Via Vox, an answer to stupid or evil:
This revisionism, according to Roy, points to a much bigger conservative delusion: They cannot admit that their party’s voters are motivated far more by white identity politics than by conservative ideals.
“Conservative intellectuals, and conservative politicians, have been in kind of a bubble,” Roy says. “We’ve had this view that the voters were with us on conservatism — philosophical, economic conservatism. In reality, the gravitational center of the Republican Party is white nationalism.”
No fucking shit.
At least it updates our priors to weight willfully blind if not stupid.
Open thread
Fair Economist
The people who started the Southern Strategy knew better. The Nixon and Reagan dogwhistles are far too artful to be ignorant. Maybe some of the people who grew up with the Southern Strategy don’t realize what’s going on. A lot of the Tea Partiers in Congress seem to actually believe the dogwhistles.
What exactly did Roy think the Fox News Channel was, an endless Book TV on Burke and Hayek?
Karen S.
Modern (since the 1960s) conservatism has always been about white nationalism. I could see this as a black girl growing up in a predominantly white, predominantly Republican Chicago suburb in the 1970s and 1980s. But then, I couldn’t afford delusions.
NY Times: Gail Collins and Arthur Brooks (of the American Enterprise Institute): sometimes it’s illuminating to go back and look at what caused you to stop reading an article, full stop.
It was Brooks, inserting this:
Identity politics. It’s always projection with these weasels. They put on a GOP convention that was overwhelmingly white, had a LOT of empty seats, and it’s the Democrats that are all about identity politics.
And then, Gail Collins takes the bait:
Column ending up with, from Collins and her crystal ball:
That is really disappointing, out of Collins’ mouth.
The derision for Hillary Clinton and her perceived (by them) lack of capabilities astounds me. I expected better of Gail Collins, but maybe it’s just this column (and the intoxicating nearness of Mr. A. Brooks).
They knew, they’ve always known. They just thought their “voters” were in on the gag that the white racism was supposed to be on the downlow.
Pardon me if I don’t give Mr. Roy a round of applause. He is a supposed “academic/intellectual” who has been lying through his teeth about the ACA and Social Security for years. He is trying to give a thin veneer of respectability to the right wing’s ongoing efforts to rob the poor/working/middle classes for the enrichment of the already rich.
Enjoy your ugly party Mr. Roy. You fit right in.
Kenneth Kohl
Oh, yeah, now they come clean because they have a dickwad for a nominee. As Fair Economist, Karen S and satby mention, this has been an ongoing “thing” for them for quite some time.
Oh FFS, the GOP has the House for the next decade and still has the Senate. Plus, a large amount of governors and state reps. Trump is closing in on Clinton.
Clinton is a sh1tty candidate that (so far!) has not made any waves on BIG, POSITIVE reasons why I or anyone else should vote for her. Her problem is that she’s been in her own bubble for way too long, and also that she’s likely running out of energy for this stupid sh!t. Who wouldn’t? I’m not blaming her. She’s been going through this stuff for 25+ years and it’s gotta be tiring. I would not be strong enough to have put up with the garbage she has had to deal with.
Like Cole, I will crawl over broken glass to vote for Clinton this fall. But I am not all that sure that the Dems won’t screw the pooch this time. Too many unforced errors. DWS should have been sent home Sunday night, for instance. I mean what on Earth did her appearance add, even if there had been no email leak? No one cares about her except political wonks. Want to know what people care about? TV footage of some woman getting booed at the DNC. The email “scandal” I happen to think is nonsense, but it was sloppy work to start with, and predictably, her opponents made hay from it.
I just want to wake up in December. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Whenever I see the phrase “conservative intellectual” I remember the quote from John Kenneth Galbraith: The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
Golf clap for Avik Roy on realizing that he’s been a useful idiot for the white supremacist party.
Roy, YOUR center is white nationalism. You just want it framed as responsibility so your beautiful mind can believe it’s Democrats who are the real racists.
