Florida bringing their A game to the 2016 shitshow:
A dispute on a Florida shuffleboard court turned violent yesterday when an 81-year-old man allegedly punched a fellow pensioner and struck him with his shuffleboard cue, according to court records.
The confrontation Wednesday afternoon occurred at the Pinellas Park Senior Center, which includes an open-air pavilion with 16 shuffleboard courts (as seen below).
Police charge that octogenarian Herbert Hayden “had a verbal argument that escalated into a physical altercation.” Hayden allegedly punched the victim, James Sutton, in the face and “hit him with his shuffleboard cue causing damage to both cues.”
Don’t ever change, Florida.
Miss Bianca
Man, all this elder-on-elder violence is just getting off the hook. First that guy punching out some woman at a Trump rally, now this. Where will it end??
Stand your walker?
So lemme guess,Herb’s a Trumpster???
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
Could be dementia — my father-in-law’s diagnosis came after he got violent with my mother-in-law.
Dementia would also explain Trump supporters.
(Makes me wonder about Paul Simon’s domestic violence incident a little while back, unless he just has a well-hidden history of it. But then again, it’s none of my damned business anyway.)
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA: Ditto for Don McLean.
schrodinger's cat
I need your vote to decide which movie to review for the next installment of the Weekend Movie Club. So far
Queen is ahead.
Keith G
Houston Chronicle just posted an important story detailing a settlement agreement in the Sandra Bland case.
@Miss Bianca: I blame absentee fathers myself. These people have no role models!
dr. bloor
@Keith G: well, if it needs approval from the Texas State Lege, I would hold off on counting this as a done deal.
The Dangerman
Hmmm. “Trap shooting in Florida” off the bucket list.
In other recent Florida news: 18 year old woman preheating oven was injured when the ammo stored there ignited. Because *everyone* stores magazines in their oven, at least when the microwave and refrigerator are full. At least in Florida…
Felonius Monk
This. Punching the other guy was no big deal. Damaging the cues will result in the keys to his walker being taken away for a month. He needs to learn quick, Don’t fuck with the cues.
Keith G
@piratedan: The question becomes, “What does Dan Patrick think about this?” And he is a horrible human…just totally horrible. As Lt Gov., he runs the lege.
One of them had cork in his cue.
This scourge of elder on elder violence: Elderly resident shoots three at Wyoming senior complex. Clearly a product of a broken culture, no? Gotten too used to living on government handouts, etc etc. What can be done, what simple actions can be delayed while we insist that the octogenarians solve all the individual instances on their own?
grandpa john
OT Has anyone been able to find what D/R voter screen that CNN used in last set of state polls? I checked their supposed cross tabs but every thing is listed in percentages, no actual numbers including the number of Dems, indies or Reps
@grandpa john: I looked at the cross tabs and noticed that they listed “N/A” for the 18-35 and 36-50 demographics, as well as for the Cleveland area, which is the largest metropolis in the state. “N/A” doesn’t mean they didn’t get any responses, but it definitely means they didn’t get many. So the sample looks rather unrepresentative.
Miss Bianca
@scav: I’m waiting for all the sage talking heads to start talking about elder pathology. Where are the new disciples of Daniel P. Moynihan to give us the straight dope on the social breakdown in the Olds Community?
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA:
IIRC, Simon was the reported victim in that DV case, not the suspect. His (quite a bit younger) wife was the suspect.
@Calouste: Anything for a horserace
@Keith G:
Once it came out that the jail had not, in fact, followed its own monitoring protocol for prisoners, the settlement was probably a foregone conclusion. I hope Bland’s mother will be able to get the accompanying reforms that she wants pushed through as well — it sounds like that’s far more important to her than a mere money settlement.
I was all worried Mr. Betty Cracker was involved.
Not this time.
Patricia Kayden
@Miss Bianca: It will end with Secretary Clinton beating up on Trump during their debates. Metaphorically, of course.
Mary G
@dr. bloor: That made me laugh hard, thanks.
Speaking of rotten states…Looks like a rat-f^c$ing GOP vote suppression operation is at work in Indiana.
The Indy Star glosses over what is fraudulent about their submissions, and tries to imply that it’s probably the work of Democrats. But another report from Indiana spills the beans:
That’s parallel to what GOP dirty tricksters have done in recent presidential elections. Somebody from NJ named Karim Aziz appears to be involved in the shadowy group. He’s listed here as a prominent young political operative in NJ, but I haven’t found anything further about his party affiliation. I’m going to go out on a limb though and guess he’s a Young Republican. Marion County has a large black population.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@Mnemosyne: The reports I read were that they were both considered aggressors/victims, but I could be wrong.
