@PCalith Maybe they're having trouble figuring out the exchange rate from rubles to dollars.
— Daily Trix (@DailyTrix) September 2, 2016
In a normal year, you’d think we were due for a few days of political peace & quiet, while every sensible person took advantage of the last days of summer. This year? — I’ll be happy if nothing notable happens between the time I post this and when I check back in this afternoon…
I asked Paul Krugman: if Trump is so risky for the world economy, why isn't he dragging down financial markets? https://t.co/l0FBLXBWSb
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) September 1, 2016
Fingers crossed: What’s on the agenda for the day?
For whatever reason, August is always a good GOP month. Maybe all our voters are summering in the Hamptons.
Won’t play for me, what does Krugman say?
I posted more about this in the last thread, but for those who don’t scan the night threads, here’s Kevin Drum on the FBI notes on the emails. Must read.
@OzarkHillbilly: Not that interesting. Markets aren’t pricing in the risk of a Trump victory.
Put my sweet baby boy to sleep yesterday. Thank you to all for kind comments. I miss him, but it was the right thing to do. Thankfully I still have my dog Sophie. I think in a month or so I’ll try to adopt an older cat with an attitude. Lost two last year, it’s time. And it doesn’t feel right to be a one pet house.
@eclare: I’m sorry.
@Baud: Well, as of right now there doesn’t seem to be much risk of it so there is little/no need to price it, right?
Steeplejack (phone)
Rough paraphrase: Markets are worried about Trump but find his victory “inconceivable.” Hard to quantify risks because Trump has no fixed positions to evaluate. Betting sites have remained steady at 20% chance for Trump. Political poll movements? Meh.
Good Morning ?, Everyone ?
Steeplejack (phone)
My condolences to you. RIP, Dante.
Sorry for your loss. ???
Steeplejack (phone)
Good morning! I’m going to sleep.
“There’s a fair bit of evidence that real, extreme tail risks tend to be ignored.”
This sentence is my whole complaint on the investigation(s):
That doesn’t mean “don’t do the investigation” but it DOES mean you have to say “found nothing”. There has to be a conclusion!
Otherwise there’s no difference between finding bad things and NOT finding bad things. That can’t be right. “Exonerated” can’t be the same as “convicted”.
@OzarkHillbilly: Small probablity that a meteor will hit, but it’s not being priced in. If the markets are saying Trump’s not so bad, the markets are wrong.
@Kay: To quote myself, the absence of evidence is the most damning evidence of all, Kay.
@Kay: We can find no kinks in the cover up.
But that’s what’s so infuriating. They found evidence. It’s exonerating. It disproves. Doesn’t matter. What it means to me is they can skip the investigation completely because the point has somehow become “raising the question”. They don’t need tens of people combing thru documents for that. They can go right from issue raised to wrongdoing. They’re ending up at the same place anyway.
This ridiculous situation they’re in with the two foundations was inevitable. They have one foundation where they didn’t find wrongdoing and one foundation where there was an admission of wrongdoing and somehow the foundation that was exonerated ended up as the bad one. That happened because the conclusion of the investigations doesn’t mean anything. Seriously, why bother? Just say “we don’t like this one foundation and we don’t care about the other”. Save everyone a lot of time.
I like how Krugman plugged Nate Cohn and slighted Drew Linzer, Sam Wang. Company man, that guy!
I like the Upshot page/presentation the best, but I’m not fully clear on how their model works.
I know it doesn’t matter- that bitching doesn’t change anything- but it reminds me of Al Gore- there was a feeling of helplessness- like this was how it was going to be no matter what he did or didn’t do.
I think that’s why there’s so much pushback from random people on the internet- it’s like “this? again?”
Clinton didn’t lie about what Powell told her. That’s what those docs show. She didn’t lie, not “did lie”. Yet somehow the “result” of this investigation is she’s a liar.
@Kay: Clinton’s team issued a statement about the Trump foundation. Maybe it’ll sink through to the press.
And we wonder why Dems need to raise so much money. Much of that is simply to get back to even.
@Kay: The Internet has its issues, but it’ll be what will save us in the end.
