Well, as you’ve probably heard, this happened earlier today:
.@BernieSanders booed telling supporters to help elect Clinton: "This is the real world that we live in." https://t.co/8jV2wUWtiK
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) July 25, 2016
My first thought was something along the lines of sowing and reaping — if you sit back and bask in your supporters’ adulation for you and antipathy toward your opponent for long enough, if you indulge fantasies that can’t come true, it’s not possible to flip the crowd’s sentiments like a switch, and they may not believe you when you tell them that we don’t, in fact, live in that fantasy world.
So far, at least, hate is trumping the ever-loving fuck outta love at the convention. But Sanders gets some sympathy from an unexpected source:
I don’t take much comfort from the fact that the 1992 convention featured Jerry Brown boo-birds and that Bill Clinton went on to win anyway. Am I wrong in thinking today’s media is an order of magnitude worse than it was back then? That they’ll use the discord to mainstream the Republican freak show in a way they wouldn’t have attempted 25 years ago?
But Giordano knows a lot more about that topic than I do, so maybe he’s right. I hope so. Anyhoo, should be interesting!
Chyron HR
schrodinger's cat
I have no sympathy for the fingerwagging shouty socialist, while Putin puppet waits in the wings.
I basically agree with Giordano–I only wish that Bernie could figure out a way to gracefully and beautifully turn this thing around with his own delegates. I’m not hopeful. But I would like to see Bernie go out not just a mensch but a successful one. And I’d like to see my candidate get the convention she deserves–which is difficult since, like all women and minority and first time candidates, she has to not only have a united front but be seen to have a united front. Her convention has to be flawless–where a guy’s convention would only have to be pretty good. Like President Obama before her she can’t afford any mistakes. And that is why I’ve never been willing to just shrug and wait for Bernie to finish being Bernie or shrugged and said “conventions are messy.” Hillary has to be perfect, more than perfect, for the press to even accord her the accolade “ok, I guess.”
schrodinger's cat
Putin puppet, brought to you from Russia with love.
dr. bloor
Something something Greek Tragedy something. In this case, the protagonist dropped a poison pill in the well of the next generation of voters. Fuck him.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Bernie Sanders would be the worst fucking president this country ever had, unless Trump beat him to it, which he would since Bernie wasn’t vetted in the primaries, and look at the tantrums about the mild shit THAT WASN’T EVEN USED AGAINST HIM. Babymen to the left of me, fascists to the right…
Major Major Major Major
Storify is stupid. Write a damn blog post.
They’re hard-wired for Republicans Betty. Add in their absolute contempt for anything Clinton and yeah they’ll grease the skids for Combover Caligula. Because at the end of the day it’s all about ratings.
My hope for tonight is twofold. Firstly, since Sandersnis apparently scheduled to speak after both Ekizabeth Warren and Michelle Obama, that by the time he comes up, the vast majority of the crowd is in a very good mood and the cheers drown out whatever scattered boos there are. Secondly, as Al says, that Sanders delivers something better than a slightly revised version of his standard stump speech.
Guess we’ll find out this evening.
You reap what you sow.
When BS dead-enders (and some decent people) were saying here that it didn’t matter that Bernie was waiting so long to endorse and bring his people along…
…well, how do you feel about that NOW?
This discord–on the biggest Democratic nationwide stage of the election so far–is 100% a failure of Bernie’s leadership and lack of political acumen…
…Which, in the end, is why I didn’t support him and voted for Hillary with great pride. Bernie is a gadfly, not a leader.
Also, I’d like to lock Donna Brazile with sock full of nickels and 20 of these Berniebros in a room. It’d be the fuckin’ Bourne Legitimacy.
Miss Bianca
I’m with Al on this one. I’d love to see Bernie Sanders “abandon the stump speech” too. Of course, I’d love to hear him say something like this: “look, I know you got you all riled up about the process. That’s politics. I was doing what I thought would get me the win. didn’t work. Now I’m stuck with the knowledge that I appealed to your worse natures by doing so. I look at what the DNC did and can say, “wow. I helped to build that – I actually helped to build the problem I was complaining about! But now it’s time to stop bitching about the process and face the fact that the Republicans have nominated a real monster – not a pretend one, and it’s up to us to SLAY IT WITH VOTES.”
We shall see.
Smiling Mortician
Where are tweets 6-8 and 11-17? What are you hiding, Betty?
Keith G
The convention has just been gaveled to “order” (hee hee).
Are we going to have a string of threads tonight, one per speaker? I need to plan.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
Ehh. I’m not fretting. Things were pretty ugly eight years ago, and all but a few deranged losers ended up voting for Senator Obama. Some of these idiots will pout and vote for Trump, or Stein or Johnson, or not vote at all; but most of them will end up voting for Clinton. Time to take deep breaths, relax and get to work.
Thoroughly Pizzled
@Cacti: And unfortunately, so do the rest of us. I hope he pulls it off tonight.
Also, Susan Sarandon just said that Bernie Sanders is just like unarmed black men being shot by cops.
I have come to realize that there’s nothing we can do to convince the last dead-enders, so I am going to ignore them. They are booing their movement into oblivion.
Let’s focus on positive steps to elect Hillary.
Gin & Tonic
@dmsilev: And I’m hoping that both Elizabeth and Michelle slow-walk their speeches so that Sanders starts talking after stations have cut away to the 11:00 local news.
I’ve long wondered if the remaining Sanders diehards were diehards because they worship Sanders or because they hate Clinton. It’s become increasingly clear (and as plain as day in that video) that it’s because they hate Clinton.
They’ll either get cold feet about a Trump presidency or they won’t, but I doubt there’s anything Clinton can do at this point to change their minds.
I have inhaled my soda. Through my nose.
@Trentrunner: Since I assume Senator Sanders is not in fact laying on the floor in a pool of his own blood, WTF?
Bernie better bring it. period. He best come correct tonight.
@dedc79: 90 percent of Sanders supporters back Hillary, unfortunately the ones outside and inside the hall, are quite vocal.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
My post got eaten. Oh, well. As I said, there’s no need to fret. There were a lot of ugly feelings eight years ago, and almost everybody who was the bitterest ended up voting for then-Senator Obama. Likewise, this year most of these idiots will vote for Clinton. A few will vote for Trump or Stein or Johnson, or sulk at home and not vote at all, but most will come around. Time for everybody to take a deep breath, calm down and get to work.
@Emma: Stop being so damn wise and intelligent. Dammit!
Betty Cracker
@Major Major Major Major: I’m not a fan of it either; this is the first time I’ve ever used it, in fact. But I thought Giordano’s thoughts were worth sharing, and that was the simplest way I know of to do it. I don’t plan on making a habit of it. I rarely find a series of tweets compelling enough to bother with…
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Someone I follow on FB who came out in support of Bernie around the beginning of the primaries has gone off on the dead enders, and put up a post about hoping they all feeltheBern in hell. He’s getting FB feeds from dead enders posting shit from Breitbart and InfoWars, so there’s your answer.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Gin & Tonic: oh, that would be hilarious.
I can’t believe Giordano is even trolling-ly expressing sympathy for the old asshole.
One of the reasons I have little faith in Bernie Dumbledore Free Ride To Win Congress is I don’t think it’s just that he lacks the desire to rein in his ya-boos, I don’t think he has the chops to do anything but recite his stump speech and be sanctimonious.
Keith G
CNN just cut off and away from a reporter who was outside covering a large and rowdy protest….
so they could show Boys to Men’s entire performance tonight in the convention.
Gonna love tonight!
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
On MSNBC they have blubbered that baloney from the staffer musing about Sanders’s religious beliefs or lack thereof. You would hunk it had arrived on memo paper headed, HRC: NOTES TO MYSELF. No one can actually point out that nobody from the Clinton camp ever brought up Sanders’s non-observation of Judaism. Andrea Mitchell could retitle her show, “Show Me Where DWS Touched You”.
The thing that frightens me the most about this election is the hatchet job the media will do on Clinton the way they hacked Al Gore to pieces in 2000.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Can you imagine this guy as president, even on his best day? I can’t.
Betty Cracker
@Smiling Mortician: Click any embedded tweet to see the entire series!
@Miss Bianca: “it’s up to us to SLAY IT WITH VOTES.” I like that.
Captain C
Mixed with the River Tam vs. a roomful of Reavers scene in Serenity.
negative 1
@JPL: But evidence that a democrat or liberal politician can’t make every person stop booing with their magic powers is evidence that they aren’t using The Bully Pulpit! and being a Strong Leader! Just look at every. single. article. written about Obama.
Smiling Mortician
@Miss Bianca: No offense to your speechwriting abilities, but the intended audience would rip Bernie limb from limb before he made it halfway through.
Well, conventions open, and Berniebrats are ready to Boo everyone since they have turned on their Leader. I think Bernie created this by not admitting defeat for over a month. He should have just ripped the bandaid off when he lost DC.
@Emma: Bing!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Trentrunner: she’s a brilliant actress, and a fcuking kook.
My favorite part of the Letterman Oscars was his introduction of Tim and Susan: “Hang on to your hats, kids, I’m sure they’re pissed off about something”. To her credit, she blew Letterman a big, stagy kiss as she swept out on stage.
negative 1
@Keith G: Did they do that cool doo-wop harmony thing they did in “Motown Philly”?
