Holy crap. https://t.co/9yJ60TvzN2 Hahahahahahahaha
— Zeddonymous (@ZeddRebel) August 24, 2016
Fortunately, the Very Serious Media People have yet to discover this URL.
“Oh, the huge-baby-manity!”
ETA: Many thanks to valued commentor Omnes Omnibus for the link to Wonkette‘s explainer.
You magnificent bastards.
Omnes Omnibus
That is hilarious. Especially if one saw the original pic.
Dumb fucks are dumb fucks. News at Ten!
Hillary takes out Dr. Drew after he exposes her health issues. Dr. Oz is next.
Generic Hillary donate link is generic?
That’s it. I’m joining the Gen Manocide movement!
Funniest thing I read all day: Sad Jeb On Trump’s New Immigration Rhetoric: ‘This Is All A Game’.
I want to believe that every evening Bush reads the daily political news and then cries himself to sleep.
She laid out the issues, the dogwhistles (literally! she said that!), the dolt-Right, and Trump so clearly & cleanly, no one should doubt that HRC has the steel in her spine to be #45. And we’re not even to Labor Day yet.
Corner Stone
Rosamund Pike is glorious. That is all.
WTF does that tweet even mean? Talk about useless shit.
Omnes Omnibus
@BethanyAnne: See my link above.
On top of the Bannon racism, there’s this: Trump campaign CEO once charged in domestic violence case that just came out from Politico, which got police records.
@khead: The power of Oprah cannot be denied.
@Jeffro: I think Trump is discovering that running against the 16 Dwarfs of the GOP primary is one thing, running against an actually competent person with an actually competent campaign is quite different. Not to mention, the 16 Dwarfs were constrained in how hard they could go after him because they needed at least some of his supports. Hillary, not so much…
Demarats is also very clever. They must spend countless hours coming up with this stuff.
@Corner Stone: Totally unexpected, and spot on. What inspired you, the Jack Reacher movie, perhaps?
Apartment sales contract is signed. Looks like liftoff is Nov 15 or thereabout. Very happy and super excited.
If today’s dueling speeches were a rap battle…
Trump got “ethered”.
Omnes Omnibus
@BruceFromOhio: Pride and Prejudice.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Thanks for the link. It would be good if the tweeterer could learn how to embed a link that would make some sense. It’s nice that the moron got lots of yuks out of — as BethanyAnne pointed out — a generic link to Hillary’s site. Maybe Zeddddd can offer his awesome skillz to Trump next.
@dmsilev: I agree – he has been discovering this to varying degrees since March, June, and the conventions. What has surprised me (slightly – I half expected it!) is the discipline of the Clinton campaign, letting Trump just keep punch his own self in the face, letting his own words do their campaigning for them, not worrying about the mainstream media’s take on things (i.e., “both sides do it”, “both sides are unappealing”), and not overreacting – for the most part – about the various things that pop up related to Clinton’s emails, the Foundation, etc.
The “deep bench” (or Dwarves, as you call them – equally appropriate) never really realized how badly they needed to stand out from the crowd of GOP BS artists, how badly they needed to call out Trump directly, and just how prepped the GOP base is for nonsense and bluster. I mean, many of them tried to deliver, but Trump was (and is) the real deal when it comes to angry, stupid venting. He’s an idiot, but he’s an authentic idiot.
Major Major Major Major
Man, that speech was excellent.
And, relative to the Wonkette column: I was in Raymond this weekend, passed by that gun shop a number of times, but never thought to check the sign out front. Damn!
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: Maybe Zed tweeted something about the sign earlier and was amused that the Clinton campaign had jumped on the opportunity. AL gave no context.
Virgin Ben on MSNBC talking about the Kama Suthra. Prolly not a good idea.
Well, it’s finally happened. I’m going to have to watch a TV singing talent competition. I haven’t watched any since the first season of Idol. But I know someone who is on one. He’s made the top 50 after tryouts so he’ll have at least one chance on TV to show the country of India what he can do. I’ve heard him sing before, and since he can be a cutie pie when he wants to, I hope the teen fans take a liking to him.
Yes. The show is in India , which is where I met him two years ago. Thankfully the show, “the stage,” is an English language song competition, so I’ll be able to follow along.
Yeah, I’ll be posting links on music threads Whether y’all want to hear him or not. I do wish him well. Being a superstar has to be better than answering customer complaint calls all day.
As opposed to a Sears idiot, no doubt.
