Trump: "The gloves come off"
— Rob Beschizza (@Beschizza) July 31, 2016
Betty Cracker noted that President Obama used his Jedi mind tricks and employed his weapons grade troll fu on the tangelo tyrant, and as usual, it worked, provoking an immediate response. Unable to display even the slightest bit of self control, the mandarain manchild rushed to his keyboard (Size EXTRA SMALL) and used his dainty digits to furiously pound out a heap of bullshit:
““President Obama has been a failed leader who along with Secretary of State Clinton created a foreign policy that has destabilized the world and made it an unsafe place. He is the one who is unfit to be President and Hillary Clinton is equally unfit.
Obama-Clinton have single-handedly destabilized the Middle East, handed Iraq, Libya and Syria to ISIS, and allowed our personnel to be slaughtered at Benghazi. Then they put Iran on the path to nuclear weapons. Then they allowed dozens of veterans to die waiting for medical care that never came. Hillary Clinton put the whole country at risk with her illegal email server, deleted evidence of her crime, and lied repeatedly about her conduct which endangered us all. They released criminal aliens into our country who killed one innocent American after another — like Sarah Root and Kate Steinle — and have repeatedly admitted migrants later implicated in terrorism. They have produced the worst recovery since the Great Depression. They have shipped millions of our best jobs overseas to appease their global special interests. They have betrayed our security and our workers, and Hillary Clinton has proven herself unfit to serve in any government office.
She is reckless with her emails, reckless with regime change, and reckless with American lives. Our nation has been humiliated abroad and compromised by radical Islam brought onto our shores. We need change now.” – Donald J. Trump
LOL. You are a mean mofo.
Was wondering when it’d be deployed. Well done sir.
the baby outplayed Trump today for God’s sake.
Trump to TV station: “I was fortunate to not have to go to Vietnam I got college deferments, one medical deferment for feet. it worked out”
Man–real world Obama sounds nearly as great as the Obama in my head.
Every day, Donald proves Hillary right when she noted that a man who can be baited with a tweet shouldn’t be in charge of nuclear weapons.
Van Buren
No way Trump himself wrote that.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
LOL. Every word out of his mouth about anyone other than him is the opposite, and every word out of his mouth about himself is the opposite. He’s going to lose so bigly – even Chris Christie’s top aide just bailed and said she’s voting for Hillary.
@Van Buren: I agree. By Cheeto Jesus’ standards, that’s positively statesmanlike, so it must have been someone on staff.
@timkaine First Trump attacked the Hotel Roanoke. Then a Gold Star VA family. Today, he kicked a baby out of a VA rally. Virginia is not for haters!
@Van Buren: agree, it’s too coherent, but you gotta admit it’s got the essence of what drumpf would say IF he could line his greatest words up in an actual sentence.
@aimai: I dunno, the Obama in my head would start at least one press conference to the theme music from ‘Shaft’, and I’m pretty sure real Obama is too classy to do that.
Joseph Nobles
I find this to be too well crafted to be from the Donald’s hands. This is staff product.
ETA: sukabi – exactly. This is what they want Trump to sound like.
I think know what the “J” in Donald J. Trump stands for . . .
I’m still trying to figure out how two people could have done multiple things “single-handedly”
I think he dictated it and had it minimally re-written (whatever the poor staffer could get away with without offending His Orangeness). He slams Obama first in both instances and only turns to Clinton near the end (which is funny ’cause he KNOWS Obama is ‘fit for office’, q.e.d.)
These “Obama-Clinton” folks…they are like world-wreckers, aren’t they? Such power. Much malign intent. Projection wow.
And I see the WaPo is reporting that Trump’s refusing to support McCain or Ryan in their upcoming primaries…el oh el oh el
TaMara (HFG)
@dmsilev: Yes please.
@Nashville_fan: Mark Cuban explained that the other day.
@dmsilev: The Obama in my head comes out to “The Humpty Dance”. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
@Jeffro: Well, the GOP rules only say that every GOP candidate for every office has to support the GOP candidate for President, not the other way around.
Trump refuses to support Paul Ryan, John McCain in upcoming Republican primaries
Villago Delenda Est
@PaulWartenberg2016: The Alpha Baby can have no competition in being whiny ass.
@R-Jud: I have it on good authority that that is the song President Obama comes out to in Donald Trump’s nightmares as well . . .
Gin & Tonic
@lamh36: That’s exactly the treatment those douchebags deserve.
Villago Delenda Est
@lamh36: Chickenhawk coward DARES to question the loyalty of an officer in the United States Army who gave his life for his soldiers.
Tim Kaine: “Sometimes you wonder who the baby is.”
This Kaiine guy is good!
Apparently Trump said this afternoon that Republicans have “no choice” but to vote for him come November. Has no one on his staff explained the whole general election thing to him yet?
Villago Delenda Est
@Calouste: Bush Crime Family interpretation of “loyalty” strikes again.
@Van Buren:
Absolutely not. It has the smell of professional flackdom all over it. Somehow I doubt that the President’s masterful concern trolling today was meant to get under Trump’s skin anyway. I think the significance of his remarks might have been that they were made in a joint press conference with the prime minister of Singapore. Perhaps the President is making the point to congressional Republicans who fancy themselves statesmen known to foreign leaders that they embarrass themselves in front of an international audience when they tie themselves to Trump.
Roger Moore
The NFLTG Obama replacement for “Hail to the Chief”.
Villago Delenda Est
@Calouste: Indeed he did.
Gin & Tonic
Maria Comella, one of Christie’s closest advisers today:
She’s voting for HRC.
Are the wheels, at long last, starting to come off this bus?
His reasoning behind “no choice” was that otherwise, Clinton gets to appoint SCOTUS judges (among others). It’ll be interesting to see him basically just yelling that for three straight months. SCOTUS! SCOTUS! SCOTUS!
