peak Not Bad face at state dinner last night
— laura olin (@lauraolin) August 3, 2016
We are setting a goal to register 3 million more American citizens to vote:
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) August 3, 2016
well put (by my dad):
— laura olin (@lauraolin) August 3, 2016
And TIL (today I learned) something that might come in handy for people, as the election gets closer:
If you have a .edu, .gov, or .mil e-mail account, you can get a free digital subscription to the Washington Post.
— Orin Kerr (@OrinKerr) July 28, 2016
(I know I know, but the Washington Post is still the company paper for the town whose industry is national politics. And there’s lots of worthwhile reporting apart from the more obtuse columnists — I’m very happy with my own paid digital sub!)
What else is on the agenda for the new day?
LOL. Stein doesn’t even deserve a numerical odd.
All those people who said summer polling is not reliable may be right.
Heading to Chi-town in a few so the spawn can see the g-rents, I can race a local tri, and the wife can have a micro vacay. Also, heard amazing things about Maggie Daley Park, so theres that.
Good Morning ? , Everyone ?
Eric S.
I bought it yesterday after work. I drove it for a couple hours until my bladder forced me to stop. It’s 30 minutes before my alarm and I just want to go drive some more.
Thanks for that WAPO info!!!
@rikyrah: Good Morning!
Bill E Pilgrim
I’ve never subscribed to the WaPo which works fine since I can’t take the conservative Villager lecturing for more than the handful of articles it allows without forcing you to pay up and log in, but I check in every now and then including by coincidence just before coming here, and I saw this:
Who was that you might ask? Well that was George Will.
Chad ‘n Freud is not just a pop-psych duo from the 1960s, it’s what’s for breakfast.
Patricia Kayden
Good morning, rikyrah. And it really is a good morning given the great polls for Secretary Clinton!!
Eric S.
@Punchy: I work in the Aon Building and look down on Millennium and Maggie Daley parks. Both very, very cool.
What Tri are you doing? I’ve never done one, I’ve just done half marathons, but have been considering it. Sadly I severely pulled a quad 5 weeks ago and have been sidelined since.
@Eric S.: I did the swim part of a sprit TRI, it sucked.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Eric S.
@raven: I was a reasonably decent swimmer as a child, 30 to 35 years ago. I’ve rarely been horizontal in the water since. The swim is the leg that worries me.
Edited to correct the math about my age.
Heh. Found this in the STL Post Disgrace this morn: Missouri’s head public defender assigns case to Gov. Nixon, cites overburdened staff
That’s a REPUBLICAN legislature, and a DEMOCRATIC governor. (the gov has the legal authority to do this)
As one might have guessed, Nixon is a former AG. I am so sick and tired of this d!ckwad, he gives DEMS a bad name. So happy my state will soon no longer be afflicted with his incompetence even if it is better than a GOP incompetence.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Back in the early ’90s I subscribed to the WaPo weekly. Living in Florida I found the papers (Florida Today was local Orlando Sentinel was close by) to be insepid and dull. The weekly was a roundup of editorials and cartoons from the week. I loved it because they did have a fairly broad range. I dropped it when they started to enclude Rush Limbaugh and others like him and they started lying about the Clintons. For a time it was a really nice service. Now with the Internet who would need a compelation like that?
The WashPost attacks Trump daily now. If it is free, you might enjoy it right now.
@Cat48: They were barred from Trump’s rallies. Remember when the media was outraged that Obama was boycotting Fox News.
Bill E Pilgrim
No I’m not making this up.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Fuck LBJ. (you’re slipping Raven)
Patricia Kayden
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Thanks Obama! Those numbers represent individuals who are getting a second chance. Nice.
So Johnson’s odds are what — a rounding error? A quantum fluctuation? Still he’s doing better than Dr Fuckwit.
For fuck’s sake, does no one on Earth have a motherfucking tape-measure?
Bill E Pilgrim
@Schlemazel: I usually end up there when the economist Dean Baker Tweets a link to a blog post he wrote dismantling yet another baffling article by the WaPo economics writer Robert Samuelson, who Baker then goes on to demonstrate (with charts and evidence) hasn’t got the slightest idea what he’s talking about, just peddling knee-jerk trickle down pablum. Okay that may be the most interesting yet somewhat repulsive mixed metaphor I’ve come up with yet, don’t even want to try to picture that.
Paul Krugman insists that the only reason Samuelson gets a prominent platform like that despite knowing so little about economics is because people vaguely think it’s Paul Samuelson, or are impressed by the name.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
I’m going with “quantum fluctuation”. Kind of like when any poll shows more than 0% black supporters of Trump. That means that in that same instant, an anti-voter was created in somebody else’s poll.
@hellslittlestangel: 7 1/4″
Bill E Pilgrim
@hellslittlestangel: For me any controversy about that is far less interesting than the revelation that this man has been sending pictures of his hands to the editor of Vanity Fair for twenty-five years out of pure defensiveness. Anthony Weiner has nothing on this guy.
I can’t imagine why anyone thinks Trump is insecure to the point of mental and emotional instability.
There was such a backlash that BO didn’t bar Fox from WHPress. He refused to go on Fox until this year though. Heh. The press that is banned usually just get a ticket given out for rally’s & go report anyway. Dana Milbank did that the other day & they mistakenly gave him his press pass back, so he just set with the press again. Trump still running a crappy campaign.
@OzarkHillbilly: Interesting. Most tape measures come in units of 12 inches. But that one should be more than sufficient to measure Little Gloves’ teeny paws.
@Bill E Pilgrim: The cartoonists are brutal with his tiny hands & ghastly hair. I guess they’re the only ones allowed to continually mock him.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Cat48: Oh Tom Toles is there isn’t he. Yes, he’s excellent.
@Eric S.:
That is one lust-worthy car.
@hellslittlestangel: That is what his paws measure. Mine, I’m 5-8, are 7 5/8 ( it’s a dick measuring contest and I’m a man, can’t help it) Always felt mine were on the small side.
@Bill E Pilgrim: I revel in the thought of him lying on his deathbed, hating on Obama and Clinton and Cruz and that bastard Pence who lost the election for him.
@OzarkHillbilly: Oh. Great. Now I’ve got to go measure mine. How embarrassing.
@hellslittlestangel: It should be a booth at every Clinton rally. Free Hand Measuring!
@hellslittlestangel: What do people expect from men? They should know better by now.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Yep, I love Toles. He does a funny thing when he draws Trump’s mouth, looks like an insect or something.
@OzarkHillbilly: Wait, people still expect things from men?
So someone knows.
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge
Comparison chart
h/t FormerDirtDart at LGF
I always thought I had small hands, but I’m in the 75th percentile–tRump’s in the 15th!
@Kay: There’s a big Muslim contingent in Michigan that helped give Bernie the win there. But I don’t know what part of the state they are in.
