Good grief. @realDonaldTrump's convention speech was an unmitigated PR disaster
— Christopher Ingraham (@_cingraham) August 1, 2016
Gallup: this GOP convention is first *ever* where more say they are now less likely to vote for the party's nominee.
— Matt McDermott (@mattmfm) August 1, 2016
It seemed like a good idea at the time: Let a celebrity “billionaire” waste his own money & credibility running against Hillary Clinton in what looked like an election that was the Democrats’ to lose. If only those oh-so-religious Repubs had paid a little more attention to the stories in that Old Testament they’re so fond of selectively quoting…
Losing Trump support as much of general elec issue as a primary one. Fear among GOP operatives: Trump voters just vote DT, skip downballot.
— Josh Kraushaar (@HotlineJosh) August 2, 2016
The dilemma: If GOP leaders disavow Trump, they're rejecting their voting base and I'm not sure anyone else would have them.
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) July 31, 2016
BREAKING: Trump tells @PhilipRucker he won't support Paul Ryan, John McCain in upcoming Republican primaries
— Matea Gold (@mateagold) August 2, 2016
… With Ryan’s Wisconsin primary scheduled for next Tuesday, Trump praised the House speaker’s underdog opponent, Paul Nehlen, for running “a very good campaign.” Trump said that Ryan has sought his endorsement — an assertion that a Ryan spokesman denied later Tuesday — but that as of now he is only “giving it very serious consideration.”
“I like Paul, but these are horrible times for our country,” Trump said. “We need very strong leadership. We need very, very strong leadership. And I’m just not quite there yet. I’m not quite there yet.”…
In making his comments Tuesday, Trump may have been seeking retribution for Ryan’s dragging his feet about endorsing Trump in May. Trump’s phrasing of his uncertainty about Ryan — “I’m just not quite there yet” — echoes what Ryan told CNN’s Jake Tapper in a May interview about endorsing Trump: “I’m just not ready to do that at this point. I’m not there right now.”…
Ya think?
This could be the exit ramp McCain and Ryan are looking for.
— Ryan Lizza (@RyanLizza) August 2, 2016
We’re approaching the two-month anniversary of Lindsey Graham calling Curiel the “off-ramp” for bailing on Trump.
— daveweigel (@daveweigel) August 2, 2016
.@HelenKennedy @RyanLizza The S.S. High-Minded Principle sailed last month. We're now looking at the leaky freighter, the S.S. Desperation.
— Walter Shapiro (@MrWalterShapiro) August 2, 2016
Harry Reid: Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan are "spineless" cowards for standing by Trump.
— Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) July 31, 2016
@samsteinhp @allanbrauer @AJentleson yep it's true
— (((Maggy))) (@Maggyw519) July 31, 2016
Further developments: Trump prepares to throw Pence under the bus when the GOP loses Arizona —
Trump Trying to Prevent Arizona From Turning Blue via @politicalwire
— Taegan Goddard (@politicalwire) August 2, 2016
And here in New England, where McCain & Graham’s handmaiden Kelly Ayotte (R-Gilead) is facing ‘possibly the closest Senate race in the country’ —
I call it like I see it and I'm always going to stand up for our military families and what's best for the people of New Hampshire.
— Kelly Ayotte (@KellyAyotte) August 2, 2016
So are you still gonna vote for Trump?
— Daniel Drezner (@dandrezner) August 2, 2016
Dems working to tie Trump to GOP Sen candidates, but stuff like this makes it easier for them to distance themselves
— Emily Schultheis (@emilyrs) August 2, 2016
Nice try, but not really, Emily. Trump’s NH base will show up to vote for him, and leave the down-ticket spots blank. A few may even vote for Maggie Hassan, out of spite, cuz that is how they roll in the Granite State.
