omg this @NASA ISS mission patch is the greatest thing ever.
— Adin Dobkin (@AdinDobkin) July 24, 2016
Was never a true Marvel nerd (DC had the best feminist heroes back in the early 1970s), but I gotta admit this news thrilled my inner teenager:
… The Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) announced Friday that Groot and Rocket the Raccoon will be featured on a mission patch that will represent all payloads that will head to the national laboratory on the International Space Station…
More details at the link. The movie sequel is due next May. We may even attend during the opening weekend, which almost never happens.
Apart from the early start to the Sandernista’s “fart-in”, what’s on the agenda as we wrap up the weekend?
via io9
Looking forward to our all star line up at the DNC.
An old pal of mine worked for a while in a program whose obvious acronym was BATFART. So… they designed a patch with a flying bat and a little black cloud coming out its rear vent. For some reason, the powers-that-were didn’t approve. Which made everyone sad.
The GOP Shut Down a Program That Might Have Prevented Dallas and Baton Rouge
Trump is blaming Obama for police shootings. But seven years ago Republicans halted a federal study that sought to detect potential radicalization by veterans.
July 24, 2016
During an agitated week in Cleveland, two themes echoed regularly through the Republican National Convention hall and drew thunderous, at times delirious applause: Support America’s veterans. And support America’s police. Thursday night, those themes intertwined in Donald Trump’s declaration that he is the “law and order candidate” in this election.
“Our convention occurs at a moment of crisis for our nation,” Trump said. Then he made the two threats one: “The attacks on our police, and the terrorism in our cities, threaten our very way of life.”
But what if the acts of terrorism—the killings of police officers—are being perpetrated by veterans?
As the right-wing outrage machine would have it, the shootings of police in Dallas and Baton Rouge by U.S. military veterans were the fault of President Obama. “How many law enforcement and people have to die because of a lack of leadership in our country?” Trump recently wrote in a Tweet.
But seven years ago, when a little-known division in the new president’s Department of Homeland Security sought to explore the potential violence of returning veterans—one that might have aided local law enforcement with intelligence in Dallas and Baton Rouge—it was Congressional Republicans who succeeded in pushing to shut the program down.
Villago Delenda Est
Major Major Major Major
Haha that’s awesome.
I’m just working on programming my game…
@MattF: *snicker* If upper echelons had a sense of humor, much trouble would be avoided.
The LEGO Batman trailer.
Trump news from Florida:
Also, Brie Larson has been cast as Captain Marvel.
Just got a phone call from Gallup.
Asking polling questions about Obama, Hillary, Trump, and the Republican National Convention.
I told the truth.
Also, too, check out these wonderful cast photos of the upcoming Marvel movies and TV shows.
Ann Coulter@AnnCoulter
Now, Australian Danielle Pletka says Trump sounds like a national leader “OF RUSSIA.” Pro Tip: Try to get Americans tell us what’s American.
Danielle Pletka@dpletka
Sweetheart, I am an American. And until recently, a Republican. Thanks for watching.
@jharp: Yay! Convention bounce!
Doug R
In other sci fi news, Everybody showed up’: James Cameron on the special bond of the ‘Aliens’ cast 30 years later
30th anniversary panel at Comic-con for Aliens.
Carrie O’Connell @CarrieOh_77 41m41 minutes ago San Diego, CA
And, just like that, people are already going after Donna Brazile. In case you thought this was really just about DWS.
@Doug R:
Aliens is 30 years old?
@rikyrah: Feels even older.
I watched Aliens like 300 hundred times in the 80’s.
@rikyrah: In space, nobody can hear you complain about your arthritis.
Not even torture apologist Pletka likes the great orange menace
Doug R
@Doug R: Alien 3 never happened.
GD – Hicks and Newt die off screen before the movie starts? WTF?
Iowa Old Lady
Since this is an open thread, we just had dried cherry and blue cheese pizza for dinner. Home made crust and everything. It was delicious, if i do say so myself.
I see very few in the previous thread think much of her, but I like Donna Brazile. She stood up to George Will and the other clowns on George the Smaller’s Sunday morning show, and she’s worked with the Clintons.
From POU:
Steve Marmel @Marmel 3h3 hours ago
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigned from the #DNC
Also: That’s more responsibility than anyone in Trump campaign has taken for anything.