@OzarkHillbilly: Well, I can’t find a tape measure, but mine is big. It looks like a baby’s arm holding … a bunch of really long fingers.
@Baud: Well, not much and then only the worst.
Eric S.
@RSA: Thank you. A life time of lusting and dreaming and the last couple years studying, searching and saving.
(Funny I post in the morning thread where the men are deciding to measure their hands.)
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
WBUR President Poll — New Hampshire — July 29 thur Aug 1
WBUR Senate Poll — New Hampshire — July 29 thur Aug 1
Anne Laurie
Yeah, I subscribed to the WaPo Weekly starting in the early 1980s, and always enjoyed it — the format probably had some influence on my blogging style, for better or worse.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Detroit News President Poll — Michigan — July 30 thur Aug 1
The Ancient Randonnuer
Yep. That y-chromosome does funny things to a person. I’m the same height as Trump and my fingers are almost an inch longer which probably makes mine about average for my height. Poor Donald, he probably still hasn’t recovered from the first time someone said, “it looks like a penis, only smaller.”
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: I know it’s just one poll, but 32℅ for a Republican in New Hampshire is shocking.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: 27% undecided. Hmmmm.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@Baud: last time it was that low it was 1964 when Goldwater was reduced to 36% of the NH vote.
@Baud: There’s that number again.
Bill E Pilgrim
I get 21″ for mine.
That’s diagonal.
Wait what are we measuring?
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: This is a horrible poll for NH. Trump always calls it “his state that gave me my first huge win”. Looks like they may have lost that loving feeling for The Hater.
Iowa Old Lady
@Baud: Detroit suburb Dearborn has a strong Muslim population. Some R fool claimed it was a no-go zone. Ford’s World Hq is in Dearborn.
@rikyrah: Good morning!
@Eric S.: Congrats! And I remember that pub!
@Eric S.: I’m doing the Naperville Sprint Tri on Sunday. Im a better Olympic distance racer (the longer the swim, the better!), but this is all I could find in the metro area this ‘kend.
Eric S.
Alright, juicers, I have a something more important than admiring my new car and my mighty hands. I have a major ant invasion in my 3rd floor condo. The brazen little bastards are marching right down the middle of the floor and invading Ozzie the Cat’s dishes. There are sprays and traps but which are cat safe?
And I mean middle of the floor. No place to spray or trap that Ozzie won’t be able to get to and investigate.
Dearborn, in the eastern part of the state. They should poll Dearborn. It would be funny.
The poll is “shocking!” because western Michigan either leans R or is solidly R. I spend quite a bit of time there in the summer and I noticed the lack of Trump signs. There were business-backed billboards for Bush and lots of giant home made signs in the rural areas. Rural people with property that abuts a highway put their own giant signs up – they’re always too long- “Bush to Save America for God and Protect Babies and The Constitution” :)
Splitting Image
@Iowa Old Lady:
For a second I thought it was Bobby Jindal, but he made the claim about Paris, France. It turns out that it was Frank Gaffney who said it about Dearborn. The original claim was a story by “humour” site National Report.
@Eric S.:
I don’t know if it’s safe around cats, but I sprayed Formula 409 on what looked to be where the ants came from and their trail. Worked right away.
They’re in the eastern part of the state, near Dearborn.
@Eric S.:
As well you should. Last year, after 18 years of Miatas I traded up to a Cayman. Love the car, miss the toplessness. Enjoy your 964 and consider joining PCA.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: This part of SW MI is a mix of farmers, Chicagoan ex-pats like me, and former union guys from the old Clark Equipment and other manufacturing plants that are long gone. It’s a Republican area but purple, and Obama won it both times. And they’re pretty familiar with Pence, the area of IN just south is riddled with “fire Pence” signs that have been up for the past year.
I see it as expected and worth celebrating – anything but shocking. The media’s actions in supporting Trump and providing him free coverage is going to be rewarded by the GOP losing the Senate and the House.
@Eric S.: Try 90% rubbing alcohol. It will evaporate fast, kill whatever ants it lands on, and disrupt their chemtrail so the rest go to the bait traps. I use it in a spray bottle for finishing loaves of soap, but it also works well on bugs, which I found out by accident. Cheaper too.
Happy Birthday to the 44th President of the United States : Barack Obama ????
The last one while you are in office.
@Eric S.: I use traps. I don’t have a problem with my cat getting into it. So get a box, cut a small arc on one side, place the trap on their parade route, place the box over it, put something heavy on top of it.
You have to remember, Trump doesn’t really know anything about any of these places. Grand Rapids is in the western part of the state- it’s where Gerald Ford was from- his presidential library is there. Because of my work I have spent some extended time there and I wouldn’t say it’s anti-immigrant at all. He’s just pulling all these characterizations out of his ass- this stuff is complicated. WTF does he know? He doesn’t even talk to people in these places. He holds rallies and bellows at them for 2 hours. There’s no back and forth.
Eric S.
@OldDave: I’m on Rennlist which is where I did a lot of my research. I may very well join PCA too.
@debbie: @satby: I’ll give the rubbing alcohol and 409 a try. I’m beginning to think they’ve established a nest in my floor boards. Little bastards.
The MoJo crowd was near tears bc PA is Clinton 49 Trump 38 and Halperin says the GOP parts of Iowa that they need to win have dropped for Trump. He’s headed to Iowa today for townhall.
Well, the Dem Convention was a success.
@Eric S.:
Should the need ever arise, rubbing alcohol is also good on stink bugs. Flattens them immediately. Don’t forget with rubbing alcohol, you have to be careful because it will damage finished surfaces.
Patricia Kayden
@Cat48: I recall President Obama being rudely grilled by Bill O’Reilly, with Billy interrupting POTUS during the entire interview. I see no upside to Democratic politicians going on Fox News in the first place. They will never get a fair hearing.
@rikyrah: Good on you for keeping up with such an important B’day. And Happy B’Day to the greatest President of my lifetime.
Eric S.
Porsche man or just a general car enthusiast? Not just anyone knows the internal designations.
Trump doesn’t do local interviews, but if he did it would be fun to ask him about the places he’s parachuting into “who is the largest employer? What is the name of the local public commuter college? What are they growing in those fields you passed on the way in?” Hillary Clinton would know because she assumes she’ll have to know something in a job interview. I bet Obama could credibly discuss the western Michigan economy right now, off the cuff, no preparation.
mike in dc
Last weekend, after the convention, the Clinton campaign believed they could win the campaign within the next two weeks. So far, that looks pretty prescient.
Patricia Kayden
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Yay. Good to see that Ayotte may lose her Senate seat. Her endorsement of Trump should be hung around her neck like an anchor.
