The choice is yours America.#NeverTrump = #ClintonKaine#TrumpPutin16 #TreasonousTrump
— Captain Truth (@TruthTeamOne) July 29, 2016
Forgive me for not front-paging this note from commentor I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet sooner:
…The end of the month is coming up. The DCCC and the DSCC are having a triple-match again. If you’ve got some money to spare, and if you want to see the House and Senate flip, then Team D is going to need the resources to do it. Now’s a good time.
Cheers, Scott.
(Who did his part.)
“We” (meaning, some tech-competent front-pager) need to set up the Act Blue widgets again. Any specific suggestions for state races where donations would be particularly useful in flipping Congress?
3/ Search interest in “donate to Hillary” was +30% higher tonight than “donate to Trump” on the night of his speech
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) July 29, 2016
Mr. Mack
Having a hard time deciding…do I split the amount I can spare between Hillary and the DCCC/DSCC, or dump it all in one place?
Looks entirely like people have found the effective range and oordinates. Incoming Tweets! B-3 (and wait for the bobber)
I’ll donate today. Just tell me where. (I’m serious.) My goal is to wipe all trace of the GOP off the face of the earth. Short of that, I’d like to see Hillary win, Senate flip, House flip, in that order. (I’m in CA.)
@Mr. Mack: Donate some now and then donate some more later.
Totally OT but some interesting archaeology research from Israel on the story of the Exodus.
Betty Cracker
Do we even have a HRC 2016 ActBlue? I bet I could figure out how to embed it if we do. If not, we need to create one.
From the cartoons, we are giving American voters a choice between miscegenation, on the left, and same sex love.
Whatever will the reptile brain do, this fall?
Love trumps Hate, I hope.
PS: you could also find a deserving state or local candidate, and donate there. Deborah Ross is the Democratic nominee for Senate in North Carolina; Richard Burr is up for
re-election.And, of course, Democrat Roy Cooper is up for governor. Send Pat McCrory packing.
@MattF: …and… I just donated.
Soylent Green
In that cartoon, shouldn’t Trump’s hand be on Putin’s hip?
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Trump on Stephanopolous’ show – OMG WTF. He’s on coke or meth or something, babbling word salad nonsense Putin talking points about Ukraine and Crimea. He’s way beyond where the buses don’t run. It will be curious to see how GOP leadership deals with the fallout next week.
This is Trump’s latest tweet, but I think he had help writing it..
The campaign is floating whatever out, to see if it helps. Trump needs to wipe the shit off his own feet, and he’s not happy about it.
@Soylent Green: Ew.
Charles Grassley’s opponent, the appropriately named Patty Judge might be a good target for Act Blue-oon Juice
Is it more efficient to donate directly to the state and local candidates? How much overhead do the DSCC and DCCC take?
Koch Brothers gonna be spending their megabucks in the states and locals.
ETA: Yes! Would love to see Grassley put out to pasture. Support his opponent in Iowa!
Please include all appropriate links on this page – DCCC, DSCC, HRC – until a more formal page can be created. I suspect it would be real easy to find the wrong ones that look almost correct.
@JPL: As someone tweeted in response, Trump was attacked with a sharpened copy of the Constitution.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Trump has been sleeping under a rock for the last few years, and has no idea that Putin invaded Crimea and Ukraine. His campaign manager worked for former president Victor Yanukovych.
@MattF: Nice!
@JPL: I’m guessing that when asked something like that, Trump turns to one of his senior aides (e.g., Manafort) for an answer.
Now that I’ve got an actual income again, I’ll be more than happy to chip into an ActBlue fund. I am extra inspired by the (free!) Hillary magnet I got in the mail yesterday.
Steeplejack (phone)
I see that Bernie Sanders is scheduled to be on Faze the Nation (CBS) at 10:30 EDT. Watch if you dare!
Amir Khalid
Good luck with the fundraising.
@Steeplejack (phone): I willing to bet that Sanders will be supportive. He understands that Trump is a menace.
@Trentrunner: #ImWithTrentrunner
Souls love to donate and so would the rest of Europe, but well… I guess you Americans are on you own here.