Nancy LeTourneau @Smartypants60
DNC leaks were designed to cast DNC as divided as RNC. As soon as the gavel comes down tomorrow, that fantasy will be over.
10:30 AM – 24 Jul 2016
@rikyrah: Nice.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Trump says that if he hadn’t stopped them, the convention-goers would have beaten Ted Cruz. Amazing. Only Donald Trump could make me feel any sympathy for Cruz.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
I was just reading that post. I love that he was on “The Circus”!
Iowa Old Lady
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): You go too far, sir.
Brie Larson has been cast as Captain Marvel. Between this and Wonder Woman I have two movies I’m looking forward to in 2017. Though I am curious how the movie is going to portray a character who gets her powers after being hit by an alien ray that combines her DNA with an alien’s DNA. Actually, now that I think about it, it’s not that difficult.
Amir Khalid
There’s at least one Bernista who actually believes Bernie has now won the nomination: the one and only H.A. Goodman, who in this new YouTube video is urging Bernie to go to the convention to claim what’s rightfully his.
OH Boy!!!
New Sherlock trailer for 2017!!!
Wonder how many episodes!
@Amir Khalid: That guy is beginning to scare me. He’s unhinged.
(ETA) has anyone had an instance where a reply gets attached to the wrong comment?
Villago Delenda Est
@rikyrah: BURRRNNNN!
Has everyone seen the gif of Kendra Harrison finding out that she set a new world’s record in the 100-m hurdles? Her reaction is a joy to watch, as is the reaction of her team-mate Nia Ali.
Both women, in addition to being some of the fastest humans alive, are breathtakingly beautiful. When Hollywood makes movie about their lives, they are going to be asked to play themselves.
The clip is on Jezebel. Watch it, and you’ll feel good about human beings.
Is anyone watching/watched “Stranger Things” on Netflix?
@oldster: Yes. It’s gone viral. It’s great.
Thor Heyerdahl
Speaking of elsewhere in the galaxy – political actions of the last week have led NASA discovering trolls on the newfound planet Theiranus. Some of which even post here.
I risked some oatmeal with my upset tummy. We’ll see how it goes.
Amir Khalid
I find H.A.’s eye-rolling craziness entertaining, if taken in small doses.
I liked that even the competitor who was standing behind them was happy and excited for her — she was beaming and clapping.
ETA: Dare I make a topical mention that that’s what good sportsmanship looks like?
Thought I’d heard it all WRT mistreatment of women and girls. Was I ever wrong. This BBC report on “cleansing” girls in Malawi makes female circumcision seem quaint. As a dad I simply can’t fathom how it’s accepted practice.
@lamh36: Wow, that looks great amazing interesting maybe the best season yet.
Nancy LeTourneau
The black and brown firewall blocking Trump
Game plan of Bernie bots becomes clearer.
These insufferable lazy blobs want one of their own as Chair of DNC – no one will be good enough. I think that these infantile idiots are tangling with the wrong woman. Donna you need to take out the garbage.
@Amir Khalid: That dude is insane. I am quite worried about him/for him. Someone needs to do an intervention.
Iowa Old Lady
@Barb2: When their candidate wins the nomination (by which I mean gets the most votes), they get to pick the DNC Chair. Until then, they get to try again. How is that not clear?
From the post: The Black and Brown Firewall Against Trump:
I am watching a marathon of the Great British Bake Off. It’s so addictive.
Amir Khalid
He’s not insane, just extremely cynical. It’s been pointed out to me in these threads that four years ago he was a Ron/Rand Paulista.
@rikyrah: I’m not too worried about people going after Donna Brazile. In one of the article I read, she was quoted as saying “people are going to have to resign”. I could be wrong, but I don’t think things go well for you when you try to fuck with Donna Brazile.
@Amir Khalid: That makes sense. I just assumed that the only person to deny reality like that is someone who has mh issues.
Miss Bianca
Villago Delenda Est
@Amir Khalid: Being a Paulista means one is mentally unbalanced at a minimum.
@Amir Khalid: I’m kind of tempted to follow HA’s twitter feed towards the end of this week once it begins to sink in that no, Sanders is not going to be the nominee. But then I realize that there are more productive and entertaining ways of spending my time, like, say, shampooing the neighborhood squirrels (do you have any idea how much work it is getting their tails in the curlers?).
The new season just started here. This is the first year I’ve seen it from the very beginning. Almost too many people to keep straight.