@JPL: And imagine if they had put as much effort into mobilizing progressives to go to the polls in 2010 and 2014 as they have into bashing Clinton these past few months.
Patricia Kayden
Oh well, about his supporters booing Sanders. Not really interested at this point. Again, all that matters is defeating Trump who has given minorities more than enough reasons to come out in droves against him. Anyone who can’t see how important it is to focus on Trump is useless and should be ignored.
@Captain C: I was thinking more the prison scene from Watchmen. “I’m not locked in here with you; _you’re_ locked in here with _me_”.
Bernie has texted to his followers: “I ask you as a personal courtesy to me to not engage in any kind of protest on the floor.”
negative 1
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Yes, but rational feelings don’t get the comment section all a-riled. Next you’ll be saying that a couple hundred of the most fervant believers in an idea, to the point they’ve actually gone to a convention, don’t actually encompass a realistic sample of people that voted for a person.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: It’s a strange election season. Conservatives at National Review and Redstate are bashing the Republican candidate. And supposed progressives are citing Breitbart to bash the Democratic candidate.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I wonder if it ever occurs to anyone in the media or to the Berniebros that the hack released these emails right before the DNC, to play these idiots because they’re so fucking stupid and predictable. You’d think it might make them wonder why they perceive Hillary to be such an existential threat. You’d think wrong, apparently.
Meanwhile, among rank and file, looks like a united Democratic Party. Over 90 percent going to support HRC.
More switching of support than I thought, and those who switched, slightly less likely to support HRC than constant Sanders supporters.
So, that supports my idea that the ones causing trouble are basically fools who need a little pep talk about how politics works.
Sanders made the rounds or the delegations this morning, hope he prepared the way for quieting idiot delegates who are thinking of making trouble by explaining things to them. Or, maybe not/
In Clinton’s March to Nomination, Many Democrats Changed Their Minds
Ella in New Mexico
Reaping what one sows goes all kinds of ways, for all kinds of people…One could say others getting a hard time today are dealing with the same type of harvests and deservedly so…but that’s neither her nor there.
I’m more interested in witnessing the next few days and weeks when a God-sent bag of Karmic bricks whack upside the heads of Donald Trump and his evil gang of… Oh Hell, you choose the appropriate nickname
gogol's wife
We’ll see if that works!
The most powerful and easiest way for Bernie to turn the tide is to tell the story of 2008 — of Obama winning in a squeaker (even closer than Clinton’s win this year) and how Clinton stood behind Obama and went on to make history, etc.
Today’s media will do whatever it takes to sell advertising, same as it ever was. Now, the politically active want to keep playing small ball on this BS. Don’t blame the media.
Keith G
@negative 1: Motown Philly, ‘course.
@jl: We need turnout. In some sense, we’re lucky that the Russians are blowing their wad early. I don’t have warm and fuzzies about how the convention will go.
Not looking hopeful for that. He really can’t think of one affirmative, positive statement? Christ. Worst insurgents ever, worst loser of a primary ever. Maybe he can give a rousing speech on “the bylaws”- were they adhered to? Put them up on a powerpoint. The revolution will have to wait while we determine if anyone violated the bylaws, even in spirit.
I just heard Jane Sanders on the radio. She sounds a little panicky, like she sees decades of Sanders work ending with this clusterfuck.
Actually, I prefer they mobilize progressives now and in 2018 to elect more progressive candidates.
That way, they get the superdelegates they were bitching about this year.
@Keith G:
MotownPhilly in the house!!
i.e. that there’s something bigger than ourselves, the stakes in the election, and just as Clinton understood it in 2008 and her supporters came to as well, I (Bernie) understand it, etc…
Davis X. Machina
@gogol’s wife:
Dollars to donuts, it won’t.
Bernie doesn’t understand “Bernie”.
It doesn’t work that way.
It’s bigger than him now.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
I thought this was good:
Good gods, there’s some MSNBC reporter talking to a Bernie delegate. “Did you chant ‘Lock her up!’ during Bernie’s speech earlier today?” Holy fuck, the media are worse than useless. WTF kind of question is that? They provide the kindling, the lighter fluid, and the matches, and then they’re all shocked shocked at the conflagration.
except the WAPO editorial is early and pretty shrill. It could set the tone for further coverage.
Weird, I evidently don’t have permission to edit my own comment. Anyway, click through to the link for the actual good bit!
Yeah, that’s why I feel a little pity for him.This does threaten to undo his work. And it’s unfortunately do to his inability to manage the more unruly aspects of his supporters (dating back to last year), which speaks to his administrative and leadership skills—which is what I judged him for in the race for the candidacy.
Bobby Thomson
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): eight years ago Clinton endorsed Obama more than two months before the convention and didn’t base her candidacy on how she was getting screwed by the party. For all her sins, and they were legion, Sanders couldn’t have done much more than he did to fuck things up.
@gwangung: Really? That’s a good start…about 2 months ago.
Seriously, better than nothing.
Keith G
BTW Jake Tapper is chairing the CNN coverage flanked by about a dozen pundits. Totally mother frickin worthless.
I am now on C-SPAN. Time for the Credential Committee report. Yea!!
Betty Cracker
I was up to my eyeballs in all the PUMA foolishness eight years ago (making fun of it, I mean), but I honestly can’t remember any shenanigans at the convention. I remember some deranged nitwits disrupting the rules committee and some elderly woman raving about PBO being “an inadequate black male” as she was escorted out. I recall reading accounts of a sad PUMA road trip to Denver in which the participants moped around outside the hall and gave media interviews. But were there actual on-camera interruptions or heckling of speeches? Not that I remember.
I don’t blame the behavior of adults on Sanders. He’s made it clear as can be that Clinton needs to be elected and that everyone should get with the program. So he’s done what he had to do, will do so again tonight, and that’s all you can ask of him.
Bobby Thomson
@gwangung: I feel no pity. These are entirely predictable results of stupid, reckless, narcissistic behavior. Again, fuck that guy.
@Joel: I just watched some interviews of delegates coming out of the morning meetings. A number of them said the boos were more letting off steam than booing anyone in particular, more like a stage of grief than anything else. Saw a head of state delegation for Sanders said they were going around reminding people of what is at stake and to behave.
So, we will see. A lot depends on how well Warren and Sanders do. If they give really good speeches that move most of the audience, that will cow those who plan on acting like idiots. I’m thinking of Pew poll I just saw that shows switchers among Dems slightly less likely to vote of HRC than constant supporters of either HRC or Sanders. So, a lot of these people may be just politically naive and self indulgent, not the more experience political people. In a large crowd that is enthusiastic, they are less likely to make trouble.
hilarious. all the berners were making hay out of the fact that DWS was booed at the podium in front of delegates in FL. LOL, now st. bernard himself gets the treatment.
these people are insufferable.
It’s the horseshoe theory of politics playing out in real time.
Rather than the far right and far left being opposite ends of a linear continuum, they start to converge the farther out they get.
Keith G
@RK: I do not spend time getting mad at what hasn’t happened.
Also, Susan Sarandon has apparently said yet another stupid, racist, offensive, and deeply ignorant thing.
Has she always been such a loon and I just never noticed before, or is this a fairly recent (i.e., the past year) aberration?
Keith G
Barney Frank in da house!!
some boos
And he starts, “Thank you, or not as the case may be.”
Fair Economist
With these booers, I’m wondering how many are genuine Sanders supporters and how many are conservatives or libertarians who wormed their way into his delegate slots. Genuine Sanders supporters understand Hillary is a strong candidate who will implement much of her platform, and that’s why the polls are showing up to 90% support. But if they really want tax cuts for the rich and beatings for minorities – yeah, they’re going to boo Sanders, Pelosi, and any other Democrat.
What about those of us who actually HAVE used a pitchfork for its real job of moving hay and horse manure? Can we repurpose the ones we have to go after Bernie?
Yes, and the immediate feedback loop of social media has the impact of magnifying little events and small things 1000x more than 20 years ago
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Harriet Christian! Later a guest on Sean Hannity.
I went looking for some of my favorite PUMAs from the MyDD wars– made the spats here look like nothing, one charmer cheering Ted Kennedy’s brain tumor– and I can’t find them. They started their own blog and were keeping up the Obama hate up to a year or two ago. I’m surprised they’re not more active.
in a way, this all strikes me as posturing and jockeying for position… namely we got treated to what an incredible shit show the GOP has become and the media glossed it all over…. from the momentary outrage over the speech plagiarism which blessedly distracted everyone from the actual content of what Trump was saying to the nation… from foreign policy (What NATO obligations, no body rides for free dammit!) to domestic policy (anybody who isn’t white, male and Christian … you ARE the problem).
To his non-existent pivot to the center…
To now the wonderfully timed combo of the DNC e-mail “scandal” (we talked about giving Bernie a wedgie but DWS wouldn’t let us) and the note that it was done with the implicit blessing of Trumps buddy Vlad and his crack team of “researchers”. Plus the Bernie Bro’s tantrum regarding their displeasure with all things associated with the Democratic Party in its many myriad forms…
Now… we get to see the Dem party hit back, it sounds like Sanders is having his oh crap, those are MY kids on your lawn moment and the rest of the Dems have acted swiftly on the damage control (not that the media will allow that to pass). I fully expect that Hillary and Tom (and the DNC speakers) will kick the right amount of ass, hit the right notes with anyone listening provided the major media networks allow them to finish.
