Donald Trump doubles down on disputed Iraq war opposition claim
— NBC News (@NBCNews) September 9, 2016
I’m beginning to wonder (hope?) whether the media might be turning Trump’s “I was against going into Iraq, before I was for it” bullshit into the equivalent of their bottomless fascination with Hillary Clinton’s emails. If so, it would be a most fitting punishment for Hair Fuhrer, since the whole kerfuffle is very much his own fault. He had very little reason to bloviate about his superior predictive foreign-policy skills in the first place; he was lying when he first brought up the topic; he could’ve ended the whole discussion early by acknowledging that he’d made a mistake; and he can’t stop bringing it up, even though it’s clear even to him that nobody believes him and every reiteration makes him look worse!
Note the wide range of media outlets & experts represented or quoted below:
Trump tells voters again he opposed the Iraq war — but he didn’t via @JDiamond1
— Dan Merica (@danmericaCNN) September 8, 2016
Here (once again) is our timeline of Trump statements which disproves his false claim he opposed the war in Iraq.
— Glenn Kessler (@GlennKesslerWP) September 8, 2016
Here, paraphrased, are seven things Donald Trump just said about his Iraq War position in the span of two minutes.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) September 8, 2016
Trump told Cavuto the day the war started it looked like a success @BorisEP
— andrew kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) September 8, 2016
Esquire re-published that 2004 article Trump keeps referencing with this Editor's Note
— Amanda Wills (@AmandaWills) September 8, 2016
This was an actual bullet point in Trump campaign rapid response email to claim Trump opposed Iraq:
— andrew kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) September 9, 2016
One reason to be skeptical of Trump's opposition to Iraq War is that time 18 hours ago he said we should occupy it and steal all its oil
— Benjy Sarlin (@BenjySarlin) September 8, 2016
Almost enough to make you think that maybe he isn't really anti-war, just anti-losing
— Greg Sargent (@ThePlumLineGS) September 8, 2016
Maybe it’ll start a trend?…
For the millionth time, Trump is on record supporting the Libyan invasion he now insists he was always against.
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) September 8, 2016
Con artist maximus? Multiple personality disorder? Your pick.
Tenar Darell
This is a perfect place to put my newest word from Haggard Hawks Words but since I’m not sure how to embed it here’s a quote link:
SNOLLYGOSTER is a 19th century slang word for a shrewd or unprincipled politician.
ETA Though I’m pretty sure the shrewd part doesn’t fit
Villago Delenda Est
He is a pathological liar. He makes Tommy Flanagan look like the epitome of honesty.
That’s what he is. Say it every time. He’s lying. He cannot be trusted.
I was waiting at CONTROL Headquarters for Agent 86 this afternoon.
Why on earth was Trump publicly opining about the Iraq war in ’03? And how did he get a voice on that back then as a real estate developer? This is all on the media and their lazy fascination with a dude with an epic personality disorder, one that continues to this day. That said personality disorder is not called into question and mentioned every single day of this election is a complete failure on the part of media to do their damn job.
Joyce H
When Trump was asked about rape in the military, part of what he said was –
“Right now, part of the problem is nobody gets prosecuted. You have reported and — the gentleman can tell you, you have the report of rape and nobody gets prosecuted. There are no consequence.
When you have somebody that does something so evil, so bad as that, there has to be consequence for that person. You have to go after that person. Right now, nobody’s doing anything”
Soooo – surely this is an opening for the press to discuss the fact that Trump himself has been accused of rape several times and is currently facing a lawsuit alleging that he repeatedly raped a 13 year old girl? After all, there’s a report, and ‘there has to be consequence for that person. You have to go after that person.’
Trump opposed the Iraq war “loud and strong.” It’s just that he only did it while he was sitting on the toilet in his own home. That’s where Donald does all of his deep thinking.
@efgoldman: Sounds to me like she made the smart, healthy choice to come home. Hope you both manage to get some decent rest.
So were her enzymes normal or showing possible concern? Rest well.
@efgoldman: Thinking good thoughts for ya ol’ boy and mrs efg. Get those stress tests ASAP and they can fix the mrs up.
