Via Quartz, which further reported:
… One particularly notable omission from Fox’s newscast was the decision to skip one of the night’s most acclaimed presentations—a speech by the father of Captain Humayun Khan, a US Army soldier who died at age 27, near Baghdad, while supporting Operation Iraqi freedom. The family immigrated to the US from Pakistan, and are Muslim.
Rather than airing Khan senior’s emotional speech, in which he told the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, that he had “sacrificed nothing” for America, Fox’s show The Kelly File continued with its regular commentary, and then cut to commercials. Those included a Benghazi-themed attack ad on Clinton, Media Matters reported…
“Do not take this election lightly!…”
I’d also recommend the MSNBC interview with the Khan’s, if anything more powerful than the DNC speach.
And keep in mind Donald’s comments “I’d like to hear what she had to say”.
Here is what she said ” I begged my son, I begged him, do not come back a hero, come back to me a son. He came back a hero.”
I don’t recall them showing Michael Bloomberg’s speech either -we are visiting my sister-in-law’s house, where my adult nephew is a loyal Fox-News watcher (with political views to match), and so had to watch much of the first three evenings of the DNC on Fox. I could be wrong, but the Fox bobbleheads were busy commenting and showing commercials while Bloomberg was in a little side window with no sound.
Must see, especially that line. Powerful.
Interesting that the freedom-loving fox viewers don’t get to see certain things. I guess their favorite news network knows what’s best for them.
In other news, I linked to this downstairs:
Thin skinned, tiny fingered, tangerine rage machine just can’t quit stomping on his tiny dick.
Mr Stagger Lee
NPR talked all over the speech, I want to kick the news director there in the family jewels.
schrodinger's cat
Bonus Trivia: Humayun was the second Mughal emperor of the subcontinent, Babur’s son and Akbar’s father.
*Mughal Empire was most of north India, Pakistan and parts of Afghanistan. Mughals never had much if any foothold in southern India and Maharashtra.
Trump responds.
If there is justice in the world, someone would hit every Republican and every Trump voter over the head with this video and with Trump’s slander every day until they withdraw from society in shame for ever supporting this sociopath.
Not only did the Donald criticize the Kahn’s he also disparaged General Harris calling him a “failed General”. I am shocked as a retired business man to hear Trump a businessman, whose success whatever you may define it as, talk about the sacrifices he has made along the way/ What a P.O.S.. He is no friend to our military nor too veterans who served their country in uniform. I served in Vietnam and am proud of my brothers and sisters I served with and mourn the loss of so many who gave their lives for their country and for us. Donald Trump never wore a uniform, dodged the draft, and has children who could have served but did not.
I would be ashamed of any American who supports what Trump said about the Khns and General Harris.
I will remember two speeches from the Dem Convention for the rest of my life: Ms. Obama and Mr. Khan.
Psst. You said “General Harris” a couple of times, but as your link shows, it was Gen. Allen. You should have a 5-minute Window to correct it.
Reich Wingers often mouth platitudes about how they like good Muslims and how Islam is of course a religion of peace etc etc, believing none of it of course.
But it made me realize for many millions of Muslims (and others), America IS the land of religious freedom. Where they can be free to be Shi’ite and veil-less, if they wish.
Trump threatens this core aspect of America.
Thoughtful David
Open thread question: My local Democratic Committee is wanting to make some custom campaign signs with not just President and VP but also our local Congressional candidate’s names. Can any of you recommend any one of the myriad campaign-sign printing companies that are out there? We’d of course like made-in-America, Union-made, and if possible by a company of good Democrats. There’s lots of companies out there on the web, but I don’t know which ones are good and reputable.
Thanks for any help.
Oh, and:
Trump delenda est
Also, can we just point out since the media won’t that Trump is using a racist (xenophobic?) stereotype when he says Mrs. Khan somehow wasn’t “allowed” to talk?
She was there. She stood by her husband’s side and agreed with every word. The fact that the two of them agreed that he should speak for them as a team is none of Donald Trump’s goddamned business and he needs to FOAD.
In case you’ve missed it, DT is having his latest meltdown, this time claiming that the debate schedule was rigged by Clinton. That would be the schedule set by the CPD back in September when there were 5 Democrats and 17 Republicans still in the race.
@sukabi: “Thin skinned, tiny fingered, tangerine rage machine” somehow instantly morphed to Teeny Weeny Tiny Fingered Tangeriney Rage Machiney which almost works.