@Eric S.: Some traps say they will get the queen too. I had to put some out on my countertop and in 2 weeks they were gone. For whatever that is worth.
mike in dc
Just saw a commercial with Cornel West stumping for Stein. Going forward, any candidate who associates with him(or Nina Turner) instantly loses my support. And I say that as someone who voted for Sanders.
Eric S.
Surprisingly, to me anyway, Naperville is a hot bed of triathlon training. There are write a few top racers out there. I know 2 (not top) racers out there. I’ll have to ask them if they are running.
Patricia Kayden
It’s amazing how much good an uplifting Convention can do for a Presidential candidate. I chuckle every time I think about the fact that the RNC was the first Convention in history which resulted in a decrease of support for a Presidential candidate. That’s what four days of ugly chants, lies, hatred and hostility get you.
The Ancient Randonnuer
@Patricia Kayden:
Yep. And Maggie Hassan would make a very fine Senator. She’s only 58 so I could see her staying around for at least two terms if she wins.
Schaden that freude!
@Patricia Kayden:
I remember that horrible interview with O’Reilly. No reason to go back there!
I’m sick of our governor, too.
Fixed, because I’m an old fart.
@Punchy: Where’s the swim, in the river? Staggered start?
Patricia Kayden
Do any of you read Salon? Look at how a “liberal” blog handles the Iran deal “scandal” which broke yesterday. With friends like these …
gogol's wife
@Bill E Pilgrim:
He’s editor of Vanity Fair now. They go after Trump in pretty much every issue. They had a great article about what might be in his tax returns.
You forgot
@Eric S.: More of a general gearhead. Owned three Miatas over nearly twenty years before buying a Cayman S that looks exactly like this. Same color, same wheels, etc. And yeah, maintenance and tire replacement costs can be a surprise (ask my wife). For me it was a “dude, you’re running out of runway” sort of thing, as I’m in my sixties. Downside of living in Florida? Nearest twisty roads are a full day’s drive away.
Interesting how you always hear about Clinton not doing press conferences, but not about this. IOKIYAR.
@mike in dc: I’m the same way. Vichy Progressives should be treated no better than tea partiers.
Eric S.
@OzarkHillbilly: I like the box over a trap idea. Combined with the alcohol I’m hopeful.
There are now questions on Melania Trump’s visa situation when she initially worked in the US. When she’s interviewed she makes it sound like she had the 6 month visitor visa rather than a work visa. If she had the visitor visa and worked that’s fraud.
I swear to God you could not make this up. I just cannot imagine what they were thinking. No one would question any of this bullshit when he’s running for President? It’s arrogance is what it is- they believe we’re all marks just waiting to get fleeced.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
There was an interesting list out Monday. Can’t remember where I read it but it was an old list of what could and couldn’t be used in a Comedy Central Roast a few years back. Trump okayed jokes about his bankruptcies, his sex life, Melania, his other wives. He also okayed jokes about his having said he would date his daughter if she wasn’t his daughter. No mention of his hands. There was one thing, though, that the roasters were forbidden to joke about…his wealth. No one was allowed to speculate/joke that he was less wealthy than he said he was.
@Quinerly: The absolute cowardice displayed during Ferguson was the last straw for me.
@Patricia Kayden:
Rucker, at Washington Post had a blaring headline that based on the numbers, “Trump’s Convention Was a Failure”. It cracked me up bc the GOP thought everyone needs some more Hillary Hate & dished it out daily. It was revolting. I don’t even remember anyone mentioning jobs that much.
Oh, it’s definitely Right-leaning. Shall we say. But pro-business! :)
I took my kids to the Gerald Ford museum when they were younger- it’s very low-key and Republican cloth coat. I’m an idiot so I was a little sad there were so few people there. I felt bad for him.
@Cat48: “Not even Baio could save it.”
Eric S.
@OldDave: The LSD s-curve not withstanding, twisties aren’t exactly common in Chicago or anywhere in Illinois, the flattest state east of the Mississippi.
@OldDave: You should go to NW Arkansas, the land of “Crooked and Steep”.
Bruce K
@Kay: I suspect it’s more like the GOP got caught between a rock and a hard place. Either they run Trump out of the party before the convention, in which case he goes third-party and takes the Southern Strategy base with him, and the GOP is guaranteed to get camshafted in the general, or they stick with him and try to run the standard GOP playbook, and if by some miracle Trump plays ball, they’ve got a chance to fudge their way past the problems.
Of course, looking back with a few days of hindsight, the choice boiled down to heads Hillary wins, tails the GOP dies, so I’ve got a thin schmear of sympathy for the Republican apparatchiks. A very thin schmear; they created their nightmare scenario with their eyes wide open over the last few decades, and they’re welcome to the consequences so long as the rest of us don’t get caught in the blast radius…
Riley's Enabler
@satby: Good morning, sunshine. Been meaning to write to tell you how much I’m enjoying the latest batch of soaps and emulsions. You do such great work. Thank you!
Re-posted from an overnight thread. From the GOS
That doesn’t surprise me. I suspect it’s rather common. It wouldn’t even be a problem except for the way he’s gone after undocumented immigrants.
@Eric S.: The Fox River Valley has some!
@OzarkHillbilly: We were on our walk.
@Kay: There wouldn’t have been any point in asking Trump about it, since he’d just lie. And then get pissed off at you. And then never forget you raised a question or ever just let it go.
I don’t understand this math.
Your mistake is in using the word “thinking”, I doubt that was involved in this process.
@raven: No worries. We got your back.
Good morning!
Despite its issues, the WP is now very anti-tRump and supports Hillary overwhelmingly.
@raven: So does the Shawnee forest.
Thanks for that tip. It is duly noted.
Well, and the way she said she’s a good immigrant because she played by the rules.
I don’t know if it’s true-there should be a paper trail though so it should be cleared up here shortly.
Trump’s hired hack who now works at CNN was questioning the President’s legal status again this week, too. So there’s that. Fucking AMAZING, the arrogance.
The only joke subject that was off-limits at Donald Trump’s Comedy Central Roast
Any joke that suggests Trump is not actually as wealthy as he claims to be
h/t Vulture
@Riley’s Enabler: Oh, THANKS! Good to know you’re enjoying them!
@raven: A likely excuse ;-)
@Cermet: I think Krauthammer (and maybe Thiessen) are the only two WaPo opinionizers who haven’t come down hard against Trump. And Krauthammer is hard-core NeverHillary– considering that he once wrote that Hillary is a ‘pathological liar’. Hard to back off from that.
That’s because Trump is such an unprecedented and unmitigated asshole by every imaginable metric that even the Washington Post has to recognize that his victory would be an existential threat to this nation and to the world.
We all know what the GOP response will be if it’s true. Liberals are the hypocrites. They will ignore that Trump made his name in politics by 1. questioning the President’s birth certificate 2. attacking immigrants.
@OzarkHillbilly: I do use the ones that let the ants carry some of the poison back to the nest. Within a couple if days it usually gets rid of all of them.
