Walter seems to be happy to be back in the presence of cats:
Getting in good with the feline overlords is a solid move regardless who you are and where you live, because they call the shots.
by John Cole| 54 Comments
This post is in: Walter
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Can’t blame Walter being nervous.
Walter looks very relaxed.
The cat is lovely. Looks kinda like an anorexic Tunch.
Walter seems like a dog who does not intend to start any trouble. He intends to fit in and stay on.
Mike J
The neighbor kid does have a skull fracture, but the docs don’t seem that concerned about it. He should probably stay off of it for a month or two. They are keeping him overnight because of an intracranial bleed, but they said it was small and he’s expected to come home tomorrow. Which ain’t bad for somebody who got a ride in a Coast Guard helicopter.
Luckily, his mom is a nurse, so she’ll know what to look for when he’s home.
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: I thought the same thing.
Such a good boy.
mini-me tunch?
RobertDSC-Quad Intel Mac
How Tunchian of that cat.
@Mike J: Good heavens! What happened?
Walter looks like he’s making this a permanent home and he knows how to provide contrast for his cat neighbor. Speaking of cat neighbors, I’m sure I’m not adopting this fellow. He just knows I’m good for cat food, pets, and I’ve bought him a bowl. But I’m not taking any strays, no sirree!
unfortunately, the new roommate neglected to mention that not only is his cat 14, she’s got dementia, is skin and bones, has the sneezes and has already pooped in the living room because she can’t figure out the stairs or where she is if she wanders. I can’t adopt a rambunctious young’un with this advanced senior cat here. Which is a pity.
@Mike J:
Conditional phew pending tomorrow’s report, but it sounds like he escaped permanent injury. Lucky!
No fool he, what with the snout poking just over the kitchen threshold.
Sandia Blanca
Yay for Walter and his new feline overlords!
Oh so many possible dialogue captions for that cat! “You talkin’ to me?”
Mike J
@ruemara: Fell off a mountain.
@Mike J:
Whoa, I must have missed something in an earlier thread! Can you either redirect me, or give a quick summary?
ETA: Never mind, just saw your response to ruemara. Off to see what happened.
Walter’s new feline friend’s pic is adjacent to the Tunch pic in the rh column for “Our Store”. That’s some awesome serendip!
I noticed that juxtaposition too! Skinny cat needs to work a bit on the disdainful expression, but he’s getting there.
Debating which of my many appropriately-themed shirts to wear to the Happiest Place on Earth tomorrow. I think it’s between Stitch and Baymax.
G’s cousin is running the half-marathon there tomorrow, so we’re meeting up once she’s done.
@Mike J
Nice to hear it’s not critical.
Curious, though, about how does one stay off a skull for a month or two?
Want to turn heads and garner snickers at the same time? Wear the Mars Needs Moms shirt.
@ruemara: I have a 21-year-old cat who is deaf, arthritic, scrawny and kind of drifty. One of our saving graces has been pee pads. She knows how to use them (and does) and it is easier (tho more expensive) than litter. I can also monitor her urine output for volume and color (hey – it’s a Walter thread – we get to discuss what comes out of the back end of our critters!) because she has chronic kidney disease.
And speaking of kidney disease, your roommate might want to have the cat checked at the vet. Most elder cats get it eventually, and when the toxins build up in their system, they act more demented. If it’s chronic rather than acute, it can be treated fairly effectively with a special diet. My cat gets tired of the diet (even tho I mix up the varieties and offer wet and kibble), so I do treat her to other things so that she has a small measure of pleasure in her life, but when her urine output increases and gets paler, back on the special diet she goes.
@NotMax: @NotMax:
No football, boxing, or other activities where he might get hit again. And rest.
Harborview is the place to be for TBI. Darn blue state libtards, with their functioning health care systems.
Ebony and Ivory live together in perfect harmony…
Fortunately, very few people remember who made that movie. Motion capture is like rotoscoping — a handy starting point for artists, but not a substitute for actual artwork.
You beat me to it. Older cat + litter box problems is very often kidney problems. One of my co-workers got really freaked out when her older cat started having kidney issues because her regular vet made it sound like the poor cat had only a few weeks to live, but the specialist vet says she’ll probably be fine for a few more years with the special food.
“Happy”? He seems to be keeping a respectful distance!
