Virginia native Ginny Thrasher, 19, shoots her way to first U.S. gold medal in Rio
— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) August 6, 2016
GIRLS RULE THE WORLD. Or at least the Olympics.
There are some pretty awe-inspiring stories this year. From the Washington Post, “Ten athletes representing 60 million people”:
… For the first time, a refugee team will compete at an Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. It will comprise those two Syrian swimmers, an Ethiopian marathoner, two Congolese judokas and five South Sudanese middle-distance runners. They will represent more than 60 million refugees across the world, the highest total since World War II, according to the U.N. Refugee Agency. They will provide a human story to a worldwide crisis. They will walk into Maracana Stadium during the Opening Ceremonies on Friday night under the same flag not as victims but as competitors.
“When they march into that stadium, there are 60 million people marching right behind them,” U.N. Foundation spokesman Aaron Sherinian said. “And the world needs to acknowledge those 60 million people.”
The International Olympic Committee formed the team with the assistance of the United Nations. It identified an original list of 43 candidates to make the team, a process that included a tryout camp at a Kenyan refugee camp. The IOC winnowed the list to 10 based on the status and ability level of the athletes…
[Yusra] Mardini escaped Syria on a small motorboat from Turkey, bound for Greece. The motor failed on the way, and she leaped out and, with another passenger, pushed the boat while swimming. Her body felt empty by the end, but she made it safely to the island of Lesbos. She does not look back on the journey as traumatic. It is, for her, an accomplishment: Sports saved her life.“I remember that without swimming, I would never be alive,” Mardini said. “It’s a positive memory for me.”…
Ibtihaj Muhammad is the 1st Muslim woman in a hijab to represent Team USA.
— Morning Edition (@MorningEdition) August 5, 2016
I am out of shape.
hey, if americans know anything it’s how to shoot at things. and sometimes we hit them!
(okay, I have absolutely no prior knowledge of Ms. Thrasher or her sport. Doesn’t matter – tribalism uber alles)
I on the other hand have the body of a 28 year old
pickup truck
alternate punchline
I keep it in a tub of formaldehyde in my basement.
Congrats on her Gold…
but of course da grifter Sarah Palin can ruin anything…
@Schlemazel: rofl. :-)
As someone with a cute niece…I love this
@IbtihajMuhammad Aug 4
Happy birthday to my niece Li! #TeamUSA’s smallest fan ??
Definitely not your dad’s Red Ryder. She won’t be shootin’ her eye out.
it’s an air rifle, sarah.
Omnes Omnibus
Vietnam earned their first Gold in any sport ever today. In air pistol.
Omnes Omnibus
@shomi: You are an idiot.
@Omnes Omnibus: I blame Obama.
@lamh36: I’d think that tweet was fake, but only Sarah herself would think to punctuate it that way, so yeah, it must be genuine.
Her great achievement will inspire many women to join the shooting sports.
Honest to god, I’m not making a joke when I say that as the page was loading my eyes landed on the word “shoots” first, and I thought, “Jesus, not another one!”
Omnes Omnibus
@srv: So?
@srv: Idiot.
@efgoldman: naw…I ignore it too. But Sarah sure does have a way of just finding the ugly way to put the simplest things don’t she
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Too many notes.
I’m off to bed. Got an early morning at work tomorrow.
But first, #OlympicConfessions
I prefer regular volleyball over beach volleyball.
Discuss… :-)
Good night.
This is what happens when foreigners take over Americas great companies:
Next you’ll have to speak French to order coffee.
Lizzy L
@shomi: Bored now. Go away.
Lizzy L
@lamh36: Me too. High five!
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I feel kind of bad dumping on everybody’s good time, but I wonder how much longer the Olympics are going to go on. It’s a huge scam. All these cities in countries all over the world throw themselves at this shitbag committee, and pretty much have to buy them off to get the “honor” of spending billions of dollars that could otherwise go toward their own people’s welfare to build all kinds of shit the committee demands, that, when the Olympics are over, will just sit there and rot away.
