It’s hard to believe I found Walter just a month ago and he has already been in his forever home for a week, but time flies, I guess. Debit passes on the following:
I have discovered that:
He does not eat cat vomit. I know this because my daughter did not want to lower herself to clean up a fresh pile and called him over. “Knock yourself out, buddy!” she said. He sniffed, raised a dubious eyebrow and then walked away.
He will eat his fish oil gel caps like they are dog treats. I’ve been giving them to both dogs mixed in with their breakfast. Ellie normally just wolfs them down with her food, but sometimes she discovers one, rolls it around in her mouth with a thoughtful look on her face, and then goes “ptui.” Walter snaps it up off the floor and then snuffles around for more.
He does not house soil. For the first couple of nights I had him gated in the kitchen with a pet bed, but once it became clear that he was not having bladder/bowel control issues he’s been given free roam of the house. He’s a very, very good boy and will come up and snuffle at me if he needs to go outside.
He found his voice about four days after he came here. He barks to be let in if I don’t hang out with him in the yard. If he’s outside and someone walks by, or pulls into our driveway, they get a volley of barks, letting them know There is a Dog and This is His Yard. Naturally, once they come in the yard he is all wags and nudges for petting.
However, he is also very protective. He can’t make it up the stairs to my room. Except for when we’ve had service people in that needed to go upstairs. Then he follows us up the stairs and sticks by me.
He’s moving so much better. I credit your rehab program: lots of good food, gentle exercise and plenty of love. His muscle tone is improving, as his is energy level. He’ll trot around the backyard with his tail up and he’s always up for a walk in the park with Ellie.
After one week, it seems as if he’s always been here. The cats treat him like they do Ellie; someone to rub up against and hang out with. I’ve yet to witness them sharing a pet bed, but I know it will happen once winter sets in.
My vet said the bare patches on Walter’s elbows are most likely from his having to sleep on bare dirt or concrete. The hair might grow back, it might not. When I bought this house, I’d planned on pulling up the carpet since the hardwood underneath in in great shape. But for now I’m going to leave it. It’s less pleasing aesthetically, but it makes me happy to know that Walter can lie down almost anywhere in the house and it will be soft.
Here’s a video of him rolling in the grass.
And by request, him barking, because I had never really heard it:
He looks really noble and wise in the picture up top. Also, I have the letter from my vet and spoke with the Sheriff, and we will be pursuing animal abuse charges starting on Tuesday.
You didn’t bury the lede, John, but BJers should be sure to read all the way to the end.
Justice porn foreplay. :)
Wow. What an amazing update.
Good for you John, good for you Debit.
Good for you Walter.
Bad for that asshole.
Nail that SOB that abandoned him to the wall by his balls.
The video of Walter rolling in the grass made me cry (in a good way). How far he’s come in a relatively short time, and now, he’ll only know softness, happiness, and love. Cole and debit, you two are the very best, and I hope you, Cole, nail the asshole who left Walter behind to the wall.
@Woodrowfan: I had the part about the balls in my mind, too, but just didn’t add it to my post for whatever reason.
This dog is going to get me through the election. Thank you.
Walter has found redemption. I hope the justice system can find a way to do the same for the bastard that abused/neglected him.
TaMara (HFG)
Oh my gosh, he looks sooo good. Happily rolling in the grass and barking away. Glad to hear the SOB abuser will face charges.
He kinda looks embarrassed that you saw him roll in the grass.
La Caterina (Mrs. Johannes)
Thanks Debit for sharing the details of Walter’s new life.
I only hope whatever happens to Walter’s abuser teaches him to never do this to another animal.
Miss Bianca
@amk: I was thinking that too – that he’s all like “wheeeeee” and then “uh…you didn’t see that.”
Love the updates about Walter. He’s found the just the right people to make his senior years warm and joyful.
Miss Bianca
On a related happy note, I got an email from one of my coworkers that Lefty Kitty reappeared at the front door of the store yesterday morning! All those “Oh no, Lefty Kitty, you get home NOW!” messages must have made their way out into the either!
I’m not a pet person because I don’t want the responsibility, but really want the former owner to be charged. Not living up to your responsibility is atrocious.