Amir Khalid
The FBI released notes from an investigation which had reached an already publicised conclusion: that there were no grounds for prosecuting Hillary Clinton. Surprise, surprise: the notes backed up the conclusion. This was a big case of smoke without fire, which I more or less expected. What does surprise me, a bit, is that so many were still hoping that an indictment against Hillary was still somehow in the offing; and that FBI Director Comey himself seemed to be among the still-hopeful.
What’s on the agenda on the first Saturday in September. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!
@Amir Khalid: The notes do more than that. They vindicate Clinton in a way Comey should have but didn’t.
You know what the release of the report does show? Comey is a political hack. I thought he over-reached with his dramatic announcement because it is not his job to opine, but he more than over-reached. He found nothing and held a press conference to make it appear he had found something. They should be investigating him.
@raven: Start of bowling season?
@Kay: We are on the same page, Kay.
@Baud: Tech plays Boston College in Dublin in an hour!
@Amir Khalid:
They actually do more than show she didn’t break the law. They disprove the point of the investigation.
Hillary Clinton could use that report as a complete defense. It doesn’t make their case for “recklessness”- it makes hers. Comey knows what these words mean. He knows they didn’t find anything- not “reckless”, not nothing.
@raven: Two bowling powerhouses.
@Amir Khalid: Read the Kevin Drum article I linked to upstairs.
Amir Khalid
I sit corrected.
It’s hard to be thrust back into The Clinton Rules after all this time. I’m all out of sorts. I have to acclimate :)
@Baud: Great facts once told by the BC prez, it’s not a college and it’s not in Boston!
Betty Cracker
@raven: Right? Aside from the obvious, what games are you most interested in this weekend? I’ll have an eye on Clemson-Auburn, USC-Bama, Notre Dame-Texas and FSU-Ole Miss (pulling hard for Ole Miss!).
@Betty Cracker: The Illini debut of Lovie Smith!
@Kay: I listened to that hack Andrea Mitchell describe the situation in which the Foundation donor asked State to arrange a meeting with an ambassador. The request was declined. Mitchell says, it’s worrisome if there are other instances of pay-to-play. She just described the exact opposite of pay-to-play and then smeared Clinton with innuendo. I hate them. And I hate how well I remember how the media kept larding the conversation with what a regular fella Jr is.
Betty Cracker
@raven: Wow, Lovie landed at Illinois? I missed that somehow! I bet he does well. IMO, he was treated badly by the Bucs front office, and they’ll regret it.
@Kay: Clinton gets criticized for being establishment, but the actual, bad part of the establishment hates her. I’d like to see this as an opportunity, if people choose to take advantage of it.
@Betty Cracker: Obviously it will take time. The Zooker could recruit but was a dumbass coach, Beckman got fired for awful player abuse and didn’t leave much, Cubit got the job a week befoe the season started last year so. . .
This election also disproves a long-held theory about the Clintons, too. I always thought it was a kind of snobbery with Bill Clinton. They thought he was too excessive, too much like a local southern politician, too eager, too ambitious, not of their same class.
But Trump is the high standard now? The Clintons are STILL trash compared to that guy?
I need a new theory.
@raven: I hope Lovie does well with his gig there. Always liked him.
@Kay: Trump is a New Yorker, so that might explain the difference to some extent.
I can feel your frustration. It is very valid. More than valid.
But, this is the position of the Clintons for years. IF there is an upside, it’s that the Clintons don’t live under any delusion of fairness from the MSM.
It’s a great point. Not needing to be liked is huge power. She isn’t needy- she doesn’t give a shit. That’s a powerful thing. I also think it’s really rare in a politician.
@Baud: He’s old money, compared to Bill anyway.
The USA and China have ratified the Paris climate deal. It was carefully crafted so that American agreement didn’t have to go through the Senate where the Republicans could block it, so stand by for endless bullshit from the far right about how Obama the Dictator is collaborating with the Chinese to manufacture global warming out of thin air, so to speak.
Betty Cracker
@bystander: Ugh, I just cannot abide that execrable hack Mitchell. Whenever her face pops up on my screen, I lunge for the remote. If I want the Greenspan view of the election, I’ll watch goddamn Fox, thankyewveramuch!
