As many of you know, I’m fueled creatively by my massive hatred of the Washington Post editorial board. I hate Jeff Bezos too, not just because he’s reinvented the sweatshop but also because I hate smug bald people in general — Moby, Matt Bai, the Rock.
That said, the Washington Post newsroom is absolutely killing it with its coverage of Trump. David Farenthold should get a Pulitzer:
The Donald J. Trump Foundation is not like other charities. An investigation of the foundation — including examinations of 17 years of tax filings and interviews with more than 200 individuals or groups listed as donors or beneficiaries — found that it collects and spends money in a very unusual manner.
For one thing, nearly all of its money comes from people other than Trump. In tax records, the last gift from Trump was in 2008. Since then, all of the donations have been other people’s money — an arrangement that experts say is almost unheard of for a family foundation.
Trump then takes that money and generally does with it as he pleases. In many cases, he passes it on to other charities, which often are under the impression that it is Trump’s own money.
Omnes Omnibus
Beck Hansen is far more smug and hate-worthy than Moby – even if he does have hair.
What’s wrong with the Rock?
Hunter Gathers
Unlike what Trump’s BFF would do, Farenthold will only face a lifetime sentence in a classy Trump Supermax prison for having the temerity to question the motives of Our Glorious Leader.
Matt Lauer, too, I hope.
We’re all bald beneath our hair.
But we’re not all smug
@SiubhanDuinne: Of course.
Adam L Silverman
@Hunter Gathers: Polonium tea.
All about scam. He is a con man
grifting hustler.
Inside every bald person there’s a hairy person trying to get out.
In case you are wondering where Tebow’s helmet or the painting is I have it on good authority that Master Barron’s room is decorated with the gems. btw leave the children out of it.
Hunter Gathers
@Adam L Silverman: Only the classiest, I assume. With a picture of a busty Estonian on the bottle.
@Doug!: Smug is in the eye of the hairy.
Fahrenthold has been amazing in his doggedness and the clarity and thoroughness of his reporting. Agree about the Pulitzer, and any other investigative journalism awards out there.
If you haven’t read his full article, do so. And stay tuned: I’m sure there’s more to come.
Trump is a sleaze/crook. EVeryTHing he does is crooked or marginally legal. No tellin whats in his tax returns. He is incapable of being honest and changes what he says every 5 minutes. He has attracted low life cockroaches/rats from every sewer and garbage dump in the country. And it does not matter to 40-45% of people in this country. He needs to be the albatross around the GOP and reich wing media’s collective necks.
gogol's wife
Interesting typo in DougJ’s post. “trup” means “corpse” in Russian
Dance, monkey, dance! BANG! BANG!
@gogol’s wife:
LOL. There are no accidents, right? Even in Cyrillic.
Please everyone — sign up to volunteer for the campaign. We’re down to one month before early voting starts. If you haven’t signed up because you don’t have time, please reconsider doing even one volunteer event. We have a new baby at home and decided this is too important and are squeezing some time out to do it. And we weren’t Clinton supporters in the primary.
Omnes Omnibus
@BruceFromOhio: That’s from a Beck song, right?
@SiubhanDuinne: I’ve been following Fahrenthold tweets about this story for several days, and read this article this afternoon.
He’s found 5 charities so far that, according to Trump’s filing with the IRS, received a total of $51,000; they have told him that they received not one nickel. As Bloody Mary in South Pacific said, “Stingy bastard!”
I also have to question why the Palm Beach organization would spend that kind of dough for a room to hold a party.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Just saw a Clinton ad consisting solely of veterans (or their survivors) watching Trumpelstilskin disparaging them. Gold Star parents. Paraplegic vets. The McCain dis. Holy shit.
@Omnes Omnibus: I caught it from a conference call.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): The guy in the wheelchair with one and no legs is former senator Max Cleland.
gogol's wife
Good for you.