Furthermore, how long will his supporters think of Trump as a strong leader with him whining all the time….?
glory b
joy Reid Dean Obidallah and Malcom Nance (African American national security expert) just finished raking Trump apologis over the coals.
Big R
What the hell is happening with the Post? Correction: I know what is happening with the Post. I just don’t understand how we got to this.
Soylent Green
I start each day knowing that most Americans are well-meaning uninformed dolts. They get most or all of their news from each other, unfiltered by journalists or bloggers or common sense. It’s a big game of telephone, with people repeating what they saw in FB posts or chain emails or what they heard someone say on their smoke break or at the bar. Trump is building a wall to keep us safe from terrists. Hillary eats fetuses for breakfast. Even many well educated professionals don’t pay attention to more than a small fraction of the information flow that we political junkies process. Most people will base their vote for president on habit or hunches or ingrained prejudices or on being contrary for the hell of it.
So this isn’t the bag for us, and won’t be till it’s over.
Betty Cracker
I’ll plug my local Congressional race:
Current (GOP) Congressman isn’t running for re-election, and we have a County Executive running for the seat. Not 100% sure who his opponent will be since multiple GOP candidates are running in an August primary, but I’m doing some canvassing for him this afternoon.
I don’t think any external polling has been done, but most of the prognosticators I’m reading view the race as a toss-up or lean Dem. A little extra help to make it a stronger Dem seat would certainly be appreciated, I’m sure.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I don’t know – he’s a tacky, ignorant, mean orange sociopathic ball of neuroses and psychoses incapable of processing information. I just can’t see how Ryan and McConnell can pretend to support him for the next 3 months.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I think Trump is offsetting the fund raising advantage with the “One Man, One Vote” philosophy. That one man being Putin.
Neil Hudelson
If you are looking for specific races where your donations can really help, take a look at Indiana Congressional District 9. This district was one of the safe Dem districts because of Bloomington, until the Republican legislature carved it up like a Christmas ham (an actual GOP legislator’s words).
The Congressional race is currently between Trey Hollingsworth, a Tennessee millionaire who bought an apartment in the district just to run, and whose dad runs his Super PAC (I’m sure there’s no coordination between Trey and his dad. That would be illegal.) He registered to vote in the district 1 week before he filed to run.
His opponent is Shelli Yoder, lifelong Hoosier and former Miss Indiana, who has a Masters in Divinity from Vanderbilt and a Masters in Social Work from Notre Dame, and directed a shelter for at-risk Teens. She has ran a few times for various offices, knows the district and state well, and her race has recently been categorized as a “Red to Blue” race by the DCCC.
Her campaign website:
If Trump were allowed to tweet today, he’d be bragging about his beautiful wife’s pictures in the Murdoch paper. He’s not allowed to tweet today, just expect a few statements, and then silence.
Mary in Ohio
Ted Strickland (D) and Rob Portman are neck in neck for the Senate seat in Ohio. And as a tv watcher in the Columbus area I can say that right now there seem to be about twice as many negative ads towards Strickland as there are against Portman. Strickland could definitely use some cash.
Steeplejack (phone)
He’s saying all the right things so far, and with sincerity.
Betty Cracker
Khizr Khan went on CNN today and not only unloaded on Trump again, he said Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have a moral obligation to repudiate Trump and that he will keep speaking out until they do. Good for him!
Cooper’s t-shirt is so awful, it’s awesome. Had to have it.
@JPL: If he had help writing that tweet, it must not have been one of the “best people, the best people” he hired.* The Khan family is from Pakistan, their son died in Afghanistan. Iraq had little or nothing to do with it. That area of the world has its own problems without any help from Iraq.
*Do the people Trump hires realize there’s a good chance they won’t get paid?
@Amir Khalid:
FSG should sell Sturridge and donate the proceeds to Hillary.
@burnspbesq: Photographic evidence or a link? Have not seen it.
@Betty Cracker: That’s the best part about Trump: He doesn’t know when not responding is the right thing to do.
Think about how many times those of us on the left ground our teeth and yelled at Obama through our computers when he wasn’t responding to something, only to find out later that no responding right then was the best thing.
Saw a good description of t-rump yesterday (I think on Deadspin): ‘A sack of orange assholes.’
I lol’d.