And yet, armytimes had a poll a few weeks back in which the serving military folks said they would vote for the this pos by 2 to 1 over hillary. They also voted for mittbot by a big margin, iirr, despite what the first and second families did for vets over the past 8 years. Talk about death wish.
@Thoughtful David:
I would go with a local business if possible, though I’m not 100 percent sure how you would go about finding one. Even smallish cities usually have at least a few marketing or advertising firms.
I mentioned this downstairs, but will reiterate it here: Just have a look at the video clip at the link sukabi provided at #5. It is clear to me (disclaimer: IANAMD) that Donald Trump is not a healthy man. If I were his physician, or one of the handful of people in his life who genuinely loves him, I’d be extremely concerned and worried.
@trnc: Trump wants to show that he’s in charge of the debate procedures. My free advice to the people who are in charge is to just say no. It would mean no debates.
The hacking at the DNC and DCCC might be hurting fundraising. I got a call from a DCCC fundraiser. She said the best way to pledge is to via credit card over the phone. But I am now hesitant to do this. I told them I will mail a check.
The lady also asked, if I could pledge $500. I said NO, because that’s beyond what I can afford. I’ll probably chip in $50 or maybe $100, if I can save some money somewhere else. I have gotten calls from them before*, but they tried pushing such a large dollar amount on me.
* They usually call at least twice a day. Their number always displays as “Private Name, Unknown Number”, so I know it is them. I usually let it go to voicemail. I bet they were wondering, if I still exist. ???☄????
@SiubhanDuinne: People have been talking about Trump’s health for months now. He’s still kicking and spewing hate.
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
I can’t even. This is the most “I can’t even” of all of his idiotic word salads of atrocious.
It is indeed a choice between normal and abnormal. Any questions w/r/t “is he a sociopath?” have now been definitively answered. So loudly that the dead can hear.
gogol's wife
He makes some reference to “a lot of people noticed it.” Probably on one of those Der Stürmer websites he reads.
Nope, he is just a chickenshit. He is in charge of jacksquat.
The only way to watch conventions is on CSPAN. No commercials or commentary during the convention. You get to see all of it from opening to closing gavel uninterrupted.
@amk: I didn’t say he was succeeding– it’s the situation he’s trying to create. And the way to stop him is to not play his game.
Amir Khalid
Plus, Hillary will show up prepped to the max. Trump will either be ready to debate her or not. That has nothing to do with what else is on TV on those nights.
gogol's wife
It was fantastic. I got so caught up in the convention by watching CSPAN. And every minute of the convention was entertaining.
And what about Ryan and McConnell? Are they ever going to come out from under their sofa-cushion forts?
@a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q): Between the real love too many of our neighbors have for pure sociopathy (and they’re requiring bigger and bigger hits to get the same thrill) there’s the problem of media ratings for real or feigned sociopathy (especially when provided free of charge).
@gogol’s wife: Yes. I can’t praise it enough. I can’t even imagine what went in to putting it all together.
@Thoughtful David:
A one-time client if mine: Aura Badge Company Clayton NJ. 100% Union-made, mom & pop shop, specializing in political signage, door hangers, palm cards etc.
@MattF: Let’s not perpetuate the meme this moron is in charge of anything. Let’s call it for it is. A fucking knownothing coward.
‘Just say no’ – exactly. HRC should start an #I’llBeThere hashtag about the debates, like, yesterday. It won’t mean a thing to Trumpkins when he backs out (“rigged!” whatever) but it’ll matter to everyone else and will help reinforce the growing theme of Trump-as-coward
@amk: I’m not saying that. See previous comment.
That should be the opening statement – and only one about the Khans – in any discussion of these issues. Followed by an immediate pivot and hammering of Trump (and Ryan & McConnell ABOUT Trump)
@Mr Stagger Lee: Mr. Khan must not be a Sanders supporter.
Oh, I know. I’m surely not the first, and this isn’t the first time I’ve mentioned it. But the camera was really tight on him in that ABC interview and I noticed things I hadn’t paid attention to previously, mostly around the eyes. And of course that florid skin colour which I think is more attributable to HBP than tanning spray.
That’ll make anyone sick.
