Oh hey, please disregard that title; it’s just a typo. What I meant to say is that Governor Brewer blamed a “stumble of the tongue” when she mispronounced “Hillary Clinton” as “lying killer” during a radio interview this week. Simple mistake — it could happen to anyone, amirite? Open thread!
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But it’s out there, so you have to ask.
A good read: Guardian long-form on the history of alt-right.
Trump did a shit-down interview recently with Sean Hannity…er, pardon the typo, sit-down interview, it was…
Ultraviolet Thunder
Stay classy, Jan. You’re a credit to the GOP brand.
Trying to catch up on all the goings on here. Watched more Olympics last night. I switch back and forth between American coverage and the Quebec channel’s coverage.
Oldest kid gave a month notice at work yesterday. He and his partner are going to hike some big mountains for a month and then move thousands of miles away to Austin. Youngest kid is in mourning since he loves his frequent lunches and outings with his big brother. Of course it is bittersweet for me. Happy he is living his life but I like seeing him dash in to say hi and take his brother and pup out.
Middle kid texted me a photo of his brand new motorcycle. Oh joy. He’s a bit too far away for me to kick his ass.
Maybe it was the meth. Or maybe dementia. Or maybe she was being sarcastic, which seems to excuse anything these days. After all, it’s impossible not to speculate…
Marginally O/T, but still dealing Republican ratfuckers. Looks like a member of little Jimmy O’queef’s “Project Liesalot” got busted trying to infiltrate Sen. Feingold’s volunteers. Apparently the same woman tried it with Sec. Clinton’s crew previously. Always nice to see them busted wherever they pop up.
Well, now that they’ve managed the tricky two-key maneuver (alt-right key — yes, there, there, just next to the any key, no, other side, give it a think) maybe they can theoretically manage the tricky three-key with a half-gainer and blind landing (cntl-alt-del).
Nah, we’re probably going to have to go with the full deal, finding the outlet and yanking the plug.
Yes ! $101,113 of $100k goal for the Denham Springs Animal Shelter Fund and Petco is matching it!
Ultraviolet Thunder
I managed to get out of Temecula and I’m in San Jose for a day or two. Might end up going to Tuscaloosa to work the weekend and might not. Really have no idea.
Seriously, if you hate flying but have to, schedule your trips for Wednesday afternoons. There were 30 of us on a 737-700, everyone with their own row. And the airports are a breeze.
@MomSense: That’s a lot of change going on. I feel for your youngest – at his age, I cried when my sisters went away to college because I knew everything would change. And it did, it’s never the same. Proximity counts for so much. This may be your youngest’s first big heartbreak, but how lucky for him to have a mom like you to help him through it. (Or maybe your lost kitty was his first, but my point remains the same.) Big hugs for all of you!
P.S. Maybe someone on BJ lives close enough to your motorcycle son that they could steal it for you in the night?
To be fair, Hilary Clinton did once drop a house on Brewer’s sister.
Amir Khalid
Per Wikipedia, Jan Brewer is no longer governor of Arizona. She served out a term that Janet Napolitano was elected to when Napolitano was appointed to Obama’s cabinet. Then she was elected to a term of her own in 2010; but having thus served two consecutive terms, she was not eligible in 2014 to run for a third.
@raven: WOW! That’s beyond huge.
Hey here’s a funny…Dana Loesch – yes, that Dana Loesch – on Bannon taking over the Trump campaign:
Pot, kettle, yeah but still…next thing you know Michelle Malkin will be weighing in about how Bannon is pond scum…
@mdblanche: hahaha!
Major Major Major Major
So you say they’re going to try Command Option Escape.
(This is why macs are better.
Command Option Escape
is just such an awesome phrase.)CONGRATULATIONS!
Thought Brewer was a drunkaholic, not a methhead, but I suppose there’s no reason she can’t be both.
Even the Morning Joke crew was mocking the Trump surrogates this morning. As Katy Kay of the BBC said when your lying is so obvious and blatant, no one is going to believe a word you say. Jan is trying to secure a job in the Trump cabinet, can’t you see them all now:
Katrina Pierson Press Secretary
Chris Christie Sec. of Transportation
Michael Cohen Attorney General
Rudy Gulliani Homeland Security
Gen. Flynn Defense Secretary
Jeff Sessions Head of ICE (elevated to a cabinet position)
Thanks, Watergirl. I predict a lot of skype in our future.
