Secretary Clinton’s doctor released a statement a few hours ago: she has pneumonia (h/t: Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs).
Statement from Clinton's longtime physician, Dr. Lisa Bardack, M.D.: Clinton has pneumonia, has been advised to rest
— Ruby Cramer (@rubycramer) September 11, 2016
While I can’t prove it, I also wouldn’t be surprised if her Secret Service detail doesn’t have her in Level II or Level III Body Armor. As someone who spent a lot of time walking and riding around Iraq in that stuff – at the age of 37 and in good physical condition, it is very easy to get over heated and dehydrated even when the temperature is cooler – say early morning or late at night. And that’s when not sick.
Semi Break
I got a hold of Alain. He’s checking on the problem and he’s going to contact Cole. All will be well…
Mary G
The media will bitch – they are throwing a huge hissy fit about her leaving without any reporters along – but they can DIAF now. I think they handled it fine and hope she feels better soon.
This will only validate all the CTers out there who will be non-stop yammering about this until the election.
Clinton should not hit any events until just before the debate – let Kaine, Bill, PBO, Biden, et al. handle the hard work from here. It’s inevitable that Trump will manage to say something idiotic between now and then anyways.
Oh shit! We’re doomed!
Eh, or not. Still mot something to pass off lightly, though.
@Poopyman: I hate typing on this phone.
Corner Stone
She absolutely can not be allowed to allow this, or it, to happen again. Or it’s game over, man. Game over.
This is something to take seriously in an elderly person on a grueling schedule. I wish her a speedy recovery!
Interesting thought on the body armor.
@Corner Stone: you forgot to add that uncle joe is waiting to take over and she’s played her last get out of jail card
Anne Laurie
@Corner Stone: Fine, we get the joke. Now talk about football, I’m sure they’re doing something on the field that needs your attention!
I’m already tired with next week’s headlines and it’s not next week yet.
This gives Donald an edge he’ll use to hammer away. That’s my only concern. And it’s one of annoyance.
I love how much effort the Orange menace is putting into convincing people Clinton is gravely ill though. As if Tim Kaine isn’t also vastly preferable to Trump. He might actually fare even better than Clinton among some demographics,
The Dangerman
No, but not as bad as other possibilities.
So, now that we know what the “it” was, it validates what I posted downstairs a few floors; it WAS something and it really can’t happen again (well, after she’s considered recovered from this time). For all this roasting me downstairs and saying this was all a big nothing, I’ve got two butt cheeks; line for kissing forms to the left and right for faster service.
@Corner Stone: “Put her in charge, man”.
Mary G
I think this can be spun as a positive by saying that she didn’t want to miss the 9-11 memorial and went even though advised to rest. She can take credit for helping the first responders bill, visiting families and victims, many of whom I’m sure she could name, unlike Trumplestilskin. Where was he today anyway? If he wasn’t at the memorial, where was he? Doesn’t he care about 9-11 other than getting taxpayer money for his undamaged building?
Adam, thank you so much for organizing today’s nuke discussion. It was great. I know there is interest in a nuke power discussion which also would be fine. But I would like to have a clean discussion about Pakistan which is the most dangerous unstable nuclear power on the planet. North Korea is Chutes and Ladders compared to Pakistan’s Dungeon and Dragons.
Glad to hear Mrs. Clinton is recovering.
By the way, Adam, curious question from a long time lurker. What curriculum or experience would you suggest for someone interested in thinking about national/international dynamics? Besides the specific content, you appear to use several approaches to considering problems in international conflicts, etc, that aren’t well understood by the average citizen. I’m thinking of your discussion of ways and means considerations, your commentary on strategic lift and strike capabilities possessed by the U.S., policy effects as they relate to pursuing national interests, and so on.
@Anne Laurie: I can’t talk about it right now, but following Obama and Clinton policies have resulted in a complete disaster for my fantasy team.
@Peale: I thought Bernie was supposed to take over.
@The Dangerman: white skin, so thin. It is nothing that is Unordinary. I have no interest in your butt.
Well that covers all the bases 1. the aqllergies. 2. the cough. 3. the ‘fainting’.
Can we now get to the more important health question – will; Hillary melt if she is rained on?
Adam L Silverman
@Immanentize: You’re quite welcome. I’ll work with Cheryl on scheduling for future ones.
@D58826: well she doesn’t melt when she is pissed on….
Pneumonia is a suckass thing. I got a summer bout with it when I was 21 or 22 and in really good health.
Politicians cannot be allowed to have illnesses. Because optics.
@Mary G: Well there is an audio clip from 9/11 of him bragging that he now had the tallest building in New York. I guess he was in mourning since the new building is taller.
@D58826: She’s not made of spun sugar, so no.
@Adam L Silverman: It was really helpful and bonus!! My students will benefit.
Corner Stone
@Anne Laurie: What joke? And last I checked this was an Adam thread about HRC and her speculative health. You want to put up a football thread to distract me and the other two people who still give a shit? Otherwise.