And then there’s all the cheating, which the committee talks a good game about stopping, but then they just let it go on. I can’t understand why anybody gives these assholes (the people who run the Olympics, not the people who play in them) any benefit or the doubt any longer. I don’t really follow this all that carefully, but I swear, a year after each Olympics ends, there are all kinds of stories in the news about bribery and corruption. I don’t know. I guess Britain or Norway or South Korea or Spain or Canada or the U.S. can maybe afford to throw money away like that. But Brazil? Greece? It’s a scam, and it pisses me off that people take it seriously as anything other than a huge scam.
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: I don’t care for either. If I were going to watch any form, it would be women’s beach for impure reasons.
you remind me of a young donald trump.
@shomi: @Lizzy L: Durfs gotta Durf.
@shomi: Christ almighty, you’re what, 7 years old?
Corner Stone
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Get over yourself.
@srv: You drink that sick panther piss? It figures.
More of a young Wally Ziff really
Corner Stone
If Cole would potentially agree your viewpoint is true…and he’s always wrong by your repeated account…doesn’t that negate claiming him as some kind of backup or validity for your statement?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Ted Nugent still does concerts? who knew?
Omnes Omnibus
@shomi: Cole lives in West Virginia. Why should I accept him as an authority on Virginia?
ThresherK (GPad)
@efgoldman: They’ve caught up with FIFA? Wait until Qatar.
Unfortunately the game of “top this” doesn’t ever stop with those two.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): Because of the athletes. That’s what it’s about. These people have worked their asses off to get there and compete. They’re the best of the best at what they do. It can be very thrilling to watch.
Amir Khalid
You should really be working on those emails to John Cole.
Corner Stone
@Emma: Sex Panther. 60% of the time, it works every time.
John Revolta
@srv: What, did the Belgians invade St. Louis and take over Pisswater Prime by force? Musta missed that.
@Corner Stone: Budweiser couldn’t give a mouse a boner. And now, in contemplating that sentence, it is brought to my attention that the pills are working. Night, all!
@efgoldman: Love the Lovecraft reference. Perfect.
Omnes Omnibus
Corner Stone
@srv: I am not sure where the additional interest by women in the shooting sports is a problem?
Amir Khalid
In some of the fancier coffee shops, this has already happened.
Well yes she’s got a gun, but she uses for target practice, not living things, for fun. Unlike Uday and Qusay. Hunting for food is fine by me, but shooting animals for fun is sick.
IT HAS HAPPENED ALREADY!!!1! I have to speak Italian to get a cup of coffee! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!!!11!
Breve, latte, espresso, . . . americano fer cripes sake.
plus the pedophile is not much of an American so the shitty American beer made by a SA company is not out much
John Revolta
@different-church-lady: Shoots, guns and wins, leaves.
Omnes Omnibus
@Schlemazel: Cafe au lait.
Corner Stone
Not to be indelicate…but, ummm…
J R in WV
West “By Gawd” Virginia. We seceded from Virginia after they seceded from the US.
And the shooter is on the WVU rifle team, and won NCAA individual championships in both small bore rifle and air rifle, while helping the team to their fourth consecutive NCAA championship, and 18th total. Nothing beats native talent. Probably helps that she didn’t have to unlearn bad habits… like I would.
I tell you, last night in the opening ceremonies, when this team walked into the stadium, the whole place went crazy. Standing ovation. And they were 2nd to last, so people were really tired of clapping & cheering, but the stadium lit up with a prolonged bout of cheers. The refugee athletes seemed quite surprised, but pleased. I admit, I got a little teary. It seems more like what the Olympics should be about – sport & competition, not which country gets the most medals.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Some people like good coffee.
No palatable coffee.
@shomi: that doesn’t mean every single person from there is an NRA supporter.
You seem to be here tonight to pick a fight. Why? You started out here mildly out of step with most of us and have been getting progressively more pouty. You need to learn to let things go when people don’t agree with you. It happens a lot to everybody on this planet and it’s just impossible for very many people to really agree. You can wander on and maybe find some people more in tune with you. You can hang around and learn to think clearer and make a more persuasive argument, or you can waste everyone’s time including your own, being irritating but pointless.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
@shomi: This clown doesn’t know that Virginia and West Virginia are two different states…
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: I go to indie places, because I am like that.
