My God. @redsteeze @allison_rapp22
— Richard M. Nixon (@dick_nixon) August 30, 2016
Not that it’s likely to happen, but Garrison Keillor has just the right tone for addressing Hair Fuhrer:
The cap does not look good on you, it’s a duffer’s cap, and when you come to the microphone, you look like the warm-up guy, the guy who announces the license number of the car left in the parking lot, doors locked, lights on, motor running. The brim shadows your face, which gives a sinister look, as if you’d come to town to announce the closing of the pulp factory. Your eyes look dead and your scowl does not suggest American greatness so much as American indigestion. Your hair is the wrong color: People don’t want a president to be that shade of blond. You know that now…
What the fans don’t know is that it’s not much fun being a billionaire. You own a lot of big houses and you wander around in them, followed by a waiter, a bartender, a masseuse, three housekeepers, and a concierge, and they probably gossip about you behind your back. Just like nine-tenths of your campaign staff. You’re losing and they know it and they’re telling mean stories about you to everybody and his brother…
Thoughts & prayers with our loved ones & friends in the Top-of-the-Newscast-Weather target area. Apart from that, what’s on the agenda as we wrap up an interminable week at the end of an abominable month?
One thing I dislike about twitter is the lack of filtering of names. I don’t mind people who use tags or nyms on twitter, but the people running the DenaldjTrump and the Richard Nixon tags shouldn’t get to use them. We all have a right to say whatever the f* we want, but I don’t see how that applies to saying whatever the f* we want under the auspice of other peoples names. I wouldn’t want someone else posting things in my name.
Good Morning ?, Everyone ?
Well, I get the day off due the storm pinwheeling over southeast Georgia. We are getting rain and gusts here on the island, and the beaches are closed.
@LeeM: Tybee, St Simons, Jekyll?
@rikyrah: Good morning to you.
The rain from Hermine has started here. Heavier rain and wind coming after 2 p.m. We’re dismissing school at mid-day & I plan to come straight home and hunker down with my stack of books for the holiday weekend.
Also, smartest kitteh ever.
Watching Morning Joe, Trump is hardening, then softening, then hardening… Sounds like a fucking pron flick.
Getting ready for a big party for my mother–well–not BIG but 48 people in a small house. Catered. We are stuffing the house with small tables and chairs. Meanwhile i start school next week for my MSW and all the stupid paperwork and medical stuff i had to do for my oldest in college i have to do. They want me to have a TB test, and a host of other shots as though i were going to be living on campus.
Even Joe of the Morning wants taco trucks on every corner!
@Aimai: Unless you are 100% online get da test!
Giuliani looks even worse in a baseball cap than Trump but when I saw Jeff Sessions sporting the make mexico great again also too cap, I thought I was going to hurt myself laughing. A shriveled evil elf with a cap two sizes too big that threatened to fall down to his chin has to be the worst baseball cap wearer look ever.
Fournier’s LAST DAY!
Lots,of lightening & thunder now, that’s new for today. Back to bed sounds good.
Would people please say where they are when they give these weather reports?
Not that I care much but where, pray tell is he going? No doubt landing some other msm job where he can keep doing that thing that he does.
@raven: His swan song, maybe he could take a swan dive off 30 Rock.
And back to Hillary’s emails, CLICK!
I’ll bet he would fit right in Trump’s campaign: Jared Fogle plans to sue parents of young girl he was convicted of abusing
Yes, it was their drinking that turned her into such an irresistible slut, totally not his fault.
Betty Cracker
@raven: I’m in West Coastal FL, and it’s still raining like hell here. Looks like we’re on the south end of the band that is also soaking Savannah!
@raven: He’s being executed? What did he do?
@OzarkHillbilly: so shouldn’t she be the one who gets to sue her parents? I guess one of the lawyers could answer, but I can’t see a court wasting it’s time with this.
@rikyrah: good morning. Good morning everyone. I believe I woke up this morn with my first symptoms of OWS: Obama Withdrawal Syndrome. Vague but persistent feeling of unease. Related to PHiST: Permanent Hillary Smear Targeting- been percolating in the gene pool for a generation but expect a major breakout in November.
@bemused: Some business rag in Detroit.
Child molesters usually blame the kids they molested first. “She was wearing those short dresses” was what I remember a local deviant said after he was caught and sent to jail.
Fogle’s wife didn’t waste any time divorcing him after he was caught. I feel for his kids. Has to be rough to cope with knowing your dad was into child pron.
@raven: I’m in the Ozarks. Currently 58 degrees with cloudless skies and a Milky Way you could almost touch.
@OzarkHillbilly: Nice, spitting here in NE Georgia.
Did MJoe bring out a farewell cake for him?
@bemused: Imagine being in the playground.
Fournier must have gotten the heave ho from the DC rag that employs the wretch. My Friday is brighter already. One less bothsiderist!
yawesu@raven: @raven: Tybee. The causeway isn’t due to flood, but the wind could be a challenge. Better to stay home and calm the furry crew.