Where’s RNC PR BS been, lately?…
Republican chairman Priebus on CBS: "we're not going to agree with anything that our nominee doesn't agree with"
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) July 31, 2016
RNC Chair Priebus to Blitzer on whether Trump should have stayed silent instead of criticizing Khans: "hindsight's 20-20"
— John Harwood (@JohnJHarwood) August 1, 2016
Reince's testicles are in a gold leaf-adorned jar at Trump Tower.
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) July 31, 2016
A millipede parade’s worth of shoes dropping — and it’s barely August!
Tom Cotton's "gentle reproach" of Donald Trump. We see you @SenTomCotton
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) August 2, 2016
Newt Gingrich vouching for Donald Trump kinda like John Wayne Gacy recommending the best clowns for kids’ birthday parties
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) July 31, 2016
Jeb Bush adviser @sallybradshaw: "I can't look my children in the eye and tell them I voted for Donald Trump."
— Laura Barron-Lopez (@lbarronlopez) August 1, 2016
As a different high-ranking Repub lady once said: Let. Us. Savor.
BTW, @Reince hasn’t tweeted since July 28th. I’m seriously worried for his wellbeing.
Eric NNY
I’m enjoying this bit of awkwardness. What’s the possibility Trump pulls it together? Here in the sticks, he could piss on the flag and they’d still make excuses for him.
Amir Khalid
Trump’s campaign is looking more and more like a game of “How many ways can we fuck this up?” There will be generous helpings of sweet Schadenfreude for everyone.
Also, seriously, sad.
Also, give em’ hell Harry.
Major Major Major Major
Reposting cuz I can:
I took some pictures at work today! One of them is a gorgeous view, and the other one has turkeys.
@RaflW: We should all pitch in and send him a bottle of Baileys for his corn flakes.
Harwood was on O’Donnell’s show tonight reporting that inside the Trump camp they’ve all basically given up on the candidate. Manafort is now “mailing it in.”
We’re ONE WEEK into the general election campaign. A week. Trump’s tied in one poll in f’ing Georgia, he’s going to be in for a fight in Arizona (will be awesome to see him campaign on the same trail as McCain), he just put three prominent R’s up for reelection in a bind by driving a bus over them today.
My new theory today: Trump’s real purpose is to demonstrate exactly what it takes to get 27% in a Presidential election.
First jeb!.
Now lying ryan?
I am gonna like this guy.
Shouldn’t that be Shamson?
Or Scamson?
Soylent Green
By saying “I’m not quite there yet” with regard to endorsing Ryan, Trump is mocking what Ryan said on May 7 about Trump, ““I’m just not ready to do that at this point. I’m not there yet.”
The fucker never forgives a less-than-glowing review.
Also too, only one ‘l’ in Philistine.
@Soylent Green: Imagine if Trump owned a restaurant, he’d spend his whole day on Yelp haranguing reviewers.
Eric NNY
@NotMax: There’s also only one “l” in insufferable.
haha you love that Noonan line
@Eric NNY
It’s a BJ tradition.
Major Major Major Major
@NotMax: you’re a BJ tradition
Keith P.
By September, his only friends are going to be 3 of his
45 kids. (I think he croaks by heart attack by this time next year…well-done steaks, taco bowls, and buckets of KFC are not what a 70-year old should be eating). He’s seriously pissing off every demographic except for people who love the concept of “Trump”. And with pissing off the RNC, he really needs their money and infrastructure.The dude either has dementia or is trying to lose.
Eric NNY
@NotMax: I reallize and it’s stilll llousy.
@Eric NNY: Eric.. a couple of things…
1) he got a “skip” from the GOP Convention, not a bounce, as everyone did their best to put the best possible spin on that train wreck of a convention.
2) the Dems totally outclassed them in their message and how it was presented. Dissent was allowed to play itself out but the majority kept control of the message
3) post the convention its been a complete shit show for the GOP, as the Dem message hit home and the GOP response outed the extremism in such a fashion that the media couldn’t spin it with a brigade of magical balance fairies
4) The early polling post convention are showing leaks in the GOP facade in places where there shouldn’t be… he’s behind in all of the swing states and even places like Utah, Arizona and Georgia suddenly look like they may be in play.
