Zeke Miller making Ron Fournier look like Paul Krugman.
These idiots will be screaming “both sides do it” as Trump drags them to the gulag.
by DougJ| 133 Comments
This post is in: Our Awesome Meritocracy, Our Failed Media Experiment, Our Failed Political Establishment
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Iowa Old Lady
Someone posted this on my FB feed.
Is there an actual reason to hate the Orlando dad?
Jeff Spender
Appalling. Just appalling. Not just Trump, but these fucks. I’m so sick of this.
And who’s Zeke Miller?
I guess he likes the Taliban
@Baud: Fanning bigotry fear and hate for cheap political points is not an ‘actual reason’?
Sometimes I just can’t figure what this Baud person is talking about.
The Dangerman
I don’t get the freakout over the Father. he didn’t shoot up the place. If he had any complicity, his ass would be in jail. He isn’t so what’s the problem?
@Doug!: Does he really, or is that wingnut reality?
@Doug!: He’s anti-gay also. Sounds like a repub plant, just sayin!
Zell Miller’s identical twin?
@jl: Baud! was all about love.
Love for Baud! But still love.
jake the antisoshul soshulist
Who is Hillary supposed to disavow?
I know the wingnuts have come up with some slander about the Muslim parents like they did about the clock kid’s family.
@Doug!: I think that is true, I’ve read that the Orlando shooters dad has written favorable things about the Taliban, and he is a puritanical conservative Muslim. But the Taliban is a very broad and poorly defined group, not the same as al-Qaeda or ISIL.
Huh. Politico, of all places, appears to be avoiding the “both sides do it” nonsense:
> Trump’s loaded words fuel campaign freefall
>Barely 24 hours after Donald Trump delivered a speech intended to reset his staggering presidential campaign, his off-the-cuff suggestion that people resort to violence against his opponent has him right back in the ditch.
@Iowa Old Lady: hmmm. I assume this one must spend at least a little time on the water (instead of 24/7 at the range) as he can apparently recognize an anchor when it pursues him. Remembers critical bits of his boy scout knot untying badge too.
If that lot breaks out into infighting, I’ll need to invent an entirely new addictive snack food.
@The Dangerman: I guess punishing the relatives is now in vogue. I blame Trump.
@Baud: “All you need is Baud”.
I guess Clinton was supposed to incite other attendees at the rally to beat the man up.
@Iowa Old Lady: Is that the same Bob Owens who ran the Confederate Yankee blog?
You can be anti-gay and love the Taliban and still not want your son to be a mass murderer. Assuming he’s not totally nuts (which is certainly possible), he may feel bad that his son would commit such a horrible crime.
Mary G
He worked at Business Insider until Buzzfeed hired him then Time poached him. He has a big Twitter following. Nature abhors a vacuum so I guess he’s been appointed the new Fournier.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Baud! is all you need!
Didn’t dad just attend an event open to the public? What’s Clinton supposed to do, vet every audience member? Like to see that standard applied to Trump.
The Taliban is the Pashtun equivalant of Hezbollah or Hamas. They have a standing force and can disrupt the government of Afghanistan (and to a lesser extent Pakistan). The Taliban also provides social and religious services to the Pashtun areas that too often recieve nothing from the central governments. It is only because we refuse to see naunce and shades of grey that most people in the United States see them as Al-Qaeda.
@Mary G:
Reason #5693 I avoid Twitter.
@Baud: Newsweek’s chief political reporter
And you know, as George HW Bush famously said, nothing happens in August.
This campaign is starting to depress the shit out of me. If there were any person in this world whom Deadbeat Donnie respected, one would hope that person would go to Shitgibbon and say “What the fuck is WRONG WITH YOU?”
Of course, the only person Deadbeat appears to have respected, ever, was that sterling example of all that is good in Humanity, Roy Cohn. Who, thankfully, is still just as dead as el Generalissimo, Dead Andy Breitbart, and Fat Nino.