Singing Truth to Power
Having had pneumonia twice, I am astounded that Hillary has been able to campaign as much as she has. In my experience, It just drains all of your stamina and energy. She is tough.
Mike J
Any word of boogie woogie flu?
Omnes Omnibus
@The Dangerman: Now that we know what it is, we know that it was completely not worth the chicken littling that you were doing. Kiss your own ass.
@Anne Laurie: Aw, come on. That was funny.
Alain the site fixer
So no idea why this issue is suddenly upon us.
For anyone with Android devices and using Firefox can you access the site, mobile, normal, or both?
Trying to see if this is a Firefox issue related to an updated list of OCSP servers that omits our SSL certificate provider. It’s valid for months and works fine on iOS Safari and chrome and Edge. Just Firefox having the issue, for now that I see.
More soon.
Fuck this election. Fuck it in it’s stupid ear…
Mike J
No, Clinton’s email people did not set up ESPN’s fantasy football site.
@Omnes Omnibus: actually I heard it was Zika and her unborn child is in danger! Oh NOs!
I miss Baud a bit at moments like this.
I thought it was a bon mot ?
@different-church-lady: ear fucking will only increase chances of virus and make things worse
Corner Stone
@Singing Truth to Power:
HRC was also notably low key, and dare I say “serious”, on Friday when she gave a brief statement after the Nat’l Security summit she attended. Could be part of her conserving energy as well as treating the subject matter wit respeck.
@D58826: Donald bragging, Hillary not disclosing an illness.. One thing is not like the other.
Here’s another story about 9/11.. This person was not bragging but was on the 100th floor. He sounded more professional, than Donald will ever be. link
My hatred for the don grows stronger every day, and that’s not healthy for me.
@The Dangerman: Christ, you are such an egotist.
Wait. Donald, is that you?
Joyce Harmon
Would Hillary health rumors really cause anyone inclined to vote for her to switch to Trump? I’m voting for her if she’s dying! She’s just got to make it to past the Electoral College vote.
@Alain the site fixer: Aha! But alas, we have no Droids at this location.
I was afraid one of the uprooted trees in Jamaica Plain had taken out a fiber trunk. The timing coincided with the storm here.
@redshirt: Oh my goodness, she got sick!! Maybe when red faced, possible walking myocardial infarction Trump gets tired of yammering about her so called health issues, he can go back to yammering about the fact that she pees.
Corner Stone
@different-church-lady: Fuck it where?
@Alain the site fixer: I’m on it, laptop and wifi, with IE but can’t get through on Firefox. Mobile iPhone on Safari works.
@Alain the site fixer: I am using an I-phone and safari. Everything normal ( as normal s BJ ever gets)
Mary G
@Alain the site fixer: It’s only Firefox, and turning off stapling fixed it.
But he DEFINITELY needed the vacation.
@Mary G:
He was there. I don’t know for how long. The entire ceremony, including the traditional litany of reading the name of everyone who died, lasted well over four hours.
The Dangerman
Hey, I got one right; I get to spike the football because, let’s face it, it doesn’t happen all the time…
….speaking of football, back to the Cowboys.
@FlyingToaster: north of Boston we had a one minute storm. We so need rain!
@different-church-lady: This 50 million times. Just got off the phone with my 82 year old Dad. He panics whenever something like this happens. He is smart enough to know it is not a big deal but has no faith in his fellow Americans agreeing. He is scared shitless of Trump winning.
@FlyingToaster: I do not begrudge him one moment of happiness. After all, his 2020 campaign starts November 9.
tokyo expat
Sorry, not Android. I’m on a Mac. I originally tried to visit the site via Firefox and it won’t show b/c of the certificate issue. I then tried Safari and I’m fine.
But, all this past week when I’ve gotten into the site, it would let me click on a post but I could not click the back button. It would stay on the page with the post and comments and I would have to type BJ in the browser again to get back to the Home page. When I checked in the URL (clicking on a little i mark) about the problem, it said that the site was using a mix of https and http for images which made the site not secure.
ETA: The above back button issue was on Firefox.
so on my twitter feed the MSM is up to its old tricks and simply proves the Clinton rules.
1. Why didn’t the campaign tell us on Friday she was sick
2. Why didn’t the campaign tell us she was sick the AM (reporters having a problem understanding that campaign PR people are not doctors)
3. when will she give us a complete medical run down
4. OPTIC, OPTICS, Smell test,
5. did tyhey ever plan on telling thew media about being sick if she hadn’t had the problem today.
No wonder she hates them with the passion of a supernova
Mr Stagger Lee
Joyce Harmon Only the stupid(i,e. “undecided”) would probably have pause. Like you I vote for her, even if she is in ICU(every day of the week and twice on Sunday) and besides, I am cool with Tim Kaine, I would vote for even if she turned into a zombie.