Why does Orange Hitler think hiring people is a sacrifice? Were they no-show jobs? I’m not getting this. Also regarding Khan’s wife not speaking. John Menendez who comes on the Stephanie Miller show talked about attending a Trump Superbowl Party. He said Melanoma didn’t say a word and it seemed like Trump had instructed her not utter a single word. Melendez talked about this a few months ago,not in response to this Khan issue.
MattF I think his concept here is that the stupendous effort he put into the projects was a sacrifice. FWIW.
It’s not the ‘hiring’ of people that’s a sacrifice, it’s having to actually pay them…not kidding here. This is a guy who wants credit for spending the money it takes to make his buildings handicapped-accessible, you know, as required by law?
redshirt Projection, thy name is Republican.
Jeffro Also, please don’t fall into Trump’s trap of trying to justify Mrs. Khan’s not speaking at the DNC (or pointing out the hypocrisy, as in when Melania didn’t speak). Just don’t. Draw a line: it is NONE OF TRUMP’S BUSINESS whether Mrs. Khan spoke. Make him answer the question – hammer reporters to do the same.
PsiFighter37 I don’t get the sense Melania has a lot of independent thought. The usual rebuttal I get is that she can speak 5 languages, so she must have some brains…no idea if that’s true or not, but being a thoughtless airhead is a universal language.
@MattF: of course I’m not sure how much money OR effort he puts into anything he nominally does.
Steve in the ATL
You always get two things with Republicans: (1) lies and (2) projection.
@Jeffro: Bingo. Don’t follow his diversionary tactics. Make him answer the fucking question. The fucking media won’t. At least the social media can.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I watched the conventions on CSPAN. It’s amazing what you see unfiltered, and how the pundits talks such stupid crap that requires a complete suspension of what you see with your lying eyes. MSNBC was teh suxx0r.
I noticed an article a day or two ago that said she had quietly removed from her website that spurious claim of having a university degree.
@FlipYrWhig: That’s always the subtext with Trump. Lazy and greedy.
I made the #IllBeThere suggestion on Twitter just a bit ago…it has been quite well-received…I need to go adjust my ‘notifications’ lol =)
Dolph Lundgren speaks about that many languages, which makes me think it’s more about some innate ability than IQ.
Uverse carried both conventions in HD with a live feed.
Felonius Monk
I’ll post this again:
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@SiubhanDuinne: her whole website disappeared, redirects to one of trumps, with a statement about her business focus has shifted.
@Mnemosyne: Or just personal history– what countries were you in when you were in your ‘language learning’ phase. My dad spoke about six languages– he grew up in a multilingual environment.
If the debate slots are offered and Trump declines, can Hillary still show up and use the free air time to answer all the questions in detail without having to respond to the five year old in the room?
@greennotGreen: that would be fantastic.
Thoughtful David
Thanks–good idea. We’re a pretty small town, although we do have a printer. I might try them.
Trump delenda est.
@gogol’s wife:
I don’t care what the haterz say, I even loved the “Fight Song” video and have been humming it for days.
@PsiFighter37: Most Europeans are multi-lingual, since languages are taught starting in elementary school.
Schlemazel Khan
I can only imagine the pain Mr. Kahn feels. I personally swore a blood oath that W would die if anything happened to my son while he was fighting in Boy Blunders war of choice. It is bad enough to ask young people to fight in any war, even one that really is necessary. To ask one, even one, to sacrifice for an ego, for a whim, for a fucked up belief that someone can control the outcome when the battle is pointless and unneeded is a crime that should not go unpunished. I wish Geo Bush a long, miserable life with the ghosts of the people he personally got killed. I wish peace and some sense of recovery for what was done to his boy and his family
sm*t cl*de
Melania’s webpage was never more than a subsidiary branch of the Trump Organisation. She is not trusted with an independent on-line presence.
If I were her, I would be checking domain registrations to see if a site is under construction for Mrs Trump #4.
LOL, thanks, yes. I read it super quickly and didn’t remember all of that.
I do not think Melania is stupid. She’s no Einstein either. She is at a minimum bilingual, and can probably manage a fair bit in other European languages, as she lived and worked in different parts of Europe as a model. She got the hell out of Slovenia, as soon as she could, since the former Yugoslavia was falling apart, when she was getting into adulthood. That takes a certain level of drive and confidence in your abilities to manage in new places.
