I was more emotional than I thought I would be….but my niece is sitting in my guest room, talking back to my floor guy regarding Trump (she’s 9, he’s for Trump) and all I can think is…this is historic. We have to win this for her and all the other children who need to grow up in a world where Love trumps Hate.
PHILADELPHIA — Hillary Clinton is now officially the Democratic presidential nominee, making history as the first woman ever to secure the backing of a major American political party.
Clinton was formally nominated on the second evening of the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday, more than nine years after launching her first presidential bid. It was largely an evening of unity after an opening night marked by resistance from die-hard supporters of Democratic runner-up, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.
ETA: By request. Here’s a link to the live stream (I didn’t realize I posted the wrong link in my previous thread).
Me too!
Nancy Pelosi must be an amazing back-room pol because Jesus Christ, she’s a spectacularly shitty public speaker.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
it must by the hay fever, all of the sudden my eyes are watery.
Congrats to Hillary and her team and supporters.
@Trentrunner: I think she is.
Nancy Smash on now with the women of the House
I am still forced to watch Terry McCauliffe! Need to figure out how to forge ahead to the future to see Nancy.
@Trentrunner: I had the same uncharitable thought!
Congratulations, Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Now, let’s get this Madame President thingy done.
Does Nancy have tears in her eyes?
Great, now Lawrence ODonnell, asked what’s historic about this, is singing an aria about Sanders. Anything else historical, Lawrence?
What the fuck, MSNBC?
@Trentrunner: yeah…fuq Lawrence O’Donnell…he was ridiculous
@Trentrunner: CSPAN, my friend, is showing the speeches.
Tamara, give your niece a high five from me! And as for your last sentence: damn straight.
This is a good day.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Trentrunner: he hates HRC, old grudge going back to the 93 health care bill and the sainted (in O’Donnell’s mind) Daniel Patrick Moynihan.
That’s what I’ve been doing. But it sounds like MSNBC has jumped the shark.
The roll call moved me to tears.
I’ll be crying tears of joy on Election Day, again.
Davis X. Machina
….shehecheyanu vekiymanu vehigi’anu lazman hazeh.
Ugh…when did Lawrence O’Donnell become a fluffer for Bernie Sanders…eh…jeez…at the very least give HRC her moment…come on
Oh and here goes Rachel…smh…ugh….no it’s NOT worth mentioning Rachel..ugh.
It was big time. This convention is actually getting me pretty pumped about Clinton.
Schlemazel Khan
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
There is an off color (no pun intended) but hilarious line in Blazing Saddles that would fit right here. It ends with “. . . But we don’t want the Irish!”
Also too, I finally found an official livestream.
About time.
Step 1, check.
Step 2, operation thump trump, now in progress. Must defeat vote suppression, vote caging, voter intimidation. We are seeing the whole fascist, Jim Crow playbook.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Mike R
@Baud: Sometimes one almost wishes they came up short and got to swim the shark.
Kornacki is explaining precisely what Bernie & Co demanded and why Bernie would not allow the vote by acclamation, which Hillary did in 08.
Fuck him and his white man Berniebro feelings. Misogyny FTW.
@aimai: Oh, turn the page already. McAuliffe is a great progressive and a great friend to democracy.
@ABC 29s29 seconds ago
Biden: Trump, Pence “don’t know what they’re talking about” when it comes to ISIS.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Schlemazel Khan: Hey now! But yeah, nobody holds grudges like we do. Moynihan is to O’Donnell what O’Neill is to Tweety, with all the gloss of intellectualism and the Upper House.
@Trentrunner: What are you/they talking about? It was by acclimation.
James E Powell
Huge night for women, huge night for the America we all want to be. Let’s celebrate it for the moment it is, then move on to make real history by electing the first woman president.
Major Major Major Major
@Trentrunner: don’t worry. She is.
C-SPAN Radio iPad app to the rescue.
Betty Cracker
Verklempt. Wish my mom was here to see this.
@Baud: It was not by acclamation. Rachel & Kornacki just explained in detail, using the exact words of the Vermont nominating woman, and it did NOT include “acclamation,” so Bernie’s delegate vote total WILL be officially recorded, and presumably he won’t die an unhappy man.
Or something. Anyway, fuck him. He’s history.
Schlemazel Khan
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I used to feel bad that my forefathers were sent to crush theirs. Then Tweety appears on my TV and I think my forefathers should have done a better job.
That btw, is a joke. Tasteless I admit.
@Trentrunner: Then what did I just see?
@Trentrunner: Seconded.. Bernie’s only accomplishment has been trying to destroy the party, he isn’t a member of..
Look at this diverse group of women in the House!!!
@hellslittlestangel: What? I honor McCauliffe for what he’s doing with the felon vote situation. I just don’t find him an inspiring speaker.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Schlemazel Khan: Hell, if I were into the tribal thing I’d have to claim not just Tweety and O’Donnell but MoDo and Nooners. As to those two fucking goons in Fox primetime…. O’Gevalt! as my grandmother never said.
Edited to add what I came back here to post
Sean Walsh
@ SeanCWalsh
Arizona just had a 102-year-old woman cast their votes for Hillary. When she was born, women didn’t have the right to vote.
Major Major Major Major
I heard on the internet yesterday that Hillary ordered the press banned from the hall during the roll call so that nobody could see people voting for Bernie, so I don’t know where y’all are watching this but it obviously isn’t the teevee
Seriously I saw somebody say that
On this historic day, why do you peeps watch cable teevee noise and then bitch and moan about it here?
James E Powell
That seems to be true of nearly every speaker I can recall, including famous one’s like Tip O’Neill – He was good with interviews and remarks, but speeches? Snoozeville.
Cut them some slack, someone has to do a summation and write the final chapter of the campaigns, rather than pretend they didn’t exist.
O’Donnell may have drawn the short straw before transitioning to the general, but as the ending of a year-long story it was going to happen regardless.
I still think the way forward is for Bernie to keep attacking Trump, especially about his personal attributes. Trump will eventually respond in kind and this will help unite dems because it will expose Trump even more for who he is. (For those few who don’t seem to realize it.)
And, of course…
When Vermont passed on the original roll call (to go last) the talking heads had to babble completely through the Virgin Islands vote so I never got a chance to hear my peeps wax poetic about our beautiful islands.
My own fault for watching MSNBC. When will I learn?
ETA – All 12 VI votes went to Hillary. Zero for Bernie. So there’s that.
I guess we are smarter in the Caribbean…
kd bart
I do believe those are flags on each side of the stage.
Bobby Thomson
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Christ. All the shit the Bernie Brats said about Clinton this year was actually true about that asshole.
Fair Economist
Bernie’s motion said that all votes be recorded as cast for HRC, so don’t worry, we get the symbolic unity.
I thought it worked out just fine.
Mister Forkbeard
@Trentrunner: Can you summarize? I can’t be arsed to watch MSNBC after their farce of convention coverage, but that’s actually an interesting subject to me.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
hee hee
Tracy Ratcliff
@amk: [points to the name of the blog at the top of the page] That’s what we do here.
Get thee to C-Span! No commentary from the talking heads, just speeches. Jimmy Carter is speaking now.
Patricia Kayden
Teared up when Senator Sanders stood up with the Vermont group to turn over his delegates to Secretary Clinton and she officially became our Presidential nominee. History made before our very eyes.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Ajabu: There will likely be a video up tomorrow. The announcement included a shout-out to Hamilton and to Tim Duncan.