The Post published the Bannon domestic abuse charge at the same time as Politico. Guess both places got similar tips from sources unknown. (Apparently, several FOIA’s were in the works over it, if people claiming same on Twitter are accurate)
But the Post? Not the Daily News. But Trump loving, owned by Rupert Murdoch, NY Post. Does Rupert hate Breitbart? What’s going on?
Since open thread, ok, geeking on. MrsFromOhio’s laptop expiration last week caused a flurry of hardware Tetris, as a new HP 8440 and 2760P arrived sans OS. Cobbling together a pair of Win7 licenses from expired hardware, have been installing and installing and installing… wondering if jumping in and just outright buying some fresh Win10 would alleviate hours sitting and waiting for patches to download to bring these aging laptops into 2016 and beyond. Then remembering the floppy trains across multiple IBM PC clones in training rooms, and yeah, gigabit ethernet really is kind of cool. Plus it gives me time to surf.
Ran across this today, made me question why we all do what we do: Giving up alcohol opened my eyes to the infuriating truth about why women drink.
Interesting as it is to know that Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump are close friends, and that Wendy Deng Murdoch is also buddies with Ivanka, here’s a crazier small-world story: Jared Kushner’s father was convicted and jailed for two years for making illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion and witness tampering by attempting to silence his sister and brother-in-law by creating a sex tape of his brother-in-law with a prostitute.
Who was the federal prosecutor who nailed him? Chris Christie!
I’m trying to imagine the Trump campaign meetings with Christie and Jared present. Must have been awkward.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: OMG(dess). That is sheer magic.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Maybe. But when he names a link “Vagenda,” he should provide some context himself. I guess 140 characters doesn’t allow that, if you use up 30 with “hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.”
Elizabeth Warren’s back and harassing Wall Street and the GOP. It just keeps getting better.
@SFAW: useless tweets?
@Peale: Good luck! I hope he covers a Queen song for the irony.
@Cacti: Speaking of rap…my 4 y.o. just heard “Cold Lampin’ with Flav” and is now repeating it everywhere. Im too white to know…is “cold lampin'” a good or bad thing?
@redshirt: I promised him that I would not judge him in any way for the songs the show makes him sing, nor suggest songs that I would like to hear, since I assume the music producers who run the show know a lot more about what their audience would like than I would. He’s had to undergo a bit of a name change. I thought since he was changing his name, he should go by John Assdestroyer and sing heavy metal to stand out from the crowd. Needless to say, he’s out signed me up to be his manager.
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: If you were following the guy on twitter, you probably saw the earlier tweet of could scroll down to look for it. The lack of context isn’t in the tweet, it is in the blog post.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: That’s where I know that name from. She’ll always be Jane Bennet to me. Just like whenever I see Jennifer Ehle in something, I go, “look, there’s Lizzy!”
This point was never acknowledged by the media, all that talk about him beating a very strong field, was always bullshit. If all of them couldn’t beat an idiot who had no clue about anything, then they were incompetent. The media and the GOP always imply that the democrats are weak, until they start hitting back, and then idiots like Tweety tonight say she is allowing herself to be dragged down into the gutter with him. Pointing out that a spade is a spade is not climbing down into the gutter. Plus everything she said was factual. The media can keep lamenting that he doesn’t stay on message all they want, but this is part of that message, and I would argue that it is a key part of it. It’s funny how these ‘tough’ republicans can dish it out, but cry foul as soon as the tables are turned on them. To quote a woman I have no desire to mess with, if someone comes after you, deck them.
Miss Bianca
@Helen: Congratulations!
I saw this on my urban hike on Monday. She’s everywhere.
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: I am sure she got the part because the producers needed two things from the actress: 1. the ability to act, 2. the ability to actually make Keira Knightley look “plain.”
@Omnes Omnibus:
No doubt. I’ll have to pencil “Follow Zedd on Twitter” into my TBDMN list.
@Peale: Good luck!
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: Stop being an ass about it. AL should have provided a link to the original so that the tweet made sense.
ETA: It’s like talking to a Jets fan with you.
@SFAW: Zedd’s dead, y’all.
@Omnes Omnibus:
So’s Freddy.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: Or in the oh-so-famous thrust from Mr. Darcy himself: “Tolerable, I suppose, but not handsome enough to tempt me”.
@BruceFromOhio: intersting article, thanks.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Nice. Is this payback for all my Cheesehead half-witticisms?
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I did. That’s one squirrely gun shop owner.
@redshirt: It’s not a motorcycle, baby, it’s a chopper.
