This blog was talking about The War On Christmas before The War On Christmas was cool. We’ve been waiting ten years for TWOC to become a general election campaign issue. That day has finally come.
While listing the reasons why his father ran for president in an interview published Thursday, Eric Trump pointed to the tree on the White House lawn and claimed it was renamed the “Holiday tree.”
[…..]“Or, he sees the tree on the White House lawn has been renamed ‘Holiday tree’ instead of ‘Christmas tree.’ I could go on and on for hours. Those are the very things that made my father run, and those are the very things he cares about.”
Fuck yeah.
Suddenly Christmas at Ground Zero isn’t so funny anymore Al!
At last, a Trump telling the truth.
Because there are no Jooz in the WH Admin.
Happy Holidays is fighting words
Christmas? It’s too early!
And, on this (Inter)National Dog Day, what of Walter?
Priorities, writers!
(Our local Kroger’s is putting out Halloween stuff and one of the clerks mentioned the other day that the Christmas stuff is supposed to be displayed by 15 September. Stop the madness! And I say this as a SUPPORTER of Halloween and Christmas!)
Being rich, stupid and a liar is no way to go through life son.
@philpm: Better than ditch digging.
So he came for the Fir, stayed for the Franklins
I think the appropriate rejoinder to anyone who insists that “Merry Christmas” is the only appropriate holiday greeting is, “ALL holidays matter!”
Do NOT set foot in Costco.
Your God is a fraud perpetuated by conmen, liars, grifters and sexual deviants. Your candidate Trump is all four of those; perhaps he’s the Savior you long for, who will take you to a land of free ammunition and boxes full of Oxycontin.
Happy Holidays!
Andy Borowitz: Jesus has turned down Donald Trump’s friend request. No more Christmas for you, Donnie.
I miss the good old days when people who were pissed about holiday trees and the pledge of allegiance were limited to screwing up local school boards and not entire countries.
Sarah ™ disappointed Trump not clearin’ out All The Mexicans.
Not enough popcorn in the solar system.
We are in ur American dream, vaginaciding ur Christgenda…
This blog is pushing the ‘Holiday Tree’ scandal to cover up for the outrageous ‘dogs and cats together’ post from a couple of days ago.
The ‘Holiday Tree!” meme is cool. It’s completely mythical, and might be a basis for a new wingnut cause. Good to have them pumping out more attack memes that mean nothing to 99 percent of the general election voters.
But, man, thees white genociders, alt righers and wingnuts do go through the memes about imaginary nonsense, don’t they. Eat them up and spit them out at a furious pace.
How many divisions does Claus have anyways?
Damn, the War on Christmas comes earlier and earlier every year. I’m not prepared! It’s only August and I haven’t even bought my Fall Festival candy yet!
I might add that I’ve seen in the last week a sudden explosion of “Keep Christ In Christmas” stickers hitting my ever-clogged freeways, unusual because this isn’t a religious area and I haven’t seen them for almost ten years, so yeah, this is going to be “a thing” for these imbeciles again.
Oh Woe is we, I bet you can.
Unlikely. His dad’s well known as a two-pump chump, no reason his obviously inadequate kid wouldn’t be either.
Lizzy L
@CONGRATULATIONS!: In August???? Oh my aching patootie.
As for Donnie, we already know he’s delusional. Remember those Muslim crowds he saw celebrating (in New Jersey, I believe) when the Twin Towers fell?
@CONGRATULATIONS!: And we all know the best way to do that is to slap a bumper sticker on your car. Exactly what Jeezus would have done on his camel.
Doug R
so I guess channuca bushes are right out of the question then
Hairy Christmas, son of Trump.
Young Eric doesn’t have to try so hard to prove to us he’s the devil spawn of father The Donald.
That (bad) apple did not fall far from the tree. We believe you dude. He’s your Dad, obviously.
When I was a youth, my mother would hide the Sears Christmas catalog (the Wish Book)when it arrived far too early, for some number of months. I think it arrived in August.
White House lawn?
There are certainly decorated trees inside the mansion but the so-called national tree is set up in Lafayette Square, across the street from the White House and not a part of the White House lawn since 1804.
@philpm: Is that Uday or Qusay?
Betty Cracker
Saw the Trumpling’s quote in Buzzfeed, and all three examples he cited are bullshit. Not only is the national Christmas tree not a holiday tree, there wasn’t a “new school district” that banned the pledge of allegiance — one NYC principal did and immediately walked it back when the parents freaked out. No “mayor” banned firefighters from flying flags on their trucks — one city councilman in RI suggested that they stop and apologized when people freaked out. So it’s as we suspected all along: Trump is running because BULLSHIT.