Another scam Trump business is completely ignored:
One of the models appeared on The Apprentice. They’re afraid to complain because they don’t have work visas and they don’t want to get trapped here with no money.
@LeeM: Ah, I have friends who live there too!
@OzarkHillbilly: What is the Milky Way? I’ve heard of the candy bar.
@raven: Lower SC–about 90 miles NW of Charleston.
Many years ago another local guy, married with a couple of kids was sent to prison for molesting his own kids, iirc. The wife immediately divorced him and moved away with the kids and haven’t heard of any of them since. I can certainly understand the mom wanting to move somewhere several states distant for her kid’s healing and her own. I hope they are doing well
Mustang Bobby
Overcast but no rain — finally — here in Miami. I am about 400 miles southeast of where Hermine came ashore and 250 from Betty Cracker’s area.
The city of Miami Beach reports that they have found mosquitoes that tested positive for the Zika virus. That’s about three miles from here across the causeway, and I’m five blocks south of the area where it was first reported.
I’ve seen some really stupid commentary in places on the right that while taco trucks on every corner seems like a joke, it’s about “loss of American identity” and “replacement culture”.
Can we all agree that if regrettable food items like “white chocolate divinity”, jello and Kool Whip disappeared tomorrow, the world would be a better place?
@bemused: A name change for Fogle’s children is not without reason.
heavy rain throughout the night in Atlanta, but it seems to have stopped. I hope so, since I’m planning to walk to work in an hour.
We still haven’t recovered from the widespread availability of Chinese takeout. And don’t even get me started on pizza.
Betty Cracker
The sun is up and the rain stopped long enough for me to check on the hens. Boy, are they pissed! My yard is a soupy mess. I bet we got more than 10 inches of rain…maybe a lot more. Looks like more is on the way too.
It’s just so silly. Do they object to Asian or Italian food areas in supermarkets? Where’s the magic line where it becomes “American culture” and why do they get to define “American culture” anyway?
When I saw “taco truck” I honestly thought one of the Trump dopes was bungling thru an interview about how Trump would help small business. I assumed they were talking about “taco trucks” as a PLUS, in a clumsy way.
Mustang Bobby
@Botsplainer: Some of the best lunches I’ve ever had have been from taco trucks in Albuquerque and Santa Fe.
Trump is coming for your food trucks!
OK, so this was amazing. Canine research on which areas of the brain are impacted by words required dogs to lie perfectly still in an MRI for 8 minutes without so much as a twitch was done.
How you train dogs to lie perfectly still without moving a muscle.
Fifteen years ago when I was wingnut curious, I noted a rising sense of rage toward Central American immigrants, and being pretty damned puzzled, wondering where it was coming from.
Betty Cracker
Regarding the taco trucks thing, Joy Reid’s reaction was priceless. She was like, “Wait, what?” And that wasn’t the only madness she dealt with on that show. Taco Truck Guy is getting all the attention, but in a previous segment, Reid ably shredded another Trump surrogate — a guy who was just as nasty though less hilariously obtuse. Hayes owes her one.
Ohio judges have a bench card they have to read where they tell defendants they’re entitled to a translator if they don’t understand English. The bench card itself means they weren’t doing what they were supposed to do- it’s a mandated script for the less-bright members of the judiciary who won’t follow rules unless they;re given a direct order and a script.
We have a muni judge who reads it sarcastically. Just appalling. He sits up there like everyone is in on the joke. It drives me crazy because it’s really common with these people- they always have to bring other people into their nastiness. “Haw, haw, haw, TRANSLATOR”. It’s like they’re too cowardly to just go it alone.
Just One More Canuck
@Betty Cracker: Mad as a wet hen?
@Kay: its like they sat in a room and were challenged to brainstorm Reasons to be afraid of Mexicans and convinced themselves that it was true.
@Baud: That sounds like a personal issue, Baud.
Seriously? The name of our home galaxy, and the ‘milky’ smear across the night sky of stars as you look up and through the body of the galaxy.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Aren’t you one of those kimchi eaters? Traitor!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Light pollution depresses me. Didn’t really see stars until I was an adult.
What is American cuisine? Stolen from elsewhere.
We had German schools here at one time- public schools where German was the primary language used. What was the “culture” before they came? I don’t know- “destitute New England farmer who came for free land culture”?
@henqiguai: Your sarcasm meter is in need of calibration ;-)
@Baud: Can’t see anything like that here in LALAland.
ETA: I’m being slightly snarky here, I know what the Milky Way is, I’ve seen it when madame and I went to Tahiti. But you cannot see it in LA due to light pollution.
Patricia Kayden
@OzarkHillbilly: Unbelievable! Speechless!
@OzarkHillbilly: Correct.
