Many of us have said we’ll miss President Obama when his term up, and rightly so — he’s been a great president. But spare a thought for Senator Harry Reid, who is also departing after this year. Via TPM, here’s an excerpt from Harry Reid’s statement today on Donald Trump’s proposal to make the naturalization of immigrants even more difficult:
“Since Donald Trump wants to impose new tests on immigrants, he should take the one test every immigrant has to pass to become a United States citizen. He would almost certainly fail, given his general ignorance and weak grasp of basic facts about American history, principles and functioning of our government,” Reid said. “The fact is, Donald Trump is nothing more than a spoiled, unpatriotic drain on society who has earned nothing and helped no one.”
Reid said that unlike immigrants,”Donald Trump represents none of the qualities that make America great.”
“Immigrants work hard to get here and become Americans, while Trump inherited everything from his father and works hardest at Tweeting insults and ripping off hard-working people with two-bit scams,” Reid said.
Reid also claimed that while immigrants must denounce loyalties to foreign governments to become citizens, Trump “plays footsie with Putin and invites the Russian government to launch cyber attacks against our country.”
I didn’t always appreciate Reid and in fact found him exasperating as hell early in PBO’s first term, when Reid was compromising to try to keep his fractious majority together and push through legislation like the ACA. Now I realize Reid was doing the best he could with the cards he was dealt, for the most part. I’m going to miss Harry Reid.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
I thought he was an enemy of the revolution and a neoliberal shill corporatist tool of the Establishment who stole the caucus for Hillary.
Tom Levenson
Me too.
ETA: that’s a reply to Betty at top, not our esteemed thread-primate, Conster….
Reid is a tough rooster.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
@Tom Levenson:
LOL. I beat you by a quantum.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne:
I thought he was plotting with the Chinese to steal the Bundy ranch to make it into an endangered turtle refuge so that the Chinese could use the turtle’s land to build a solar power plant.
@the Conster, la Citoyenne: He is, he’s also a really great Senate (Majority and Minority)Leader.
Reid of course has been a fighter in congress. And in the ring. A tough ole bird indeed. He’s done a lot for the country, in a place/job that seems to not reward those who do and make (in)famous those who do the exact opposite.
Cal D
IMO, Harry Reid is the undisputed living master of senate cat-herding and infighting (and has never been one to mince words). I truly believe him to be the single most effective Democratic senate leader since LBJ. Always pissed me off that people on the left routinely trash him for not getting them every single thing they want plus a pony while giving Republicans absolutely nothing in return, because that’s just not how it works. Throughout his entire tenure as majority and minority leader I think you can honestly say that if Reid couldn’t get something done, there’s no one else on Earth who could’ve and I worry how Democrats will get along without him next year. He’ll be leaving behind some awfully big shoes to fill.
OT, but holy fuck stick!!
@eric: I saw that on the BBC over the weekend. That is a very lucky woman, and a lucky doggie, too. Well done by the rescuers.
Hoooooeeeee! Sounds like Obama isn’t the only one who is out of fucks to give.
This is great. I think its really important to drive home the extent to which Trump acted, at the very least, as the figurehead for a bunch of really shabby scams that were designed to fleece working people. At least Madoff went after the relatively well to do. Here is a guy, who brags about being a “billionaire” pretty much every time he runs his mouth who nonetheless made a point of going after the meager savings of people who were desperate for some sort of financial security.
No one will miss Obama more than this little girl.
I like that Reid quote about the Donald, but I feel like it applies to so many for whom diamonds and pearls have covered a multitude of sins. Remember the “nails ladies”-whisperer? And George W Bush’s entire life story?
Every time some spoiled rich person spouts off about the lower classes, I’ve learned to just shake my head and sigh.
hmm, anyone want to take a bet that it will be three weeks in a row that Trump stomps all over his campaign messaging?
schrodinger's cat
Reid said it better than I could have. Thank you, senator.
What I like best about him is he’s a Mormon. Living in Utah where all Mormons are Republicans (ok, most) I love bringing up Reid. More so in 2012 as an example of a true Christian who is humble and modest and works hard for those in need.
Lets not forget that Reid also pwned Romney in 2012 with the whole taxes bit. I still get a chuckle out of that whenever I think about it.
Iowa Old Lady
I see John Oliver has signed up to be one of Trump’s election observers.
In other late night news, Larry Wilmore’s show has been cancelled. I’m sorry. I enjoy him way more than Colbert and usually more than the Daily Show.
@r€nato: Thats a sucker’s bet if I have ever heard of one.