Meanwhile, McConnell reaches for the Garland file on his desk…
Miss Bianca
@Litlebritdifrnt: “Ah…mein Fuhrer…”
(h/t Siubhan Duinne)
@RobertB: I agree. This is NOT Trump just emoting over his keyboard. There is an opening almost thesis statement, a coherent presentation of complete, actually rather well crafted, sentences, with proper punctuation, spelling and grammar, that, at least as written, support the opening statement, and then a recapitulating conclusion. Even a certain rhythm and structure. No way Trump wrote it.
And while it is obviously all bullshit, and clear that Obama won the exchange, still, the Jedi master stuff rings false, to me. Obama attacked Trump, and his campaign responded. Of course it did. When POTUS attacks you, you kinda have to respond.
Blatant misreprestation of fact
What no honorable shout out to W., Sadaam, Qadddafi, or Asad?
allowed our personnel to be slaughtered at Benghazi.
Hillary Clinton put the whole country at risk with her illegal email server, deleted evidence of her crime, and lied repeatedly about her conduct which endangered us all.
Although it would have made for an even funnier headline, not labeling President Obama the “Master Baiter” was a good call.
@Gin & Tonic:
Comella may well have had some sort of intervention with Christie recently – earlier today, he himself criticized the Cheeto’s treatment of the Khans.
@Gin & Tonic:
The bus hasn’t had wheels in a while. It’s been chugging along on tire rims while fueled by tar.
I don’t think it even has rims…didn’t those get seasoned with anthrax and gobbled up on Election Night 2008?
Presidential candidate who sounds exactly like the chain email forwarded by your brother-in-law’s uncle. What could go wrong?
That thing on his head? Congealed flop sweat.
Betty Cracker
@lamh36: More evidence (as if more were needed) that Trump is a deeply stupid man who substitutes personal spite for strategy. Republicans are peeling away from him…slowly, lower level people so far. Just when he needs to not only shore himself up with the partisans but broaden his support for the general, he goes after two of the most high-profile and powerful officials out there (especially Ryan). It’s glorious! (If you’re a Democrat!)
Steve Finlay
I want whoever knitted those gloves to be president. I am a knitter, and I truly cannot BELIEVE what I am seeing. He or she has superhuman skill.
I guess a sign things are looking up for HRC campaign. Heard on news a certain old socialist grouch will be pulled off presidential campaign duty and going to tour swing states for Senate gains. Dem Senate candidates think his act will go over ‘bigly’.
Edit: wonder if we dare think about ‘wave election’ yet. I am a nobody, so I guess saying that won’t jinx it.
LMAO at the post title Cole.
Well done.
tee hee hee
Miss Bianca
@Steve Finlay:
I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say it was elves.
@lamh36: Wow. So Obama says: “Paul Ryan, you should Dump Trump.” And within two hours Trump Says, “Paul Ryan, I’m Dumping You.”
There’s a really fucking obvious course of action if you’re Paul Ryan here, but you know Trump did this just to demonstrate how totally he owns Ryan’s voters. Trump can disrespect him to his face, tell his constituents to vote for the other guy, and STILL Ryan doesn’t dare pull his endorsement.
You know . . . I think the real reason that Republicans are fleeing “The Donald” is the whole Russia thing. . . that clip with him gushing about how very nice Vlad the Impaler is and how he is “very interested” in everything we are doing and saying . . . ya think? . . . is just terrifying . . . because it shows what a gullible schmuck Donald Trump is. Putin is like a GOP Whisperer . . . some how he suckers these folks into thinking they are “looking into his soul” . . . too funny . . .
@Gin & Tonic: Nah. This is Christie finally realizing he’s dead in the water with Trump and distancing himself as much as he can.
Oliver Willis on Twitter: now i know what 1854 twitter was like when the whigs dissolved
i know, right? bush handed obama the keys to a nice, shiny, stable middle east and look what happened.
The Game Change boys say todays democratic talking point, “Trump is unravelling”, is causing many GOP insiders and elected officials in DC a great deal of concern, because it may actually be true. The candidate has lost every news cycle since the convention, and he shows no sign of being able to control what comes out of his mouth. The elected officials are going to hunker down during the recess, avoid any statements or comments on camera until after then final 10 state primaries and see how the first debate goes. This is a great strategy for winning this Fall, hide from the press and the person at the top of the ticket. Said hypersensitive buffoon takes offense and lashes out at you. And then the Troller in Chief comes out and forces you to either embrace this toxic waste or try to dispose of it but get contaminated anyway.
You know that Keyan, Muslim, Soshulist, Weak, Celebrity, Neophyte, he’s actually got game, who knew.
@sigaba: Another thing that Josh Marshall noted early: Trumps tendency to attack allies or neutral parties when he doesn’t need to, in order to assert dominance, or as collateral damage in fights with other people. Which is always a nice quality to have in an opponent.
Edit: more GOPers will abandon Trump if they figure they will be attacked or betrayed sooner or later, no matter what they do or say. Trump will try to spin his abandonment of Ryan as just payback, because Ryan didn’t treat him ‘fairly’, but only the 27 percenters will buy that sack of shit.
Also a report that Trump’s folks kicked out AARP attendees – not kidding – out of one of his rallies today
and Old People.
Patricia Kayden
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
Wow. There are so many Republicans publicly stating that they are going to vote for Secretary Clinton. I have yet to hear of one prominent Democrat who has said that they’re defecting to Trump. This is going to be a fun election (for our side, at least).
@Steve Finlay:
They could be the work of Althea Crome at Bugknits — she’s famous for her miniature knitting, which IIRC she does on pins. Makes my carpal tunnels hurt just thinking about it!
Roger Moore
@Betty Cracker:
Yep. Watching Republican pie fights is fantastic. Moar popcorn!