@NorthLeft12: It’s certainly true that Roy should have known better– but that said, his tale of self-deception and how it came apart is pretty interesting, IMO.
I read that title as “Conservative Wank Edition”
Likely more accurate my way.
There are no normal Republicans left. They are all blinded by fealty to a Reagen-esque Cult of White Pride where Tax Cuts Are Mandatory, Our Enemas Are Destroying America From Within, and We Aren’t Buying Enough Ann Coulter Books.
There is nothing left to salvage of the Republican Party, even though it will continue to exist like an eternally evoked ghost of John C Calhoun.
I have never heard a conservative of any strip admit that the GOP was the inheritor of the Dixicrats – people and politics. They like to talk about being the party of Lincoln and elide over that post Goldwater change in the party.
OT The littlest freedom girl, dad is suing the Trump campaign. Grifters gotta grift… link
She has now been taken off the Trump’s future wife list..
Sorry if this has been mentioned before..
In other news, water is wet, the sun is very hot, gravity sucks, and we all die.
Peoples. I already knew this a year ago.
Driftglass has been screaming about this for a decade now.
Amir Khalid
From TPM, Reports: Clinton camp in talks for Sanders to formally nominate Clinton. Strictly symbolic, but I look forward to seeing HA Goodman choke on this in his next video.
@PaulWartenberg2016: Which is why liberals should not be pining for the return of the Reagan Democrats. They’re gone, baby, gone.
negative 1
@Cacti: Eh, he’s been using them too; it gets the GOP votes so the finance sector can steal social security, public education, public services — the scam works in 2 directions. After all, do you think your average stormfront reader really gives 2 sh!ts about charter schools?
negative 1
@Amir Khalid: Uh oh, internet outage in 3, 2, 1…
Where Collins goes wrong here is that you really can’t do this kind of thing on the cheap.
@JPL: Saw that. “Those bad things libtards say about Trump– they’re all true.”
Who the hell is Roy? Patrick or Mr. Horn?
@Dork: Avik Roy, noted conservative wonk-wannabe. Particularly in heath care. Contributed policies to various “Repeal and replace” proposals, all to no avail.
@PaulWartenberg2016: and it will probably take another decade to come to some conclusion.
Gin & Tonic
@JPL: Trump stiffed a vendor? Holy cow, when has that ever happened?
Richard Mayhew
@Dork: a conservative health policy wanker
schrodinger's cat
@Elizabelle: If white is right mantra of the Republican party is not identity politics, then what is?
Amir Khalid
When a person of colour like Avik Roy has the scales fall from his eyes, and he realises he’s been a dupe all along for white racism, one should rejoice that he is finally woke (did I say that right?).
@JPL: Hard to have sympathy for an idiot who does not learn. He (their father) needs to realize that his only terms should be cash up front.
They knew damn well racism was at the core of the “conservative movement.” They – all of them – from William F. Buckley on down to Ted Nugget embraced it. They want it. It’s who they are.
Fuck this revisionist “who could’ve known conservatives were racist” shit. At least own who you are.
Betty Cracker
My guess is “conservatism” will be replaced with “libertarianism” eventually, retaining the “Republican Party” brand or not, I do not know. But we’ll all be long gone before that happens. They might be dead party walking, but they’ve got a lot of statehouses locked up and will continue to have a huge national constituency that will be okay with the white supremacy framework for years to come, either because they agree with it outright or because IGMFY.
@MattF: The first time that I saw the performance, I though the parents
should be investigated for child abuse.
Dr. Dre racially profiled and handcuffed outside his own house
@Amir Khalid:
not quite: He has finally woken up. or He is finally awake.
They say there are harder languages than English, but I don’t know any of them.
Mike J
@JPL: He appears to know as much about the music biz as he does about politics.
I’m pretty tired of these “intellectual” republicans still pretending they don’t understand what happened to the GOP. They’ve been banishing other Republicans from the clan for years such David Frum and Bruce Bartlett for being too truthful.