WALTER! This is so great. Thanks to John and Debit for the frequent updates. I need this kind of doggie joy in my internet life.
If you can ID this lowlife that did this to him, and make him/her pay for this horrible cruelty, GOOD. I am all for releasing dope smokers from prison so we can make more room for animal abusers. (And Brock Turner.)
Ha Ha, what a knucklehead! I carry dog treats in my pocket for all the varmints I come across. I’d like to give him a couple. It is interesting that about a third of the pups I encounter won’t partake.
Oh, joy and happiness! Walter is looking and sounding!! so much better. I don’t know how I’d get through this depressing election season without the thought of Walter pics and videos. Other than my own precious fur babies, nothing brings me more pure happiness than Walter. Thank you debit and John, for keeping me sane!
ETA: And get that bastard, Cole. Fucker needs to pay.
@Miss Bianca: Cool
That is the best fucking news I have ever heard. You know, when I saw his picture when you first found him I was sickened and outraged, but now, after knowing him, I can’t look at it without crying. Walter is the sweetest, gentlest dog and that asshole left him to die a horrible death; I hope that whatever justice he receives it makes him suffer.
@enplaned: Not just not living up to a responsibility, but locking an animal in a house with no way for it to survive. That’s either incredibly grossly negligent, or straight up malicious. Trying to kill a dog AND fuck up a house.
Iowa Old Lady
Walter looks so happy. Bless Debit and Cole.
@Miss Bianca: More like “sorry, you had to see that”.
@Miss Bianca: Yay Lefty Kitty!
Oh god, this was a lovely update. Hi, Walter, glad you found a new home with humans that care and other animal friends. And as always John and debit, you guys have made so many of us very happy. Walter looks downright magnificent in that top picture!
Adam L Silverman
@Suzanne: Turner’s home coming is a bit unique:
I love seeing Walter get this chance to be his big, goopy self.
And that bastard who abused him? Nail his hide to the wall.
@Miss Bianca:
Oh thank goodness. Don’t do that ever again Lefty Kitty!
Old Dan and Little Anne
Go, Walter, go.
@Adam L Silverman: Great lookin group.
This makes me so happy. I love Walter’s big head. Thanks debit and John.
Walter is so beautiful. You and Debit are so amazing! In a minute now, the Hallmark Movie of the Week music is going to start in the background.
TaMara (HFG)
@Miss Bianca: That is good news.
Looking at that top photo of Walter, I think he’s got some big dog in him – that head shape looks like one of the large breeds vs a typical lab or shepherd mix.
Debit, when you apply to get Walter into one of the university studies you mentioned, do tell them Walter is a rather famous Internet rescue dog. Tell them that Walter can bring good PR to their program, due to his large Internet following! Thanks again to you and Blogmaster John. Your updates light up my holiday.
What a wonderful story. I’ll try to avoid media for a while so the good vibes last.
Thanks to you both for the updates. This brought tears (mostly of joy) to my eyes.
What good people you are — what a valiant thoughtful rescuer; what a genuine loving dog-knowledgeable Adoptive Friend. Thank heavens.
I bet he is really going to love ‘snow baths’… Rolling in the snow.
gogol's wife
Great news all around.
Omnes Omnibus
@LectricLady: Bounding in the snow. Snowplowing with his snout.
Walter is a magnificent Gent. What a wonderful sttory. Kudos to JC and thx for the vids debit!
@Omnes Omnibus: Snorting in the wurples.
I love Debit and Cole so much for our running Walter updates. This is going to carry me through for several days on a happy cloud.
@Adam L Silverman: I like that. Obviously, we are not going to be able to reduce rape through legal means while the rape culture is still so prevalent, so I am happy to see members of a community policing themselves. Wish that would happen more.
Mr Bohdi just came out and grabbed my sox to take back into the bed!
@efgoldman: *Snicker*
Adam L Silverman
@raven: Batch of fine, upstanding citizens right there!
Old Broad in California
So happy to see Walter happy and healthy. These updates are such a welcome respite from all the awful news out there.
Adam L Silverman
@TaMara (HFG): Could be Newfoundland. Or just a lab that breeds truer to the Newfie line.