Villago Delenda Est
@sigaba: Ryan, like McCain, has demonstrated his cowardice.
@Van Buren: Indeed. If Trump could stick to this script, he’d be doing much better. Sure, the torrent of outrageous bullshit worked great in the primaries, but the general public is much more receptive to a coherent, measured stream of bullshit.
Villago Delenda Est
@rikyrah: I still want him to open up a news conference with “Let me whip this out”.
Patricia Kayden
@Jeffro: Well, ain’t that a B*tch?! They’re endorsing him. You’d think he would play nice with them since they’ve sold their souls to the devil to support his presidential run, even though they know dang well that he’s not qualified to run a dog house nevertheless a White House. LOL!
Roger Moore
@Miss Bianca:
I’m not going to say it was aliens, but it was aliens.
@Jeffro: Babies, old people. What can be next.
People with puppies, kittens, or ladybugs watch out if Trump is coming to town. Not many sympathetic groups left for him to stomp on.
Fair Economist
@Hal: Christie is going to need wingnut welfare soon and the people who control it don’t like Trump and REALLY don’t like him embarrassing the Republican party this way.
@jl: smart move by dems to use the grouch for the congress seats instead of asking hin to shill for “the devil”.
Mr. Mack
This is how I see Obama in my head.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
The Obama in my head would have walked to the inaugural podium in January of 2009 while saying “excuse me while I whip this out”, and then gone on to be the Obama of every right wing fever dream, sending out gay black panthers to man-marry old white wingnuts and aging tie died hippies to confiscate all their guns.
Kenneth Kohl
@Nashville_fan: I’ll take ‘jagoff’ for $400
@lamh36: Sigh. The kid is clearly a plant. A real mother would know that it’s “Democrat schools”, not “Democratic schools.”
@Patricia Kayden:
As much as I am pleased about how we are doing, I know that this mofo and his followers will attempt to damage and make chaos at every turn where they do not get their way. This will include Trump incitement and may result in the ugly possibility of his having to be arrested? Or maybe I am exaggerating but he will not indeed cannot accept defeat and may have a destructive impulse that will need to be addressed
Morning Joe made this point this morning, his schtick was very effective in the primary he lamented, but this is an entirely different electorate now, and since he obviously can’t change he can’t win.
@Patricia Kayden: Yep. Where are the Zell Millers? The Dick Morrises? (Well I’m sure they’re voting for Trump but who cares what they think at this point).
Veterans, babies and old people.
Don’t tell me this guy doesn’t know how to multitask.
DT: “My yuuuuuugggggeee bus, a really classy bus, a bus that never has need of wheels — it rolls ever forward on the bodies of those of my acolytes that throw themselves under it! Oh. And enemies! I And Babies! I’m tearing off any and all wheels with my mighty bare hands!”
And did Morning Joe and sidekicks fess up on fluffing Trump all through the primary season? To helping create this mess? Pretty sure I know the answer.
Old people?
If Trump’s goal is to destroy the Republican party what would he be doing differently right now? Seriously, I’m starting to think he’s going to say and do crazy stuff for the next 3 months and then withdraw his candidacy a week before the election.
@sigaba: Obama really should go on a “listening and loving tour”, hugging every Republican elected official he can put his arms around. Doesn’t need to say a word.
@CONGRATULATIONS!: You left out Paul Ryan, in whom he’s sticking a shiv as we write.
I’d say you left off John McCain, but of course, he miraculously qualifies under all three of your named categories.
As long as they were convinced it would sign whatever bills were placed in front of it, republicans would nominate (and give full-throated support to) a rabid badger.
@Mnemosyne: Double-pointed pins, I’m sure!
Patricia Kayden
Halpern kept saying what you’re saying which is that Republican leaders would wait to see how Trump performed in the first debate before making any pronouncements. I’m trying to figure out why anyone thinks that Trump will perform well during his first debate against Secretary Clinton. The man is buffoonish and all he does is insult people. I doubt Secretary Clinton, who is a seasoned fighter and is used to being the butt of Republican ire, will be fazed by anything he throws at her during their debates.
On the other hand, I see Trump not being able to handle Secretary Clinton’s criticisms of him and melting down during the first debate and then walking off the stage and refusing to participate in the other two debates. I guess we’ll see.
Roger Moore
I suspect he’s looking for a kitten to skull-fuck on live TV. Either that or a bat whose head he can bite off.
Bill in Section 147
@Glennis: I need to steal some form of this.
Patricia Kayden
Which is exactly what they have done (no insult to badgers intended).
Kenneth Kohl
@Jeffro: aA an AARP’er, I take umbrage to that!
? Martin
The problem with the party defections to Clinton is that once they become regular enough, everyone can hide in the same closet. Right now making the jump brings you a lot of attention that you may or may not be punished for. When you’re GOP strategist or elected official #134 – nobody will even notice.
See if this momentum continues. If so, even guys like Ryan will find a way to get on board.
@R-Jud: Just once, I want to hear “Hate on Me”.
@Patricia Kayden: Honestly, I think this may be the first presidential debate in modern history where one party is going to physically threaten the other. Which would be good. The press could then distract itself with its knowledge that violence among elected officials was once common in our national politics (even though they always have the same two example).
As an aside, if one candidate strikes the other, who’s side does the secret service take? Do Trump’s secret service agents start fighting with Clinton’s as hers move in to protect her?
@Patricia Kayden: Maybe they just figure dumping him now or after the first debate will be seen as equivalent, should Trump go totally sideways. If they bail now, and, somehow, Trump gets it together at the debates and in general, then they will be on the wrong side. Even if Trump loses by a respectable amount, there will be a case to be made that the GOP leaders who abandoned him are to blame. And if he were to God forbid win, then they would be on his royal DB’s shit list. But, if during the first debate, Trump doubles and triples down on the crazy, then they can dump him. And, when he gets creamed in November, they can say, “Hey don’t blame me, I withdrew my endorsement.” And it won’t really matter, at least to their supporters, whether they cut him lose in August or early October.
