The person doing the BBC captions has just given up now #OpeningCeremony
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) August 6, 2016
By request.
This post is in: Readership Capture
The person doing the BBC captions has just given up now #OpeningCeremony
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) August 6, 2016
By request.
Comments are closed.
That tweet is too funny.
That caption is really funny.
Villago Delenda Est
There are too many countries. Please eliminate 30. I am not a kook. Thank you.
Thanks John!
I can’t lie. I love seeing all the African nations and trying to remember some of the things I learned about them way back in high school
@Villago Delenda Est: Love that quote. Also:
“When I read your magazine, I don’t see one wrinkled face or single toothless grin. For shame. To the sickos at ‘Modern Bride’ magazine.”
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
I’m watching the BBC coverage for complicated reasons and I noticed that about the closed captions. They stopped putting the names of the countries somewhere about halfway through. I’m listening with one ear while surfing the web, and every once in awhile I’ll say, “wait, what country are they talking about?” and there will be no way to know.
What was that last group. Was that a bunch of refugees from various countries? Are they competitors?
Everything sounds better with UK accents, BTW. And I suspect the commentary is a lot more interesting than on the NBC feed.
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym: Didn’t the BBC used to represent global worldliness?
And now they can’t be bothered to name countries?
Thanks, BREXIT.
The opening entertainment was fun, as opening Olympic entertainment goes. Bouncy and cheerful.
Open thread:
I may or may not have a pill stuck in my oesophagus. It’s weird. I can still swallow, I’m not choking or gagging or having chest pain or any other warning symptoms. But it feels like they’re *something* there in my throat, especially when I swallow, and neither bread nor water nor hot water will change it.
Hoping it’s just a weird feeling which’ll pass overnight. I really don’t want to have to go to the hospital over the weekend.
@Groucho48: love that they essentially had a documentary on climate change and it’s affect as part of the ceremony
Bouncy bouncy.
@Chris: You’ve drank water I hope? How about gargling water? Maybe try changing the elevation angle of your throat. Good luck.
Oh lordy, I hate that feeling. In my experience, it usually presages a full-blown sore throat, which in turn presages a nasty cold or flu. Hope in your case it’s something quick, fixable, and comfortable. Let us know.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
So here’s my story of trying to figure out how to watch. I’ve got cable service through Verizon Fios, but I don’t actually use it. No TV. It just came bundled with the internet service. And my cable service is the minimum package (or was), and didn’t include either MSNBC or CNBC. NBC insisted I need both in my package to watch their streams. So I upgraded. (There was another incentive, which is that MSNBC wouldn’t let me watch back episodes of Rachel without their channel in my cable package, a continuing source of frustration).
At the same time, I was reading an article a couple of days ago on “how to watch the Olympics for free online” and one of the more interesting suggestions was to get a VPN client, Strong VPN, use it to tunnel through a UK server so I appear to be a UK user, and then access the BBC site. Not quite free as there’s a small fee for the VPN. But what the hell, thought it would be interesting to try the VPN approach. Might enable other things as well, like other BBC access.
Started out watching the NBC stream, but that crapped out halfway through. Insisted I signon to my cable provider, but wouldn’t give me a signon screen. So I switched to the BBC at that point.
I know, TL;DR. But thought others might be exploring streaming options so I thought I’d share my streaming experience.
@lamh36: Agreed. I could feel the Conservative anger.
Also, isn’t Brazil still actively cutting down their rainforest?
Boy I bet the usual suspects really hate the Coca Cola commercial where they are singing the anthem in different languages
ThresherK (GPad)
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym: I have heard there’s refugee competitors, from (the only one I read about, but certainly more) at least Syria.
Also, there are 140 leagues of football in Britain. Not teams, but leagues.. Not sure how “too many ” that’s ever called.
Adam L Silverman
@Chris: I’ve had that happen before. It’ll go away. Just try to ignore it.
Adam L Silverman
Why is Team USA dressed like a gondolier crew from Venice, Italy?