@Amir Khalid: one should rejoice that he finally awakened.
Another proud moment in law enforcement/minority relations.
Dr. Dre detained and cuffed outside his Los Angeles home, when driveby racist calls 911 to complain of a black man with a gun (actually a cell phone).
schrodinger's cat
@bemused: Intellectual and Republican do not belong in the same sentence.
No kidding.
William F. Buckley was racist as shit, and early editions of National Review contain his explicit defenses of southern segregation laws.
@Amir Khalid: One could also say he is finally awake.
@Elizabelle: You have to understand that in his world, as in that of many people, identity politics simply means having more than a certain percentage of non-white people appearing on stage, which no one would ever even think of doing unless they were pandering, because, basically, everyone knows that such people do not deserve to be their based on their own merits. White is normal and white people are presumed to be competent, so by definition, you are not engaging in identity politics when you pander to white people.
Amir Khalid
There’s a thing now in American English: using “woke”, the simple past tense of “wake”, as an adjective. I was trying it out here.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Right, hence the quote marks. Media seems to describe Republicans like Roy as the “intellectual” wing. Not sure what else to call that group, establishment or maybe grand old poobahs.
schrodinger's cat
I had never heard of this person before, so I googled his name and what do I find? Another Indian American conservative water carrier. Calling him Gungadin would be apt. Idiot. At least, Kipling’s Gungadin had no choice. What is this guy’s excuse.
@Linnaeus: You can do it a helluva lot cheaper than we do with our fragmented and exorbitantly expensive health care system.
@Amir Khalid:
Yes, and in that context, you used it correctly.
It’s all about the Whiteness…
they can lie to themselves if they want to…
You point out that Trump’s ‘economic policies’ won’t benefit anyone but Ferret Head and his cronies, and they will shrug.
they only care that Ferret Head is politically incorrect, and will put ‘ THOSE PEOPLE’ in their place.
Riddle me this…am I wrong….
Did previous GOP Conventions actually let the White Supremacist/White Power Groups get credentials ON THE GODDAMN CONVENTION FLOOR?
Just askin’.
Iowa Old Lady
@Barbara: It’s like saying a gay judge has biases because he’s gay, while a straight one doesn’t because that’s an unmarked status.
@schrodinger’s cat: Identifying with the imperial power?
@Amir Khalid: Hmmm, not sure but I think I have always heard “woke” used as a past tense verb, as in “I was having a really bad dream but then I woke up.” Would not surprise me tho. Americans butcher the English language daily. I know I do.
Chyron HR
@Amir Khalid:
Well, so is “redpilled”, but I don’t recommend using it.
I was speaking about social welfare as a whole, but yes, there are cheaper ways to do health care coverage than we do now.
But doing these things is going to require a stronger public commitment in terms of funds and other resources. In American political discourse, “low-cost” usually means lower taxes and less public spending.
@Amir Khalid: Yes, “woke” meaning something like “enlightened.” But I think it’s limited to progressive/social justice contexts.
@Amir Khalid:
I think HA HA has moved on to worshiping Jill Stein now.
@Iowa Old Lady: A sort of ethical null hypothesis. Doesn’t require explanation or modeling.
@NorthLeft12: @Amir Khalid: And you used it perfectly.
schrodinger's cat
@MattF: Indeed. Kipling’s Gungadin was poor, he had no choice. Avik Roy on the other hand did with his degrees from MIT and Yale.
@OzarkHillbilly: You definitely don’t want to know about the phrase “woke bae,” then.
Reagan Democrats were just social conservatives who got to the point where they didn’t care about liberal economic issues that much.
father pussbucket
Democratic “identity politics”: pointing out to Hispanics, gays, “urbans”, etc. that we consider them actual Americans.