Speechless but sadly not surprised.
@Major Major Major Major:
Yup. Storify seems to defeat the whole concept of Twitter.
@dr. bloor: Both my social media youngsters and my real-life youngsters think, with no exceptions, that Hillary stole the primary. You can explain until you keel over, they don’t care. And they’re mad about it. The only good thing I see is that most of them aren’t voting. The flip side of that is that a sizable portion of them never will.
Still think we’re winning this one but Sanders, in his vanity, has done tremendous damage to a lot of potential future Dem voters.
In 2008, Obama and Clinton, while still competing against one another in April, had several phone conversations about how to tone down the vitriol and lay the groundwork for subsequent unity. You could notice it in their speeches – they stopped going after one another personally and mostly focused on Bush and the Republicans and on issues. This year, that didn’t really happen and Bernie kept up the vitriol and personal attacks and continued to complain about the system being rigged. And then, he didn’t drop out and give a gracious endorsement speech until just a week or two ago. So he never really tried to tamp down his supporters’ bile until just recently, It is therefore not surprising that he’s not being very successful at it. Plus, there are some Ron Paul and Greens in his coalition and they were never going to tone it down regardless of anything (whereas Clinton’s supporters in 2008 were largely party loyalists).
As long as it’s just b.s. though, it doesn’t matter all that much. Jerry Brown’s supporters did the same thing in 1992 and eventually withered away. It gives the media something to talk about and generates interest and ratings, so it’s not all bad despite what we might wish regarding a pretty picture of unity. What matters are the prime time speeches and whether average voters are watching.
@Betty Cracker: I’m partially wondering whether the decision to have the acceptance speech at a stadium was motivated in part by the craziness of the primary, just to drown out the booers.
@RK: Bullshit. Sanders tried (and is still trying, with his tepid “real world” comment today) to undermine the process itself and questioned the qualification of our nominee. He did NOT “try” to do all he could. He’s a political ignoramus.
Keith G
::I am clapping for Marcia Fudge::
And then she went right after the Sanders faction..
“I am proud to help put Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine in the White House!!”
Much noise followed.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
There’s still time left to oust Hillary and to install Susan Sarandon.
It’s not too late.
I implore the delegates to wise up and act like adults and seize this golden opportunity.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
All extreme ideologies – revolutionary and counter-revolutionary – end up being eliminationist. So yeah, the extremes meet where there is disorder.
Bobby Thomson
@SiubhanDuinne: so what? Twitter sucks.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
What? CarrotTop is no longer available?
Welp, looks like the Berniebros are trying to boo the new DNC chair off the stage.
Nice job, Bernie. Fuck you to death.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
For several cycles now I’ve been been surprised by the USSC as the dog that isn’t barking among Dem voters. I don’t think a “colorful” nominee would make much of a difference, and nothing about the BoBs could surprise me, but here I am deja-vu’ed all over again by the relative lack of discussion of the Court. I can’t understand why the issue doesn’t resonate more.
Yep. You’re wrong.
The media is weaker and less important than it’s ever been.
What the media says or writes is far less important than how the Democrats deal with these protesters.
And I don’t think the major responsibility falls on Bernie. I mentioned elsewhere that some people interviewed said that as far as they were concerned, Hillary was not progressive enough. Further they refused to be constrained by the Sanders endorsement. These people were fellow travelers who latched onto Bernie as the current incarnation of their purity avatar. But their perpetual sense of disappointment can never be satisfied by any real politician.
And so all they have are their self-defeating tantrums.
She has been so disgusting that I’ll never watch another thing with her in it ever again. I just can’t. I had to go the same route with Tom Cruise after learning about Scientology and his role in it.
Betty Cracker
@Keith G: Ha! I love him.
@Betty Cracker:
I was there and they were interviewed constantly. The one PUMA in the Ohio delegation literally had a crowd of reporters around her- we had to push past them to get out of a room. I got into it with an AP reporter because she was badgering this Clinton delegate who I sat with- the woman wouldn’t say anything bad about Obama and the reporter wanted her to. I accused the reporter of crafting questions to elicit a specific response, which is exactly what she was doing.
They also made a big fuss around the actual voting. There was real vote wrangling- state chairs were essentially whipping votes- they wanted a count prior to the vote. During the voice vote there were Clinton delegates really loudly dissenting- I don’t know if tv audiences heard it. I was bothered by it at the time but it ended up not mattering.
I, and others – we have held our tongues on Bernie, because we were assured that he was going to ‘ come through’ for Hillary.
I have yet to see that.
@Trentrunner: It’s mostly exhaustion.
Keith G
In the old days, the brass band would be starting up right about now to kill the boos. “Starts and Stripes Forever”
We need a brass band!!
And Marcia Fudge just went all elementary school teacher on the boo’ers
Loving this!
martyrdom is a helluva drug.
@Betty Cracker: That ‘Slay it with Votes’ is an ongoing theme over at Wonkette. They’ve been using that since last year at the start of the primaries.
Barney Frank booed at the convention. Marsha Fudge booed also.
Well, if we have four nights of this kind of disruption, it will not be a good look. GOP just had the single Cruz night of disruption. Why did we let these white bro date-raping vipers into our tent?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Kay: Don’t know what she’d be so panicked over, she just bankrupted my ex-girlfriends alma mater but hey, that’s not a crime. Just business. He’ll get re-elected in Vermont as Not A Democrat and it’ll be business as usual.
@Kay: I wouldn’t be surprised. Dr. Frankenstein was freaking out there at the end too.
I think Warren is going to show us tonight why she’s the real progressive standard bearer, not Bernie. I bet she will know how to respond to chants of “Bernie” interrupting her speech.
KS in MA
@gwangung: That’s good. Now I wish he would spend the next couple of hours going out on that floor and talking to his boo-birds face to face.
@rikyrah: He’s trying – he’s just not very good at it. And he needed to start about a month (or two) earlier than he did when he instead was still ramping it up.
alot of anger and backbiting on here.
yall need to not get caught up with every turn of the screw. if youre worried, volunteer or apply for some paid campaign work. all this butthurt will pass, it’s nothing new to democrats
The Ancient Randonneur
Sounds like someone spent a little too much time out in the sun at Burning Man.
Keith G
Time for the Unity Report!!
So far, Berniebros on the floor have booed–and loudly:
An African-American woman
A gay man
A Latina woman
Reggie Mantle
Now to see the Bernie haters ‘splain to us how that’s not enough.
gogol's wife
Only if they’re rusty.
@Keith G: That’s my guy!
Are you fucking serious about Sarandon? Do you have a link?
@Quinerly: Here.
@Reggie Mantle:
Um, it doesn’t seem to be working.
OK, I just read that BS has been whining over his speaking slot. Didn’t want to take a backseat to FLOTUS? Has anyone heard? Didn’t see a schedule change.
but bernie asked in a tweet for his followers to be nice! he’s washed his hands of this whole situation.
@Reggie Mantle:
He needs to go knock some heads. Gotta say, he’s the weakest damn reed I’ve ever run across in politics. But you white guys are getting the chaos and anarchy you want so I’m sure you’re happy as a clam.
@Quinerly: He’s last after Warren and Mrs. Obama.
gogol's wife
Is the booing so bad that the speakers are unable to continue? If not, I’m going to try not to worry about it.
As I said earlier, being booed by Bernie followers might make HRC more attractive to middle America.
@Cat48: DC? How ’bout the mid-Atlantic states (PA, DE, MD,) in March. It was clear after that he would need to win by a margin of 75% in the remaining state to surpass HRC’s popular vote and pledged delegate lead.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
So MSNBC was interviewing one of the Dude-Bros who boooed Sanders. He’s was and unshaven grad student (straight out of central casting). He said he booed cuz Bernie doesn’t realize he can still win. He went on to say he’s trying to get the superdelegates to overturn the will of the people and nominate Sanders. He was being sincere – it wasn’t performance art.. :Living in this delusion is product of echo chamber reinforcement from facebook combined with having very little responsibilities and a lot of privileged in life (in other words – immaturity).
@Quinerly: They say yes his spot was changed.
@Reggie Mantle:
How nice of him to finally ask them the day of the convention.
GIve him the Nobel peace prize.
She didn’t commit a crime? Lock Her Up anyway. That’s okay now, right? Server Crimes and Bylaws Infractions. These are the liberals?
The day is saved. Al Gore said he will vote for Hillary. But won’t be at the convention to which I guess most folks said AL who??
Davis X. Machina
@Kay: Enemy of the revolution. Open-shut case. Party like it’s 1793.
What Bernie Sanders COULD say is that everyone who worked for him shouldn’t feel like they have to make peace — but that by rolling up their sleeves and pulling together and doing everything in their power to make sure that the next president is Hillary Clinton, this very fight they’re engaged in — about lost jobs, income inequality, climate change, student loans, mass incarceration, etc. — CAN CONTINUE. Because if Donald Trump is president no one will care about their goals or goodwill at all. In essence, 4-8 years of getting in Hillary Clinton’s face is worth far more than 4-8 years of being ignored.
That way if he doesn’t want to use his speech to make nice, and I don’t think he does, he can keep everyone stirred up but urge them to channel it in a slightly different direction.
@geg6: some boos is not anarchy and chaos. jeezus christ some ppl on here have never seen politics before
Keith G
@gogol’s wife: It’s loud, but not horrible.
