing. But it’s only ever a front pager thing, not from a commenter. And it usually is on a currently contentious topic and more of a “tell your story if you want, nobody gets to respond unless it’s a message of support.”
@Schlemazel Khan: You are unaware of all internet yarn trolling traditions. You did not jump in and shout that one should only knit with animal fibers and if you can only afford acrylic, you should just stop knitting until you can afford good wool. You did not use the terms kn*t or cr*ch*t.
Major Major Major Major
@Miss Bianca: I could see that being tasty. How’s the texture though?
@Gin & Tonic: Of course not. It was a joke for contextual humorous affect. I think it sufficed.
@satby: Though lately I’ve been enjoying this too.
Omens, you must have something to contribute here in a musical interlude?
ThresherK (GPad)
@NotMax: Idiomatic tectonic shifts make that hysterically funny.
@Miss Bianca: Those sound yummy for a late night snack.
@Reggie Mantle:
Since the suggestion was immediately shot down by DWS, no, it doesn’t bother me.
Though I’m impressed to hear that you have never, not even once, made a stupid suggestion at work that your boss said “no” to. You are clearly superior to the rest of us mortals,
So uppity.
Ditto some Handel.
Reggie Mantle
Does Putin run this site?
Well of corse not, you work in corporatist America, they are all inherently corrupt.
We’ve moved into an entire new realm, where people must be punished for bad thoughts or utterances about Bernie.
DWS is going to work on Hillary’s 50 State Strategy at her Campaign Headquarters. This is not connected to the DNC. Obama also released a long statement about all the ways she has been helpful to him since he appointed her.
@Trentrunner: Unlike Bernie Sanders, Tim Kaine actually knows a significant number of black people. And unlike with Bernie Sanders, black people actually like him. And I say that because I know someone who knows him as a family friend after meeting in activist circles in Virginia. So fuck the penny ante poseur Bernie Sanders right in his droopy ear.
Major Major Major Major
Man, Reggie’s fingers must be tired. I don’t know what it’s saying, but it sure is busy!
@satby: Now that is interesting. Have you been listening to the BBC Proms?
Reggie Mantle
Since I’ve posted the e-mail where CEO Amy Dace said “AMEN” to the idea, maybe you can find the one where DWS “shot it down.”
Well, I see your “I know four people who aren’t voting for Hillary” and raise you one “Mexican-American family moved to swing state and their four of six citizen children who are 18+ are registered and ready to pull the lever and they work all day so I don’t know what their FB interactions are.” I mean, the anecdote game is fun and all, but I don’t think people are quaking in their boots about it. Personally, I’m not doing anything to try to convince them. People don’t like to be told what to think. But I am talking about Trump.
“But the boss said no”
Omnes Omnibus
@Reggie Mantle: Dumbass, no one is disputing that someone at the DNC suggested that. We are disputing your suggestion the DWS was okay with it. She said no.
When I run a team, i don’t punish people for making suggestions. I do, however, decline to act on suggestions that are not good ones (to the best of my ability).
Thor Heyerdahl
@Reggie Mantle:
I found it!. Let me copy/paste it.
@Gin & Tonic:
She’s a former state senator from Ohio, she ran for Sec. of State against Husted and got crushed, she was a Hillary supporter who jumped over to Bernie and became one of his most fervent black surrogates with a high media profile.
You obviously have not yet learned that the plural of anecdote am “data.”
ThresherK (GPad)
@satby: I’m sticking my nose in, but I like Sibelius, and I have a taste for moderns like George Antheil, especially the Ballet Mecanique.
gogol's wife
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I find that out whenever I try to discuss political issues with a “normal” person. They don’t know what Brexit is, or if they do they have no idea whether Scotland voted Remain or not, they have no idea what “copulating with a rodent” is, and it never occurred to them that Ted Cruz’s father was involved in the JFK assassination.
Major Major Major Major
The real scandal is that I haven’t had dinner yet.
@Reggie Mantle: Say, do you think that saying “amen” in a discussion of religious faith might be a… joke?
Reggie Mantle
@Omnes Omnibus:
Where? I’ve posted where it was suggested, and endorsed by the CEO. Where’s the DWS e-mail saying ‘no.”?
Or is “post the links” only a commandment for those who don’t worship at the altar?
@Schlemazel Khan:
My deity has orecchiette. Blasphemer! Heretic!
@Feathers: ah,someone’s on ravelry!
Although mostly it is a very nice community.
What I don’t get is: no app. Every two-bit website in the universe wants me to clog up my phone with their app, but when there is a genuine need for one, no app.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Good god, the old fool can’t not be an asshole, can he? Somebody check the birth certificates in Panama, I think Roberta McCain had twins and left one at the hospital to be adopted by a couple from Brooklyn.
@Iowa Old Lady:
Cleek should be named as a god. Developing the pie filter and spawning Troll-be-Gone. Makes the site readable and my BP manageable.
This. Almost the same for me. I do think he’s trolling though maybe he’s not absolutely a troll, just lacks communication skills. You know, like someone trained by possums.
@Reggie Mantle: I just thought you might need technical help from your Russian friends, given the source of the e-mails. But I’m not a tech guy. So there’s that.
@Reggie Mantle:
Where’s the evidence that the atheism-thing was ever actually put into practice? E-mail suggestions are not quite the same thing as pulling the metaphorical (or is it figurative?) trigger.
Major Major Major Major
@Ruckus: Do you think they get mad when we talk about how they’re blocked?
So strange, to never know the answer. Because we can’t read them, because we blocked them.
Hi Reg!
@gogol’s wife:
It was someone smart who said “Internet politics isn’t politics,” but I don’t remember who. Someone blacker than Kwame. Maybe Jamelle Bouie.
But people really should’ve heard of Brexit.
I know many consider Vivaldi trite, but I love the joy in this piece.
Reggie Mantle
Still waiting for the e-mail where DWS said “no.” As claimed, but not backed up.
bj wins. suck on it, yahoo message boards and youtube comments section.
@Major Major Major Major:
I saw one stretch of 3 comments in a row. That’s pretty impressive, whatever they said.
J R in WV
@Roggie Mangled:
I’ll bet you have a good friend who works for Hillary, has done so for many years, but even so he doesn’t trust her, at all.
I’ll bet!
Reggie Mantle
So, are you denying that the e-mails are real? Because so far, no one at the DNC has done that.
gogol's wife
You know that he said in a press conference that he planned to blame him, right?
Paul Ryan is the one that sticks out to me. He isn’t particularly honest, but he has the 2nd lowest percentage of outright falses among the republicans. He seems to be a master of taking a kernel of something true and adding layers of bullshit so that it takes a long time to explain why he isn’t totally full of shit.
@Reggie Mantle: E-mails are meaningless. There is zero evidence they were acted on at all. If you can show anywhere this idea was actually implemented please show your work. Otherwise get over your hurt feelings.
Major Major Major Major
@Technocrat: Sometimes I have to (lol, ‘have to’) do two in a row when I’m on my phone, but three? Damn.
No, I think I’ll just let you use your imagination. You were going to do that anyway, so why slow the process down?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@gogol’s wife: If I were Pence, I would get the hell out right now. But then he missed the filing deadline to run again for Gov, right? So he’s probably stuck and pissed as hell. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.
edit: When you get into bed with Trump, you are making a deal with the devil and what comes next should be no surprise.
@NotMax: very nice!
@Reggie Mantle:
Didn’t bother to read the entire email thread that came from, did we?
It blows my mind that any modern blog software comes without an “ignore”. I think it helps keep the peace, without active censorship.
@Reggie Mantle: The emails so far are boring and don’t seem to have much of anything newsworthy in them. That sounds like the DNC to me, so I assume they’re real.
