From beloved commentor Satby:
I mentioned on various threads I had a previously adopted dog come back, ostensibly because he supposedly bit the owner’s mother on the foot. I know the backstory, mom and her hubby both are alcoholics, and later the story changed to mom being bit because she was holding a broom. My guess is that when the owner wasn’t around mom was abusive. I think the owner, who was in tears when he brought the dog back, suspected that too.
The dog’s name is Bubba, a beagle-Boston terrier mix, and he’s shown no aggression at all. I really pushed this sweet boy with Safer testing to try to see if he’d snap at me. Nothing, not a nip or a snarl, only a waggy tail and cuddles. He gets along with the other dogs and cats, he’s been fine with older kids (as a smaller dog I wouldn’t adopt him out to a family with a young child), but he’s a bit timid until he knows he’s safe. He is crate trained, but in my house he has his own room (the bathroom) for his safe place.
I hate to break Bubba’s heart because he’s clearly happy to be home again with old Rosie and Hershey; but in my new home I will already be over the city limit with the dogs I have and may need to foster the younger ones out if I get busted. So I’m hoping to find a home with people who can appreciate this guy’s sweet and sensitive nature and would like an obedient and loyal little friend.
I want to keep him in the Midwest region so that I’m available just in case a new home doesn’t work out, but I don’t believe that will be a problem. He’s a good boy who went to a loving owner, but the owner’s situation changed when mom moved in.
The top photo is him sitting pretty, with Shiva: Destroyer of Sheets and Dog Beds glowering in her cage behind (she’s a bit of a bully to my old girl, they take turns being out).
Photo at the bottom is Bubba with Hershey in the background.If someone is interested they can contact me via the Etsy shop.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Worst than Bush!
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
NY Daily News Front Page: “ISIS Rooting for Trump” (photo)
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Both Sides!
Thanks Anne Laurie! Sorry about the old school Cole pics, I only had my Fire phone and poor lighting. I also forgot Bubba’s age, he’s just about 5 years old.
@satby: You are too good a person.
Good Morning ?, Everyone ?
Off to swim ?and run errands. ?
Awe. Too cute.
You are so sweet, satby
Good morning.
Off to pick brother and family up from the airport
@satby: Good luck finding a forever home.
In the first picture, what’s that stuff on the floor to Bubba’s left?
@satby: best of luck to him!
@rikyrah: Good morning! Thanks, he is a cutie.
@Baud: IRL, I’m a firey redhead with the temper to match if provoked and the inability to suffer fools. But I’m likable enough ;)
@Pogonip: That’s the shredded remains of the latest flannel sheet bed I put in the crate of Shiva: Destroyer of Sheets and Dog Beds. The lifespan of anything I put in the crate can be measured in hours. Then the dogs play tug o war with the long shred remains, so I constantly pick up smaller shreds. Until it’s all gone and we take a break, then after a week of her sleeping on just the wire bottom of the cage, I put some other padding in and the cycle starts again. Keeps us all flexible.
Edited to add: she’s part boxer and just amusing herself, outside the crate she isn’t destructive. And she loves her crate, she voluntarily goes into it when she wants the other dogs to leave her alone.
@satby: What is the “city limit” for number of dogs? I live in the rural south where we don’t even have a “city limit” for the number of tires in the yard.
@greennotGreen: most municipalities have a two or three animal limit. Right now with Bubba I have 10. The cats are indoor cats and will be able to escape notice because they’ll have a kitty suite on the third floor, but dogs need to go out. I have two very elderly dogs and with Bubba three that are around 5. If I have to prioritize, the oldest will stay with me and the others will have to foster elsewhere.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: I bet the Army, Navy, and AF will be jealous.
On to another triathlon. Another sprint distance, then my half-Ironman in 2 weeks. Cant wait to see what our 5″ of rain last nite did to the lake temps…/shiver
@satby: Two or three seems pretty low to me. A person could have one Great Dane that stood in the yard barking all the time, and the yard smelled because the poop was never picked up, or there could be eight chihuahuas who spent most of their time indoors and whose owner fastidiously policed the yard. IOW, a numbers limit seems a blunt instrument for what the city is probably trying to address.
I’m glad we’ve never met in real life.
BTW, since this is an open thread, a health update: I am feeling better and better, cutting down from the max dosage of Tylenol today.
@greennotGreen: “….fastidiously policed the yard”
You’re a very funny person. I’m guessing you believe in unicorns and jackalopes, too? :)
@greennotGreen: Welcome news in any thread.