@aimai: Sorry> I assumed in error.
My new BFF Jess from the Clinton campaign just texted me to let me know, so I know it really happened.
I’m sorry, I know I’m easily amused, but it cracks me up every time I get a “Hi, it’s Jess!” text from the campaign.
@Fair Economist: I thought he was still an egotistic ass.. but that’s just me.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Ha. Too bad for the bitters. But the fates are with us.
@Betty Cracker:
Sigh, my mom didn’t get to see this nor Obama’s election. She’d have been amazed at our world now. At least she was spared the Donald, given her Republican roots (though, Reagan pretty much ended that).
Keith G
I am so glad this happened, but I do not feel any great spasms of “This is history!!! Yay!!”
I blame Obama for this, in part. His run to the presidency, nomination and all the pageantry drained my ability to feel much else is historic in this field of endeavor. Also, somewhere around the year 2000, I figured that I would be voting for Hillary to be president and that she would win.
Ed. @Mnemosyne: I am getting ready to mute Jess. A few days ago, I got nine emails from the “Hils.com” site.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I think he’s whinging one thread down.
@Trentrunner: Double. Fucking. Standards.
RobertDSC-iPhone 6
No thanks. Get his old shouty ass off the fucking stage. Forever. No more Bernie.
Fair Economist
I’m not going to argue about whether or not he’s an ass, but he’s doing everything he should now. Besides, if we kicked all the egotistical asses out of the party we’d probably have to hold the convention in a Holiday Inn breakfast room.
OMG–did Chuck “tin ear” Schumer just say “take it to the bank?” Yes, yes he did. Oh well. The guy is excited but he’s no speechmaker.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
I’m still expecting a more full “Hamilton” shout-out at some point. I would love to see Chris Jackson make a singing appearance.
@Betty Cracker: My Mom too. I think a lot of Mom’s who are gone are smiling down at us, thinking it is about time! As Joe would say “BFD!”
Schlemazel Khan
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’m big on Scottish consciousness
When they are conscious they are great!
@Trentrunner: Yeah, I noticed that. Bernie used a very careful set of words including “selected” for Hillary, as though she weren’t actually winning the real vote total. It pissed me the fuck off. What an asshole. Like I said somewhere else–he knew how to do it right, since he saw how she did it in 2008, and he just refused. Deliberate. Insulting. Selfish.
TaMara (HFG)
@Ajabu: You can rewind the live link I just embedded and hear it.
Schlemazel Khan
@James E Powell:
The Shummer will be one of the all time greats as Senate majority leaders by that standard
@Trentrunner: Not as classy as it first appeared when I thought Bernie asked for the vote by acclamation.
I was born in 1976, so past the time for Jimmy Carter, so I really know Jimmy Carter for his post-Presidency work.
He reminds me of my gran who’s 82 and still going strong. That generation is a WHOLE lot stronger than the current one and my own generation.
I respect the hell out of that guy!
@Keith G:
I’m getting inundated with emails, but I’ve only been getting 1 text a day from my new BFF, so it’s not too bad.
I wish my mom had lived to see this day.
Major Major Major Major
Do the runners-up usually do the acclamation thing? Or is this just something Hillary did so now we expect it
@aimai: When he came on stage, I switched from CSPAN to MSNBC. I just don’t care for him, but I’d vote for him, over my Senators any day of the week.
@Fair Economist: lol… I started out thinking Bernie was okay, but the more he yelled at clouds, he left any respect that I had for him, blowing in the wind.
Yeah, here’s the text from Vox.
Schlemazel Khan
Liz Banks speech is perfect! I bet the networks are not carrying it
Elizabeth Banks cracked me up. Apparently, not so much the crowd.
@hellslittlestangel: I thought Terry Mc was really smarmy when he ran the DNC and he did seem drunk sometimes on TV. I was willing to let that go when he tried everything he could regarding the ACA when he was elected governor. Then I super-double let that go when I read what he was doing related to voting rights for felons.
Ari Berman
For 144 years women couldn’t vote in US (for some much longer). Nominating 1st woman nominee of major party is very big deal #DemsInPhilly
ok…I’ve really got to get to bed early tonight. I’ve been too tired lately.
So I’m only gonna watch the few speeches I can and maybe Bill C if he starts on time.
The monochromatic Rubik’s cube background design is a horror.
Makes it appear people are standing in a modernist subway station.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
A 20 year old Nancy Pelosi with her dashing chaperone (photo)
Oh, Baud, I guess I’m going to have to remind you, just as I had to remind Ed at Gin & Tacos this morning:
Please, it’s acclamation (by acclaim). Acclimation is adjusting to new or changed conditions (think climate change).
/pedant out
@Baud: They did not say the word acclamation AND they asked for the vote to be recorded as is.
Tamara, if it’s not too late, have your niece ask him if he’s okay with construction workers getting stiffed after building a casino/hotel.
I think about a conversation I had with Peanut a couple of months ago. In her 8 year old mind – OF COURSE, a woman could be President, and she gave me the side eye, not understanding WHY a woman had never been President before. When Hillary wins 2 terms, Peanut would have spent her first 16 years with An African-American and a Woman President. I can’t imagine how that will shape her worldview.
Moderation? For what?
Tamara, if it’s not too late, have your niece ask him if he’s okay with construction workers getting stiffed after building a c*sino/hotel.
Schlemazel Khan
It started with her coming on stage with a fog machine & “We are the Champions”. Then went on to make fun of Drump in a pitch perfect series of punchlines. A comic would have handled the reaction better. I think maybe a lot of people are running out to eat
The transcript should be up sometime & I’ll post the link & the best lines if I can
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: You know what you did. Shame on you.
Major Major Major Major
Man, a bunch of idiots are still mad about the DNC thing on Facebook. When did my friends become friends with a bunch of idiots?
I keep seeing that “Love Trumps Hate” slogan and my brain keeps doing either “Trump Loves Hate” or “[The] Love [That] Trump Hate[s]” with it.
@rikyrah: And with that thought, you just made me cry. Thank you. Pretty damn amazing.
I think you meant to say pendent.
@Major Major Major Major: Republicans are still mad about Benghazi. The mistake is assuming your friends’ friends are any different.
Hey, you know Jess too? I get texts and emails from him all the time. What a small world it is, to be sure.
@slag: Yeah jesus why is the crowd so dead now?
I admit, I can be rather pendantic.
Lizzy L
NYT is quoting Julian Assange as saying that the Wikileaks release of the hacked DNC e-mails was specifically timed to damage Hillary Clinton. He considers himself her enemy, and does not want her to be President.
“After the Democratic chairwoman, Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, resigned Monday when Sanders supporters reacted angrily to revelations in the emails that party officials had privately rooted for Mrs. Clinton to win the presidential nomination, Mr. Assange told the news program “Democracy Now!” that he timed their release to coincide with the Democratic convention.”
@WarMunchkin: Someone said people went out to dinner.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Alas, yes. I don’t understand why that word triggers moderation. An overload of vowels?
Keith G
@Baud: Wait…the quote you provided seems to indicate Sanders did the right thing. But there are folks here typing that Sanders was a bad boy. Confirmation bias?
Anyway, best side won, as we knew they would, so time to move ahead.
Omnes Omnibus
@WarMunchkin: Dinner time.