@Chris: Hey, I know the answer to this one! I was at a party last week and the person’s 90-year-old mom choked on a spearmint leaf. They called 911 and the ambulance came, etc. But one of the other people at the party said that had happened to him once – he could talk but he could tell something was stuck. He went to the ER and the nurse handed him a cracker and told him to chew it and swallow.
And he was miraculously all good again, and it cost him $400.
So go eat a cracker. And let me know if that works! (please)
@Adam L Silverman: A friend of mine got a Vitamin C pill stuck in her throat and it actually ended up burning her throat somehow as it sat there.
Chris, go eat a cracker!
Ugh…NBC…so just ignore the other nations…ugh.
Hey Donald, like the American Olympian in the Hijab!!!
Drank water. Ate bread (potato bread, nice and soft). Tried swallowing water a few times while lying flat (apparently, it’s recommended). Now trying heated water. ::shrug::
I tend to shy away from gargling, it triggers my gag reflex something fierce. Maybe I’ll try it eventually if it feels like it’s getting bad, but I hope not.
I am incredibly prone to catching colds, which usually start with sore throats, so I know the feeling well. This isn’t it, or if it is it doesn’t feel like the usual one. Will let y’all know what develops, thanks!
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym: I read a story earlier today – there are 10 refugees that are competing – when they entered the crowd went wild! The only flag being flown for them was the olympic flag.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: Let me clarify, I’ve had the sensation of something stuck, not something actually stuck. So if that’s the case, then ignore it. If not go and slowly eat a cracker.
@Adam L Silverman: What causes it?
@Adam L Silverman: Blame Ralph Lauren…
I honestly hate the “preppy” look the USA Olympiads outfits have. I know it’s Polo’s brand…but it’s not as representative of the multicultural nature of the modern US
Cole, where’s Walter tonight? In your yard? I hope you didn’t have to put him back in that house.
@Chris: Is it in your throat or further down?
Adam L Silverman
@raven: Wait till someone tells him that the leading tae kwon doka on the Belgian National Team is the brother of one of the guys that attacked the airport several months ago.
One NBC factoid I enjoyed was 45 % of the athletes are women, and the US team is over 50 % are women.
Girl Power !!
Oh dear, perhaps I should change that to wom.. nah fuck it, I like girl power. Sorry Rachel.
@Adam L Silverman: I think they said he wasn’t competing, I think.
The google says I was hearing things.
I think you’ve found the republican’s “repeal Obamacare and replace” health care plan. (Except they don’t say “please” at the end.)
EDIT: Or “Let me know if it works”
Adam L Silverman
@germy: I have no idea. I always assume something went down funky and lightly abraded the inside of the esophagus.
Matt McIrvin
@raven: I read something about her–she’s a saber fencer.
@Matt McIrvin: Yea,
@Adam L Silverman: Lately I’ve been trying to consciously chew my food more. I tend to wolf my food down, which leads to reflux, bad digestion, etc. It’s a difficult habit to break.
@Pogonip: I believe Walter is in the garage with blankies.
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: And the Estonian team has triplet sisters competing. Which was hard to tell because every woman on the team was the same height, with the same shade of blonde hair. Its like they’re stamping them out of a mold!
Are the athletes taking pictures as they walk in and parade around, or…catching Pokemon? These things are important.
Alright Phelps…
Wonder what his chances are on Gold this year.
I’m betting maybe not individual, but def relay team?
All the way at the… bottom of my throat, I guess?
Thanks all, I’ll see if there’s crackers around the house. (Other than myself).
@germy: hahaha
… not only do they not say ‘please’, I’m sure they don’t even care if it works.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: That’s interesting. He must have gotten hurt or something. Last thing I saw a couple of months back was that he was going.
Long knives out for Chicago Public Schools today/tonight: about 1000 layoffs announced, hitting many veteran teachers, union delegates, social justice advocates, CPS critics, etc.:
Staunch CPS Critic Let Go From Teaching Post At Roosevelt H.S.