@Iowa Old Lady:
They don’t think like we do.
Someone is telling the bots that their cult leader “won”. We know the truth – we can count – Hillary is the next President.
Deranged cult members can be dangerous.
Why isn’t Sanders getting his brats under control? Their behavior is on him.
They think he won – they got rid of the witch – next the delusional gang wants to take the prize.
The way they are acting out leads me to believe the interviews with the hard core bots. They were saying things like: He can still win, or He has won. That was after the last primary when these bots were interviewed.
The Clinton camp sees the Russian’s hand in this.
The WA PO also has an article up quoting security experts.
Who is controlling the Bernie bots? Russiams?
As I keep trying to tell my fellow white people, our two choices are to be a part of the Democratic coalition and vote for Hillary, or cling tight to our “whiteness” and vote for Trump. And if that’s a hard choice in any way, you’re too stupid to vote.
@Mnemosyne: I have had food poisoning twice, but except for that I don’t seem to get the stomach flu. But on the rare occasions when I feel puke-y… when considering what might be safe to eat, I always consider the optics in case things don’t go my way. For instance, ramen noodles might seem like a safe choice. but the optics on that are not good. I saw “oatmeal” and thought, oh, not good. Optics-wise, I mean. I hope that things have settled down. Feeling nauseous (or nauseated?) is AWFUL.
gogol's wife
I think saltines are safer than oatmeal. But is she gluten-intolerant?
more bullshit from the gray lady:
@Mnemosyne: Can’t I cast a purity flounce vote for Jill Stein, MD PhD LLC PDQ BBQ?
Ha! One of the advantages to being extremely nearsighted is that I don’t really think about the “optics” since I can’t see them without my glasses on anyway! ?
All is well so far, so I’m hoping it was a weird FODMAPs overreaction, possibly coupled with the start of a migraine, which has sometimes caused nausea well before the actual headache begins. If it’s food poisoning, that would require me to throw away my leftover ribs, which I do NOT want to do.
@germy: Is that an article or an op/Ed?
@Mnemosyne: I don’t even want to leave them that tattered shred of identity blanket. It’s not their country, it’s not their civilization, it’s not their culture, it’s not their “white” culture. They’re a mean little drying up puddle of cult.
@gogol’s wife:
Wheat-intolerant, but I do have rice crackers. I had some wheat-free toast a few minutes ago, and now I’m really thinking I need a dose of Excedrin, too. I forget the migraine/nausea connection because it only happens every few years, but I’m guessing all of the crap in the air from the wildfire 20 miles from here is triggering something.
@Baud: Who can tell? It was picked up by my local newspaper and reprinted as the gospel truth.
@Mnemosyne: The trick with food poisoning is that the source of the food poisoning may not be the last meal you ate. In my experience with food poisoning, I have always felt certain about what the cause was by what repulsed me at the thought of ever eating it again. So WaterGirl theory says that if you don’t want to throw away your ribs, they probably weren’t the culprit!
Also, with food poisoning, both times I had it I realized anew just why they call it food poisoning. I ached all over, so if you don’t have body aches and things aren’t happening in both directions (so to speak) I doubt that it’s food poisoning.
Glad you are holding your own, maybe doing a little better.
Must be a liberal rag. A conservative paper would have said our cause was helping terrorists defeat America.
No kidding! That was my first thought when I read Baud’s question.
I read what I thought was the awful op-ed by Gail Collins in the NYT today – it seems like 3/4 bullshit mind-reading, speculation on what Hillary’s innermost thoughts and motivations are. I was appalled, even though it wasn’t particularly anti-Clinton. Is that what passes for commentary these days? Mind reading?
I have managed to narrow down to people who already get it (most of them) and people who will never get it, but are willing to keep their yaps shut around me (like my mother, who I love dearly, but will never be able to overcome her redneck upbringing — but she doesn’t vote anyway).
But there are people who can still be woke up even at an advanced age. One of my recently retired aunts voted for Bush and McCain, but I’m pretty sure she’ll vote for Hillary, in part because the senseless shooting of a white guy armed with a garden hose in her city got her started thinking that there probably was something suspicious with all of those police shootings of black people, too, so now she’s on BLM’s side. You never know what’s going to finally wake someone up.
Evil is also a possibility, right?
Since this is an open thread, can I change the subject to TV for a minute? It looks like folks might be talked out on the DNC/HRC/DWS situation.