“I’m not there yet,” says Trump about Ryan.
The exact same words Ryan used the whole time he was deciding whether he’d endorse Trump.
Cannot stop laughing at Trump taking away any chance Ryan, McCain, and Ayotte had to look the least bit moral or putting country first or having even a vertebra of a backbone.
Everyone warned those three. (And McConnell. And the entire GOP) Everyone. (I personally tweeted Mr. Ryan a good two dozen times.)
Live by the no morality, die by him with no morals.
As the head of the Republican Party, who exactly (aside from himself) does he support?
Miss Bianca
@Elie: I’m with you – I’m delighted at the shit show but worried about what Trump is going to try to pull later with the “election is rigged” crap. Another reason that, while I’ve mellowed on Senator Sanders lately, I’m still pissed that he was blowing that horn as well because a lot of BoBers are still meeping about it, and I hate to have that narrative out there on the left as well.
Joe said they’ve been friends for 10 years and he’s never know him to behave this way. Sad.
And then he went full bore into the top must repudiate him and un-endorse. My guess is that he saw the barrage o brutal editorials that came out this morning over his fight with the Khan family. He says he wants to save their souls, but he just wants a shot at preserving their majorities, and the only way to do that is to cut Trump loose.
@Roger Moore:
Ahhh. Skull-fuck a kitten. A John Cole classic. Upthread there was a tire rims and anthrax reference. Another classic.
People are asking why are people, especially the media, starting to see the truth about Trump. I think the awfulness of Trump has been apparent all along. The difference is Hillary and the convention. They can’t publicly admit that they were wrong all along about her, but they now feel free to let the Trump-hate out. Saying that she and the Democrats are unqualified just doesn’t stand up to scrutiny anymore.
I’ve always been curious about this as a thought exercise, but in the real world the agents will merely separate the two and keep them apart, if necessary.
The only problem is, their supporters are Trump supporters.
And you honestly think that would be good? I could see that a bunch of Trump halfwits would think it a sign to also attack. No. We do not want to encourage this in any way. Your viewpoint is scary – do you see this as entertainment?
@Patricia Kayden:
Like poking a snake with a stick.
@CONGRATULATIONS!: They are secret service, not the seconds in a shakespearean duel.
@Mnemosyne: Wow! That’s amazing. I’m about to start the heel flap of my very first sock!
Have heard Joe’s schtick before. That show, more than anything created this situation. When I was listening a year ago, Trump was calling in daily. It was just a good old time. Sickening. In other news, Retired General John Allen on CNN….extended interview…quite good.
@Miss Bianca: Oh c’mon, the elections ARE rigged. DEMS are still allowed to vote!
If the Republican party was operating like any kind of sane organization Paul Ryan would have no problem simply telling Trump to take a hike. Trump’s gone way past the limits and if Ryan’s constituents gave a rat’s ass about him, or the influence of the Speakership, or anything else he brought to the table they’d give him a pass to dump Trump, or at least they wouldn’t toss him overboard just for that. He’s a local boy, favored son and theoretically someone they trust.
But Republican politicians are completely hated by the people that vote for them, the only way people like Ryan hold onto their seats is by being as extreme as possible and then keeping the lobbyists and Tea Party cadres in line and not supporting anyone else. But even if Ryan or McCain can keep lobbyists and organized Tea Partiers on-side they can’t protect him from Cheeto Jesus. Republican House elections are completely nationalized and for them the vote is just a proxy for nationalized issues, the voters don’t give a damn who the person is as long as they rubber stamp whatever nonsense ALEC of CTF or the NRA puts under their hands, and as long as they are maximally intransigent to Obama.
@Steve Finlay:
I was thinking the same thing. Damn. Size 0 needles? DPs?
Roger Moore
@? Martin:
I don’t think that’s really true. People way down the food chain can probably avoid much notice, but the people at the top are going to get a lot of attention no matter when they decide to support Clinton. The Trump die-hards will remember. The bigger thing is that if/when Republicans for Clinton gets enough momentum, there will be enough anti-Trump types with long memories that there will be no safe place; taking any position- and silence will still count as a position- will anger a noteworthy group.
One good thing about telling the truth about Trump that the media is doing in the wake of almost-a-week-long Khan battle is that they are finally reporting on Trump being a draft dodging chickenhawk (in addition to being a moron and a completely inept lying proto-Fascist reality TV guy). Student deferments resulted from his Dad’s money keeping him in school and his medical deferment was fairly obvious bullshit from the start. When the wrath of Khan asked what have you sacrificed, this was what he had in mind and when he asked if Trumpelstiltkin had ever visited Arlington Cemetery, it sure wasn’t to visit Ouday or Kusay’s graves.
Miss Bianca
Well, I doubt it’s going to be a duel, where the seconds can rush in and do battle as well – so I’m guessing we’d see the spectacle of Trump’s secret service guys actually moving in to take *him* down, which would be an awesome sight.
@MomSense: toothpicks. straight pins. I think I’ve used 0s for actual gloves.
ETA: Even then, the fingers might be icords.
ETA2: Maybe it was 1s, they’re the only one in my bag currently.
@OzarkHillbilly: Sure, some of them are. But, if Trump loses big, the Trump faction of the GOP will be on the defensive, and the Establishment and Cruz wings will be on the offensive. They want to be on the side that emerges from November, again, assuming Trump loses, and loses big, that has the inside track in the coming intraparty struggle. Not only that, but Trump is sui generis, to some extent. The Trump faction without Trump (or with a defeated and crippled Trump) will not be the juggernaut that it was this year. And both the “Movement” conservatives and the Establishment will, perhaps, have learned a thing or two, in terms of what to do structurally to the nomination process to prevent a repeat of Trump, and in terms of incorporating/co opting those bits of Trump’s actual “policy” positions that are heterodox.