@WaterGirl: He sexually harassed his own daughter. The pig doesn’t know what sexual harassment is. He probably thinks woman should be faltered when a disgusting rich pig hits on them.
Reggie Mantle
I’ve heard several people here claiming that DWS specifically said “no” to the idea of having some surrogate ask a question of Sanders about his ‘faith’. So far, I’ve produced the e-mail where the CEO of the DNC said “AMEN” to the suggestion, but not a single bit of evidence that, as claimed, DWS put the kibosh on the idea.
I’ve backed up my claim, you people haven’t.
Ella in New Mexico
I’m just curios.
Does anyone at this blog have even a little bit of self-respect or the ability to think critically any more?
Just let me know. Thanks.
@Reggie Mantle:
Still waiting for YOU to provide evidence that it ever happened, outside of an e-mail conversation. Anytime you want to provide actual evidence that it was done in public, that would be … something-something-something.
Or is the idea that “not all suggestions — including the stupid ones — get acted upon” something that’s beyond your ability to understand? Because if it is, they have tutors that can help with that.
Christ, don’t you people remember when Hillary screamed “ATHEIST! ATHEIST! ATHEIST!!!!” at Bernie over and over and over again during the third debate?
Fuckin’ corporate neo-liberal villagers…
(+1 strong one)
@Reggie Mantle:
Yes, how dare we point out you cherrypicked a single email from a long exchange?
And if you didn’t realize that was cherrypicked and got yourself all worked up without even bothering to keep reading, you’re even stupider than I realized.
J R in WV
@Miss Bianca:
A good friend of ours, who also lives on a farm, and actually does farming and gardening, has many hummer feeders, as well as many flowering trees etc that they love.
One day she was working in the garden when ALL the feeders ran dry of hummer juice. She was suddenly surrounded by dozens of hungry hummingbirds who all KNEW who filled those feeders!!!
She had to take a break, go to the house and fetch a gallon of nectar and fill those feeders, before they would give her a break. You should have seen her telling the story, they really swarmed her. Fortunately they knew who not to hurt!
Reggie Mantle
As a matter of fact, I’ve read every e-mail with that subject line. Have you another one with a different one where DWS said “no”? I’m still waiting.
@Ella in New Mexico:
What prompted that?
@Ella in New Mexico: Any more?
Carl W
@WaterGirl: I don’t think the graphic was front-paged before, but somebody (I think Mnemosyne) posted this link to a Mormon Press post that uses the same graphic.
@BR (and others): Here’s the 60 Minutes Clinton/Kaine interview (both video and a transcript).
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Reggie Mantle: Reggie, go take your smoking emails and fuck yourself with them.
Reggie Mantle
So post the one where DWS says no. Just post the number.
Reggie Mantle
@Comrade Scrutinizer:
Where’s the ‘no” e-mail?
You misunderstand. Reggie’s raison d’etre here is to tell us that we all fucking suck. The “reasons” as to why we all fucking suck may change, but the “reasons” are just window-dressing anyway.
@Anya: I presume you are talking about the public hip caress? Someone here described her reaction as something like “not in public, daddy”. Pretty sickening. I shudder when I think of it.
I know a guy who saw a hot girl coming toward him on the beach and made a comment to his buddy. As they got closer, he realized it was his daughter. Very upsetting to him to have seen his own daughter in a sexual context, even for a moment, even though he didn’t know it was her at the time. That is a normal reaction. Trump’s is not.
gogol's wife
Now if only Vladimir Vladimirovich would pay people’s salaries and pensions in Russia instead of investing in these trolls.
Do you think it’s a coincidence that this blog is INFESTED with trolls on a day when we first seriously started discussing the Putin-Trump alliance?
@Reggie Mantle:
Aww, holy fuck, is THAT all this is about? “WEDGE FUCKIN’ QUESTIONS?”
Jesus fuckin’ christ on a dozen pogo sticks and a sit-and-spin…
@Ella in New Mexico: That seems like kind of a broad brush you are painting with. I have self respect and believe I have the ability to think critically. What in particular are you responding to, if you don’t mind my asking.
@Reggie Mantle:
See, that response, and your repeating it in response to whatever, is just your way of dodging the point that the alleged atheism-outing never happened.
Put up or shut up, you intellectually dishonest hack.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@different-church-lady: actually, the suggestion of a single wedge fucking question
All the Hillary supporters in these comments right now.
J R in WV
@ThresherK (GPad):
I’m a big fan of the Russian Romantic composers, their piano concertos, symphonies, etc. This was before Putin, before Stalin, they wrote for the Tsar! Well, really, they wrote for themselves, and their friends. Really.
Once I tried to set up a Pandora channel for them, but they persisted in feeding Russian religious choral music, which was beautiful, especially if you like religious music, even better if you like choral music, neither of which I prefer. But a symphony, nope.
I’ll say it again: does everybody now understand why Brady refused to give Goodell his phone?
ThresherK (GPad)
@J R in WV: That sounds like the prettiest horror movie ever.
Major Major Major Major
@Technocrat: you can’t have an ‘ignore’ when you don’t have a sign in.
This is an option on WP I’m sure but most such sites don’t use a sign in thing.
@Emma: no, I haven’t. I just get lost on YouTube way too often.
@ThresherK (GPad): had to look that one up, thanks. Butt in anytime.
@debbie: I love Vivaldi.
@Ella in New Mexico:
Well, shit, now that you’re here, we do. Had you not arrived, we’d still be stumbling in the wilderness.
@Technocrat: One day, modern web software will catch up to the state of the art of Usenet, circa 1993 or so. Maybe.
(ignore or highlight by poster, subject, keyword, or some combination, ability to sort by time or by thread as each reader prefers, etc. Modern software really has regressed in some ways. Of course, setting up a Usenet killfile wasn’t the easiest thing in the world unless you spoke fluent regexp, so there’s that)
@Carl W:
Just watched. I liked both Clinton and Kaine, though I get tired of hearing the same damn questions about emails and nonsense scandals asked in every interview. When are they going to ask Trump about his tax returns in every interview? Or his bankruptcies? Or his fraudulent university? Or his birtherism? Or anything else he doesn’t want to talk about?
Patricia Kayden
@Iowa Old Lady: Lol!!
I can’t even tell if that is a real thing or not. My sarcasm meter is completely shot. Caught a little bit of Kwame. He was a hoot. I suppose it will be easier to tolerate trolls after Secretary Clinton wins in November. At that point, we can just pat them on their tinfoiled heads and keep it moving.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Reggie Mantle: What part of go fuck yourself did you not understand? Email conversations without concomitant actions are worth about as much attention as your bullshit harangue; so go fuck yourself, asswipe.
gogol's wife
Never, Katie.
Omnes Omnibus
@Reggie Mantle: Go look at the full email thread.
Thor Heyerdahl
@NR: Most Americans won’t pay attention until after Labor Day and many won’t decide until they’re in line.
But hell I’m Canadian…so what does it matter…
@gogol’s wife:
There have been entirely too many “coincidences” around this thing. That being said, I don’t know that BJ is a high-profile enough target to warrant the effort. DKOS, for sure.
@Reggie Mantle:
LOL, yeah ok. Whatever you say.
You Republican trolls are hilarious.
Gin & Tonic
@gogol’s wife: Imagine if Adam hadn’t ban-hammered BiP?
@Reggie Mantle: Again: the emails are meaningless without some kind of action with them. People can say anything they want but until there’s some evidence of action it’s just talk. If there was evidence this actually got used then you’d have some kind of a point. But you don’t. And at this point it’s just sour grapes.
@Reggie Mantle:
The “no” email is not from DWS. It’s when the CEO comes back and says, hey, guys, the higher-ups said we can’t do it.
But kudos on trying to move the goalposts so that you look less stupid for being outraged over an idea that was shot down and never implemented.