I do spray, and then wipe the alcohol up fairly fast if it’s on a wood surface. The disruption to the ant path is immediate and seems to last long enough that they get attracted and established at the bait traps. Eric, I probably would take up the food when your cat isn’t eating for a couple of days too.
Ah, I am not surprised. Even still, I can see her thinking at the time, and maybe even now, that she was playing by the rules when doing a little side work while on a tourist visa. Still again, it is the hypocrisy and the absolute rich white people arrogance on full display.
Betty Cracker
@Kay: Last week, there was an item about the Trump campaign yanking Mrs. Trump’s business website, which contained a bio repeating the lie that she’d obtained a degree in architecture before immigrating to the states (in fact she dropped out freshman year, IIRC). They didn’t think people were going to go over every website associated with the Trumps with a fine-toothed comb? Arrogance, definitely, but stupidity also. The only reason stuff like this isn’t a bigger deal is that the sheer volume of lies has overwhelmed the media and the voters.
This Michael Wolf dude is a fucking moron. He’s pissed because the Dems didn’t have Trump people on stage at their convention???
It’s on the list (I grew up in NE Arkansas), as are the roads near Deal’s Gap.
JosieJ (not Josie)
@Eric S.:
A few drops of lavender essential oil in a spray bottle of water (and a drop of dish soap to get it to mix) works fairly well in conjunction with the traps OzarkHillbilly mentioned. Peppermint or spearmint essential oils work well, too. Spray all areas where the ants could be entering. Cinnamon or lemon is good, too: leave lemon peelings or cinnamon sticks around areas like window sills where ants get in.
Just be careful with the traps. Most contain chemicals toxic to pets, so you want to make sure your cat can’t get to them. OH’s box solution seems fine. I’ve had good luck with Terro baits and traps; you can get them at your local hardware store.
@Patricia Kayden:
The Iran Deal is controversial bc some people think Obama is responsible for our Foreign Policy, others feel the decision should have been made by Netanyahu bc he wants to bomb Iran. Anyway, when the president knew the hostages were in liftoff, he came out & announced it. He also said we would be paying Iran $400M to settle an old debt with Iran, etc. When they took over our embassy when Carter was Prez, we had $400M of their money bc they wanted to buy weapons. We both broke off ties, but Iran wanted their $$$ & sued the US at The Hague. The statement that the State Department issued sort of explained that.
In order to pay Iran the money after the agreement had been signed, we needed to pay them with cash bc the Sanctions were so harsh that they were completely outside the banking system, including credit cards or bank wires. It was a plane full of Euros I think for settlement of the case at The Hague.
Laura Rozen would know, but she hasn’t been on Twitter. She followed the entire deal from start to finish & wrote about all of it.
So, that’s all I know for sure from what’s avail. Prez did mention the money though .
This is what I have learned so far as a result of Trump’s run. If a Presidential candidate is perceived to be popular among white men, media will do absolutely no due diligence until he is perceived to be unpopular.
Rich white men don’t require any backing for their claims. Their word alone is enough along with the fact that they are popular among OTHER white men. Everyone else needs to provide hundreds of character witnesses and reams of documentation and even then we can spend two years on whether or not their birth certificate is authentic.
It’s disgustingly inequitable.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
One wonders is was that brief period in when the election was tied from the initial shock over the wikilleaks bringing Hilary down and less Trump being momentarily liked?
@Eric S.:
. You should visit Florida sometime. The total elevation change, lowest to highest point, is less than 400 feet.
I have become a single-issue voter in this election year and that issue is preventing the total destruction of human civilization.
— CHRlS ROCK (@chrisrockyoz) August 2, 2016
@rikyrah: Sellout.
Josh Earnest discussed it in January 2016 at a daily press briefing.
@Betty Cracker:
I think they were also relying on competition- political markets. That’s what primaries are for. The opposition turns up problems with the candidates. Except the GOP isn’t a real political Party anymore- it’s a bunch of loosely affiliated grifters angling for their next big paycheck.
The GOP itself is what inevitably happens in unregulated markets, really. It’s a race to the bottom. A market failure.
@Bill E Pilgrim: If you want to whip it out and get into a hand-measuring contest, the Hollywood Reporter has kindly created a pdf of The Donalds hand, life-sized, so everyone can make sure their hands are yuuuge.
How small are Trump’s hands?
Love, Chris Rock! He’s right too, only one issue!
Kenneth Kohl
@OzarkHillbilly: 5’11”, 8″… No, it does not translate to …
@Baud: They sampled more white men, which would likely be significant error because women vote more than men, typically. The thing to remember about Pennsylvania, above all, is that it is old. Sixth oldest average age in the nation. So while in theory rust belt sensibilities might sway some to Trump (though they have not been enough to make the state tilt R at the presidential level in a long time) there are two counterweights: A lot of old people loathe Trump’s personal style. He is coarse, crass, and crude, and while they might not think his style is as bad as, say, hip hop music, to name another cultural icon they find bewildering, it is not as if they have been yearning to go back to a time when people talked like Trump. Also, there are a lot of old ladies — old white ladies — who have been yearning for the opportunity to vote for a woman at the presidential level for a long time. My mother is one of them.
I don’t much understand it either, but it seems to be correct based on a 50/50 population of males/females
Assume 100 of each
Females 64 to 36 Clinton (margin of 28)
Males 55 to 45 Trump (margin of 10)
Clinton has total votes 64 + 45 = 109
Trump has total votes 36 + 55 = 91
In 200 votes Clinton is ahead by 18, thus as a % ahead by 9.
@OldDave: Hwy 9, 7, 21…. they are all really fun. Nothing like the road to Sa Colabra but fun.
video to sa colabra when I was there, I had no idea it was famous. wish I could have rode down it on a bicycle.
@Barbara: Right. I was only wondering how an 18 point advantage for Clinton when the sexes were polled separately turned into a 9 point advantage when combined. They must behave oversampled white men by a lot.
@TS: You just blew my mind.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: @David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
On I think it was Monday morning Sam Clovis (national co-chair for the campaign) did the rounds on the cable morning shows to tell us that the polls at this point were meaningless and should be ignored, I said that they were seeing a big bounce for her in their internal post convention polls. That’s also when everyone in Trump world started peddling the system is rigged bs and whining about the debates.
@Bill E Pilgrim:
Do we have any info about Trump’s shoe size? I have heard that that is sometimes relevant.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
: @David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
On I think it was Monday morning Sam Clovis (national co-chair for the campaign) did the rounds on the cable morning shows to tell us that the polls at this point were meaningless and should be ignored, I said that they were seeing a big bounce for her in their internal post convention polls. That’s also when everyone in Trump world started peddling the system is rigged bs and whining about the debates.