5) the blood is in the water and if the MSM can’t sell a horse race, they sure as fuck can sell a scandal and Trump is tailor made for them, the sob won’t shut up and they’ll let the cameras roll and allow him to hang himself.
6) The Dems have a superior ground game and they appear to have money banked, Trump hits all of the coalitions sweet spots, as he’s pissed off women, hispanics, blacks, asians and muslims. Trump is also pissing off GOP voters who worship the vets and the Bible-thumper leadership is being exposed as simply being craven for power and not very Christian at all to throw their support behind him.
7) there are a significant number of folks out there that have firing synapses out there that are watching this unfold that are registering to vote, the GOP is hoping its all angry white guys, but I’m not so sure they’re the only ones registering to vote.
Do we get complacent… no.. but this has all of the indications that not only is the Senate in reach, the house may be too… despite the gerrymandering of the local legislative bodies. I’m excited that we may actually be able to get some shit done again.
@Keith P.:
‘ He’s seriously pissing off every demographic except for people who love the concept of “Trump”. ‘
Trump got through today OK. Them damn babies don’t vote.
Edit: unless some lousy federal judge makes some voter fraud decision and lets them! It’s rigged!
Eric NNY
@piratedan: Good points all. I like #5 especially but Fox is the choice by far out here in the boonies. When they turn, I’ll start to believe.
Then how do he get a 6-7 point bounce out of the convention? Isn’t it more likely that the decrease is being caused by more recent problems like the epic Trump-Khan cage match?
A two-month anniversary?
Hmm. Pet peeve. There is no such animal. Is it so hard to say “two month celebration?” An anniversary is an annual event and can’t be less than a year. Is that really so difficult to grasp?
@piratedan: Good points. And if the GOP is seriously weakened, we don’t need a majority in the House to get a few things passed. Just get it close enough to the Speaker is afraid to be completely obstructionist, and can win over a few scared more moderate House GOPers. Won’t get much done, but will be able to get some things done.
Eric NNY
@TriassicSands: Much better pet peeve than misspelling Philistine, IMHO.
Peace and love brother NotMax!
@TriassicSands: How about first sextans-anniversary, or second unicanniversary?
Edit: or 15 hundred disgusting hours…
Kansas results. Lots of incumbent state reps (TeaTards?) go down. Is Brownback up, or is he off-year? Any Kansas posters/lurkers? Ozark H the closest? Should we root for signs of Rethug sanity (for the citizens, dontcha know) or should we hope for the party to go flaming tire necklace. I say FTN. They deserve it.
Fair Economist
@jl: Obstruction has worked so well for the Republicans in Congress over the past few years I can’t imagine Ryan being scared to do it. The only way a narrow majority would hurt the Republicans would be if a fracture between the Tea Party and the Establishment made it impossible to elect a Speaker.
@p.a.: Are the replacements worse teahadists? I hope not.
Keep repeating to self: do not focus on…that orange colored boil on the neck of the body politic, nor yet upon his works. Focus instead on the amazing image of a dozen or so elk walking along the skyline in single file, calves and all, at 11,800 way above the treeline. One of those moments of wondering “am i really seeing that”…..
Not quite. He’d spend part of his time “haranguing” and the rest posting phony raves under assumed identities. For example, he’d suggest that Michelin called Trump and told him they wanted to give his restaurant 4 Michelin stars, because it was in a class all its own. The old 3 stars just wouldn’t do Chez Trump justice. But he told them “Thank you, but that will make other restaurants so envious that they’d start sabotaging him.”
That kind of post would give Donald the chance to do all the things he does best. First, he would make something up that was completely untrue that made him look incredibly good. 4 stars. Then, he could throw in a touch of his paranoia — others would come after him for being so unbelievably good. That post would give him a starting point from which to expand.