Major Major Major Major
@Baud: you mean not everybody ruthlessly prunes their friend circle to exclude the common clay of the new west?
Joy ReidVerified account
Any women feeling “a way” that the first female nominee had to be *this* deferential to a man and not “celebrate” in order to claim victory?
@Keith G: No, apparently there is a technical distinction between what he did and what Hillary did in 2008. No one would notice if the media didn’t explain it.
Major Major Major Major
@Keith G: seriously, do Dems usually do the acclamation thing Hillary did in 2008 or is this just the ‘expectation’ since then??
@Major Major Major Major: I solve the problem by not having the initial set of friends.
@Davis X. Machina: Oh-meyn!
@Major Major Major Major:
Send them booman’s post. He was a Bernie supporter throughout but he also hates bullshit.
Mister Forkbeard
@Lizzy L: So… e-mails stolen (and at the very least re-organized and re-saved and possibly edited) by Russian intelligence, and given to an admitted anti-Hillary Clinton agent to damage her campaign as much as possible.
There’s literally no one in that chain (of two groups) that could be trusted with keeping the information unaltered, or released in its entirety. So how many exculpatory emails did either of those two groups remove?
Donna Brazile wearing my late grandmother’s slipcovers.
Major Major Major Major
@BR: linky? Also, no, these people are beyond help. They’re the “booing Bernie” types.
@Baud: no wonder you didn’t get a single delegate.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Okay. I told you guys Elizabeth Banks is hilarious.
@Lizzy L: shrinking pool of relevance. In the end, the fucker did jacksquat, making him and his ‘org’ still more irrelevant.
@Mister Forkbeard:
Some of us flip back and forth and watch MSNBC, so you don’t have to.? Then we bitch, you are curious, then we tell you what you want, and then you lecture us to watch C SPAN. I’m laughing. Must be an inside joke.
@WarMunchkin: I don’t know. I’ve been suspicious of the convention’s sound design for a while, and now, with random voices competing with Donna Brazile, I’m more suspicious. Could be that the crowd noise was not well-mic’d during Banks’ speech.
@Major Major Major Major: I thought the fact that I wasn’t beholden to any special interests would be a selling point.
Donna Bazile ain’t even fretting them dead enders!
Poof be gone!
#DemsInPhilly #DemConvention
@Major Major Major Major:
booman’s post
I see some people just can’t learn. https://youtu.be/L0MK7qz13bU
@Trentrunner: I was impressed by how much better Pelosi comes across and made me eager to hear what she has to say in a smaller scale setting, such as an interview with Rachel Maddow. Nancy has plenty of strengths, but a big-time podium isn’t where you’ll see them displayed.
@Lizzy L:
Fugitive sex criminal hates first female candidate for president? There’s a shocker.
And, um, why is this non-American inserting himself into this election uninvited? Isn’t that what got him into legal trouble in the first place?
@Major Major Major Major:
Tell them the most pure thing they can do is not vote. Because all politicians will eventually be impure. I mean Jill Stein is horrible and cynical just like the rest. She sold them out.
Major Major Major Major
@BR: danke
@Baud: a Russian hacker sent me an email thread where you’re awfully chummy with a few people. Suspicious.
Schlemazel Khan
They really have gone for dinner. When they give a wide shot the place is half empty. Its a shame, they missed a couple of great moments but people gotta eat!
@Major Major Major Major: As long as it doesn’t come out that I comment here…
@Keith G: Hahaha, what blog are you reading? I fondly imagine how nice the blog would be if everyone were (note use of subjunctive) as reasonable and kind as you. But then I would not be allowed to comment either. ;)
HA HA Goodman is totally stroking out on Twitter. Sad!
Somewhere, Shirley Chisholm is smiling broadly.
@Baud: Works for me too.
ETA: I don’t even get texts from Jess.
@Schlemazel Khan: Yeah. You’re right. Nature of the beast, I guess.
Omnes Omnibus
Holder now.
Gin & Tonic
@Omnes Omnibus: Sausage, peppers and onions here. Everything grown and produced within 10 miles or less of my home. Well, except for the gin.
Major Major Major Major
@BR: I tried, he wouldn’t believe me that Saint Bernard is corrupt.
@Schlemazel Khan:
For what it is worth, I read on line that many of the die hard BS supporters left for good after the roll call. Before Pelosi and Pres Carter’s speeches.
@Major Major Major Major:
The last time the actual vote was recorded was for Jesse Jackson, ever since it’s been by acclamation. Bernie wants the convention official record to reflect the delegates that he got. Since Jackson the practice was to do it by acclamation to demonstrate that the party is unified.
I don’t think it’s that big a deal except to show how much of an ego trip this is for Bernie. Everyone knows how many delegates he got, but he is denying her a unanimous official count.
Ha… Who Dat!
Donna Brazile twirls on stage after speaking at #DemsInPhilly
Another angle…gotta love Donna Brazile…dancing on dead enders tears? LOL.
@Schlemzel Khan
Those suddenly overpriced cheesesteaks and soft pretzels ain’t gonna eat themselves!
Schlemazel Khan
Well, some of us noticed but I changed my comment to ignore it. I am a political junkie but most people wouldn’t see the difference & I only care because of the run up to that moment & Bernie knew exactly what he did. He could have been actually gracious but chose not to. If I were The Majority leader next session Bernie would find himself highly placed on several really important subcommittees like the one that tends the street repairs in DC. Give his place to real Democrats.
@lamh36: Donna Brazile was FANTASTIC. I’m loving this entire part of the convention. So proud of my party!
@Quinerly: Good. I hope we can move on to the fight against Trump now.
Schlemazel Khan
@Major Major Major Major:
The major runner up normally does not do it but it is always done. I think the hostility of the last 2 contested primaries made it important.
Mister Forkbeard
@Quinerly: You should know that I appreciate your sacrifice, but haven’t told anyone what channels to watch on yet.
MSNBC’s coverage kind of sucks, but their feed is also causing problems for me. Not sure why.
@rikyrah: I am feeling some damned way.
c-span’s feed has been great for me.
@Gin & Tonic: I was perusing the local liquor selections at my local store, and they had a brown gin. I have never heard the like. Blue I was somehow okay with. Brown not so much. I wished they had small bottles you could try, because I’m not dropping $70 on some weird ass brown acid gin just to be curious.
Nancy has always been a bad speaker in public, but she is the epitome of getting shit done. She doesn’t take shit from anyone, and has been the most powerful minority leader ever, because she knows how to run a caucus and use the leverage that gives her to bend the last two hapless speakers to make big concessions. She’s better in interviews but still not very smooth.
We have a cop too!
Omnes Omnibus
@Gin & Tonic:
This stuff is distilled less than 2.5 miles from me.
Cheryl from Maryland
@Betty Cracker: I feel the same about my mother. She would never tell my father for whom she voted, but she told me when she voted for the first woman candidate for governor of Virginia (Mary sue terry). God I miss her.
Mary G
I can remember my dad telling me 55 years ago that because I was a girl, I couldn’t grow up to be president or an astronaut or a bishop. I also remember my mom disagreeing and saying that she was sure that would change by the time I grew up. Thanks, Mom.
@Omnes Omnibus: Thanks for the heads up!
gogol's wife
I’m glad to see you back! I wasn’t telling you not to comment. I was just worried about you! I can’t tolerate anything but CSPAN myself.
