We’re feeling mildish effects of Hurricane Hermine in la Casa de Cracker today. It’s breezy with intermittent rain. The massive Sunshine Skyway Bridge is closed due to wind gusts in excess of 50 MPH.
Alligators are gushing out of storm drains. Well, that’s an exaggeration, though there are rumors of it. One lady uploaded a video of an alligator swimming across the flooded road in front of her car:
I don’t understand everything she’s saying, but she did yield the right-of-way to the gator. It was in the crosswalk, so that was the right thing to do. But what she was doing driving around in that mess, I can’t fathom.
A man in that same area reported a “four-foot gator” swimming down the road near his house. The video above is grainy, but that looks like a bigger gator to me. (My dad is an experienced gator hunter, and he claims you can determine the approximate length of the beast by estimating the inches that separate the eyes from the tip of the snout and converting it to feet.)
Anyhoo, stay dry and safe, folks who are in the path. Thread open to all topics save one: Let’s make this a Trump-free zone, okay? I’m sick of that vile shit-stain.
Stay safe, Betty Cracker. Remember, like snakes and gators, natural disasters like this will often flush Florida Man out into the streets and neighborhoods.
So they’re naming storms after Harry Potter characters now?
Kids today.
Some crazy bad weather in Hawaii also.
Anonymous At Work
Fort Lauderdale area here. I don’t judge the rain to be serious until ducks start riding the alligators in the parking lot.
It always kind of amazes me how casual people seem to be about alligators in Florida.
Gin & Tonic
Has anybody used one of those car-buying/pricing services to purchase a new vehicle? Any comments or experiences to share? I haven’t shopped for a new vehicle since about the Pleistocene, but I’m aware that people do it differently than was once the case.
@redshirt: This is Hermine. It’s pronounce Her-mine. The HP character is Hermione, pronounced Her -my-o-nee. But, TBH, I keep auto-correcting it in my head, too, so don’t take my pedantry too seriously.
Earlier today, I had two ‘gators in my flooded backyard lake outside Sillysota. One of them is at least five feet long… And Betty, if you can accurately measure from the snout to the eyes, you’re too damn close…
She deserves to be “gatored” for taking vertical video! JUST TURN THE PHONE 90 deg! It so easy and the video is 645% better!
Betty Cracker
@Mnemosyne: I don’t know — that lady seemed pretty alarmed about the “cocodrilo”!
@Mnemosyne: Darwin always seems to sort them out in the end. Seems like a winning way.
@redshirt: If so, Hermione would be pissed as they’re not spelled the same.
@Monkeyfister: If they had name it Hermione, that would have been golden. Still waiting for Hepsibah. Maybe next year.
c u n d gulag
I think when alligators and crocodiles start swimming around DC and NYC streets, our MSM and conservative punTWIT’s might finally acknowledge global warming/weirding!
I’d love one one them to do an adult full-briss on Bill Kristol!
Not that he’d notice!
@Betty Cracker:
Well, yeah, but she was probably nervous about it somehow getting into her car or sitting on her hood. But when I was down amongst y’all last year, the attitude seemed to be, Oh, yeah, there’s alligators everywhere. Whatcha gonna do?
Good luck to Cracker Inc. throughout the storm. Please keep us updated on developments.
@Yutsano: Heheh… alright, alright…
If you want to read something insane (but certified Trump-free), I can recommend this story in the LA Times, about a case where a parent could have gotten mildly peeved over a slight misunderstanding with a PTA volunteer at their kid’s elementary school, and instead decided to try to frame said volunteer for drug possession. Parts 1-4 are up on the web site now, parts 5 and 6 should go up in the next day or so.
Chyron HR
No, you’re thinking of the Wretched Harmony, a prepubescent medusa.
@Yutsano: Indeed!
Mike J
@c u n d gulag:
Leftist PETA animal lovers have gone so far wild animals are running through the streets and we’re powerless to stop them!
I had heard about that at the time, but it was the first really in-depth coverage. Talk about white rage and white entitlement …
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: Misspelled Harry Potter characters at that. What a bunch of jerks.
Yeah, I know, I’m not the first.
Roger Moore
That’s actually “her-MY-o-nee”; being a Greek name, the emphasis is on the antepenultimate syllable.
@Mnemosyne: The actual case happened before I moved here, so this was the first time it really showed up on my radar. Just amazing.