Other Trump “anonymous” reviews:
Thomas Keller (owner/chef The French Laundry): “Quite frankly Chez Trump is the best restaurant on the planet. It’s not even close. And their steaks are to die for. After eating there I was so embarrassed by the hash we serve at The French Laundry that I’ve decided to close the doors and enter a monastery.”
Ferran Adria (former head chef at el Bulli): “After eating at Chez Trump I lost the will to live. Therapy has helped me regain that will, but I had to close el Bulli because I knew that compared with what Chez Trump was offering, I was serving dog food. Four Michelin stars wouldn’t be enough — to be fair they’d have to give second place three stars and Chez Trump 10. Oh, and try the steaks, they’re out of this world. Rumor has it the cattle are raised on Mars where the thin atmosphere makes for ultral-lean meat. Increible!
Note: observant readers noted with curiosity that el Bulli closed its doors as a restaurant in 2011, while Chez Trump did not open until 2014. Must be some kind of typo.
The conservative vision. Kansas. Louisiana. What’s propping up North Carolina, the university areas? Wisconsin, stumbling v Minnesota. Federalism thou art a bitch. The states: petri dishes of
Ooh. My head is starting to hurt.
Splitting Image
This is the key. The bobbleheads’ natural instinct is to push a horse race, but if that proves impossible to get, they may settle for a train wreck. Imagine having the chance to document a gen-you-wine Realignment like the one which made David Broder a media fixture for thirty years. Or even better, being the journalist who exposes Trump’s Russian connections and rides the gravy train for forty years like Bob Woodward did after Watergate.
@amk: from reports, ‘mainline’ Repubs, which for Kansas will I guess be bad enough, but not The Tribe Who Rubs Shit in Their Hair types (h/t driftglass)
Brownback won election in 2014 to his second four year term
Ryan’s camp responded by saying he never asked for Trump’s endorsement. I think he’ll win his primary anyway. We’ll see.
Per the CNN poll, the GOP is now losing white voters with college degrees for the first time in about 60 years.
Brownback was re-elected in 2010.
“No person may be elected to more than two successive terms as governor…”
He won in 2010 with 63.3% of the vote. You can’t blame Kansas’ problems on a minority of the voters. Honestly, I think 63.3% is damn good for someone who had already shone his fellow Kansans he was a complete disaster. They got to experience four years of Sam and then voted for Son of Sam the Sequelin which our hero feeds the state economy into a wood chipper borrowed from the set of Fargo.
Kansas Republicans are so stupid I wouldn’t be surprised to see them change the law so Sam can run again. After all, two terms may not be enough to completely destroy the state, and Brownback deserves the opportunity to finish what he started.
Note: I extend my sympathies to any Kansas Democrats out there. You don’t deserve what you’re getting.
@TriassicSands: Maybe they just send him back to the Senate!
Ooops. Brownback was elected in 2010 with 63.3%. He won re-election in 2014 by only about 4 points. It seems that some Kansans did learn a lesson from 4 years with Sam. I apologize for the error.
? Martin
There were some comments before about Obama calling out Trump maybe backfiring. To the contrary, I think he’s put the GOP in a really tight spot. Trump is subtly going after the Republicans that have been critical of him, but still have indicated support in order to prevent them from dropping their support. Obama is doing the same thing from the perspective of the opposition – by demanding that these same people drop their support for Trump, they’re now all trapped. If they drop their endorsement, it’ll look like they are meeting Obama’s demands.
Obama isn’t worried about beating Trump. He wants to win House and Senate seats and the best way to do that is to push them into Trump and simply trust that Trump will keep fucking up dragging everyone down. He’s more worried that the GOP will cut Trump loose. So is Trump. They’re working together, sort of.
Yeah, he could rotate back and forth laying waste at both the state and federal levels.
Matt McIrvin
I keep thinking this can’t be real. They’ll find some way to swap in Mitt Romney while we’re not looking and he’ll get a three-month media tongue bath and carry 40 states.
@Matt McIrvin
Romney couldn’t carry 40 states if he ran unopposed.