@gogol’s wife:
Are you signed up? :)
I know. The hinkiness unveiled just seems to beget more hinkiness. If Fahrenthold or anyone else can even begin to rip the veil off some of these scam artists, I’ll consider all the angst of this campaign well spent.
gogol's wife
No, I’m terrible at it. I tried in 2008 and realized I was counter-productive. So I just throw cash at them.
gogol's wife
I think “basket of deplorables” is going to be a good catchphrase for us.
@SiubhanDuinne: I used up my monthly allotment of WAPO articles on Labor Day, because I’ve been loving watching them hate on Trump. Have also been loving how Carreyrou of the WSJ eviscerated Theranos.
@Omnes Omnibus: Agreed that Beck is annoying. Maybe it’s the Scientology.
Sounds like some good WaPo stuff about Trump. I will start looking at more of this. They still allow some free stories each month, right?
Unfortunately, he has been around so long as a popular reality tv celebrity and now politician, that people including his supporters will shrug off negative reports, even if what is uncovered relates to how Trump might govern as president.
@BR: I volunteer and I gave $15 today. We are tight money-wise right now but we have already gone out canvassing multiple times.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I have never forgiven, and will never forgive, the Republicans for what they did to Max Cleland in 2002. In the course of my job I had the honor to meet him several times when he was Georgia’s Secretary of State and later U.S. Senator. He is a good and decent man who made a huge sacrifice, and it is just sickening the way he was treated.
Omnes Omnibus
@Suzanne: It’s the preening and smugness. I liked his first and second albums. Then I saw him in concert and just could.not.even….
gogol's wife
Let’s start calling him Труп and see what happens.
Major Major Major Major
@gogol’s wife: it’s such a weird phrase. I mean, I know that if anybody was subjected to the same level of scrutiny they’d have weird-ass phrases in their off the cuff remarks every day, but you just find the strangest things.
An important and necessary reminder that newsgathering and opinion-editorial often have basically nothing to do with each other within a traditional news outlet like WaPo
Fuck Trump and his Russian pimps.
@Suzanne: “Private Browsing” (Firefox) / “Incognito Window” (Chrome) is your friend. It lets you get around monthly limits at most places.
@gogol’s wife:
NPR has clutched the hell out of its pearls and scolded Hillary for making Republican voters feel bad.
The truth of the comments don’t matter, or the issue of Trump dredging the political sewers for some of his bigot aides and advisors. Hillary must be chastised for her lack of political decorum.
@BR:Thank you for your time and support.
I’ve put in some time and gave them some money. The phone bank work was fun most of the time, but I have something wrong with my right hip, arthritis or bursitis, so by the time the second hour ended I was miserable, and at the end of the 3rd hour I was done forever. PT next week. I got good results with my phone calling until about 3:30 when suddenly no one was home or in their offices. Heading home, picking up kids from afternoon activities, shopping for something for supper, etc.
So I gave them some more money and I’ve been very gently advocating when I meet people who don’t know who to vote for. The last one was a young guy working in a Big Bear restaurant who was a little wild-eyed because one of the RW ninnies who frequent the mountain area in SoCal had told him that UN troops were already staging somewhere in the US, and that the election was going to be called off. He was a nice guy, not well-informed, so we informed him. He is half AfAm half white (he volunteered that) and has had racist comments aimed at him, and did know that Trump is a terrible racist. Beyond that he was clueless.
Lizzy L
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Thanks! I didn’t know about that nifty trick, and like Suzanne have been stuck behind the paywall.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Nor should you. Chambliss proved himself entirely devoid of honor and decency during that campaign.
Steeplejack (phone)
Open a “private” or “incognito” window in your browser and go to town. It resets the article counter (every time you do it).
@Omnes Omnibus: Fucker is teaching at the UGA law school.
pseudonymous in nc
The Foundation is the template for the campaign and probably the template for all of TrumpOrg’s business. Take other people’s money, spend it on your own shit, take all the credit, sue anyone who complains. It’s grift all the way down.
I just donated to Hillary for the first time and I feel dirty and used. I absolutely hate the web experience I just went through at her website.