Auntie Anne
Debit, it got a little misty in here when you told us the carpet was staying so Walter has soft places to rest. I thought I was the only person who decorated for the furbabies. Thank you very much for the continuing updates – Walter has a place in my heart. And Mr. Cole – go get the person who did such horrible things to such a lovely dog.
HELL YEAH. A several $1000 fine and a week or few in jail, at the very least. Fcker.
(I have no idea what kind of penalties are usual for these kinds of charges, so maybe I’m thinking too leniently? I tend to think long jail terms should only be reserved for the most violent unfixable criminals.)
Adam L Silverman
@Suzanne: Not quite sure that counts as policing. Its not even reintegrative shaming and restorative justice.
It took our rescued GSD Delilah about two weeks to find her voice. We dared to believe we’d gotten a quiet one, unlike our other more mouthy one. Now if there’s a barkfest going on in the neighborhood she’s the loudest idiot barking.
So glad Walter’s doing so well.
Joy in FL
That update on Walter is so good. Love seeing him safe and happy.
Also good is the news about pursuing charges against Walter’s abuser. Thanks John Cole.
Sweet dog news. Always glad for any Walter update.
Best to Debit and the rest of Walter’s family in the great north.
@efgoldman: Ha, he scours the house for them but they have to be used.
@Miss Bianca: My hand flew to my heat and my eyes teared up. Such happy news!
TaMara (HFG)
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah, Newfie, that looks about right.
@TaMara (HFG):
Yeah, I think so, too. A big breed somewhere in there. Though our dear departed Henry, a yellow Lab, was big with that big boned head, too. His tail was as big around as my calves. And we know he was a purebred. So you never know, I guess.
@Adam L Silverman: I am uncomfortable with the guns, but live by the second amendment, die by the second amendment.
That is totally the community policing their own norms. Turner got off light and the protestors are making it clear that that is not acceptable. It’s not intended to reintegrate Turner or to restore anything to the victim. It’s a statement to the judge and the rest of the community how they expect rapists to be punished and potentially deterred.
We should take the same approach to animal abusers.
@Adam L Silverman:
It probably won’t be long until the father starts whining.
I cried and cried. Sometimes the good guys win. Thanks, John, Debit, and everyone who saved a sweet dog’s life.
Our sheltie got cancer four or five months ago and couldn’t roll around in the grass anymore, something he loved to do.
A month ago we had to have him killed because the cancer was too much for him. Seeing Walter rolling around in grass made me and my wife smile.
Definite Dog Zen in that first pic.
Yeah, I have a hard time feeling sorry for that motherfucker. And until citizens start standing up and saying rape is not acceptable and that boys beings boys does not mean rape is ok and victims are given justice and respect, rape and its culture will never end.
ETA: And OH is an open carry state. So I guess SJWs can play that game as well as the PUAs and MRAs and Gamergaters.
Adam L Silverman
@debbie: Without a doubt.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Miss Bianca:
Good news. You guys need to tighten up office kitty security.
@Miss Bianca:
Oh, good news!
@efgoldman: You poor thing. I take back the snicker.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack (tablet): The day they laid poor Pancho low, Lefty split for Ohio
Where he got the bread to go, there ain’t nobody knows
@Suzanne: Part of me wants to celebrate, but we all know what happens when the community gets it wrong. Mob justice scares me.
I couldn’t make it through the video of Walter scratching his back in the grass without tears. Thanks for this. So wonderful to see him enjoying his new life.
And I’m very glad to hear that the legal system is being brought to bear against that horrible human.
Re Turner, with firearms brought into the equation, that is far too much in the mob behavior vein for me to appreciate it. A thorough shunning, on the other hand, I wholeheartedly approve of.
@TaMara (HFG): I agree about the shape of Walter’s head. So regal in that photo!
Seeing Walter rolling in the grass like that really does my heart good.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Adam L Silverman:
Basic freelance shaming is a start.
JR in WV
Sorry for your loss. It is great to see a saved dog like Walter rolling in the grass. And his bark is gonna be great once he finds his voice.
Thanks, Cole. Thanks Debit. Now, John, show no mercy to the bastard who tried to kill Walter by torturing him in a hot box house with no water. No mercy.
You know anyone who will torture animals will do people too. It’s a standard marker for serial killers and sex abusers.