How far Republicans have come, huh? The scrappy immigrant who is making his own way with a small business is now a scourge upon the land. This is EXACTLY what they say they admire. Now they’re mad he’s competing with McDonalds.
@Baud: I had Kimchi last Sunday, it’s yummy.
@Betty Cracker: it’s just…God. I can’t even….arghhh! There’s this huge jump. There are 2,000,000 immigrant criminals out there that can be deported immediately (which is pretty much every person currently in jail or prison) and hundreds of thousands more that the police know about but that Obama won’t let police touch because he’s put shackles on the police and im telling you, believe me, those shackles are coming off and this crime wave we’ve just made up in our heads is over the day Trump is sworn in. Item number two: tacos. Gotta get riled up about tacos.
@Kay: That scrappy immigrant will return when it’s time to debate tax hikes.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: why do you hate America?
@Kay: It’ll all be better for the small business if the capital gains tax is eliminated.
@OzarkHillbilly(#54) as well as BillinGlendaleCA at #55
Yeah. Not used to reading you maniacs this early on a work day. Never mind…
@Baud: I don’t, madame is Korean.
ETA: We went to a buffet to celebrate her and the kid’s b-days(madame’s was Monday, the kid’s is tomorrow) and she got a plate with just kimchi to share between us.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I remember. In reality, it would be OK to eat kimchi even if she weren’t.
Hello, All.
It’s very nice weather-wise here in the near-north of Boston. But I had my first faculty meeting of the year yesterday and I cannot tell you how much these meetings make me crazy. The thing is that every little issue that even potentially impacts the personal liberty and privileges of a professor are treated like they are marching across the Selma Bridge.
Meanwhile, I intend to go to my favorite Taco Truck at lunch today to support the revolution.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I don’t like kimchi, but I would happily support having a South Korean movie on at least one screen of every multiplex cinema.
@Kay: the next thing you know, a few of those guys standing around in staging areas looking for work as day laborers…will open their own general contracting and groundskeeping businesses!
That’s why husband supports immigration- we need them for entitlement programs. He’s eyeing them as revenue. “Come on in! Can I interest you in our Premium Wage Withholding Program?”
I wonder if Taco Bell is for or against taco trucks.
Is Taco Solidarity a thing, or is it all about competition?
@henqiguai: I was only being slightly snarky, I’ve not seen the Milky Way in about 16 years.
Iowa Old Lady
I’d kill for a taco truck or two where I live. Also a falafel stand.
What is wrong with these people?
@Baud: I was pleasantly surprised when we bought this place. While I can easily see the light pollution from both St Clair and Sullivan on the horizon, neither really interferes with my star gazing.
@Baud: Being that taco trucks have better food than Taco Bell, they’re against them.
ETA: Taco Bell, another place that I’ve not dined at since I quit drinking.
Some of the white folks probably need a translator too.
@Iowa Old Lady: We have taco trucks and falafel stands, Glendale has a sizable Latino and Armenian population.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yo quiero taco trucks.
Agree. I sure would.
Anne Laurie
I grew up in the Bronx, and I’m not sure I ever saw the Milky Way until I was an adult, making a late-night stop on a Canadian freeway somewhere between Sarnia and NYC.
The Spousal Unit grew up in the upper lower Michigan boonies; it makes him sad that we have to drive at least an hour from here and hunt for a place to see stars less easily visible than Orion’s belt (which is still the only constellation I can identify with any confidence).
@Anne Laurie: Same here regarding Orion.
@bemused: Well, it’s not as though the judge speaks human. Nothing but code ‘n’ secret handshakes.
Amir Khalid
I’ve lived all my life in Kuala Lumpur, a national capital, and I have never seen the Milky Way in the night sky here.
Clinton has a new plan to lower prescription drug prices. There will be blanket coverage of THAT I’m sure.
@Anne Laurie: I’ve been wanting to drive up Pacific Coast Highway between Santa Monica and Oxnard to see if I can photograph the Milky Way from there. I’ve seen some people having some sucess there and Palos Verde, otherwise it’s a hour drive to the mountains or a few hours to the desert.
It always amazes me how prejudiced folks walk around puffed up with their huge superiority attitude all day.
Mustang Bobby
@Anne Laurie: Same here in Miami. The last time I had a really clear sky was when I lived in New Mexico and we had to travel an hour west to Acoma to see the stars.
@Amir Khalid: There’s a guy in Singapore who has photographed it there. He has a web page on how he did it.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
It’s September! About to start my “senior year” of work life.
I’ve decided I can afford to walk away from full time salaried work early next June. So I have one academic year of wage slavery left.
I know I’d die of boredom if I didn’t actually work (perhaps literally; there’s a fairly common phenomenon of people dying within about 2 years when their life loses structure). But I can choose work because it’s work that matters, for people I want to work for.
@Kay: Ha! And some idiot will complain how she never talks about policy.