I just hope I get a unicorn out of all this. (Where Unicorn = Dem controlled House, filibuster-proof Dem majority in the Sen, and President Hillary. And Mitch McConnell tried for sedition.)
Mike E
@Baud: Baud trumps Bad!
Miss Bianca
@?BillinGlendaleCA: @Baud: Baud! is the answer.
@WereBear: The rate at which “nothing” is happening this August is giving me incipient whiplash.
@TK: Yes, should recognize and throw out anyone that anyone else finds objectionable. Clinton rules always apply to a Clinton. By definition. QED.
@cokane: Jesus Christ. That’s horrible.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@Baud: Our very own Magical Mystery Baud!
Mike E
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Have you heard? The word is baud
@Miss Bianca:
What’s the question?
Well, the Taliban are also repressive assholes who were publicly executing rule-breaking women in soccer stadiums when they were in charge of Afghanistan, but, again, they’re usually not committing outside acts of terrorism, just terrorizing people within their immediate control. Like Opus Dei Catholics vs the IRA.
@Baud: ya tbh it’s disappointing, i havent followed his twitter, but his stories mostly seemed just fine, going after Mateen’s father in that tweet is just absurdly offensive? Unless I missed some reason he was culpable in that shooting?
Never mind. Asked and answered.
@SFAW: …still just as dead as el Generalissimo, Dead Andy Breitbart, and Fat Nino. Massive snort!
Mary G
@cokane: Zeke is at Time Magazine now. They are trying to reach out to young Republicans, if there were any.
What do you get when you multiply six by nine?
Iowa Old Lady
@hellslittlestangel: I don’t know, but it’s possible. My niece posted the quote and her husband is big into Civil War re-enactment. He’s a docent at Gettysburg as a hobby.
Miss Bianca
Another great Tweet storm on the subject:
Any news outlet trying to dismiss this as a “joke” needs to get its shit together. Violent “humor” against women isn’t funny. Ever.
Hunter Gathers
Trump could start advocating for cannibalism and Clinton will be deemed just as bad for not eating a Philly cheesesteak correctly.
@Hunter Gathers: A fork and knife?!
Miss Bianca
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Many interesting questions.
I thought that was Andy Card, one of W’s minions, talking about not “rolling out a product” (i.e. the campaign to ‘sell’ the Iraq War) before Labor Day.
Jesus I hate these people
@SFAW: Nor is there anyone who respects Little Gloves, or even likes him. He’s got sycophants, creditors, and that pack of shit-head offspring who expect to inherit his estate — nothing else.
Welcome to Silly Season, where a death incitement is the equivalent of the father of a mass murderer with no connection to Hillary Rodham Clinton or the Clinton campaign showing up at a political rally open to the public according to our horserace narrative addicted media.
Roger Moore
It had better have 0 calories, because we aren’t going to be able to stop eating it.
sorry, 6 by 7 = 42
too also, baud is baud is
. . . . . . ^ ^ ^ . . . . . have to picture that in a circle
@Iowa Old Lady: Confederate Yankee wasn’t a Civil War fan blog. It was more of a kill-the-wogs blog.
All minus-$3 Billion of it.
I hope.
Hunter Gathers
@Baud: She’ll make the mistake of not getting cheeze whiz on it, and Wolf Blitzer will claim she’s Not A Woman of the People, unlike Trump, who eats his corpses with cheese from a can, like Real Americans. He’ll be like Doctor Lecter, without the manners or good taste.
Temporarily Max McGee (Soon Enough to Be Andy K Again)
Baud will take you to Hell and halfway back, then he’ll turn around, drive back to Hell and shove you out of the car.
You deserve it. You deserve Baud. You know it’s true.
Baud! Because 2016 means NOW.
@Baud: Baud! Baud! Baud of the jungle strong as he can be! Watch out for that tree!
Trump’s Disavow List:
@srv: You are criticizing Cole for being consistent?