Eff ed reformers in general and Rahm Emmanuel in particular.
@Chris: If you press firmly on both sides of your jaw (under your ears) and swallow, does it go away?
@Adam L Silverman: No, I misheard.
Yes try the cracker if you have any.
This will sound weird, but you can also take some bread, not the crust, squeeze it into a ball, chew well and swallow, it stays pretty thick going down and may catch the pill on the way down. Afterwards drink lots of water. Good luck.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
Kip Keino! I remember that name!
He’s not the guy who ran the marathon barefoot is he?
Adam L Silverman
@germy: Sorry to read that. GI issues are no fun.
@Adam L Silverman:
That’s what I’m hoping it is.
I hear you. Eating too fast is a bad habit that I’m trying to break too. Although the main problems there tend to manifest further down, not in the oesophagus.
Mike E
@raven: he’s a trainer on the team
ETA I’m watching NBC via my balcony antenna, 1080i
You can always count on the African nations to bring the color to Parade of Nations
Low Energy Drumpf Rally Tonight. Sad.
Adam L Silverman
@raven: Okay, good. I’m glad he’s competing.
(Given that I think the Olympics are a scam to rip off the host country and should be abolished)
I have to say one thing I enjoyed was seeing diversity creeping into so many delegations.
Adam L Silverman
@Misterpuff: What’s the over/under on him screwing up the endorsements he gave tonight in Wisconsin by the time we get to the Sunday news talk shows?
Miss Bianca
@Chris: @WaterGirl: yup – sometimes eating something like a cracker rather than drinking water. I used to get that feeling in my throat sometimes from eating corn chips. Crackers (maybe because they form into a nice doughy mass?) are good for this.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
I think I may be an hour ahead of most of you because the BBC is live and NBC is on one-hour delay… on BBC the parade of nations is over and we’re now in the speeches, right now from Kip Keino (hence my reaction at #52). My memory was wrong, Google tells me he was a middle-distance runner and the beginner of the Kenyan domination of those races.
@Adam L Silverman: I’m betting they plan to use the Olympic coverage as a “reset” to get Trump out of the news.
I know he like to be in the news, but I’m betting the rest of his camp does NOT…so unless he says something REALLY outrageous…Rio is a blessing
Should I feel bad the for men’s gymnastics team…cause they don’t even have a cute nickname…BWHAHA
@Chris: Could be acid reflux. I had that for a little while some years back, and it felt like a fingertip pressing against the inside of my throat.
Miss Bianca
OK, I must just not be hep to the newest lingo here – I’ve been busy shoo-ing kids off my mountain – but just what does “over/under” refer to? I’m guessing something to do with either betting or polling.
Here’s what the Guard has on the refugee team. Includes short bios.
@Adam L Silverman:
Did you see him read the endorsements, he was like a kid who is forced by his parents to go and say he’s sorry. Between that and his projecting on Hillary, which he also read, it was a pretty odd rally. Unfortunately for him he is only entertaining when he’s off script.
SAD !!
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: A campaign official admitted last week to, Andrea Mitchell I think (reported it out), that they have two choices: 1) they can keep him on the trail every day and have him do events (where he basically just does the same thing at each rally and town hall – his rambling, stream of consciousness perorations) or 2) keep him at home/office where he does nothing but watch cable news, which gets him all wound up and he starts tweeting. So he’ll be kept in the news one way or the other – either doing events or tweeting. He’s out of control. His staff knows he’s out of control. And they can’t do much about it.
Serious question…how is Ussain doing lately?
he is gettin up in age
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: Yes, it has to do with betting:
yeah. I was gaming while watching and I thought it was a commercial, at first, and thought to myself…what a great spot for it!. Then, as it went on, I realized it was part of the show. Very cool!
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: You could tell he wasn’t happy and the crowd was clearly not comfortable with what he was doing from what I could hear of the responses on the coverage.