ETA PS: It goes without saying I hope Donald Trump is not only defeated but utterly humiliated in the upcoming election. And I hope Uday, Qusay and Ivanka feel that humiliation deeply for the rest of their natural lives too for the crime of having attempted to foist their ambulatory pustule of a father off on this country as president. (The daughter in CA hasn’t been as involved in the campaign, and the youngest son is only a child, so I’ve got no beef with them.)
It almost goes without saying, but young Trump is, like his dad, falling for false internet rumors.
M. Bouffant
@catclub: Nope, it’s Odo.
Citizen Alan
@CONGRATULATIONS!: I have actually told christianists of my acquaintance that voting for Trump means taking the Mark of the Beast.
Hmm. I can see no mention of “Holiday tree” in the last (2015) White House Christmas PDF. But there is mention of “Christmas tree(s)”.
? Martin
Just so everyone is clear – Christmas stuff is not to be displayed until Black Friday, as Bergdorf Goodman and Macy’s proclaims. I once worked display for a retail chain and that was the rule. We worked furiously through November preparing, and double-time or triple-time pay (plus meals) on Thanksgiving to put everything up. Nearly 100 trees, hundreds of bows, window displays and whatnot all had to go up in the 32 hours or so between closing on Wednesday and doors open on Friday. Helped pay for college.
@SiubhanDuinne: Have you read Krampus The Yule Lord, by Brom? Santa’s the bad guy.
Just Brom. I guess he’s one of those starving writers who can only afford one name.
@Betty Cracker:
@? Martin: For the last several years, starting in late September, Target has had Halloween stuff on one side of the seasonal aisle and Christmas stuff on the other.
For somebody so vain, Donald Trump’s older sons are quite unattractive. Their jaws and teeth are really quite off putting. And,oh yeah, they’re also really quite assholes for killing some really beautiful animals. The animals are way prettier than they are.
Uncle Cosmo
@CONGRATULATIONS!: We need to respond with stickers like
Roger Moore
What does Santa put in the stockings of bad boys and girls? Coal! No wonder liberals are so eager to fight a War on Christmas; it’s just a small skirmish in the larger War on Coal.
Uncle Cosmo
@kindness: Road apple doesn’t fall far from the horse’s arse.
Adam L Silverman
All Holidays Matter!!!!
@Uncle Cosmo: Keep Thor in Thorsday.
@redshirt: I dunno, I think he could stand to dig a few hundred miles of ditches right about now.
That’s what he cares about?
@catclub: Both, along with all his other spawn.
Calming Influence
The problem with “holiday tree” is that everyone still knows it’s a Christmas tree. The white house should stop with the tree and put out something which has no religious associations. A pile of rocks, for instance. They could call it “The Holiday pile of rocks”.
M. Bouffant They got those from mama Ivana.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Yes, but will Sarah chastise the Coulterwocky for asking if Trump will go “full retard” on immigration.
Nope, am not familiar with it.
I like the premise.
@Calming Influence: A festivus pole perhaps? There will be feats of strength and an airing of grievances. They’ll have to limit both though. They should invite Paul Ryan but not Mitch McConnell.
Enhanced Voting Techinques
Yes, the National Holiday Tree; and the manger scene which President Hilary “that B woman” Clinton will place showing a leather clad Virgin Mary poised towering over a bound and groveling Joseph as Mary’s hand points mercilessly to the gates of the FEMA castration centers that will soon be opening all over the nation to turn the entire white male population gay and Muslim!
Mike in NC
Where is the outrage over the War on Labor Day?
@Enhanced Voting Techinques: Yay! Can’t wait!
Temporarily Max McGee (Soon Enough to Be Andy K Again)
As politely as I can, I must say, “Fuck that noise! Zehnder’s chicken dinners are the bomb!”
I will definitely be stealing this come December.
@Mike in NC: Shelved alongside the outrage over the war on labor.
@Calming Influence: they’d become Christmas rocks as soon as someone draped tinsel over them. I’m thinking of having a Christmas rock pile in the yard this year.
@singfoom: what is the festivus pole? That’s a new one. What religion has a festivus pole?
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s a good book.
Amir Khalid
Well, someone has to bow down to the sublime and subtly on-point Madonna “Holiday” reference in the title, so i will belatedly do so. [reverent bow to headline author] However, in future I still prefer the Clash / Elvis Costello / Husker Du / Warren Zevon / minor 80’s punk band “hits” references from past titles. Carry on : )
@Amir Khalid: No wonder I hadn’t heard of it. I always hated the Seinfeld show (every 15 seconds, that stupid music!). But Festivus sounds fun.