“Spirited” I would say. Not like the first conventions I watched in the 60s where there was real hate.
gogol's wife
@Keith G:
So as bad as Ribicoff in ’68?
Thank you Hildos, for giving us president Trump. Enjoy you last throes of bashing Bernie Bros.
I hopebthe pleasure you received this primary season carries you through to 2020.
Hello person that no one knows. Your opinion is important to us.
Howard Fineman is tweeting that Bernie sent a letter to his followers praising the revolution, trashing trump, bragging about pushing Hillary to the left but not touting her. Hopefully he isn’t sending different messages to different people to just avoid coming out and truly supporting Clinton. The speech tonight will tell.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: People like these will do their best to wreck the convention. Then they won’t vote. But they’ll feel great pretending to care about the suffering of others under President Trump. There used to be fistfights on the floor of national conventions. Someone should slap this clod’s face and yell “wake up.”
@Art: Once again 90 percent already back Hillary, if the other ten percent think that Trump’s world views are better, than good luck with that. Trump is a mentally disturbed man. Attitudes like yours, are what will cause a Trump presidency.
Tom Q
@Keith G: How many speeches do they have to boo through — how many mentions of electing Hillary have to get catcalls — before it becomes a problem in your eyes?
That’s my fear, here. These are youngish people with no allegiance to the party or (apparent) sense of what’s at stake this November. They can boo a long time without getting tired of it. And come Thursday, we could have a meme out there that the whole convention was heavily protested.
I sure hope I’m wrong.
I’m expecting Bernie’s speech to be mostly about himself, with the most tepid of endorsements in conclusion.
Hillary still hasn’t apologized for beating him.
@Bobby Thomson:
Agreed. That’s why I don’t have, and likely never will have, a Twitter account.*
*(To be accurate, I had to create a Twitter account several years ago as part of my job, but sent the one obligatory tweet and since then have never used it.)
Bobby Thomson
@FlipYrWhig: the problem with that is he’s just not very smart and his staff even less so, especially after the best ones were already picked up by Clinton. The only question is whether he’s continuing to give his anti-party stump speech out of malice, laziness, or stupidity.
@Keith G: Thanks for the historical perspective! I’ve never listened to the beginning of a convention before, and was gobsmacked by the behavior I was hearing/watching.
gogol's wife
the best lack all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity
Ella in New Mexico
Amen!!! And by dead enders I mean ALL the dead enders–the ones who won’t let go of their fantasy that Bernie wins the Primary AND the ones who won’t get stop bitching about his being there in the first place. :-)
I’m prepping a special meal meal and looking up recipes for matching cocktails for tonights awesome line up of speakers. What do they say–“Move ON!”? I’m ready yesterday.
Keith G
A Sanders delegate is being given a prime speaking slot talking about the Unity Report. It is essential that these folks get these and other chances to speak as part of the process.
Of course, as she talks about the successes of the Sanders folks in getting S Delgate limits by “standing up”..A “Hillary. Hillary” chant begins. She responds by saying, “You are beautiful”.
I actually like her.
“This is what democracy looks like” is the Sanders chant.
Shawn in ShowMe
If you’re unemployed or underemployed, are upside down on your mortgage and have mountains of student debt, hearing how historic the last 8 years have been may not be a source of comfort to you. The boos are going to happen. And they will happen with greater ferocity in 2020 if President Clinton doesn’t deliver some structural changes to the system that is draining the life out of young people and the middle class. And it will be President Clinton. November won’t be the coronation her supporters were hoping for but blacks, Latinos, Asians, Muslims and white women have no other place to go.
Betty Cracker
@Keith G: It’s been pretty chill since I tuned in about 10 minutes ago. I’ve been pleasantly surprised after having seen those clips this morning. That was pretty ugly.
Martha from Augusta
@srv: Gentlemen, exhume Frank Rizzo!
Miss Bianca
@kindness: Aw rats, and here I was hoping it was original! Nothing new under the sun!
@Smiling Mortician: Problem? ; ) OK, OK, I’ll stop now…
Patricia Kayden
@Cacti: LOL!!
So we’re going to have an entire DNC with Bernie Bros shouting down speakers and disrupting the proceedings? Sigh. I was looking forward to a fun convention but I guess not.
I hope Democrats change their rules so that someone who is not a Democrat cannot run as President on the Party’s ticket. That’s my take away from this campaign season given how Bernie or Busters are fine with a President Trump.
Omnes Omnibus
Bernie’s Unity Committee person is giving an entirely process based speech about super-delegates.
ETA: Finally pivoted.
@Cacti: You know what, though, I really don’t care anymore. I just want his votes and voters out of a grudging sense of duty. I don’t need them to fall in love.
Betty Cracker
@Keith G: Yeah, she’s doing fine.
Sounds like Bernie is channeling Tbogg’s vis-a-vis Ralph Nader:
“Every year in Happy Gumdrop Fairy-Tale Land all of the sprites and elves and woodland creatures gather together to pick the Rainbow Sunshine Queen. Everyone is there: the Lollipop Guild, the Star-Twinkle Toddlers, the Sparkly Unicorns, the Cookie Baking Apple-cheeked Grandmothers, the Fluffy Bunny Bund, the Rumbly-Tumbly Pupperoos, the Snowflake Princesses, the Baby Duckies All-In-A-Row, the Laughing Babies, and the Dykes on Bikes. They have a big picnic with cupcakes and gumdrops and pudding pops, stopping only to cast their votes by throwing Magic Wishing Rocks into the Well of Laughter, Comity, and Good Intentions. Afterward they spend the rest of the night dancing and singing and waving glow sticks until dawn when they tumble sleepy-eyed into beds made of the purest and whitest goose down where they dream of angels and clouds of spun sugar.
You don’t live there.
Grow the fuck up.”
Matt McIrvin
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Wikileaks is the spinning asterisk-shaped energy being that feeds on our hate.
@Kay: They can call themselves anything they want, but they are what they are. White, mostly male, mostly soaking in privilege, ready to kick somebody’s ass, ready to kill somebody, anybody, not realizing that having fantasized about doing so all your life doesn’t prepare you for an actual fight. Their common denominator is they want someone to pay for the unforgivable offense against done to them, that offense being what sane people would call the just reward of their life’s failures. What they called in another age “Walter Mittys”. Used to be able to feel sorry for the stupid but I’ve seen in this life of mine the damage that they cause over the long haul. I can’t feel sorry for them any more.
@Trentrunner: yeah. Can a front pager post Dr. King’s thoughts on the white moderate? Or Anne can do the San Diego Juicer pics as a distasteful bile of disappointment in “liberals” chasers. Either one.
Iowa Old Lady
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m sure that’s riveting.
Patricia Kayden
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: So these Bernie or Busters are anti-democratic and essentially fascists, huh? They really should just go ahead and vote for Trump. Beyond sick and tired of them.
Keith G
She continues, beginning her wind up….”I will always stand strong with Bernie Sanders and I will do everything I can do to get Hillary Clinton elected to the White House”
These speeches are great. It is who we are, and productive, not damaging.
gogol's wife
@Keith G:
Did they boo that?
He was so looking forward to say it too. Gleefully “reported.”
Ella in New Mexico
He has said all of this, although maybe not in one, comprehensive, big setting speech. I’m betting the does tonight.
@raven: I do hate Chuck, for a multitude of reasons. I think it’s great when gasbags like him feel it’s their number one duty to keep things stirred up, to keep this as much of a horse race as possible, instead of giving some historical perspective, educating viewers, whatever.
Patricia Kayden
@raven Pretty sure that’s how Republicans and the “liberal” media will spin the DNC. Probably won’t be too hard to do either.
Keith G
And then Steny Hoyer sucks the air out of the room.
@gogol’s wife: Too many cheers to hear any boos.
It is a raucous crowd.
@Keith G: More of this, please, if it has to be this way let it be this way of being this way.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, she gave the Bernie voters someone to cheer for, and the boos/nays were noticeably quieter after her speech.
Shawn in ShowMe
@Betty Cracker:
Not nearly as much testosterone.
Patricia Kayden
@Keith G: Hey watch it there. That’s my Rep!
gogol's wife
@Keith G:
Raucous is good.
@gogol’s wife:
So far they have booed everyone including a Gay man (Barney), a Black woman (Marsha Fudge) and a Latina. Didn’t catch her name. It’s disgraceful. I’m in tears. Overload. A lot of hate at this convention too. So discouraging that it’s within my own party.
Ella in New Mexico
My son called him “Fuck-Turd” the other day. Had to agree.
Omnes Omnibus
@jenn: That is true. I was just wondering as I watched if and when she was going to pivot.
@Keith G:
As long as there’s a unifying force, a rallying point, something that allows all the different factions to say their piece and then ‘pivot’ (gawd I’m gonna be sick of that word before July is out) to make a call for unity as we roll into the fall.
We Dems are lucky – we have a number of positive unifying forces combining to make THE JUSTICE LEA…er, I mean…the all-star lineup of top Dems who’ll be speaking this week, successful pols who’ve largely delivered on largely successful policies. President Obama on his own is a unifying force; Elizabeth Warren nearly so. And need it even be said, we have a tremendously unifying negative force…bless his Putin-loving heart.
gogol's wife
Let’s wait and see how tonight goes. Maybe they’ll have gotten it out of their systems.