Schlemazel Khan
Well they never really wanted to be Dems anyway. Working with the party is hard. You end up busting your ass for someone that loses or for your second choice because even they are better than the alternative and then they disappoint you. I grew up in a period where America and Democrats were growing in strength and we were winning. There was room for these games inside our party. Today American has been in decline for most of 40 years while (and because) the GOP has been gaining strength. We have no room for this bullshit today. The first rule of emergency medicine is to stop the bleeding. BHO has done a hell of a job in that given what he has had to deal with. Clinton will push the ball slightly forward but America and the GOP will not allow for more than that. Those fuckers want magical ponies are here on planet earth in 2016 there are no magical ponies. There are millions bleeding and we need to stop that before we can do the rest. Lend a hand or go to hell but realize you are taking us, your children and your grandchildren to hell with you and your purity.
Up next…Mothers of the Movement!
@Schlemazel Khan:
Agree 100%.?
Major Major Major Major
@hovercraft: what a jackass! Lol
Schlemazel Khan
Mr. Pierce
This is nice. The Moms.
Patricia Kayden
Mothers of the Movement. Beautiful.
Omnes Omnibus
I really wish there was no need to have these women on stage. Unfortunately, there is.
gogol's wife
@RobertDSC-iPhone 6:
Yeah, I’ll be happy never to hear or see anything from him in perpetuity.
Steeplejack (phone)
It is used to trap (gambling-related) spam, which would otherwise overwhelm the site without the various filters.
Well, come on, it’s not like a white guy has ever been nominated before. //
Gin & Tonic
@muddy: Can you stop by the distillery and get a taste?
Schlemazel Khan
@gogol’s wife:
yeah I would like to never have this happen again. We need to stop the cause.
Here’s to Barbara Charline Jordan, who IMO, should have been the first female president of the United States.
Sandra Bland’s mother delivering a big-ass reality check.
Omnes Omnibus
Sandra Bland’s mom just wiped me out.
gogol's wife
These Mothers of the Movement are amazing.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, it’s something.
gogol's wife
“Hillary Clinton isn’t afraid to say that black lives matter.”
Democratic politicians know who their base is even if some Bernie-or-Busters don’t.
(Note: no one currently on this comment thread is being grouped with the BoBs unless they insist on it.)
Wow, give respect to these woman, I don’t think I could get up there had I been in their shoes.
@Omnes Omnibus: Same. These ladies are killing me. So moving.
I am just wowed by the generosity of spirit and graciousness of these mothers of young black men and women who died violently at the hands of police (or in police custody). What a contrast to the pinched rage of the “Benghazi mom” who totally blamed Hillary for her son’s death.
@gogol’s wife: “She doesn’t build walls around her heart.”
Major Major Major Major
Going into a tunnel. When I come out I fully expect this election to be over, okay you guys??
gogol's wife
Trayvon Martin’s mother now.
Everyone should be watching this.
Just One More Canuck
@LAO: he’s seriously unhinged
gogol's wife
Can’t stop crying.
Sarah, Proud and Tall
I’d managed not to cry up to this point, but the Mothers of the Movement tipped me over the edge. Such a powerful moment, such fine, strong women.
Patricia Kayden
Tears everywhere. Those are some strong women. Couldn’t do it.
Schlemazel Khan
Compare these women to the mom that the GOP dragged out
@gogol’s wife:
I’ll have to watch it on the DNC site later. Still stuck at work.
@Gin & Tonic: It’s in Hardwick, which is one of those places where “you can’t get there from here”. Well at least without making it a whole day trip around half the state from where I am, much further south. I’ve heard they have it at the Burlington Farmers Market, so I’m hoping they will soon have it at one nearer to me.
@Mnemosyne: Lin-Manuel seems to be on vacation or I’d assume he’d make an appearance since his dad is a Communications Director for the DNC.
gogol's wife
Don’t miss it.
Aww damn…followed by Andra Day!
“Rise Up”!
I hope we can get some resources behind these women to keep going until their job is done.
gogol's wife
Andra Day now.
@efgoldman: Burning a dam isn’t as easy as one may think.
The idea that liberals have to depend on one or two people to be the liberal (the real one) on TV points up how fcked the false balance is.
PS Jay Rosen hits another home run here. NPR can’t even handle “Melania is a plagiarist”.
Sybrina Fulton has so much grace. That always made me humble, whenever I watched her.
Does this convention seem rawer than those in the recent past?
Steeplejack (phone)
It is one word used to trap spam, which would otherwise overwhelm the comments without the various filters.
I thought the mothers of the movement would be tacky, but it was actually very moving.
Uncle Cosmo
@Baud: Without Bernie’s motion, the delegate votes would have been tallied, the results announced to the convention, and Hillary would have been confirmed as the nominee. The only practical effect of his motion was to suppress announcement of the numbers. Which might have kept the BoB’s from booing loudly for the cameras. I guess that’s something. But it sure doesn’t seem like much to me.
@gogol’s wife:
I’m a collection lawyer for over 30 years. I put up with a lot of shit. No problems. Yes, I listen to NPR and watch MSNBC and have been known to to bitch about it? Must get something out of it….I still think the average voter tuning in ain’t watching C Span. I like to know how this is being covered and what the average person is seeing. I have been particularly disgusted with MSNBC for about a year but Rachel usually has a nice show if I can catch it. O’Donnell hates Trump…so his show can be entertainmentif just for his mocking. Yes, the Stein interview this afternoon by MSNBC inside the convention was unnerving. But it was good to see what she was saying…what her pitch is. “The DNC/HRC sabotaged Bernie.” It’s going to appeal to some of these BS supporters. And yes, MSNBC gave her the platform to say it. I have to assume CNN probably did the same sort of thing.That’s why I flip around on the cable news channels…and torture myself.?
@Major Major Major Major:
It’s being filmed on the same soundstage where Kubrick faked the Moon landings. If you look closely at the crowd, you can see that it’s all the same eight people, duplicated with a Photoshop texture brush.
Also Bernie was murdered by Hillary, which is why Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Silverman are standing on either side of him every time he “speaks”.
Enunciation a lost art. Can make out maybe every third word this singer is warbling.
Omnes Omnibus
@Quinerly: Life offers up enough pain on its own that I try not to seek it out voluntarily..
@Omnes Omnibus: Yet here you are.
@NotMax: I thought Donna B’s dress was lovely. It fit her beautifully, the two necklaces tied together the two colors of the dress, it went with her lovely gray hair. Hem hit at just the right spot to show her legs well (which are lovely legs).
Omnes Omnibus
@NotMax: You need to find a Statler to go with your Waldorf.
Gin & Tonic
@muddy: I’d devote a day to driving to a distillery, but that’s just me. Spent three days last fall just visiting wineries and distilleries in the Finger Lakes.
Uncle Cosmo
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: FTR here is Nancy Smash’s dad: Four-term Congressman, three-term Mayor of Baltimore. Democratic Party politics is literally in her blood.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Court ordered.
@gogol’s wife:
And Andra Day was fabulous! DNC gives good music!
Man, I lost the plot when the Mothers of the Movement spoke – such bravery and grace. Couldn’t see through the tears. May no more grieving mothers be added to that stage.
@Omnes Omnibus: Eighth Amendment violation if you ask me.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
The rest of tonight’s schedule:
Julian Assange timed WikiLeaks release of DNC emails to harm Hillary Clinton
Of course he did…fuckers..