Omnes Omnibus
I do. He knows what he did.
This so needs to hit the front page of some newspaper or another.
Adam L Silverman
@Curtis: Good question. So I have a master’s in international relations and my doctorate is partially in political science and the polisci components are divided between comparative politics and international relations. The other part of my doctorate was in criminology. I write this as into because traditionally the idea is that it would be the International Relations theories and concepts, with some stuff from public policy thrown in, to set up your frameworks for analysis. What I learned, however, when I got to the US Army War College, and what confirmed my long held position in regard to the utility of International Relations theory (it doesn’t have much), is that most of this is important to know, but its not going to get you anywhere. For a really good and really accessible understanding of strategy, that won’t make your head hurt, I’d recommend my former colleague Harry Yarger’s primer on strategy:
Its hard to delineate a specific curriculum/course of study you could take at a civilian university, because most of the way I think about and write about and talk about these things I learned to do from having to learn, as part of my responsibilities as the USAWC Cultural Advisor, the entire US Army War College core curriculum. I was tasked with doing a review of it my first year there. So when I wasn’t teaching sections of it, I was doing all the readings and attending the seminars for all the lessons I wasn’t responsible for so I could 1) learn all the material, 2) see how others applied it/taught it, and 3) see how all the pieces fit together so I could actually evaluate it. I had to repeat this two years later to update the assessment and evaluation. So basically I had to learn everything that the colonels/lieutenant colonels, captains/commanders, and civil servant equivalents learn, but learn it at a level and in a way that I could apply it for programmatic purposes. I honestly don’t know of a civilian program in policy that mirrors/matches what is taught at the Senior Leader Colleges.
So let me think about this some more and I’ll get back to you. And feel free to remind me to do so.
@Corner Stone: I care about football, but you wouldn’t know that, would you?
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Alain the site fixer: Android, Firefox, have to disable OCSP stapling to access the site. Same with my Windows desktops.
@Mary G:
The talking heads are too busy giving recitations of her multiple events on Friday the day of her diagnosis. Jeff Zelany said this is the forth campaign he has covered, and that Trumps assertion that Hillary is always resting is bullshit, in fact it is the most grueling one he’s covered. He wasn’t defending Hillary though, he used it as an opportunity to bash her for her inability to raise cash on line, which is why she has had to keep this kind of schedule. The criticism is now that she showed poor judgment by not canceling events this weekend to follow doctors orders. She simply can’t win for losing.
schrodinger's cat
@Omnes Omnibus: Not possible unless he is a cat.
You forgot to say, thanks Obama.
Adam L Silverman
@schrodinger’s cat: Its the Internet. He or she could very well be a cat!
Chris Cillizza opines:
– Cillizza on September 6: The simple fact is that there is zero evidence that anything is seriously wrong with Clinton.
– Cillizza this morning: Taking the Clinton team’s word for it on her health — in light of the episode on Sunday morning — is no longer enough…Sunday morning changed the conversation in the race about Clinton’s health.
schrodinger's cat
@Anne Laurie: BTW I sent you an email, I was wondering if had had a chance to see it?
@Alain the site fixer: I can’t get it with Firefox (using Edge now) do get on my android S5 using the google search app fwiw.
Omnes Omnibus
@schrodinger’s cat: He’s managed to get his head up it, I think he can manage the rest.
schrodinger's cat
@Adam L Silverman: Nah, not cute enough.
@tobie: It doesn’t matter. Republicans held up funds for 9/11 responder. Did they pay a price?
schrodinger's cat
@Alain the site fixer: Can’t get it to work on Firefox but works on Chrome.
Corner Stone
Can someone please explain to me how Kevin James a) has another sitcom and b) his wife in it is once again smoking fucking hot.
Donald tells me that’s really disgusting and he doesn’t want to talk about(but still does).
Mary G
Charles Johnson at LGF has the best take: Hillary Clinton Feels Faint, Media Gets Vapors.
@SiubhanDuinne: Lol, I initially thought this was about Baud.
Mary G
@Corner Stone: A network exec who looks like him playing out his fantasies?
@D58826: But the letter Trump wrote for his doctor to sign is A-OK?
This would be an excellent time for Dump to drop dead, of any one of a number of statistical probabilities, including but not limited to choking on his own shit.
(Just an observation, Secret Service.)
@Mandalay: This is a really weird line to take though. So if the campaign talk about Clinton’s health in earnest, in that she had an infection and stayed out in the sun too long therefore she started feeling ill, but came out and said what it was, then that means she obviously must be hiding something MORE and we need all the medical records for the last forever about her. (Also, assuming she clears her recovery phase cleanly, she can give the whole “I care too much” line about staying out in the sun for the memorial when by all rights she should have been in an air conditioned home/suite for the last few days.)
And yet Trump talking like someone constantly doped up on diet pill amphetamines barely gets a “What’s up with this guy?” from the general press.
It angers me, yes it does.