Wanted to make a donation so I did, which led me into a series of inescapable pop ups that make you choose your monthly donation level and not one way to exit. I’m not certain right now they aren’t going to start billing me whatever they think next month even though I didn’t check anything. I closed the browser tab. I’m pissed at this design and won’t donate again and will indeed be upset if I get auto deducted next month.
@SiubhanDuinne: It’s just stunning: the campaign, lack of intelligent planning, name-calling, quoting self-avowed racists/bigots, attacking women/POC/LGBTQ, lying, changing his statements and claiming he never changed a thing… the list goes on and on and on.
Why is he considered a serious candidate?
Lying to the IRS? That’s what they got Capone for.
Lizzy L
@redshirt: There IS a way to exit, because I found it. I just don’t remember what it was. I remember getting pissed, thinking I was going to be forced to donate monthly even if I didn’t want to — and then I did X, whatever it was, and my one time donation was accepted.
But I agree, it’s a lousy design. Complain. There’s gotta be a way to complain.
He’s the gift that keeps on not giving.
@Ken: I thought of that. It’s such a great business plan, lying to the IRS.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Omnes Omnibus: I didn’t even recognize him. I remember what the GOP did to him though. Wow.
@Omnes Omnibus: I didn’t recognize him. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him.
The way he was treated was shameful.
Omnes Omnibus
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): He’s a few years older. We all are.
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): What you said.
All of that — ANY of that — is why I continue to believe that he really at some deep level doesn’t want to be elected President and is doing his best, perhaps (probably) unconsciously, to sabotage his own campaign. It is stunning that the GOP and the media keep giving passes on these.
@Brachiator: Just check out #TheDeplorables. All of the racist alt-right are embracing the term, because, of course.
That the GOP establishment is lining up a “stolen” narrative for the dip shits is… ah… politically craven.
Mike J
@Omnes Omnibus: The ’04 Kerry campaign was in the same building as Albright & Assoc, and I shared an elevator with Cleland and Albright. Which was pretty cool.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I’ll tell you what really burned. When I retired three years ago, the person they hired to replace me was a guy who had been on Saxby Chambliss’ staff (GA office, not DC). First thing he did was put up a huge poster on his office wall of a little kid giving a faux-military salute to Saint Ronaldus. And yet a few years earlier I had been reprimanded for displaying the (obviously much smaller) official Christmas card from Barack and Michelle in the same office. Grrrr.
Thought he was a Mormon, but have not paid much attention to him the last several years.
@pseudonymous in nc: He is from the beginning a real estate guy, and that has alwaysbeen about OPM. It’s the only thing he knows.
Look at the upside – they stopped polling Georgia in early August when results weren’t consistent with the narrative.
Are you talking about Glenn Beck?
@gogol’s wife: It needs to be a rotating tag line.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: Beck Hansen. A musician and smug person.
Yes! I know, and that makes me smile broadly. Also gooses me to volunteer GOTV.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Thanks. You will not be surprised that I’ve never heard of him. Sounds as though I’m not deprived on that front.
Omnes Omnibus
@SiubhanDuinne: He is very creative. I just can’t get past his Beckness.
Steeplejack (phone)
Pretty good song from Beck: “Deadweight.”
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: @Omnes Omnibus: I like Beck! Almost anybody who cameos on Futurama is alright by me.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Omnes Omnibus: Don’t I know it!
Hillary should not have apologized for the deplorables remark. She should have said “oh, so your issue is whether it’s a half or a third or a quarter? Would that make it so much better? Reality is Trump has based his campaign on hate and a lot of haters have crawled out from under the rocks. Trump has mainstreamed hate. Feel free to obsess about how many people this describes, but the reality is that they’re out and proud in a way that they never were before, and that’s the fault of Donald J. Trump.”
Hillary needs to take control of some of the messaging, and the wrong thing to do is apologize.
Major Major Major Major
@enplaned: i think the sooner this goes away the better. Like with Obama and the bitter clinging thing, she isn’t wrong but it looks bad, or at the very least we could be talking about something else.
I’ll bet Trump’s favorite charity is the Human Fund.