Good morning and happy to be back from Germany but not happy to realize just how far we still have to go on quality of life issues in the u s of a; and what they could teach us about a healthy middle class or food but then, why bother? Those here know only too well that so much of what Europe does is what we need to do here and will have to wait twenty to fifty years to get relative to these quality of life issues if we are lucky.
One thing, the worlds very best Vanilla ice creme is located in a small shop in the ‘port’ area of Greifswald, Germany.
Hope all our Florida and other BJ readers in the path of the storm ride it out with little discomfort!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Lots of cool milky way photos on the web, but apparently you can’t see it that brightly in real life, even in good conditions.
@Mustang Bobby:
I have a slightly clearer sky about 20 miles from the burbs, but it is still light polluted. The best night skies of my memories were on a sailboat out off St Kitts in 2000.
@Kay: The amount of pharmaceutical industry commercials on TV means it won’t be covered except for a few “Clinton hates business” rants by various stock touts on CNBC.
@Baud: It depends where you are, but Photoshop really gives photos an extra zing.
I bought a lens to photograph the Milky Way 12mm f/2, but I can’t do it from here and the weather hasn’t been cooperative at the coast(marine layer).
I had trouble sleeping last night. Flipped to PBS because they had someone giving a lecture on some pop-psychology topic, so I could listen, shut my eyes (no visuals since a lecture) and maybe fall back asleep.
Well turns out the speaker was 1980’s comic Yakhov Smirrnoff (sp?). He’s now a college professor and has a book out about relationships/love and laughter.
What a country.
@Kay: One of the great success stories of STL over the past 20 years or so has been the plethora of immigrants opening restaurants of their native cuisines. I can travel the world just strolling down S Grand. I love it.
Morons. American culture has pretty much always been about stealing everyone else’s best ideas and figuring out how to do them ourselves. And make a buck at it.
It’s like they’ve forgotten their roots entirely.
I can imagine a cat backing away from Roger Ailes. Fascinating article in nymag about the behind-the-scenes faux news culture.
So there will be a “bloodbath” after November 9th at Faux. Lots of personalties leaving. And its biggest competitor will be… Trump TV.
@gene108: That made me think of this place I passed on Hollywood Blvd. last week.
A taco truck on every corner sounds more like a vote-winning campaign promise to me. I’d vote for the President who could make that happen.
Ceci n'est pas mon nym
@Cermet: Two things I remember about German ice cream from a trip to Leipzig some years ago:
1. They seem to associate it with Italy, specifically Venice. Nearly every ice cream joint had some play on “Venice” in its name or on the ice cream menu.
2. They like to play with their food, making it look like other things. In keeping with the Italian theme, they pretty much all had some ice cream dish made to look like spaghetti and meatballs, or pizza.
Actually there’s a #3: I think my favorite German ice cream thing was Eiskaffee, iced coffee with a scoop of ice cream in it. Simple and satisfying on a summer day.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: If you don’t hate America, why didn’t you marry an all American girl?
A decade or so ago I was doing a job in St. Paul with another engineer from Texas who was obviously of Hispanic descent. He mentioned he wanted Korean food for lunch so we picked on at random form a bunch near by. We were greeted by a old Korean grandmother and the other engineer spoke to her in Korean . . . things came out of that kitchen I have never seen in my life! About 12 different pickled dishes. Turns out he had a Korean girl friend and had worked construction with her dad when he was a kid.
Multicultural is good!
@?BillinGlendaleCA: That would be Taco Hell to you and me.
Mustang Bobby
@OzarkHillbilly: My ex was from a family that grew up in Hayes, Kansas; both parents. (In fact, one of his ancestors was Cole Younger, a member of the Jesse James gang.) Well, there are a lot of Germans in Hayes; his surname, Pfannenstiel, takes up a page in the phone book. When I spent time with his family, it wasn’t unusual at all to hear German in casual conversation. And they were at least three or four generations removed from their first-arrival ancestors.
Some folk tend to forget that the Midwest was settled mainly by Central European and Scandinavian immigrants. Ja, youbetcha.
@OzarkHillbilly: That was my mother’s question.
@OzarkHillbilly: Ironically, the kid’s sister worked in their corporate office.
Another great American cultural ripoff!
For years the supermarket near my house has had an aisle labeled with the sign, “Spanish Food.” You know, beans, tamales, salsa, and so forth.
It’s nice to have a day off when the weather has temporarily turned fall-like. Pity it will be spent on errands put off for weeks.
@Schlemazel: Korean food is usually served with 6 or 7 side dishes, 12 would be alot. The kid’s bf is half Mexican.
Mustang Bobby
@RSA: Now it’s called either “International” or “Ethnic.”
I was at the farmer’s market yesterday. It’s in a suburban, very well-to-do neighborhood. For the first time, I heard someone asking one of the vendors who exactly picked their fruit. Jackass took a very nice, friendly communal event and managed to inject Trumplike hate and bile.