@rikyrah: Whereas, Paul Ryan apparently thinks he can still hold court from an underground bunker outside the Beltway and that is more important to him than the rest of us who end up being vaporized.
For your next open thread twitter dump:
@Betty Cracker:
Big piece in Politico (yes, I know…Politico) about possible questions about Melania’s immigration status.
Oops, I see someone already mentioned this. I was scrolling up on comments, not down.
@Kenneth Kohl: I’ve got a buddy with really small hands that match his body size perfectly (he’s about 5-1) As soon as he drops his trousers…. well let’s just say women run away screaming in terror.
Good, because I remember the president talked about old debts & we were paying some. I guess they rode the Benghazi investigations to death, so we’re moving back to Iran bc the GOP & Chuck Schumer didn’t get their way. We have to re-argue it now with a false accusation. I would rather not.
Here is the original PDF LINK
It won’t allow me to cut and paste, so take a look.
Eric S.
Here in lines one of the problems. Ozzie is a nibbler. He only eats a couple of bites then walks away and goes back again 30, 60, 90 minutes later for another couple of bites. Rinse and repeat throughout the day. I am picking it up but he’s a very unhappy camper.
I had to turn it off when he said Hillary didn’t have any policies for the Trump supporters – his explanation of same had a rather racist tinge.
Sounds like those who want Hillary to nominate a RW SC Justice as a thank you to any GOPers who vote for her.
@Anne Laurie: Anne, this is not in reply to this comment but I just wanted to ask you and others to expand on this comment you had in a post yesterday;
This is one of the few times that I have seen an American own up to this. Frankly, as a foreigner, this worries me more about the US and its future than the bigotry and ignorance [okay that is a very close second] that I see currently running rampant.
@Baud: @TS:
Mine too, way too much logical thinking before I’ve finished my first drum of morning tea. But thank you.
@hovercraft: Have to go all the way to the bottom, but here’s the gist. 48% men, 52% female, 93% white, 7% non-white, no crosstabs that I saw but I was skimming fast.
ETA and a thanks to TS too. we should all play more recreational math. Sneeky little numbers.
Tenar Darell
@Eric S.: Oooo. /in the tone of admiration for pretty car which goes fast.
@NorthLeft12: I was with a group of Italian Soil scientists at a Georgia football game on Veterans Day last year and they were stunned by all the rah-rah bullshit. I tried to explain that it was usually only half that bad!
I think it relates to lies, damned lies and statistics
@NorthLeft12: I think it’s mostly because the military is the only institution that Americans are allowed to still believe in.
This seems to have become a thing in the last couple of days, yesterday it was Ryan Lizza of the NewYorker asking if she should throw the a supreme court justice, there was also a former governor of Minnesota who endorsed her yesterday and suggested that to bring unity to the nation she should put RMoney in charge of the economy and put John McCain in charge of veterans and military stuff. Do these people not understand they are in the process of losing? When the house is burning down around you don’t get to dictate to the fire department how they are going to put the fire out.
Tenar Darell
@Kay: *nods*
That phrase needs to be modernized. Lies, damned lies, statistics, and Trump.
For me too. I live in the city (Soulard …diverse area) so the Ferguson stuff hit kinda close to home. Glad we are almost done with Jeremiah.
Dump Kaine, name Cruz the Veep! Unity ticket!
@TS: I was also thinking it somehow ties into Sam Wang’s the importance of one vote measure. When differences (between candidates) are small, the single vote makes a bigger swing in the stats. (which would also explain why states move in and out of the running.) Never bother thinking about it before.
@Tenar Darell:
I just had to run up the cthouse and overheard Prominent Respectable Republican begging wingnut (who is on the Bd of Elections) to support Trump. She’s skeptical. “my people are conservatives”
We have to fully enjoy this while it lasts :)
Patricia Kayden
Clint Eastwood is defending Trump’s racism. Just another reason not to watch his films.
@Kay: Let us savor.
There is never a suggestion that a GOP administration should include any democrats – nor any acknowledgement that President Obama HAS included republicans in his administration. One rule for them & another for us – or some such thing.
@hilts: On some days, it would appear I and tRump (excluding threat to the US!) have something in common, at least relative to my step-daughter’s point of view – sigh
Doug R
Garland was a compromise, look how that’s turned out so far.
Iowa Old Lady
I think Trump’s long time status as a public figure led both him and the press to think he’d already been scrutinized. It turns out a presidential candidate gets a whole different level of examination with plenty of chance for the candidate to reveal themself. Whoever said our endless presidential campaign system provides an x-ray of the soul was right.
The Ancient Randonnuer
Example 1: Carly Fiorina. She didn’t get a pass. The media personalities of DC stuck a shiv in her from almost the moment she hit the campaign trail. Several articles describing her as scheming, less than truthful, opportunistic, etc and that was the nice stuff. Every bit of it most likely true but Trump didn’t get the same coverage during that period.
This is from last week but it’s Margaret and Helen, so enjoy.
Assuming a 50/50 split white men/to white women as voters (generally not accurate as women vote in slightly higher percentages we would get
.5 *(-9) + .5*28 = -4.5 + 14 = 9.5 lead among all white voters.
Patricia Kayden
It’s hilarious that Republicans think that Secretary Clinton has to do anything to cater to their interests. If Trump was polling well, there is no way that they would be demanding that he make any concessions to get Democrats to vote for him. The hypocrisy is striking.
Schlemazel Khan
I assume gov Pawlenty? Not Carlson. But it was such a big story it didn’t make the news here on the tundra, this is the first I heard of it
I didn’t realize that Baud was still so bitter from the primary, she beat you fair and square, and you can still run next time. But to wish such a fate for your opponent is too much. Please for the sake of world unity let it go.
Donald Trump knows nothing about these states or these relationships and it turns out knowing something is important!
Patricia Kayden
We’re seeing a lot of Republicans leaving the dark side. YAY! Republicans are going to rue the day they elevated such an unqualified man to be their Presidential candidate. Sad.
@Iowa Old Lady:
It was pure media malpractice, all they had to do was comb through the Post and Daily News archives and they would have hit pay dirt. Lazy incompetent media.
Have to admit I would have loved to have a job doing the statistical analysis of voting. I think Nate Silver’s gone too far away from the original stats (his analysis/explanations have never been impressive). Sam Wang seems to stay with his expertise.
@Schlemazel Khan:
No it was some old dude didn’t catch his name, he said Trump wasn’t an option for him, but Clinton should sweeten the pot to solidify republican support for her.
Patricia Kayden
@Iowa Old Lady: Ironically, I think Trump would have gotten away with his past indiscretions. The media adores him and would have looked past his prior missteps. Trump’s problem is that he’s an awful campaigner who only attracts people who share his bigotry and small mindedness. He has no message to attract a huge swath of the American public, which is multicultural, multiracial and religiously tolerant.