@Elie: I would find it very entertaining. As to
They have already been told to on multiple occasions by his Orangeness. How much more permission do they need?
@Patricia Kayden:
It’s their Hail Mary, what else can they do. Obama is squeezing them, they can’t do what he tells them to do or else they’re surrendering to him yet again, so they have to continue to hug Trump.
@Patricia Kayden: if there is a debate, I hope Clinton has a can of mace under the lectern. I would not want to be within reach of that petulant man-child when she starts twisting the knife.
@sigaba: Which is maybe why they are waiting until after the House and Senate primaries are over.
Roger Moore
I expect at least part of it is that Hillary’s opposition research team waited until after Trump was formally nominated to break out the really nasty stuff. Don’t be surprised if there’s even worse to come.
@Miss Bianca:
I am worried about keeping things as calm as possible given that not only is Trump truly crazy and capable of just a about anything but his followers are likely also. We are armed to the teeth and in some places open carry w problematic police relationships. I think it’s hard getting the Genie back in the bottle The last thing we need is a sizable minority that needs to be quelled. I know that folks have fun poking at these people but I want them as calm as we can have them – albeit while whipping their asses down to the ground
And I didn’t mean to be snippy. Really like your posts. Squint’s change of heart would be funny if this wasn’t so damn serious. I just have very little patience with those who have suddenly seen the light. The media had a big hand in this…how we got to this point. I’m a lifelong Dem but we do need two functioning parties.
Fair Economist
@sigaba: Ryan’s problem isn’t so much the primary as the general. His district is only R+3. A significant split in the Republican party will probably cost him his job. He has to keep the Republican party supporting Trump and Trump supporting the Republican party. IMO he’s trying to support Trump as much as he can while signaling Trump to cut the crazy stuff. It’s not working, though.
@Patricia Kayden: Halperin has a personal stake in Trump’s success. He can’t call a female President a “d**k”.
10 states still have primaries coming up, they don’t want to be Cantored, so many of them have to keep their mouths shut. Ryan and McConnell have to wait too to protect their members.
@philadelphialawyer: This might save their jobs but I can’t imagine an act in this context more craven or perfidious, and I’m sure the Trump voters cannot either. It might help some people keep their slots in the House but they have to run in another primary in 2018 and the attack ads sorta write themselves.
Blanche Dubois is having an absolutely massive breakdown.
Steve Finlay
@Mnemosyne: Using pins – yes, that would be the only possible way. I bow down in awe.
@Roger Moore:
She really hasn’t had the chance to break out any heavy duty oppo research. Pretty much everything up to this point has been self inflicted on his part. I don’t think Liz Warren has even gotten a tweet out. Trump is too busy killing himself.
@sigaba: By God, I think you’re right. I don’t know why I never realized this before.
Fwiw, I had a dream that Trump didn’t make it to the first debate. Yesterday morning, coming-out of a deep sleep, heard a clear voice / voice of God / auditory hallucination that Trump dropped dead of a heart attack while taking a shower on the morning of the 17th. August? September? The disembodied voice was not thoughtful enough to specify the month.
So, there you go. If the voices in my head have the gift of prophecy, you heard it first here.
To some extent for sure.
So you think that not much would happen if he did a direct order to his followers in a national forum? So far he’s addressed local audiences during his campaign events
I didn’t detect snippiness, considering I have sarcastic tendencies. So no worries.
So Trump has decided that the polls that he was touting and tweeting about last week, are now suddenly suspect and phony. Sad.
@Fair Economist:
It’s not working because both Trump and Obama are basically tag-teaming trying to force his hand. Obama has obvious strategic reasons and Trump is just a self-destructive idiot.
Roger Moore
Where do you think the “Trump’s ties to Putin” stuff came from? Or the (pre-convention) questions about whether he’s actually a billionaire? Do you really think the media people who reported on that stuff actually dug it up on their own?
@hovercraft: Yep.
@sigaba: Eh, worry about 2018 when it comes, get through this go around, and, who knows, by 2018, Trump might be just a bad memory. I can actually imagine a situation in which hardly anybody who is not caught on tape or the internet admits that they ever supported Trump. He keeps going further and further out there. If that happens, having dumped Trump, even as late as October, will be seen by some as a smart, and even responsible, move.
Well, I am of the opinion that they are all either dyed in the wool Trump supporters, or so morally bankrupt that they are OK with Trump because Power. The establishment wing is broken, possibly irrevocably, probably not, but in the short term they have had their balls cut off by Trump. Cruz…. Well Cruz is and always will be all about Cruz. The establishment may gravitate to him because they are so weakened and he will be The Last Strong Man Standing**, but I’m not holding my breath. They hate him.
** I see kasich out there too, but I don’t know if he can thread the needle that will be the dilapidated GOP. it is hard for me to see how the avg GOP voter will view him.
John Cole, you are a better writer than Charles Pierce on so many levels. Bravo.
I just tweeted: “Normal” politicians kiss babies. Donald Trump disses babies.
? Martin
@Roger Moore: They won’t escape attention but they’ll escape some scrutiny. There will be dozens of people ahead of them that have already explained the reasons why. The later explanations will become less interesting. Those higher profile people can mostly just nod and gesture, that yeah, what those people said. It’s not a free pass, but if you think of a the jump as a hurdle to be cleared, each predecessor lowers that hurdle a little bit.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Letterman said this a while back, when he had Trump on for (I think) the last time, so over a year ago (again, I think). I don’t think they were ever friends, but Letterman said the birther-racist Trump had become was someone he didn’t know.
Having Trump on about once a month was one of DL’s weaknesses in the last few years (see also, Paris Hilton, but that’s another story)
@Quinerly: It’s tag-team trolling. Once Trump starts to recover from the wedgie Obama just gave him, Warren will have her turn. Then I think Biden is next in the batting order.