The cartoon is wrong. Vlad is around 5’7″. The Donald over six feet. Vlad should be snuggling up to the much larger Donald.
Houston Chronicle endorses HRC. On 7/31.
The cartoon recognizes the actual size of their power. Physical size has nothing to do with it.
Amir Khalid
No, we still need Studge. They should sell 25th choice striker Balotelli — I think Besiktas wants him.
Katie McGinty running for Senate in PA could probably use some help against incumbent Pat Toomey.
@Amir Khalid:
We’d like the conribution to be more than $20.
Keith P.
Kirzhr the Father > Joe the Plumber + Tito the Builder + Donald the Builder.
Also Maggie Hassan (NH) and Tammy Duckworth (IL).
Doug Applegate (CA-49) got 45 percent of the vote in the primary. He has a chance to take down Issa.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Their son died in Iraq in 2004. Mrs. Khan has a big op-ed in the WaPo today.
schrodinger's cat
How are the Sabbath Punditubbies reacting to the Orange one?
Obama has apparently been utilizing Michelle’s “when they go low, we go high” mantra for years now, and that may be the cause of the GOP crack up. They’ve spent eight years sinking further and further into the muck hurling invective at Obama, their base has absorbed this and demanded more and more. Out of this cesspool emerged the ultimate troll.
Gin & Tonic
@JPL: And Manafort was on MTP this morning, and lied directly in Chuckles’ face — asked about the anti-Ukraine changes made to the Republican platform (the only actual substantive changes, on any topic, requested by the Trump campaign) Manafort said they had nothing to do with it. Everyone on the platform committee says the proposals came straight from the Trump campaign. Everyone with two brain cells knows it was Manafort’s work — Trump couldn’t find Ukraine on a map of Europe if his life depended on it.
Chuckles, obviously, did not follow up.
Thanks AL!
I send a little to the DSCC and DCCC when they’re having a match because we shouldn’t leave any easy money on the table. Even a few dollars from each poster on a “top 10000 blog” can make a difference.
The DSCC and DCCC have the resources to build the brand, combat the national memes from the Teabaggers, and to provide infrastructure support to important House and Senate races.
Hillary seems to be using the funds she gets well too.
It’s also important to give to state and local races where additional resources can make a difference. Even forcing the Teabaggers to support their “safe” seats can be a good investment.
I’ve also recently given to Al Franken’s PAC and VoteRiders. There are lots and lots of ways to make a difference.
I’ll be giving to a few Senate and House candidates soon. Not as much as I would like, but them’s the breaks until we win the lottery… :-)
Jason Miller a Trump spokesperson is being demolished by Brian Seltzer on CNN, he keeps trying to turn the conversation away from Mr Khan and onto radical islamist terrorism, Seltzer is not having it accuses him and Trump of trying to tie the Khan family to terrorism. Now Seltzer is accusing Trump of lying about the NFL writing to him about the debate schedule. This is not going well.
EDIT He’s trying to get him to say whether they will participate, he responds that Hillary is trying to bury the debates like she did in the primary. Says they want to participate but have not begun to negotiate about the debates.
He’s not going to debate, unless he’s really far down.
Schlemazel Khan
I had to laugh at this tidbit. The man who asked Bill Gates to “shut down the parts of the Internet that Islamic terrorists use” offered a new solution for cyber security yesterday in Colorado.
The guy really should change his name to Donald Dunning-Kruger.
Gin & Tonic
On the contrary, I’d submit it’s going very well. (For us.)
Gin & Tonic
@Schlemazel Khan: But letters can be intercepted. We should shave the courier’s head, tattoo the message on his scalp, wait for the hair to grow back and send him to deliver the message then. Old skool.
Watching the Trump interview here on the left coast. George S. might have just committed an act of journalism. What a fricking liar Trump is.
@burnspbesq: Thank you, sir.
And it’s good to hear Mr. Issa could have a serious challenge this year. He does not belong in Congress.
@Schlemazel Khan:
Trump surrogate on Joy Reid’s show spouting word salad. Essentially, Trump wants to get rid of automation. Have people give you your coffee, not a machine.