Is anybody watching BrainDead? I have only made it through two episodes and it’s interesting enough but I just can’t take the scenes with the icky bugs and people being betrayed by their loved ones.
Also, is anybody watching Queen of the South? It’s kind of a guilty pleasure at this point.
I miss The Good Wife. on Sunday nights. Any new shows that I should be watching?
I’ve dealt with both flu and food poisoning a number of times. It’s best to stick to BRAT: chicken broth, plain rice, applesauce, and tea. What also has been of real help is Vitamin water, especially if you’re dehydrated.
I’m assuming evil would find it to be an easy choice. ?
@gogol’s wife:
Food allergy. Food intolerance can hit fast. Sort of like your body says no more.
If you suspect a food allergy – you need to start an elimination diet. Start with one safe food. Keep a diary and write down everything that goes in your mouth. Very few doctors understand food allergies.
Mine is corn. Corn is in everything! Corn starch is in a wide range of medicine. Nearly all OTC pain relievers. Corn goes by dozens of names on food labels. Wheat is another problem for some people. Garlic was the hidden food allergy for a friend. She went to the Mayo clinic – that is one place that can help.
There is a website for those with corn allergies. And for other food allergies. Some people are self educated on their specific allergy – because food allergies can be a life or death issue.
@germy: Speaking of bullshit (albeit not from the NYT), has there been a thorough fisking of this bullshit from Mikey Moore here? Some deeply stupid assumptions going on in there.
@Mnemosyne: I’m just not willing to let the intransigent, deliberately unwoken have the defining vote of what is or is not “white” culture (any more than their preferences define what are “real” Americans, with “real” contributions to “Western” civilization. It’s not theirs.)
Gin & Tonic
@WaterGirl: Coming up with 800 words on deadline twice a week for years means you run out of smart things to say long before your tenure runs out.
@scav: It’s a good attitude, but the Dems haven’t won the white vote since 1964.
“without a cause”?!? WTF, I guess he’s actually saying it doesn’t fit on a gimme hat.
Iowa Old Lady
@WaterGirl: @WaterGirl: We’ve been watching “The Tunnel” on Sunday nights. It starts with a body laid across the dividing line in the middle of the Chunnel, which leads to a joint French/English investigation.
I gather it’s based on a show called “The Bridge” which was similarly based around the bridge between Denmark and Sweden.
@debbie: Probably good advice. I”m a ginger ale and crackers girl, myself.
@Gin & Tonic: Term limits for pundits and columnists!
If you value your sanity, never ever ever read a Maureen Dowd column.
@Iowa Old Lady: Hmm, I watched The Bridge for awhile, but that one was about a body that was on the bridge between the US and Mexico. I really liked that show but it got a bit gory for me.
Just set up The Tunnel to record on Tivo, but it appears I have missed the first 5 episodes. Bummer. But at least the new episodes can pile up while I figure out where to get the first 4. Looks like I can find #5 on another PBS channel.
@dmsilev: I gave her up 8 years ago!
P.S. Thanks for looking out for me, though. :-)
Amir Khalid
It’s a news story from the Politics section, actually dated July 23.
Iowa Old Lady
@WaterGirl: I’ll bet the “Bridge” you watched also grew from the Scandinavian show. I never watched that. Did they do it in both English and Spanish? One of the things I like about The Tunnel is that they use both English and French and subtitle them both in the opposite language.
@WaterGirl: Always best to be sure that people are warned, even if the warning turns out not to be needed.
I used to have an employee who was in a vaguely successful cover band and it was amazing how many times he had food poisoning on Mondays.
@Baud: Oh, it’ll take time, based on history and archaeology and why not geology– I’m not even necessarily counting on it being exactly this nation that’ll make the next bit of significant progress. And I’m certainly not suggesting any ostrich-like best of all possible worlds O! they’ll all be allies if we say sweet things to them. Just a brute grumpiness that no, nobody died and made them the OED of anything.
Small sips of ginger ale. Not diet ginger ale.
Tonic water a close second choice. Again, not the diet version.
@MattF: “Darn it, Robin, those batbeans are bringing on another–”
“Holy gaseous emission, Batman! Let me out of the Batmobile right here!”