What Colin Kaepernick’s Protest Looks Like to a Black 49ers Fan
AUG. 31, 2016
San Francisco — Why are we, as sports fans, continually surprised when one of our heroes turns out to be a real person, with real feelings who is living in the same world we also live in? And when that athlete is black, why does white America respond with anger, as if the hero has broken some kind of sacred rule or understood deal? That deal seems to be, “You just go out and win games, collect your check, and if we really like you, you can retire and sell us stuff in TV commercials.”
Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback for San Francisco, the city I love and pay a lot to live in, is the latest in a long line of black athletes who have decided to be real people with real concerns about the black community. This tends to happen when issues become so pressing that they break the heart of the athlete and pierce a wall they might choose to stay behind.
It was the Vietnam War for Muhammad Ali, the civil rights movement for countless others. For Kaepernick, it is the way black and brown people, just like him, are treated in the United States. He felt he could no longer stand for the national anthem at the beginning of 49ers games. In an interview published Saturday, he said, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.”
I imagine I share with Kaepernick nightmares of the killing of Tamir Rice, Michael Brown and so many others. As an African-American father of two sons who live or work in San Francisco, I fear their lives, or mine, might be taken unjustly in a confrontation with the police; the same police I respect and depend on to protect my community and keep it safe.
Doesn’t video lady know saying “Ai-yi-yi-yi!” is perpetuating a stereotype? I would have uttered things less acceptable to a family blog, beginning with what I’d call myself for driving onto a gator-enhanced, flooded roadway.
Well, Betty Cracker, I hope you have emergency food, flashlights, water, etc, in case it gets really bad. Hopefully the electricity will stay on. Good luck. They may be a bit hysterical here in SC, as the schools are already shut down for tomorrow bc Hurricane! Stay safe
Alligators in Florida. Bears in Pasadena, California
I have to admit, hearing that John Lewis was crowdsurfing made me super nervous, because he’s 76 years old! Fortunately, the “Colbert” crowd kept that in mind and didn’t drop him.
Yikes! I read the first instalment (with its cliffhanger last sentence: “I have an enemy.”) but have bookmarked the rest until Sunday, when I’ll be able to read straight through. Don’t think I could stand the suspense otherwise. What a story! (and how compellingly written!)
@Roger Moore:
I’m going to take a wild guess that the highlighted word means “second’. Google. And I’m wrong – it means the third last. So I learned something today. And at my age, I’ll probably learn it a second or third time.
@inventor: Hold up your hand in a vertical position and then turn it 90% either way. Notice how many more muscles you use? It’s not a natural position.
If phone makers would embrace the reality that most people are naturally going to hold their phones vertically when taking pictures, they might then see fit to shift the default orientation of the phone’s camera to taking (the more generally preferred) landscape pictures in that orientation. Or is there some law of physics demanding that a vertical phone should necessarily default to taking a vertical picture?
Iowa Old Lady
Ultimate = last
Penultimate = second to last
Antepenultimate = third to last
Although FL may be escaping assault by fictional girl of determination, HI facing down an actual one that to the tiger in the zoo, just said “pooh pooh”.
According to TPM, VA is now a toss-up. Wasn’t HRC up ~13 or so a few weeks ago? Adjust your freakout accordingly.
@Iowa Old Lady:
I’ll remember those for roughly one hemidemisemiquaver.
@Mnemosyne: As one who lives in a state just north, I’d say that it’s because alligators aren’t the most aggressive creatures out there. Now, crocodiles a whole other matter. For me personally, I’m far more frightened by an unexpected encounter with one of the poisonous pit vipers that live here than one with an alligator. Of course, I know better than to go swimming in waters, almost always dark and murky, that will be filled with both sets of reptiles.
Sam Wang:
As of September 1, 2:59PM EDT:
Snapshot (96 state polls): Clinton 341, Trump 197 EV Meta-margin: Clinton +4.9%
Clinton Nov. win probability: random drift 90%, Bayesian 94%
Senate snapshot (48 polls): Dem+Ind: 50, GOP: 50, Meta-margin: D +1.9%, Nov. control probability: Dem. 73%
@Brachiator: Well, north of the 210 is the wild side of Pasadena.
Such as it is.
There have been so many swimming bears lately that I’m starting to think it has something to do with the drought.