No wonder he won’t release his tax returns. But if he were honest about his reasons, he would just plead the 5th.
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh, man, you mean he was part of Hanson?!?! No wonder he only goes by his first name.
Oh! Hansen. Nevermind.
Patricia Kayden
@redshirt: Is there a contact phone# so you can make sure that you don’t get charged monthly? Too bad you had such a negative experience. Thankfully, didnt have any problems donating to President Obama in 2012.
Major Major Major Major
Jeff Beck is a pretty good guitarist.
normal liberal
@Lizzy L:
It may be that because I got to the donation page from an email, but I reached a screen where you could decline the monthly option – either a default checkbox or a no thanks option, I can’t recall. Once it confirms the one-time donation you can just go back to your browser default.
This is not bad design, btw, it’s intended to steer you to the repeat options -it just works a bit too well. I wish they wouldn’t do it, but it’s pretty standard.
Patricia Kayden
@enplaned: In her apology, she details Trump’s bigotry very clearly. It’s more of a “sorry if you felt offended” apology and gets her point across that Trump is a bigot. Not bad imho.
Omnes Omnibus
@enplaned: She didn’t apologize. She said sorry for saying half, but… and then dropped the hammer on all the “deplorables.” Basically she said it all again.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: You are wrong.
Preach! !!!
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: you think we should keep talking about it? Why?
ETA: I think her statement on it is right, she apologized and doubled down at the same time, directing the conversation towards what she obviously meant in the first place.
@Brachiator: I guess they think that if she just ignored the racism, sexism and Islamaphobia it would just all go away. The author praises her recent speech on the alt-right as an example the nuanced way she should have handled these issues. I don’t remember that speech being described that way at the time, I remember people saying she was exaggerating the alt-right’s influence.
There are so many things that bug the hell out of me about all this and this author’s piece. The right’s rhetoric has just increasingly gotten worse. It began when Obama took office. You can’t escape it. I see it everyday on lawn signs and bumper stickers, and confederate flags flying out of pick-up trucks. They all feel fine to broadcast their hateful beliefs and I believe the media has enabled them.
However, I would never put a yard sign up for Hillary in my yard or put a bumper sticker on my car. I mean it’s not some incredible burden on me that I can’t but still I wouldn’t risk it.
KS in MA
@rikyrah: This.
normal liberal
Which is why the website gives you an option to decline a continuing contribution. They aren’t required to put it in 96 pt type. In fact, on the screen where you confirm your choice, it’s set in the same font and size as everything else.
I’ve made at least eight contributions on the website during and following the primaries, and have yet to run afoul of a forced repeating donation. I got a bit annoyed with the constant emails asking for more, but hilariously they moved me to a list where I get invited to kilobucks-per-plate fundraisers.
Omnes Omnibus
@Major Major Major Major: She intentionally called out the GOP bigots. It was a campaign choice; I doubt this year’s Clinton campaign does shit without gaming it out. Yesterday’s language was calculated and today’s was the calculated response to the asshole and GOP (but I repeat myself) reaction. My guess is that they have internal polling that supports this gambit.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Major Major Major Major: I respectfully disagree. The media has been ducking this issue for the entire campaign. Hillary is telling truth, and as someone who would be targeted under a Trump maladministration, I say it’s past time someone did w/o using weasel words.
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: @Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): I’ve been operating on the assumption that she sort of misspoke. It’s obvious enough what she meant and her clarification does a good job redirecting to that. So I think what she did is right, she just apologized for what she said straightaway and now we’re talking about what she meant. Rather than not apologizing and then we’d still be talking about what she said.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Major Major Major Major: Agreed.
Because A) somewhere around half the white people in this country love what he’s saying, and will not listen to any explanation of why he is not serious. And B) While it may or may not be true, people believe that when the media takes someone seriously, the rest of the country must be doing so as well. In the media’s case, the Republican Party must never, ever, under any circumstances, be revealed as basically racist. That is a thing they cannot accept, a question they refuse to even ask. We have seen all of the gyrations possible in that denial over the course of this campaign.