Mary G
@efgoldman: Thinking good thoughts for both of you.
The article on Trump/Iraq on the CNN website actually says in the headline that he’s lying about it.
There is an editorial in today’s New York Times, “A Debate Disaster Waiting to Happen,” that implicitly criticizes the paper’s coverage of the campaign, or so it seems to me, at least. This is the key paragraph:
Maybe someone there is starting to say enough is enough.
I’ve been hoping against all hope that the NYT specifically and the press corpse in general would suddenly post-Labor Day stop being Prince Hal debauching himself in Eastcheap–not to suggest in a million years that DT is to be compared to the wonderful Falstaff–and transform itself into noble Henry V, and kick righteous ass, but then I guess that’s why poetic justice has developed such a bad name.
@efgoldman: Understand only too well; been there, done that a few times and it isn’t fun. Hope all turns out well and that it was a false alarm. Best wishes.
Also, don’t let this be a reason not to go when necessary even if this was a false alarm. You both did the right action!
Betty Cracker
@efgoldman: How scary! Keeping you both in my thoughts.
@efgoldman: Hope things work out. Not a fan of Memorial when Miriam is 5 mins more, but with your wife’s issues at the time closest is the way to go.
@efgoldman: I’m hoping she’s ok!
Now, goddamn it I was lucky enough to just see “Denver” in your post and avert my eyes since I was watching the 4th on my DVR! Being a Dawg I hate fucking “Cammy” so I’m glad they lost!@
He doesn’t fucking have ‘access to intelligence’ NOW…
Keith G
That pic of Donald allowed me to notice his flag pin. A quick check over the last few days of HRC appearances shows no flag pin. She must hate America. Why has this not been addressed?
Keith G
@efgoldman: Be sure to take care of yourself too!!
(CNN)In a late and likely consequential move, a co-founder of Facebook is donating $20 million of his fortune to Democratic coffers in a bid to help defeat Republican candidate Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.
@efgoldman: Please take care and check in later.
Obviously still in bed but we are thinking of you & the Mrs and wishing you the best.
@Keith G: She didn’t wear it even during the dem convention. NMFTG, I guess.
Oh my. I am sorry about the ER experience. But, get her to the doctor ASAP this morning.
Thanks for the link to the Post’s piece about Hillary’s email use.
@efgoldman: good luck. hope things smooth out today.
@OzarkHillbilly: How are you?
@JPL: I’m here. Some slight improvements with the reduction in inflammation (I no longer have to pick up my arm with my left hand to move my right hand around the keyboard, I am able to slide it around all on it’s own. painful but doable) but my natural grumpy grouchiness has grown exponentially with the frustration of being unable to do damn near anything at all. It wears on my wife, she is a saint for putting up with it, but it wears.
Patricia Kayden
@efgoldman: Wow. Hopefully everything works out with Mrs. efgoldman. I know you’ll be good and tired all of today as will your poor wife.
@PST: That’s a good sign. I guess NYT is listening to its critics and may modulate its coverage of the candidates now so that it fairly goes after both candidates. Or so we can hope.
Hope the Goldman and Hillbilly households are on the mend.
Moanin’ Joe’s Meeka is having yet another round table discussion about how stupid Gary Johnson is and acting as if Barnacle had saved the country from America electing an uninformed dummy. I couldn’t help but wonder where Trump would be if they had all taken the HuffPo approach of treating him like a Kardashian.
Co-sign the above his wishes for improving health and well being among the commenteriat and their loved ones. Sending supportive thoughts and good wishes from down under!
@efgoldman: I am happy things are looking stable and up. I never considered how stressful an ER is for a patient having heart or stress or anxiety issues…. Hang in the ef! And healing thought to Mrs ef
L@efgoldman: hope everything turns out okay. Thanks Trumpy.
@OzarkHillbilly: I’m so sorry OHB. I think I missed a whole day of BJ stressing at work — did you get to the Doc?
I’ve been in a couple NYC ERs so I know how horrifying they can be. Hope Mrs EF can get answers and get this resolved as soon as possible.