@Roger Moore:
Agree. Also agree that there is more where that came from
@dmsilev: Who’s da man – who takes down the yam?
You damn right…
I think the reverse is likely. Something bad will happen with Clinton as president and Trump will say (or tweet) “See, I was right all along! This is the kind of thing Those People do!” and Halperin and Fournier sorts of people will say “Is it possible we were all so blinded by his bluster and braggadocio that we lost track of his ability to spot the underlying problem of immigration / terrorism / Islam / crying babies?”
@Roger Moore:
The Putin stuff has been out there because of Manafort…long before the convention. The DNC hacking is what gave it real legs in my opinion. Same with the billionaire stuff..people had been asking…yes, I think it’s genius how she keeps trotting out billionaires but Mark Cuban has been giving small interviews and tweeting about it for months.
Did anyone see the video of Trump kicking the baby out of his rally? It seriously looks like he’s suffering from early stage dementia.
Just trust the instructions. They’re going to sound crazypants, but follow them to a T and the heel will magically form.
Oh and the piece de resistance:
Much more for them, like accusing them of being Al Qaeda sleeper agents.
Patricia Kayden
@Kathleen: Donald Trump disses everyone (except White Supremacists) so why should babies be treated differently? He’s an across-the-board hater.
By the way, wouldn’t it be hilarious if Trump ends up endorsing Ryan’s primary opponent and Ryan ends up losing his seat? Please, please let it be. I’d have to be hospitalized from all the laughing.
Trump will be trying to rescue what will be left of his business. Doesn’t he also have the Trump U trial in Nov? He might be wearing orange to match his hair.
Yes, you and I seem to always be on the same page with our theories on some of this. I don’t think the Clinton campaign has even begun to unleash the oppo research. At the rate he’s going down the drain, might not have to. Just tag team him and bait him. It then eats up a 4-5 day news cycle. Days go by fast.
@OzarkHillbilly: Well, a good half of the GOP primary voters, or more, did not vote for Trump. I think there are quite a few Rs and lean Rs who are not all about Trump. Some are Establishment Kasich Bush Romney McCain types, and some are Movement Conservatives, most of whom actually like Cruz (who was the clear runner up to Trump), but who in any event see themselves as being to the RIGHT of Trump. Perhaps neither not-Trump faction, nor both together, can win back the Party, but what other option do they have but to try, assuming Trump is going to crash and burn?
And those Rs that are just drunk on Power, if Trump loses big, they will be looking for another vehicle.
At some point, the stab in the back narrative will just be too ridiculous to maintain. If Trump gets absolutely clobbered, and there is a down ballot effect too, it will be hard to say, “Well, we only lost because McCain, McConnell, Ryan, and my local Congressman-Senator-Governor bailed on him.”
Just for the record, I was eating a salad when I loaded the front page, and when that picture came up I damn near snorted some lettuce. That photo is hysterical!
This is his revenge for yesterday, he sent letters to the house and senate asking them to send members to fan out over the media to defend him over his attacks on the Khans and all he got was crickets. They hung him out to dry, and dammit they will be made to pay for disrespecting the mighty yam.
@FlipYrWhig: Could be. But Trump is not getting any younger. And then there is that whole thing about second acts, too. We’ve all seen this version of The Apprentice already, and that includes folks who like it. Do even they really want another season of it?
In the same way that not much happened with Timothy McVeigh. My point is only that 99.9% of his followers won’t do a damn thing because self-preservation is a powerful instinct. As for the.1% who would do something, I’m pretty sure they are out there and planning sh!t whether Donald Trump “gives the order” or not. I’m just not going to waste any time worrying about the inevitable or coddling the deluded.
Funny story — when Nikita Khrushchev did his whistle-stop tour of the West Coast in 1959, he actually did hold and kiss babies in the crowds. Because even a freakin’ Soviet dictator knew that baby-kissing is one of the requirements for being a politician.
@Patricia Kayden:
I’ll have to look back at it but I think LGF has had some pieces up about this primary challenger to Ryan who Trump seems to be supporting. Ryan’s challenger retweets the white supremacy stuff. Will have to check the links but glanced at it last night.
Patricia Kayden
@FlipYrWhig: That might work with idiots like Fournier and Halpern but most of us will be breathing a huge sigh of relief for years to come when we look back at the horror of what could have been a possible Trump presidency. It’s what I do whenever I recall that this country could have gone off the rails, collectively lost its mind and elected Palin as VP in 2008 (and ultimately President since she would have offed McCain).
From time to time McCain and Romney criticize President Obama but I don’t hear people saying that we should have elected either of them over Obama.
@Elie: Trump U is a civil case, not a criminal one. Anyway, I’m becoming more and more convinced that Trump belongs in a mental hospital, not a jail.
I’m with you.
@Elie: I don’t think Trump’s businesses do better when he applies himself to running them.
Wowsers, he might actually end up at the magic 27% nationally. I’d prefer ABT Repubs stay home rather than vote Hillary. It would weaken downticket Repubs.
Joyce H
I have a couple thoughts on the recent campaign events –
First, Babygate. You know the most amazing thing about this? Trump had been campaigning for over a year, and the campaign consists almost entirely of these sort of rally events. And they DON’T have a pre-approved action plan for what staff does to handle a crying baby at a rally?
And then the recent complaints about the fire marshals. Is rally attendance down and he needs to find a reason for it?
100% correct @ 155. Well put!
Patricia Kayden
Just like Trump. Now I see why they like each other.
@Joyce H:
And every bit of this has been self inflicted.
@Mnemosyne: I’m pretty sure Saddam Hussein kissed some babies in his time and I know for a fact Adolf Hitler did, he kisses several in Triumph of the Will. This is not the hard stuff, folks.