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym:
Yep. They’re competing under the Olympic flag (instead of one of their countries). First time.
@Chris: I’ve had that before. I have a history of shit getting caught in my esophagus, thanks to fifteen years of undiagnosed acid reflux, and a few months back something got stuck and even though I managed to get it down in the end, it still remained partially blocked. I had to go to the hospital in the end.
Are you actually having difficulty swallowing? Or is it making weird noises after you do? If you’re not actually having trouble swallowing it’s probably nothing major, but if you are it could be a partial blockage. Try drinking some coke and/or ginger ale; that shit actually works surprisingly well.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: wow, thanks…(ulp)
I’ve never been a bettor. At first, I thought it was just because it felt like “flushing your money down a toilet and hoping some of it floats back up.” Now I realize that in addition, I honestly don’t have the brain for it.
Part of the issue might be that the countries are entering in alphabetic order according to their name in Portuguese. (Says NPR) The United States, for example, is between, IIRC, Moldavia and Estonia. So the Brits may have a bit of WTF going on.
That’s Ibtihaj Muhammad, a fencer, and her story is about as All-American as they come. She’s fron New Jersey, dad’s a cop., mom’s a special ed teacher, got a scholarship to Duke, coaches at her old high school and does volunteer work for a foundation in NYC that teaches the sport to inner-city kids. Everybody I know who’s met her speaks incredibly highly of her.
@Adam L Silverman:
Chucky and Mr Fix said today that this week at every event he has spent a lot of time rebutting Hillary commercials, most of the week it was the our kids are watching ad, and tonight it sounded like he had seen her new ‘unfit’ ad. So I think like you say they’re screwed either way. His response tonight was written, but all it was was basically calling Hillary everything republicans called him in the ad.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: I don’t gamble, doesn’t interest me at all. But the term is useful at times.
Miss Bianca
@burnspbesq: wow. Inquiring/feathery minds do wonder whether she wears a hijab under her fencing mask, or whether that’s considered a head-covering in and of itself?
Hahahaha NBC commentary: Slovakia, best sports are probably flatwater and whitewater canoeing.
Cambodia, best sport this year is Punch and Kick a Woman Your Own Weight Until She Doesn’t Get Up (I forget which martial art the Honorable Sorn Seavmey medaled in at the regional games, beating the silver medalist from ’12, thus winning a bye in the first round and Cambodia’s first shot at a medal…ever).
We’re watching at home and renaming the sports to reflect our knowledge about them. Horses Do Ballet, Little Guy Yells at 8 Big Guys, etc.
This is worth doing because NBC has known their script for months and the countries’ order for years but can’t be bothered to have a person captioning any of this. It’s automated and time lagged and truly pathetic, just insulting.
The FCC can make the users of our public airwaves caption their programming; they can do it so badly on the cheap that they express contempt for HOH/Deaf taxpayers just the same.
@Adam L Silverman:
It was muted, but there were boos. They booed the nominee endorsing the republican speaker of the house.
Villago Delenda Est
@burnspbesq: She’s obviously an ISIS double agent, like CPT Khan was.
@Miss Bianca: She does wear the hijab under the mask. My son is a fencer, so I’m used to the masks, and that seems like it would be incredibly hot, but it would work perfectly well.
@Miss Bianca:
Yes, she does.
Villago Delenda Est
@PhoenixRising: You’re so cruel. Actually doing CC right would cost money that otherwise flows into the executive suite hookers and blow slush fund.
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: Not sure who Mr. Fix is, pretty sure Chucky is Chuck Todd. I saw the rally in Daytona and clips from some of the other ones and this has been my observation as well. He’s relitigating every slight, attack, dig, etc all the way back through the primaries. He’s had a run at Megyn Kelly again – revisiting the blood out of wherever thing – in his remarks.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: she has a specially designed one made from moisture wicking material. Its in white and matches her fencer’s garb and equipment.