The Trump family actually started the “sacrifice” theme at the GOP Convention:
God, these people. They’re as clueless as their father. That they would stand up there and use Donald Trump as an example of sacrifice. There’s a GOP political operative, a never-Trumper, who calls them “trust fund people”, like it’s a recognized category of dopes :)
I want to post this to the time line of several people on facebook.
If Michelle or Hillary were on the cover of a newspaper, would the republicans call it art?
Does Trump have plans to introduce a smoke signal corps to the US military?
@Gin & Tonic:
So, so far this morning it’s Seltzer 1 and Chuckles 0.
@Feebog: Well, good for George. It’s almost a sort of logic puzzle– how do you interview someone who lies all the time?
Schlemazel Khan
@Gin & Tonic:
force a group of courier’s to memorize to each memorize a part of the message then send them by different paths. That way if one is captured he can’t be tortured into give away the whole message!!!
Gin & Tonic
@shomi: Um, it is turning into a shit storm. It’s on every Sunday talking heads show. Khizr was on MTP, at least. Ghazala has an op-ed in the WaPo today. I know it’s hard to predict, but this one seems to have legs.
Mike J
@burnspbesq: For the football fans, NYT front page for July 31, 1966.
They think it’s all over!
It is now.
@hovercraft: It was interesting that the NFL thing (which was cheap and easy to check en plus) has shown up at the bottom of so many articles I read last night on the Khans (yes, they all essentially cut and post, but it did not drop out) and now the airwaves (at least some) follow suit. Must help that they’re both easily understood iconic themes they can work up some ratings with without having to think much. Football and the Military? Plus picking on a grieving mother. If apple pie suddenly appears, stand back.
It’s nice but the formulation is missing something…it’s a lot more groups than just those. How about including Latinos, Veterans, the disabled, etc.
Schlemazel Khan
@Gin & Tonic:
I think it is VERY BIG.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
@Mr. Mack: Definitely help either the DCCC/DSCC or donate direct to state and local races in your own state.
For instance here in PA I definitely want to send some love to Katie McGinty, who is running against the odious Pat Toomey for Senate. Like most wingnuts in Congress, Toomey has earned a lot of hatred. But McGinty is not perceived as a strong candidate and you know the Citizens United taps are going to be wide open in this state.
Joy Reid is ripping this surrogate apart.
@Schlemazel Khan:
Carrier pigeons, couriers, morse code, all communication methods that cannot be intercepted, they are all highly effective and secure methods of communicating in times of crisis.
Keep the camera on Trump and put “He’s lying” on the chyron.
@Schlemazel Khan: Just ask Bobby Lee about the lost messages which may well have turned the battle of Gettysburg in the Unions favor.
@Mary in Ohio: The Kochs are spending big on that race.
@hovercraft: ???? Utra and Purple code breaking helped turn the tide in WWII.
J R in WV
On Face the Nation the committee seems to agree that Hillary can’t be a change agent because she’s been in politics for years.
But this ignores the essential fact that SHE IS A WOMAN !!! The first woman President is a huge change agent by definition. And a woman from Cook Report leads that choice? Crazed! They really look for any new reason to hate Hillary Clinton, that’s the only goal on these shows.
So sad, what has happened to our national news organizations.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
@hovercraft: Cell phone salesman to me sometime in the 90s when there were both analog and digital phones on the market: “This phone communicates in 1’s and 0’s so it’s IMPOSSIBLE to intercept!!!”
Salesman will say anything, and say it with conviction. And probably believe what they’re saying.
gogol's wife
@Betty Cracker:
The man is a “profile in courage” (not snark). Can you imagine the abuse he and his family are probably taking?
Schlemazel Khan
@hovercraft: Karnak the Magnificant:
“What are a shotgun, kidnapping and an induction coil good for?”
I thought the lost messages were at Antietam.
Point still a good one.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
@D58826: It’s snark, in reaction to Trump (who else) who has declared that radios are unsecure and the military should go to couriers for all comms.
Bring back decoder rings – O-v-a-l-t-i-n-e.
Schlemazel Khan
@gogol’s wife:
I am stunned we have not learned what their kitchen counter tops are made of.
I am not sure I could do what they did because losing a child would be painful enough to think I would have to watch those bastards drag him through the mud after his death would be more than I could bear.