Omnes Omnibus
@Miss Bianca: In my callow youth, I may well have made a similar remark once or twice.
@SFAW: Perhaps.
@Miss Bianca: Good, bad, or indifferent, I’ll always cut Keira Knightley’s work slack in respect for her excllent Lizzie. And I love the earthy tone of that P n P.
When I saw Trump in Austin a couple days ago, I was not impressed with any of it. He read from a teleprompter and not well. The speech was slightly more coherent than his off the cuff remarks, but the content wasn’t really improved. It was all Fox News propaganda, that the audience ate up, because that is what they are plugged in to. As an outsider, his speech was not compelling–no unifying theme, no personal stories, just a list of all the bad things Clinton has done with emails, Clinton Foundation, etc. None of it is really explained so I didn’t understand the basis for the “Lock Her Up” chants. This campaign is so bizarre for how incompetent it is, but also how ahistorical. He and his staff no nothing about race relations but had him talk at least 15 minutes about the blacks and inner cities. He said he would fix all their problems by “law and order” like he thinks that phrase is reassuring to Black voters. Plus Stop n Frisk Rudy Giuliani spoke at the rally. Trump blathered on about creating “safe zones” in the Mideast that the Saudis would pay for. I have no idea WTF he was talking about there, and haven’t seen it mentioned online. His whole speech was ridiculous and had no appeal unless you were a Hillary-hater to start and/or completely gullible. He said he would be the greatest job-creating president that God ever made. I assume this was on the teleprompter too. The whole thing was kind of a yawn. Trump didn’t have one specific proposal or policy in his entire speech. He didn’t mention the Supreme Court either. At one point, I was mad I missed a good yoga class to attend, but, history and all that.
There were sexist pins outside, of course. There was a black guy selling them outside and I talked to him while my friend bought a novelty button to see if he was a Trump fan. Turns out the vendors are hired by an individual, so he was not a true-believer. He said that merch sales weren’t very good at the events, but his boss will only let them work the Trump events and not the Clinton ones.
Adam L Silverman
@Helen: That kid is a shonda for the goyim!
Adam L Silverman
@nutella: There’s a reason Christie is not Trump’s running mate. This is it.
So basically, Donald Trump’s last two campaign managers have been:
1. A wife beating, racist nut
2. A paid agent of the Kremlin
Yeah, this man does not need the nuclear launch codes.
@Omnes Omnibus:
OK, so I decided to stop being a ass, and bopped over to Zedd’s Twitter feed (or whatever it’s called). A total of two mentions of VagendaofManocide: the Tweet shown above, and Cherie Priest’s that he retweeted. Amazingly enough, neither provides any context — just a link to the Hill site. I’m sure it was just an oversight, just as I’m sure that I was the only person — until 30 minutes ago — on the Intertubez who had no idea WTF he was talking about. And, no, I shouldn’t have needed to Google it to find out.
That being said: I really, truly, do appreciate you providing the Wonkette link, so that I could get a clue.
@Cacti: I assume his next campaign manager will be recruited from the local insane asylum. After all, they already got Katrina Pierson from there.
Omnes Omnibus
@Cacti: The paid agent of the Kremlin is likely a racist nut as well. I strive to be fair.
@Cacti: and those are the good, decent people Fox News claimed she was attacking.
Adam L Silverman
@Cacti: Don’t forget the one before that who battered a reporter who, at the time, was working for the current CEO who then threw her under the bus rather than upset Trump.
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: Again, I still put the blame here on AL because she should not have assumed that the tweet would make sense to people. I found it funny because I was aware of the sign. I also saw the context problem which is why I provided the link.
Apparently, the charges were dropped because of “witness unavailability.” I’m sure that Steve Bannon searched high and low for her, because he wanted to let the justice system do its job. One expects that OJ was right there with him, searching for Nicole’s real killer.
Anne Laurie
Congratulations! You’re moving to Ireland, right?
@Omnes Omnibus:
For which, as I said, I am grateful.
It almost makes me want to go back to Raymond, just to check it out.
The witness was ‘unavailable’ because Bannon had threatened her and her children if she didn’t skip town during the trial.
Major Major Major Major
@Miss Bianca: I found a picture on the Internet of Tim Curry smoking a cigarette on the set of It. Should I link it? ??
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: I sent it to her about a month ago. Also, several articles about the new It remake. I’ve got this covered!
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: awesome, thanks.
@Helen: Hooray! Kind of jealous ?
That’s pretty much what I said, I think.