Love Walter~!
@Emma: Agreed. But it seems to me that the outrage stems from the legal system getting it wrong. I bet the next Brock Turner will get a sentence more in line with the severity of the action.
Steeplejack (tablet)
Hey, they all look better than you in your old hippie pictures, grandpa!
@Adam L Silverman: Gun toting loons at your door. Law of unintended consequences.
Omnes Omnibus
Defense lawyer at heart here: We don’t know the previous owner’s story. What if mental illness is involved? I think that an investigation is appropriate. I don’t and can’t know what the dude deserves based on the facts available, What happened to Walter was horrible, but we don’t know that the previous owner deserves punishment – yet. Lynch mobs are ugly.
Flame away.
@Omnes Omnibus: I feel the same way. And the calls for blood a bit extreme. Remember this is an actual person. Someone you’re all wishing to suffer in prison.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Can you tell me now why you asked last night if I had read Lord of Light? I really did expect a follow on question.
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s a wonderful book and challenges expectations.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: That’s it? It was a book recommendation? Yeah, I read it – possibly before you were born.
@Omnes Omnibus: Hi Omnes, woyldn’t mental illness have been ruled out for Cole to be able to press charges? He’s such a nice guy he probably woyldn’t do it anyway.
If Walter’s previous owner turns out to be sane, I hope they throw the book (preferably The Great Big Heavy Manual of Dog Care, with Extra-sharp Corners) at the bastard.
@Steeplejack (tablet): Hey, now!
That’s not much of a bark. Is something wrong with his throat or vocal cords? Was he debarked?
Omnes Omnibus
The dude’s mental state wouldn’t come up absent court proceedings. Why and where would it? Where did I say anything about him being a nice guy? I agree that if he did this to Walter to be vicious and shitty. the book should be thrown at him. At this point, we don’t know that.
@La Caterina (Mrs. Johannes)
I still think Cole should write up the whole Walter episode for his local paper, including treatments, the re-homing, and prosecuting the abuser. Multiple benefits all around for many other animals still in need; many lessons for people to learn (about adoption and about never abusing an animal no matter one’s circumstances)
/soapbox rant
Karen marie
@raven: My Cockers wouldn’t eat a cookie from a stranger (although they’d eat food garbage in the street) unless I took it home and gave it to them myself later. Dogs can be weird, just like people.
I get a painful little twinge when I read about Walter snapping up pills that fall to the floor like they’re dog treats. A month ago he was dying of starvation. What debit and John have done for Walter is amazing and a joy to witness, but scars from what that bastard did to him might always linger. I hope the rest of his life brings him all of the sweet and none of the bitter.
Thank you, debit and John, for the updates. Walter news might be all the news I’m interested in reading for what’s left of this misbegotten election season.
Saw fleetingly a donnie dick tweet touting he is up by 2% in polls. What effed up poll was that?
@Omnes Omnibus: What else? You know, conversation. Or you don’t.
Omnes Omnibus
@Karen marie: Cockers are nutbags. I had an English when I was young. He was as mad as a hatter and also the most lovable dog ever.
Karen marie
@Pogonip: If he barked a lot, over time it can damage his vocal cords to the point he can’t make a big sound. Years ago a friend adopted from a labrador rescue group. The dog had spent five years chained in a basement before rescue. He sounded like Walter.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: You can’t just ask if a person read a book. If they say yes, you have to do something else to have a conversation about the book or the topic the book raises.
Karen marie
@Omnes Omnibus: My two were the best, especially my boy James (his sister Patty was a sweet super ball dog though). Both really laid back. I currently have a Cocker/Cavalier mix who is a bit insane, though she’s calmed down a lot as she’s aged. She’s now 6-1/2, and I still can’t let go of the leash. With the Cockers, I never had to hold their leash.
Lizzy L
That video of Walter rolling in the grass brought joy to my heart. My 13 year old arthritic mutt Theo still rolls like that. I’m glad you’re going after the person who left him in the house. If there are things we don’t know — illness, for example — that might change our understanding of what happened to Walter, an investigation should suss them out. But if this was pure meanness, there should be some justice.