Corner Stone
Oh, yeah.
Anyone who has ever tried to play two person sand volleyball on a competitive level knows that indoor team volleyball is a poor shadow as substitute.
Omnes Omnibus
@shomi: If you want to bitch about the idiocy of everyone here, you may want to avoid it on your own side. Dumbass.
@Corner Stone: But you could say the same thing about two person sand hockey, or two person sand basketball.
Corner Stone
@Gvg: You spent eight sentences when one would have done.
@Omnes Omnibus: The internet comment version of “GET A BRAIN, MORANS!”
No Dumpin Donuts around here and I never go to that fish place. I have owned my own espresso machine for 30+ years and hanging around places that sell those things while the fish place was just a bad dream of burning beans
Corner Stone
@different-church-lady: I could. There’s possibly something to the fact that I did not.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
shomi used to go by “Tim” and “spatula” no? does portraits in macaroni, or something?
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
making him a true Wally Ziff
ThresherK (GPad)
@efgoldman: Isn’t Honey Dew Donuts more RealAmurka than Dunkin?
(Remember, I am a Nutmegger but I married a Woostah girl.)
@Corner Stone: I mean: two person sand accounting. Why?
@efgoldman: Aw man, I was in Denver last week and there’s only like 5 Dunks in the entire city and non-convenient. Such suffering!
I had to go to Starbucks twice. :(
@ThresherK (GPad): Honey Dew only exists because the line’s too long at Dunks.
J R in WV
And am I the only person in the world that thinks Trump must be totally bonkers insane to question Hillary Clinton’s mental stability?
Can’t be!
He is truly unable to accept criticism without responding, even if his response is doomed to worsen the original criticism by far. He should be told to shut up about mental issues, stability, even-tempered nature, everything. What am I saying? He has been told, and cannot do it at all.
Amazing to see a personality disintegrate right out in public, in front of everyone. A little bit sad, if he weren’t so toxic a person. As it is, all we can do is repeat the sage: “Please continue…!”
Omnes Omnibus
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: No, it is a different troll. It was Fred and Derf. It exists primarily to say Cole and, to a lesser extent, DougJ are doing it it wrong. Lately, it has expanded its ire to the commenters. It lacks critical reading skills.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
¿Quién és Wally Ziff?
Corner Stone
Walsh Jennings is stuffing that noise like a T-giving turkey.
Corner Stone
@different-church-lady: I can only imagine this means something relevant to you. It has escaped me.
ThresherK (GPad)
@redshirt: The niche market. I don’t miss being near them, paticularly.
But if you don’t think much of that place, it’s a step up from the Whole Donut.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Nobody A never was that never will be. Forgotten before he was remembered. Less than a zero. Non-entity. Not even a rumor of a hint of a shadow.
(Apologies for the duplicate – I posted this on the wrong thread initially).
My best friend from childhood came from a family of competitive shooters. One sister was the co-captain of the East Tennessee State rifle team in the 1970’s and won an individual national championship.
They grew up in Fairfax County, just like Ms. Thrasher. Even back then, competitive shooting was a specialized sport, and women participated.
@ThresherK (GPad): It’s interesting how Krispy Kreme never enters these conversations. I remember when they tried entering the NE market and got pushed right out.
OT but too, too….something not to make a comment.
When traveling on vacation, one phone call you do not want to receive is one from the person watering plants and feeding the cat that begins “hey, where is the shutoff valve for the water supply?”
Double shit.
1. The first I heard about the woman winning the shooting medal was a right-wing link in my feed about “internet gun-grabber harrassment” or something like that. I guess you can always find something.
2. As for “mental stability”, the “new” angle now making the rounds seems to be “Hillary is crabby and ill-tempered, and here’s an anecdote where she cussed at an employee and do you really want this person running your country?”. TBH, I think this was actually the original angle to begin with. There seems to be something about Hillary’s manner–maybe her voice–that makes the less charitable among us expect her to be that way. But somehow I don’t think that’s how we should be making decisions about who should be President of the United States.