Ultraviolet Thunder
What a sweet face. I’m sure he appreciates being back in a familiar place.
Our elder pet Doglius is up to $100/month in meds now for coughing, arthritis, fluid retention and I don’t know what all. But it seems to have improved his comfort and energy, so totally worth it. Lady Thunder tried several vets until she found a great one. And they’re open on weekends and evenings!
This week Sunny the parrot will get groomed and a couple of nights at the bird boarding place. This breaks her routine and gives her new experiences. And gives Lady Thunder a break too. The bird boarders love Sunny and look forward to having her enlivening their bird room.
@greennotGreen: Oh good. I hope that starts a trend of more good results.
@Baud: ha! I’m sure we’d get along famously.
@Punchy: Unicorns have very large poop, but it doesn’t smell bad and within 30 minutes melts into the soil to gently fertilize the surrounding plants.
There’s no such thing as jackalopes.
Greetings from kyoto where I’ve traveled for a conference!
Looks like a real sweetheart of a pup Satby. Good luck to you both!
@Ultraviolet Thunder: Bubba is a sweet and adaptable guy. His former owner comes over and they just adore each other, but something or someone was stressing and probably mistreating that dog. He’s even gained a little weight and acts less timid. Of all my crew of rescues, he’s really the most adoptable.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
Roll tide, roll
@greennotGreen: lol I’m glad that you are feeling better.
ITT Tech has been banned from enrolling new students. Which is probably the end for the company. And they’ve been barred from giving raises to executives.
Thanks Obama!
Ugh, my last weekend in my old house and was supposed to do a yard sale, but torrential rain falling right now. I hope it clears out later.
ThresherK (GPad)
Dropping off the Jockwagon at a car repairer for some exhaust work. CNN on the TV, Professional Left podcast in my ears. Ain’t technology wonderful?
@satby: My sister is a fiery redhead too and gets a wide berth when I think she’s flaring up.
I’m not sure how close you’ll be to the Ohio border, but this group does good work. One of my high school classmates is very active in it. If they don’t reach to your area, I’m sure they’ll have lots of good info for you.
Ultraviolet Thunder
I told Lady Thunder about this and she was surprised. She’s an industrial machine designer at a small design/build shop. She says that two of her colleagues learned drafting at ITT and they’re good at it. Of course tech training is just a start and good people have learned on the job most of what they actually do. But it sounds like their courses aren’t a complete failure in every case.
OTOH, the stats for the school are really bad. And then there’s the financial irregularities, poor management and deceptive recruiting. It seems justifiable that they’re cut off from Federal student loans.
Hello All!
You must be mistaken, I have a picture of one right here….
AND I am glad to hear you are on the upswing!
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
Good day everyone.
Love it, great for humanity and obviously marine life, and it will piss off the republicans.. Win win.
@satby: at least the move is close. I really wish you could send that rain to Boston — the dry and hot has been so persistemt and there looks to be no relief in the future week plus. My yard crunches when I walk on it….
Iowa Old Lady
@Immanentize: We don’t water our grass and we’ve had so much rain this summer that it’s stayed green and cushy.
@satby: I would rehome the mother.
Ultraviolet Thunder
@Iowa Old Lady:
Our lawn here by Detroit gets no added water. It went dormant in June and just perked up about 2 weeks ago when the summer drought ended.
I was just peering out there to see if it wants mowing this weekend and a Cooper’s hawk flew past. That explains why the bird feeder hasn’t been emptying as quickly as usual (a day instead of an hour).
@Iowa Old Lady: making me jealous!
We don’t water our lawn either, but this summer we were advised to occassionally water the trees to keep them healthy. A wind storm ripped through Concord and pulled up a bunch of trees because in part the roots were too dry.
And of course I have had to water the garden…. Great tomatoes, peppers and herbs but high water bills. We are seriously considering cutting our garden space back next year.
Never been to the Mint Bar in Sheridan WY, have you?
Almost all the guests on MSNBC this morning have been repubs and they’re afraid Hillary’s attacks on Trump and calling out his racism will backfire. She needs to take the high road.
Rev. William Barber from NC is on and the mod is asking him if Dems have done enough for blacks, as Trump has charged? Luckily Barber is a smart guy and he’s gently pinning the mod’s ears.
@satby: I am become Shiva, Destroyer of Sheets and Happy Crate Camper!