There just aren’t enough angry White males to elect Trump.
Trump has been making stuff up about voting at rallies- claims people can vote ten times, other assorted lies.
Which made people wonder if he knows how to vote. Nope.
Watch him bully ordinary officials and expect special treatment, way back in 2004.
@NorthLeft12: I don’t talk about it much, but yes, it has gone beyond ridiculous to obscene. My WW II father and uncles would all be embarrassed by it.
from GOS
Schlemazel Khan
Kinda round faced? Had to be Arne Carlson. That asshole left the DFL when the going got rough. Only got elected as an R because the endorsed family values guy was caught groping his teen daughters schoolmate. They refused to endorse Carlson for re-election but he won the primary.
Did some ling lasting damage to the state. I see him downtown Mpls from time to time and enjoy pointing out some of his failures to him
@Quinerly: I used to hang out in Soulard from time to time, tho the Venice was my regular hangout.
Gelfling 545
@satby: It will kill bedbugs ( per the exterminator we had in at the housing for formerly homeless when I was working on a project there a few years back) so why not ants.
ETA the other fun insect related fact I learned was that beagles can be trained to detect bedbugs. It was cool watching those dogs go to work.
Soylent Green
As has been noted here, white people are not immigrants.
@Patricia Kayden:
Salon has been off the rails this entire election season.
dare I say it….
cause they’re White.
ANYONE with a non-White immigrant spouse..
EVERY INCH of their immigration status would be poured over with a fine-toothed comb.
“Mistakenly”. Certain people get the benefit of the doubt. Meanwhile, FOX News is reporting it like Iran-Contra every 15 minutes.
Lock. Her. Up. – the actual chant of the Trump campaign.
@hovercraft: Baud! never forgets!
@Kay: Aargh! All during the RNC convention, I was waiting for the Clinton people to leak a story about Melania and/or Ivana having committed some kind of immigration irregularity back in the day. Wouldn’t that have been something? Melania speaking at the convention about the importance of enforcing immigration law, and while she’s talking, reports emerge that she herself was “illegal” or some such. I can’t imagine why they waited until now.
@Riley’s Enabler:
you make soaps?
do you have a website?
@Eric S.: Put cat food bowl in a plate of water?
Until they make rafts, you should be good. And no poison.
I can. It’s supposedly dicey to go after the spouse. Never applied to Hillary Clinton or Michelle Obama, but you know there are two sets of rules.
I don’t hold it against Laura Bush that she screwed up and tragically killed someone, but ask yourself for a moment if Michelle Obama had done that. In Hillary Clinton’s case, she didn’t kill anyone and they said she did.
@Schlemazel Khan:
Yes that sounds like him.
@hovercraft: I’m a bit surprised that the new media question isn’t “why isn’t she over 50%” yet?
(To expect a candidate to be at over 50% in averaged LV polling at the start of August is ridiculous – hell to be at over 50% in multiple polls at the start of August hasn’t happened that often – but the bar for Clinton is higher both because Clinton rules are in effect and because Trump is ridiculous. So I’m a bit surprised we don’t see more press suggesting that she should be at at least 52% by now in the polling averages and that it’s very worrying that she only crosses the 50% threshold in a handful of polls.)
@Kay: I like that no matter how low they go, we still don’t.
Iowa Old Lady
Manafort on GMA this morning re Obama and Clinton time traveling:
I think you and I have a mutual musician friend. Years ago, when I was quietly lurking (since the Bush Adm.) you posted a You Tube clip on a music open thread. I went, “Wow!”…”small world that someone here would know Charlie.” Pretty sure it was you….venue might have been “The Focal Point.” I then signed up so that I could make a comment and did. Pretty sure the thread was dead, so I went back to lurking until about 6 weeks ago. As for the Venice, was just there last Saturday. And as for Charlie P, will see him at HH at Sqwires in Lafayette Square. His regular Thursday gig❤ We go back to the fun days at McGurks…the fabulous ’80’s.
The other reason is that Clint Eastwood is not even an actor, he’s just an archetype and virtually every role he’s ever had is the same damn archetype.
I’m disappointed that he felt compelled to expose his toolishness one more time with the Esquire interview. I thought his chair routine told us all we needed to know about his political philosophy.
@Dadadadadadada: Well, it might be that it would only have muddled the impact of the plagiarism kerfuffle that erupted after her speach. Hold it in reserve and roll it out later (she’s not going anywhere) when things are quieter. Some prefer massive combined sledgehammer, tank and sink blows in the noisy din of battles on multiple fronts, others keep things in reserve for tactical high-visibility strikes. It’s at least a possibility.
I mean, maybe someone had planned to do something like that but then saw all of the spontaneous negative press that the convention was generating and decided to stand back and let them step on their own dicks?
I know that when your opponent is drowning you should hand them an anvil, but the GOP convention showed the GOP drowning after they’d already tied an anvil to their own feet, had swallowed a few boxes of ball bearings, and while engaging in an anvil catching contest amongst themselves. Frankly I’m not sure between Melania’s plagiarized speech, Cruz’s middle finger to Trump speech, and Trump’s own “Bizarro Ronald Reagan” acceptance speech there was any room in the media cycle to slip in something as relatively mild in comparison as “immigrant basher Trump’s own wife broke immigration laws when she first came to the country”.
That would have been too obvious, the Clinton people know how to drop little grenades without them blowing up in their face. josh Marshall over a TPM is pissed, he says they had the story back in the spring but didn’t have confirmation.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Eric S.:
Nice ride. Congrats!
@hovercraft: @nonynony:
Given the fact that Trump has exposed himself to be a racist, sexist, anti-semitic knuckle dragging neanderthal and serial liar, I’m demoralized that he’s only trailing Hillary by 10 points. She should be up by 20 points. I wish some retired Republican senators would have the fucking guts to publicly endorse Hillary and shame the RNC, Ryan, and McConnell to withdraw their endorsement of this scumbag.
@Kay: I noticed that 50% of those poll workers were black. Think that contributed to Donnie’s foul mood? I think it did.
@hovercraft: On the one hand, yes, the double standard is ridiculous. On the other hand, you have to walk a fine line between pointing out her own questionable status working on a tourist visa (remembering that the average person doesn’t have a deep understanding of who gets to work and who doesn’t) while not demonizing her as an undocumented worker. After all, one of our goals is to regularize the status of many people who lack documentation under rational immigration reform legislation. What they might have done was give the news to the WaPo (and maybe they did), because it did a very in-depth look at how models get to work in the U.S. If she had abused a tourist visa, it’s that kind of piece in which it would have fit perfectly.
schrodinger's cat
@OzarkHillbilly: Umm no. Violating the terms of your visa is a big deal. Getting an extension, changing your status etc., depends on you following the letter of the law. Of course, rules are for small people.