@Betty Cracker: She is the worst.
I have travelled that sad road. My heart goes out to you.
Just one more example and then I promise I will let this go. Yesterday the Washington Post released the docs they relied upon for the Trump book. No spin of any kind. The original docs. Compare that to how the email investigation was treated. There was months of spin and speculation and when they finally released the actual report… it exonerates Clinton.
No one will read those Trump docs and no one will read the Clinton report but we’ll end up with dramatically different narratives simply because of the differences in how the story was treated- what was released when and how they chose to cover it. That’s just not fair. It’s inequitable.
@Barney: Hmmmm, and all this time I thought it was the fossil fuels industry that manufactured global warming. The things I learn here.
@Kay: We need more hacks and a legitimate media outlet that competes with the mainstream media like right wing media does. Don’t know how to make that come about economically speaking.
@Betty Cracker: fuck Andrea Mitchel. We are going to win. Hillary Clinton is going to win. Hillary will be the first woman president and Andrea will remain what she is …a hack. An aging hack that probably very few people like at all. Hillary Clinton knows full well she isn’t going to get any help from hacks like Mitchel or the rest of the Village. But she doesn’t need their help.
we are going to win this.
donate, organize, get out the vote.
@Baud: Kid’s birthday.
That’s a great read:
Bobby Thomson
@Kay: the Clintons are actually smart and make them feel stupid. Like, wicked smaht. Same with Bamz. No such problem with Trump.
I think it becomes self-fulfilling. They spent so many months on the emails that have to justify the time spent and the work. There can’t be a “no bill” -they;re like out of control prosecutors. Find something– find “resisting” or “disorderly”- a lesser charge- or all that work and build up was for naught.
@Betty Cracker: Well I am hoping a lot that when the Hokies have Liberty University down by 20 or 30 points, the crowd in Blacksburg starts chanting “Where’s Your God Now?”
@Bobby Thomson:
I read Bill Clinton’s book- his giant tome where apparently everyone involved was afraid to do reasonable editing- he must have insisted every word be included- but anyway. He always felt like he wasn’t good enough for the circles he aspired to. He figured it out early. His credentials would never be quite good enough. It’s sad because he cares. He admires really accomplished people and he wants nothing more than to be allowed into this charmed circle. It’s one of the things that make him “likeable”- he wants to be liked- like most people. I’m more interested in Hillary Clinton because she drew the opposite conclusion. She doesn’t give a shit whether they accept her or not. That’s relatively rare.
@Bobby Thomson: Yup, Clintons’ have been in political ‘limelight’ all their lives. They can handle and undercut the 3rd rate media easily.
@DissidentFish: @DissidentFish: Better still, surprise them with a few hungry lions. Now that’s an old time religious experience they won’t soon forget.
@efgoldman: North Carolina.
It’s 63 degrees!!!
@Kay: Find something– find “resisting” or “disorderly”-lying about an extra marital blow job in the Oval Office– or all that work and build up was for naught.
Why reinvent the wheel?
From thee article you linked:
Just because we’ve found no wrong doing, just means we have not been looking hard enough. You never know, there maybe something on the next rock we overturn that might be nefarious. Even though the last 1 million rocks we’ve kicked over revealed nothing.
We’ve had a lot of pets and passings but never “get used to it”. It’s always wrenching but they are never forgotten.
I saw this interesting house* yesterday.
*Hollyhock House by Frank Lloyd Wright.
@Raven: 57 here.
We were wondering in my office about the likely hood of finding a smoking gun in those emails anyway. Anyone who has worked over the last 20 years knows the rules- you don’t put anything in an email you wouldn’t put in a letter. She’d have to be pretty dumb to confess to murdering Vince Foster in an email. Anyone could read my work emails at any time. It’s not where I record my nefarious schemes. Christ almighty, she’d make a phone call like the rest of us :)
I saw the “Hillary is sick” thing starting up again and I was trying to think of a way she could disprove that which would end it.
It has to be a doctor chosen at random conducting a physical exam on live television.