@Major Major Major Major: Okay, now I’m laughing through my tears!
In no way intended to intimate it wasn’t attractive. It was. Still nearly identical to the slipcovers.
@Omnes Omnibus
It’s been a headlong dash downhill since “Louie, Louie.”
/alarm reminder to adjust onions sounding now
Credenzal Jocularity
This is exactly as I hoped.
Expertise matters.
The crowd chanting #BlackLivesMatter when the mothers of the movement were introduced. #DemsInPhilly
In direct contrast to RNC last week practically celebrating the acquittal of all the officers in the Freddie Gray case…as if these aren’t REAL people and real families too.
? Martin
Quite the contrast between these mothers and the RNC Benghazi speakers that could only lie, point fingers at, and call for Clinton to be locked up.
Cecile Richards isn’t the speaker her mama was, but she got her message across effectively.
Uncle Cosmo
@Major Major Major Major: I’ve been watching conventions since 1960 & IIRC it’s traditional that once a candidate has received enough votes to be nominated (& it’s clear no one is pushing for the equivalent of a recount), someone from among the second-place finisher’s supporters moves to make the nomination unanimous. I don’t think there’s any consistency as to who makes that motion. I suppose BS had to do it himself so that there’d be no question amongst his delegates that this is what he wanted.
Did the announcer say “SEE-sil” Richards? I always took it to be seh-SEAL.
Either way, her mom must be proud.
@David Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016 Koch
I’m a 42 year-old white male married with no kids.
I’m a proud Democrat but I see why Democrats are getting massacred among white men with no college degrees. I’ve watched almost every speech today and there is nothing in there that speaks directly to a white man with no degree. Nothing.
Do Democrats realize this or have them made a calculation that they can rack up massive margins among non-whites and college educated women?
Betty Cracker
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: OMFG, Meryl Streep?!?!?
Mister Forkbeard
@guachi: What do you feel would speak directly to a white man with no degrees?
Matt McIrvin
I don’t know if I have the strength to keep arguing with people who sincerely believe that, although they are good progressives, it would be best for the FSB and an Australian rapist to ratfuck the United States into totalitarianism because voting Democratic makes you “part of the problem”.
There are so many of them.
@lamh36: Of course he did. The only vaguely surprising thing is that he was willing to admit it in public.
? Martin
@lamh36: No idea why he would admit to trying to influence a US election. If he wasn’t considered a foreign agent deserving of our attention, he’s got it now. I wouldn’t be so confident of Ecuador continuing to entertain his presence if I were he.
Or love Trump being a hater, because you’re doing something right
Major Major Major Major
“Girls” was a bad teevee show. There I said it.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
America Ferrera is really good.
Omnes Omnibus
I bet a bunch of them have wives, sisters, and/or daughters. I am pretty that almost all of them have moms.
Very moving seeing Andra Day sing “Rise Up” after the speeches by the moms.
He actually says that he’s not very political and tries to stay out of electoral politics. He’s done general GOTV-type stuff, though. I would expect to see him closer to the election doing officially “non-partisan” GOTV messages in both English and Spanish-language media.
Hillary is an OG fan of his, though — she and Bill went to “In the Heights” and got pictures with the whole cast — so we’ll see.
None of the economic stuff? The Bernie-loving stuff? The family stuff? The valuing diversity stuff? None of that appeals to white men?
Well, that’s depressing.
@Betty Cracker
That calls for a link.
Betty Cracker
@guachi: Interesting. My white middle-aged husband thinks equal pay, marriage equality, childcare, a living wage, healthcare, reproductive rights, justice system reform, tuition affordability, etc., are issues that concern him.
Lordt…how all these darn centuries…both parties have catered to white men…
good God…10 lousy years…more concentration of women and minorities…and white men in their feelings…
I wondered that too. Don’t think I’ve ever heard her pronounce her own name (at Congressional hearings and things). “SEE-sil” sounds like it could be a Texas thing. Or it could just be that the announcer hasn’t a clue.
Matt McIrvin
@slag: I was wondering if Trumka was going to speak–apparently he already did on day one.
@Gin & Tonic: Their regular gin is fantastic, and they source their own organic grain. I’m not a big drinker, so I don’t spend a lot of time on it, either searching or chucking it back. I am having a nice G&T of theirs right now though, it was given to me at the hoidays, it’s obviously essential to prevent malaria in these rising temps/humidity! I like the flavor so well I have been known to have tonic with juniper berries crushed in it, as a virgin g&t. (no booze no caps)
@Mister Forkbeard: Something economic, but I haven’t seen it yet (or I’ve missed it)
Hillary’s CDF stuff was good, but it’s more geared towards parents and (probably) women.
Maybe something on security? Something job focused? Honestly, I don’t know what motivates white dudes.
Schlemazel Khan
@Mister Forkbeard:
and also, what did the GOP say that spoke to white men with no degree (I am one BTW)?
@guachi: I bet you thought last week’s shitshow was appealing.
Matt McIrvin
@Schlemazel Khan: LOCK HER UP LOCK HER UP LOCK HER UP, I believe, was the phrase.
@efgoldman: Another brown one! I guess that is getting to be a thing.
Patricia Kayden
@Baud: Republicans are mad that they can’t tar and feather Secretary Clinton re Benghazi (and that it didn’t sink Obama in 2012). They could care less about the American deaths in Benghazi just like they could care less about the American soldiers who died in Iraq.
Original Lee
@Mister Forkbeard: People I know who should have been in the dump of emails were not. One of them told me today that some of the quotes she has been seeing in the media do not fit with what she remembers, but she also was not on a lot of the email chains, so she was kinda hoping/dreading to see her emails in there. I think she has some still on her phone somewhere for comparison purposes. So I do not believe that those emails were unaltered somewhere along the line.
Schlemazel Khan
She massacred America’s name also.
@Betty Cracker:
Me,too. My mom loved Hillary. She would have been so happy.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: lol! Too harsh.
@Betty Cracker: Does your husband have a degree? I mean, all of those things matter to me, too. It’s why I’m a Democrat.
But most of those things aren’t things that directly benefit that white guy with no degree. I’m not saying lack of appeal is necessarily a bad thing. It’s possible that what many white guys want isn’t something the Democratic party can deliver.
I believe Dems have been talking a lot about creating better-paying jobs for those who don’t have degrees. They speak a lot about bringing back the middle class. If these aren’t your issues, can you be specific about what it is you are looking for?
Well, Jack Daniels markets a white whiskey.
Her 9/11 and healthcare stuff is next up on the agenda, if that helps.
But if you can solve the question of how to appeal to white men who didn’t go to college without using xenophobia and racism, you will be a genius hailed by every political scientist in the country. No one can seem to figure out how to make white men feel important without having to denigrate other groups that are, frankly, more important to the coalition when it comes to votes.
I’m a white dude, but I worked hard in school and finished college. I have sympathy for those crushed by the end of the manufacturing economy (I used to work in newspapers, so I know how it works), but the idea that women and non-white people are to blame for their problems is just stupidity and bigotry masquerading as politics. Clinton should tell these guys, I’ll do everything I can to help unions but the rest is up to you. Prediction, they’d regard that as an insult from an uppity bitch. At some point, you have to recognize that losers are losers. You know, “personal responsibility” which used to a Republican thing about non-whites, until one of them became President.