Major Major Major Major
@Roger Moore: you’re an antepenultimate syllable!
one of my favorite words :)
@Face: TPM has their “combine multiple polls over time” sensitivity set to “extreme twitchiness”. One poll, however outlier-ish it is, is enough to change their rating of a given state.
Spoiler alert: The butler did it.
(OK, not really. No butlers were harmed or harmed other people during the telling of this story)
@Brachiator: Bears just wanna have fun.
For those in the path of Hermine, be safe. The storm will miss my burb north of the city, but Raven might get some heavy rain. I have a nice rain shower over my abode, but that’s due to a front coming through.
Thanks for posting, Betty – I wondered how you were doing. Glad to hear all is well so far. The ‘gators must be thrilled that all roads there are now their roads; i.e., rivers.
If you go out to swim today, you’re sure of a big surprise
If you go out to swim today today, you’d better go in disguise
For every bear that ever there was will gather there together because
Today’s the day the teddy bears have their beach day!
They failed! It’s Hermine, not Hermione!
I blame Congress for forcing NOAA to lose its vowel allotment due to sharp budget cuts!!! Just one extra O, that’s ALL THEY NEEDED! :(
Paul in KY
Betty, hope all our Crackers down there are safe (kids & dogs especially).
@Face: No chance. Something’s hinky in the algorithm.
Van Buren
@Face: Having just driven the length and breadth of Virginia, I estimate the yard sign ratio is about 50 to 1 in favor of Trump. FWIW.
My parents live on the edge of the hurricane path and are already getting Tornado Watch alerts.
I’m kinda okay here in Polk but we’re getting hit with rainstorms.
To everybody I know in the path, STAY SAFE.
I swear I read, “Three bears walked into a bar…”
Major Major Major Major
@Van Buren: Clearly Mitt Romney is going to win.
@Van Buren: My daily drive (~15 minutes) in southeast VA has the yard sign count at Trump 1, Clinton 0.
lurker dean
@dmsilev: wow, that couple is loathsome.
Only a month late on that one… do try and keep up.
Mike J
@Mnemosyne: I knew I should have put a link in that last thread! Thanks Mem.
Ok…so…how do I put a link into a thread without ending up in moderation?
In more important news, I have the number 1 pick in my fantasy draft tonight, and I’m torn. QB’s make a huge difference in this PPR league – the difference between the top five QB’s and the rest can be substantial. But, taking a QB at 1 seems wrong and if I pick the wrong guy (i.e. Aaron Rodgers last year), will likely doom my season.
The consensus number 1 is Antonio Brown and he’s perfect for my system.
@Major Major Major Major:
How often does one come across “antepenultimate” in song or verse? Flanders and Swann could tell you:
The last (ultimate) verse of “Have Some Madeira, M’Dear”
@FlipYrWhig: I’ve seen zero Clinton signs in Boston and suburbs and about 10 Trump signs. Ergo Trump will win Mass.
Speaking of Florida…
The SpaceX rocket that was set to carry the Facebook satellite into orbit, has exploded on the launch pad in Canaveral.
Zuckerberg’s personal Sputnik was destroyed in the blast.
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: Cute.
@Cacti: I saw that. Unfortunate.
Highlight whatever words in your text you want to link.
Go to the “link” button above the comment box.
Paste or type in the URL of your link. NOTE: This is very important and I think a lot of people get in tangles because of it — the link box already has http:// entered, so you need to delete it before pasting in your own URL.
That’s it.
Which leads to the extremely important question: how did they manage to get there from the sewers of NYC? I don’t think Amtrak has a fully-subterranean, reptiles-only Acela. Maybe the Gators built a Hyperloop without us knowing about it? And if so, how will the ‘Noles and the ‘Canes respond?
Patricia Kayden
@Brachiator: Ryan Lochte?
@JPL: My bride is convinced we get nuttin!
@Major Major Major Major:
It is that. Here’s the entire song, with Michael Flanders singing and Donald Swann at the piano.
Patricia Kayden
@redshirt: Betty asked us to avoid mentioning the Orange One. Y’all are so disobedient.
Seems to me if the water is deep enough for the gator to swim it’s to deep to be driving in it.
Mary G
@dmsilev: @Mnemosyne: @SiubhanDuinne: I have been reading it too! It is really well written, but this part from today’s installment got me:
to quote rikyrah: uh huh
Exhibit A for BLM
Trump anti-immigrant speech follows dark pattern of US history
Rachel Maddow shows how throughout American history, when normal politics breaks down, fringe voices gain prominence scapegoating immigrant groups.