A juicer could steal the bike and then pass it on to another juicer. We could send him photos of his bike having all sorts of adventures without him.
YES! Now I wish we could get a supermarket chain to match the funds for the food bank. What are the supermarket chains down in BR?
Flying thriller?
Trying shiller?
Spying spiller?
Crying filler?
Dying shriller?
Tying biller?
Prying miller?
@hovercraft: You’ve got the people who have hung on to this point, now bolstered by the likes of Bannon…
@raven: Amazing. Congrats! Now I know where that hernia came from — serious heavy lifting!!
@Major Major Major Major:
I’d like an IRL version of that function.
This Brewer thing reminds me of when some republican called Barney Frank “Barney Fag.” You knew immediately that it was no slip of the tongue but what they always called him in private just come to the surface. And yeah, more booze than meth I would guess.
Why won’t CNN ask Brewer about where she gets her meth supply? I want to see her emails!!!
@Major Major Major Major: Commando Option Escape. Does rather raise the deliscious image of someone immediately highlighting it out of a bedroom window after being caught in flagrante delicto.
Major Major Major Major
@MomSense: Right??
There’s a Dr. Who episode where Jack Harkness is faced with certain death and tells his ship computer to activate Emergency Protocol 417.
It hands him a martini.
How stupid can these O’Keefe people be? I can see this kind of fake ID to infiltrate a campaign thing working in a state-level campaign, but a Senate campaign? Let alone a presidential campaign? Do they think that the people running these things are clowns? Of course they’re going to google you to see what kind of social media presence you have. Of course they’re going to be suspicious if you have either no internet presence at all or your internet presence is only days old.
The only reason O’Keefe got away with what he got away with before is that people working at ACORN were not used to dealing with political ratf*cking. And so they they got taken unawares by some minor league College Republican ratf*cking. That isn’t going to happen with a political campaign you dolts.
Major Major Major Major
@nonynony: I know plenty of people with no internet presence to speak of. I know no people with two days’ worth of internet presence. That’s the real tell.
Ben Shapiro was trashing him as well, reminding us that he quit “Trump’s Pravda” this spring out of principle (laughable yes, but when even…). All the shinning is not going to be able to make that turd sparkle. When every other pundit is pointing out his ties to the likes of neo-Nazi’s and Nigel Farage, you’re on trouble. Morning Joke and friends may admire Conway, but all she’s just a Clinton basher who thinks that Hillary bashing will fix their problems. I’m not sure if the GOP are ever going to cotton on to the fact that the media actually do report what they say about democrats, particularly Obama and the Clintons, the public just doesn’t seem to either care or believe that they are corrupt, weak, despotic, murdering traitors. Trump has decided to test the theory that the only reason that republicans lose, is that they are too soft on democrats. Buckle up people there’s gonna be a lot of turbulence.
This is a good occasion to recall Jan Brewer’s amazing lies about her father’s war service: http://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/news/jan-brewer-responds-to-accusations-that-she-lied-about-fathers-war-service-by-not-even-mentioning-that-what-she-said-wasnt-true-6650408
Even by the low standards applying to Republican politicians…
The Ancient Randonnuer
Whew! For a second I thought it was going to be something really bad like hookers and blow.
Betty Cracker
@Gravenstone: O’Keefe needs to find another gig. Seriously, he’s just terrible at sting operations. ACORN was disbanded due to hysteria and cowardice despite O’Keefe’s serial fuck-ups in that operation, and he has stepped on his own dick in spectacular fashion in every follow-up project since.
Major Major Major Major
@Betty Cracker: At least the “baby parts!” thing was amusing. Sort of.
@hovercraft: I suppose I’m biassed… but I doubt that stepping up the cray-cray Clinton accusations will change anyone’s vote to Trump at this point. Might earn a few Hilz votes, if they manage to convince people that they’re really, truly, deeply crazy, though.