They were hot as hell here for about an hour and a half. I never found them to be anything special but there were lines out the doors. They are all gone now, Apparently after the excitement died down people noticed they were no big deal.
Major Major Major Major
Well I was going to read an article on race in Steven Universe, and then I got to this part of the preamble (it had a preamble)
ThresherK (GPad)
@redshirt: And yet Dunkin had by that time, IIRC, stopped making donuts in the stores. No more of those famous adverts.
Not sure if the Krispy Kreme in the Mohegan Palace (wink) still exists. That’s as touristy as my state gets.
Omnes Omnibus
I spent most of my formative years in northern Illinois and Wisconsin. Her voice sounds just like the teachers I had and the mom’s of my friends (age differential). She sounds perfectly normal. If people complain about her voice and intonation, they are looking for an excuse.
Can’t wait for Lexi and Bubba to bring home the gold in Golf.
Omnes Omnibus
@Omnes Omnibus: There should be no apostrophe in moms.
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, when somebody complains about her voice it’s really more a statement about the complainer than about her voice.
@efgoldman: Yet Dunkie’s is in decline in Canada, where Mr. Horton is King.
Just read that in Wikipedia. NAFTA has its limits, I guess.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
Noted. If you don’t like it, don’t watch.
Amir Khalid
Dunkin Donuts has been in Malaysia for 29 years, Krispy Kreme for less than five. The two brands sell similarly mediocre donuts — little if any difference in looks or taste or variety. The former’s outlets have been around longer; some of them look a bit shabby and could do with some updating.
@efgoldman: I had a (relatively) local Tim Hortons that went out of business beginning of the year. I don’t see how they could compete with 5 surrounding Dunks.
@Amir Khalid: I suspect the donuts are not even the second most important item in the stores. I assume coffee is number 1 with breakfast sandwiches being 2.
There’s line between simple ignorance and going out of your way to be a dick, and you just crossed it.
@ThresherK (GPad): The “Time to make the Donuts” ad campaign? I thought that ended because the actor died. Could be wrong.
You brought back a wonderful memory though – walking home late late night from some party in college past the Dunks and the smell of the cooking donuts filled the air. Like quivers of sugar.
Dunkin will never have more than a tenuous foothold in SoCal. The local chains, DK and Yum Yum, actually know how to make donuts.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.): That particular clown doesn’t know jack from shit. Hardly stops it from constantly embarrassing itself, though.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: No, I believe “shomi” was once upon a time Fred, then Derf, then many other pseudonyms ad nauseum, as often as the ban hammer demanded.
Great. I’m sure she’ll inspire lots of Americans to pick up guns.
@Amir Khalid:
Nice to see you made it back from Cloud Nine in one piece.
It was only a friendly, but your boys look ready for the new season.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I find these number staggering (HRC up 8 overall)
So on the first day after the opening ceremony, the USA wins a medals in shootin. Before it’s over, we will win medals in track & field, swimming, and equestrian events, and will likely win medals in fencing. And yet, we haven’t won a medal in modern pentathlon since Sydney. Go figure.
I am not a big coffee person, but I can tell you that Winchell’s has better donuts than Dunkin and Krispy Kreme combined.
But, then, we have artisanal donuts out in these here parts.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: Are you suggesting something? I’ve become tired of insinuation. Just fucking say it. And find someone who can do well at all five.
Major Major Major Major
@burnspbesq: I uh kind of think you answered your own unstated question there.
I actually used to train up in Colorado Springs with (adjacent to) the fencing squad. One of the issues, then anyway, was that our pentathletes were crap on horseback.
@Mnemosyne: I’ll never be able to prove it, of course, but I had the best donut in the HISTORY OF THE WORLD at an apple orchard. They took it right out of the oil, blotted it, then served it in a paper wrapper. It was like sugar as air, it was concrete yet abstract, solid but melted on the tongue on contact. I’ve never had a donut even remotely close to this one.
@Major Major Major Major: What were you training for?
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: Stabbin’ folks. With, um, blunted swords, of course.
(Coach overlap.)
@Major Major Major Major: Were you trying for the olympics?
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: The junior olympics, a couple times, otherwise college div 1. There’s only like four epee coaches west of the Mississippi that are any good, so they tend to end up in CO over the summers.