Just One More Canuck
@raven: Formula 1 qualifying from Italy – thanks for the reminder!
Hello All. Migraine Saturday for me. But —
@raven: go Eagles!! ?
@Kay: I once spent 3 hours of my life in a mandatory information handling trying that was all about the difference between documents and files and how to handle each. At the end, passed the exam but still wasn’t very clear whether what I have in front of me is a file or a document. So I treat everything like a file, because my take away was “files are important and if someone asks for a file and I don’t have it I’m in trouble”. Hillary is smart, but even she could figure out the differences between classication levels. So like me, she just treated them all like they were classified. Very human of her.
@Kay: The only thing that would end that talk is death. Then the Zombie Hillary talk would begin.
@OzarkHillbilly: They would accuse her of faking her own death so she could secretly control Tim Kaine behind the scenes.
It’s why I get mad at liberals who try to give advice to Clinton online on how she can end the “scandals.”
santa clara police officers’ union’s fee-fees are hurt and they are taking their ball and going home.
PS: Don’t they spell-check their own letterhead?
I disagree on “more hacks”. Democrats are incapable of an unexpressed opinion. It’s true all the way down the county level. If they have some theory and something happens to prove their theory they don’t care if it hurts or helps they will proclaim:
Democrats like to say it’s because they’re cats who can’t be herded but I think it’s less that than they have huge egos and they can’t shut up. They’re bad team players. They all want to be the boss.
Gin & Tonic
No, you won’t. Tomorrow morning you’ll get up, something else will piss you off, and you’ll be back with more. But that’s why we love you.
She runs the Ninja Warrior obstacle course and climbs Mount Midoriyama.
Honestly, she seems to be in good health for a woman her age. Trump is a year older, but no one questions how physically fit he is.
gogol's wife
@Bobby Thomson:
@Kay: I decided a while ago that the real reason Dem politicians seem weak is because Dem voters are weak.
I don’t know this but one of the reasons I never cared about the emails was because it seems so inside-the-workplace. It’s all about outrage on what are to me workplace procedures. I don’t buy the security risk. I don’t buy it partly because my employee information was hacked from when I worked for the federal government. My son’s health info was also hacked from the largest insurer in Ohio. It’s not secure anyway.
To me this is like one of those workplace turf battles – “I could never get away with that!” That sort of thing.
I’m with Bernie Sanders. Enough about the emails. Her email management skills don’t matter to me.
@Kay: It’s funny but I think Trump shares the exact same desire to be admired but he doesn’t have any smarts or humility or charm. Same underlying impulse — completely opposite result; it doesn’t make him likable (like Bill), it makes him odious.
Matt McIrvin
At this time in 2008 we were right in the middle of the Republican convention, getting our first look at Sarah Palin. And the Democrats were completely terrified, because McCain was getting his best numbers of the year and looked like he was gonna win. But I think the timing of Labor Day weekend worked out differently.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: It’s true. Republicans are so much better and stronger than us. Ask srv.
@Matt McIrvin: August is a dead month. I expect the Clinton team to start with the hammer and tongs after Labor Day.
@Matt McIrvin: Better, no. Stronger, historically yes.
We had a big hurt feelings event yesterday over who was supposed to pick up the Clinton signs. I made it worse because one of the people involved called to tell me the whole thing. At the end he told me he picked up the signs and was short with him because he made me endure this long story. I just don’t care about how it happened. All I wanted to know was whether I had to pick up the signs. He told me the story because he dislikes the other person and this “proves” how bad the other person is. They’re bad at teams, these people.
@Baud: I’d prefer whips and chains, but that’s just me.
Matt McIrvin
@gene108: Well, the headlines often don’t make any distinction between the FBI’s Clinton emails and Assange’s DNC emails, but the assumption about the latter has always been that Assange is already sitting on the real lock-her-up bombshell (as he claims) and is intentionally holding it back for October. But as the weeks go on and Assange acts like more and more of a lunatic, that starts to seem less likely.
@Bill in Glendale,
We’re going on a FLW house tour in Buffalo this month. But we have the “Mushroom House” in Rochester. Different architect though.
@Kay: We’re always fighting little battles at the expense of the big ones.