Steeplejack (tablet)
Omnes Omnibus
@Karen marie: Mine was was a papered male who carried his junk to the grave – champion blood, etc. He would damn near strangle himself on a leash. He also hated all other male dogs and would try to pick fights with them. It was somewhat funny, he looked like a Restoration fop – curly hair and floppy ears – but he was a solid ball of muscle and I, more than once, had to remove him from some larger dog’s neck. Around home, he was simply lovable.
@Miss Bianca: Yay! So glad to hear the kitteh has come home!
And Walter looks wonderful. His joy at rolling on grass is delightful and heartbreaking at the same time – especially given what the vet said about the hair loss on his elbows. So many, many thanks to John and Debit for giving this sweet old guy healing, sanctuary and a second chance for a good life.
In view of John’s thoughts about mob justice, I’ll just say I hope Walter’s tormentor gets the full force of the (law)book thrown at him.
@Omnes Omnibus: I adore Lord of Light, though its sexism makes me wince.
Nowadays the idea of using a culture-not-your-own as a setting/plot point in a novel may provoke charges of cultural appropriation. I understand that viewpoint. There are lots of egregious movies, books and whatnot using other peoples’ cultures in a slapdash and disrespectful fashion.
But I believe the use of the Hindu pantheon in Lord of Light to be inspired and fascinating. Definitely appropriate to the story being told, structurally and thematically. It was probably also considered pretty revolutionary when first published: a story set in something other than a Western cultural context.
The line between breaking barriers and appropriation is…awfully fine, I think.
@Miss Bianca:
Phew! Now the only concern is that she disappeared because she spotted some really HAWT tomcat outside and has returned home In Shame.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mnemosyne: Has their sex been communicated?
“There is a dog and This is his yard”. That made me cry a little, especially with the picture of him looking healthy and happy. Good job, John and Debit!
Wow! Super powerful update. I needed a good cry and got it. Great to hear charges will be pursued. The rolling in the grass, the barking. The heart swells to bursting. Thank you so much.
@Omnes Omnibus:
IIRC, Lefty is a girl, but I don’t remember how old she is or if she’s already been spayed. If she’s 6 months old and hadn’t been spayed yet, it’s a possibility.
If it’s helpful, the Newf rescue group I’m a part of swears by the equine cosequin powder…it’s much, much cheaper than other forms of glucosamine. You can order it online, you get a big tub. A Newfy gets about 1/4 teasp with each meal (twice a day)…so adjust for Walter’s weight? (If you figure an average Newf is somewhere between 120-140 lbs.) I’ve just started my old girl on it.
And, of course, like everyone else, I’m moved beyond measure by what John & debit have done for this lovely old dog. Go Walter!
Miss Bianca
@Omnes Omnibus: @Mnemosyne: Lefty was supposed to have been spayed this past week. oops! But she’s very young yet, so with any hope, there’s nothing there to worry about.
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack (tablet): No, not really. There is a specific criminological concept called reintegrative shaming. Its part of/an offshoot of restorative justice. The basic concept is that as part of a court ordered and monitored rehabilitation alternative to incarceration, or as an adjunct to it after one’s sentence has been served, the guilty party meets with those he’s wronged, allowing him or her to personally express shame and regret for his/her actions as part of reconciling the offender back to the community and allowing all parties to move on. This isn’t anything close to that.
Adam L Silverman
@amk: most of the polling outfits have switched to their likely voter models. The initial likely voter models base their polling demographics on the actual turnout breakdown of the last actual election. They also always undercount African Americans and Latinos/Hispanics. So that’s why the results look like they’ve gotten very tight and competitive right now. Over the next several weeks they’ll begin adjusting the likely voter demographics within the model and the polls will begin to move back to where you’d expect. Additionally, as has been remarked on here and other places a lot, Secretary Clinton has had about two weeks of very bad press. While there’s no there there and if you actually read through the print reporting they all indicate nothing illegal, no actual evidence of unethical behavior, the FBI reports actually completely clear her and contradict Director Comey’s press conference remarks and statement’s to Congressional committees, the print and TV political news media have decided that this is how they’re going to frame their reporting.
Mary G
The thought of Walter hobbling up the stairs to protect you from the plumber or whatever makes me sniffle. What a good dog. Thanks debit and John for the photos and update.