@? Martin:
We might be getting to the point where we can sit back and watch Trump completely self-destruct. By providing him with reasons to take to Twitter in a rage (for example, Mr. Khan), we can give him enough rope to hang himself a hundred times over. If it happens, it will be very satisfying to watch.
Trump must be worrying that a defeat will dampen support for his next reality show — Inside the Oval Office with President Trump.
There’s no way that being president will be enough to occupy Donald’s ADHD brain. And won’t it be fascinating to tune in each week and watch Trump invite Putin to annex former Soviet states one by one or cut diplomatic ties to France and Germany because they wouldn’t buy enough of his steaks? Why he may even “fire” Merkel.
? Martin
Interesting development.
Glimmers of hope.
@Eric NNY:
He’s definitely got the 27%. Of the rest of the base 45% Republicans, that’s a big question. My thinking and my hope is he’ll lose at least a few % points from that. I also don’t seeing him picking up a lot of the Dem votes. So, I see his ceiling at around 43-44%. Barring some disaster, of course.
This is funny. From J O’Neill about attending the Trumps wedding at mar**larg*.
Article at new yorker
Something just occurred to me. If Trump were to win…well, Nixon had his Western White House in San Clemente, so Trump will undoubtedly have his Southern White (Gold?) House in Florida. I would support his never taking up residence in the real White House, because his redecorating would be sickening. Imagine the amount of gold that would go into Trump making the WH agreeable for his consummately tacky preferences (I find i can’t use the word “taste” in any sentence that involves Trump.)
The threat to good taste that you know who poses is almost unimaginable. Every time I’ve seen a photograph of a Trump residence or a Trump office or any building interior used by Trump, I’ve been nauseated by the trashiness. In truth, whenever I see the interior of almost any building owned by a conspicuously wealthy person, I’m amazed by the tackiness.
Combover Caligula is toast!
I would never call Nooners a “High ranking Repub lady”. The “lady” part of that phrase is questionable, but I have a particular issue with the “High-ranking” part.
Anne Laurie
She’s got a lifetime gig at the Wall Street Journal and all the tv gigs she can fit in around
drinkingbouts speaking engagements. As St. Ronnie’s “most devoted” speechwriter, Noonan stands high in Repub society, even if she’s a joke to usnormal peopleDemocrats!OzarkHillbilly
@sigaba: We should all pitch in and send him a bottle of Baileys for his corn flakes.
By now he may have gone full Travis Bickle and is using whisky. The large handgun is next I believe.
@Anne Laurie: IOW, she’s a remora, but no apparachik.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Matt McIrvin: Now you’re just making shit up to worry about. Honestly, you need to come in off the ledge.
Regarding the large amount of support that the odious orange one is receiving from the Religious Right, I think Dennis Green said it best;”They are who we thought they were!”
These supposedly gentle, god fearing, Christians are exposing themselves to the world as hateful, greedy, and bigoted hypocrites. Exactly what they have been for so many decades before.
Perhaps I am too optimistic, but I hope to see Christian membership drop as people realize that their worship of choice is filled with absolutely awful people who are not really Christians, and on the other side those awful people will quit out of frustration, because they are not getting what they want.
@Matt McIrvin: gud gawd, dood. In what parallel universe, do you see that happening? Your concern trolling has become tedious.
@Eric NNY:
Trump will not change his strategy. If he could, it would have happened already. This isn’t a plan, he is what we’re seeing and GOP primary voters love it. How that effects the general I won’t predict, except that he will permanently damage GOP support from minorities.
I agree with almost all of this, but modern American fundamentalism is based on hate, and its political activism was launched by anger that their children had to go to school with blacks. At most, Trump’s obvious stupidity may embarrass them.
@Matt McIrvin:
Romney couldn’t win in 2012 with Obama still struggling with a weak economy. Romney won’t win even if he’s now clearly a saner choice than Trump because the old Mittster is still selling the same snake oil – Republican BS – that Trump is. The message matters as much as the messenger.