@eclare: I’m so sorry.
It is a tribute to them to realize what they bring to the home, and want to have that again.
Never the same. But always wonderful.
@Baud: and on KOS a twitter summary of the notes which said:
1. the entire investigation was a farce since nothing was done that was illegal
2. Powell lied last week about his interaction with Hillary on the personal server
3. Comey lied and made opinions sound like facts in his press conference.
Will it make any difference. No. The term ‘e-mail scandal ‘ has entered the political lexicon as something evil but with no real defined meaning. The underlying facts no longer matter. As the guy in the movie said when the legend is bigger than the facts print the legend.
Iowa Old Lady
@Baud: Drum’s article gives me a clue as to why Trump was claiming Clinton poured bleach on her server. Apparently one of the tech workers used a program called bleachbits to delete old posts. Clinton had nothing to do with that.
I think it’ll make a difference. It’s important to point out the fraud. We need our base to get revved up to GOTV.
@gene108: and Scalia is still dead but Judge Crater and Jimmy Hoffa are expected to hold a joint news conference any day now
@eclare: When you’re grieving it’s a small comfort to know that you did the right thing. I’m so sorry for your loss.
@eclare: I am so sorry. It’s always hard to let them go. My Mom’s little schnoodle has become my father’s companion after Mom passed, and my heart clenches because he’s reaching 10 and his muzzle is turning white and he’s starting to show all the signs of aging.
gogol's wife
The Darwin Martin house FTW!
Amir Khalid
@Matt McIrvin:
If Julian Assange really did have something that would kill her Hilary’s presidential run stone dead, why wait till October? Why not do her in now? If it’s real (like you, I doubt it) then she knows what it is, and she would have quit already of her own accord, in the hope of saving herself from being publicly humiliated by Assange.
@Amir Khalid: The Russians are still working in making it look authentic.
I just posted your link to my FB page, even though I know my GOP brothers won’t read it. In fact, I try to keep politics (other than warped humor) off my page, but I’m so f’ing sick of hearing their insinuations.
@debbie: I’m disappointed he posted that late Friday night in Labor Day weekend.
@Kay: I wish Obama hadn’t appointed Comey,a Republican,to the FBI because that’s what Bill Clinton did with Louis Freeh who was a RWNJ. Not sure Comeys a political hack though. He’s got a ten year term that HRC can’t really do anything about if she gets elected. He’ll probably retire in 2023 making it more likely that he doesn’t need to care about what HRC thinks. Meanwhile, he knows he has to deal with the crazies in Congress who can make his life hell so he gives them just enough on HRC to make a little hay with.
Well, Nixon’s Saturday Night Massacre didn’t go unnoticed as he’d hoped. So, maybe…
@Mai.naem.mobile: my guess is that if Obama had tried to appoint a dem, we’d be without an fbi director. Republicans think they own law enforcement. Just like they feel they own defense. And the Supreme Court. It’s theirs, God dammit, because they are the men who talk about cracking heads the most, and would totally have reduced crime to zero were it not for you nasty liberals who won’t let them break the rules.
They’re also discarding every principle they’ve held dear in order to make that leap. They are supposed to be the party of law and order, of rules, of the Constitution. Yet they leap directly from insinuation to prison without hesitation, because it is a Clinton.
Last spring, a guy in my brother’s neighborhood (which I drive through to get to work and back) put up a sign, “Hillary for Prison 2016.” It was there for about a month, then it disappeared. It showed up again a couple weeks ago and has again disappeared. I don’t know if neighbors have had anything to do with that or not. But this guy is an attorney and real estate developer, and I know he knows he should know better, but in his rabid fury, he’s chosen to ignore the system he’s supposed to be upholding.
Chris T.
@Amir Khalid: Well, ya know, where there’s smoke around the Clintons, there’s a bunch of right-wing operatives in quiet rooms puffing away on cigars and running big theatrical smoke machines with huge fans aimed towards the Clintons…!
Jeezus,theres a woman on CNN who’s got a hijab on with Republican Muslims talking about HRC. I would like this woman to go into a Trumpy Sieg Heil rally wearing her hijab and see if she makes it out with her hijab still on. Idiot.