@tobie: haha.. Silly person. Hillary didn’t tell the pool on Friday about her illness.
Crooks and Liars has a link
@Alain the site fixer: Got blocked on FF using android, so I am using a different browser now.
@Corner Stone: Kevin James is money (to some extent) and being money can mean you can be something of a fatass or an asshole and still attract an attractive beau.
Will be very, very interested to hear Trump’s response to Clinton’s illness. Will indicate who has control of the campaign (at that second, anyway).
@Corner Stone: What’s a Kevin James? And please explain to Gary Johnson what Aleppo is.
schrodinger's cat
@Corner Stone: I have no idea who Kevin James is and based on your comment, no desire to find out
@BlueDWarrior: Heavy, average looking guys are often with good-looking women. That does not seem to happen in reverse. In real life or on TV.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Who’s playing the wife?
Alain the site fixer
@Mary G: Not sure I like disabling a good security feature to access the site, make sure to re-enable it later! :)
@D58826: Honestly if Clinton wins, by all rights she should end her victory speech by telling the ‘Old Media’ to go sit and spin somewhere. Then again at the rate we’re going there will be plenty of people to tell them that for her so I guess it wouldn’t be necessary.
But it would be funny.
Ultraviolet Thunder
I pointed that out here a couple of months ago. If you look at her outfits* in public appearances they’re boxy jackets buttoned up to the neck. There’s no reason to dress that way in the summer unless it’s to cover something bulky underneath. It should also be expected as a normal precaution. I’ve never worn body armor but any extra layers in the summer weather we’ve had would be a burden.
* I’m a dude and I don’t obsess about women’s clothes. But I used to work at Saks, and asking ‘why do they dress that way?’ becomes second nature.
Alain the site fixer
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Just make sure top re-enable when this is solved! You don’t want to leave a hole for something to get through later!
@hovercraft: My twitter feed has an explanation for all of this. She has a body double. It was the double who left the apt. this afternoon. They can tell because the double is thinner or something.
At this point even Fonzie’s shark would be embarrassed.
@WaterGirl: As a guy, I guess you can chalk that up to the weird double-standard about feminine beauty. Women have a narrower path to walk to qualify as ‘attractive’ to the general public.
I don’t know honestly how to explain it, but you can say that more male celebs can get away with not looking like GQ Men than female celebs can get away with not looking like Vogue Women.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman: I believe it is this young lady.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: well of course because it is hugh and he will get the best deal. I have this horrible feeling that Trump will live forever – neither FSM or Satan will want him so until they sort his final destination out the rest of us have to put up with him :-)
Truer words never spoke, and it applies to hideously ugly men as well as merely overweight or nondescript ones.
Not hard to see the reasons.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Yep, quick online search confirms it and its about his comedic adventures as a just retired cop trying to spend more and quality time with his wife and kids.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Alain the site fixer: Yah. Just a diagnostic trial.
Corner Stone
@schrodinger’s cat: Paul Blart: Mall Cop. AKA The King of Queens where his wife was Leah Remini.
@Joyce Harmon:
That’s what Phillip Bump of the WaPost said. He pointed out that back in 2012 the first debate that had everyone in such a tizzy gave RMoney to a slight bump, but the race almost immediately went back to where it was. The convention bumps have all but faded and the race is back to where it was before, and the ups and downs you are seeing is not voters crossing over to the other side, but when they get upset or spooked they move into the undecided pool and then back to their original candidate. This and the her comments Friday night will confirm to Trumpsters that she is an elitist, but it will not bother her supporters or even those white suburban voters, because they agree with that assessment. The media will beat it to death, but this type of thing doesn’t change minds. He also pointed out that after Trump and the media have been touting his minority outreach for the last month, according to the latest WP/ABC poll he has lost ground with black and hispanic voters since the summer, more republicans have gone home to him and he’s also improved among white college educated women. But he’s still not where he needs to be, so the tightening means the media can’t say it’s over, but he’s still not gaining in the swing states he needs to. PA, VA, MI, and WI, winning NH, NV, NC and even FL doesn’t do diddly squat for him.
@Mary G:
Good one :-)
@Ultraviolet Thunder: I am pretty sure that Michelle was wearing body armor at the DNC convention. She had on that beautiful dress but she looked bulky up-top and there seemed to be a straight line bulge below the neck but above her breasts.
I noticed and thought how said it was that she had to wear body armor while she was giving that beautiful, hopeful, uplifting speech.
@Corner Stone: That wasn’t helpful at all.
They have taken the electronics away from him on pain of everyone quitting. It’s 9/11, and this was a day they both said would be about only that. Now at 12:01 am, all bets are off. If they somehow manage to keep him off the twitter machine, then I expect to hear him on Fox & Friends first thing in the morning telling us that she is unfit to serve. I wonder how many seniors will agree with him that getting a bacterial or viral infection that many of them have been afflicted with, renders one incapable of being CiC.