Mary G
PS: John, I hope they prosecute the SOB that left Walter to the fullest extent of the law.
@Adam L Silverman:
I realize that, but thanks for the boilerplate explanation.
My point was that old-fashioned public shaming has its place. Brock Turner is not in “a court ordered and monitored rehabilitation alternative to incarceration, or [. . .] an adjunct to it after one’s sentence has been served.” He has served his full sentence—which amounted to an extremely lenient slap on the wrist. In those circumstances, I don’t find it untoward for him to be reminded—by public shaming via the expression of free speech—that the community at large is not ready to “move on.”
Note: Of course I do not support threats of violence or actual violence. Some of the signs in the picture are clearly unacceptable.
Adam L Silverman
@Steeplejack: That wasn’t boilerplate, that was a technical explanation. I suppose failing to put a citation in probably confused things a bit…//
And I never thought you were indicating support for vigilanteism.
I am objectively pro-Walter and support the Walter mandate. Republicans will learn to love that.
@Adam L Silverman:
“Boilerplate” was a slight dig at the somewhat inky cloud of the “technical explanation,” which too often is used to avoid grappling with the thing itself.
Oh–and yeah, nope not Newfoundland. Nope Nope. Totally wrong shape head, which is one of the defining characteristics of the breed (Newfies have big heavy square heads,) wide nose, wide set eyes, rounded on top, and most especially a very distinct stop (almost a right angle) from nose to skull. None of the gorgeous elegant Roman aquiline stuff that Walter has going on. I see maybe Flatcoat, or more likely some kind of sight hound mixed in there. Or just his own unique gorgeousness.
Beautiful Plumage
More of a cat person than a dog person, but a big James Thurber fan.
Walter looks like a Thurber breed. Good to see his noble side along with his happy rolls.
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks Adam. I didn’t see ant recent polls and was wondering what donnie dick was babbling about
Miss Dashwood
What a lovely update on Walter – thank you! I’m especially pleased that abuse charges will be filed. Go Walter – soak up all this love!!!!
@Omnes Omnibus: Thank you. This whole “that fucker needs to suffer” stuff bothers me to no end. I find it highly unlikely that the motive behind leaving his dog in there was to cause suffering, but even if it were, a lot of the reactions here are disturbing.
Its probably not a bad idea to get this guy some consequences, but some folks sound like they are prejudging and cheering for pain.
@Bupalos: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Walter’s previous owner had abandoned him when he first vacated the house. A neighbor made sure Walter had food and water. When the authorities were notified, the owner was ordered to remove Walter from the house. He did so, but then secretly PUT HIM BACK. Since no one knew Walter was in there, and he had no food, the only conclusion left to draw is that the owner left Walter to starve to death. If you don’t think he suffered, go look at the picture from when John first found him.
I can somewhat buy into the premise that the owner was mentally ill, because it takes a sick son of a bitch to knowingly leave an animal to starve to death, but I’m sticking with my original theory: he lost his house and this was big fuck you to the bank and whoever bought it. “You want my house? Great! Let’s see how you like it filled with dog shit and piss, and if there’s a bonus rotting dog carcass, even better.” Yeah, I hope the fucker suffers. I hope someone locks him in a room with no food and no contact with the outside world for a month, that no one can hear his cries for someone, anyone to come help him.
@Pogonip: I know that bark …. My vet called it an “Old Man’s Bark” when my 10 yr. old standard poodle started sounding like that. He also had the rear-end thing going on, but not that bad until his last year. For Mike, it was laryngeal paralysis/polyneuropathy Mike wasn’t a candidate for the surgery. We kept him comfortable (AC, not a lot of exercise) and he did fine until the neuropathy took his ability to stand. I’ll miss that boy forever …..
@Miki: my old rescue lab Mr. Buzz (a regrettable name if ever there was) developed laryngeal paralisis and I failed to realize that it caused anxiety and suffering to the extent it did. I regret that I didn’t let him go sooner.
Walter’s story is a tonic and every post is a new source of joy. Many thanks to Cole and Debit.
Digital Amish
I used to come here for the politics and Cole’s ‘get off my lawn’ attitude. Now I come for Walter updates.