@Major Major Major Major: Cool! Has fencing translated into your normal life in any way?
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: The footwork is surprisingly useful, actually, for martial arts or more generally being properly grounded when I get startled.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: You should be crushed like a melon by M^4 because you are being an asshole.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
@Major Major Major Major: I could see that. Footwork in general translates to all kinds of activities. I heard how playing tennis in high school helped several current MLB players with their footwork.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: That tends to be true during most conversations.
@Omnes Omnibus: What’s your new catchphrase? Whatevs?
pseudonymous in nc
I loved this photo of the most Americanly-named Virginia Thrasher.
@Omnes Omnibus: Goodness, friend, who put the quarter in your belligerence meter today?
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: You have been a complete asshole. Deal.
pseudonymous in nc
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.):
As I said last night, a friend of mine was pretty highly involved with the London 2012 Games — for seven years, ending a few days after the closing ceremony — and his attitude is that the concept and experience — for the competitors and for the host city during the Games — remains too good and too valuable for even the IOC to fuck it up. It would be so nice if the IOC were not shit, and it would be nice if the legacy stuff were better considered, but that’s where we are.
I think Americans are more sour on it because they have the NBC vaseline-lens experience which is frankly like the fucking Lawrence Welk Show — something from the mid-80s that is frozen and never will be updated for the current era. Other countries’ broadcasts are much more tapped into the way that for people who you’ve never heard of from countries you’ll never visit, there’s one day that caps a lifetime’s work.
@Omnes Omnibus: Have you confused me with someone else? Are you having a stroke? Reply in Morse Code if necessary.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: You wanted to be an ass about a “minor sport”. Congrats. You did it.
@Omnes Omnibus: Again. No idea what you’re going on about. Maybe you should consider you’ve got anger issues. And why in the world are you stepping in to someone else’s conversation?
Go to bed.
Major Major Major Major
I’m so confused.
@Major Major Major Major: As am I. I was sincerely interested in what you were training for in Colorado Springs. Fencing’s a cool sport. Then Omnes decided to pass Judgment…..
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: Frankly if that’s you being an ass about fencing, we need more of it. That’s more than most people think about fencing all year, except during the olympics, when they wonder why it isn’t on TV.
@redshirt: We just got back from a Road Trip to New England and the Maritimes. IMHO Tim Horton’s kicks the hell out of Dunkins. But neither holds a candle to Maple Donuts. York PA represent!
Motto: A balanced diet is a donut in each hand.
@Major Major Major Major: Your tying it to martial arts peaked my interest because I have a martial arts background and then dabbled in Kendo as a way to diversify. Kendo seems to have more real life applications then fencing too, but the concepts seem the same (in general).
I was on the fencing team at Illinois my freshman year. We won the Big Ten, but I never got to compete. Then in my sophomore year, I was asked to be team manager. The team manager was the guy who handled the equipment. That made me decide that my future wasn’t in fencing and that I needed to spend the time on classes.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: W’evs. Okay. You win. Here, Okay?
@frosty: How many divisions does Maple Donuts have? ;)
And what was better at Tim Hortons? The coffee? The donuts? Everything? I, too, have been to Tim Hortons in Canada, and while it’s certainly fine, serviceable, I don’t see how it competes against Dunks.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: Kendo is more like sabre fencing, I think, which shouldn’t be that surprising, but yeah, in general I believe they’re quite similar. I always wanted to try Kendo but never got around to it.
@Omnes Omnibus: No. You were so off base here, so eager to attack over nothing, it revealed quite a bit about you I think. Specifically your judgment. Not good. Sad! Actually.
@Major Major Major Major: Kendo is more than just the fighting, like most martial arts, it tries to structure a proper way of life out of the activity. So tradition is huge, honor, etc. I don’t know if fencing has anything like that.
How competitive is college fencing? Is there a robust level of competition? I’m completely clueless.
@redshirt: I’m kinda unimpressed with any fast food coffee, but maybe it’s just me. Any donut place beats McD’s, definitely. We had Horton’s breakfast sammiches, danish, and donuts, and liked them. For me, Dunkin is serviceable and any local place will do better. YMMofcourseV.