J R in WV
@gogol’s wife:
Trolls infesting a discussion of Putin?
Coincidence? Maybe…
Reggie Mantle
I’ve already backed up my claim that (a)CFO Brad Marshall suggested that the DNC get someone to question Bernie’s faith in order to embarass him and that (b) the CEO Amy Dacey endorsed the idea with an “AMEN”.
No one else has bothered to back up their explicit claim that DWS “shot down” the idea or said “no” to it. I’ve been told “read the whole e-mail thread,” but no one’s willing to point out where this happened.
I’d say any “putting up” has already been done by me. Your turn.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ella in New Mexico: Why do you ask?
@Ella in New Mexico: Buzzkill.
Vivaldi is everyone’s guilty pleasure.
A favorite to help the morning coffee bring one awake is by Ippolitov-Ivanov. Orchestra in the link is impressive on this one.
Add super wash to the forbidden list. Now it’s all breed specific from a small, U.S, farm, hand spun or small mill produced, and either left in its natural color or with dyes made from plants foraged or farmed in your own garden.
Reggie Mantle
Where? Which number? Link?
@Reggie Mantle:
Careful moving that goalpost. You can throw your back out that way.
@Major Major Major Major:
Sure you can, just pattern-match the nyms. That’s all troll-b-gone is doing.
So true. I suspect that user filters are bad for “engagement” or some such BS, which is why they’ve died out. We’re all here to be optimally served up to advertisers.
“Wedge questions.”
@SFAW: Given that these emails weren’t released by the DNC, I’m wondering why the lack of an emailed response means anything.(Not to mention, you don’t need an email to say, “My office. Now.”)
We know this was suggested in May. It didn’t occur. That’s all we need to know.
Yep. These emails, from the little I’ve looked at them, are the written record of the dull grinding of career bureaucrats against one another, carried out in broad daylight while both parties check their phones. Bad enough it had to happen, I sure don’t want to watch.
@satby: Let me share the wonders of BBC Radio 3. Move the slider at the top all the way left until you can click on “Full Schedule”. They do “repeats” — every Prom, at least two a day.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
so, the Purer Than A Unicorn’s Tears Sandernista Left, (the Real Progressive as their Asshole High Sparrow reiterated his right to make that determination today) is basically calling for Debbie Wasserman Schultz to be condemned for a thought crime.
Someone else’s thought crime.
And fuck all you muppets for putting even in a position of even sorta kinda defending DWS.
Reggie Mantle
@Omnes Omnibus:
I have. Show me where I’ve missed DWS saying no, or anyone saying “the higher ups say we can’t do it.” Both have been explicitly claimed.
Gin & Tonic
@different-church-lady: Well, I’ve seen photos of Berniacs in Philly today with a big papier-mache Bernie head.
I know *that’s* a winning strategy.
@Reggie Mantle:
I’m not here to hold your hand. If you can’t figure out the Wikileaks database, that’s not my problem.
And, of course, there’s the little problem that no one ever attacked Sanders for being an atheist. But, sure, go get your panties in a twist because some people at the DNC talked about it in private emails and didn’t actually do it.
What essential crisis does the fire represent? Probably not nation-state ratfvcking, so I’m drawing a blank.
J R in WV
@ThresherK (GPad):
It’s a shame she’s in Ohio, out west she might have had half a dozen of different kinds, she said there were dozens of them.
I was reading on the back porch once, with two feeders near each other. The males really hate on each other, chase one another top speed, like 60 mph airborne bullets.
Two of them came around the corner of the house at full throttle and split around my head – I could feel them blow by my hair, like being attacked by tiny alien bird bots… one past each ear!
It would make a great movie, how would you train them?
gogol's wife
@Reggie Mantle:
The big mistake DWS made was letting him run as a Democrat. He should have had to run as a Socialist.
I’ve made this comment to several trolls today, and none has answered me. Why should the DNC have helped a non-Democrat?
@geg6: Shorter BJers: Everyone who thinks these leaked emails are a problem is a Republican troll.
Hey, geniuses: If the emails are such a great big nothingburger, why did DWS quit the DNC over them?
@different-church-lady Regarding Brady and Goodell:: Would you want an enemy going through all the personal information on your phone? Reading every text message you have ever sent? An enemy who is known for leaking negative information to the press?
Hillary’s campaign.
gogol's wife
@Gin & Tonic: Did they bust it open with bats and get the candy out?
@Reggie Mantle:
You haven’t “put up” shit. You have been asked, by multiple commenters, to put up ANY FUCKING EVIDENCE that the suggestion was ever implemented. You refuse to do so, because, as I have pointed out more times than you can count (well, count without someone helping you), your only purpose here is to say, in varied forms “YOU ALL FUCKING SUCK!”
Were you sincere in any way, shape, or form, you would have provided evidence of the shot-down suggestion being implemented.
Nice attempt at misdirection, but we’re on to you.
Reggie Mantle
Careful moving that goalpost.
I’m not moving anything. I’m asking for a link. Just as was asked of me. Can’t do it, can ya?
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: If you ever played the violin, you would understand Vivaldi’s appeal He wrote music that was fun as hell for violinists to play.
@Emma: That’s great, thanks.
Just what I need, another way to hide from the heat this summer! I may not come out til October.
Major Major Major Major
@Technocrat: yeah, I know. But by that standard, there already is an ignore button and you have no complaint any more!
@Reggie Mantle: Three things:
1) You are the one saying the it was okay with DWS to use the atheist attack against Bernie, or at least it sounds like it. If you aren’t, then the whole discussion is irrelevant. But if you are, as the accuser you have to provide evidence, which you have not done.
2) As has been pointed out to you several times, the action in question was never taken. Considering the rank of the two people involved in the partial string you provided, of it had been approved it is likely it would have taken place.
3) Therefore if it didn’t take place someone must have said no, whether verbally, via memo or via email. Who had a position at the DNC to do so? The only one I can think of is DWS.
Some logical thinking states she said no.
ETA: You did a nice copy and paste job. Would you provide the actual link?
Reggie Mantle
I’m not moving anything. I’m asking for a link. Just as was asked of me. Can’t do it, can ya?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
You linked to those Facebook posts from your girlfriends in Canada, or whoever they were?
Patricia Kayden
@Gin & Tonic: She used to be cool. Looks like Bernie’s loss has driven her over the edge. Too bad because she’s in a battle all by herself. Senator Sanders has moved on.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Call it what it is: Heresy. Or maybe just sinful thoughts?
ThresherK (GPad)
@Reggie Mantle: You’re beyond pathetic at this point. Bet you can’t hold you breath while throwing another five-minute tantrum.
The Thin Black Duke
As several people have pointed out, it’s not a coincidence that we’re being inundated by trolls when evidence is coming out that Trump is Putin’s sock puppet, and I think it’s a BFD because for more than a few Republicans–even the guys that hate Hillary’s guts–this might be a bridge too far.
Didn’t we determine that Mickey Jackson worked for the Trump campaign some time ago?
And these emails are the weakest tea going. Anyone who is genuinely upset by the contents of these mails, which are really just trash talking, is just showing their ignornance of even following politics much less being an active player. And anyone who is just pushing it for some political benefit is working for Trump…because the primary is over and Sanders is going all in for Clinton, albeit in his own cantakerous and grumpy way.
@gogol’s wife: Well he’s getting a hell of an assist from the Democratic party.
@gogol’s wife:
Is Trump’s new slogan “Make America отличный again”?
@Reggie Mantle: Link.
@Reggie Mantle:
Except, of course, for the part where no one ever attacked Sanders for being an atheist.
But oh noes! Someone at the DNC committed Thoughtcrime and must be the object of today’s Two Minutes Hate!
@Major Major Major Major:
Well played, sir. I walked into that one.