My dream is that as a reaction to the taco trucks, red-blooded Americans set up competing mac and cheese trucks that give them all heart attacks.
@Mustang Bobby: Here where I live now, on the edge of the old Lead Belt that was being mined back in the 1700’s, French was still commonly spoken until about 50 years ago. Just north of me along the Missouri River where a lot of Germans settled during the 1800’s, it is still possible (tho rare) to hear German.
ETA a comma- DOH!
Jobs plus 151,000. Unemployment rate remains unchanged at 4.9%.
I once had a downstairs neighbor who was Korean. For a few days, I was sure an animal had died inside the wall somewhere. I waited and hoped it would go away, but just before I decided I really should call the manager, she announced (through my open window) that she’d just finished making kimchee and to come try some.
Yes. When we get out of homogenized outstate MN and visit the cities, we feel energized. Driving around and seeing all the diverse neighborhoods, eating places, shops and people is exciting. I just don’t get why other people feel so uncomfortable and threatened when they get out of their bubble communities.
@debbie: Good thing she wasn’t making kimchi soup.
ETA: You make kimchi soup when kimchi goes bad.
@Baud: Yes, but Hillary’s emails(that she was trying to hide) show that folk who gave money to the Clinton Foundation sometimes got to meet with Sec. Clinton. I learned this from Joe this morning.
Mustang Bobby
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I’ve heard that a lot of foods like haggis, kimchi, gefilte fish, lutefisk, and such were concocted before the days of refrigeration so they would last longer. I’m in agreement with Mike Meyers, who claims they were invented on a dare, as in “I dare ya to eat that.”
ETA: Kimchi goes bad? I thought it started out that way.
I’d be surprised if Taco Bell had much of an opinion on taco trucks other than they not be parked in the vicinity of a franchise. Sure, there’s some overlap in patronage. The people who want something cheap, fast and that at least superficially resembles a taco would probably be tempted away by a nearby taco truck (although some of the gourmet taco trucks I have seen and eaten at charge for a taco what you can get a 3 taco meal for at Toxic Hell). The majority of people who eat at Taco Bell probably would keep eating at Taco Bell. It’s the food they are used to and comfortable with. They’ve grown up on it, so a Taco Bell taco tastes like a taco should taste to them.
A quick confession. I’m fond of Taco Bell and had lots of positive experiences hanging around a franchise when I was younger, playing cards with friends over a value meal and free fountain drink refills. I still have a weakness for their plain bean burritos and I would definitely choose them over either BK or McD’s when faced with that choice. When I worked retail, they were a cheap, reasonably healthy option (a chicken or beef fresco taco meal with a diet soda was reasonably tasty and low in calories compared to other options). I also think their near infinite combinations of a few key ingredients is at it’s heart a decent strategy. They probably could crank out a large volume of legitimately good tacos by incorporating higher quality ingredients and changing their prep methods. They probably couldn’t do this even if they wanted because it would drive away more customers than it would bring in.
FTFY. No charge, as you are a first time customer.
@Baud: I’m a city boy, and didn’t realize the moon rose and set every day until I went to college out in the sticks.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: It’s not just Joe unfortunately. The media has lost its mind.
Josh Marshall
@MattF: That’s no moon.
Oh boy.
@MattF: Happens every day. Just like the Clinton ‘scandals’. Latest one is about some diplomatic passports for Bill in 2009. Didn’t have the energy to read the article. .
Some people really hate being outside their comfort zone. Those that do not mind tend to be more liberal, in my experience.
@amk: Yeah, Marshall’s caused a stir with that. Spade is a spade, and this is a fucking shovel, etc.
BC in Illinois
Ahhh – South Grand! I can get hungry thinking about it.
The “South Grand Community Improvement District” lists restaurants devoted to all kinds of food: Lebanese, Chinese, Turkish, French, Persian, Mexican, Vietnamese, Ethiopian, Thai, Philipino, Japanese, Brazilian, Moroccan, and Vegan (from the planet Vega). [Domino’s lists its cuisine as “Italian.”] And, of course, the Gelateria.
For Nepalese food, you need to go up to the Grove, on Manchester.
Republican style agoraphobia.
I guess Maine and Massachusetts will not get rain from Hermine. We really need the rain.
I’m a normal person, so I would be happy. “Mmmm. Spanish food! Must investigate” . I love supermarkets.
I used to look for unusual fruit to give my children – a mango, a kiwi, whatever. You’re always pushing fruit on them so I figured I would make it exciting. My daughter made fun of me. She called it Fruits of the World.
Had a Senegalese restaurant nearby (unfortunately didn’t last long), order menu and buffet. Family run as you might expect. Went in the week they opened, and a young daughter (I assume) worked the floor; must have been issues in the kitchen for the adults to deal with. Don’t think she was even driving age. Asked her to walk the buffet with me to talk me through the stuff. Lots of stews, most thickened with peanuts. I don’t know what the common language in Senegal is, ethnic tribes with French overlay maybe, but it didn’t seem she was a) very comfortable with English, and b) actually much acquainted with food prep:
Me: Is that beef?