Trump does say he want to take the nation back to when we were winning, so I guess WWII would count. (Assuming those are real).
Mike J
You ask him which door the other one would tell you use, right?
ThresherK (GPad)
@Betty Cracker: I don’t Twitter, so I never noticed your avatar was an Ann Taintor. It does seem just like you!
Spousal ThresherK loves her stuff too.
@J R in WV: I know. It’s appalling. No one is going to be around to subscribe to them, or defend them, if they keep sinking to these levels. The New York Times makes me ill with its Clinton Derangement Syndrome.
NYTimes is becoming clickbait. Look at this recent headline, fluff that ran during the DNC convention:
Donald Trump’s Path: What Map Should Democrats Fear the Most?
Why should we “fear”, per se? Isn’t that what Republicans excel at?
But whatever headline they can throw up, to make Hillary look bad or Democrats look like pusses.
And the NY Times doofuses in this column had Trump winning Florida. You think?
I’m sure you-all have seen this- the Trump sons hunting. I’ve now gotten this in an email from 3 people.
Sawing off the elephant’s tail is and posing with it is just repulsive.
@Kay: No thank you.
@Schlemazel Khan:
This reminds me of something that has been occurring to me regularly in this campaign season: i.e., that Michelle Malkin and Rush Limbaugh seem to have vanished from the national discourse. They are no longer thought leaders on the right. I don’t even see them being linked for mocking purposes any more. Is their influence waning or am I just (thankfully) missing stuff?
@Elizabelle: That article was just article speculation of a type with which this former sportswriter is most familiar. It’s preseason “what ifs,” you know, “What the Jacksonville Jaguars need to do to reach the Super Bowl.” “Three trades that can make the Braves a contender.” That kind of thing. Don’t take it too seriously, or at all.
@Steeplejack: I’ve noticed that, specifically about Malkin. She’s still there, though.
@Betty Cracker: Woke up this Sunday morning to the MIC drop from Mrs Khan!
Donald Trump picked the wrong Gold Star parents to fuq with!!!
WashPo Op-Ed Ghazala Khan: Trump criticized my silence. He knows nothing about true sacrifice.
Fair Economist
They have the excuse that Trump is actually leading in the polls. Of course, that’s his post-convention bounce, and will change next week. It’s telling that even in his post-convention bounce he’s still behind in too many states to win.
@Kay: You have to admit that Trumpkins posing with a dead and dismembered elephant is oddly appropriate. Sort of an omen for what they’re doing to the GOP.
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym: wasn’t sure. we really really need that snark font
@Kay: OMG…
gogol's wife
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
@Steeplejack: When Cheryl Lankford told her story about losing her military survivor benefits to Trump University, I turned to my wife and expressed the fear that this woman was now going to be doxxed and have to suffer with idiots throwing stuff at her house and who knows what else.
So far as I know, that hasn’t actually happened. I find myself pleasantly surprised but wonder like you if we’ve lost some of the more odious voices on the right who would have published her address or phone number (or more likely due to incompetence, the address and phone number of a completely unrelated random person).
@D58826: Tragic Sans!
Fair Economist
Yes, it’s waning. Limbaugh has been going down for a while – his listenership is way down. It’s a combination of his shtick getting tired and having offended *so* many people over the years. Malkin’s influence has always been getting cited, so she’s fading too. Not so sure why in her case.
@lamh36: I wonder, if when the history of this election year’s is written, the Khans will be the inflection point that changed history. Of all the words written, tweets sent, images posted, their quiet dignity seems to have hit home. (or at least I hope it has).
Doug R
@Soylent Green: Here’s a little something to chew on: Propane Jane on confirmation bias and the people you interact with
Schlemazel Khan
A Union soldier had Lee’s battle plans that had accidentally been dropped. McClullen had Lee’s battle plan and still could not finish him off. Battle field intel is tricky but McClullen was a POS general
pseudonymous in nc
I can’t decide whether they’re the Corleones or the Bluths.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: Sorry, my error. I got him mixed up with Florent Groberg, the Medal of Honor recipient who spoke. He was in Afghanistan.
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym:
Would Sestak or Fetterman have been better?