Omnes Omnibus
@NR: If they are a huge thing, why did HRC hire DWS today.
@Reggie Mantle: I’ll admit that I don’t know how to navigate the Wikileaks database. By pointing out that there was more in the email thread, I was counting on your good faith to look for it.
Reggie Mantle
No, I was told I was a “liar” for saying that the response to the suggestion was “Amen.” I then presented the e-mail saying exactly that. I was then told that “well, DWS said no” or that someone said “the higher ups say we can’t do that.” I’m still waiting for that to be proven. All I’ve gotten is the usual deflection.
@satby: Hey, I’m in Florida. I feel your pain.
ThresherK (GPad)
@Technocrat: I believe the honorific is now “Goody Wasserman Schultz”.
gogol's wife
@ThresherK (GPad):
I see what you did there.
@NotMax: I’ve always liked that one too.
And to take the fiddle in a slightly different direction
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@ThresherK (GPad): nice!
she did traffick with a Bernie Hater at a Crossroad by Lighte of a Cominge Moone!
That bad? I thought she’s been handling stuff pretty well. Wikileaks is going to leak, not much she can do about that in retrospect.
Patricia Kayden
@NR: So the leaked emails mean that you’re now going to advocate for Trump to be elected? You’ve made it clear that you hate Clinton so I’m not sure what you expect anyone here to say to you.
Reggie Mantle
@Omnes Omnibus:
LOL. So you really CAN’T back up your claim. You didn’t even know if there WAS more in the thread.
I win. Bookmarked and saved. See you soon.
I believe that politics can get pretty ugly and I feel completely certain that EVERY campaign digs up dirt on all their competitors AND discussed if/when/how to use that dirt.
So I don’t get why “hey, maybe it’s time to use the atheism thing against Bernie” discussion is a big deal. I don’t think it would have even been wrong to use the atheism against Bernie – politics ain’t beanbag, as they say. Now I do think it’s wrong to make stuff up about another candidate and use that against them.
I also understand the concept of falling on your sword in an effort to make a distraction go away. I believe that’s what happened here. Now it might have been some other staffer who had to take the fall for the DNC in order to make this go away, but I believe it was DWS because enough people (or the right people) felt she needed to go anyway.
So the whole “show me the email # where it says this” conversation seems irrelevant to me.
It’s extremely disappointing to see nominal Leftists engage in McCarthysim by seeking to link people like Glenn Greenwals and Julian Assange to the Russian government or even accuse them of being “Russian agents”. This is the kind of thing McCarthy and Nixon used to do to real progressives.
Just goes to show they blind loyalty to whatever Leader the DNC selects trumps all.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Because she’s an incompetent campaigner who enjoys throwing votes away.
@Reggie Mantle:
Well, see, now you’re lying. Nice try, Trump-lover.
Reggie Mantle
Can’t provide a real one either, can you?
The Thin Black Duke
@Kwame: Oh look, the fake house negro is back.
gogol's wife
Tak, vy deistvitel’no negr, ili vrete?
@satby: That is sweet.
exactly. And said crime was in the context of the Sanders campaing suing the DNC and formaly declaring war on the entire DNC establishment. The things being said publicly by the Sanders campaign about DWS and the DNC (looking at you Jeff Weaver) were worse than anything in these mails.
@Technocrat: The Kaine pick, combined with this email leak, are going to cost her a LOT of votes from Sanders supporters. Trump is already tied or ahead in the polls, she can’t afford to lose yet more votes at this point.
How gold were the chairs? What was their yoooogness?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Huh, She kicked Bernie’s ass with both hands held behind her back and the media treating the old fool with kid gloves. If he’s that weak, it’s a damn good thing the old fool has been sidelined.
Comrade Scrutinizer
Wow. Kinda like a bad case of jock itch in here tonight with all the trolls. Maybe starve them?
@NR: She is so incompetent that she thumped Bernie by several million votes. He lost — and nobody anywhere asked him a religion question. Deal.
@Patricia Kayden: “If you don’t agree with me, you must be a Republican/right-winger/Trump supporter.”
Take a shot.
@Major Major Major Major:
I hope so!
Because she was propped up by the near-unanimous support of the Democratic party establishment.
That won’t mean dick in the general election, sorry to say.
Reggie Mantle
That “someone” was the CFO of the DNC, who claimed they weren’t taking sides when they damn well were. And yes, the CEO of the supposedly neutral organization endorsed the idea. Because she too was biased towards HRC, and anything is permissible in the service of the Queen.
Major Major Major Major
@Kwame: I’m pretty sure most people here aren’t even nominal leftists, dearie.
So screaming toddlers like you would shut the fuck up over made-up and irrelevant bullshit. Which wouldn’t have been my choice since, in my experience, giving into their spoiled temper tantrums just guarantees more hysterical stomping of feet. I’d put you whiny ass babies in timeout with Barney Frank as Super Nanny over your punk asses.
@The Thin Black Duke:
Says the brother who is supporting an all-white ticket that is putting the needs of white people front and center above all else. Has Kaine yet said the words “Black Lives Matter?”
Omnes Omnibus
@Reggie Mantle: Well, there goes my presumption of good faith.
Major Major Major Major
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: kicked Bernie’s ass? That was a narrow landslide at best.
@Kwame: That reminds me of a Clickhole article I saw about how it would be nice if just once Hodor would say “women’s rights.” It’s not that much to ask!
@The Thin Black Duke:
The blood-chilling thing is that a lot of Progressives are more concerned with intraparty grievances. I’ve seen the argument that we’re using Putin to distract from the emails. Yeah, that’s like using a heart attack to cover your B.O.
@ThresherK (GPad):
Does she float?
In other words, you don’t have even the first clue how politics works, do you?
Omnes Omnibus
@Kwame: I am a liberal not a leftist. And fuck you.
@NR: Oh, no! The Democrats supported a long-standing, accomplished Democrat (ETA: who spent a lot of her time supporting them) instead of a guy who just jumped in at the last minute because he knew if he ran as an independent he’d be a squib at the fireworks.
Pearls, pearls! Marie, find my pearls!
So, you should be happy since you want Trump to win. Not seeing what your beef is here.
@magurakurin: Perhaps Bernie’s campaign should be asked to make their email message public so they can show that they never strategized about what to use against Hillary and/or the DNC, and when.
Reggie Mantle
The conventional “wisdom” here is that HRC doesn’t need the vote of Sanders supporters, but they’ll scream at and browbeat any Sanders supporter who dares question them because they say those people have to vote for HRC to keep Trump out. Logical consistency is beyond them.
@Reggie Mantle: Well BOO FUCKIN’ HOO.
Either you’re really naive, or you’re playing naive. I don’t really give a shit which it is at this point.
ThresherK (GPad)
@Reggie Mantle: “see you soon”? Does that mean you’re leaving, Jughead?
Because the televised portion of the convention starts tomorrow and they didn’t want all of the Bernie-or-Busters making jackasses of themselves on live TV.
Gee, it’s almost like the Russian-financed Wikileaks and the admittedly Russian hacker who stole the emails were trying to stir up trouble among Democrats after the RNC very publicly went to shit on live TV, isn’t it? Nah, couldn’t be.
@NR: You do realize that Sanders would probably be lucky to get 200 electoral votes if he was the candidate, don’t you?
@Reggie Mantle:
Harping on this points at this moment in histroy…when Bernie Sanders himself is letting it go…we have to ask…cui bono?
The answer is Trump.
Where does that leave you, asshole?
For me, it leaves you the Trump Troll shitbag that you have always been.
@geg6: LOL.
I can’t wait for the convention. Such outreach! Such party unity!
ThresherK (GPad)
@Technocrat: She weighs the same as a duck.