@Mai.naem.mobile: token muslim, token black, token latino, token asian. you can’t avoid them.
@Mai.naem.mobile: Why do they never interview white farmers for Hillary?
As long as I can remember, the conservative version of law and order is, if the police investigate you, you are guilty. The trial should be swift and the punishment harsh.
Technicalities like guilt or innocence, forced confessions, police planting evidence on the suspect, etc just interfere with the carrying out of swift justice, which God and nature demand.
I have too many memories of right-wingers blaming Miranda rights as the cause or a cause of the high crime rates of the 1970’s and 1980’s. In the “good old days” cops could get rough, get a confession and the suspect be sent to prison. No questions asked.
Howard Wolfson is a Bloomberg henchman theses days. He is the epitome of the DLC wing of the party. He believes that Hillary has veered sharply to the left and will lose the election because of this.
I hear your lament about the coverage. The media will keep bringing in the smoke machine and then claim there’s smoke that needs to be investigated.
@eclare: It’s hard to lose several in two years. Sending much sympathy. Older cats are so cool.
JosieJ (not Josie)
Yeah, but NYC society hates him and considers him nouveau riche (because he is compared to them). That’s always seemed to burn him. I guess he should be happy, now that he has the love of the DC establishment to keep him warm.
@eclare: I am so sorry….
@Matt McIrvin:
Like Kay said, no one with any sense would write down anything really incriminating. People say and have said a lot of things about the Clintons, stupid is not one of them, (apart from Bill’s little brain which is stupid). They have been under investigation ever since they stepped onto the national stage. As Rachel Maddow reminded us last night, it was at the democratic convention in 1992 that we were all introduced to David Bossie, Trump’s new deputy campaign manager. Hillary is nothing if not cautious, she knows how to keep herself safe. The media like much of the public has been primed by the last 25 years to find everything Clinton suspicious no matter what she says or does, she knows this and acts accordingly. The media still bitches about Obama’s lack of access and transparency because he refuses to jump at their commands, that’s without the Clinton taint, so what more for her. It’s going to be a bumpy four to eight years.
@Mai.naem.mobile: Check the casting calls. :) Last time Trump used NYC craigslist. goofy!
@efgoldman: Don’t read Booman though. Don’t know what’s wrong with him.
@gene108: Trial? They’re happily skipping the trial all too often anymore — it’s mere paperwork and red-tape, political correctness gone ma-ad. Suspicion to Death Penalty by all-knowing cops. Trumps ready to let them and their super-powers loose, clean up all that crime and all those deportations within a hour of achieving office.
It sounds like they have found Jacob Wetterling. I’m glad the Wetterlings now have closure, but my heart still breaks for them. I don’t know how anyone goes on after losing a child.
The press are taking balloon rides.
Matt McIrvin
@Amir Khalid: US political lore has developed a whole mythology about the “October Surprise” that comes in out of left field to take a candidate down at the last minute. You spring the shocker late so there’s no time for the candidate to develop and execute a strategy for neutralizing it, or for the public to forget about it or get bored with it.
There have been scandals and revelations described as October Surprises going back at least to 1964, but I don’t know that there are any cases of one of these actually making the difference. Often they happen in campaigns that are blowouts anyway. Maybe Osama bin Laden’s last-minute scary video in 2004; Bush won by a hair and he seemed to get a bump from that. But that wasn’t really dirt on the opposition.
Republicans blame Hurricane Sandy for Obama’s reelection win in 2012, but they’re wrong, and, again, that wasn’t an opposition scandal.
Speaking of that massacre. Hugh Hewitt likened the FBI release ot it and said history will note the the Hillary Clinton for president campaign died on September 2nd, 2016.
Speaking of that massacre. Hugh Hewitt likened the FBI release to it and said history will note the the Hillary Clinton for president campaign died on September 2nd, 2016. So suck on that libtards, it’s over.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@Baud: I work for one of the state Disability Determination Sections that process Social Security Disability claims. We are not allowed (and as far as I know Social Security employees are not allowed) to handle or discuss work-related issues on anything but the official email systems supplied to us. This is both for privacy reasons (you want detailed information about your health and lifetime earnings released into the wild? Thought not!) and for system security reasons. I’m surprised State Department people weren’t operating under similar restrictions much earlier.