Is she smarter than Hillary or Michelle, as comparable First Ladies? Probably not. I doubt she’s any dumber than Laura Bush or Nancy Reagan.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
I’d be curious to know what CSPAN’s ratings were. I also watched the convention solely on there so I didn’t miss anything thanks to some idiot commentator’s inability to shut their trap during the speeches.
@Mnemosyne: Thanks so much. I missed the window. and will proof better next time.
Cheryl from Maryland
Aside from the incredible impact of the Khans’ speech, I was struck by the trust by Hillary’s campaign and the DNC in them. No insistence on a speechwriter, no review of the speech, no checking of party credentials. Trust in us as American citizens. THAT is what I expect in my candidate and my government. THAT is why I supported President Obama, and THAT is why I support Hillary Clinton.
First of all, Mr. Khan spoke at the convention WITHOUT TEXT, without a teleprompter. (It wouldn’t matter if Hillary did write the text, but THERE WAS NO TEXT AT ALL. This man spoke straight from his battered heart.)
Second, if you watch the Khans’ interview with O’Donnell, you will see that indeed Mrs. Khan can speak–and she does! She also does not have as strong of command of English as her husband. In any case, it doesn’t matter whether she can or can’t or will or won’t speak. She was standing by her spouse while he spoke. End of story.
Third, every fucking interviewer needs to ask Pence, Ryan, and McConnell what they think of Donald’s response. Also, somebody ask Graham and McCain.
This is a fucking disgrace.
Dolph is not a good example of low IQ, the man has a Bachelor’s in Chemistry from Washington State University, two masters in Chem. Eng. and was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to MIT.
He got side tracked by show biz, before going to MIT.
But learning and retaining multiple languages, I think, is more a function of being exposed to a couple of different languages at a young age, so your brain learns to be wired to speak and understand multiple languages.
Formal education is not part of it. It’s hearing and speaking languages, when the language centers of the brain are still forming.
We start to get into that “types of intelligence” discussion, though. As I’ve said before, Melania Trump clearly identified what she wanted (to marry a rich guy and have a child) and got it. You need to have a pretty decent amount of intelligence to do that, even if it’s not the same kind of intelligence that gets you through Harvard or Yale Law School.
In that regard, she’s probably more intelligent than (for example) Ted Cruz, who did attend Ivy League schools but still can’t figure out why it’s a bad idea to piss off your allies.
I guess it’s more that acting ability is not tied to IQ, but I think we already knew that. ?
@gene108: I saw the news stories about the latest potential hacking, but I figured by the time I heard about it that it was already being addressed.
I gave yesterday to Hillary, the DCCC, the DSCC, VoteRiders, and my local county Democratic committee over the web. I didn’t give it a second thought.
I never give over the phone. Never. I think that is too risky.
(Whose personal info is probably already in China, so what are ya gonna do? Gotta live one’s live without fear.)
@Mnemosyne: He will break you.
One of my friends at work is a big “Rocky” fan and absolutely loved it when Biden walked out that theme.
Anne Laurie
@sm*t cl*de:
IMO she’s Donald’s Katherine Parr — the aging king’s last bedwarmer/housekeeper. According to report, Don genuinely admired her negotiating skills as she worked her way up from ‘hot date’ to ‘girlfriend’ to ‘trophy wife’. She seems to have been smart about staying within his standards for a good wife (stays ‘hot’, doesn’t spend too much, ‘can be depended on to always take her birth control’, never demands he waste his valuable attention on her or her solitary anchor-son). And she’s apparently stayed on working terms with her grown stepkids from marriage #1, which can’t have been easy considering we’re talking Uday, Qusay, and Daddy’s Little Princess. Assuming she’s got a private account set aside in case of emergencies, I suspect she’s pretty well set for life regardless… and given the way Trump’s appearance has visibly deteriorated just during the last few months, she & young Barron might well be cashing in on those life insurance policies by 2017.
Ted Cruz lacks a certain level of understanding of human nature, which most people develop by smoking pot with friends, cutting class, and getting into trouble, because it seemed like fun at the time.
I bet he was one of those kids in high school, who participated in any extra-carricular activity solely based on how an Ivy League admissions officer would look at it. I think, like Trump, there’s not a lot Cruz has ever done without thinking how this could get me ahead.
He’s intellectually stunted that way.