James E Powell
Where does CNN go to find Democratic spokespeople who are neither informed on the subject nor able to speak on television?
I’m watching this D representative trying to explain the Iran $400MM thing and he is completely unable to say:
The Republicans are lying, again. They know it and shame on you for letting them do it on your show.
This money was explained, in detail, back in January. But you are calling it a “breaking” story because the Republicans told you to call it that.
This money was not a payment, it was America giving Iran their money back. They paid us for military hardware, but we never delivered. We’ve been holding on to it all these years and – as part of the deal we made – we are finally giving them their money back.
Now that was explained back in January. Did you not understand it then?
But no, let’s have a bumbling bonehead stammer through a paragraph while the CNN anchor interrupts him with GOP talking points.
Fuck me running! I should not watch cable news.
@Barbara: So is my mother – 92 years young and some one who has lived in the western Phila suburbs for 58 years.. One year in the ’90’s (when Bill was president and the Hillary hate was ramping up) my birthday present from her was a membership in the Hillary Clinton fan club. It was shocking because she is not a political person at all and this was out of the blue. She and all of her friends have been in Hillary’s corner for a long, long time.
@Quinerly: Yeah, I’ve known Charlie since dirt was new and he was playing with Jim R and…. damn i hate when my brain farts like this… Higgens? Anyway, Geyer Street Sheiks forever! I was one of the happy hour crew at the Venice for years and Red is one of my all time favorite people (don’t tell her I said that, it would ruin her image)
I’ve been out here for almost 15 years and I still miss the old neighborhood.
Miss Bianca
@Baud: @NorthLeft12: Not only the only public institution we’re allowed to believe in, but the only public institution that gets *funded* in anything like adequate fashion. Whether that’s a result of the fetishization or some part of its cause, I’m not sure. Adam S. made some reference, a while back, to the fact that the military, for better or for worse, is our only real public works program left extant. Perhaps we’ll start to see some pushback under a Clinton administration. I dunno, tho’ – we are a militaristic culture, even tho’ (again, perhaps because) only a very small percentage of the population actually goes into the military.
That’s because they were (obviously) New Black Panthers, scaring away “real” voters, causing trouble by doing things such as holding doors for elderly white women, being courteous — you know, thugs.
@Kay: via TPM:
I went to law school with Renz. Higgins is a dear friend. Just doing the FB chat thing with him this morning. Geyer Street Sheiks have played their final gig, I think. No more reunions. As for Red, she’s a close friend. Been doing mosaic here in my home since 1993…we have now moved on to my courtyard after a kitchen, two bathrooms, and a hallway. Back to Renz, got to know him real well first year of law school. They seat you alphabetically by last name. We had a blast with a bottle of smuggled champagne at graduation…they also again seat you alphabetically at the “hooding ceremony” so again we were side by side. Great memories!
@Patricia Kayden: From The New Republic
This just speaks even more obviously to the shockingly inept ability of Republican primary candidates to punch Trump.
Seriously – this is the kind of thing that either of W’s or HW’s campaigns would have been able to make a ton of political hay about. Not obviously, but with whisper campaigns and push polls somewhat disconnected from the official campaign. How could they not be able to make hay out of the fact that Donald Trump was married to an “illegal immigrant”? Even if it isn’t true, it’s the kind of truthiness that caused Colbert to coin the phrase in the first place (remember W’s campaign and the “John McCain has a black child” rumor that they spread through third parties?)
Jeb was even running this year and yet somehow none of these guns got turned onto Trump. He didn’t need to have that rumor confirmed – just make it the basis of an ongoing campaign to tie Trump to a whole lot of benefits from “illegal immigrants” – his wife was an illegal immigrant, he’d rather hand good jobs in his hotels to illegal immigrants than employ Americans, etc. Previous Republican candidates have had no problem tapping into that Republican Id to kill opponents dead, and yet all of them to a man just stood around and let Trump beat the crap out of them without even trying a single dirty trick.
Every day it gets more and more shocking to me that the GOP candidates were so inept at fighting Trump. I’m not talking about fighting him in a general election sense – Clinton was going to have the advantage in that battle and she’s not only retained it she seems to be improving on it faster than I expected – but in the Republican primary itself. It’s like they forgot the last 40+ years of Republican-on-Republican dirty tricks and just let Trump have a pass expecting their own voters to, for the first time ever, be able to use good judgement and reject Trump as an obvious nutter.
(And yeah, I know they were all standing back expecting Trump to implode and then pick up the pieces. But by NH they should have all realized that he wasn’t going to do that. So they needed to hit is “strength” – his appeal to immigrant hating white supremacists.)
@schrodinger’s cat: Yes I know, and if this is all factual and true, even her citizenship is in ‘danger’. My point was that it is w/o a doubt a common practice and your avg American voter wouldn’t care that much one way or the other except for Donnie’s immigration position. Or at least, I wouldn’t.
schrodinger's cat
@OzarkHillbilly: If you are a citizen of another country you have to be in
” legal status” always. You can legally change from one legal status to another i.e. student status to work status, while being in the United States. However to renew your visa you have to leave the country and go to a consulate or US embassy. Prior to 9/11 you could go to either Canada or Mexico but since 2001 you had to go back to your home country to get your new visa.
I have had friends who changed their status from F-1 to H-1B (student to work) and had to go back to their home country (China, India, Germany etc.) to get their new visas. Sometimes this resulted in delays of months. One Chinese student I knew couldn’t come back because his company grew tired of waiting for him to return and they just hired someone else.
Your multiple entry visa is what allows you to leave and return at will.
schrodinger's cat
@OzarkHillbilly: If you are a citizen of another country you have to be in
” legal status” always. You can legally change from one legal status to another i.e. student status to work status, while being in the United States. However to renew your visa you have to leave the country and go to a consulate or US embassy. Prior to 9/11 you could go to either Canada or Mexico but since 2001 you had to go back to your home country to get your new visa.
I have had friends who changed their status from F-1 to H-1B (student to work) and had to go back to their home country (China, India, Germany etc.) to get their new visas. Sometimes this resulted in delays of months. One Chinese student I knew couldn’t come back because his company grew tired of waiting for him to return and they just hired someone else.
Your multiple entry visa is what allows you to leave and return at will.
He’s preparing his hordes for hi loss, New Republic
See how it works, first you have to adopt our policies to get us to dump Trump (maybe they think because she let Bernie get so much into the platform, that she’s a pushover, Pro tip, she was wooing democrats, not the same thing) . Then even if you win you didn’t really because only voter fraud won it for you, so you have no mandate. The silent majority was silenced, because you know we are a center right nation.