I just looked at a clip of Ribicoff in 1968, and there you had the mayor of Chicago booing him and yelling go home, so that was a bit more serious. Of course we did lose that year.
@Ella in New Mexico: My sense is that the boos are a way to say IM STILL SO MAD THOUGH. I mean, I am a grudge-holding person who struggles with self-control myself, I get it. If someone says “why are you so mad, just get over it,” that makes me _madder_. So find a rhetorical way to authorize the feeling of being mad until, like with grief, time starts to take over and rebalance your inward life.
The Democratic convention will always be portrayed as worse than the Republican convention. All Boston local TV news stations led with DWS getting booed. It’s the narrative now. The event is over. Sanders delegates can carry Clinton around the hall on their shoulders after her speech, and it won’t change. The debates will be her last chance to win it. I will say that’s a good chance. But no convention bump. Trump will lead for the next six weeks at least.
gogol's wife
Oh, come on. Talk about giving up before it even happens!
Not everyone is glued to Chuck Todd all afternoon.
Keith G
Elijah Cummings…my fav…
BTW Did Hoyer even mention Sanders? I do not think he did.
Now up: Elijah Cummings
Go ahead, Berniebros, boo this guy.
Let’s see if the boo Elijah Cummings.
Captain C
@dedc79: I’ve seen supposed Progressives who were supposedly vehemently against the National Security State demand full punishment for Hillary Clinton’s ticky-tacky email server peccadillos and quote the National Review Online to back up their ‘argument.’
I predict Michelle Obama will be booed tonight. That would really shock the crooked Clintonites.
Those of us on the real Left are sick and tired of the Democrats being a center-right, conservative party.
We want Socialism.
@Ella in New Mexico: CNN is the full-network equivalent of Chuck Todd – always the worst possible spin on the Dems, always to keep it as close as possible.
Their website right now has a headline “Email hack roils DNC convention – Democratic convention resembles espionage thriller”
Why are they not leading with “Republican prez campaign tied to DNC hacking, Putin/Russian intelligence agencies”?
Omnes Omnibus
@JMG: It’s half an hour into the thing and you are giving up? Get a god-damned grip.
gogol's wife
Tak, vy deistvitel’no negr, ili vrete?
@FlipYrWhig: Again, another reason Bernie needed to lead the process beginning 2-3 months ago.
Bernie failed as a leader. Miserably.
Polls this time of year are pretty volatile, so I wouldn’t put too much stock in them right now.
@gogol’s wife: Well lah-dee-fucking-dah.
@Kwame: Hey, I remember when you were black!
@Ella in New Mexico: Ah! Both sides do it! How rude of Hillary and her supporters to want to enjoy her nomination!
gogol's wife
I’m just saying, what we’re obsessed with is not necessarily making it to the populace at large.
Keith G
@Kwame: Look at you. Up from your nap and typing like a big guy. So proud.
@Patricia Kayden:
This is what I now fear. BS can’t control them. These BS delegates are vicious. They are interviewing ACTUAL DEMOCRATIC DELEGATES who are saying they probably won’t vote for the nominee if it’s not Bernie. These fucking people are credentialed delegates in the hall. I guess you read where BS DELEGATES booed Nancy Pelosi this morning. See Josh Marshall’s posting.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ella in New Mexico:
That is, of course, a crock of shit.
Your hands, they must be beat from all the wringing…
“Her last chance to win it?” She’s already ahead…post DNC convention, Clinton will come up to about 51-52% and will never relinquish that margin. Trump’s heading for a 100+ EV blowout. That is if the debates don’t help her run up the score even further. That is if TrumPutin even stays in the race when he realizes how badly he’s going to be beat.
@Trentrunner: True progressives!!!
Wish I was there. They wouldn’t dare boo Baud!
@JMG: Stop it. That’s silly. We have the President and the Vice-president, a former president, a first lady, a current senator. All firebrand speakers. The press can’t just ride roughshod over that, as much as they try.
gogol's wife
So are they booing Cummings?
@Omnes Omnibus: I’m not giving up. I still think Clinton is a slight favorite in November. I’m merely predicting how this convention will be portrayed in the media and its subsequent political effect. I’d be happy to be wrong, and could easily be wrong. But that’s what I think. To the other poster, you’re right normal people aren’t glued to Chuck Todd, but other TV newsies are. That way they learn what’s safe to think.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Kwame: That will make every black person not you pissed off and ready to go out to vote.
Keith G
Elijah speaking through a “Black lives matter” chant.
Now a second chant is a more serious bit of background noise. Cummings keeps on.
What is that chant? Anybody?
Schlemazel Khan
@schrodinger’s cat:
I am not a fan of RL Lee, he was a mediocre general who faced really bad ones and accidentally had an advantage due to technology outpacing tactics. But he had a great line that fits here. Jeb Stuart was Lees cavalry, like so many officers of the time he was a popinjay more interested in his alleged honor and ego than in doing what was required. He abandoned Lee to puff his ego in the lead up to Gettysburg. That is part of the reason Lee stumbled blindly into a fight he couldn’t win & refused to avoid. When at the end of the first days fighting Stuart finally shows up all full of himself for having ridden around the Union forces Lee is reported to have said “There is no time for that now, the enemy is before us”
That is what the remaining bernfeelers need to hear, There is no time for this now, the enemy is before us
Captain C
@geg6: I can make exceptions for Rocky Horror and Bull Durham.
Omnes Omnibus
@gogol’s wife: No. But there are people who are ignoring him and chanting, “No TPP!”
So join SPUSA. Nobody’s stopping you.
gogol's wife
Calm down. Clinton is more than a “slight favorite.” The media is just as it was in 2008 and 2016, and Trump is a much worse candidate than McCain or Romney.
@Quinerly: I read that he took the prime slot that Michelle was supposed to have.
I’ve decided to support TPP, just because these asshat Berniebros won’t stop chanting it all the way through Cummings’ speech.
gogol's wife
@gogol’s wife:
I mean 2012.
And FYWP, don’t tell me “I’m posting comments too fast” — I’m posting too fast because you won’t let me edit!
Blackface guy is back.
@Keith G: “NO TPP”
@Kwame: I really resent this troll playing at being black. I rarely say ban anyone, but this is vile.
Betty Cracker
Are they chanting “No TPP” over Cummings? When he’s talking about his dead father? What a bunch of dicks.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
And people wonder why I tend to curb stomp hippies when I come across them…
Omnes Omnibus
@Betty Cracker: Even as he talked about bringing jobs back.
Matt McIrvin
@Kwame: Personally, I want BRINKS TRUCKS.
Each chant, each boo, is one more nail in their movement’s coffin. Who’ll trust them to work with them on anything? In twenty years they’ll be outside, wearing serapes and carrying signs.
The Thin Black Duke
@FlipYrWhig: Still an asshole, though.
@WaterGirl: yes. He complained about Warren & Michelle having better (to his mind) time slots. A very gracious man.
gogol's wife
they don’t give a s–t about any movement
Reports are saying Bernie has just contacted HRC and DNC organizers expressing concern that his supporters will NOT be controlled tonight.
ETA: This was AFTER Bernie sent out his “Please don’t protest” texts/messages to his supporters/delegation.
Seems like Frankenstein can’t control his monster.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I agree with Brian Beutler, but I also see the other guy’s point, even as I can’t imagine someone saying this about himself…
gogol's wife
Big, big mistake to let Sanders run as a Democrat.
I’m trying not to give in to despair too.
This is horrible.
Revolutionary leader Sanders seems like he has some real problems with women.
Ella in New Mexico
Kind of like when you make a toddler come inside during a lightening storm and they pitch a huge fit so you have to drag them in against their will but then they hear the deafening crack of thunder it scares the shit out of them so they run and jump into your lap for safety but have to grumpily declare “I still so mad at you!!!”?
Yep, I think you’re right. :-D
@gogol’s wife: They do, though. They see themselves as leading a movement to “free” Democrats from their centrist, corporate chains.
I’m in the post-fretting stage. Whatever will happen is baked in at this point, and nothing we say here can change that.
We have excellent people at the top. I’m grateful for that.
Schlemazel Khan
Who is this “we” you speak of? How do they propose to institute socialism in this country where a large majority fear even the word? Assuming the Dems nominated a Sanders/Raul Castro ticket that went on to win what socialist programs or laws would we get? Here in the real world where real people like me have fought for social programs for 60 years I can tell you the answer to that last one – NONE. The nation is at a low ebb the first step is to stop the bleeding. It took 40 years for GOP bullshit to get to this point, it will probably take nearly as long to undo it. You do not change the nation overnight and one man, no matter who pure and good and perfect and true is going to fix anything in the way you want it to be
@Kwame: Go to Venezuela.
@Trentrunner: It was his job to find a way to control them. He better figure something out by the time he speaks tonight.
That was the original schedule, I believe. I saw on line that he was complaining and wanted the time slot before Michelle. I hope that is wrong.
You still here?
@gogol’s wife: So I’m not the only one! Glad to hear that. (Sort of.)
I am not going to type out what I said to the folks yelling No TPP in a speech that had fuck-all to do with it, but it wasn’t polite.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
@Betty Cracker:
You realize that they’re going to keep this shit up for FLOTUS tonight.