Reggie Mantle
So it’s okay for the DNC to take sides in contested primaries and claim they didn’t?
In the world that exists in your head, I have no doubt that that’s true.
In the real world, such a thing is far from certain.
@Comrade Scrutinizer:
Perhaps retitle them crabs instead of trolls, since from what I understand they’re almost if not quite as insufferable as the six legged variety.
I hear a lot of buzzing right now, which I intend to ignore. Otherwise, when there are 3 insects buzzing at the same it just drowns out everything else. If we all collectively ignore them, they might go away.
@Reggie Mantle:
The Wikileaks site keeps crashing my iPad. But in the meantime, how about finding that evidence that the suggestion that they attack Sanders’ atheism was ever implemented?
Major Major Major Major
@Reggie Mantle: yes
Reggie Mantle
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’s a curious definition of “good faith” that requires me to back up your claims as well as mine.
You’re really bad at debate, pal.
And that’s the only reason she won the primary. So since that won’t matter one bit in the general election, it might be a good time to start practicing saying “President Trump.”
Maybe. I see a lot of posts from Bernis supporters saying they’re fine with Kaine. Just because the antis are louder don’t mean they’re numerous in any sense.
The leaks…again, what are you going to do? She’s under fire by a complacent media and possibly a nation-state. Under those conditions, she’s doing better than anyone else I can imagine.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yet still engaging in McCarthyite practices as Glenn Greenwald is exposing. You are not a liberal you are a conservative. The Democratic Party is a center-right horror show.
Bernie tried to move it to the left but failed because the establishment rigged the whole game.
@Mnemosyne: Bad news: the Russians now have all your eBooks.
@NR: Bernie Sanders, Michelle Obama, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton.
Yep. Good unity.
pseudonymous in nc
If the trolls want their own fucking convention, can’t they host it in a nearby dumpster instead of this thread?
Major Major Major Major
@NR: didn’t help her much in 2008.
Take a shot.
@Kwame: C’mon, man, say “villager” and get it over with.
@NR: Well, we now know that your reading comprehension skills suck.
Dog Dawg Damn
@Technocrat: but if the body doesn’t smell nice, why even bother keeping it alive?
Formerly disgruntled Clinton supporter
This is the thread. The convergence. It will hit 500… hell – maybe even 1000 comments! But alas, I will not be here to see it.
I leave you with this well-worded recommended diary “Nice Try” from dkos. Let’s put this ugliness behind us, win in November, and make the country and the world a safer, fairer place for everyone. Good night.
Dog Dawg Damn
She should have waited to placate Bernie tykes and then hired her the day after the convention to give them the middle finger they deserve.
If all you guys are so damn unhappy collaborating with the Democrats, why don’t you go join Dr. Stein. Maybe you can talk her into actually getting interested in building a party instead of just running for President every four years. Your expertise will be invaluable.
Omnes Omnibus
@Reggie Mantle: Me, I look things up to educate myself. You don’t? What if I am right and just aren’t very good with wikileaks? Wouldn’t you rather know the truth or would rather win a minor point on a blog? Sorry I am not a technical guy. My bad.
You’re not a Democrat, so I have no reason to seek unity with you. Stick that up your ass and contemplate it from the closest proximity to your brain.
@dmsilev: Yarn FTW.
Reggie Mantle
Democratic Party Charter, Section Five.
But, you know it’s okay if they violate their own charter, because hey, we’re the party of integrity, the one people should be able to trust.
ThresherK (GPad)
@Kwame: Freddie de Boer? Give it up. Or at least go to LGM where you’ll get the welcome you deserve.
Wikileaks has known ties to Russia. The hacker who obtained the DNC emails is Guccifer2, who says he is a Russian hacker.
This is not “I have a list in my hand …” There are actual, verifiable facts. And I find it interesting that you would choose to try and deny them by dragging in the names of people who haven’t even been mentioned.
Matt McIrvin
HuffPo’s aggregator has Clinton +3, RCP’s (Republican) aggregator has Clinton +1.9. Wang’s aggregator has Clinton at 312 EV; 538 also has Clinton ahead in EV.
It’s close. I guess you can call that a “statistical tie” if you’re as statistically illiterate as media people are, but you can only get “Trump is tied or ahead in the polls” with some serious cherry-picking of polls (for instance, only look at Gravis and Rasmussen).
@Reggie Mantle: Oh dammit, now we’re going to have to consider allowing Bernie to ask Hillary a wedge question.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kwame: Which particular McCarthyite practices have I engaged in? I will admit that, having gone to undergrad in the city in which he is buried I have participated in the tradition of pissing on his grave. Does that count?
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Reggie Mantle: Yes Reggie, what was the real world effect on Sanders’ campaign of this nefarious email exchange you’ve cherry picked for us? Did anyone ever raise the issue subsequent to the date of the email? Why would a response to the email exchange between two staffers necessarily be in the form of an email in the same thread? My boss tends to respond verbally to my email. Why haven’t you gone and fucked yourself yet?
again, that’s what you want, ultimately so, not seeing what the problem is here for you. You want Trump to win, you feel Clinton is doing things to ensure that…I’m guessing you’re doing the Snoopy dance right now.
@Dog Dawg Damn:
That’s how I would have done it.
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: He linked to Freddie DeBoer.
@Reggie Mantle:
Still waiting for you to provide evidence that it ever occurred outside of e-mail space, you intellectually dishonest hack.
Time for you to come up with yet-another “look over THERE!” dodge.
@Dog Dawg Damn: Well hey, you should be happy because Hillary’s decided to give them all the middle finger anyway! She’s doing what you want so you should be celebrating.
Anyway, I’m sure you’re right. Sanders’ supporters votes are icky and Hillary is better off without them.
More likely is that DWS stuck a deal in exchange for going quietly and very quickly. If they had offered her nothing but public humiliation she could have caused a boatload of trouble for the DNC, Clinton and the Democratic Party.
IOW, don’t mess with someone who has nothing to lose if it costs you next to nothing to offer them something.
@Kwame: again with you pushing the effort to refight the primary at this moment in time, when Sanders himself is not willing to refight the primary…we have to ask cui bono?
I keep getting the answer, “Trump.”
Hope everyone has a designated driver!
Omnes Omnibus
@Technocrat: She was sending a message.
@Omnes Omnibus:
No, Kwame’s real problem with you is that he’s a Bears fan, and he knows your … proclivities, vis-a-vis football.
Outside of that, he’s got nothing but word salad.
@japa21: I’m not the one who thinks my fantasies and reality are the same thing.
this. Fuck that asshole. He wants Trump to win, it’s as clear as day.
Reggie Mantle
This is why more and more people mistrust the whole process. Even the Democrats can’t be trusted to follow their own rules, and their supporters here have claimed that even the party platform doesn’t mean anything.
Way to win the people’s trust. BJ’ers. Way to go.
Hell, I hadn’t even looked at it that way. You’re right though, it’s obvious that DWS could cause some serious grief.
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, there’s your problem. You went to college. The master’s house will never be dismantled with the master’s tools.
@Reggie Mantle:
I thought it was because you and Bernie touch yourselves at night.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Probably. People forget that Hillary only plays a pushover on TV.
You really can’t have it both ways. If you are going to claim that DWS is responsibile for emails she didn’t write, then you can’t claim she isn’t one of the “higher ups” who said NO. She’s either all-powerful or clueless. She can’t be both. This is pretty much the Republican line on Obama as well.
Woah, almost dropped the glass this time, but I got it down!
ThresherK (GPad)
@Reggie Mantle: Go tell it to your imaginary FB friends, Dalton.
@Reggie Mantle:
And then … nothing happened. No further action was taken. No one would ever have known about these internal conversations if Russian hackers had not provided the emails to Wikileaks.
Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?