Schlemazel Khan
@Matt McIrvin:
Well a lot of white guys with no degree do work as prison guards so there is that!
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: Been there.
@NotMax: Isn’t that called moonshine? There are some local varieties of that too, and they “bottle” them in canning jars. Some of them have fruit rolling around in there too, but those ones are no longer clear.
@amk: What part of “I’m a proud Democrat” didn’t you get?
Matt McIrvin
@guachi: I think most of them want jobs and economic security that a Democratic national administration hasn’t been able to deliver to them in part because of Republican obstructionism, and Republican state governments–and that’s very much by design.
And some of them want things that it would be actively immoral for the Democratic party to deliver.
Gin & Tonic
@muddy: You can’t be too careful about contracting malaria, even here in New England.
@guachi: u want to know what motivates white dudes?
hooters girls, beer and football…. at least as my experience as a white dude, an unfortunate number of our ilk are essentially concerned or interested in those three things, can I fuck it? can I drink it? and where do I watch it?
@lamh36: My youngest brother is staunch Republican of the business class who is also McAuliffe’s next door neighbor in northern Va. He says McAuliffe is both a loony and a great, great guy.
@Patricia Kayden: Girl..I’m literally tired AF of it.
Just last night I posted what do you do to reach folks who think “the other” is why they feel so bad…NOT bad policy or crappy GOP…
Black folk have had to suck it the fuq up and hope for incremental change and recognition…and what 200 years issues in this country and we had still had to fight to get our issues addressed…we finally get some of our issues to the front of the line…and it’s just too much…for some folks…
Fuq…I’m over it…
? Martin
@lamh36: Former Democratic platform:
In 1880 we were pro civil service, separation of church and state, voting rights, no privatize the gains socializing the losses, and support for education. Lest anyone think these weren’t a platform for non-college educated white men, suffrage hadn’t passed, and Democrats had just come off starting the Civil War in defense of slavery. We were anti-immigration back then. We’ve given that up.
But yeah, we’ve had nearly 200 years of working class white male platforms. Speaking for my white male people, we can afford to be a little generous after all that time.
Real moonshine is corn likker.
Based on the information you’ve provided in the past (more specifically as regards delis), had to laugh when the RI delegation touted the state as home to “the best restaurants in the country.”
Schlemazel Khan
seriously, if the convention gets you down a little this will pick you right up!
@guachi: Then, you should be more concerned about your base instead of concern trolling about how dem party does not appeal to wantonly racists.
Credenzal Jocularity
@Mister Forkbeard:
A corn cob pipe and a button nose?
Gin & Tonic
@NotMax: Providence is home to one of the country’s top culinary schools, and there are quite a lot of excellent small restaurants. No, it isn’t San Francisco, but it really does hold its own for the size of the local market.
I’m quoting this in full because while I haven’t seen anything that appeals to white men with no degree, I’ve been trying to come up with something that will. All I can think of is “xenophobia and racism”. Is it just not possible so the Democrats aren’t trying? Do they figure there are enough white men who are reachable? (which is probably true in the aggregate in 2016).
“Killing terrorists” and “not soft on Russia” is about all I can think up. Go after him on that, maybe?
It’s like the opposite of watching the RNC and wondering why everyone is so, so white. and old.
The Democrats appeal directly to me on economic issues as the economy just does so much better under them than Republicans. Maybe Bill can repeat the magic of four years ago and go that route.
J R in WV
@Major Major Major Major:
All of the many conventions I have watched over the past nearly 60 years have done the nominated by acclamation thing after the vote, usually right after the winning total was cast. My Dad was a newspaperman and a Republican, and so we watched ALL the conventions, all the way through. I got the bug. The last couple, and this one, have been pretty teary.
My mom died in 1997, fought COPD to vote against the anti-choice party, told me it was a secret. So she never got to see either Obama or Hillary nail first the nomination, and hopefully the election again. Teary.
What about this nypd detective guy — does he speak to you?
@lamh36: I think someone not too long ago, maybe on this blog but I definitely read it somewhere, said that you have a fair number of people who want an apartheid welfare state.
Given the difference between how people at the Republican Convention and now speak about the things we need to do, I can’t say I disagree with that statement.
And yet the official state beverage is coffee milk.
Vaguely interesting data point: Last night, the YouTube stream was predominantly down-rated, at least through the middle of the evening; maybe 3 thumbs-down for every 2 up, something like that. Right now, it’s net positive (barely).
Betty Cracker
@guachi: Nope — he’s a blue collar guy who makes a living with his hands. But he realizes he benefits from policies that make life better for his fellow citizens, even if they aren’t packaged with a red bow and heart-shaped card that says “For White Dudes.” No offense, but I wish you step outside your perspective and hear yourself.
This is hard to watch. I remember 9/11, like it was yesterday.
@efgoldman: Absolutely my second choice for her.
I suppose this is a reason so many white men won’t vote for Democrats. “White men don’t matter” (note – more white men voted for Obama than blacks of both sexes combined) and “white men are racists”. They look at the Democratic party and see bigots like you.
Gin & Tonic
@NotMax: Have you ever tried coffee milk?
Incidentally, RI is also the East Coast squid capital.
Everybody does better when everybody does better.
Schlemazel Khan
Jeeze! We stopped selling them but somehow they want more, the ungrateful whelps! we mostly have stopped publicly lynching them but still they are not happy. We allowed (some of them sometime) to vote for the white man of their choice but still they are not satisfied. I just don’t think they will be happy until white guys have to accept them as actual human beings who deserve everything we got by birth just given to them.
@guachi: Nice projection. yeah, you are a democrat alright.
NYT “breaking news” alert thingy: US intelligence agencies have “high degree of confidence” that Russia was behind the theft of the DNC emails.
Schlemazel Khan
@Credenzal Jocularity:
Did actually write the White House urging her nomination.
Why White High School Drop Outs Have More Wealth Than Black College Graduates
Schlemazel Khan
Major Major Major Major
@Schlemazel Khan: nah guauichui has been here before
@guachi: and this is where I say Bless your heart, but you are full of shit…
@dmsilev: I hope everyone here upvotes. Somehow, downvotes flooded the early moments of yesterday. Probably Bern-deadenders and Trumpsters united in yet another common purpose.
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: There’s a couple of quite decent Vietnamese restaurants, and at least one good Korean one.
Villago Delenda Est
@dmsilev: Some white people need to get their asses kicked.
@guachi: actually the policies are designed to speak to everyone, but they way that you’re presenting your argument sounds like you’re asking for “something”, special consideration, acknowledgement, a bone… something from the very people that have been denied those said same things pretty much since the founding of the nation. Hence, people are not sympathetic. As I white dude, I can grok it, there are many boats to be lifted. One would like to think that better educational opportunities for all would help, paying a living wage would help, having bridges that don’t fall and water that is safe to drink would help. Having food that is safe to eat is a bonus, affordable health care would be wonderful. Why does there have to be something carved out for “you/us” if/when you can’t equate yourself as part of the “we”?
@slag: Here’s the link to the live-stream.
Sweeney was fantastic.
“This is the Hillary Clinton I know.”
This is the convention I wanted! Happy dance!!!!?
The article is up:
@Gin & Tonic: Damn straight. I grew up overseas and the British ex-pats were strict on the subject.