I’m avoiding applesauce until I can figure out if fructose is one of my FODMAP triggers, but bananas are common on that list, so I usually swap that in instead. If I’m feeling ambitious, I make fake up some microwave risotto for dinner (basically, arborio rice and chicken broth boiled together in the microwave).
Allergies and intolerances have similar symptoms but different causes. I got tested by an allergist and I’m not allergic to anything except mold, so my problem is almost certainly FODMAP intolerance, not allergies, thank goodness.
One of my coworkers cut out almost all grains because she’s severely allergic to grasses. She had to use her EpiPen when it turned out that the sorghum flour used in a lot of gluten-free products is one of the grasses she’s allergic to.
@Iowa Old Lady: The Bridge I watched was just in English.
So I can watch The Tunnel in English but it will have French subtitles on screen?
@dmsilev: Absolutely! I always tell my sister that I would rather hear something twice than not at all. (In response to : I thought I told you that already.)
WH official previews @FLOTUS DNC speech: She’ll talk about the role the Pres. plays in the lives of children & why HRC best fills that role.
Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1 6m6 minutes ago
.@FLOTUS will also talk about values we share – opportunity, equality, inclusion – and HRC’s commitment to those values over her lifetime.
I am excited.
Iowa Old Lady
@WaterGirl: When you’re watching the English speakers, they’ll speak English and it will be subtitled in French. When they go to France, the French team will speak French among themselves, but English to the English cop, whose French is rudimentary. All the French will be subtitled in English. It’s fun. It makes you feel all sophisticated.
Hey AL, besides Wonder Woman (new trailer here – it’s awesome), what DC characters were feminist in the early 70’s? Cat Woman? Bat Girl?
Fair enough. Strangely, I think the various genealogy shows are a good way to combat this on a non-political level: get people to concentrate on their actual ancestry and not some imagined homogeneous “white culture” that never really existed.
@Mnemosyne: arborio is my favorite rice! I put a pat of butter in the pan and then toss the dry arborio rice in the butter until it’s lightly browned, then add water (2x the rice quantity). The water sizzles immediately and then I cook on medium-high until the water is gone. Great texture!
Keith P.
@otmar: There was a time (when America was great?) when just a handshake deal was an unbreakable bond. This piece of shit doesn’t even consider a written contract to be a bond; it’s just a rough guide to how much something will cost. I love that Trump got slammed for legal fees, too, as he’s been trying to outlitigate people for decades.
@dmsilev: OK W/ME.
@Anya: Me too.
@Anya: I hope FLOTUS quotes a line from Melania as a joke. It would be really funny.
@Iowa Old Lady: I am nothing if not sophisticated! (not really) Sounds interesting, thanks for the recommendation.
Lois Lane was a rather fearless career woman in the 1940 animated Superman films. She didn’t take any shit in the ’70s, either.
@WaterGirl: One of my job responsibilities is Lab Safety Officer. Telling people stuff multiple times comes naturally to me…
@redshirt: Did you see the broadway star on Colbert that was the fake Melania? Saying all these famous quotes as if they were her own. Too funny.
Can anyone tell me what happened to Werebear? No longer commenting here?
EDIT: Pardon me if this question has been asked before…
@dmsilev: Okay! So next time my aunt dies, will you let me know? Because my sister “forgot”, aka I thought i told you. *This has now happened twice in the past year, and I am slightly cranky about it.
@germy: Someone here (satby?) said she was busy with her own blog.
gogol's wife
Laura Benanti.
@germy: Someone said recently that WereBear has been really busy, hasn’t forgotten about us but is not having time to post.
@gogol’s wife: I had no idea who she was, but she did a great job! Is she famous? Should I know her?
@dmsilev: Needs spew alert…
Omnes Omnibus
@WaterGirl: The version my PBS station has has subtitles for the French bits and none for the English. I must go for Inspector Lewis is about to start.
@Baud: And of course you got there first, and used fewer words. Damn you!
(meant in the nicest possible way)
@Omnes Omnibus: Okay. One of these days I will have to catch you with my Inspector Lewis questions.
@Baud: @WaterGirl: thanks.
Fructose intolerance, yep that’s me. The doc missed all the obvious symptoms. The liver doesn’t recognize fructose as a food. And the liver treats fructose as a poison. Every year the Navy docs xrayed my enlarged liver, meanwhile mom was forcing me to eat healthy fruit.
Sometimes when kids refuse to eat a food item there is a good reason. Or not.