Roger Moore
To be picky, he’s only been in the minority for the past 2 years. The Democrats were able to hold dwindling minorities built around their big pick-ups in 2006 and 2008. It was the dwindling of those majorities that led them to adopt the nuclear option to get judicial nominations through in the 113th Congress.
One morning a few months after 9/11 I was watching Fox and Friends. They were talking via phone with a Fox correspondent who was delivering a report about the large increase in the number of people applying for citizenship in the wake of 9/11. During the course of the conversation she shared two of the questions on a typical citizenship exam.
Not one of the three “Fox Friends” could answer either question correctly.
The one question I remember was “who has the constitutional power to declare war?” Two said “the President” and one admitted ‘I don’t know”.
I was stunned. Too bad it was the pre-Youtube era.
Betty Cracker
@lgerard: One of my professors had us take the citizenship test to demonstrate how difficult it is. Most native-born Americans failed big time.
@eric: Good lord, a woman, then…then a doggie? Wow, beyond believable. [Note to self: A Miata is not a boat. Repeat–not a boat.]
@eric: wow! And the guy even got the dog!
When the spousal unit was going through the citizenship process, I prepared her flashcards for all the questions (and she subsequently passed them along to friends). I thought the questions were pretty easy, but then, I worked as a copy editor on a metropolitan news desk for a good portion of my adult life, and that was the sort of thing one needed to know as part of the job. I doubt my mother could have passed the thing.
cat copeland
@Frankensteinbeck: This wasn’t suppose to get OUT!!! Now you’ve gone & done it!!!!
schrodinger's cat
@Tokyokie: Most BJers could pass that test, me thinks. But then jackals are known for their smarts.
@Iowa Old Lady:
The 11:30 time slot will be tough for Comedy Central to fill. Colbert going to the Late Show probably pulled a large chunk of CC’s audience for that time slot with him.
Wilmore had gotten to be pretty good, but never generated the same level of excitement that Colbert did. People weren’t talking about Larry the next morning.
Eric U.
@Betty Cracker: I just took a practice test. Mostly gimme questions, but the one about when the constitution was adopted was very specific, with 4 choices including 1787, 1789, 1790. No way I would have gotten that right. Wonder how many more are like that?
@satby: he goes for it without a second thought. badass
Trump’s campaign has a message? Since when?
Iowa Old Lady
Reid and Pelosi are both very effective leaders of their respective chambers. Of course, their members aren’t lunatics.
@gene108: I believe his message is ARGLEBARLGEMakeAmericaGreatARG!, and he’s doing an admirable job staying on that.
There is a reason that Mitch McConell has had a miserable time as Senate Majority Leader. Most of the promises they made have not been fulfilled, apart from blocking appointments, which granted is a very big deal, they have been unable to force Obama to veto a bunch of bills. Reid has embarrassed them into having to withdraw bills. Between them, Ried, Pelosi, and Obama, they have accomplished a lot, even after they lost their majorities.
He’s not always ready for prime time–not a great speaker–but he did major damage to Repubs w Romney tax accusation and especially killing the filibuster for lower court and exec nominations. I’ll miss him. Not looking forward to smarmy Schumer.
Patricia Kayden
@eric: That was scary but thank goodness she and her dog were saved. Wowzers!
Mary G
I was like you, during GWB’s first term , I thought Harry Reid was too quiet, dry and complacent and didn’t yell loud enough and fight hard enough against the Iraq war. After the Democrats took over Congress, l realized that I had been wrong. He’s a bit like Obama in being all calm and shit until the opponents have hung themselves with the ropes they’ve been given, then quietly and devastatingly issue a statement that cuts them off at the knees.
I wish he wasn’t retiring. Like so many here have said, he’s been great at herding the cats. I hope I am just as wrong about Chuckie Schumer.
Well, Rudy began the process by claiming that we were terror free prior to Obama. And then the panel reviewing the speech on CNN pretty much all panned it as slogans, not policy and said what few policy ideas in there were contradictory or implausible. The only positive reviews were from the two pro-Trump panelists. My favorite line was when a Navy SEAL agreed with a Trump booster that it was his best foreign policy speech so far, but only because it was the first with any policy that could actually be analyzed, even if the ideas were wrong, oh and by the way the previous ones were terrible.
Greetings from the Amtrak train as I am heading home. They just passed out a USA today newspaper. Talk about a roller coaster! Front page:
Young voters flee trump in droves: yay!
Photo of Scott walker: ugh.
Wisc calls up guard after unrest. Below the fold- another police shooting: fuck.
Let me guess… Young black man? Fuck.
Sneak peek of Hidden Figures: lots of publicity, yay
Bikes lands a third goal: yay!