ETA: Almost as few divisions as the Pope. 5 stores and that’s it.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: College fencing’s important in the northeast, not so much elsewhere.
I don’t think I’d call it a martial art, it’s more of a sport. There’s certainly not philosophy, other than the pointy end goes in the other man.
@frosty: I haven’t spent a red cent at a McD’s in over 20 years but from what I’ve gathered through news, ads, friends, and some donations, they’ve seemed to up their coffee game big time recently.
And yeah, Dunks is nothing special per se. But that’s not what it’s about. It’s about dependability. Large coffees. Easy lingo. Low prices. And numerous locations. Quality is well back on the list.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: Their coffee is unobjectionable.
Keep in mind that this is coming from somebody who ‘eats’ Soylent for lunch a nonzero number of times per week.
@Major Major Major Major: Why were people training for fencing in CS, then? Does altitude give a training advantage (other than the default cardio)?
@Major Major Major Major: Literally? That food product called Soylent? If so, I hate to inform you that it’s a horrible racket.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: It’s foodlike. I don’t subsist on it.
Training at elevation gives you a similar result to blood doping. You carry more oxygen around for a period of time after you return to sea level.
@danielx: oh dear, that doesn’t sound good. I’m a house sitter/dog and cat sitter and believe me, I do my best but I always have a background awareness of all the things that can go wrong. I’m on the left coast so there’s always the possibility of earthquakes, but honestly, I don’t always know where all of the shutoff valves and stuff are, or where emergency supplies are kept (if there are any). I get all the vet info and where the kitty transport crates are, but I really need to double down on emergency preparedness. And also to continue to be conscious about not doing dumb stuff that messes up your house.
Anyway….good luck. Hope it’s not a serious or expensive disaster.
@Major Major Major Major: Isn’t Soylent really expensive? Why are you choosing it over some alternate easy calorie source?
And by that logic of blood doping, all sports training should be done at elevation in CO or similar location, yes? Or is that already so, Olympics wise?
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: Soylent is about $3 for 400 calories.
The US has a huge olympic training center in Colorado Springs.
@Major Major Major Major: I know, but you make it seem like the advantage is so great every sport must train there. I mean, does fencing training really gain an advantage by training at high altitude? Yes, I get the cardio part, but any Olympic athlete in any sport is going to be well trained. If running is part of their game they’ll be fantastic runners – the system guarantees this. Does a fencer who trained in New Orleans really suffer that much a disadvantage – if any – to a fencer trained at Boulder?
@Omnes Omnibus: @Omnes Omnibus: I don’t think redshirt is the one being an asshole.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: They train lots of sports there.
And to think she hails from what John McCain’s brother called communist country during the ’08 campaign.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: If you’ve spent much time at altitude you’ll know the feeling. Keep in mind we’re talking about fractions of a second here.
@mikefromArlington: Fairfax County? The place where the term “Beltway Bandit” for defense contractors originated?
@mikefromArlington: …and also only 5 miles where his brother once again gaffed by calling 911 to report traffic over the Wilson Bridge that he was stuck in!
@divF: Might be. Unless she’s from another Springfield
@mikefromArlington: Nope. Springfield, VA according to the news reports.
I was a defence contractor there as well. Lived inside the beltway and avoided the betlway as much as possible
@mikefromArlington: I grew up in Fairfax Co. in the 1960’s, and have watched the explosive growth. It has gotten to the point where I don’t even try to drive when i come to town on business – I just take Metro.
I lived at the corner of King Street and 395, in a neighbourhood called Fairlington. Was nice…
Matt McIrvin
@divF: I grew up in Chantilly, at the west end of the county near Dulles Airport, and it was a deeply conservative Republican neighborhood for most of that time, thanks to those defense contractors, and a lot of people who just identified as white Southerners (it was mostly rural when we moved in, and the culture ran about 50-50 South/non-South).
It’s not like that any more: the Beltway Bandits are still there, but it turned into urban sprawl and there was also a massive influx of immigrants, who vote Democratic in the usual coalition with highly educated professionals.