Mike in NC
@guachi: Thanks to Republicans in Congress there have been no jobs bills. It’s all about more tax cuts for businesses and the wealthy. Same applies to state legislatures controlled by the GOP. Sad!
@Schlemazel Khan: more like entitlement prick, who ignores the fact dudes like him are controlling the wheels of power everywhere and yet here he is whining just because dems want to be all inclusive.
@Betty Cracker:
I do hear myself. Myself is saying the Democrats have little directly appealing to white guys. I mean, I personally don’t mind as Democrats’ policies benefit so many other people.
The policies of Democrats that appeal to other constituencies are packaged with a red bow and heart-shaped card that says “For XXXX”. It’s happened all night long and yesterday. You name it, the obvious appeal is there.
They’ve been so obvious that the missing appeals jump out. I don’t think I’ve heard anything about Native Americans so far, either. But they are almost always forgotten, anyway. As a Montanan, strong Native American support what puts Democrats over the top in typically close state wide elections in Montana (open seat elections, that is)
@Betty Cracker: Was thinking the same thing.
@efgoldman: I wish there were distilleries in my village. We do have several local offerings of beer and wine that are very good. There was just a tasting party in the street the other week but I thought it best to skip it as I just got out of surgery. I was annoyed they did it that day – special to shun me!
@LAO: I was in high school in the NYC suburbs that day, and I remember it as clear as any other memory.
No. Bernie stood up and released his delegates to make it unanimous and then the voice vote made it by acclimation.
No, you’re saying the Democrats have little only appealing to white guys. There’s a hell of a difference.
@guachi: What would you like to see discussed? What do you think white working class males want? What would bring them back to the Democratic party? You keep saying that none of what you’re seeing would appeal to them. What would?
ETA: no snark from the snark masters. I’m trying to have a serious dialog here
The opposite? I see lots of “so white and old” men and women. Many have even spoken. Our nominees are a white woman and a white man. The difference is that this is a party where the diversity of America is represented. This is just stupid.
Of all the things the speaker might have listed, found it a grasping at straws moment to highlight the restaurants so prominently. Perhaps he works in the industry?
At least didn’t hear “Nevada, home of the best houses of gambl1ng and houses of gamboling in the nation.”
Got to be a troll – there is always one – I’m a democrat but …..
@NotMax: I would have loved: Nevada, land of the 3B laws!
Credenzal Jocularity
The podium lowerer is my hero!
Schlemazel Khan
@Major Major Major Major:
OK, I didn’t recognize the nym & am by nature suspicious particularly the way the challenge was phrased.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Howard is hoarse.
@PsiFighter37: I was walking through security at the Brooklyn Federal Courthouse as the South Tower fell. They diverted the subway that morning and I could see the Towers on fire from the elevated tracks but I had no idea what was happening. What a fucking awful day. All that death.
Schlemazel Khan
My neighbor to the East agree so they give their children beer with their cheese. That explains Packer fans
Time for a potty break before the big speech..
During that break I’m gonna partake of my favorite new drink, inspired by this convention and the whiny ass titty babies.
Clear and Refreshing
Jordan Rules
@piratedan: Very well said!
I am loving this convention!
I liked Howard Dean greeting disaffected Republicans, in addition to Democrats and Independents. Take that, Donald!
@PsiFighter37: That was the day that I finally understood what my parents said about remembering every last detail of the day Kennedy was shot.
@Keith G:
Not to be bitchy, but you may not be feeling it because you have that very special Y chromosome. From this XX’s point of view, the tears flowed and I couldn’t stop thinking of my mom and grandmothers and all those other tough, strong women who came before me. It has me verklempt still.
@efgoldman: Me too!
@Credenzal Jocularity
Lectern, dammit, lectern.
/still waging a lost battle
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemazel Khan: Watch it, bub.
J R in WV
I have had home-made white lightning, and nothing I have ever bought at a liquor store was comparable to the real thing. One of the better things about where we live, there are craftsmen up the hollers still doing it.
My cousin visited our farm a couple of summers ago, and I learned that my uncle, his dad, back before WW II, used to run shine from up the hollow behind their little farm into town, to the Elks and Moose clubs, etc. Grandma probably thought that was better work than going into the coal mines. After the war he became an executive and real estate buyer for a huge evil corporation.
So, having a white, male cop talk about how she fought for cops and firefighters wasn’t enough. Having a white, male (disabled) man talk about how she helped him get the healthcare wasn’t enough. Having a white, male former governor of Vermont tell you what she can do isn’t enough.
Do you need an engraved invitation?
Omnes Omnibus
Dean scream. Awesome.
@guachi: My husband is a middle class, college-educated white guy and is a fierce Democrat. My dad was a white, ninth-grade dropout factory work and a huge Democrat. So enough with the blanket declarations.
Also too, Howard Dean did the Dean scream. LOVE
Dean owns the Scream!
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Schlemazel Khan
As a white guy myself I understand that thinking. _I_ have never had my hands on any damn levers & neither has any of my family. But I also understand that if life were a video game white, male, cis Christian is the ‘easy’ mode of the game. That can be hard to recognize because my life has not been easy but Like Chris Rock has pointed out, for all his money & success no white guy would want to change places.
Attitudes like yours are the problem. The Democratic party is awesome because they don’t write any group of Americans off. But you have. You are no Democrat I want in my party.
Though I appreciate the heads up on the 9/11 stuff. I wish I could sit my Hillary hating FB friends and show them this (my live feed is behind so I’m just now watching it). Sadly, many wouldn’t care about BLM or PP.
The CDF stuff was good. The Mothers of the Movement speakers rocked. The principal at the Eagle Academy was good (the Invictus recitation was fantastic). The 9/11 speakers continue to paint a picture of Hillary helping people and going out of her way.
I saw some pundit say he didn’t expect “positive Hillary” stuff today. But that’s basically all we’ve had. It’s been very light on anti-Trump stuff (though it’s there)
@J R in WV: When I first moved here I found a contact to score some made here in Georgia. The guy that sold it to me said “when you and your Yankee buddies start on this, SIP it and when you feel it coming on, STOP drinking it!
@guachi: They talked about the heroin epidemic yesterday.
@guachi: I did ask you in all seriousness for suggestions. What would get the positive attention of the white non-degree working-class male?
Miss Bianca
@Baud: Yay, HRC!! Yay, Senator Sanders!! Thank you for that.
Elizabeth Warren will be joining the MSNBC roundtable in a couple of minutes (almost surely only for a few minutes).
@ellie: It’s funny, most of my high school friends are dopey-ass right wingers but a couple emerged on Facebook who are die hard liberals. Makes me happy.
@guachi: She was nominated today. So today is about her. I think most people viewing will understand that.
@NotMax: I didn’t realize she was a Stein voter.
@Trollhattan: My mom passed in 2011, so at least she had a chance to see Obama elected. My dad, however, died about a week before 9/11/2001.
Okay, now I’m sad again.
yeah, the Dean Scream. Dr. Howard Dean….Bernie Sanders Beta Version
@Emma: A size 11.5 triple E in the ass.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: ::side eye::
Gin & Tonic
@raven: When I was in college one of my friends built a still in the kitchen of his dorm room. Probably the fact that we were all Yankees, but that stuff was pretty terrible.
@TaMara, @Adam, @Anne Laurie, @Betty Cracker — @anyone with keys — could we please have a new thread before Bill starts talking?