@eemom: Yep. Double standards in so many ways for women as compared to men. Film at 11.
Not surprising, but really annoying when you think about it.
You follow Alex Jones?
Health condition that make her unable to sweat, plus body armor, plus walking pneumonia…man, Hillz is a bad ass. I would be in a cool tub overlooking the Pacific, enjoying the trade winds on the Kona coast of Hawai’i in her shoes.
Instead, she’s running a grueling schedule that has notably reduced Tim Kaine’s front porch in 6 weeks of trying to keep up with her.
Also, for the faint of heart…it’s apparently responding well to antibiotics, or she wouldn’t have risked a visit to her 11 week old grandchild.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I’ve often wondered if his hair is such a weird color because he holds it in since peeing is disgusting.
@BlueDWarrior: Also, the fat man with an attractive wife is a TV staple since The Honeymooners.
Which became The Flintstones.
Which became The Simpsons.
Which influenced all modern sitcoms.
@Adam L Silverman: Thank you for the response Adam, I expected the answer to not be easy. Appreciate the reference, I’ll check it out and remind if needed!
@Immanentize: also causes brain damage, see drumpf, donald.
@redshirt: Stop talking about Trump and Melania.
Damn, Jeff Zeleny covered Obama for two yrs for the Nyt & was always,so nice. Even when it was,negative info, he presented it in a nice way. Since he got his CNN job, he gets meaner every day. I liked him better when he was young & in awe of O.
Now, he’s just a bitch.
Maybe if Hillz stayed home a day or so, she could get a comfy chair & go with Obama when he hits the Trail 9/13. Mr. 48% will help her.
Also, we should send her $$$ so she will rest.
@JPL: For example….
Lurker Extraordinaire
Adam, first of all, I want to let you know that I always enjoy your posts and your perspective on so many issues.
Second, having spent sometime myself in Iraq, it is very easy to forget that in the summer time, when it “cools off” at night, it can still easily be in the 90s. I’ve also seen soldiers pass out during change of command ceremonies, Transportation Week at Fort Eustis, etc., from the heat- and that is without body armor. Older people and the young are more susceptible, but anyone can be at risk.
May Secretary Clinton continue to recover.
schrodinger's cat
@WaterGirl: There was a Hindi movie last year, where a good looking thin reasonably attractive guy is hitched to a slightly Tunchesque leading lady. Its an arranged marriage. She has a college education while he does not. Initially, he is kind of a dick to her, but she is no door mat and doesn’t put up with the bs he dishes out. Its got good reviews. I haven’t seen it yet, but I am curious.
I like this number sung by Monali Thakur. It as the recipient of last year’s National Award for the best female singer. Its shot in Haridwar, literally Lord’s Gate, near the source of the river Ganga.
Patricia Kayden
@redshirt: What type of edge? She has pneumonia not some incurable, fatal disease. If we her supporters don’t overreact then the media will get bored with this temporary new toy. She’ll have my vote even if she has to be carried by four men in suits to be sworn in by Judge Roberts.
Hope she gets better soon. I’ve had one bout of pneumonia and recall being on antibiotics for about one week or so. No big deal.
Patricia Kayden
@Mary G: Trump was at the 9/11 memorial along with his lackey, Chris Christie. I saw him shaking hands on MSNBC during Rev Al’s show.
Yeah, it’s funny how people change, Zeleny was good so was Chuck Todd as just a numbers guy, now they’ve gone full villager. SAD !!
@redshirt: haha You were writing about average overweight men with nice looking women. I tried to make a funny and failed. Sorry. NBC might be scripting a story line now, though.
@Ultraviolet Thunder: given the hate drumpf has stirred up toward her, they’ve probably got her in some heavy duty stuff…
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: Its also that they switched to likely voter models from registered voter models right before Labor Day. Those models have to issues – one of which gets fixed, the other gets ignored. The fixable issue is that the early likely voter models are based on the final ones used in the previous election, so the samples aren’t dialed into the current demographics of this election. That will be adjusted over the next couple of weeks. The other problem, which they never fix, is that the likely voter models always under sample African Americans, Hispanic/Latino Americans, and younger voters.
@Patricia Kayden: A talking point they will drive into the ground, since it was already a talking point and now has corroborating confirmation.
Cillizza is paralyzed from the neck up. Chris Matthews will be hysterical tomorrow.
Adam L Silverman
@Curtis: Let me see if I can go and find some of the old course directives/syllabi and I can pull sections out of that for you.
@Adam L Silverman:
Yes I saw that, and Chuck Todd of all people ripped the CNN poll to shreds over their likely voter weighting, he said their numbers white working class voters were out of whack, and the percentage of white voters made no sense. He said if they had weighted closer to the last two elections Hillary is would still be ahead by 4 points.
Adam L Silverman
@Lurker Extraordinaire: I have not forgotten that 90 at night felt nice and cool, especially if there was a breeze.