@Iowa Old Lady: Same here, for the past few years our yearly rainfall has been 50% or more higher than the historical norm. Like a dogdamn rainforest around here.
Ultraviolet Thunder
Yeah, that was the wrong guy to troll with ‘Dems take AAs for granted’. Great public speaker and he doesn’t get wrong-footed.
@WereBear: I hear you. That’s for them to sort out. I just appreciate that the owner knew the situation wasn’t working and brought him back here.
@debbie: Thanks debbie, I am part of a rescue group here. Like all rescue groups, most of us have fosters already. Though Bubba likes the other dogs, he’s a little intimidated by my other younger ones. Given what he’s been through I think a quieter home where his sweet personality can shine would make him and a new family happiest.
@Ultraviolet Thunder:
I want him to give the invocation at President Clinton’s inauguration.
(Actually, I would greatly prefer that there be no invocation or any kind of prayer at any president’s inauguration. But as long as we’re going to have it, I want Rev. Barber to deliver it.)
Heads up that Sunday will be Jean Arthur day on TCM.
Tune in anytime, you can’t go wrong with Ms Arthur.
This is a real switch from the blizzard of nasty notes on receipts left by assholish customers:
Just when I am once again about to give up on the whole human race, they pull me back in.
@bystander: I can’t believe they are asking black people about issues affecting black people.
@Baud: That is surprising. That’s like asking a woman about women’s issues or a gay person about gay people’s issues. Straight white men just don’t get any respect anymore.
Once, just once, would like to hear the interviewee respond “The better question is why you give deference and credence to anything that spills from Trump’s piehole.”
Oh, well, that makes it all OK. No need to answer any more questions.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
I’m still trying to wrap my mind around the mental gymnastics of Trump’s Hillary Clinton is the real bigot narrative. Anderson Cooper couldn’t get him to articulate what he meant, but a white friend on Facebook agreed with Trump. His explanation was that Democrat politicians keep black people poor and dependent on the government, and therefore dems are the real racists.
This same person just can’t understand why dems get so much support from minorities. I just didn’t bother saying to him that it might be his and other white conservatives opinion that millions of black and Hispanic people are brainwashed lazy dupes that are too stupid to realize they’re being taken advantage of. Nothing insulting in that message at all.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@bystander: About 10 days ago Ezra Klein was on Morning Blow saying vast surveys show Trump’s support is based on racism but the media is trying to “sanitize” the data.
The media has been so cowed by the republicans and trained to act as apologists and to deflect blame by saying “both sides” they just can bring themselves to report the plain, ugly reality.
@OzarkHillbilly: lol. My guess is that the reason Bannon moves his address s much is that he doesn’t really want to admit that he’s living in his parent’s basement.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
@Hal: you don’t get it. liberals are the real racists because they won’t tolerate intolerance.
Moreover, unlike the liberals, conservatives don’t see color and therefore refuse to recognize people of color.
People like your friend are the reason Dems get so much support from minorities.
Felonius Monk
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch:
Actually, conservatives don’t see much of anything in the real world. They just hallucinate.
@Hal: May be you should ask him how & why many poor whites keep voting for gopee which keeps them poor.
@David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch: Kevin Drum:
While, in actuality, we all know who the real brainwashed lazy dupes are…
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
in 2012, Mittens got 89% of the White vote in Mississippi.
Mississippi ranks dead last in both per capita income and median household income, their unemployment rate is nearly double of Vermont and they lead the nation with the highest obesity rate.
Look at how Whites have suffered under republican control. They live in hell holes, their schools are a disaster, they have no jobs – to which I say what the hell do they have to lose by voting for Clinton?
Ultraviolet Thunder
I wonder what Trump offered Paul LePage to draw everyone’s attention away from him for a day. Because whatever it was, he deserves a bonus for doing an exceptional job.
@OzarkHillbilly: Thanks so much, that made my morning!
If Omnes reads this, the rather different-in-tone Wonkette link you shared the other night was also so awesome, THANK YOU!
Theodore Wirth
Why should BJ be apologetic for being a compassionate pet bleg? I can get my Trump bashing anywhere but there are not many sources that make me feel compassionate about the state of pets.
Keep up the good work. I need good reading about helping exploited animals and BJ is one of a handful of popular blogs that deals with it.
Maybe less Trump and more pets on a “not cute” but compassionate level? I feel that there is an opportunity here.