@Patricia Kayden:
Check Little Green Footballs. Johnson has had a couple pieces up about this weird challenger to Ryan.
Mike in NC
Draft dodger Drumpf’s quip about “I always wanted a Purple Heart” ought to bite him on the ass for a few more days. Scumbag.
I LOLed at that part of Bloomberg’s speech: “Donald Trump says he wants to run the country like he runs his businesses. God help us all.”
Villago Delenda Est
@hovercraft: I think you’ve nailed it. Failure to support his unsupportable position on the Khans has its consequences. He has no appreciation for the needs of others. Everyone must subordinate their lives to him.
@Mnemosyne: Trump hasn’t taken off his shoe and banged it on a podium while screaming ‘I will bury you!’. Yet.
Pundit on MSNBC is saying that Trump is trying to blow up the GOP. Ah ha that explains it all. The ALL POWERFUL CLINTON GREEN LANTERN machine is responsible for getting the GOP to nominate Trump. They really are the most amazing people.
gogol's wife
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I’m sorry, Nicholas Kristof, whom I do not normally like, did a good column in which he traced Trump’s racism back to the 1960s. I learned from it also that Fred had been arrested at a Klan rally in the 1920s.
And Trump has lied about this Purple Heart that the attendee gave him at the rally. It was a copy but he made a big production of confirming with the guy that it is real. TPM has a piece up. Katy Tur interviewed the guy who gave it to him. Again, all self inflicted with Trump running his mouth.
@sigaba: I’ve read Trump is a yooge hypochondriac of the germaphobe variety. Even their many admirers admit that babies have germs. Can’t see Trump kissing many. He could at least stand close by and smile and wave little waveys with his little hands.
Edit: Also, today we learned that Big Baby has turned against Trump and is out to ruin his campaign. The fix is in, the election is rigged. Slam dunk case closed.
You know, we should be admiring Yrump’s political skills here. I mean, he’s managed to get the ‘attacked the family of a dead soldier’ story pushed back to only the third or fourth most prominent Trump-trainwreck story of today.
I think it was 60%. And I hung my hope on that number too, but where is Trump polling among likely voters now? 40+%? Which means that by and large the GOP has lined up behind him. Why? Either it is because they want to shove their agenda down the country’s throats and are willing to elect Satan** himself if it get’s them there, or they are so consumed with hatred of Obama/Clinton that they are willing to vote for Satan**. It’s a distinction with out a difference to me.
**or at least sell their souls to him
gogol's wife
Stalin was big on that.
@Joyce H:
I think he’s developing a comprehensive conspiracy theory, which is that Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the henchmen they’ve sprinkled throughout every level of government from municipal to federal are in cahoots — and joined by the manipulative media — to steal the election. That way when the law doesn’t break his way, or the news is mean to him, etc., it’s because they’re all aligned against him, and they’ll get away with it if the good Trumplings who know that he just says what everyone is REALLY thinking, The Silent Majority, let them. All bad news and all opposition to him is tainted by association. I honestly think that’s how he sees the world now, like a Glenn Beck / Alex Jones sort of thing.
gogol's wife
Even Khrushchev said “we.” “My vas zakopaem!”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m only surprised Trump hasn’t gone after McCain on immigration
Miss Bianca
@gogol’s wife: I was thinking that too, but can you imagine Trump ever saying “we”? That’s for commies!
@D58826: They really believe this. The Never Trumpers on the GOP side, many of them, anyway, are no prizes. They think that Bill Clinton literally talked Trump into running, with the specific intent (at least on Bill’s side) of messing up the GOP. Some go further, and say that Hill and Bill have promised a quid pro quo to Trump. He gets the GOP nob, and loses big in the general, they become POTUS and FGOTUS, and Trump gets government contracts, pardons, God knows what. Hill and Bill WERE at Trump’s wedding. And Trump DID contribute to at least some Clinton campaigns. Trump WAS pro choice, and so on. He’s a Democrat, doncha know?! And not even a particularly well disguised one. Trump, when he is not completely faking it, IS actually rather squish on a lot of the SoCon bullshit. Even his economic and defense “policies” are more at crazy, stupid and inconsistent than they are at the typical Repub eat the poor and be mean to everyone overseas but Israel variety.
Others purport to have 538-type data which “proves” the whole GOP primary process was ratfucked by Dem voters.
@jl: Those sneaky babies are a threat. From three days ago
@OzarkHillbilly: Sure they are. But if he loses, and loses big, how many of them will stick by him and his “movement” (or whatever it is)? Forty per cent is all the reflexive Rs and lean Rs, and not many of them are willing to back off that, now. I don’t think Trump’s relatively high poll showing means that there aren’t plenty of Rs who would still rather have had a “Real” Conservative or an Establishment Republican. And that number would only grow if Trump loses in a landslide.
@Patricia Kayden: I have to admit, part of me thinks is so worthwhile to have Trump running when he humiliates his “party”. Ryan The Blue Eyed Weasel so deserves public humiliation.
@Roger Moore: I think even further down the food chain, Democratic opponents have access to this wedge. Especially through use of local market television ads. The longer these GOP’ers embrace the Orange, the more they are taken to task for it by their general election opponents. Rock and hard place no matter where on the ballot they are.
Paul Ryan could actually lose his seat as the sitting House Speaker, even if he waits until after the primary to tell Trump where he can stick it, because his base would abandon him. And the longer he doesn’t sever himself from Trump, the more damage it does to the party nationally, while simultaneously leaving himself open to relentless attack from a Democrat in his general election.
It’s f’ing delicious. Squirm, Paul, squirm.
@philadelphialawyer: No wonder they call him slick Willie:-) :-)
@Mnemosyne: Ha! I forgot about that!
@lamh36: You mean those schools that have been out of session since the end of May or mid-June? Those schools?