Schlemazel Khan
I think the movement is now self actualizing and no longer needs them to loose the flying monkeys. Rush has been going down hill since the Sandra Fluke thing I have no idea about the cheer girl.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@J R in WV:
Media thumbs on the scale for Trump. Might be the best thing I’ve read about MSM reporting, and explains the awful convention coverage.
@Hal: A thing of beauty!
Doug R
Smart whores get paid up front.
Schlemazel Khan
All my usual trick to get past the paywall have failed, do you know any new ones or a place I can read her op-ed?
Schlemazel Khan
@pseudonymous in nc:
The Medici’s but without the talent for anything but poison
Doug R
@shomi: Mine is a Penguin 60th birthday edition. List price $.95 US/$1.49 Canadian. Includes Declaration of Independence
Dan Rather believes that Hillary is the underdog in this race. Conventions don’t matter, Trump was able to command the news cycle during the convention and this weekend.
@gene108: Kochs are trying to have it both ways. By not supporting ‘old little hand’ they appear ‘to have principles’. If Hillary wins, the Gopers in congress, as a wholly owned subsidiary of Kochtopus Inc., will block everything she tries. If ‘old little hands’ wins, he will sign just about anything that the Kpochtopus proposes, including appointing a bunch of Scalia clones on the federal bench.
@hovercraft: That’s what I worry about. If it is still close in late Oct. some event, maybe engineered by Putin, will overwhelm the news cycle before it can be debunked. look how the media followed the shiny object of the DNC e-mails before it became obvious that there was nothing there. I’m not sure how big of an impact it had but Osma’s video and the raising of the alert level to orange in late Oct. of 2004 certain diverted media attention from the Kerry campaign.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
I thought so (Sestak), the majority of voters thought otherwise. <shrug> Doesn’t seem relevant at this point. We need to elect McGinty and she will have money thrown at her opponent, as congressional and local candidates will across the country.
Doug R
@Quinerly: Trump is an idiot or maybe he just likes indentured servitude. Automation gives us a leg up on countries like China that still use armies of people to do things like assemble smart phones and shoes.
Agreements like the TPP also makes sure those foreign workers can organize and get higher living wages, driving their cost of labor up. TPP also lowers tariffs on our goods. Tariffs on pork are like 800%, there’s a few products with tariffs around 300%.
@D58826: It did turn the battle of Antietam. One of Lee’s couriers used Lee’s battle plans as cigar wrappers and Union forces captured the papers before the battle (the courier had fled and left the cigars/plans behind). I recommend Gin & Tonic’s method at comment 60.
Edit- I see that Schlemazel Khan beat me at 114. Yes, McClellan was a POS general.
Tom Q
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym: Of course, Sestak has the negative on his resume of already having lost to Toomey (albeit in a bad midterm), and of (from the party’s POV) frittering away the advantage gained by getting Specter to switch parties.
I’m not from PA, but it’s struck me over the years that Pennsylvanians I’ve encountered online never seem happy with their candidates — very much including Casey when he ran against Santorum. Only FL Dems seem to have such equal contempt for just about anyone who ends up with their party’s nomination.
Doug R
@Schlemazel Khan: Try deleting your cookies, closing your browser, then coming back. This opens for me
I think what’s going on with Trump vis-a-vis the Khans is that the privileged shit cannot believe that a pair of darkies would have the temerity to question the word and the will of the almighty Trump. And, because the only values in which the bracket-fungus hued-oversized fly larva believes are those related to net worth, he can neither appreciate the depth of their sorrow nor the depth of their resolve. A lazy, not particularly bright, amoral man accustomed to getting everything he wants because he considers it his inalienable birthright, cannot begin to appreciate people of unassailable integrity who have struggled to achieve every last thing they have attained. The Khans are the embodiment of the American dream, and their ability to achieve it, despite the impediments created by an unwelcoming society fueled by the beliefs of Trump and his ilk, stands as a resounding refutation of everything for which Trump stands. (Trump, on the other hand, is the embodiment of the argument if favor of confiscatory inheritance tax rates.) That this undermining of la raison d’être de Trump has emerged from the testaments of two non-white, non-rich, non-native-born, non-Christian Americans is more than his weak mind can process and his fragile ego tolerate. And because he’s not smart enough to know when to shut up, and considers always having the last word another aspect of his birthright, he just makes matters progressively worse for himself. Now he’s reduced to whining that two middle-aged, grieving parents are being mean to him. Yeah, that’s the tough guy to take down ISIS single-handedly.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
@Tom Q: I don’t have contempt for McGinty. She wasn’t the candidate I voted for, but the primaries are over. She is my candidate. I will throw bucks at her, and I urge others to do the same. That’s how the system is supposed to work, you aren’t supposed to whine and go home like a common Bernbro if your primary vote was not for the winner. I understand why the establishment backed her and she is a deserving candidate and will be a fine Senator.