No mention of the WH delegation’s pilgrimage for his wise counsel? Has this been discredited?
@OzarkHillbilly: has anybody suggested lidocaine patches? I know a couple of people where lidocaine patches worked really well and there’s fewer side effects than oral pain meds.
Re:NYTimes. The op-ed pages and the news pages are supposedly kept separate and, from experience, I can tell you that what is said on the opinion pages does not change the nature of reporting. But I am hoping that they did feel something from the clue by four they have been hit with several times this season.
I’ve used lidocaine patches to deal with a 16-month long cough. The coughing didn’t stop, so the pain didn’t either, but they really took the edge off the pain.
Iowa Old Lady
@efgoldman: Thanks for the update. Hope today goes well.
Iowa Old Lady
@JPL: Last weekend, I saw a home-made sign in a farmer’s field that read “Obama’s FBI is corrupt.”
We don’t need no stinkin’ evidence.
Thanks for the update. I’ve seen the ER at the nearby hospital (which is in a well-to-do community), and it’s not fun even under the best circumstances, so I can imagine how much stress it was adding to your bride’s psyche.
You and Mrs. efg are in my thoughts. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for the best, most benign possible outcome.
Best wishes for continued improvement, full recovery, and less grouchiness-inducing travail.
We are days from another anniversary of 9/11. Looking back no one disagreed to going after who did this to us. Especially when I realized the plane that went down in Western PA was only a 45 minute drive on the road from my own house in NYS.
Hillary was my senator. Her vote for the war in Iraq was right. It is still right today. It was not right for her to be targeted about it in the 2008 election even though I was a supporter of Obama and it is not right today as well.
To be clear, I was in support of the Iraq war in the beginning. Then I became against it as did many others as well.
@Iowa Old Lady: Apparently the FBI turns corrupt whenever a Republican is appointed to lead it.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: That ad for the jean shorts is obviously part of a KAOS plot to humiliate America.
Lurking Canadian
@HRA: There might be an argument that Clinton’s Iraq vote is defensible on the grounds that she thought she was voting to give a bigger stick to UN investigators.
But even at the time, there were no credible claims that Iraq had anything to do with 9/11. 9/11 reaction was Afghanistan. Iraq was just Cheney and Bush getting their war on.
Kay (not the front-pager)
@amk: OPD: obnoxious personality disorder.
Miss Bianca
@efgoldman: Sending good thoughts to you and Mrs. efg. Don’t forget to take care of yourself, too!
James E Powell
@Lurking Canadian:
There’s reality and there’s political reality. Every Democrat in congress who had White House ambitions voted in favor of the Iraq Invasion. It may have cost her the nomination in 2008, but in 2002 Friedman’s “suck on this” mindset was prevailing.
Missed taking your meds today?
sheesh that’s a shitty night. sounds like she made the right choice.
keepin y’all in my thoughts.
Gelfling 545
@efgoldman: Glad she’s home & feeling a bit better. Probably best to see he own docyot anyway if the situation is no longer acute.
It kind of reminds me of my Mom. Whenever she was hospitalized ( and she was due to type 1 diabetes & all the attendant good fun), her doctor had to authorize her release even thpugh her pressure would be over the moon. Seems that being in the hospital raised her bp.
Evidently you do not understand my thought on it at all. It’s ok. Everyone has a right to their own opinions. Even if I am in disagreement, I will never ever use the words you used in your response.
The Other Chuck
@HRA: Going into Afghanistan was going after the perpetrators of 9/11. Iraq was about one-upping daddy, and everyone knew it was going to make things worse. HRC is pretty much equally tainted as everyone else though, which doesn’t give her a pass so much as acknowledges the ugly reality of the politics. Changing our whole defense posture away from empire-building is going to be the only way to stop this kind of thing, and that doesn’t happen with a single president.
Adam Waldorf
I assure you that the people who are voting for him believe him and no amount of facts will change that.
@JPL: if that was the memo sent to staff what was he hoping to accomplish by doing his very partisan presser?
Lurker Extraordinaire
@efgoldman: I am so sorry! I hope it’s nothing and your missus recovers.