Since today seems to be the class reunion for every Bernie asshole, it reminded me…
Of how glad I am that the sanctimonious old fucker got his ass kicked.
Omnes Omnibus
@NR: Sanders supporters are perfectly fine people who evaluated facts and came to different conclusions than Clinton supporters. BernieBros are a different kettle of fish.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Tbogg’s comin’
God! I love Troll Be Gone!
Dog Dawg Damn
If only the Sanders Twinks could find it in themselves to get as fired up about taking down a legitimate threat to our country–an honest to goodness Fascist–instead of quibbling about intra-party procedures. Why does it seem that only women earn their pure ire? Something odd about the whole thing
Major Major Major Major
@Dog Dawg Damn: Twinks? Where!
Now let’s be fair here: most of them were assholes long before Bernie came along.
Hey, have you figured out yet how the concept of “kyriarchy” might apply to the Clinton/Kaine ticket, or are you still insisting that the kyriarchy doesn’t exist and only racism is a problem?
@Reggie Mantle:
Oh, Reggie Reggie Reggie, it’s been painfully obvious for a long time that you have no interest in engaging in honest discussion. And you certainly don’t give a rat’s ass about your faux-high-minded “Way to win the people’s trust. BJ’ers. Way to go.” pablum
Will we need to put you on suicide watch when Trump loses? One hopes that, although you’re an intellectually dishonest hack, you’re not also self-destructive.
Just make sure you have a Suicide Hot Line on speed-dial, because Deadbeat Donnie will not help you, no matter how much you suck up to him.
@NR: dude, you have an ancient history here of this fuckwittery. Say it right now a motherfucking loyalty oath:
I am voting for Hillary Clinton, contributing money to her campaign and will do all I can to ensure her victory in November.
post it up right now.
Bernie lost because minorities told him to take his revolution and stuff it.
He was weighed, measured, and found wanting by the real base of the Democratic Party.
If you think he lost because of the DNC, you are a hopeless moron.
We need to figure out if she weighs as much as a duck.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Dog Dawg Damn: maybe if Bernie! ever turns His Holy Gaze to the down ticket races, His lemmings will look in that direction. Maybe He can use His email list to send them that School House Rock video that explains how bills become laws, after He watches it Himself.
Major Major Major Major
Well, there you go.
@Reggie Mantle: For crying out loud why are you being so dense? They talked about it and NOTHING HAPPENED! Find a single interview or commentary that can be tracked to any Democratic official discussing Bernie’s religion or lack thereof. One internal memo from one person to another does not constitute an organized campaign. Better yet find a memo in which they discuss implemented dirty tricks. One “attaboy” or “good work” would do.
Why a duck?
@magurakurin: Sorry, I don’t do loyalty oaths. I’ve said who I’m voting for on multiple occasions here, I’m not going to repeat myself for your sake.
And how much money have YOU sent to Hillary?
Omnes Omnibus
What kind of monster posts that line without the link?
It’s the only way to expiate her sin. That, or a couple of Hail Bernies.
Reggie Mantle
Funny how you claim that I’m the one who has no intent of engaging in honest discussion when I’m the one who’s actually provided evidence of what I say–including the very links demanded– and all you people have done is dodge, project, and deflect.
OMG, are you secretly Freddie? Because I would laugh my ASS off if that happened.
He doesn’t care. He gets paid by Trumpsters to be “dense.” He has no interest in discussion, only in spouting bullshit.
ETA: Do I win anything for hitting the TBogg #?
ETA2: Hah! (to Major^4)
Major Major Major Major
EDIT: Dang!
Thing is, it doesn’t really help a lot because the thread gets hijacked anyway. Look at this one. Numerous people are responding, repeatedly, to the troll. He isn’t changing his patter but the thread is now all about how big an asshole he is. And yet we all knew that without reading one of his comments, just by seeing his name. So effectively we all end up saying nothing and we do it for hours. We don’t learn anything, like whose dog licked their balls today. You know important stuff.
tbogg wins.
Wait, who are you voting for?
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: Oh my!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Reggie Mantle:
Yeah, yeah, whatever. Your bullshit keeps rising.
Provide evidence that it ever happened outside of e-mail, Trump-boy. You can’t, because it didn’t.
Keep on lyin’, hack.
I think it’s the latest iteration of “Unlimited corporate cash”.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
links to your four friends (that’s where your story falls apart) who were Clinton supporters but are abandoning her because of the Nefarious Thought Crimes of Associates of Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
Dog Dawg Damn
@Major Major Major Major: I assume you’ve seen this:
Twinks for Trump
Reggie Mantle
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
So you can attack and harass them? No thanks.
You make a good point. But the filter still leaves room for innocuous conversations such as this one. And it’s great for the blood pressure.
My dogs are asleep, so no ball-licking, BTW.
Major Major Major Major
@Dog Dawg Damn: I had not, but now, thanks to YOU, I can’t un-see it!
ThresherK (GPad)
@Mnemosyne: See me at #425 or so.
@Dog Dawg Damn:
That is definitely some alt-right shit.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Reggie Mantle: I admire your loyalty to your imaginary friends.
The Thin Black Duke
@Kwame: Don’t call me “brother”, white boy.
@Schlemazel Khan:
There are probably at least a dozen people who log on here several times a day to prove that they are assholes. I don’t know where they find the time or the energy, but their hate for anyone who doesn’t love love love Hillary Clinton could incinerate small animals and plants for miles around.
@Reggie Mantle:
Still waiting to see your evidence that any of this supposed thumb on the scale for Hillary actually happened.
Not that staffers discussed what they might need to do if for some reason Sanders refused to concede, but actual ACTIONS.
Not Wrongthink. Not tossing around internal ideas. Actual actions.
It is wrong. Because we have a constitution which calls for no religious tests for office. He shouldn’t have to justify his religion or lack of it. It was wrong when it was done to JFK and it would be wrong to do so to Sanders. Or any other candidate. We don’t do so for fundies who want to create a religious government in an image of their church. What we do is talk about what they want the rest of us have to do that is religious in nature, say no abortions. Tim Kaine doesn’t want an abortion but he also doesn’t think he has any right to say you have to make the same decision. That’s why we don’t care that he’s catholic. His religion doesn’t intrude on his political positions and neither does Sanders.
The Thin Black Duke
@Ruckus: Thank you (sigh).
@Ruckus: Well, thank goodness it didn’t happen then.
@NR: so 300 dollars. I hope to send more soon. I’m not actually made of money. I’m sending what I can.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
if nothing else, maybe Dems are learning that these assholes can’t be mollified, can’t be negotiated with, can’t be reasoned with.
@magurakurin: Well why haven’t you sold everything you own and maxed out for Hillary? I guess you want Trump to win!
Omnes Omnibus
@NR: Dude, you have a history here.
Major Major Major Major
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Roll call vote for what, the party?
@NR: a very convincing argument. Whatever chief. You do what you think is best. But the fact remains that 95% of the people here think you are fucking asshole. If that makes you happy, hell, it takes all kinds I guess. There are still seats and the bar and the owner really does much care who comes in here.
I just sent her another 50, just for you.
I am not a Freddie sock puppet. Freddie has valuable insights into the psyche of the typical herd following Democratic voting so-called liberal, who will vote for total moral monsters who slaughter Muslims with drones.
Major Major Major Major
@Kwame: You’re right, it’s much better to slaughter them with normal planes.
Seriously, why is it the drones that everybody harps about and not any other aspect of the war?
Omnes Omnibus
@Kwame: Okay? We are wrong? For whom should we vote? Give me a positive case.