JR in WV
When that link was posted it showed a Maine gunshop’s sign about the “Hilldabeast vagenda of Manocide” – but then a bright Democratic supporter/staffer bought the link and pointed it at Hillary’s fund raiser page.
So it went from one kind of funny to another kind of funny. Without much of a clue.
@Major Major Major Major:
Was he in fishnets?
@JR in WV:
That staffer musta worked fast.
ETA: And thanks for the additional context.
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: I’ll just say this and then acknowledge that the horse is long dead. I understand why people didn’t get the joke. I just don’t apportion blame to Zed. I think AL’s post on this cite was incoherent because she did not provide context. She assumed that everyone reading the blog would get the joke. She made a mistake.
@Anne Laurie: Yup. Very excited.
Major Major Major Major
@SFAW: it’s waist up and he’s wearing a coat or something. here
@satby: Come visit!
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: No problem.
@SFAW: I’m not Hep to the Lingo of the Kids These Days, so (as I often do) I just went to the Google Machine and searched for “Vagenda of Manocide”, did some reading, and then visited the link in the Twittering.
It took all of maybe 5 seconds?
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: You.Fucking.Bastard.
<a href="John Nichols: Tim Kaine revels in the front-yard politics of Madison’s Sherman Avenue”
Teaser quote
More impressed by Kaine every day
@Major Major Major Major:
Yah, the fishnet thing was a Rocky Horror ref, not meant to add any value, as is my wont.
Major Major Major Major
@SFAW: oh, I know. I wish he’d been frankenfurter from the waist down.
@Helen: well, I love Dublin so I just might!
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Yeah, but complaining burns calories.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anoniminous: I go past that house when cycle around Lake Mendota.
@Jeffro: I’m really looking forward to that first debate between Hillary and Trump.
In my private fantasy, Hillary rebuts some ridiculous statement of Trump’s and says “Oh really, Donald…?” to which he replies “I prefer to be called Mr. Trump*”. And then Hillary responds, “Well, you can call me Hillary for now, but soon you’ll have to address me as Madame President.” BOOM!
*Trump really likes to be called Mister, and often refers to others addressing him thusly.
@SFAW: Nice Curtis Mayfield reference.
Well played…
@Omnes Omnibus:
How’s the lemonade?
Doesn’t “Oh, the huge man-baby!” flow better?
As an aside, whatever happened to Ode Hugh Manatee (sp?) around these parts?
Adam L Silverman
@SFAW: @Major Major Major Major: Nope. He was so concerned about being typecast, not to mention some of the freaky fan mail he received, that he swore he’d never reprise the role again and then allowed himself to gain a reasonable/healthy enough amount of wait to never be considered to do so and/or a male piece of meat. The response to his performance bothered him:
Glad you’re so kewl that you can use Teh Google. I am merely an ignorant asshole, who doesn’t know how to use it, etc.
On the other hand, I always look forward to tracking down every single semi-obscure, transitory reference used in every Tweet and blog post ever, because if I didn’t, then someone else would do it, and then tell me how inferior/lazy/clueless/whatever-floats-their-boat I am because I didn’t. Fortunately, there’s no one here like that.
Omnes Omnibus
@seaboogie: The only time I require Mr. from people is when a doctor demands that I call him/her (usually him) Dr. X. I am fine with formality. He is Dr. X, I am Mr. Omnibus. Following such an encounter, I look for a different doctor.
@Major Major Major Major:
OK, I should have realized.
Stella B.
Hah! In other incompetence news, the Trump campaign missed the deadline to get Trump on the Minnesota ballot. It’s a blue state and it doesn’t matter, but it’s still pretty funny.
my link wound up in moderation
@Anoniminous: Nice. Thanks!
@Omnes Omnibus: Medical doctor or PhD? Oh wait – just realized that you have a JD, so you are on equal footing, education-wise. So a peer thing, maybe?
Stella B.
Hah! In other incompetence news, the Trump campaign missed the deadline to get Trump on the Minnesota ballot. It’s a blue state and it doesn’t matter, but it’s still pretty funny.
My link wound up in moderation.
@Omnes Omnibus:
It’ll be interesting if you ever meet Sir Ben Kingsley. Apparently, being addressed as “Sir Ben” (or some variant) is important to him.
@Omnes Omnibus: Especially PhDs. Outside of any academic setting.
@JR in WV: I drive by a gunshop with an indoor range and they were taken over by new management this past April. They advertise it on their sign, the same sign the previous owner used to send messages of right wing nutjobbery. They go out of their way to tell you.