@MCA1: Yeah, that’s it. Ryan is riding a tiger. He can’t safely stay on or get off.
@D58826: Hee hee.
He does manage to shift cable news attention away from researched stories about him, like the one in the NYT about his draft dodging. Even then there’s a laugh to focus on:
Mike E
Brewed from the bitter tears of wingnuts, God’s Sake is truly nectar worth fighting for!
@gogol’s wife: I know, but changed it to ‘I’ deliberately. Much more Trumpian that way.
@gogol’s wife:
Here’s when I first heard about Trump.
This is from a 1976 profile cited in the link:
He’s gotten no better.
Trump’s a natural at the street con where there’s a staged fight next to the mark who is being robbed.
Meanwhile, I wonder what local elections the Kochs and other big money are involved in ?
Hmm, I guess too many links:
@gogol’s wife:
Here’s when I first heard of Trump.
@Mike E: Kampai !
@gogol’s wife:
I mean, when STALIN shows better political instincts …
I have to admit, I find Khruschchev fascinating. A terrible person who was a mass murderer, but also the only person willing to bring Stalin’s (even worse) crimes to light. I think all of his kids ended up emigrating to the US after his forcible “retirement.”
And he never did get to go to Disneyland.
I have a now ex friend…. Hardcore Bernie supporter who essentially believes the same. He added to the conspiracy that he believes Hillary’s people roughed up Bernie and forced him endorse ( threats to Jane.) They are passing around a picture that looks to me to be a mole BS had removed as proof of the beating. But same craziness, Trump is a plant by the Clintons…this coming from the far, far left.
Highway Rob
@hovercraft: I’m late to the party, but this
is some top-notch entendring.
@Mnemosyne: Yeah, but Stalin was actually a much better politician than Khrushchev. Stalin died in his bed, in power, after decades of political upheaval, economic transformation, WWII, and the start of the Cold War. That didn’t happen SOLELY because he was a monster. K only lasted a few years in power, before being kicked out.
The sad part is that he probably didn’t write any of that. Probably just got them to add in the more extreme wording and hyperbole.
Miss Bianca
For some reason, this has suddenly struck me as the saddest funny thing (or is it the funniest sad thing?) I’ve read all day. Someone needs to write a song about it!
gogol's wife
Oh, you call that being a good politician? Got it.
@Roger Moore: I agree. It may not make as much noise nationally, but House seats are decided in a district. It will be loud in the district.
@gogol’s wife: Staying in power? I think that’s how politicians judge each other. And it isn’t like he didn’t accomplish anything, either (solidify the revolution, win WWII, made the USSR a superpower). I did say he was a monster, too. Get it now?
The Reverend Lowdown
I’m feeling a lot of negative vibes, regarding Trump, going through my repub acquaintances these days. They are definitely not happy with him. I have a brother, who I no longer speak with because of his toxic politics(typical fox news junkie, racist, IGMFU type) who donates to the party and always votes R. My mother has indicated that he is frustrated and plans to sit out the election. If they are losing guys like this, then they are in a bad way. I love every bit of it.
Patricia Kayden
@Quinerly: LOL! I know I shouldn’t laugh but really? There are sane people who believe that Secretary Clinton would have her people beat up Sanders for his endorsement? I can’t even.
Patricia Kayden
@Quinerly: Will do. Thanks.
@Miss Bianca:
Apparently Walt Disney wanted to make a movie about it, but the project was shelved when he died. Peter Ustinov was prepared to shave his head so he could play the lead.
Katy Tur says that is the strategy, when the kitchen gets too hot, start another fire to distract from the first one, and so on and so on, that way you move on and never have to apologize. The only problem is that there are only two candidates left and still 24 hours to fill, plus a much larger press pool. It turns out that there is such a thing as too much attention. It turns out the press can actually walk and chew gum, so he now has the honor of being the subject of 5 negative stories every hour, wedged between the bad polls for him and Hillary’s Fox interview. Sad.
@NR: I just had the image flash through my brain of Trump going all sovereign citizen during the Trump U trial like the Bundy boy.
So? Khruschchev was more interesting as a person. The monster who has some understanding that he participated in monstrous acts is always more interesting that the one who just killed people with no remorse.
He tried and failed to bring more openness to the Soviet Union after one of the worst dictatorships the world has ever seen. He failed, but at least he felt compelled to try.
You might be interested in what Khrushchev’s great granddaughter has to say about Trump and Putin. She lives in the United States. Link
@philadelphialawyer: which speaks to the counter… if the GOP is so fucked that they can’t even get a Republican nominated as the head of their own party, how in the fuck can we expect them to run and govern the country effectively? For fucks sake, they have the House and the Senate now and they don’t do fuck all as it is except try and repeal what President Obama has already done.
Are they really that fucking inept…..?
The answer is of course, yes they are.. as they have no other guidelines other than to abide by cleek’s law.
edit: I had a few spare fucks to give, so I deposited them here…
@Patricia Kayden:
They are out there. One was in my FB feed…but not anymore.
@patroclus: I prefer Trumplethinskin
@lamh36: And that’s exactly how the system has always been rigged in Trump’s favor. Most people couldn’t get deferments just for having feet.
Knitter of tiny little gloves, whoever you are, I salute you! I don’t tweet or twit or whatever, so I’m saying it here.
@Villago Delenda Est: So, as Khizir Khan said, Trump has no empathy for others.
Gloves: Made in China.
@The Reverend Lowdown: Me too. Starting to see some Johnson/Weld posts coming from the usual suspects. Or they are going full Blue Lives Matter 24×7. Not seeing much pro-Trump stuff coming on my social media. OTOH I blocked a lot of the real crazies…
J R in WV
Tiny gloves are a work of art.
Maybe a teensy bit small for Trump, bot not much!
LOL HAHAHAHAhhahahahahahhahaahahahhaha heh, whoot. wow. hahah.