She should have had a hat. I’ve had to be outside in the summer in a number of places and while it wasn’t high 90s and/or high humidity, with the sun beating right down on my head it was enough to zapp me right out. I learned that lesson the hard way in my late 20s in Santa Fe one summer. Was walking around the playa with my folks, didn’t bring a hat, it was high 80s, low humidity, and bright sunlight without much cloud or shade. I was fried!
Adam L Silverman
@Patricia Kayden: Chief Justice Robers is an epileptic. Its not disqualifying for him. Everybody who is freaking out (not you PK) needs to get a grip. We’ve had far sicker candidates and far sicker presidents. The Republic has survived.
In healthy people, pneumonia can be a mild illness that is hardly noticed and clears up in 2 to 3 weeks. In older adults and in people with other health problems, recovery may take 6 to 8 weeks or longer.
This is a huge problem for the Clinton campaign.
New meme, “what happened during the ninety minutes when the press wasn’t there?”. Must have protective pool so the candidate can’t get away with anything. We have a new 18 minutes of mystery. I guess this will be added to the we’ll never know what happened with the 33,000 deleted e-mails (hint, they were deleted). She disappeared for 90 minutes, who knows where she went, did she sneak into a hospital?
@NR: Get a grip.
Lurker Extraordinaire
@Adam L Silverman:
Lol, yes. Then you put your black or green fleece jacket on, then walk past someone’s unofficial temp gauge and see that it’s 95 out. Surreal.
@JPL: You’re right, Hillary being sick for the next two months isn’t an issue at all. It’s not like she has anything important to do in that time. What was I thinking.
@Adam L Silverman:
Alls I am worrying about is getting her elected. That is it. Getting the voters to come out, press buttons, write in or mail in their votes for her — more than for Trump.
Lurker Extraordinaire
@NR: And Trump can have a massive coronary right after his next bucket of KFC. And?
Michael Moore crawls out of the woodwork:
But wait! There’s more…
Such sincere concern! With friends like Moore who needs enemies?
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: Actually the FBI recovered them in NOV/DEC 2015.
@Lurker Extraordinaire: What the fuck does Trump have to do with Hillary having pneumonia?
Adam L Silverman
@Lurker Extraordinaire: It was. We were in the middle of nowhere. FOB Hammer. Constant dust and sand storms. And they built the damn thing on top of the old Bessmayah Artillery Range – so we were living on top of bits of depleted uranium and other crap from impacts. 12 clicks south of the Nahrwan brick factory, which burned heavy fuel oil in its kilns. So we were breathing that crap in too! Its why my med file has an addendum section that looks like War and Peace.
@Adam L Silverman: The undercurrent I am sensing is woman=weak and Presidenting is for strong virile He-men. Just the questioning of how Clinton has decided to proceed with her health is the recurring meme that women can’t be trusted with their own health decisions as independent human beings.
@hilts: Chris Matthews is always hysterical. It’s sort of his signature look.
Mr Stagger Lee
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I thought Aleppo was Groucho Marx’s step-sister. :-)
So is Bernie getting ready to swoop in and save the day?
@Adam L Silverman:
But Trump an co. keep telling me they’re missing, I’m so confused!
Right, but your first sentence was bang on the money: women can’t be trusted because they are inherently weak.
Only a man can possibly be up to the job of being president. Men don’t fall (apart from Bob Dole), men don’t have problems with standing for three hours (apart from Donald Trump), men don’t have mental health issues (apart from St. Ronnie), men don’t projectile vomit (apart from Bush 1), men don’t get cancer (except that liberal wimp Carter), etc…
James E Powell
Why is George W Bush on my TV before the Patriots game? Why do we have to see or hear from him ever again?
Adam L Silverman
@Glidwrith: Yep.
Adam L Silverman
@dmsilev: I think the term you’re looking for is drunk.
@Adam L Silverman:
I had no idea.
Just in my lifetime, FDR and JFK with serious physical impairments, and Reagan with degenerative dementia/Alzheimer’s (not to mention. And I have to assume that Truman, Ike, LBJ, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Poppy Bush, Bill C., and Boy Blunder Bush had, at least, occasional illnesses and accidents. I don’t recall that Obama’s been sick at all, although he was a smoker.
Yeah. I don’t know (and don’t really want to find out) how much abuse it can take, but The Republic is a lot more resilient than some of us sometimes give it credit for.
James E Powell
You were thinking how much you enjoy being a troll.
I guess FYFF or something. I couldn’t edit my incomplete parenthetical before everything froze up on me.
That was supposed to continue “(not to mention getting shot just two months into his first term.)” I planned to close the parentheses and everything.
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: Churchill had a stroke while Prime Minister if I recall as well. And kept it secret too!
@Adam L Silverman: And the movie about it is showing on Masterpiece tonight!
@James E Powell:
When I have a brand new password
And I’m close to my daily goal,
I am just such a perfect ass-turd,
I enjoy being a troll.