@Mike J: Not to worry Trump will deport all of the illegal gators/snakes on his first day in office. Those Burmese pythons better enjoy the Everglades while they have the chance. The Donald will get them.
Major Major Major Major
@D58826: Burmese pythons are a model minority; they can stay.
Mike in NC
We’re currently advised that rainfall starting Friday night could be in the range of 5 to 8 inches.
Iowa Old Lady
@Mike in NC: Whoa. That’s a lot of water in a short time. Stay dry.
@CaseyL: No its the Teddy Bears Picinic!
When you think Guilliani can’t embarrass himself any further in this campaign. Well……
Today he sported a baseball cap saying “Make Mexico Great Again Also.” So, Trumps running for president of both countries now. And since when is Sarah Palin writing their copy?
@redshirt: My draft is tonight as well, and I pulled #8 (10-team league, serpentine). I am sure that Brown will be gone, but there are plenty of other top receivers that should be available in the first two rounds for me. I had Rodgers last year as well, and was disappointed to say the least.
@bk: Losing Jordy killed Green Bay last year. And he only just returned to practice. Wild card!
I just read a convincing article the Arizona RB David Johnson should be the number one pick. I don’t know….
Having the first pick is tough, since unless there is a truly standout player among his peers, number one is not that much better than say number 10; but you don’t get to pick again for a long time (in this league, I don’t pick again till 28). So many players will be gone by then.
I’d almost rather have the 5th pick.
El Caganer
Jeez, I move from Philly to Bradenton and walk right into the middle of this mess. Actually more worried about my friend on Siesta Key- she told me her yard is pretty much flooded already.
Um… went to ‘Esquire politics’ to see what Charlie Pierce has to say… and got an error message. Is it just me?
@lollipopguild: I know – I’ve loved that song since I was a little kid; I adapted it for the current fashion for bears to go swimming rather than picnicking.
El Caganer
@Shell: I thought Sarah’s version was “Make Mexico Great Again Also Too. “
@MattF: Huh. NBC news is off-line, too. Somewhere, an entire server farm has crashed.
@Cacti: I think both Zuckerberg and Musk can afford to be beta testers.
@Mike in NC: I guess I am buying an umbrella. This is my first Hurricane in Raleigh.
well, it is Florida.
sounds like a smart move.
The most recent poll is from an outfit called Hampton University, which has her ahead 43 to 41, the same poll had them tied at 39 a month ago. All the other polls show her much further ahead, the RCP average is +10.8 points.
The video of the mishap is rather spectacular.
@MattF: Pierce is still around at Esquire, with this address.
Major Major Major Major
@hovercraft: Keep Calm and Read Sam Wang
I am enjoying the Florida ‘sunshine’ falling form the sky every day down in the Keys. It is an interesting place but I can’t imagine anyone wanting to live here. A great place to visit . . . in January maybe.
They have a very nice tour of the little White House that really makes Truman the center of attention and burnishes his reputation as a great President.
Robert Sneddon
The northern parts of Japan have been hit hard by heavy rains from a recent typhoon. Nine residents of a retirement home which flooded were found dead after rescuers managed to reach it, two more bodies have been found elsewhere and three people are missing in Hokkaido after bridges collapsed from the effects of flooding.
It’s not as bad as 2011 when about ninety people were killed in mudslides and flooding when two typhoons hit the southern part of the main island, Honshu.
Hillz announced she raised $143M in August. That will buy a few ads & organizers.
Mike J
@OldDave: All that LOX not a bagel to be seen.
@Roger Moore: Unless you are in New Orleans. Then all bets are off.
Actually, you can bet that the pronunciation is wrong vis a vis Greek.
@SiubhanDuinne: Ok, testing, testing
ETA it worked! Thanks for teaching this old dog a new trick, SD!
@Mike J: Seriously, a liquid-fueled rocket?
This probably varies for unknown reasons. At first I needed to delete the http:// from the box, but I no longer need to do so.
Also, you might be making a link to an https:// location. Then you will need to edit the prefix.
ETA: And I got moderated for all those http’s above. haha
I can’t link it b/c on my iphone but the House is planning on holding hearings to determine if they can override the state AG investigations of Exxon-Mobile. They plan on calling three conservative legal scholars to explain why the small government/states rights party should suddenly be pulling rank on the states. I guess Lamar Alexander needed some extra cash in his re-election fund.