@Chris: Possibly globus pharyngis. Happens to me often when I have a cold. It’s basically irritation in your throat that gives you the sense of something being stuck there.
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: That’s happened everywhere he’s mentioned Ryan this week. Ryan is not beloved by the base and/or Trump’s supporters.
@cckids: onde esta o randinho?
@Villago Delenda Est: Fair enough. We can’t ask them to settle in that regard, or charge Nationwide and Chevy a few extra bucks per second to make this quadrennial spectacle accessible to everyone.
Adam L Silverman
@cckids: If it’s made from moisture wicking material it will actually be quite comfortable. I had a moisture wicking bandana in digicam that I wore under my kevlar helmet in Iraq. You’d be amazed how much it helped keep my noggin cool under that thing.
Miss Bianca
@cckids: That was my thought, from my memories of fencing days…but obviously it works for her!
@Adam L Silverman: this wonderful world!
@Adam L Silverman:
Chris Cillizza of the Wa Post ‘The Fix Blog’, the dumbest and least insightful blog in all of DC, which is why he is a daily fixture on Andrea Mitchell’s show. He believes that the only thing that matters is perception and what the republicans will say about ‘x’ , facts do not matter just narratives.
According to the LA Times, Ibby finished a “close” second to Phelps in the athletes’ vote to choose the flag-bearer.
Too bad; that would have been an awesome f’in statement.
I heard the NPR piece on her and her coach basically said that she’s a natural fencer, because she’s focused almost to the point of OCD.
Miss Bianca
@burnspbesq: ooh, is Phelps competing again this year? Rock on!
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: Its a wonderful time to be alive…
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: Ahh, okay. I know who he is, but I don’t read his stuff.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: it actually is, all my natural flippancy and cynicism aside…it’s certainly the best time to be a woman it’s ever been, barring certain theoretical pre-histories!
Also, if anyone is around who gave me advice on the care and feeding of a narcissist when I’m trying to get her to let me see her kids, my older niece says that her crazy mom has tentatively agreed to my Disney World plan and will call me this weekend. I did use the your mom deserves a spring break, too line that someone suggested, so yay!
There are still many slips that can happen between now and March, but at least I feel like I can start planning.
@Miss Bianca: Here’s a pic. Here’s another. She looks amazingly chic!
I read somewhere that she started in epee, and switched to saber because she found epee to be too slow.
@Miss Bianca:
Look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now … ?
Mary G
An explosion and fire at a bar in the French city of Rouen killed at least 13 people according to reports.
No details on the cause, hope it wasn’t terrorism, although dead is dead either way.
Miss Bianca
@Emma: Honestly? she looks like a freaking superhero(ine).
@burnspbesq: Excuse me…*saber* because…epee was too *slow*? *boggles*
@hugely: Um, no?
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: Okay. I’ll update the files.
@Adam L Silverman: That would make a difference.
Living in the desert, the wicking fabrics don’t do as much here as they do where it’s more humid. At least that’s what our local REI guys tell us.
Ugh..this is what happens when you delay by 1 damn hour NBC…folks gets tired and ready to sleep
@Miss Bianca: Indeed! But a very chic superheroine!
Gin & Tonic
@Ceci n’est pas mon nym:
Way late in replying, but that was the late Abebe Bikila of Ethiopia in 1960 in Rome, my first memory of television. The marathon was run at night, it being summer in Rome.
Adam L Silverman
@cckids: It was more for layering in my use. The layering effect made a huge difference. In my case I would drench it in cold water, put it on, put the helmet on and it would keep my head cool as the water evaporated.
The talk of the Parade of Nations and NBC hasn’t even gotten to them yet…ugh
The flag bearer for Tongo
@Chris: Tonsil stone. Probably harmless. Haven’t had one in years, but back when I did I could pop ’em loose myself. Do a little on-line research and then look to see if it’s visible.
@cckids: Hmm. I would think it would be the reverse, since they draw moisture from your skin to the outside where it can evaporate, and it evaporates more readily in dry air.