In the Casey election I was supporting an outsider (Pennachio) who never got out of the single digits. Again, c’est la vie. I haven’t really warmed to Casey, but I’m glad he’s there and not Santorum. Every time I see Santorum’s face I’m grateful he is no longer representing PA in any form.
In both cases I think there was an instinctive contrarian reaction against having the establishment anoint a candidate and then try so hard to suppress other campaigns. Maybe we in the Democratic corners of the state share that contrarian trait with our Pennsyltuckian comrades in the rest of the state.
I recommend donating to John Plumb, who is trying to unseat Tom Reed of NY-23. Last general election year Reed won in a squeaker against another candidate, so he’s super vulnerable–and Reed has an extremely right-wing voting record. NY-23 includes Cornell University, which is why it’s so close during general election years, and I’m really hoping this year it will flip!
pseudonymous in nc
@Tom Q:
PA has one of the last bona fide political machines, and the PA machine together with Schumer and the DSCC wanted McGinty over Sestak.
On the thumb-on-the-scale thing: Sarah Kendzior has pointed to the number of cablenewsers who idly fill in their touchscreen EC maps to come up with winning Trump scenarios, regardless of whether there’s any state-level polling to justify it. “So, if Trump wins Nevada [taps screen] he wins the presidency.” This is partly just self-indulgent media, but it also ingrains the idea of a Trump victory.
@Schlemazel Khan: I see a lot of similarities to the moms who have lost their sons and daughters to police violence. They said they were speaking for their kids, so they still had a voice. This family lost their son who was fighting for our country and they don’t want his death to be in vain.
@Schlemazel Khan: I just opened a new Private Window in my browser and entered lamh’s key phrase into google. (“WashPo Op-Ed Ghazala Khan: Trump criticized my silence. He knows nothing about true sacrifice.”)
The article was #1 in the list and I was able to click and read the article.
gogol's wife
@Doug R:
Wow, that’s great.
Why isn’t she in my NYTimes instead of MoDo?
gogol's wife
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
I keep typing “Excellent”!
@lamh36: From the article you linked:
Terrorism is a different religion. What a powerful statement.
Gelfling 545
@Betty Cracker: ?
J R in WV
@Schlemazel Khan:
Click on the story, and as it begins to load, prepare to hit the X in the right end of the address bar. The moment the text you want to read, which loads early in the process of the entire page, click that X to stop the page from loading. Read at your leisure.
Sometimes it will auto reload to the subscription page, just hit the back button and then the X to stop loading when you get back to the article.
A piece of shit general? The only guy who has fewer causualties fighting against Lee? The guy who came closer to Richmond than anyone other than Grant in the end (who has to sacrifice nearly a 100,000 men to do so?). The general who took command from Pope and was furious about the state of the orderlies and medical staff? Are we talking about the same McClelland?
john fremont
@Steeplejack: Limbaugh is on the downside. Some of the regulars at Red State have been giving Rush the business for “selling”out to the Donald because he’s not a real conservative.
@Mike J:
Well … Front page of the NYT Sports section (section 5).
Miss Bianca
@Hal: Thank you for that!
Marge Feiner
the 5th congressional district in virginia is an open seat. Robert Hurt – R (can you believe that name? his signs actually said Hurt Congress) is not running for reelection. We have a great candidate in Jane Dittmar. This is the seat the Tom Periello won in the Obama wave of 2008 but was lost in the Republican wave of 2010. Jane is out raising her opponent but this is going to be a tough one to win.