Her: Yes, meat.
Me: Beef?
Her: Meat meat.
(Turns out mostly beef, some goat, some chix.) I liked it, and the condiment board had some fantastic hot pepper sauces.
Lasted about a year, sadly no sign that they moved.
@p.a.: The restaurant biz is tough. You have to manage constant flows of food, customers, money, supplies. And make a profit.
ETA: Not to mention cooks, waiters, managers, etc.
Amir Khalid
@BC in Illinois:
Domino’s has infested Malaysia for over twenty years now. I wouldn’t list its cuisine as “food”.
Harder to make a profit without selling booze.
I wonder how Native Americans feel about such complaints…
Only if she wrote in up in an email, then deleted it.
Chyron HR
I thought that was a Queen album.
Tenar Darell
the whole taco trucks thing is hilarious because I was at b. good (local NE/NY sourced food) and got their seasonal Mexican Street Corn side after the last concert (in that ICA series) of the summer. I can now get a burger with a side of Mexican Street Corn! That’s so supremely American it’s a cliche.
@Botsplainer: I suppose one could point out that hot dogs on every corner was once a foreign invasion (sausages were German imports), but 1840’s history usually doesn’t convince xenophobes. ;)
Btw – today is 30 years to the day since I walked in to my 11th-grade English/History block just before the bell, and the only seat left was the one across from the future Mrs. Jeffro. How ’bout them apples?
@gene108: What’s amazing about their comfort zone is that it sometimes doesn’t even extend beyond chain restaurants. National chains. Well, ok, some of their — the suburban their. Can manage to move halfway across the nation and experience zilch change in cuisine or shopping opportunities (except for name of grocery stores and presumably exact weed in the lawn)
@Jeffro: and labelled it the Benghazi Plan
@Amir Khalid: They’ve recently had market improvement because of an ad campaign which basically admitted “we hear you about how much we suck. We’ll get better.”
Betty Cracker
@Jeffro: Awww, that’s nice! Congrats to you both!
Uncle Cosmo
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I’ve seen “La Vie de St. Jacques” 3 times in my 66+ years. Once (1965?) outside the minor-league ballpark in Winston-Salem NC when they killed all the lights. Once (1985) from the foredeck of a ship in the middle of the Adriatic bound for Pescara from Split. I forget the third…
Iowa Old Lady
According to Huffington Post, the debate moderators have been chosen:
Lester Holt
Martha Raddatz and Anderson Cooper
Chris Wallace
Only halfway through the comments as I actually have work to do here, but here’s a map of light pollution across the globe. For those of you (Bill, AL, et al), looking for dark sites, look for the dark gray.
Iowa Old Lady
Can’t edit so I’ll add here that the VP debate moderator will be
Elaine Quijano
Amir Khalid
Ah, but did their product really improve?
Major Major Major Major
@Iowa Old Lady: So, no Hewitt then?
@Poopyman: Heh. My part of town is just like “don’t even bother” on that map. The overlay is just transparent.
Iowa Old Lady
@Major Major Major Major: And no Alex Jones. I don’t understand it.
Made me laugh. Now I have a good theme for my next shopping trip. I’ll skip the durian, though.
Major Major Major Major
@Iowa Old Lady: You know, maybe Trump is right about the unfair, biased media.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: The donor list for the Clinton foundation was either 7000 or 70,000 names long.
they found less than 100 who got meetings.
@Amir Khalid
Presuming that no news is good news on the finger front.
Major Major Major Major
@catclub: So what you’re saying is she’s an evil bitch who must be stopped at all costs, yes?
Amir Khalid
So it would seem.
1,000 Flouncing Lurkers (was fidelioscabinet)
@OzarkHillbilly: American cuisine.
It’s really quite unbelievable, how “Clinton Rules” work. They can’t even get a ‘both sides’ treatment…because if reporters were just to show the Clinton and Trump Foundations side-by-side and say nothing else, it’d be seen – RIGHTFULLY – as a pro-Clinton piece.
Speaking of eating their own, interesting NYT Upshot thing on trends in incarceration. The new boom areas are predominantly white, rural, conservative areas. Despite their generally dropping crime rates (like elsewhere) and complicated by their being booming new areas for addiction, they’re staunchly off being “tough on crime” leading to not only to differences in incarceration rates but stunning ones for length of sentence (probable 0-5y elsewhere, 35y actual). Also mildly wondering what the long-term impact on voting eligibility will be, although with sentences like those. . .