J R in WV
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
I will never cease being amazed that Andrea Mitchell thinks it is appropriate for her to fabricate statements about things I JUST WATCHED with my own eyes. How NBC thinks the woman is worth carrying on the payroll is beyond me. I will never watch her on a news show or special event coverage, ever.
I switched to CBS after Tuesday evening’s prime time hour. I also watched as much as I could via on-line streaming video feeds – when the weather gets bad our sat connection gets weak, but that did work for some of the convention. And I found the C-Span Radio feed for just audio, which needs a fraction of the data flow video requires.
Villago Delenda Est
@Trentrunner: Mrs. Khan’s problem is that she lost her son. It is so painfully obvious that she cannot stop grieving, and that’s why it’s hard for her to speak, period.
I want to reach through the screen and hug her, comfort her, and do so knowing that it’s not enough for her.
J R in WV
@Schlemazel Khan:
From seeing George W Bush’s behavior in Dallas between Laura and Michelle Obama, it looks like he has already lost too much mentally to really understand what he did when he was president.
And I’m sure there’s no one who will ever tell his face to face that he is a war criminal who is responsible for hundreds of thousands of innocent people dying.
A shame about Bush; he deserves to feel that guilt. I’m very glad your offspring came back in one piece.
gogol's wife
@Cheryl from Maryland:
Most of the speeches felt very genuine to me. Even when people weren’t practiced speakers and it had clearly been written for them, they seemed invested in their words — I think any speeches that were written for the speakers were based on careful interviewing. But Mr. Khan’s speech was obviously coming from the heart. I didn’t have any sense he wasn’t saying his own words. “You have sacrified nothing and no one!” It’s my mantra for this election.
Along with CRUSH TRUMP
gogol's wife
@Villago Delenda Est:
My husband said, “You look at her face and you know she is permanently sad.”
James E Powell
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
I’m curious to know the who and why of MSNBC’s switch to the Hectoring Hillary channel.
James E Powell
If there is one thing that Trump has shown, it is that nobody cares what Graham or McCain think about anything.
@James E Powell: Well, Chris Matthews and Lawrence O’Donnell are longstanding Clinton/s haters — see the work of Bob Somerby — and Maddow and Hayes are both smack in the middle of the Impatient White Liberals demographic. Andrea Mitchell is a tool too. Not sure about producers rather than hosts, though.
@PsiFighter37: Europe is small, even before the EU people traveled all over the continent and learned other languages. My penpal in the early 1970 spoke his native Norwegian, some German, French, Italian, and was fluent in English. He learned English in school and Norwegian broadcast TV, not wanting to spend the money on translating instead would play the TV show in English and subtitle in Norwegian. Children would then have English sounds re-inforced.
@gene108: You can watch it live on C-SPAN if you are a cable/satellite subscriber. If not, You Tube carried it live and without commentary. (I luckily found that out before I smashed my TV in rage at NPR.)
mike in dc
Looking at the Khan thing in purely political terms, I think the father’s speech, and Trump’s tone-deaf and callous response to it, drives a wedge into a small slice of Trump’s blue-collar coalition. I think there’s some vets and parents of vets who are offended and may start to move away from Trump. Maybe not a huge number but a significant number.
@Mnemosyne: Lundgren was a graduate student at MIT, IIRC.
@mike in dc:
One can only hope. A lot of Republican pundits were very moved by the speech and have said they’re shocked by Trump’s callousness.
Phoenix Woman
@amk: Behold the power of racism.
Thoughtful David
Great, thanks! I’ll check them out.
@J R in WV: Yes. It couldn’t have been more inappropriate if he’d done a La Petomane routine…. It was evident that he was a few bricks shy of a load when he was Prez, and it seems to be getting worse. I’d say residual alcohol damage, magnified by aging.
victoria Lichterman
Mr. and Mrs. Khizr Khan, I’ve just seen Mr. Khan today on CNN and he delivered the part of the speech that he cut for the DNC. I am so grateful that it is now on the record. As a college professor who teaches a high percentage of Muslim students in all of my Public Speaking classes, I always encourage my Muslim students to give speeches that will inform their audience of the true tenets of their culture. Starting this fall I will use, as an additional teaching tool, your speech and the interview you gave today to CNN. By the way, Mr. Khan anyone who doubted your respect for Mrs. Khan’s opinion has been disabused of that impression after today’s CNN interview! What fine representatives you both are for all Muslims. I am so sorry for the loss that has brought you to this place in time. Sincerely, V L