Horse race:
Mike E
@Gin & Tonic: He won easily despite taking off and putting on his shoes, and stopping to stretch periodically
The things that make it awesome to be alive today are often things that no one even thinks about anymore. Think Captain America being unfrozen in the present and going “yeah, no polio’s nice.”
Thanks for the advice, all. No crackers in the house, or even soda pop (the fridge is FUBAR at the moment). On the other hand, it’s starting to feel better, with constant applications of hot water. So yeah, I’m thinking/hoping that it’s probably just a feeling in the throat rather than something physical. (The reason it felt like something stuck is that I started feeling it soon after dinner). I’ll sleep on it and see what’s up tomorrow.
I… have never heard of that. I assume from the name that it comes from your tonsils? Mine were removed when I was three.
(Which, I’m told, may have something to do with why I catch colds so ridiculously easily).
Mike J
Flipped over to NBC Sports Network on the Roku thinking, oh cool, they show stuff online only, like they do with football, they can show every sport if they want!
The only sailing they have scheduled is race 5 of men’s Finn. Grrrr, There’s a local in 49erFX. I want to see every sailing race. Every heat, even if no Americans are in them. I’ll bet there are archery fans that feel the same way about their sport. Mixed doubles hula hoops. Whatever. There’s no reason to not have every event online.
Ugh. Gryff, my big ginger cat, was hanging on our patio & mrrowed to come in. I opened the door for him, he sauntered in & dropped a f-ing LIZARD on my foot. (tail missing) It shoots away, with him in pursuit, as I shriek and call for the spouse.
I can and do deal with black widows. I can handle scorpions. Cockroaches do not faze me. But (for whatever reason) lizards?? NO.
Maybe because I have no hesitation in killing the others. I want the lizard GONE, not dead. The spouse did a catch-and-release, and now Gryff is staring accusingly at me because I ruined his fun. Tough!
Adam L Silverman
Shiny, new open thread up.
@Chris: I have a mild hernia condition that makes it feel like I have things stuck in my throat sometimes (mostly when I eat raw carrots, but occasionally pills.) According to my doctor, it’s due to a bulge from my stomach into my esophagus, and that’s where things are actually getting caught, but due to a referred sensation it feels like it’s right in the back of my throat. Very weird.
Nothing seems to help much, but the food or pill goes down eventually. I could get minor surgery to fix it, but it’s not quite annoying enough yet.
@Redshift: Me too, but from personal experience, it mostly lets sweat sit on my skin.
I’ve been told for Gore-tex to work properly in hiking boots, there has to be at least a 15-degree differential between body temp and air temp. Maybe it is similar for wicking fabrics?
Gin & Tonic
@Mike E: You might be confusing that with 1964. In 1960 he ran the entire race barefoot; in 1964 he won very easily and proceeded to do his stretching right after the finish, saying he could have run another 10 km.
Someone on twitter says NBC in the only network who did a 1 hour delay. Even fuckin’ Canada showed it LIVE…
Ugh..but I’m staying up….cause I hear the cauldron lighting is gonna be good.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
“Chinese Taipei.” Heresy! They are the One True China!
“Czech Republic.” The commenter: “Czech ’em out!” … oy.
Helllllooo, nurse!
Mike J
NBC showed the Olympics tape delayed on the West coast when they were held in Vancouver. They are fucking useless.
Mike E
@Gin & Tonic: Prolly… I recall the docu on him running at night and doing unusual things, was that in Rome?
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@Mnemosyne: Fingers crossed for you and the girls!
Don’t be cruel !
We are all crushed by that poll, what are we going to do now? I guess we need to just throw in the towel and accept Donald as our next president. I’m thinking that the gop is also going to gain enough seats to have supermajorities in both houses.
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: It makes sense to me. The epee is the heaviest weapon and in rewards the strategic fencer. Foil is for the precise. Sabre for the fast and aggressive. Epee for the thinkers.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Katana? Claymore? Axe, axe, who’s got the axe?