Dog Dawg Damn
@Technocrat: It’s disgusting, but the whole libertarian elitism of millennial gayness (mediated by apps and social media) does have a strange Fascist aesthetic. Hell, probably always has. Remembering that the early Nazi Stormtroopers had a significant homosexual contingent. Thankfully, this schtick appeals to an infinitesimally small slice of the big gay pie. But as LGBT-Q! people are more and more welcomed into the GOP, I expect we’ll begin to see post-millennial (white) gays drawn to the movement.
Sanders said repeatedly he supported the drone program as run by Obama. Repeatedly as in many times. Over and over.
but you knew that. Tell them back at HQ you need a better manual for this blog.
This sums up my thoughts on that.
@Dog Dawg Damn:
Milo Yannopolis is openly gay. The alt-right is oddly tolerant in that area.
Fair Economist
No he’s not!
I don’t feel the least bit guilty about it.
Dog Dawg Damn
@Ruckus: we don’t have religious tests by the government, but a candidate’s religious beliefs could be pertinent. They sure are to me. If anything, I’d be more inclined to vote for an atheist than a religious person. But all in all, a minor consideration, and one that’s never mattered at the Presidential level.
I remember in 2008 when Hillary’s campaign openly argued that the Democratic party needed to vet Obama with all the nasty shit the GOP would use against him to see how he handled it and whether he was resilient enough to withstand the shitstorm. I was irritated at the time, but they were right. We can’t allow any unknown candidate to rise through the primaries without being smeared, because we’ll get blindsided in August when the general starts. That’s just how politics works. With that said, I would hope the Democrats would make an issue of a candidate’s atheism if it threatened to hand over control of the government to a tyrant.
Major Major Major Major
@Dog Dawg Damn: Did you see this piece?
I’ve literally never encountered this thing you’re trying to describe.
But yeah, now that gay is rapidly ‘becoming white’, I’m sure we’ll see plenty of gay far-righters as time goes by.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Gin & Tonic:
That’s why they didn’t get there until 3:00 a.m.
patrick II
Even if it would be ok as a constitutional issue, it would still be wrong because the DNC is supposed to be a neutral arbitrar of democratic primary candidates. But they didn’t do it, only talked about it (and not much), so unless someone is looking for an excuse to keep whining it doesn’t matter.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dog Dawg Damn: As a really, really straight guy, fuck you.
@patrick II:
or looking for an excuse to break Dem unity…
Freddie’s still pissed off because he tried to peddle his pseudo-intellectual bullshit over here and got his ass handed to him, multiple times. Even worse, in his view, he got his ass handed to him by a bunch of women who told him where to get stuffed when he tried to claim that he was a better feminist than all of us.
But I’m not surprised that a male chauvinist like yourself would get entangled with Freddie and his bullshit. Red pill or blue pill, amirite?
@Omnes Omnibus:
I took his comment to mean the fascist aesthetic was disgusting, not the gay. I hope that’s what he meant.
@NR: magurakurin answered your question honestly, and that’s your response? Holy shit, you’re a motherfucking asshole.
Major Major Major Major
@Technocrat: I’m trying to figure out what “apps and social media” has to do with it.
Dog Dawg Damn
@Major Major Major Major: Oh, just go on the gay dating apps and you’ll see the unbridled narcissism, self-centeredness, and elitism that characterizes the libertarian right (and is epitomized in Donald J. Trump). “Not into blacks. I have a good job, you do too. Young professional – You be as well. Not into _____ (insert brown people, older people, poor people, etc.).”
I just read that piece. Really summation of the pertinent history. The sad truth is, he’s just a marketer, whoring himself out. He’s the gay Ann Coulter, and I don’t think many take him seriously. Culturally, gays have so little in common with the neo-fascist right, that I doubt it’s the harbinger of much of anything. I’d expect to see more gay involvement in the evangelical conservative right as churches moderate their stance on gays. (This has already happened in Texas.) There isn’t any real cultural affinity that would create strong ties to most gay men and the fascist right, right? That’s my thinking on it, but you’re gay too, so what say you?
It’s pretty gross.
@Major Major Major Major:
A clarification would be nice. Because otherwise, I’m with Omnes.
@Kwame: Well whose sock puppet are you then?
Omnes Omnibus
@Technocrat: I no longer give this commenter the benefit of a doubt.
@Librarian: It’s all good. Hillary Clinton actually did get 50 dollars out of the deal as a result.
Yeah, it’s not like he accused me of wanting Trump to win three times, or anything.
@Dog Dawg Damn:
There, you see? We’ve uncovered the DNC’s evil plot to prop Bernie up!
Dog Dawg Damn
@Technocrat: The racist elitism of the social media generation (gays, in particular) is disgusting. It’s rampant in certain parts of the country.
I’m gay. Nothing disgusting about that.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dog Dawg Damn: You are an asshole.
@NR: Well, who do you want to win?
Dog Dawg Damn
@Omnes Omnibus: What are you going off about? You gave my poorly written and awkwardly worded (yet ultimatley innocent) Internet comment the worst possible interpretation so you could call me names?
Grow up.
Major Major Major Major
@Dog Dawg Damn: *opens grindr*
Gosh, this app that people use for sex looks like an app that people use for sex!
If straight people had one, it would be identical.
There’s nothing “millennial” or “libertarian” about wanting to use technology to fuck the person who fits your fancy at the moment. Some people are just more straightforward in their profiles. It’s a time-saver.
I don’t see quite how you jump quite from slut-shaming to calling gay youth fascists, though.
@different-church-lady: I don’t want anyone to win. I want Trump to lose.
Dog Dawg Damn
@Major Major Major Major: Actually, not what I said.
There is something vaguely fascistic about the libertarian / elitist ethos on gay dating apps in certain parts of the country. Not in California — totally different ballgame. This has been written about extensively, so don’t make it out that I’m the enemy.
I also said that it actual fascism appeals to an infinitesimally small portion of gay people, so it would never be a movement. Did you not read that part?
@Major Major Major Major:
Maybe he’s been looking at too many Tom of Finland drawings lately?
Well, that certainly explains your comments around here…
Dog Dawg Damn
#TweetLikeAWhiteGay even mocked the phenom.
@Dog Dawg Damn: @Major Major Major Major:
Eek. Now I know how white people feel when they’re unsure if they’ve strayed into territory they shouldn’t comment on.
I’m also too old for Tinder, so doubly out of my depth!
Omnes Omnibus
@Dog Dawg Damn: This is carefully worded: You are an asshole. I find your comments to be offensive. Any sensible left of center person will find your comments offensive. If you claim to be gay, it does not change what you said. It simply makes you an appalling person.
Dog Dawg Damn
@different-church-lady: And that’s not homophobic? Really?
@Schlemazel Khan: yep (Number 3) that was the tell that tripped my troll alert. Actually I got slightly offended tbh – I’d say it is somebody like Doughy Pantload….
Major Major Major Major
@Dog Dawg Damn: What you wrote was kind of all over the place. I’ve definitely read the stuff about how the apps can be Problematic, though I never bought it. Assumed you had as well. But gay men having preferences is nothing new. I guess I don’t see where ‘fascism’ comes in.
@different-church-lady: Lol. Did you know that Hugo Boss did the SS uniforms?
Miss Bianca
@Emma: @Major Major Major Major: they are delicious. Texture is fine! : )
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Hey look! another internal campaign document found its way into the media!
a private plane, how very populist!
although I guess now we know why His Holiness has been holding out on campaigning for downticket races. Himself wants to make sure He gets credit. Seems to me one way to get credit for campaigning for other candidates was to fucking do it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: But my Hugo Boss suit and loafers are the bomb. I know, personal crisis.
Major Major Major Major
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: What is it with these guys and planes?
@Dog Dawg Damn: I thought it was funny.
@Major Major Major Major:
Dammit. I used to rock Hugo Boss back in the day. You’re killing my adolescence here.