@Mary G:
The simple explanation is that cops get pissed off when civilians lie to them. If only they got as pissed when their fellow cops lie to them.
Okay, I won’t say his name, but can you please ask Hermine to scatter the T-name to the four winds?
Or it could buy a cheapo hat for roughly half the population of the US! Priorities, people, priorities.
@D58826: Here’s a link to the story, with the amusing headline, “Republicans investigate their ability to investigate investigations”
Basically, big Dem states are learning how to do some of the work that the GOP-controlled House won’t let happen at the federal level…i.e., pursue climate change-obscuring PR campaigns (as noted in the above article). I think CA is looking into gun-control research as well (currently forbidden at the federal level by GOP wackaloons)
I’m very glad, Jeffro! It’s rare that I am capable of teaching anyone anything to do with tech or computer skills, so this is a win for both of us!
Yes sir. Behold: California’s biggest Fuck You to the NRA, to date.
@Mike J:
LOL. No end of bagels in South Florida. Titusville? Not so sure.
@Major Major Major Major:
I’m calm, I was trying to calm @Face.
@SiubhanDuinne: I do wonder why that http prefix is in the ‘link’ by default– I suppose the initial idea was to type the URL in by hand, but then URLs became complicated– so everyone just started cutting, copying, and pasting. And now everyone has the habit of deleting the prefix, so there’s no point to changing the default.
@MattF: I’m confused. Most to-orbit rockets are liquid fuel based – the specific impulse of liquid fueled engines is considerably higher than with solids.
Yes, to the extent I’ve tried to figure out the “why” of it, that’s pretty much what I came up with. I suppose Alain could tell us, but honestly, at this point it’s so rote I don’t even care.
Major Major Major Major
@hovercraft: calmer than you are.
Found out today my dog has several tumors in his stomach. Putting him to sleep tomorrow. It’s the right thing, but it’s hard.
@OldDave: Well, I looked it up and the Falcon 9 does indeed carry liquid oxygen, despite being restartable. Live and learn.
@eclare: I’m so sorry. hugs
@JPL: Thank you.
Oh, no! I’m so sorry. It’s hard to do even when you know it’s the right thing and you’ll be sparing your pet enormous pain down the line.
@Mnemosyne:He hasn’t been himself for a while, but he stopped eating two days ago. Took him in today. Got some pain shots for tonight.
@El Caganer: Welcome! Just gotta get to the high ground. Oh, wait…
@Major Major Major Major:
Ha !
@Roger Moore: Any excuse to write antepenultimate!
@eclare: Aw, it’s the second best thing we can do for our pets and it sucks.
Stay safe Betty and family plus anyone else within the path of the storm!
So sorry. Keep him close for the time you have left.
@eclare: I’m so, so sorry. It’s great they gave you pain meds to give him a pain-free last day. Hugs and condolences.
Mike J
Fire started in the lox tank during fueling.
@Brachiator: Go Bears! *fist pump*
On the left coast, we have bears that swim with hoomans….
Also – 3 bears….guessing there was a blonde around there somewhere….
Kathleen O'Neill
@eclare: I am so sorry. Hugs from me as well.
Sorry about your friend/pet.
Always a tough decision but sometimes it’s the only one.
@raven: Yes, it does, but he is not the same Dante that he was just a few months ago. Fuck cancer! Thankfully I have another dog here.
I drove across California’s Central Valley last weekend from Los Banos to Madera on my way to the Sierra Nevada. I saw the usual signs blaming Nancy Pelosi and Jim Costa (D-Fresno) for the drought, with the addition of T****/Pence signs. A little further on I saw one Hillary lawn sign and a few doors down a handmade Ron Paul 2012 sign still up. Draw what conclusions you will from that.
EDIT. Sorry forgot it was a safe place.
Damn, eclare. I’m really sorry. It had been almost two years since I lost my sweet pup (he was 15) and I still miss his salty, old face. Sending you a big hug.
@eclare: Our guys are both getting up there so we just try to enjoy every day.
Well, that will be … interesting. I guess not enough white women hated Trump yet.
So I’m sitting in a decent little Asian restaurant waiting for my wife, listening to an aging white wingnut yammer on in a droning tone about Obama and socialized medicine. His wife sits silently while he talks at her.