It also was a blegging blog after a storm knocked over his bbq grill he showed a picture & asked for donations to replace it . . . seriously! AKA “gun counter gomer” and “treason in defense of slavery”
You need to work on your advance theological math skills.
[Note: Originally, I was going to bust your cultural (il)literacy something fierce, but then realized that 42 had not been mentioned in this thread. I mean, you’re still wrong, but at least you’re aware of all Innertubez something something.]
@srv: She did not advocate killing anyone, you dolt.
@Miss Bianca: It’s not just violence against women that puts it over the line. It’s normalizing, suggesting, inciting violence against those you are in conflict with. Of any of the nine hundred and ninety-nine genders. Is this part of his secret deal-making strategies he promised the punters at Trump U? Certainly puts “You’re Fired!” as a go-to business skill in a whole new light.
@Schlemazel: I was told there wouldn’t be math.
@Hunter Gathers: That Cheesesteak better have Provolone on it.
Peawit that srv is of course he isn’t – he just isn’t smart enough to know that is exactly what he did. In his mind he thinks this makes Cole look bad. Room temp IQ, but not in August, room temp in March, in Duluth MN,
Its the question of ‘life, the universe and everything’ to which the answer is 42
@SFAW: The number of canine souvenirs Cole picks up every week.
Republicans across the country must have let out a collective OH SHIT as soon as Trump opened his mouth.
I don’t get how people can be parsing what Trump meant or what his intent was. I know how my heart and stomach reacted when I heard him say it. What isn’t debatable, imo, is what so many rabid Trump supporters and other people two bricks shy of a load heard. He knew he was inciting and he didn’t care.
@Baud: yes, but you can’t count on that.
Uncle Cosmo
@srv: Fuck off & die, shitstain!
No shit.
James E Powell
It’s a bit more than that.
Gotta say Warren’s tweet is pretty spot-on though. Trump’s rhetoric is very standard fearful bully behavior.
@Baud: You were lied to.
It’s interesting to read British history and realize that gin-drinking was the crack epidemic of the 18th and 19th centuries. I don’t know if it used to be stronger, or if it was just the first easily available and cheap hard liquor, or what.
ETA: Yes, yes, I recognize the quote. The gin reference just sent me off in a different direction.
@Hunter Gathers: That is just perfectly horribly perfect.
Mike E
@Schlemazel: but but, iirc the question was what do you get when you multiply 6 by 8…Douglas Adams was proving a point about the accuracy of theological maths, right?
But apparently she was descending to Trump’s level, according to “Trip Gabriel”
CNN horse’s ass Erin Burnett said Warren’s tweet is one more example of this campaign becoming a race to the bottom and CNN doofus Jeff Zeleny said that Warren wasn’t keeping the discourse high minded.
Sadly, no!’s peak moment of zen.
@Mike E:
six by nine, not six by eight
elementary dear Watson
@hilts: Which is why I never ever watch CNN unless Godzilla has been seen in my neighborhood.
And even then, would they get the origin story right? I doubt it.
As Shakespeare or someone else said: “Fuck them and everybody that looks like them.” (I don’t recall if there was a “forsooth” or “zounds” in there. )
its elementary dear Watson
Trump sock puppet Kayleigh McEnany – What Trump actually meant was that gun rights supporters should simply file amicus briefs.
Whatever. Did he write that, too?
Keith G
@Mnemosyne: Part of the issue is that there was no regulation. Gin, like vodka, is easy to make, so over supply made it very cheap. Cheap enough that kids could easily afford it. Of course, those kids were working.
Some CNN hosts are becoming as repulsive as their Fox News counterparts.
Oh. I get it now. Hilarious! Donald Trump’s sense of humor has no bounds. Amicus briefs! Haha!
Seriously, for someone who courageously “tells it like it is”, he’s certainly doing a lot of flip-flopping in a very short period of time.
@SFAW: Sixty four forty or fight!
@hilts: Being taunted by a female is as traumatic to the tender male ego as physically bleeding out is to uppity wimminz and their sportsmoney- and gun-grabbing ways.