@efgoldman: Excellent rant series. Amen to all you said.
@redshirt: It is horrible, all the way around, the manipulative vibe on the websites. And good for you for donating anyway. First real donations for me were with the Obama campaigns. Doing that has so much increased the phone calls; and I hate almost every time the phone rings to begin with. And I never even got my 2008 mug !!! Still, our house is giving coin to HRC every so often, (Never over the phone though.) The most recent call even told me what they had calculated I might pay now so we could try to win the House. I said no, I couldn’t pay that. But I can bear it; I just want the Rs out like a burnt out bulb; and HRC in; and I can bear it. So, good for you, braveheart. : )
@efgoldman: I would like to marry this comment and have its baby.
@redshirt: I thin closing the browser is the way to go, I’ve done that myself in that kind of situation. I doubt very much you’ll get billed a nickel more. If it happens, one call and they’ll have to take it off.
@efgoldman: very goodt. almost tirade level work.
@Aleta: That I have to think it or consider it is just terrible. I’m an ally! And you (Hillary’s website) made me never want to come back.
patrick II
Political organizations that are 501 c 3 organizations are often political, Karl Rove’s “Crossroads” pac for one. Donors do not need to be named and taxes can be deducted. So, I wonder what percentage of the Trump foundation’s contributions went to real charities, and how many to “charities” that helped Donald Trump influence politicians.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Oh, golly, you found an inconvenience. You have an excuse to check out now. Well done.
@redshirt: I’m sure of it, that just exiting in the middle of the maze works perfectly well. It’s so much worse when one still cares, and believes that websites should not take advantage and not take up your time either. I hate so much about the permanent political industry. Still, don’t let the undertow take you down. Float.
@efgoldman: She has taught you well.
@Frankensteinbeck: Yes, yes, yes. But that is the hill they choose to die on? That’s the part I can’t wrap my head around.
@SiubhanDuinne: No, talking about Beck Hansen, who goes by Beck in his musical career.
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): saw that one the other day…her ad strategy so far has been to let drumpf shit all over himself, which he can’t seem to stop doing…
Funny thing about it, drumpf can’t really claim she’s going negative, as he’s doing all the talking — in clips that have been played from his beautiful, yuuge rallies using his best words.
@Tazj: it started in earnest in early 2000…I had been without cable for a couple of years and got “reconnected” prior to the (s)election…it was shocking to say the least the vile crap that was being “mainstreamed” by the likes of Hannity, O’Reilly and most of the yappers on what would have otherwise been a pretty boring olds yap fest… it was aimed mostly at evil liberals at the tiMe, but differing political view points was turned into othering then. Obama being elected turned the already mostly deranged into fully deranged, and now drumpf has given permission to the deranged to take action.
OMGzzz Doug, tacky lyrics, J notices that WaPo has been committing random acts of journalism lately. So instead of fixating on NYT and their both sides do it journalism like a lot of other wankers around here, he actually notices that there are other news outlets in America. Seems rather far fetched but could DougJ actually, for once, have a clue?
This has become instantly embedded into my lexicon. Thanks for that.
Also – wasn’t the WAPO banned from covering Trump live and up close? And so this is what they’re doing in response…. reporting (and kicking ass)?
Does this not show us all that ‘access’ does not = coverage, something that news people covering the W Bush administration used as a crutch for their lousy reporting?
I so very much agree with this. Once she’s said it, there is not one damned advantage to apologizing on any level. This just drives me crazy. So basic.
@Major Major Major Major:
I disagree. She should double down as others have recommended. Its the damned truth and that is that. She aint gonna win one of those people or their sympathizers. Trump has been trying to appeal to whites who are scared off by racist rhetoric. Time to nip that in the bud as well. No more lies. If you vote for this guy, you ARE voting for a racist. If that doesn’t bother you, YOU are a racist. You are on the wrong side of history and the revolution has passed you. You can join America in the modern age or stay home and pout, but you won’t get to run things as racists and nationalists. Its over. THAT is/should be her implicit message IMHO.