But what noun is woke as an adjective modifying? (my grammatical rules are rusty, but I don’t see it) In that sentence structure, I see Amir using ‘woke’ as a noun, being the state Roy is in?
negative 1
@OzarkHillbilly: pretty sure he’s using the slang of the kids these days, but I’m not that young, either.
Amir Khalid
But HaHa keeps saying in every single video that he still loves and respects and admires Bernie. In fact, HaHa insists in one of those videos that Bernie’s Democratic convention speech was really telling everyone to vote for Jill Stein; and he’s only doing that because it’s what Bernie wants.
Gin & Tonic
@Amir Khalid: I can’t figure out your obsession with this non-entity.
@Chyron HR: I hesitate to inquire….but redpilled? Can you throw me a bone?
@Amir Khalid: I guess there’s a sort of morbid fascination with quantifying precisely how irrational HA has become.
@OzarkHillbilly: Just an adjective: it’s a new way to say “enlightened.”
schrodinger's cat
@Punchy: Matrix reference, is my guess.
Amir Khalid
@Gin & Tonic:
I am easily amused by trivial things.
ETA: Plus, he looks so cute when he rolls those big round eyes in that chubby ickle face.
@Amir Khalid: i’d like to see HAHAHAHA Goodman choke, period.
What FlipYrWhig said. It’s saying that “he is aware” or “he is awakened (to a particular circumstance)”. It has its origins in black activist slang.
father pussbucket
This. I hope he causes Trump some headaches, but fuck him.
@negative 1: Could be. Other than my sons, the only youngsters I hang out with these days are in their 40’s (I realized this much to my horror a couple weeks back when a buddy celebrated his 42nd, I first met him when he was 18, and even tho I know I am no longer 34 yo, I still think of him as 18)
negative 1
@rikyrah: Do you consider William Buckley to be a White Supremacist? I do. I’m pretty sure he considered himself to be one.
Policy Wanker Realizes He Will Always Be Water-Carrying Dupe in GOP’s Eyes Due To Being Brown While Conservative.
::sad trombone::
This Road to Damascus moment brought to you by the terrified white elephants on the Right.
Reagan Dems were just racist assholes who felt betrayed by the Civil Rights Act and blamed Dems for it.
@Fair Economist: We have Lee Atwater’s testimony that at the creation of merger between the Modern Republican Party and the Conservative Movement, it was “evil” not stupid.
Now a generation of policy apparatchiks like Avrik may have come of age during the 80s, 90s, and Oughts believing the Kool-aid of “Free Market” and “Limited Government” Ideas. But the politicians always knew that “Muslim,” Immigrants, etc, was just another way of saying “n-word, n-word, and n-word.”
As for why this has found such fertile ground, well, for much of the country things have gotten much worse the last 15 years.
Also, the NY Times Upshot and the polls show why this will be such a tight election. Trump is getting the white male, non-college educated share in overwhelming numbers, 69% to 20% in on one poll. For these people, Trump is there way of getting even with both the elite and the Other.®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=3&pgtype=sectionfront
@OzarkHillbilly: Up?
yes know what, I’m not at all an HRC fan. But I think it’s interesting that folks have this view of HRC that they don’t have of BillC… tell me how she has higher negative than he does…folks who weren’t even around when the GOP blitzed HRC have this view of her, yet serious question how many young people REALLY have any idea of HRC beyond what they heard growing up?
Betty Cracker
@OzarkHillbilly: In that sentence, “woke” modifies “he.”
@satby: four (or more) decades of neglecting education will do that to an electorate.
Has anyone done any sosh research on whether advanced degrees swing graduates left or right depending on what advanced degree is sought? Once one gets past secondary education, what SLANT one wants to learn is as selectable as what MATERIAL one wants to learn.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Whenever I see Stuart Stevens brought on to lament the Coming of the Trump, I keep waiting for someone to mention the way way Romney et all cozied up to him precisely because he was a birther. Still waiting…
and isn’t Stevens the one who put together an ad so racist it freaked out the other Romeny Poobahs? He couldn’t figure out the problem and other Republicans had to explain it to him and kill it? I’ve googled but the terms are too vague
@FlipYrWhig: OK,
@Punchy: It comes from the Matrix movie. The Red Pill or the Blue pill. Red is reality and blue is illusion.