Gin & Tonic
@Mike E: He won gold in both Rome and Tokyo. In Rome he was a very last-minute addition to the Ethiopian team, replacing someone who fell ill, and had really no international competitive experience. The race was run in the late afternoon or evening, and he ran barefoot because Adidas didn’t have shoes that fit him.
In Tokyo he was the returning gold medalist, having also won other international marathons, so was the clear favorite — but he won by over four minutes, not appearing to be at all tired. I guess the appendectomy ha’d had a month and a half before the competition didn’t affect him.
I don’t know if u are still on line but if you still feel it tomorrow am go to urgent care. Till then try pushing it down with some bread and water. Sleep with a couple of pillows if uncomfortable I your usual position. My 2 cents anyway as a nurse
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: There are three weapons in Olympic fencing. Foil, epee, and sabre. Battlefield may be be different. And fuck ’em, the gunners could wipe them all out.
@Adam L Silverman: I’d rather have a naginata. My reach would definitely exceed my grasp.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I was kidding. I actually did some fencing as a kid back before I started doing martial arts – not that fencing isn’t, its just not usually classified that way.
Adam L Silverman
@Emma: I was wondering if anyone would recommend one of those. Nothing like a katana attached to a long pole. For when you just have to cut someone’s do (ribs) from across the room!
@Omnes Omnibus:
And then, there’s this school of thought…
@srv: I notice you didn’t have the guts to show up around here when it was 8.
Does anyone know the name of the song they played when Brazil came in? I know I’ve heard it many times, don’t know if I’ve ever known the name.
Omnes Omnibus
They do an hour delay and then exceed prime time? Assholes.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Has Bob Costas been on yet to regale us with something?
@Mike J:
Tape delayed for the west coast. This is why I am hostile to the east coast media over lords. Olympics in Japan – west coast only saw east coast left overs. CBC was showing the Olympics live. Very little of the stupid filler.
Way back in the good old days we could get CBC – their coverage of the Olympics was superior to the crap NBC was showing.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: I watched an episode of the British Baking Show and one of Inspector Gently before tuning in.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I saw the British Baking Show before tuning in as well.
Calming Influence
@Chris: Cole probably has a one of his DIY medical procedures (e.g. pop a dislocated shoulder back in using a door knob) but a “pill stuck in throat” procedure would probably involve un-bending a coat hanger, so you might want to seek advice somewhere less, um, rustic…?
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: One has to do what one has to do.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Very true. I’m now trying (as in so far, 1/2 an hour in its a wee bit disjointed) to watch Man-Thing.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: What channel?
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: El Rey Network. It was done for SyFy back several years ago. Adapted from the Marvel comic book.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Shit. i don’t have El Rey.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Too bad. Lot of good stuff on it if you like the old Shaw Brother’s kung fu movies and things like that. In this case you’re not missing anything. This movie is terrible!
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Ryan, McCain, and Ayotte.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Perhaps it was McKinley from a front porch in Cleveland?
Amir Khalid
@Adam L Silverman:
I see that nowhere is it mentioned that Donald is studying up on domestic or foreign policy issues, on the President’s constitutional duties and powers, or on anything else that might be relevant to being the President. No meetings with advisers re campaign strategy, no calls to state campaign staff to hear how things are going on the ground. I am not surprised.
Adam L Silverman
@Amir Khalid: He announced a team of economic advisors today. They’re all white guys. Most of them are named Steve.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Exactly my point. I reckon by Sunday he’ll have, without necessarily realizing it, walked back on at least two of them.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Yep. Anyone who thinks Stephen Moore is someone to be listened to should not be allowed anywhere near economic policy.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: For some reason I was recalling epee as being in-between sabre and foil. Now I get it.
Uncle Cosmo
@srv: We had hoped you’d made the world a better place by deleting your life. Sad!
@WaterGirl: Vitamin C, a.k.a. ascorbic acid.