U.S. headlines:
Overseas headlines:
See the difference?
True story: I never learned to multiply 8s properly because the “Schoolhouse Rock” episode with 8s had ice skaters falling through the ice, and it scared me so much that I wouldn’t watch that episode, so I never learned that part of the times table.
Thanks, Obama!
@The Dangerman:
Recall that one of Donald Trump’s “policies” is killing the families of terrorist. Ergo….
@Keith G:
And the whole feeding it to babies problem, too. Not that “Gin Lane” is a documentary, of course.
When reading history, one does sometimes wonder how we all made it through to present day given all the stuff that used to routinely kill people.
@Mnemosyne: And shooting 14 year old girls in the head for the crime of attending school. See Malala Yousafza, winner of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize.
@Mnemosyne: Yes, that bit of Schoolhouse Rock managed to make Blossom Dearie sound scary, lol.
The difference is that US news execs are a bunch of bedwetters who don’t have the guts to admit to themselves that Trump is a fucking lunatic.
And fuck MSNBC for airing a special second edition of Hardball at 11pm from now until Election Day. Chris Matthews is a smarmy, repulsive scumbag and a crime against broadcast journalism.
@Mnemosyne: OMG I love that cartoon. Amazing that it’s a contemporary of the solving of cholera.
If you only know false equivalences, truth has neither meaning nor value.
@Plantsmantx: to be fair, non Americans probably don’t get the 2nd amendment reference whereas all of us know what it means and even the different sides, interpretations and some judicial history. 2nd amendment tells us a lot, including which relatives are going to defend Trump’s statement.
It’s still incitement to murder of course.
mike in dc
They should retire him from hosting after the election. He’s 70. I don’t want to watch this crotchety old guy reminisce about Reagan and O’Neill in 2020.
@mike in dc: Oh my God, thats ALL HE DOES. I mean, if I hear one more “Dutch and Tip” story from Sylvester the Spittle Cat, I’m liable to shoot my fucking flatscreen.
Matt McIrvin
@Mnemosyne: The greatest thing about that cartoon is that the actual point is that it’s healthy and wholesome to drink beer all the time instead.
@Mary G: My bad, always mix those two
Matt McIrvin
@Mnemosyne: What upset me were the Sesame Street clips in which the chef with the big tray of desserts would fall down the stairs. “SEVEN! CHOCOLATE CREAM! PIEEES!!!!!” ***SMASH***
@Matt McIrvin:
Exactly. Don’t smoke that crack cocaine, snort it like God intended!
Though IIRC, they brewed most beer at a very low concentration of alcohol in those days, less than 3 percent. I could see that people who are used to near beer who start drinking gin in the same giant tankards could get themselves in trouble really fast.
Not quite contemporary — they’re separated by 100 years. But showing the same neighborhoods.
Matt McIrvin
@Mnemosyne: It’s not that I can’t sympathize: I like a good beer now and then but gin to me is just a nasty-tasting hammer to the brain.
@Mary G:
There are plenty. Just drive down Fraternity Row at any SEC or Big 12 school (yes, including Vandy and Texas).
Sure. Twelve gauge amicus briefs.
@Matt McIrvin:
I don’t like gin by itself, but mix it into a Tom Collins and you have something that sneaks up behind you and whacks you in the head with a hammer.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: as you should, just remember drumpf proposed killing the families of terrorists as a policy position.
Fairbanks, Alaska is not a hill to die on.
@cokane: Newsweek still exists?
Miss Bianca
@Matt McIrvin: “gin to me is just a nasty-tasting hammer to the brain.”
You’re not drinking the right gin. Right now I’m drinking the Treeline Gin from a local distillery, which is Made of Awesome. Very floral, very tasty.
Credenzal Jocularity
NPR informed me that “some people claimed” Trump had suggested violence could maybe stop his opponent from appointing SCJs after she was elected.