Aside from racism, I am not certain what other people thought republican conservatism was. I knew some of them thought it was religous. I have a cousin who is religion identity centered. She also sends me annoying racist stuff since Obama was elected which I finally got her to stop. The anti abortion lies started way back. she is notably anti science which I attribute to the fact she was not good in school, especially in science and resented it.
another cousin is upset at Trump. I had not even realized she considered herself conservative. I am going to have to ask her what she thinks it is because she has quite a few friends who are POC going back to childhood and I just don’t get it. I think it might be her father’s influence. His thing is gun rights…..but he is a Vietnam vet who voted Obama and may have voted Kerry even though I think he hadn’t voted Democrat in decades but he saw the parallels. It sort of surprises me how weird the paths people think of. Habit may be part of it. I can remember when I thought the important difference was that the Democrats were better on environmental issues and tended to be better for teachers. Republicans weren’t being as blatant on the racism then and the video proof wasn’t happening yet.
I have seen for a long time that the GOP was in a dead in trap but I thought they would figure some way out. The trap is they have made nice promises to be better on race before and then reneged so especially blacks correctly don’t trust them. When the demographic end of the line happens, they can see they need to change but if they do, they will lose some voters, as the Democrats did when we changed from racism to supporting civil rights. The catch is they have to promise, lose voters, carry out the promise for awhile anyway in order to gain trust, and then the blacks may consider their other policies and some may vote for them. At the same time, there is no reason for the democrats to not remain the same so why would the blacks change? I am specifically saying black not all minority because that particular group has been double crossed more than others, and until recently I was expecting some other minorities to actually “become considered white” like say Italians and Irish in the past. Now the GOP has gone hate them all on all groups, but not to long ago they weren’t.
The only way out is if something else was going on that was damaging the Democrats like say our economic preferred policies were screwing everybody or we had started a dumb bloody war we had no purpose for and wouldn’t get out. A secondary problem for them is their economic policies are actually bad for the economy.
Parties have died before. Another one will happen. I am really sick of this one.
Libertarians are just as infected by racism as the GOP so they won’t be a help.
@Linnaeus: Thanx.
@Barbara: Some excellent whitesplaining. Well done.
schrodinger's cat
@lamh35: Saint Bernie had been echoing Republican critique of HRC for a year. That’s where his base got it from, I think.
@MattF: Yes, I read his story, but its difficult to feel the tiniest smidgen of sympathy for someone who is completely okay with a party that basically discriminates against the poor and disadvantaged to the point where their health and well being is threatened, and then be outraged when that same party then targets non-whites and non-Christians. Shocking.
@Betty Cracker: yeah, got it now, still feels awkward on my tongue. Thanx.
Tim C.
The article makes me think of the scene in Band of Brothers where the US soldier starts yelling at a defeated German army, “What did you *THINK* would happen?!?!?!”
Without racial/ethnic/religious nationalism (“social conservatism”) there is no Republican party.
Building a true mass movement around fiscal conservatism is impossible at this point.
Miss Bianca
@Amir Khalid: yeah, that would be sweet to see – for a lot of reasons. To me that would pretty much signal Bernie Sanders’s willingness to be fully on board with the Dems. Which I guess would mean I’d have to completely take back all the nasty things I’ve said and thought about him, but hey…admission of my own fallibility is a (relatively) small price to pay for party unity! : )
@lamh35: Da fug??!