@Matt McIrvin:
Which just proves that even Mother Nature is a liberal
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@Baud: This times 10 million.
I listened to Glenn Beck yesterday. He’s given up on trying to get rid of Trump and is now focusing on keeping the Senate and House so they can immediately impeach President Clinton.
@Baud: UNless I need to read the notes more carefulessly, there was nothing in the notes that justified ‘extremely careless’
What’s on the agenda for today?
To quote Mel Brooks, “work work work work work work work work work.”
And a drive out in the canyon with my new car.
It still seems unprecedented for the FBI to surrender their investigation notes, especially for an investigation that did NOT even recommend prosecution.
Comey gave up those notes without even mentioning it was unprecedented.
Does somebody else know better? Other cases?
@catclub: Comey worked for Ken Starr during the first Clinton inquisition. Just running true to pattern
@burnspbesq: Seems like I missed some news. Congrats on the new car, and I hope you find your drive beautiful and interesting.
@rikyrah: Which is why Hillary gives few if any press conferences. The questions would be e-mails, Foundation, e-mail, e-mail, Benghazi, foundation. There would be long questions about why Hillary used an intransitive passive verb on July 12th in answer to a question but used the active normative noun on August 8th. All very important issues. As to infrastructure repair or controlling drug prices, why that’s for saps, wonks and liberals.
At this point FSM could use a sky writer over NYC and say Hillary is innocent and it will make no difference. That Trump has even a 25% chance of winning in November is just depressing and that people can be talking about ‘lesser or two evils’ when comparing the two. Even if Hillary did break some law on the e-mails she is still light years better than Trump
@Matt McIrvin: Also, with early voting, an October Surprise is way too late now. And with this election, I predict (should I?) that a full 70% of Hillary’s vote will come in before October 15th. There will be record voting beforehand, like there was in 2008. Indeed, I expect turnout to exceed2008 among Democrats.
Davis X. Machina
@efgoldman: He’s more or less fully engaged defending his left flank, and defending his leftist bona fides, in turn. The primaries never ended over there.
My condolences… Been there… Have my 18 1/2 year old Baby Boy sleeping next to me on his cushion. What can I say? To love and be loved is everything…
@eclare: I am sorry for your loss.
And to prove that nothing will change, the daily beast has an article about ‘the stink of the Hillary e-mails just got worse’. Seems the FBI notes revealed that a laptop with an email archive was lost in 2013. The FBI knew about it, it’s in the notes, and they still said that nothing illegal was done. BUT BUT BUT the ‘stink’ continues.
I hope all of these folks enjoy the Trump presidency.
@eclare: I’m so sorry. It never gets easier. Each one has their own personality, quirks, and loveliness; they can be succeeded but never replaced.
Warm wishes and hugs to you and Sophie.
@Baud: stop that. There is no hometown love for him, even in the monied class. It’s because they hate Clinton more.
@catclub: I’ve truly been wondering about Comey in all of this and if the Obama White House had or has any input into this whole affair. Is there some credible journalism out there into Comey’s role here?
@D58826: he also did good work in the Ashcroft Justice dept as far as standing up for the rule of law. against Cheney and gonzales.
JR in WV
I’m so late to this, but I’m sorry for your loss. Do look for another to adopt – you’re right about a one pet household. Our older dog Happy was so much more happy when we brought Alice home to be her sister. Alice had never walked on grass until I took her for the required walk at the shelter. She was skinny and weak compared to the big farm dog she is today.
I know how hard it is. Take care of yourself!!
@OzarkHillbilly: Unlike The Beard of the Times, I’d be willing to say “the markets” are wrong. I’ve always found the Efficient Markets Hypothesis unconvincing in a world of monopolies and oligopolies.
@gene108: you know what would shut them all up? If someone were to publicly “investigate” their lives with as much enthusiasm as they’ve expended on the Clintons.
Bet none of them could stand the exposure.