Just got back from finally seeing ST: Beyond. It’s quite good, even though the new production team continues to play fast and loose with how far apart planets are, and how long it takes to get from Point A to Point B.
Big Kiki looks chill with her new dog.
Big dog looks happy and lucky from this angle.
For me, it’s interesting to see cats and dogs living together. I am allergic to cats and all of my dogs have been cat haters, except for one, I think. I’ve never really had the opportunity to see cats and dogs living together, and it’s cute. Walter looks great. I’m glad he’s a happy boy.
Hello, Walter, and gorgeous pussy cat. Little bit of heaven right there.
There may have been others, but the only feature film which successfully incorporated rotoscoping (in my book) was Fleischer Studios’ Gulliver’s Travels.
Bakshi’s Lord of the Rings, while a valiant effort, was mediocre in execution.
Looks like Walter has a benevolent Feline Overlord; his lucky streak continues! thx for the update.
@seaboogie: She doesn’t have a problem in a contained space, but I notice if she even leaves the bedroom, she gets lost. Unfortunately, he’s feeding her friskies and her appetite seems a bit minimal. Poor baby. she’s a cute little busted ragdoll.
Calming Influence
Life is much simpler once you submit to your feline overlords. Resistance is fruitless, or something along those lines.
Producers always hope that there will be a magic way to get rid of pesky animators and just have technicians do the work of animation, and they are always disappointed to discover that you need actual people to create animation and CGI, not just a rotoscoping camera or computer program.
Thanks for the Walter update!
And @Mike J: Holy toledo! Glad the prognosis is so good – scary fall!
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@seaboogie: I have a 22-year old cat who has gotten even scrawnier (she has never weighed more than 6.5 pounds, and is now down to slightly over 5), has mild kidney disease, and some sort of growth on one of her shoulders, but otherwise is in great health. Still active and feisty, putting the boys in their place.
Yeah, all that put together sounds like she may have kidney issues. See if you can get him to take her in to the vet. My aunt-in-law didn’t realize that her elderly cat had kidney problems until the cat died, and then she felt awful for not paying attention to the symptoms.
Calming Influence
@Mike J: I have “Airlift me to Harborview!” tattooed on my chest. If you’re going to survive some heinous injury, it’s your best bet. Incredible trauma staff. Glad the kid is going to be ok.
@Mike J:
Ouch. Glad he’ll be okay. Have climbed Si a few times–it’s a workout. Nice view though, when The Cloud parts.
Mike J
@trollhattan: Didja go up the haystack? When they told me he fell on Si the first thing I said was, “bet he was on the haystack.” Sure enough, slick rock, overconfident 15 year old….
Thnx for petpix. Walter is always handsome and glad he is content.
The cat is beautiful and reminds me of Tunch so Cole owes us a TunchFest.
@Mike J: Holy cow!
Keith P.
I should send in this pic I was able to snap of this white feral living in my back yard. He’s always fighting with another feral, but this white one is in ROUGH shape. One ear sits almost horizontally, his face is scarred up, and he’s missing a couple of inches from his tale. He’s a big boy, though…very large and muscular. Dunno what took off part of his tail, but I don’t see any cats around capable of it.
Man, another scary looking cat.
Walter, good luck.
Glad to see that he is finding his way.
gogol's wife
Ask Trump.
He seems to be keeping an eye of the goings on in the kitchen. Has his priorities in order.
I know I am not the first to say it, but oh my god that cat looks like Tunch. I didn’t just do a double-take; mine was more of a quadruple.
Cole, I imagine it was a bit of a shock when you got that photo from debit. I still miss Tunch.
@WaterGirl: I didn’t even think of that. Crap. John, I’m sorry if that made you sad.
JR in WV
Ole Walter doin’ good, that’s good!
Hi, Walter! Good boy! Thanks for the pic, John and Debit. It’s always so good to see him.
As long as there are no new time travel plots.
Mary G
Lovely to see Walter with yet another member of his new family! Thanks debit & JGC.
John Cole
@WaterGirl: I’ve seen her kitty before so I was not shocked. She has some good ones up on her flickr or imgur or whatever page.
No One You Know
@Mnemosyne: I’m hoping for as much. One of my kitties is just ten but has some very serious problems; we’ve resigned ourselves to the pee pad solution. Yet she still manages to avoid the “take with meal” pill we grind up. I’m wondering if we’ll have to resort to squirting it in her mouth.