I say that when that occurs, it will be manifest that it is so far out of Bernie’s hands to fix, he needs the hook tonight. No speech.
And announce to him that he’s got a genuine opponent in 2018 no matter what.
Fuck him and his horse and his purity cadre.
Death Panel Truck
@Jeffro: I miss real television journalists, like Huntley and Brinkley, Cronkite, Severeid, etc. The news was serious business to them. They ruled the airwaves in the days before the suits discovered that infotainment was more profitable.
I cannot think of any journalist today who could string together words as beautifully as Eric Severeid did in his final sign-off in 1977. I consider this footage to be the actual death of broadcast journalism.
@Quinerly: Right. Everyone pointed out to Bernie months ago that he would need to do what Hillary did and wind his supporters down gently, prepare them for the reality (that “real world” that the talked about today) which is that there wasn’t going to be any hail mary floor fight producing a Bernie nomination. But he refused. He kept telling them he would “take it all the way to the convention” and urging them to think of the convention as another part of the primary, a place where they needed to make their feelings known adn needed to keep supporting their candidate. And now here we are! With people actually booing Elijah Cummings from the floor of the convention!
Perhaps negativeone would like to tell me that Elijah Cummings is used to being booed so the INCREDIBLE LEVEL OF DISRESPECT to an elder statesman of the party is neither here nor there. Perhaps Congressman Cummings should thank the Bernie bros for not rushing the stage to club him since he’s actually used to that, as well.
So there are some angry @ssh0les among Sanders’ supporters? How is that his fault? Given the emails leaked and DWS’ arrogant refusal to take responsibility, they have good reason to be furious.
Anyway, I spoke to equally (and unjustifiably) livid Clinton supporters in 2008 who denounced Obama stridently and said they’d rejoice when he lost to McCain. Was that Clinton’s fault they were being jerks?
@Trentrunner: I think I’ll go smash my laserdisc copy of Rocky Horror Picture show to bits.
The Thin Black Duke
@Trentrunner: I guess Bernie is seeing what’s left of his political career going down the drain, huh?
@lamh36: Thanks for the update lamh.
Omnes Omnibus
@gogol’s wife: The chanting did not remotely drown out Cummings speech. It was background noise. The cheers when he talked about women’s right and voting rights, etc., was much, much louder..
Well-known DLC moderate Blue Dog Noam Chomsky:
My Truth Hurts
The anger and the resentment towards the DNC and HRC is bigger than Sanders and deeper than following a single populist candidate. This is the crucible of what will become the politics of the 20’s and 30’s and as always the Democrats are behind the times practicing the politics of the 80’s and 90’s. People want radical change and if he can’t do it anymore the people will discard him and keep looking. People are tired after 16 years of fear campaigns. Fear of the other, fear of Islam, fear of Trump. This isn’t people betraying Sanders, this is the DNC betraying the people. The Democratic Party is fucked. They could have parlayed the self destruction of the GOP into a huge wave of progressive reform policies with record support from voters and instead they squandered it for their own power games. The GOP will survive as the White People’s Party but the Democrats are going the way of the Whigs if they don’t start paying attention to it’s progressive wing. Progressive voters don’t care about Party. The Democratic Party relies on progressive voters.
Chomsky, neoliberal sellout (and this was from back in January, well before Trump even was the nominee):
I see @Trentrunner beat me to it
@smintheus: Nothing like this happened at the convention in 2008. And Hillary was able to lead her supporters in 2008 in a way Bernie cannot today.
Maybe the several months he spent nurturing their sense of grievance and entitlement to the nomination?
Just a thought.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Such an amazing figure.
I’ve been saying it – he’s a fucking caricature of a leftist “leader”, a character from a bad Allen Drury novel.
gogol's wife
@Omnes Omnibus:
That’s good. Thank you.
@Omnes Omnibus: What, you didn’t hear them boo the sell out Bernie?
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class:
If he doesn’t come correct, his Democratic opponent will be my sole political focus in 2018.
@Quinerly: I read that Bernie made a fuss about his speech time being too short and they gave him the closing spot that Michelle Obama was supposed to have.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
turned on MSNBC long enough to hear Chuck Todd pretty much giggling about how bad this is for the Clinton campaign
Yes, they were so reasonable, calm, substantive and issue-focused, last week.
ETA: I wonder what percentage of the Bros chanting about TPP can tell you what the letters stand for?
Iowa Old Lady
Those chanting through Cumming’s speech are showing who they are. Believe them.
@smintheus: Sanders needs to give a convincing talk to his supporters about the progress they’ve made and it is their responsibility not to blow it. He should have done that in the meetings this morning.
I just skipped through a clip of his speech, and from what I saw, it was too much a retread of this standard stumper.
The Sanders delegates, most of whom probably aren’t booing, will go back to their lives. Lives which will take a turn for the worse if Clinton loses. Future in politics, none. Future careers, well, the clips of the boobirds will live forever on the Internet. Not a good look, since Pres. Trump will have about a 26 percent approval rating within 18 months.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
@My Truth Hurts:
That is sure in shit correct.
So fuck all y’all. You get nothing.
Keith G
@gogol’s wife: No. It is not horrible. It is loud and a bit silly.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class:
They do that, and there might just be blood on the floor. Not a lot. Just one or two elbows to a few noses. “Ooops”
gogol's wife
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I happened to hear Chuck Todd during the Turkish coup, and you would have thought we were all about to go up in a mushroom cloud. I try not to listen to Chuck Todd say anything about anything.
Iowa Old Lady
@WaterGirl: In that case, I hope they run over schedule tonight, so he shares Joni Ernst’s fate and winds up talking out of prime time.
@OzarkHillbilly: Seconded, be sure to pack food and toilet paper.
@gogol’s wife:
DWS trying to be too cute by half.
Omnes Omnibus
@OzarkHillbilly: Sick burn.
Good one. And I’m trying the veal tonight….
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
To the extent any pollsters survived the nuclear conflagrations and can aggregate interviews of survivors struggling to survive under crumbling overpasses.
Betty Cracker
I put up a livestream thread if anyone’s interested.
gogol's wife
It may be about time to go try to play “What’d I Miss” on the piano again. My husband’s out for a walk so he won’t be tortured.
@Quinerly: booing isn’t hate. Booing at your own convention is rude, it is annoying, but that isn’t hate either. Let’s not go all Andrew Sullivan here.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@gogol’s wife: I like a lot of the people on MSNBC– Eugene Robinson, EJ Dionne (some where I just heard DougJ snort in derision), Joy Reid, Richard Engel, some of the younger commentators– but their base stable of Mitchell and Todd drives me nuts, and the fact that Brian Williams is their go-to guy for hard news….
Ella in New Mexico
@Omnes Omnibus:
Only if you’re in one of those two groups.
They should change it back, toot sweet. Unless they suspect he’s going to pull a Cruz, that is.
@Death Panel Truck: Thanks for highlighting that! I’d never seen it before.
Betty Cracker
@lamh36: That was rude as fuck.
Jim Parene
@Kwame: How adorable. Keep practicing, you will eventually nail the “outraged lefty” character.
You might even approach “somewhat believable”.
Schlemazel Khan
I don’t remember . . . . HMMMMM, did Clinton supporters try to shut down the 08 convention? were they dicks to the featured speakers? That was so long ago but I am sure you could ask your 08 Clinton supporting friends, I bet they remember.
The butthurt is strong in this one.
Look, I’m with you. I have been very shrill to my friends that were/are BS supporters. This mess should have been stopped months ago when he knew he had no path to victory. I’ve lost old friends over this crap. Bernie’s ego has a lot to do with this…plus I questioned his motives several months ago. I felt better after his endorsement. Not anymore. I think BS is toast in the Dem party if he doesn’t get better control. Ben Jealous just mentioned making HRC president and there was booing.
Omnes Omnibus
Ben Jealous is giving a nice little barn burner of a speech.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Ella in New Mexico: I haven’t seen anyone say Bernie shouldn’t be there. Neither have you. A few of us think he should have conducted himself with less delusional narcissism over the last six months, and to use the words of one of his delegates, fed his followers less Mountain Dew, and they should stop acting like six year olds on a sugar high.
MSNBC focused hard on BernieBrats.
gogol's wife
@Omnes Omnibus:
In support of Hillary?
People do realize, right, that if the Bernie Sanders people keep playing the fool and Hillary Clinton loses, the conventional wisdom will be that she lost _because_ of the antics of the Sanders people, and the next step won’t be to soothe and stroke the Sanders people but to ostracize them politically for a decade or more?
@My Truth Hurts:
But that’s the entire problem, isn’t it? Progressives expect to be obeyed, but they cannot be bothered to jump in, to contribute, to actively work to achieve what they want.
In Congress, in state legislatures, progressives are not a wing. They are barely a feather on a wing. And they certainly don’t represent a majority of the working class. And yet they insist that they should be able to dictate policy, solely on the basis of their ideological purity.
If you don’t care about Party, you cannot logically expect the Party to care about you.
@Schlemazel Khan: I don’t remember that part either.
gogol's wife
Has anyone ever lost because of how the convention went?
The 1968 convention was a mess, but that had a lot to do with a little thing going on called Vietnam.
Ella in New Mexico
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
So what all of us have been saying about the Democratic Party being the long-time champion of progressive causes over the past 40 years is just a lie?