Looking at these state level poll numbers — and I know it’s way to early to gloat — but all I can think of Tom Petty
I would suggest that this is only because you have a high opinion of your fellow human beings and are shocked to see that they aren’t living up to it. :)
I myself am a misanthrope, so I’m actually mildly surprised that Trump seems to be stuck at about 40% of the vote in the polling averages. I figured he’d be pushing around 42-45% for most of the race because the Republican voters will vote for literally anyone with an R next to their name. I’m happy to be proven wrong on that – I’ll be even happier if it holds out and he actually gets lower vote totals than McCain got in 2008.
This stupid wall was his biggest thing and in the GOP primary that could have really hurt him outside of his core supporters. Such ineptitude and arrogance, even if you weren’t going to attack him initially, you still should have done your due diligence. Jeb ! had a shit load of money and he wasted it all on hitting Marco.
@mudslide567: Trump Campaign has new Theme Song Loser
I am a loser baby
Why don’t ya kill me?
@Quinerly: I met Jim when he was teaching at Music Folk (a buddy’s teacher) I last saw the Sheiks when they were still together, never caught any of the reunion gigs :-( but I play their CDs regularly. Going to L school with Jim had to be a hoot. My sister went to HS with Higgins, something I didn’t know until I took her to one of their Mule gigs when she came down for a visit and it turned into a HS reunion.
I helped Red on a project or 2 of her’s, even did some work on their place (Heh: Red in an old convent, almost enuf to convince me there is a God and she has one wicked sense of humor) I last saw her about a year ago when Mark took a turn for the worse and they thought he was going to be confined to the downstairs. Wanted me to came and look at things to see what it would take to fix things up, then Mark got better. Here’s hoping that is still holding.
I’m beginning to think we know each other if only in passing. Too many connections, not even STL is that small a town.
@Betty Cracker:
I wonder if her education level was listed on her application for citizenship, i.e. she lied on the form. oops!
The Golux
@Bill E Pilgrim:
What tickles me is that he gets so bent out of shape over the “short-fingered” part of the insult, but apparently has no problem with the “vulgarian” part.
@schrodinger’s cat: My wife is an immigrant from Spain. I convinced her to become a citizen back when Bush was the reigning disaster. I told her, “It can’t get any worse.” Now she points at Trump and says, “OH, really? You know, I can always go back but you, you could be stuck with him!”
Apologize to that nice lady and tell her you’ll never lie to her again.
PS How’s your back?
@hovercraft: Better, but I still have a ways to go. It is why I can still be here at 10:30 in the AM. As to the nice lady, I has a grand daughter I can hold over her head.
We do know each other! St. Louis is such a small town. I’m not a native (didn’t go to high school here?). Just came out here in 1982 for SLU Law, thinking I would go back to the coast of NC after finishing. Well, I finished and here in Soulard since 1984. Funny story, Red was here hanging a couple of weeks ago and we were going over this next project..I asked her what happened on the project that I’m assuming you were to work on at the convent. I guess I had never realized it never even got started. I go so far back with Mark V…when he was married to Bonnie and the Children’s Hospital days. Can proudly say that I was with the crowd at Molly’s when Red was tending bar there and Mark started pitching woo in her direction after his divorce. Ah, the fabulous ’90’s.
@Doug R: I don’t think Garland was a compromise, I think he’s very qualified. And more liberal than he gets credit for.
schrodinger's cat
@OzarkHillbilly: Ahh so you have had the pleasure of dealing with the INS/USCIS then.
@Cat48: That’s fake Chris Rock. He’s been pretending to be Chris Rock for years and he’s notorious for stealing people’s tweets. The person who originally said that a week ago was not that guy.
@rikyrah: Yes, my nym links to my Etsy site.
@schrodinger’s cat: Only vicariously ;-) It was very frustrating for my wife at times, moral support was the best I could offer her and reassurances that she was indeed reading the paperwork correctly.
@Quinerly: .
I didn’t hang at Molly’s often but I did play more than a little pool upstairs. Did Red ever tell you about “Pissing for Distance I Got the Blue Balls Blues”? Still makes me laugh!
Damn, we do go back a ways. It took a very brave man to date Red.
grandpa john
@Kay: Hilarity from farther in the article;
grandpa john
@hovercraft: Giving them a choice between redemption and disaster is not enough? Repubs are never happy always wanting more
Mark’s wife, Bonnie, was my best neighborhood friend in the late 1980’s…when she had left Children’s and had the Framery. I actually first met her through Mark when he was shop sitting one day and I carried my diplomas and license in for framing. We became fast friends but later grew apart…. so by 1993 or so when Mark had his eye on Red, there were no problems. Red looks after my house and the kitties when I go back to NC and when I take the month of February in NM. Well, this has been a grand morning! I’m glad we made the connections…all because of your long ago music post that made me say, “Wow.” Have a wonderful day!
@Eric S.: We had an ant problem recently and used Terro which worked perfectly. Our cat doesn’t jump up on counters so it wasn’t an issue for us whether or not it’s safe around pets, but if you do the box over the trap thing it would be what I’d suggest.
@Eric S.: Having grown up there, I can tell you the Mississippi Valley has a fair number of hills too. Trying to drive up those hills in winter without the benefit of 4 wheel drive was quite an experience.
grandpa john
@Iowa Old Lady: What a lying sack of feces.
When this event that caused sorrow to this family occurred , the war criminals of the bush administration were the hands that set policy and fomented a totally unneeded war. I’m sure that the hosts of the show did not point out that little fact,since to the media, fact are irrelevent
@Eric S.: Can you move the cat’s food dish to another room for a day or two? IME, the cat will still be unhappy, since he’s a cat, but he will at least have access to food.
@Eric S.:
Try placing the catfood dish in a shallow pan of water. A small enough pan so that your cat can easily reach across.
Create a moat for the ants
Common Asian solution for crawling insects and food. You can buy little stands for cabinets that hold water around the edge.
J R in WV
When I put my index finger tip on Trump’s index finger tip, my wrist was down on the laptop, clear to where the F-unction keys are. I’m a little under 6 ft now, but I have a 19.5 inch neck. I enjoyed heavy work, construction, tractors and backhoes, digging with a shovel and using a hand sledge with chisels to cut bedrock. All behind me now, arthritis got me by the joints.
My fingers are not long, but my hand is big anyway.
Anne Laurie
Waaaay late to this (sorry!) but… Basically, I think the “bigotry and ignorance” is responsible for a good chunk of the RAH RAH OUR SACRED MILITARY yack. If “we” (white men and their enablers) are under unremitting assault by Those People, then of course we must have a big scary military machine to defend ourselves. Ask any anthropologist: the more patriarchal the culture, the more obsessed with “warriors” it is. In response — as other commentors have pointed out — those of us who are not white men have veered between defensive “well, we’re patriots too” and pointing out — as the Khans did — that the True Patriotic Military Heroes are not by any means “natural allies” for jingoist xenophobes such as the entire current GOP.
We Americans badly need to deescalate, but it’s going to be a slow and careful process, like defusing any other bomb…