@Betty Cracker: Why would he while he continues to make what he considers to be a good living doing this crap? Another gig might require competence.
Totally agree, but the persistent theme on all the talkers is that republicans are too chummy with the Obama’s and Clintons, and that is the big betrayal of the base. As Trump has demonstrated the base doesn’t give a crap about taxes and deficits, they care about sticking it to democrats. The dirt they’re going to throw at her will have little effect, because the people who hate her are already voting against her. Spending every day trashing her might work if her negatives weren’t already so high, but they are so all they’re doing is preaching to the choir, not bringing in new converts.
Perhaps Governor Brewer is showing signs of brain damage? She does wear glasses, doesn’t she?
Steeplejack (phone)
It was discussed on a thread here last night.
Sounds like she is hitting the sauce again.
@Major Major Major Major:
Oh yes. I enjoyed the Harkness character and that was perfect.
I know, right? I knew there was going to be a civil war between the Trump-led dolt-Right and the “establishment GOP”…what I didn’t see coming was a split even between factions in the dolt-Right. Bannon/Coulter/Lewandowski vs Shapiro/Loesch/Erickson, with the winner going up against whomever emerges from the establishment…if anyone emerges…
Meanwhile, the Dems just keep trying to run the country well, make a little progress here n’ there. Sigh.
AZ Gov. Jan Brewer Gives Weapons to Terrorists in Exchange for Personal Meth Supply
Well, since I just read this from a reliable source, I can now run with it. Isn’t that the Fox News model? Create your own phony story within your own organization, then use that as a source for another story onsaid phony story. And that was Roger Ailes genius. There will be a special place in hell for Ailes, although I suspect Satan won’t get his hands dirty. Even he has standards.
News story on the dire effects of a marijuana overdose.
@hovercraft: I’ll stick up for him because he’s family. Jeff Sessions may be known for the blatant, persistent racism, but he’s still a hell of a lot more qualified to be Attorney General than Michael Cohen.
Betty Cracker
@J: Wait, wait: Her father’s last name was “Drinkwine,” and her current last name is “Brewer”?!?!?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@MattF: ews story on the dire effects of a marijuana overdose.
without clicking, is it about Ryan Lochte?
@Gravenstone: They should have watched her for a few days and given her something insignificant to steal. Then it’s a prosecutable felony. Pretty sure even the attempt is a crime.
Betty Cracker
@Tokyokie: Because he’s so bad at it that he will eventually end up in jail. He’s already got a felony conviction, IIRC.
ETA: I wouldn’t consider that a bad outcome, but O’Keefe might!
I am guessing Brewer&Co call HRC ClintonKilla in private and she momentarily forgot she was on the radio. I have a friend who worked at the State of AZ and she said Brewers nickname was Brewski. I think her speech tics are alcoholism related but I am not Dr.Frist. Brewers personal life has actually been sad. One of her sons died of cancer and the other one is at the state(psych) hospital for rape. Also, she’s the only modern American governor without a college degree.
@Betty Cracker:
Which means he is the ne plus ultra of wingnuttery and Rethuglicanism.
She said, “the lying killer,” and I think you have to say it out loud to understand how easy it is to mispronounce “Hillary Clinton.” They’re practically homophones.
Betty Cracker
@Mai.naem.mobile: As odious as I find her politics, I remember feeling pity for Brewer once when she completely blanked out during a debate speech and went all Miss Teen USA.
It’s really hard to be part of the GOP in any capacity and not be part of the dolt-right.
As much significance as Trump’s victory in the primary might have, I thought it was just as significant that the closest thing he had to a real challenger was Ted Cruz. The NeverTrump crowd really is no better.
@Betty Cracker:
Maybe someone should tell him that Dems are doing the GOTV with convicted felons — primarily black ones — in the local pen, and that someone needs to bust that story wide open. The only problem I see with that, is that he’d probably have one of his
moronsminions do his dirty work for him.But if he decided it was too important to delegate, I’d see it as a win-win-win-win scenario.
@Betty Cracker:
And yet, a rational/ethical person would say to herself “Shit, I can’t even handle reading off of cue cards any more. Maybe I should just end my campaign.”