@Betty Cracker:
For years, the IGMFU Republicans were the “establishment” who viewed themselves as not-racists – the evidence needed to convince themselves being that the did willingly accept like-minded POC such as Avik Roy (or Denish d’Souza or Clarence Thomas) among their ranks. The most prominent contemporary example is in the original Confederate state, South Carolina, which has Nikki Haley (governor) and Tim Scott (US Senator) -both elected by quite comfortable margins. The problem of course is that beginning with Nixon’s 1968 campaign, the GOP decided to cater just-enough to white racial resentment to incorporate enough of them as useful idiots to create the numbers needed for the long-term winning coalition needed to begin restructuring government more to their ideological aims. And so they did with evangelicals on cultural issues, even while being social libertarians themselves. Mr. Roy’s awakening amounts to a realization that the inmates have taken over the asylum, and the traditional establishment has been forced to seek shelter from the angry crowds they had formally been able to placate and control. They are like a wildcat-tamer act where the big cats have turned on their tamers, without benefit of any backup able to kill or tranquilize the angry cats.
@PaulWartenberg2016: There are “normal” Republicans left. I met some a few years back, and they are as outraged and depressed over the state of their party as any. However, that should not give them a free pass when they line up to drop their vote(s) for the full slate of candidates.
The one couple I met did not come out and say it, but they strongly indicated that they could not vote for Gov. Brownback and were astonished that he was re-elected. I sincerely doubt this couple would ever vote for Donald Trump.
gogol's wife
I’m sorry, “ferret head” is offensive. Ferrets have beautiful, smooth, soft fur.
I’m going with Comrade Trumpsky (h/t Baud).
My parents were more or less socially liberal Eisenhower Republicans. It took W to break that habit.
schrodinger's cat
@gogol’s wife: I think we should just call him Mr. Trump. All these nicknames sound too cutesy for the American Nazi.
@JBF: Shit, do I have to see The Matrix to decode a BJ interjection now?
How Michelle Obama wrote Donald Trump out of the American narrative
Miss Bianca
I think the only real response to Roy is the classic, “No shit, Sherlock!” The yutz. I mean, seriously?
This, this, this.
The normative cultural condition in this country is presumed to be straight, white, male.
Therefore, the members of the above group assume (falsely) that they are not speaking from a white racial, male gendered, or heterosexual perspective. They believe they are speaking from a broad, objective perspective. Pointing out that their perspective is no more objective than anyone else’s can elicit a response ranging from uncomfortable, to angry, to outright violent.
Paul in KY
@schrodinger’s cat: He didn’t want a ‘real’ job, though. He wanted an easy job where he lies for a lot of bucks.
@catclub: Yes, I am hoping the long term outcome out of this election [at the least] is that all Trump related purchases/contracts will be cash up front required.
I would have absolutely zero sympathy for any “business person” who dealt with Trump in the future and got partially stiffed on the transaction. Too much information is out there about his dealings and theft.
“Why do all these white supremacists keep voting for my party?” (h/t: this)
@NorthLeft12: Forget where I saw it the other day, but some marketing firm recently found that the Trump “brand” has completely tanked with anyone who doesn’t drive around with a confederate flag decal on their truck. Who would want to admit they live in one of his buildings or golf at one of his courses?
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Punchy: Nah. It is a fun movie, though.
The hero is offered a choice between a red pill and a blue pill. Take the blue, he stays in fantasyland. Take the red, he wakes up to reality.
It’s been co-opted by Men’s Rights Activists. If you’ve redpilled, you’ve “awakened” to the “truth” of their femi-nazi conspiracy theories.
pseudonymous in nc
Shorter Avik Roy: I looked at who was signing my paychecks, but never asked where the money was coming from.
That’s the story of the “wonkish” side of wingnut welfare.
Patricia Kayden
From the Vox link:
Andrew Sullivan promoted the Bell Curve theory which is nothing but White Supremacy dressed up as science. I’m not sure he qualifies as a “non-racist conservative”.
@negative 1:
Actually, yes. There is nothing the white power movement hates more or screamed about louder during desegregation than their children attending schools with black people. They HATE public education.
schrodinger's cat
@Patricia Kayden: Andrew Sullivan is a Tory twit, without coolies and wogs to civilize there is no rationale for the Empire, that most Tories worship as the greatest thing evah.