Miss Bianca
o/t, mais…plus ca change, plus c’est la meme chose
@eric: My mom always wanted a Miata…
I think I recognized the first part very quickly (my memory…) and I definitely second the last.
david Margolies
“Reid also claimed that while immigrants must denounce loyalties to foreign governments…” I suspect it is enough if they simply renounce them.
@gene108: I’m thrilled that along with the beatdown Reid handed drumpf a pair of ice cleats, instead of the usual golf shoes.
@WaterGirl: North or South? This is Billy Morrow Jackson’s painting of the old Champaign Train Station.
Roger Moore
Sure it has a message: one people, one country, one leader.
@Eric U.: 1787?
I’ll miss Harry too. I live in Northern Nevada (actually, in the Capitol, Carson City). I was skeptical when Harry was named leader, but I underestimated his intelligence, tenacity, toughness and street smarts. I think many people did. It looks like Joe Heck will probably defeat Catherine Cortez Masto, so we’ll be stuck with two dimwitted GOPers as Senators. Washoe and Clark are the only counties likely to be blue this year, and I believe they will carry Nevada for HRC. But unless it’s a landslide for HRC, I suspect the GOPers will take the open Nevada senate seat.
@raven: heading back down from michigan. I missed all news while I was gone except the water rescue of the lady and her dog. My heart was breaking when she said get my dog, get my dog. So glad they were both okay.
Love that Billy morrow Jackson.
@Dave: I live in Vegas. The polls (between Masto and Heck) have been pretty tight haven’t they? Last I saw it was like a 1 or 2 point difference with a lot of undecideds but I may have missed some polls.
Certainly if its that close in November, Cortez Masto will win because I feel quite certain that Clinton will win decisively here.
@Betty Cracker: I helped my wife study for it. I didn’t need a book either. (with one or 2 exceptions)
Any chance the Ds keep Harry’s seat? ETA, asked and answered already.
Trump needs a better class of surrogates, Rep. Mike Pompeo KS, is getting beat up by Brianna Keiler, he doesn’t want to discuss ‘history’, when confronted with what Trump has said.
Think I’ll go try and call my son again. Ya’ll play nice now. ;-)
Never forget Harry Reid is a boxer. (He doesn’t)
The Senator’s father was a miner. Young Harry grew up in a desert mining town. Where his family’s home, built out of railroad ties, had no indoor plumbing or hot water.
By age 30, he was Lt. Gov of Nevada.
Remember how relentless he was against Mitt?
He will be missed.
Immense apologies for screwing up typing my own name. Post went to moderation. Requested deletion. Hope no double post.
@Miss Bianca: And I loved, if by “loved” one means “was driven crazy by,” all the mansplaining and arguing that followed.
Boris Epshteyn is the new Baghdad Bob.
Chris T.
@Eric U.: I had to look that one up. SIgned 1787, ratified 1788. Not sure which answer they wanted…
Miss Bianca
@Ruviana: Oh, yeah…that’s always a feature with stories like this, ainnit?
Calming Influence
In every newspaper and website, the headline for this story should be:
“Harry Reid Punches Trump In The Neck”
They are reliable, fun cars. The lady in question would have made things much easier if she had popped the top (two latches, maybe three seconds total to unlatch with that version of the car) but in a panic most folks (myself included) lose the ability to think clearly. I’m happy both occupants made it out alive and apparently unharmed.
J R in WV
Yes, that young man is one cool customer. Total civilian, doing the job of emergency responders, saved those lives there. “Get my dog!” and he was down into that car, getting that dog!!
The Ancient Randonneur
Drops mic. Walks off Senate floor.
Not a Harry Reid fan after I read that he blocked a much needed bipartisan patent reform bill. It was a done deal from what I have read and fixed a lot of the problems with patent trolls which is a huge problem right now.
So I don’t care what he says or does. Still not a fan.
@Iowa Old Lady:
and boy, have they ever reminded Democrats of how to FIGHT…I’m serious…they have my undying respect for showing Dems how to take the craven cowards of the GOP to the woodshed.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Roger Moore: Sounds better in the original, though.
@Roger Moore:
ETA: Auch was “Comrade Scrutinizer” gesagt hat.
@Chris T.:
I thought it was ratified in 1789. (That’s the date I think I used to see popping up all the time.)
It took the GOP taking the Senate to male me FULLY appreciate the utter insanity that Harry Reid kept at bay all those years.
Still love the story about how he choked a guy who tried to bribe him. He may have been exasperating to those on both sides of the aisle, but he was a man of integrity and believed in democracy. I’ll miss him.
@eric: Does John Cole have a son that we don’t know about? This looks like something Cole would do.
Yea, Yea, but Harry sucks on marijuana and is a disgrace for attacking Alan Grayson.