Adam L Silverman
@WaterGirl: Okay, if you say so.
Coincidence? Hmmmmm….
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: She is correct.
Major Major Major Major
Good news: the only people on my Facebook talking about this are the most severely apathetic “both sides suck” types. Even the crazies aren’t really running with it.
Now Chris Chinchilla at WaPo is saying that waiting 90 minutes to announce it is indicative of Hillary’s disdain for the press and transparency and that’s the real story. So that crowd isn’t even running with it either.
My first though upon checking to see what my DVR was recording tonight was is this a conspiracy by Hillary, to make America think that her health scare is no big deal. Since I didn’t check before today what was on Masterpiece, how do I know that they didn’t change it?
@Major Major Major Major:
Before I finally through my hands up and switched to HGTV, they were talking about those 90 minutes as the next conspiracy. They want to know where she was, where did she go?
I really don’t know what to say. Human being catches common illness! Film at 11! Hillary Clinton not immortal! Therefore, Donald Trump, who is, should be President!!! I don’t know which irritates me more, the moron trolls, or the sincere worriers who troll themselves.
Major Major Major Major
@hovercraft: and they wonder why she hates them.
Rose Mary Woods, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you.
Woo hoo hoo.
Jeff Zeleny is a fucking waste of protoplasm. He knocks the National Enquirer cover story on Hillary’s health which begs the question why the fuck did he mention it in the first place.
Chris Matthews will achieve peak dickishness tomorrow because he’ll have a two-fer. First, he’ll whack Hillary for the deplorables comment and then he’ll whack her campaign for sitting on her pneumonia.
@Major Major Major Major: @SiubhanDuinne:
Perhaps she snuck into a hospital, got treatment and then what? She then snuck in through the front door of her daughters building without anyone noticing her convoy arriving, and then walked out like she’d been there the whole time?
@hovercraft: She’s really good. I might vote for her now. lol
@Corner Stone: I think it’s hidden in the answer to the question: “Is Kevin James the producer/creator/writer for this sitcom?”
(Similar to how the Jon Favreau written/produced/directed/starring film Chef cast Scarlett Johansen as his girlfriend and Sofia Vergara as his (still loving) ex-wife. I mean, it was a good film, but as a doughy guy of some years, I had to question the…oh, let’s call them ‘optics’.)
Let’s pretend the right wing nuts are correct and Hillary is actually on death’s door. She could have spent the last year with her grandchildren, stuffing her face with her favorite foods and doing her favorite things. Instead she’s dedicated the little time she has left to serving as the last bulwark against Trump gaining the Presidency. And if the crazy bastards on the right are to be believed, she’s essentially torturing herself to make it to the finish line, by pumping herself full of drugs and stimulants and being all but carried to the stage for appearances. That’s hard core. They used to write songs about that sort of shit. If it’s true, the important questions aren’t whether we vote for her, but where do we put her monument on the National Mall and which President gets blasted off Rushmore to make room?
I just want everyone to make a distinction between someone getting pneumonia & how shitty you feel & Hillary seeing a Dr. for her cough & finding out she has it. Most of us will think we’re just tired, have a chest cold, etc until the pneumonia really gets settled in. If all she was seen for was the cough, she is almost certainly in the very early stages of pneumonia. Otherwise, as commenters have noted, you really feel like crap & it shows. Caught as early as this likely was, antibiotics will kick it quickly.
I’m not a Dr, but have spent what seems like years of my life in hospital as a caretaker, seen pneumonia many times; it can be quickly over if treated early.
@workworkwork: my least favorite thing about pop culture double standards is that the unappealing-dude-with-smoking-hot-gf-with-no-internal-life is so unquestioned while the lady-who-dumps-dudes-who-don’t-treat-her-right is always the bitch and gets her comeuppance in the end. It’s one of the reasons I still have a deep affection for Chasing Amy which is about the former and how the latter is more or less inevitable but shitty and also the woman in question was 100% right.
Major Major Major Major
@hovercraft: @JPL: it’s funny, the more nefarious the wingnuts make her sound, and the more manipulative and crass the media makes her sound, the more it seems to me like the LAST thing you want is to be on her bad side. Even more reasons to vote for her!!
Alas, single-note Pavlovian trolls such as “NR” who cyber-bark upon command don’t have hands, so they can’t. Nice thought, though.
Major Major Major Major
@eemom: How does it type???
@NR: Idiot.
So impressed with the many graduates of the Bill Frist School of Tele-Diagnosis….
Heh. The slimy fuckwit crawls out of the woodwork and makes up shit in a desperate attempt to regain his Villager status:
I can only imagine how the Bernie Bros twitter streams have lit up, has anyone checked in on HAHA Goodman? Salon must be in heaven telling themselves that if only we had gone with Bernie we wouldn’t be in this ‘situation’. And David Shuster can go fuck himself.
Amaranthine RBG
You know who doesn’t have pneumonia?