@Betty Cracker: Thanks Betty! Our HS classmates are sending in all kinds of congrats today…I’m sure they’re also quietly cursing our names for reminding them that it’s about to be 30-year-reunion time =)
@Iowa Old Lady: I wonder if the moderators have strict rules as to their duties during the debates. I would be shocked if Trump’s crew did not have it made abundantly clear that the moderators only ask questions and keep track of the time, and are not allowed at all to comment or correct their man during the debate.
“There will be no Candy Crowley at these debates!”
@raven: last day? What did I miss?
Oh, and hallelujah!
@Betty Cracker:
When Joy Reid brought on pollster Cornell Beltcher, he straight up called the gut Uncle Ruckus (for you Boondocks fans). No chill.Hilarious ????
Btw Bobo just kills me:
Yes…our politics, right up until 2016…it was such a high-minded endeavor, such a classy, philosophical thing.
Dave, could we please get past the idea that our politics – here or anywhere, now or at any time – have ever been prim & proper?
If Trump’s not elected we get taco trucks on every corner?
I love taco trucks. San Diego has an odd lack of them – we have a few, and they’re really good, but I would have thought we’d have more. Taco trucks are the bomb, especially if they have, as someone mentioned above, “Mexican street corn”. If you’ve never had it, you need to.
@Jeffro: It really seems that he’s entirely unaware of how what he writes applies to what he does. Sad! And Weird!
@Jeffro: Also, a massive Malarky! on the framing that only native-born whites are insiders — not even going to attempt to disentangle where the hell he thought he was going with the people v. elites divides, because with the nativist orange on the scales, it would seem the elite (non-people?) are those non-white natively ambiguous outsiders.
Major Major Major Major
@MattF: he’s definitely on the stupid side of the stupid/evil coin.
Apparently Bill Clinton aide Doug Band requested diplomatic passports for aides who were to travel with Bill to North Korea to conduct secret negotiations for the release of Lisa Ling’s sister and another reporter. Scandalous.
@Major Major Major Major:
He’s going to complain that the moderator s are biased, because they’ll try to get him to answer questions. Then he’ll claim that the internets said he won anyway and will site the Drudge and Breihtbart instapolls.
Last weekend, two whole days at our Festival of Nations! A round the world feeding frenzy for me in our Tower Grove Park (And a Saturday late afternoon with Jeff and Red at the Venice…Higgins was playing with the old “Liquid Prairie” now “Liquid Gold.”) St. Louis is a great city!
@Amir Khalid: never touch the stuff. Chinese restaurant near me has a small Malay section on menu. When it’s to hand (I’m out now) I’ll run it by you, give my impressions, get your thoughts. Last time had a fried pancake (like Chinese scallion pancake w/o scallions) with chicken curry sauce. Delish brown curry waiter said owner made there, not from box.
totally OT. I have an I-phone with a mophie juice pack for longer battery life. I also have an extra external mophie power pack. So I’m good with thew phone. It’s the Kindle Voyager that I have a question about. It seems to get about 8 hours of constant reading before it needs to be recharged. Are there any external battery backups for the Kindle? I see some on amazon for the kindle fire but not just the plain old e-reader? With the TS and possible power outages it just seemed like a good time to research. Google doesn’t have any clear cut answer but seems to lean in the direction of no products available. Seems odd with the popularity of e-readers.
Any ideas techies?
@hovercraft: What’s crazy is how the media works so hard to do this – to treat WJC donating his pension to the Foundation as some sort of taxpayer-funded scam, for instance – in order to try and level the playing/reporting field here.
Again, just reporting these things side-by-side, on every single issue, would make Trump look bad and rightfully so. But hey, media folks? That’s not. on. you. Trump earned it, let him own it. Just report side-by-side if you have to, but don’t twist yourself into knots trying to make the Clintons look bad when they’re doing good.
1,000 Flouncing Lurkers (was fidelioscabinet)
@Jeffro: Either your moves when you suggested studying together were unusually smooth for that age, or you took really good notes.
Major Major Major Major
@D58826: does the kindle have a standard power socket or is it some proprietary Amazon thing? My kindle fire just has the normal socket and I can use the same charger for that and my Bluetooth speakers. Some android phones use this socket too, so one of those might work.
@D58826: I like the Anker Power Core series of battery chargers myself. Last trip I took to Vegas, ran two iPhones, a Nook reader, and an iPad in the car for the entire 8-hour drive there (bad traffic), kept all the devices charged for four days, and then kept everything running all the way home. Never recharged the battery pack. Ran the battery pack down to close to zero but all the devices were 100% charged when we hit the driveway to our home. Can’t recommend these enough and they work with anything that uses a USB-based charge cable – i.e. everything.