Food labels are scary – if the list is in an extra fine font and too long – I avoid that stuff.
@Barb2: The fellow who is building my porch was just telling me about his fructose intolerance. I had no idea that was even a thing! In his case, it caused backaches and inflammation. What are the other symptoms?
Another Hispanic judge hatin’ on Trump. They’re all alike: applyin’ the law and shit.
@WaterGirl: Laura Benanti was perfection. It was a comedy gold. Here
Carl W
So I’m trying to gingerly talk to my parents about politics (AFAIK they’ve both voted Republican all their lives, but they’re relatively apolitical).
I’ve sent an article about how awful Trump is, and my Mom asked for something about the good side of Hillary. Any suggestions for a shortish article highlighting Hillary’s achievements and policies, that wouldn’t be too alarming to a fiscally conservative and socially fairly tolerant Republican?
I am! Well I finished it in 2 days. It is fantastic. I can’t recommend it enough. It’s a really great 8 hour series/movie.
Elizabeth Warren doesn’t look Indian – but she is. Same with me – I am a mutt. Genealogy is a great way to study history. There is no racial purity. Only racist believe that BS.
@Carl W: As a ‘not all that crazy about Hillary’ person, may I suggest that you send them Hillary’s explanation of why she chose Tim Kaine. As she explains why Kaine, Hillary’s values are on display – I think that might be a good soft entrance. Also, it might get them excited about Kaine, and that might bring them toward Hillary.
I’m late to this …
The “fart in”. Is this real? It sounds so preposterous, it has to be an effort to make these folks appear ridiculous. Or, more ridiculous than they already seem. FFS, this sounds more like something the so-called “Young Republicans” would concoct to make the entire left look comical and absurd. JFC, once the left was a force to be reckoned with. Not a punchline.
@WaterGirl: That’s a real good suggestion.
@Percysowner: @redshirt: What’s the premise?
Anne Laurie
Sanders is using the Trump defense. Can he help it if the people he’s inspired to join the Democratic party are so wildly… undemocratic?
I only wish there were as many Dem ratfvckers among the Trumpkins as there are Repubs/Paulistas/MRAs among the holdout Sandernistas.
No, wait, I don’t wanna my party to rely on thimblerigging and chicanery for its only hold on power!
@Baud: Why thank you!
Perhaps shall have to take a peep. Watched both trailers and they were of such meager interest as to move it directly into the must miss TV column.
@Carl W:
I share WaterGirl’s view on Hillary. I actually thought she was pretty good on 60 Minutes with Kain. Send a link to the interview.
@NotMax: The first 3 episodes at least are dynamite. Creepy in a great way.
Much 80’s!
@WaterGirl: Some creepy monster is loose in a small town. Set in the 80’s and focused on a missing boy.
@redshirt: I don’t do so well with creepy. I may have to skip this one.
@WaterGirl: It’s basically a Stephen King story to put it into context. If that’s not your thing, totally skip it.
@WaterGirl: In 1983 something escapes from a secret government facility. That night a young boy (Will) disappears and at the same time a young girl appears. Her head has been shaved. She’s in a hospital gown and she has mental powers.
The It feels like all the best movie of the 1980s a combination of Steven Spielberg and Steven King. ET meets Stand By Me meets the Goonies meets tons of other movies, but it’s not predictable. You don’t feel like you know how things are going to go. It’s atmospheric, and creepy and touching. Winona Ryder plays Will’s mother and she does a great job. All the actors are superb. It’s compelling and really hits all the beats. I really can’t recommend it enough.
Trailer 1
Trailer 2
@Barb2: Yeah, moms and what they think their kids should eat. I had a glass of milk and a glass of orange juice with breakfast every morning as a child. Never liked it but always thought the OJ was curdling the milk in my stomach. Of course it turned out later that I’m lactose intolerant but in the 60s no one knew about that.
Enlarged liver is the scary part of fructose intolerence. Inflammation and back aches, that at first seem unrelated, but are part of the disease. I’m so glad to hear that the carpenter learned what was ailing him.
Flu like symptoms to all most all food. Massively bad headaches after eating or drinking anything with fructose.
Insomnia, joint pains. Lots of symptoms, not everyone has the same ones.
Most of the research is being done at the University of Boston. Researchers there believe that 1 in 10,000 are fructose intolerant. Most doc miss the diagnosis and treat for diabetes. Wrong thing to do.