Debating whether I want to stab him with a fork or whether I want to shatter my beer glass and use the shards to shred his esophagus.
They’re at the next booth.
Major Major Major Major
@eclare: So sorry to hear that :(
@MomSense: Thank you! They all help! Dante was about 10 or 11. He is not happy, it’s the right thing to do.
cat copeland
Yes, alligators in fla., & bears in LA. See, that was THEIR habitat first.
It’s raining men….UHM………….”.Alligators”
@Botsplainer: Chopsticks in the eyeballs.
cat copeland
@Botsplainer: If it’s an Asian joint, pith him with a chopstick.
@Botsplainer: “The Empress of China, she laughs when I laugh! … I stare at my fork. The empress would grab it And stand up and stab it In his neck” They’re eating chop suey.
He’s pushing 70, is as broad as he is tall, and is lamenting for the revenues of his friends who are well known local sports doctors whose practices command an easy 7 figure annual net. They’ve apparently whined to him about revenues being “down”.
@eclare: It is such a kindness that we can offer to our canine and feline companions – please do remember this. And I send you compassionate love and understanding….
@eclare: so so sorry. hug all night
It’s the right thing to do but it still hurts. On my dog’s last night he couldn’t climb the stairs so my son carried him up the stairs so he could sleep with him as usual. And the next day he carried him down the stairs and to the car. I couldn’t help but think about how it had all come full circle. When he first brought him home as a puppy he couldn’t manage the stairs so we had to carry him up and down. Pretty soon he was tearing all around at full speed with his boys. It goes so quickly and it is devastating to lose them but what can we do?! It’s a beautiful love.
We who choose to surround ourselves
with lives even more temporary than our
own, live within a fragile circle;
easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps,
we would still live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only
certain immortality, never fully
understanding the necessary plan.
— Irving Townsend
@Botsplainer: We rescue pets here, but making your bail might be possible – after endless threads of discussion.
@Botsplainer: Oh. Chopsticks up the nostrils then.
@raven: Wiping away a tear – thank you. And we’ll always have Walter. Even when his days are done, we will have a collective memory of Walter, thanks to Cole and debit – and Walter.
grandpa john
@hovercraft:Which should reinforce the point made often by Sam and and 538 to wit A single poll, taken alone is worthless in making any predictions,
Chris T.
@OldDave: Right: Ultimate = final, and then the prefixes move it back: pen-ultimate = one before end, ante-pen-ultimate = 2 before. There’s also pre-ante-pen-ultimate = 3 before end.
In music, a “quaver” is an eighth note, and this can be prefixed with demi- to make it a 16th, semi-demi to make it a 32nd, or hemi-demi-semi to make it a 64th note.
Hence: “the preantepenultimate tone is a hemidemisemiquaver” :-)
The thread would be epic.
Sadly, there is no Bolton-esque mustache.
grandpa john
@Major Major Major Major: I would suggest that they not only read him but also take what they read as something to heed
I wou
Chris T.
@Trollhattan: Dammit, I’m always late to these things!
So very sorry!
I wish you strength and peace.
grandpa john
@Botsplainer: Like the now departed friend of mine who constantly bitched about “Socialized Medicine” all during the trips when I drove him to the VA hospital for appointments.
I wonder if she is another woman who secretly votes for the other team.
Betty Cracker
@eclare: Damn, that sucks. I’m sorry. ?
1,000 Flouncing Lurkers (was fidelioscabinet)
@eclare: I’m so sorry.
Thank you all so much, it really does help. He is asleep on my bed right now, I lifted him up, he could not climb the pet step. Tomorrow will be hard, but he is not the same dog. He is not even a version of the dog. He is very sick. Fuck cancer.
1st band is here. gonna be an interesting day tomorrow. have limes, rum, club soda, mint and simple syrup. \
at least we won’t come down with scurvy.
@eclare: Our canine companions spend a lifetime of energy loving us and enjoying the world – they are very pure in that way. When we self-lessly ease their suffering and passing – as hard as it hurts us – it is our way to repay their love and devotion – with comfort at the end.
@Roger Moore:
“That’s actually “her-MY-o-nee”; being a Greek name, the emphasis is on the antepenultimate syllable.”
That’s actually the douchiest reply ever.
Richard Mayhew
@Jaws: Have you been here for a while?
That barely cracks the top 5% of douchiest comments :)