Shawn in ShowMe
She’s more than just a slight favorite, IMO. You can’t win an election in 2016 by winning 65% of white men, 45% of white women and getting creamed everywhere else. This isn’t 1980.
Omnes Omnibus
@gogol’s wife: Yep. Just a great speech.
Death Panel Truck
@jenn: You’re welcome. It’s a reminder to me that journalism used to be an honorable profession.
The Thin Black Duke
@FlipYrWhig: Oh, Bernie understands. It’s too little, too late, but he finally gets it.
Schlemazel Khan
Oddly enough, nobody does
Chyron HR
Well, it’s been a bitter primary season, but I’m going to be magnanimous and congratulate Senator Sanders for making good on his promise to “take the fight all the way to the convention.” He clearly drove home the message that “she’s not the nominee yet.”
@My Truth Hurts:
Man, you need some better drugs.
Matt McIrvin
No, because they’ll be welcome in the Trump coalition when the Democratic Party is outlawed and extirpated.
Actually, there was a chant of “lock her up” earlier in the day outside with some credentialed delegates. I wouldn’t put it past them to try to start that in prime time, inside. The booing is rude. And I think it is hateful….from what I can tell it’s mostly at the mention of Clinton’s name. It’s just not good optics…rude vs hate or not.
Go fuck yourself. I’ve been active in politics for over forty years. I’ve never seen shit like this at a DNC since ’68 and all the assholes were were part of the Daley machine. That is who they remind me of. Hope they’re proud of that.
Ella in New Mexico
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Oh please! It happens here at BJ on a daily basis, multiple times, either directly stating it or indirectly inferring he’s illegitimate and should not have run as a Democrat. Patricia Kayden just stated it earlier when she said “it was a mistake for the DNC to let Sanders run as a Democrat”.
I’m so over all this inside the party fighting, from both sides. But it doesn’t mean I don’t get a little bit of joy out of pointing out hypocrisy when I see it.
@Yutsano: This is my biggest fear, that the folks that run Cable TV see a Trump Presidency as the greatest “Reality Show” of all time. It will keep all of us old geezers glued to the TV to the day we die.
@Jeffro: I should add I have one more theory. If there’s an October Surprise, it’ll hit Trump, not Clinton. The national security/intelligence community wing of the permanent government can’t be thrilled about a President with ties to Russia, and they are in position to find out what those ties are and leak them to the media.
@ruemara: I wonder if he would be a gracious winner; he is most certainly not a gracious winner.
The Kwane thing being fake black is offensive. Also, I just consulted my trusty translator – I believe that “real left” means white people. You know, the only ones who matter.
Betty Cracker
@Brachiator: Good points, though they’ll fall on deaf ears. But must we cede the term “progressive” to assholes like MyButtHurts? I don’t think they deserve it .”Busters” or something equally inane is more their speed.
@Ella in New Mexico:
Thankfully, we have his convention supporters settling this argument once and for all.
It was absolutely true.
Outside the convention BS supporters cheered a “Hillary for Prison” van sponsored by Info Wars.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Ella in New Mexico: indirectly inferring he’s illegitimate
“indirectly inferring”
On hypocrisy and infighting, you once made a reference to my personal hygiene when I asked you to point to a state wear St Bernard had moved the needle in a downticket race. Which I thought was odd. (and I’d still love to see a BernieBot address that question).
(Nina Turner says we have to “acknowledge the pain” Sanders supporters are feeling. Good christ.)
Now who said months ago that Sanders was a Trojan horse candidate hoping for a hostile takeover of the Dem Party by the left fringe?
(raises hand)
In the interests of party unity and magnanimity, I offer those who scoffed at the idea an opportunity to queue up and kiss my virtual ass, in acknowledgment of my prescience.
Then get your own fucking party and stay the fuck out of ours.
Felonius Monk
@FlipYrWhig: White by Day, Black by Night.
@Iowa Old Lady: That’s a lovely thought, I’ll go with that.
What a disappointment Bernie has turned out to be. Telling the Clinton folks “my people are out of control”, with apparently no plan or ability to get them back under control. Good thing there will be no 3 am phone call for Bernie.
Fair Economist
REAL progressives, like Keith Ellison and Nancy Pelosi, are fairly important in a number of US legislatures. It’s the purity progressives who seemed determined to sideline themselves (by booing Ellison and Pelosi, amongst much more).
Ella in New Mexico
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Shawn in ShowMe: You assume President Clinton? Those boos are making President Trump more and more likely.
While all the liberals were looking at the RNC as the biggests dumpster fire in the world, the audience it was directed at, the 48% of the electorate that is white, angry, and feel the minorities need to put back in their place heard Trump promise to do just that, heard from all the talking heads what a cute, wonderful family he had, and most of all heard that the Democratic nominee is a hateful crooked woman who has always looked down her noses at them while exempting herself from the rules everyone else has to follow.
And now the Bernie Bros and Sisters are saying that last part is right, that even her own party hates her and does not trust her. If she does not get a bounce out this convention, when is she going to turn the narrative? Maybe the mainstream media wakes up and stops counting all the shekels Trump brings them, but I would not count on that matter.
The Thin Black Duke
Uh, Bernie knows he fucked up, Ella. Try to keep up.
@Keith G:
I think it was “No TPP” that they were chanting through Cummings’ speech. Am I right? Cummings voted with our president to fast track the legislation.
Miss Bianca
@Ella in New Mexico: I’m going to second that emotion. It was a mistake to let Bernie Sanders run as a Democrat, and DWS, among others, is paying for it. Let’s see how many other people get to pay for it, as well. With any justice in the world, Bernie Sanders would be paying for it, somehow, but he probably won’t.
I have no doubt that a bunch of overprivileged male chauvinists like yourself will try to boo Mrs. Obama, but they’re gonna be drowned out and end up feeling like fools.
@Matt McIrvin: If they become right-wing authoritarians of the white Identity Party, yes, they will be welcome, but not as progressives, if that is what they really are. They are mostly white and seem pretty indifferent to the rights and interests of the non-white part of the working class, so that is a possibility.
Miss Bianca
@Betty Cracker: the word “progressive” has begun to stink in my nostrils as much as the word “liberal” was made to for conservatives. Fuck “progressives” and the ponies they rode in on.
Could not have said it better at #322.
@Ella in New Mexico:
Sanders brats are booing because for the first time in their lives, they aren’t getting a trophy just for showing up.
The Millennial generation is a garbage barge, including your own sprog.
Ella in New Mexico
@The Thin Black Duke:
I know that. So what’s to keep up with?
@Betty Cracker:
Fair point, especially if they continue to court mockery instead of civil conversation.
Bernfeelers and Trump troglodytes share a major common belief that non-white people need to sit down, shut up, and do as they’re told.
Some people were saying that Liz and Michelle should slow-walk their speeches so that his will end up starting after the 11 o’clock news cutaway.
I’m on board with that.
Remember, we’re living in the 24 – no, more like 6 – hour news cycle. A week ago, it was all about Republicans in disarray. one of the speakers telling people to not vote for Trump and getting boos and his wife needing an escort.
Feels like 100 years ago, though. All we can talk about is some minor emails released yesterday. In a few weeks, these two will be forgotten and we’ll be on to some damn stupid thing Trump said on twitter. For every ‘never hillary’ there will be a ‘never trump’ providing the horse race enthusiasts lots of people to complain about the leading party candidates.
Everything is amplified in the ‘now’ – but its like the lancing of a boil. All this anger and hate and pus is brought into the open, but then a bandaid gets put on it and it is forgetten while we are on to the next ailment.
They won’t feel like fools. That’s beyond their capabilities. If they could feel like fools, that would already have happened. They will however be fools, something they have already achieved.
@Shawn in ShowMe:
Then maybe they should get and vote in 2016 and 2018 and help put democrats in control of Congress. Obama isn’t perfect but he could have gotten a lot more doner with a democratic congress and/or a GOP that believed in compromise.
@Ella in New Mexico: Yes, that part is a lie. It is changing right under our noses due to mostly Hillary being smart about burgeoning political movements, and Bernie establishing the size of the hard Left so Clinton didn’t have to.
Yes, the last 40 years have been a shitshow for progressive causes both here and in the UK, taking a nasty rightward swing with Reagan and Thatcher and then defining all the world in their image thereafter.
But that’s stopping now, and this is what it looks like, and nobody least of all Bernie Sanders is going to sit by and let it all go to Trump/Putin just because a bunch of political amateurs wanted to grandstand. Their concern is noted.
With any luck the MSM will paint ’em as a huge monstrous groundswell of socialism, just to piss Clinton off, and so doing will push their own Overton Window and legitimize swinging left toward the ‘new mood of the electorate’. Or it could just be a shitshow ;P
Ella in New Mexico
@Miss Bianca:
That’s a disappointing statement coming from you. Not just because it’s yet another needless, emotionally-charged insult towards Sanders and his supporters, but because you supposedly represent others in your party in an official capacity. It doesn’t bode well for the future of the party to grow and adapt to the changing landscape of liberal voters if you don’t welcome folks who haven’t been Democrats before.
So, If the rules allowed him to do it, then it was not a mistake. Change the rules, make it so only people of a certain history of being a declared Democratic Party member can run under that banner, but for now, that’s not how things were. Just like when we complained about he and his followers whining about the Super Delegates. That’s the rules, so either get involved and change them or STFU and work with the system.