Dog Dawg Damn
@Major Major Major Major: There’s just something vaguely fascistic about the elitism that is so boldly espoused. If you haven’t lived elsewhere and been inundated in it, then it might not seem like such a big deal, but where it is rampant, people openly point it out on their own profiles, and there is an ongoing dialogue about racism and elitism in the community.
I can easily see many of these people jumping ship to a GOP that welcomes LGBTQs but still demonizes PoC. Easily.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I say give him the plane. Bygones and give em Hell, Bernie.
Dog Dawg Damn
@Omnes Omnibus: You’re a ranting lunatic. You called me a paid troll, and then when given the facts (changed nym), you refused to back down, and you continue to dog me from thread to thread.
You aren’t gay, and you don’t have any right to question my motives in a discussion about a gay phenomenon. You’re not the moderator of this forum, you’re just a lonely, paranoid crank with a poor memory and long list of grudges.
When two people are talking about something relevant to them, and something you know nothing about, why don’t you mind your fucking business.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@magurakurin: I say let him demonstrate he can move a poll first .
Forgive, but never forget.
You realize that’s not how elections work, right?
Major Major Major Major
@Dog Dawg Damn: I actually remember that article. But I don’t think that’s “racism in the gay community” or a fascistic bent or whatever… here’s how I think about it.
It’s a sign of progress for gay people. We’ve come so far that it actually crosses people’s minds that they can be like this. Not only that, they can get away with it, if they’re attractive and wealthy enough! No longer does being gay mean, universally, that you come to be sensitive enough to understand why this is disgusting; no longer does it mean that out of necessity you have been educated properly in the ways of understanding your own oppression and that of your brothers and sisters. You have the option to be a complete flaming asshole! If my language may be pardoned.
Just like gay people have the option of military service–a worthy goal that was decried by many gay lefties for being the wrong focus for the struggle, because it was too conservative, too status-quo-y, not radfem genderqueer whatever enough. Same with marriage.
We’re getting to the point where gay people can be antithetical to what gay people should be, and maybe some day we’ll get to the point where that statement doesn’t even make sense, because there is no way a gay person “should” be.
To a degree it turns into the oppression olympics. Oh no, these gay kids nowadays with (some of) their ability to be jerks, and these damn Truvada whores with their barebacking (I remember people recently getting excited about drug-resistant STI’s because it’ll teach those Truvada sluts a lesson), etc… choices are good, they’re progress, even if you don’t agree with them.
@Dog Dawg Damn:
I believe that’s what I said. And I agree that a persons religious beliefs can color their political beliefs. But it’s not that they are religious or not that counts but are their religious beliefs the same as their political beliefs. I am an atheist, I think all religions are bunk, but I also believe that you are entitled to hold those beliefs just as strongly as I don’t hold them. But you of course aren’t entitled to impose them on me any more than I am entitled to impose mine on you.
@patrick II:
Oh I agree 100%. It is bullshit that has to be amped up by losers because they have nothing else and don’t understand and can’t accept that they fucking lost.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dog Dawg Damn: If I have a poor memory, how can I have a long list of grudges? Dude, if you had a different ‘nym that should have meaning, tell me what it was. As for the rest, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Dog Dawg Damn
@Major Major Major Major: Good point. Progress is a dual-edged sword isn’t it? When that little gay kid can come out in his private Christian school and exchange promise rings with his boyfriend at their ridiculously small prom–we’ll know we’ve arrived!
I had a friend who passed away, but he hated the marriage equality movement because he was afraid it would kill the homo-solidarity and culture that developed as gays fled their small towns and moved to coastal enclaves. Not a position I would take, but I understood his point. That solidarity will necessarily fade as gays become more accepted, and thus assimilated.
My sloppy writing above was just to express a desire that gays continue to align themselves for progress and against bigotry, even long after it’s no longer politically expedient to do so.
Wow. Over 500 comments so far. Looks like everyone will be ready to go when the convention fun starts tomorrow.
Dog Dawg Damn
Oh, and I didn’t even bring up the SS/88/HH fetish in the BDSM community! How could I have forgotten about that! (**takes shower**)
Omnes Omnibus
@Dog Dawg Damn: I notice your attack on me and your lack of answer to my response.
Major Major Major Major
@Dog Dawg Damn: It would be nice, wouldn’t it? It’s astounding to me that the GOP can’t see past their own bigotry to realize that there’s a rich vein of Peter Thiels out there to be mined. Lord knows I’m no Peter Thiel fan, there’s a character in a book I’m writing who’s a poorly-disguised Thiel clone and he’s not very nice, and I understand that winning is important but (not to sound like a gooper) so is personal liberty. The freedom to make the morally repugnant choice is important. Especially since who’s to say what’s morally repugnant? In this case, we happen to be right, but, well now I’m just describing the enlightenment, you get the idea.
Dog Dawg Damn
@Omnes Omnibus: I’ve said my piece. We’ve been down this road before. You have nothing to add to the conversation, but you want to get more attention, so I guess I’ll oblige you. Now, go to bed.
@Dog Dawg Damn: They don’t scare me.
@Major Major Major Major:
Yes, they were very classy. I wonder who Trump will have design his.
Dog Dawg Damn
@different-church-lady: Sorry. Major x4 was right. ‘Twas funny. OO had me riled up.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dog Dawg Damn: Got it. You are the asshole i thought you were in my original comment to you.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Dog Dawg Damn
@Omnes Omnibus: You’re right. I am the asshole.
Now, off to bed with you! Sleep-tight, sugar pie! :-*
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
@different-church-lady: Are you and w related?
@Dog Dawg Damn:
You say that like it’s a bad thing.
@Capri: I understood Palin to mean that people who had a low threshold for excited response had been heard from again – but I hadn’t heard the context, to know if there was some particular “splodey head” to attribute it to – to make it rateable or not.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yes, w is my half-sock puppet on my mother’s side.
Actually, w is just a weird typo that happened somehow and I’ve requested deletion on that one. It was in moderation and someone shook it loose a bit too fast, I guess.
I just want this thread to go over 600. Any new fights someone wants to start? I’m willing to jump on the natural fibers vs acrylic fight if someone wants to take the opposite side.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mnemosyne: Hamilton? Over-fucking-rated.
Major Major Major Major
EDIT: damn it! I was 501 and now I’m 601!
That’s SOMETHING, I guess.
Here. 600.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Oh, I see: you’re going for a double TBogg, are you?
@Iowa Old Lady: It’s true and these Berniecrats showing up lately, they are morons.
Dog Dawg Damn
@Mnemosyne: Wool, Silk, Down > > > Synthetics > Cotton
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@different-church-lady: I mock your beliefs, and value system.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
What??!? Why, you ….
Oh, wait, we’ve gotten over 600 and it’s a work night. Let’s put a pin in it and revisit the next time we have a thread that’s stalled out at 575, shall we?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Joke’s on you: I don’t have any nor either.
Omnes Omnibus
@different-church-lady: The Pats cheat.
ETA: Just trying to keep the convo going.
@Reggie Mantle:
you’re adorable.
Miss Bianca
@J R in WV: The hummies will not only buzz me outside, they will come hovering outside the window by my desk when the chow runs dry, like “Dude – DUDE! Get with the program!”
Major Major Major Major
@Miss Bianca: You’re lucky. At work we have turkeys.
Felanius Kootea
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Oh no you didn’t :-).
No One You Know
@J R in WV: They do. I was sitting on the porch, after taking down the hummingbird feeder to clean it later. It normally hangs next to a mobile my son made when he was small.
Hummer flew up, looked at it, hovered over me, chirped, and stared me in the eye until I got up.
I now switch out feeders…the restaurant’s always open, now!
No One You Know
Very well, we will continue in an hour.
(fetches fresh pot of coffee)
Patricia Kayden
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: See, now you’ve crossed the dang line!!