@Jeffro: Well it’s working for Trump. The great Orange Satan has Hillary’s election chances down from over 80% to 74% in the past week. She has 294 EC votes at the moment. Scrolling thru Twitter feed and it is rare to not see 3-4 articles with the words Clinton/corruption/scandal/shady/etc in the headline. Whereas Trump/corrupt occurs much less frequently. And when it does its on a number of different things rather than the focus on Clinton/e-mail and Cl;into/foundation. Even much of the ‘liberal’ media is calling for the Clintons to shut down the Foundation, now if not sooner. I have yet to see any one demanding that Trump explain how he will insulate his administration from his business dealings. Other than the occasional call to see his tax returns, his business empire seems to be off-limits. Of course part of the problem for the ‘crooked/secretive’ Clintons is her e-mails are public, her state department calendar is being made public, their tax returns are public and the CF has to file extensive disclosure documents. But somehow all of that information only leads to the conclusion that somewhere they are hiding something. Trumps possible ties to Russian bankers, detail details, who cares about details.
@Major Major Major Major: @CONGRATULATIONS!: standard usb power cable. from the wall socket I can use the same cable to charge the phone or the kindle. ‘Anker Power Core series of battery chargers’ sounds like the battery pack I have from mophie..
It’s just a way to blame liberals for conservatives. They blame “identity politics” on liberals.
I’m pretty sure that by the time this is over Trump will be blamed on liberals. Pick your poison; Obama over-reached, liberals yelled too much about racism creating a “backlash”, they’ll come up with something.
@D58826: They are. Battery packs with lots o’ capacity. Me, I like this one. Should keep your Kindle going for about a year or so.
Jonathan Chait has a takedown of Frank Bruni, who is blaming Trump on the mean liberals.
Thanks all. When window shoping the different power packs they all talked about Iphone and ipads and kindle fire but never mentioned kindle e-reader. That’s why I was curious/cautious.
Lizzy L
Good morning, all. It’s a beautiful morning.
OT: The swelling in my left hand has diminished enough so that I can make a fist with that hand! (Not a strong grip yet, but that will come.) Progress, yay! Making sourdough French toast to celebrate.
1,000 Flouncing Lurkers (was fidelioscabinet)
@D58826: I have a couple of USB power packs that I use both with Apple products and with other portables (including my Kindle) that can charge with a USB cord. Amazon has a wide selection, and I suggest looking at the reviews and going from there. Make sure you get one with a clear indicator for when it’s fully charged and when it’s discharged–I’ve found those with a series of LEDs that show different levels of charge to be helpful. Mine does not have an integral cord, so I need suitable cords for the things I’m charging, but since my regular charging cords will fit the USB slot I just make sure to pack the cords for whatever I’m taking. Also, you want one with the most mAh (milliampere-hour) you can get for the money, because that reflects how much charging you can get from it.
Steeplejack (phone)
That sounds weird. The battery time on a black-and-white e-reader should be measured in days or weeks, not hours. Do you have a weird situation like the Illumination is always on and turned up to 11? I would suspect a bad battery.
ETA: How long have you had it? If you’ve had it for a while, has it always had a short charge time?
If anyone wants in, I’d love to see if we can get a Mama Wartenberg’s Taco Truck franchise going.
Not sure if anyone has noted this yet, but here are articles by Chris Hamby at Buzzfeed and David Dayen at HuffPo regarding Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) courts. This process needs more scrutiny.
My local newspaper today has a big picture of Donald Trump on the front page. The Buffalo News is hardly the paper of record, but the picture accompanies an article from the New York Times written by Julia Preston. The headline reads “Trump resolute on immigration proposal.” Underneath the picture it reads “While some of the candidate’s proposals aren’t too dissimilar from Obama’s policies, others lean more toward rhetoric than reality.”
He’s really just a conventional Republican with “unrealistic rhetoric”. Garbage.
@Jeffro: LOL!
@Steeplejack (phone): When I’m not using it I turn the screen off. And keep it in airplane mode if not ordering something. When I say 8 hours I mean sitting and reading an e-book. It holds a charge for days if I’m not actually using it. And it’s only a few months old
Freom Dick Poleman reporting on the fair and balanced both difes do it media coverage of ‘scandals’
@Jeffro: probably be more productive to just pay the ass to climb in his hole and squeeze the trap shut.
There’s nothing that guy contributes that is beneficial to anyone except his own bank account.
JR in WV
@Mustang Bobby:
Sounds like you should be drenched with DEET and avoid any chance of becoming pregnant!!! ;-]
JR in WV
JR in WV
So, how near the Meramec River are you? That’s pretty, rolling countryside out there! Woods and fields, more fields than here fer sure.
Steeplejack (phone)
It’s a slightly apples-to-oranges comparison, but I have a black-and-white Nook. I have to recharge it only once or twice a month, and that’s with reading for an hour or two most days. And it’s not usually super low when I do recharge it.
I do keep the wi-fi turned off unless I am shopping or ordering something.
I looked at the specs for the Kindle Voyage and don’t see anything that would cause such greater battery usage, but my hands-on Kindle experience is limited to the Paperwhite, which is comparable to my Nook.
Anyway, it’s academic. The Voyage uses a mini-USB cable, and you got some good suggestions for chargers.