The volume of comments is weighing this thread down, and the streaming feed is beginning to act wonky.
@Baud: Yeah!
Schlemazel Khan
The first rule of Packer club: don’t talk about Packer club!
I should have gone with “elected Snot Walker” but I wanted to be a little more upbeat. The DNC is rubbing off on me.
@efgoldman: They must be getting a kickback based on the number of T-Bogg threads. We’ve had a lot lately.
.”I need something to tell my friends who are haters…”
Ya know, you CHOOSE your friends…if you had problem with friends who are bigots, xenophobes, homophobes or RWNJ…nobody’s making you keep them. Newsflash: Facebook is VOLUNTARY…you choose who your befriend.
You ARE the company ya keep…there are “reasonable” folks on the other side of the political divide from me…and those folks…I’m fine with and they are still “in my company”…the others one though…Bye Felicia.
Now ur family…well that’s different…no one usually “chooses” their family members…but that sure don’t mean that I’m still NOT gonna judge you when you know you have racist, misogynist, homophobes in your fam, that you CONTINUALLY defend even when they are the most blatant.
@guachi: White guys don’t care about Planned Parenthood? Must be single and want to remain that way.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
Howard was tipsy.
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemazel Khan: Are you nuts? We talk about little else.
@Gin & Tonic: My old man told stories of the Torpedo Juice:
@SiubhanDuinne: You’re just anti-TBogg.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: speaking as a former horndog… I want there to be easy and affordable birth control. And as much as the GOP apparently enjoys getting their freak on, I don’t understand why they don’t support it too….
New thread? Please?
Bill Clinton will start speaking soon…
@dmsilev: first, you drop a tbogg, then, the fp’ers will drop a thread.
Omnes Omnibus
Mixing a couple of themes from this thread, when do we get intoxicated Jennifer Granholm?
@amk: Doing my part.
@Baud: other slackers ain’t.
I genuinely want to understand your perspective, but what I want to understand is what does speak to you. Are there any political messages that resonate with you or folks like you?
Schlemazel Khan
@Omnes Omnibus:
Yeah, I wanted to say “The first rule of Packer club is to never shut up about Packer club” but that would not have fit the situation. Have a Leinies for me
Amy Klobuchar has a horrible speaking style. And she’s careening from rape of 12-year-olds to feel-good happy-happy. WTF? Or am I just revealing my normative cis-het old-white-guy-ness? (Rhetorical question.)
Red Skelton: “Smoooooth.”
@amk: 100 comments to go, then.
Yeah, I found her speech jarring both stylistically and content-wise.
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemazel Khan: Go Vikes!
@piratedan: A few years ago, I mentioned to the kid that the Republicans were trying to defund Planned Parenthood. She did like that at all; she said when she was in the Air Force getting birth control wasn’t a problem, after she left she needed to rely on PP.
@Quinerly: I truly appreciate you making that sacrifice for us all. It’s good to be aware of what those jackals are up to, but I can’t stand to watch them. ( I’m watching DNC TV.)
@dmsilev: Apparently, the overlords heard you. If only the dem party is so responsive to white doods.
Mad Dog! I’ve actually met her.
@amk: Well, I am a white dude. Clearly, my request _needed_ to be heeded.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: I can dig up a recipe for it if you want.
@dmsilev: and look what happened. you get two.
Schlemazel Khan
She has been mentioned for the top two slots & as one of her constituents I just don’t see it. She would need to work on her speaking a lot. I also was impressed with her as the County Attorney but a lot less so as a Senator. PArticularly those first two years when Boy Blunder was President. Now she seems to mostly pimp folksy, wouldn’t offend anyone not even a wingnut legislation. She will have her seat for life because she will never take an unpopular opinion.
“Chatham Artillery Punch! Three parts fruit, seven parts liquor. Whatever’s available on both counts.”
@guachi: “Bigots like you” won’t convince us you aren’t a bigot. You might be unaware that your words are the same as others who we have all encountered in life and here who turned out to be bigots or at least have a significant case of white priviledge, so we aren’t going to sound sympathetic.
Most of the democratic economic policies benefit the working class much more than any other, white or other. That more than 1/2 haven’t been able to see that is almost entirely racism and plenty of us have tried to help explain that. We get kinda tired of beating our heads against that wall. Bernie especially reminds us of this windmill. Every single policy would benefit you. Not especially and only you though, just all of us.
I will speculate that if we had a bigger reliable base to result in bigger legislative majorities that we could with support really do some middle class good. I personally would like capital gains taxed the same as income. I think the lower rate has distorted the economy against wages and enabled a higher rate of creative tax evaision. Not a chance incurrent climate”…..more wages would start putting back the middle class. Stricter enforcement of anti trust laws. If more states had democrats governing bothe executive and legislative we could do some decent hiring and growth. Right now we are trying to hand on and not lose progress. But we can’t elect before more voters buy in.
GOP economic policies suck for the non already rich.
Feudalism Now!
As a non-degree attaining middle class white dem, Hils is focusing on the right notes for my privileged ass, health care, a fair economy, education, non-crazy SCOTUS appointees. I don’t think there needs to be a focus to attain the whitebro vote, just for the privileged not to be so unaffected by choosing to be racist/sexist asshats. There is no down side for Joe the Plumber wannabes for acting like neanderthals. No win in going down that road for the Party and courting that voter.
Omnes Omnibus
@Linnaeus: Nonsense.
Artillery punch
1 qt strong black tea
1 qt rye whiskey
1 bottle red wine
1 pint Jamaican dark rum
1/2 pint brandy
1 jigger benedictine herbal liqueur
1 pint orange juice
1/2 pint lemon juice
Combine all the ingredients in a large punch bowl with a block of ice. If found too dry, sugar syrup may be added. Decorate with twists of lemon peel.
Here comes the Big Dog.
@guachi: I think today was designed as women’s day, like yesterday’s was diverse liberals day.
@guachi: And you don’t seen to support anything the democrats support
Both my grandmothers would be about 125 yrs old now. Don’t know what moms mom would think but dads mom would probably be jumping for joy. She was born and lived at a time when women didn’t get to do much on their own and most didn’t have much agency. But she was a pistol and really stood up for herself as much as one could imagine in those days. She taught me a lot at a young age about equality, at a time when she didn’t have much at all. She was postmaster at a rural post office in CA, not sure of the years. We lost her before you were born, she made it to 78. My mom would have been overjoyed. She shook hands with Bill Clinton while he was president and that was a huge deal for her. She would have been 98 this year.
You don’t think your wife is your equal? How about your mom? How about sometimes it’s not all about you? The US is 240 yrs old and women have only been able to vote for 96 of them. My mother was 2 when women got the vote here. What about wages? What about maternity leave?
We have had our turn. We have had way more than our turn. It damn well is their turn now. So what if you don’t get anything? And BTW there’s plenty in Hillary Clinton’s platform that is good for you, go read it instead of having to have it spoon fed to you.
@hovercraft: Pff. It’s still unanimous.
From watching people here, I am absolutely certain that if the different camps’ delegate totals were NOT recorded, everybody not high up the chain of command in the Hillary camp would be claiming Bernie’s people didn’t fucking exist. It’s NOT the same thing as Obama vs. Clinton. She could be gracious because nobody was going to claim she didn’t exist, or that she represented nobody. Not her.
Doesn’t matter. It’s unanimous and rightly so.