The new owner however has done none of that and has kept his sign clear and free of political messages. That’s my hope – not support, necessarily – though that would be nice! Just no obvious hate. Sell your guns without making political statements.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anoniminous: I have actually stopped at the stand. It is about a half mile short of one of my water stops. So if it is open, I’ll play. It is child lemonade stand quality.
As fantasies go, that’s a pretty good one.
Adam L Silverman
@Stella B.: Its free!
@GxB: On that “whatever happened to…?” front, Valdivia and Soonergrunt are all over the twitters.
Mike J
I wouldn’t call him a juvenile.
@Adam L Silverman:
I saw him in some TV crime drama, 1980s I think, where he played a record company exec. Didn’t recognize him at first, because I was so conditioned by Rocky Horror. He seems to do a decent job in the roles I’ve seen (post-Rocky). However, I didn’t know he hated Rocky so much — or the aftermath, I guess.
ETA: “Wiseguy”
Omnes Omnibus
@seaboogie: Medical.
@SFAW: I wouldn’t have a problem with that. My issue with MDs who want to insist on being called Doctor is that they frequently walk in and call me Omnes. You call me Omnes, then we are on first name basis. I call you Mordecai. If you want the honorific, use mine.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: what did he think would happen? Lol. It’s not like the show didn’t have a reputation.
@SFAW: Lighten up, Francis.
Steeplejack (tablet)
He explicitly said goodbye a year or two ago. Not a GCW, just getting involved with other things.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: @Omnes Omnibus:
This is the kind of thing that is not all that important in the short run but becomes major important in the long run.
Kaine is going to be on “Late Night with Steve Colbert” tonight. I hope this will come up.
Adam L Silverman
@SFAW: There were two things. The one that’s most reported on is the typecasting concern. He’d played the role on the stage and in the movie and there was talk of a sequel. The second, that he’s only mentioned a few times, is that he received a lot of creepy fan responses. So he put on some weight so he wouldn’t be highly sexualized.
Glad to. And please feel free to come down off your high horse.
@Omnes Omnibus: You’d have liked my former OB-GYN (not that you’d have reason to visit him) who was also the Chief of Staff at Marin General, and who introduced himself as Gerry.
I don’t watch regularly, but Maddow was hilarious tonight with the Nigel Farage bit.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Perhaps their confused because you use your Balloon Juice nym when making doctor’s appointments.//
Seriously, I understand what you’re saying. Its never fun playing credential appellation games when they’re not necessary.
@SFAW: I don’t even have a pony. ;-)
@Adam L Silverman:
Yeah, I picked up on that second part from your earlier comment. It was not something of which I was aware (previously). I can understand why he reacted the way he did.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: I don’t know. I am merely the messenger.
Well, if Hitlary gets elected, there’ll be ponies for everyone, paid for by the hard working Jaahb Creators via punitive taxation, until the rich become poor, and the poor become rich. Or something.
@Adam L Silverman: And we have a few FP doctors in da house, hereabouts…this joint will certainly keep you humble.
Lizzy L
@Anoniminous: Thanks. Worth reading. I’ve passed it on.
Adam L Silverman
@SFAW: I think I heard him talk about it in the interview he did with Terry Gross, but it might have been somewhere else.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I always call my doctors “Dr. Stateyourname,” because that’s just part of my rule set (so to speak) and my heritage (so to speak). It annoys me a little when my PCP calls me by my first name, but not enough to make an issue about it. Probably a failing on my part, but unlikely I’ll change any time soon.
@Steeplejack (tablet): Ah – missed that. It was kind of silly how long I saw that nick before it clicked.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: //eye=roll//
I have claimed the title Doctor in Germany. I’ve always found the Germans to be weird about title and rank. i once spent an evening talking and drinking with a Franconian teacher. He was SDP. Near the end of the conversation, he asked what my military rank was. I said “Oberleutnant,” He suddenly switched for “du” to “sie” and be came much more formal. Not the only experience like that that I had.
@SFAW: It’s gonna be great – 8 years of Hillary. After that it’s Kaine Time.
Eric U.
@SFAW: nowadays the social media sites show the eventual target of a link. The twitterer assumed you know that. The link Vagendaofmanocide.com redirects to a HRC fundraising site.
Adam L Silverman
@seaboogie: Its not that. Unless I need to make the point, to pull the rank, its not necessary. If I have to deal with a hospital, its useful. If I’m trying to talk to my physician, not so much.