Then they uncritically repeated he had actually meant that 2nd Amendmenters were so good at organizing and voting that they could stop a President Clinton from appointing a SCJ because underpants gnomes.
That amicus brief stuff is top shelf. The guys getting paid to create response bullshit should be ashamed.
EDT: comma splice
@Mnemosyne: Then steals your purse. Tried it only once. Jeeesus.
Don’t you have a barbed wire wrapped baseball bat named Lucille to get shoved into your waste disposal orifice right about now?
This is one case where I disagree with the bothsiderism push back. What would be the reaction if Dylan Roof’s family attended a Trump rally? Apply that same standard here.
Omnes Omnibus
@Brandon: WTFF?
@Brandon: Just to add, what would’ve been the Clinton campaign’s reaction if family of a terrorist/mass killer attended an Obama rally in 2008? Everyone saw what they did with Reverend Wright. I think it is very much fair game in this case.
@Omnes Omnibus: While you cannot fault the father for the sins of the son, this is politics and as I said, the Clinton campaign would probably have no compunction about using this against an adversary. I do very much believe that this is fair game.
Corner Stone
@Brandon: Jesus Fucking Christ. What troll cave have I fell in to?
Corner Stone
Phelps just iced that punk.
Corner Stone
OK. DougJ.
@Corner Stone: I am not sure why you think I am trolling. I just believe that contrary to the generally formed opinion in this thread that having the father of a prominent mass murderer/terrorist come to a rally and have a prominent seat is very bad politics/optics.* While it is one of those things that can be difficult to impossible for a campaign to guard against, it certainly is fair game for an opponent and in a more “normal” campaign where the other candidate is not self-immolating it certainly would be something that the opposing campaign would run with. Is it unfair? Certainly. Out of bounds? Not really.
* I should also note, for the record, that it is not equivalent to the other candidate calling for “second amendment remedies”.
J R in WV
Let us be real here. Trump called out to his supporters to murder Hillary Clinton. This after fomenting chants of “Lock her up!” at the Republican convention. After fans at his rallies shouted “String Her Up!”
Sp we have gone in a few short weeks from crowds shouting at their fearless leader that his opponent, a grandmother, should be lynched, to fearless leader encouraging his supporters to just shoot her now and get it over with!
I have to admit this is more vile than I ever expected even Trump to go. But still not surprising, really. Because he has shown us over and over how vile he is.
Perhaps this video will, with clips from earlier rallies, make a good TV commercial for October, if there are still
twoany candidates running in October.Mnemosyne
I see the urban legend has already grown from “he was somewhere in the crowd” to “he had a prominent seat.” You may want to check that with Snopes.com before you climb on that hobbyhorse.
And, yeah, having the family of an avowedly white supremacist mass murderer show up at a rally for white supremacist Donald Trump would certainly send a message, but it ain’t the one you seem to think. Unless you’re under the impression that Hillary’s rally in Orlando was held to support religious violence against gay men?
And you wonder why people assume you’re a troll.
@Mnemosyne: He was sitting in a position at the rally where he could be easily be pictured with Clinton. Whether he was placed there by the campaign for diversity reasons or got there on his own is not the point. The point is that he was easily pictured with the candidate in frame. Hence a “prominent seat”. It is as much fair game as the Roof family showing up for Trump, as you concede. It’s unfair that both families have to be forever be tied to monsters, but politics is never fair. Let me know when you are done pulling the fingers out of your ears.
They showed the Warren tweet on CNN (Erin Burnett’s show), and she said “that tweet is starting a race to the bottom”.
Uhhhhh…I think that race was started and won by Trump with his assassination comment…
@Mnemosyne: It’s interesting to read British history and realize that gin-drinking was the crack epidemic of the 18th and 19th centuries. I don’t know if it used to be stronger, or if it was just the first easily available and cheap hard liquor, or what. …
I recall a quote (a bar sign, supposedly) from my English History class (many years ago) that described the wave of gin consumption: “drunk for a penny, dead drunk for two pennies”