Bernie Sanders.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amaranthine RBG: How do you know?
@Amaranthine RBG: And yet couldn’t hack the primaries. Idiot.
From CNN: Hillary cancels CA trip
@hovercraft: Oh, god, it’s all over Facebook….
Idiots are so self-deluding.
@hilts: aaaannnnnd? She’s supposed to get some rest… flying when you’ve got any kind of congestion sucks, and probably isn’t recommended for pneumonia patients either….
Adam L Silverman
@amk: Didn’t have a cough. If he’d had a cough, he’d have been able to hack away.
@Adam L Silverman: You take my breath away?
@hilts: That’s wise. Good for her. She’s going to win CA anyway. She should take a few days to recover and relax and get back to it when she’s feeling better.
This all happened during a week when my seasonal allergies, for which I have been tested and are usually pretty well-managed, have been absolutely kicking my ass. I didn’t have to miss any work obligations last week, and I really cannot this week, but I have spent all day today and half of yesterday feeing completely destroyed. Getting up to make myself a salad was my big accomplishment today. And I don’t have pneumonia, and I’m 36, not 68. I hope she clears her schedule and takes care of herself, because we need her.
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: I thought Top Gun references were considered déclassé now.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman:
He didn’t need a cough, just the right horse.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Well played.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: In the absence of our equestrienne, someone had to do it.
There’s an awful lot of kneeslapping going on in all the news threads I’m reading on this subject, like a sick granny is the funniest thing ever. There’s your Culture of Life™ in action, America…
@Omnes Omnibus: lauering the bar. It’s fucking bj after all.
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: We have standards here. Weird-ass standards, sure. But standards nonetheless.
I agree with the decision and was just providing an update for this thread. It was not intended as a knock against Hillary. I’d rather have a killer asteroid crash into Earth and wipe out the human race than see Trump win this race.
@Omnes Omnibus: Now, that’s a joke. Ha ha.
Amaranthine RBG
I hope all of the former Hillary supporters will put their personal feelings aside and support Bernie Sanders when he’s the Democratic candidate.
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: Completely serious. For example, the troll policy here that you hate is a standard.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amaranthine RBG: You are a moron.
@Omnes Omnibus: Exactly.
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: Like I said, there are standards.
@Omnes Omnibus: if anyone is the very portrait of health, it’s a hoarse, stoop-shouldered, disheveled bald former hippie. One who’s been sitting on his ass for months.
@Amaranthine RBG: pretty sure we’ll go with Kaine. Thanks for the offer though.
Omnes Omnibus
@FlipYrWhig: I posit that HRC will be back to her regular schedule within a week. Trump will wheeze his way along while sleeping in his own homes. One impresses me more than the other.
Amaranthine RBG
You might want to read up on Democratic party rules.
Amaranthine RBG
@Omnes Omnibus:
I suspect you know about as much about the rules of the Democratic Party as you you do about civil procedure.
But that never stops you from offering up your views, does it?
@Amaranthine RBG:
pretty sure they’ll go with Kaine.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amaranthine RBG: Since nothing has happened that could remotely disqualify HRC, your very odd victory dance is as stupid as it is uncomfortable to watch.
@Amaranthine RBG: Which rules do you want to discuss?
@Omnes Omnibus: and wrong, as per DNC bylaws. No way a DNC committee picks Sanders to replace Clinton when Kaine has already been selected as VP. And yeah, a very sad, sickening and premature victory dance. Perhaps we need our own little basket of deplorables.
@Amaranthine RBG: says the moron who didn’t read them up during the primaries.
@Amaranthine RBG: he might not know rules but he damn sure knows a tool when he sees one. And you, kind citizen, are a tool.
Omnes Omnibus
@magurakurin: It is a silly discussion. HRC is and is going to continue to be the candidate.
@Omnes Omnibus: I know that. But this one was such a bother during the primary. And by calling me out to “read the rules” when they obviously hadn’t read the rules themself. Fuck. It’s like May all over again.
Omnes Omnibus
@magurakurin: I do actually know the rules. Second Amendment troll can try to prove otherwise.
Most particularly when Sanders repeatedly took dumps on the DNC on an almost daily basis.And refused to fundraise for downticket candidates.
C’mon…this is basic organization 101 (not even politics).
Omnes Omnibus
@gwangung: No way Clinton is replaced. She is fine.
@Omnes Omnibus: Oh, yeah, I know….but it’s almost comical seeing how both far rightists and far leftists are just salivating at the mere possibility on social media.
Omnes Omnibus
@gwangung: I am working very hard at not going full-on attack mode on the soft HRC people. I know it won’t help. But is would make me feel better for a while.
What makes me angry about this incident is that Hillary has had hydration issues in the past, I’m pretty sure dehydration was mentioned when she fell and hit her head a few years back. She needs to get serious about drinking Gatorade, or something like it several times a day. A person can’t will their body to behave as they wish.