Omnes Omnibus
@SFAW: If the Dr comes in and uses my first name, I respond by answering using his/hers. If an objection is made. Well then. “Hello, Gerhardt”. “Hello, Irmtraudt” “No, it is Frau Doktor von Giebelsdorf:” “Eh, blow me.”
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Tracking. I try not to throw it around with the military folks unless I absolutely have to.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I am slightly sensitive to this faux-intimacy of first names because I have never used my first name and have always gone by my middle name. So when some doctor—or nurse, aide, office manager or functionary—rolls up and smiles, “Hello, Grayton!” it irritates me a little. The whole “personal touch” is shot to hell by the use of a name that might as well belong to someone else entirely.
And I think that there are probably a lot of people who get a twinge when they’re addressed as “Robert” (when they use Bob), “Jennifer” (Jenn) or “Elizabeth” (Liz, Betty, whatever), etc. It doesn’t seem like it should be too hard to start with “Mr./Ms. [surname]” and proceed from there. But I have decided to chalk this up to my increasingly geezerish sense of “manners” being out of date.
Which reminds me: I need to replace the onion on my belt tomorrow.
Peter H Desmond
nice moment, well played by kaine!
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: It is also weird what mentioning a semi-aristocratic credential (officer status in Germany) did to an avowed socialist even 25 years ago.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: Not to mention the Roberts who want to be Bob. Etc.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I can imagine that was a wee bit bizarre.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: In my view, it is how is should be.
Miss Bianca
@p.a.: Unfortunately, I really didn’t like that P & P at all. Maybe it’s time to give it another go. At the time that I saw it all I could think of was how hard they were trying to turn Regency-era high comedy into Victorian angsty drama a la Jane Eyre.
Altho’ I really liked their version of Mr. Collins.
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: One can only hope that like Mr. Darcy, you came to repent of such superciliousness.
@Major Major Major Major: What, you think Tim Curry smoking a cigarette might have done it for Mr Darcy? Oh, well… (edging away)
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: I was in my mid-20s. I also found ways to use it. Being an Army officer in conservative (small c) southern Germany was not a bad thing – even if the ladies fathers thought I was a bit off politically, I was okay socially. Germany (adding in its proximity to Kitzbühel, Austria) was very good to me.
@Adam L Silverman: Oh – you misinterpreted my comment – or perhaps more correctly, I mis-stated it. In fact, we do offer honorifics here to you and Levenson and the elusive Mr. Dr. Tim upon occasion to acknowledge sometimes our appreciation of your expertise. OTOH, this snarling pack of jackals can be a lively bunch that tends to forego the formalities in familiar conversation – and it gets rather complicated when we discuss Tim Curry in cl**n macquillage or fishnet tights – don’t think either you or Omnes get to claim academic credentials around such.
Omnes Omnibus
@seaboogie: To my knowledge, no front pager or commenter demands or asks to be referred to by any title, except, Levenson, who demands to be called “His janglyishness.” I don’t know why.
@Omnes Omnibus: I think he’s probably earned it. I sent my pater his book in hard-cover, so “his janglyishness” can retire early and rest on his laurels*, in due time with the attendant massive royalties.
*I think that’s when a gent gets old and his balls get really droopy and become a cushion unto themselves….really hope Levenson doesn’t have an old-timey pic of a painting for this image.
Anne Laurie
@Miss Bianca:
I wasn’t really impressed with Keira Knightley myself, but Donald Sutherland made such a great Mr. Bennet!
@Omnes Omnibus: @Omnes Omnibus:
Thanks, Ommes,
Its 4:45 am and I am wide awake in a Comfort Inn in Toronto after crosising the pond and I just got yelled at by myh husband because I laughed out loud at THE SIGN. I will never forgive you.
Uncle Cosmo
@Omnes Omnibus: My first rheumatologist (back in the late 1970s) was about 5 years older than me. The first visit I told him we were going to be partners in my treatment: “You know the medicine; I know what’s happening inside.” He always called me Mr. [lastname]; I called him Ray. Argued with him 4 times a year for the next 5 years over exercise (he wanted me to swim, I hate swimming but loved folkdancing). When it turned out that my preferred activity had in fact fought the spinal arthritis to a standstill, he remarked, “Maybe I should recommend folkdancing to all my patients.” I leaned over his desk & replied, “Maybe I should send you a bill for all the time I spent sitting in this chair arguing with you about it.”
Vagenda of Manocide was my favorite Pre-Socratic philosopher in college.