@Elizabelle: The funny thing is, Brooks is (unintentionally) right: Dems are all about identity politics. Just not racial identity (or any other narrow kind of identity). It’s about a broad, sweeping sense of American identity – who we are as a whole people. Our ideals. Our honest history. Our march towards progress.
What was it last night…”when we are indivisible, we are invincible”? Spot-on
@Patricia Kayden: Beauchamp is a former intern/editor from Sullivan’s old site. Of course he’s going to say that.
Also as everyone has pointed out Avik Roy has been completely intellectual dishonest during ACA debates for the past bunch of years anyway.
schrodinger's cat
@Patricia Kayden: Andrew Sullivan is a Tory twit, without coolies and wogs to civilize there is no rationale for the Empire, most Tories worship as the greatest thing evah.
@Miss Bianca: Sanders is still a fraud who presented himself as the only honest person in D.C. while refusing to release his tax returns. His endorsement doesn’t change that.
Miss Bianca
@PaulWartenberg2016: Nice article – I posted it to FB – altho’. of course, the people I wish would read it (ie, my Republican male relatives), won’t.
@Calouste: Oh, thank Goodess, you mean I only have to feel *somewhat* warm and fuzzy about him? //
Paul in KY
@Frankensteinbeck: That was one of the major reasons the racist former Democrats in the South abandoned the party. There would be social gatherings around the party (Jefferson/Jackson Day & all that) & if the blacks could attend these things as well, well then miscegenation was just around the corner, dontchakno.
Sarah Palin is more qualified to be President than Donald Trump. But rich, white and male goes a long way.
Jon Huntsman got the extra credit for being rich treatment.
George W Bush got the born to the aristocracy treatment.
Could you explain the meaning of this sentence?
@Punchy: IIRC this translates as Unplugged from The Machine, scales-fallen-from-eyes grade awakening. Popularized by The Matrix.
Soylent Green
But he may go on to make a new fortune with the new Trump Network, speaking fees, book sales, etc. catering to the haters as their standard bearer.
Speaking as someone who grew up in a household of conservative ideals, one of the main motivators for leaving the GOTea and considering (if not entirely embracing) progressive politics was the sum of a) the appropriation of conservative language by conservatists to suit their policy goals and b) the glee with which racist sexist anti-Otherist bigots embraced that appropriation. Conservatism has a place in political discourse: using conservative language to mask hate speech or oppressive policy does not. My folks were late to that realisation, but they seemed to getting at the end. It’s clear that many VSPs are still unable to admit that the Southern Strategy and other elements of the new GOTea doublespeak are deliberate – and aimed at the very people who flocked to Trump.
@Cacti: The ultimate example of this are people who think addressing gender status and equality is “pandering” to “special interests.” Women make up a majority of voters. How can their welfare be considered a “special” (as in “narrow”) interest? And yet people talk like this all the time without acknowledging that their own interest group cohort might be much, much narrower.
Yeah, I find that fascinating, particularly there are indications that Hillary is the more liberal of the two.
At worst, the VERY worst, you’ll have a replay of the Clinton admin–the administrative end was very good, decent economics, progress on social issues. That’s not something to fear from the left side of things.
J R in WV
It’s a metaphor for becoming aware of the conspiracy women are committed to as they avoid men who are players, attempting to use a manual of tactics to woo women, as pick-up artists. The red pill is what you need to swallow in order to become aware of the female conspiracy to refuse to provide sexual relief to these guys, who don’t actually like women, but desire their favor none-the-less.
Gamer Gate is related to the pick-up artist culture somehow as well.
I’m surprised the article didn’t also discuss the white supremacy infusing the other pillar of the modern GOP, namely fundamentalist/evangelical Christians. The Religious Right as a political movement was really born when the IRS revoked Bob Jones University’s tax-exempt status over its segregationist policies.