But she’s a Rethug, so the chances of that happening are zero and negative.
Miss Bianca
@MattF: That headline is priceless. I had no idea the Omaha World-Herald had such a sense of humor…
@Major Major Major Major: The Drunken Moogle actually has a recipe using both gin and vodka. I think I’ll try this over the weekend.
Villago Delenda Est
@raven: That is fantastic news! Congratulations to you and to the shelter and all those sheltered within it!
Get Ready The Era of The B*tch is Coming From Michelle Cottle at the Atlantic.
Umm, congratulation or should I say condolences?
@CONGRATULATIONS!: Maybe she is faking a drinking problem to hide a meth addiction. It would be irresponsible not to speculate!
@hovercraft: you forgot all the basement dwelling, alex jones watching, cheeto stained assholes that will be providing his intelligence gathering, since he won’t be using the CIA, FBI, DIA, Homeland Security, ect.
@hovercraft: You know, its going to be difficult to hear the misogyny over the din for her execution by firing squad.
The misogyny will appear subtle and sophisticated by comparison.
randy khan
An earlier comment got et by WP, so I’ll try again.
Reading to the end of the article was really rewarding:
Definitely imagined journalists, in their case.
randy khan
Reading to the end of that article was really rewarding:
“Stephen Gordon, a spokesman for Project Veritas did not confirm or deny the group’s involvement. ‘Regarding the person you named below, Project Veritas will neither provide nor confirm the identity of any of our undercover journalists, real or imagined,’ he said.”
In their case, I’d say the journalists definitely are imagined.
[No block quote because it seems to cause WP to eat my posts.]
You may need to take another look at the Trump campaign before asking that question. Conservatives seem to frequently decide that since everyone they know is incompetent or a con artist, that must be how everyone is.
@Betty Cracker: Next generation will have the last name “Moonshine,” perhaps.
That’s also why they’re so eager to get their hands on private emails. They know the sort of stuff they send around, and they assume they can embarrass their opponents for doing the same. Look at all the nutsoid bullshit around the DNC emails, none of which came within 7 galaxies of what my donald-loving brother sends to me routinely.
Miss Bianca
@hovercraft: good, if depressing, read.
Enhanced Voting Techinques
So how will they top their rambling about Obama as “the Atheist-Muslim-Christian Extremist black Jimmy Carter love child of Hilter and Stalin” with Hilary? So liar and serial killer are on the table, ok, rapist next?
Enhanced Voting Techinques
You mean the woman who trashed her corporation just show off her power and was rejected by the voters in both a senate race and two Republican primaries for being too vicious? Sometimes that shoe fits.
The Lodger
@maryQ:Quest-que c’est?
Fa fa fa fa Fa Fa Fa Fa Fa fa…
@hovercraft: I haven’t spoken with him in 20 years. We used to go to his vacation house when I was a child and visit. He isn’t bad family, just a bad human being.
Good article!
glory b
@hovercraft: I remember a news segment on Saturday Night live urging women to adopt the word. “Be proud to be a b____. B____s get s__t done,” and “B___h is the new Black” come to mind.
Amy Poelher (sp) and Tina Fey.
@raven: That is fantastic!
@Betty Cracker: she did something at the State of state speech too that year. Brewer isn’t as bad as she could have been. She took the medicaid expansion under a lot of resistance. AZ has a reputation of being a RWNJ state but its got it’s country club GOP legislators and more importantly business leaders who get moderate stuff pushed through. I actually think Brewer isn’t all that rich and is trying to hoover up all the money she can and retire. She was a state employee(low pay in AZ) most of her life. She was the Sec of State before Napolitano was appointed to the DHS and became governor that way.
@Mai.naem.mobile: Exactly correct, well known in these parts that the business folks in the state pull her strings. They were the ones who pulled her back when the crazies in the Lege tried to pull insane things. But definitely has/had a drinking problem and not the sharpest crayon in the box. I would take her back over Ducey, frankly.
Prescott Cactus
Jan Brewer debate performance with 10 – 12 long seconds of pause and even then the clutch doesn’t really engage the gears for a bit afterward.