Using a fructose IV drip can kill those of us with HFI.
Being careful about what one eats is the only treatment. Some people are sensitive to fructose – they need to follow the same food avoidence as those with fructose intolerance.
I’m giving all these details because it is likely that someone reading this has fructose intolerence or a sensitivity.
Not a strong selling point.
For future reference, no apostrophe – 80s. Mnemonic tip: Numerical version of eighties (as opposed to eightie’s).
I’m seriously tempted to do the 23 and Me DNA test because one side of my family has been here since Colonial times, and I’m curious to see what pops up. From what I’ve heard, though, you get the most interesting DNA information from the Y chromosome (stupid sexist biology!) so there may not be all that much to be had.
(On my dad’s side, everyone came over from Italy, Germany or Ireland no more than a couple of generations back, so the odds of there being something interesting on that side are much lower)
I have long suspected that the most persistent and virulent of the Berniebros are actually Ron Paul refugees, which would explain why so many of their half-baked (pun intended) antics sound like stuff that was going on at the 2012 RNC. The vast majority of actual Democrats who preferred Bernie over Hillary have accepted the will of the majority and are now supporting Hillary.
Uncle Cosmo
@Carl W: How about Ezra Klein’s “Understanding Hillary” on Vox? It might be good for a follow-up after you get that “achievements & policies” stuff out of the way.
Carl W
@WaterGirl: @debbie: @Baud: Thanks for the advice! I went with the 60 Minutes interview.
I’ll let you all know if there are positive results :)
ETA: Just saw @Uncle Cosmo‘s suggestion; I may send that if she’s willing to read more.
Argh! I just wrote a long response to you about FODMAPs that got eated by FYWP. Short version is, Monash University in Australia has been doing a lot of research showing that IBS without underlying autoimmune disease (like celiac or Crohn’s) is usually due to fermentation in the gut of various sugars, including fructose and lactose (among others). Google “FODMAP Monash university” for more details.
@Mnemosyne: I’m in the same boat for DNA testing. I’m female no X chromosome to test for. My Grandmother and Great Grandmother were immigrants from Hungary and Grandma married another Hungarian immigrant. My dad’s family went back to the Revolutionary War, so there could be some interesting things mixed in, but from what I know, I won’t get much if any information on that side of the family.
@Mnemosyne: I have long suspected that the most persistent and virulent of the Berniebros are actually Ron Paul refugees …
Yeah, I kinda think that too. So much of what they propose is beyond any area of democratic (with either a capital or lower-case “d”) engagement, it seems more an assortment of ill-thought out “diktats”.
@Carl W:
Good side of Hillary
Blue Nation Review. Many articles. One of my favorite is one filled with the faces of people from Hillary’s rallies. No anger or hate on any of the faces – just happy people. Then there are the photos of Hillary listening and paying attention to people.
Vox (dot) Com has a wonderful interview with Hillary, using photosvandalism her words.
That’s what I send to my GOTV mailing list. When I read a nasty article by the press – I’ll go back to Biue Nation for the truth.
That is a good resource. I am always researching. Looking for safe foods.
@redshirt: Stephen King is most definitely not my thing. Thank you for clarifying!
@Percysowner: I like everything you wrote about it except “creepy”.
@Barb2: Thank you so much for the info.
Matt McIrvin
@redshirt: I remember a bunch of Europeans insisting that Alien 3 was just too deep for Americans to get.
Matt McIrvin
Except that Hillary’s poll numbers have been going down, not up, and she’s mostly losing ground to “undecided” and “other”. So are those former Bernie people who had supported Hillary now having second thoughts, and considering switching to Jill Stein or Gary Johnson?
@Mnemosyne: My sister and I did 23 and Me, so we got both sides. The family lore about Indian ancestry was debunked. 99.4% European, 0.4% West African, 0.2% Asian. Not sure where those last two came from, but a lot of my family was in the Colonial South, so there might be mixing early on. Mom’s side was mostly Celtic, while Dad’s was generally Western European. It fits with the geneologies.
Paul in KY
@debbie: She did a crap job (IMO) on the VP Gore campaign back in 2000.
Paul in KY
@oldster: Kendra is a proud UK alum! Go Cats!
Edit: Wasn’t sure when that old record would ever go. 12.21 is blazing fast & Donkova was a tall woman with great hurdle form. Wonderful accomplishment to finally get under it!