@TriassicSands: I met a couple of Bob Dole Repubs from Kansas in Europe a couple of years back. This seventy year old couple were old school Repubs who believed in competence and equal opportunity for all regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation. The husband railed about Brownback and was horrified that he was going to get re-elected [which he did by about 4%]. The wife took a fellow traveler [an Episcopalian pastor] to task for not supporting the acceptance of gay ministers into their religion. I told them that they say they are Republicans, but they don’t sound like any Republicans that I have ever heard of.
I was told by another traveler that they were from Lawrence, and that sort of explained everything. You Yanks can be a strange lot at times.
I caught a few minutes of Fox’s Bret Baier last night (it was on at the gym when I got there, I swear!) and the panel of repubs was completely thrown by Trump’s nonendorsement of Ryan and McCain. It was fun watching them squirm as they tried to downplay the rift. Talk about awkward. No one, including Baier, wanted to address the dying elephant in the room. Delish!
Thank you so much, Anne Laurie. Can you have any idea how much I am enjoying reading this post? I think you can!
Patricia Kayden
@Frankensteinbeck: Agree with both of your points. Well said. I laugh whenever I hear people talk about Trump pivoting during the general election season. What pivot do they expect? The man has been a boor his entire life.
“Won’t support Paul Ryan”, my ass. If Trump had the guts and tell-it-like-it-is spirit he claims, he would support Ryan’s opponent. What’s the point of stabbing someone in the back if you keep the knife clean?
Steve in the ATL
@Frankensteinbeck: dude, “affects” not “effects”! Et tu, Frankensteinbeck?
@Patricia Kayden: Pivot?! Donald Trump pivot? Donald don’t pivot. Donald with a D (Drump!), Donald of the golf courses? Divot People! Yuuuuuuuuuuuuge classy DIVOT!!!
Bruce K
So … is it too soon and/or inaccurate to classify He, Trump’s post-convention bounce as a Dead Cat Bounce?
@Amir Khalid:
If I didn’t know better, actually, I’d swear the Trump campaign was an experiment orchestrated by Republican political strategists to see just how far they could go. Or rather, just how much of the American population would stick by them even if they threw every bit of common sense to the winds and just ran a bonafide fascist.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Yep. Trump’s base is WWE wrestling fans so the very second Trump tries to act like a statesmen he loses them.
The US President said that England has sought his help rebuilding Hadrian’s Wall, an assertion that a spokesman for the Queen denied later Tuesday —
The President said that China has sought a franchise agreement to open millions of his trademarked White House Burgerhouses — an assertion that a Chinese spokesman denied today —
Miss Bianca
@danielx: If you’re still in Colorado, then yes. Yes, you are seeing elk.
My guess is it had more to do with the negative vibes of the DNC hack than Trump’s convention.
Is it so hard to say “two month celebration?”
Does any of this look like something you’d want to celebrate?
The Lodger
@NotMax: There were plenty of Phillistines where I grew up.
The Other Chuck
@Aleta: They’re having trouble finding the Picts to make them pay for it.
@p.a.: The moderates gave the conservative ‘pubs a pretty good thrashing last night, kicking out 8 conservative state senators, and either 10 or 12 reps, including the state house speaker. I’m particularly satisfied that Tim Huelskamp got his ass kicked by 13 points. One domino in the fall of the Tea Partiers in Congress down.
“When your enemy is making a mistake, don’t interrupt him” – Napoleon.
Yeah, let’s just let Trump be Trump. This is getting awesome.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Steve in the ATL:
The M^4 rule fails again. Sad!
OK. Celebration for positive events and acknowledgement or recognition for neutral or negative events. You’re right, in some cases “celebration” would feel too positive, but an anniversary is still an annual event, so there still isn’t anything called a “two-month anniversary.”
Words are fun.
I know there’s a snowball’s chance in hell that someone will see or reply to this, but how they heck to people rate Hillary’s speech more negatively that Gore or Kerry’s? Would love to be a fly on the wall of those crosstabs.