I happen to be proud of the fact that quite a few people I know took a second look at the Democratic party this time around, due to hearing what Bernie Sanders was promoting. Many of them suffered from a superficial understanding of the way the media has beaten the anti-Clinton memes to death. Many were legitimately unhappy that it appears we have a two family dynasty in this country and resisted voting for her for that reason. However, now, after the Primary season is over, most I know are still going to vote D, when before they were either non-voters, or just disgusted and disillusioned by the Republicans and looking for a better way. They actually now see Clinton as a lot more qualified and attractive candidate than they bothered to see before, and most importantly, as the only alternative to Trump.
This party has the ability to include so many different voices and walks of life and thrive positively because of it. It’s better than some petty bullshit like this.
And as for DWS, I could care less if she’s paying the price. She did a terrible job and should have been out long ago. No tears for her, please.
It was pointed out here in the comments, it’s not about hippie punching, vox populi is a fickle beast, and has a history of turning on losing candidates that hang around too long.
He was “maximizing leverage” for platform and rules bullshit that wasn’t worth the hit on his political capital.
@Ella in New Mexico: sanctimonious hall monitor appears to be your primary joy in life.
JUst saw this on Huffington
Wonder if they are going to appoint a blue ribbon panel to investigate?
@Ella in New Mexico:
Yes, but she said that IN LIGHT OF HIS CURRENT BEHAVIOR, the results of which we are currently seeing on live teevee. Context matters.
@Quinerly: Yeah, and Sanders, Clinton, and Kaine have come out against the TPP. I heard it was one of the conditions Kaine had to accept to be picked for Veep.
This is not a chant against something Clinton is supporting. This is in line with the stated opinions of the Dem candidates. The only reason they didn’t put it in the platform is because Obama wants the TPP and they don’t want to outright insult him by making the platform say it, but the professional politicians have got the message loud and clear (and very likely correlated it with what happened with UK’s Brexit). free-trade deals are political poison, and rightly so.
Fuckin’ genius, I’m tellin’ ya…
@Ella in New Mexico:
You keep missing the context. Looking at current events from the convention, IN HINDSIGHT it looks like it was a mistake to let Sanders run as a Dem.
Who knows, maybe he’ll give a blockbuster speech tonight that turns the whole thing around and gets his dead-enders to cheer for Hillary. We’ll have to see, but so far the odds are against it.
@Patricia Kayden: fuck that – not only minorities – it should give every rational american a reason to get out and vote
@Ella in New Mexico:
I’m not sure the rules allowed it. I think the DNC had to approve letting him run as a D. People like o’Malley just announced their candidacy and they were in because they were already democrats.I would not label Bernie an ‘illegitimate’ candidate because he did get DNC (you know that totally corrupt anti-Bernie DNC) approval. But it is an historical fact that Bernie has made a career of keeping the democratic party at arms length while still benefiting from its seniority rules when it comes to committee assignments. In fact that terrible DNC cleared the democratic lane in 2006 to help[ in Bernie’s Senate run. Saying that he does not have the long and deep history with the party that Hillary does is not an insult, its just a fact.
The saving grace is that Hillary has much bigger balls than Gore did.
Stop it. Stop trying to spin everything that us ugly and disruptive as some sign that things are all fine. These sanders delegates are there to boo, hiss, and shout down. They’re having fun. No one controls them, and they certainly have no self control. This is a game to them; a big block party where they get to break a few windows.
Another can of gasoline for the fire.
Don’t you remember Ella from the primary season? I do.
I had an uneasy about BS running as a Dem in the beginning. He did it out of convenience, by his own admission, and to have party resources. If he had run as an Independent he wouldn’t have even been able to be on the debate stage in the primaries. We all know this. I admit that I was Bernie Curious in the fall and sent him $50. I liked that he was energizing youth, and I liked much of this message. I turned on him in March. Should have gone with my original gut instinct. I wish after tonight that I could live the rest of my life and never hear his name. I despise most of his supporters. He’s an ego driven opportunist. I hope MY party has learned from this. I sure did. I want my 50 bucks back, too.
Miss Bianca
@Ella in New Mexico: Bernie Sanders committed the one sin I consider unforgiveable in a politician: he bought his own hype. Not just once, but repeatedly. He bought his own hype, then he sold it to a bunch of other people. And the way he sold it – that he was The One True Progressive, and that the party he was allowed to hijack was just as corrupt as the Republicans – unless, of course, the Super Delegates can be persuaded to throw the nomination to him – is on beyond vile. Give me leave to doubt that a critical mass of folks who were Bernie-curious and not already a Democrat are going to stick with the Democratic Party. And give me leave to doubt that the damage I have seen – the people I thought were reasonable who have gulped down the Bernie-or-Bust Kool-aid and are now raving about how Jill Stein is the One True Progressive – was worth the tingle up the leg I might have felt when I heard “income inequality” being talked about.
I don’t think terms like “courtesy” have much meaning to these people. They wouldn’t be pulling this shit in the first place if they valued such things as courtesy, kindness or respect.
Would you say that of Black Lives Matter? No? Then shut the fuck up. Things are happening across the political landscape that matters, and you don’t get to come and say the young, desperate, poor, seriously fucked movement are motivated by nothing more than vandalism.
Why don’t you say they’re ‘looters’ next. Thank goodness Hillary and her team are better than you.
@dogwood: I agree with you…one delegate and I’m paraphrasing, “It’s like Bernie has given us Mountain Dew for months and now wants us to go to bed.” This is the mentality. They are in the house. They have never been in the house.
You are nailing it. I work from home and I have been watching it all day. There were boos during the Invocation…Hillary’s name was mentioned.
Ella in New Mexico
What the F does that mean? That I was an early Sanders supporter and then changed when things got clearer that not only was he NOT going to win but that he was getting so desperate he was acting in ways that were detrimental to the overall image of the Democrats and helping the Republicans with his attacks on Hilary? So I not only pulled my financial support I wrote him an email to such effect and asked him to cease and desist with the “she’s corrupt and not qualified” innuendos? And then have spent the last few months influencing my friends and relatives who were still supporting Sanders in hopes for some kind of silly overturn of the elections? Yes, that was me.
Does that mean my current support of Clinton means I’ve lost my ability to think critically and clearly about things? No.
Ella in New Mexico
Oh, brother.
That’s actually pretty funny, and not necessarily 100% inaccurate.
Nailed it. He was no Dem until it was convenient for him. He needed DNC resources. We wouldn’t be talking about him right now if he had attempted to run as an Independent in the very beginning.
Yes, I know. Just wasn’t sure if I heard the chant correctly. I have been lectured all weekend by my last BS supporters who are friends about how Kaine supports TPP (and is pro Wall Street, and anti choice). I’m aware of the background on this and how most Dems supported their pres on the fast track. You can’t make these people..including my friends understand why the platform position is what it is. Nor can you make them understand PP and NARAL gave Kaine 100% ratings. They are reading it on Redstate, of all places
@Quinerly: Kaine dropped support for TPP. I believe him. Kaine’s a good guy.
And HE is allowed to be anti-choice, he’s Catholic. But he separates church and state, which I think any decent God would forgive him for. His voting record is pro-choice.
Ella in New Mexico
And the thread devolves into personal, provocational insults towards people’s kids…classy, Cacti. But not a surprise.
And hey, no worries. Cuz when that day comes when you’re laying in your own poop at the nursing home, it’ll be a Millennial who’s paying the taxes that pay your Medicare bills that pay the young CNA who wipes your butt and changes your diaper…Diss ’em while you still have teeth, Cacti.
No I wouldn’t say that about BLM because they don’t act like these ridiculous, childish hecklers. You can rationalize how great they are all you want, but they are showing who they are today. You have every right to enjoy this and defend these people, but you shouldn’t be surprised that it isn’t amusing, entertaining, or profoundly meaningful to everyone.
@Applejinx: Why, I believe I’ll do the honors…
@Major Major Major Major: Get off my yard!!
Wow, that’s right out of Fox news! Seriously, give us the Hannity angle next.
@Ella in New Mexico:
Here’s what it means. Fairly early in the primary season, perhaps after the first few states had voted I weighed in on why I wasn’t supporting Bernie. There was nothing personal about my decision, it was based on the skill set and temperament that I think is needed for any chief executive. You responded as if I had insulted Bernie, you, and anyone in the revolution. It was aggressive and a bit weird to me. I ignored your response, and later on you replied again claiming I said things that weren’t in my original comment. So, yes, I remember you.
@Baud: People are a lot more fed up than they were in 2008. For starters, they’ve watched as those who destroyed the economy were rewarded with public money rather than being locked up – by a Democratic administration. Hillary’s voters in 2008 basically had nothing to complain about except that their preferred candidate didn’t win the nomination. Big diff.
@Cacti: Clinton spent months in 2008 nursing her supporters’ sense of grievance. It’s just that they didn’t really have grievances to speak of.
Ella in New Mexico
@dogwood: Oh for God’s sake. What a bunch of sad sack that is.
I insulted you for saying something stupid in a post months back? I’m betting you were being a jerk and deserved whatever I may have said.
Paul in KY
@Art: Fuck off, loser.
Paul in KY
@Kwame: Fuck off, comrade.
Paul in KY
@My Truth Hurts: Fuck off, purity loser.