I wonder about this from the NY Times, though:
I can understand not being able to see clearly, but to think they’re mountains?
@Ryan: Drum blames lead. I wonder what those shuffleboard pucks are made of.
Mr. Mack
I have to doubt the Paul Simon story regarding domestic violence. Of course anyone is capable of it, but I had the pleasure of baby-sitting Paul while he stayed at the Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles. (I was a bodyguard for celebs and businessmen/women contracted by the hotel) He was the most gentle, respectful and easy going person I think I’ve ever met. His only directive was no cameras allowed during the performance.
Miss Bianca
@Patricia Kayden: Now *that’s* the kind of violence I can get behind! May FSM make it so!
I thought the Cracker posse of Cranky Death Chickens protected the Crackers wherever they went.
Huh. I first read the headline as “Donations Needed for Mr. Cracker’s Ball.”
Edit: Kind of made me think of Hillary Rettig’s post on organ donations.
dr. bloor
@Elizabelle: Betty leaves no witnesses behind.
@dr. bloor: LOL
I lived for a few months in an independent living facility, where the average resident was about 80 years old. (At the time, I’d just turned 50.) I thought it might be hard to get involved in the community. But then I figured out that it was a lot like high school.
Just One More Canuck
@Patricia Kayden: If it’s not metaphorical, that would be ok too
Miss Bianca
@Mary G: @dr. bloor: Yeah, that’s a contender for Winning the Internet today, for sure!
Mike in NC
Dave Barry has a new book out regarding life in Florida, called “Best. State. Ever.”
@Miss Bianca: I know what MSM is but what is FSM?
Captain Crankypants
I recall that Fez from the “Ron & Fez Show” was a native of [exasperated voice] “Pinellas Park, Florida…”, and painted it as Ground Zero of the “Florida Man” phenomenon…
Gin & Tonic
@ding: Flying Spaghetti Monster.
@Mr. Mack: And O.J. Simpson was an incredibly affable and jocular guy. You just can’t tell by casual acquaintance with someone what they are like when they are at home alone with their family.
Driving back to the office from an appointment today, I heard Carl Hiaason on the radio talking about his novel, Razor Girl. I had not heard the epic Florida Woman story that inspired the title. If you haven’t either, Google it.
With the onset of dementia, elderly people can lose some of their inhibitions, which could include indifference to personal hygeine, rude commentary, cheating at games or violence. My mother in law lost said things that made a few of her attendants quit (like calling them fat or ugly — which was totally out of character for her). My husband’s uncle would do things like change his clothes in the common room at his assisted living facility.
This appears to be a case of GOPer on GOPer violence, Floriduh-style. Can’t say for sure on the basis of the garbled writing.
@jl: Terrific band name.
@schrodinger’s cat:
How many people do you think’ve seen those movies” I’s say like .01 out of ten. BTW, have you seen the 1995 Japanese Love Letter? If so I’d like to know what you think; if not, go see it.
We haven’t seen them. That’s why we’re having a movie club to watch them and talk about them!
@smintheus: anyone in Indiana needs to go on line and check their voter registration to make sure it is accurate.
Keith P.
The guy probably was charged with “Failure to assault with a firearm”
@Mnemosyne: Ah. So how available are these films?
Btw, Cole’s post is both ageist and Floridaist.
schrodinger's cat
@RK:They are available for streaming on Google Play and itunes.
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA:
I can’t find it now because it’s buried under all of the stories of the charges being dismissed, but I remember the initial story being that Brickell’s mother was the one who called 911 because she was concerned about her daughter’s behavior. Some jurisdictions say both people should be arrested in DV cases, so you can’t always go by that.
I don’t think any of the people in my family who had dementia got violent, but they were all older women (the men on both sides are not long-lived). G’s maternal grandfather had dementia, but his worst outburst was when he said, “I don’t want any damn pudding!” after a lifetime of not swearing.
Scroll back to Saturday — SC invited me to help her start a movie club on her blog. I did last week, and she’s doing the next week. There are trailers and a poll on her blog, so watch and vote!
Note to John and the rest of us smug Northerners…..we do know that most of these senior nut jobs are recent immigrants from our neck of the woods, right?
Mainly because most native Floridians don’t make it to these advanced ages for even crazier reasons.
Ok, since we don’t need $$ for Mr Cracker, can I put in a small bleg for my rescue that’s trying to save a kitten from having an amputation? Go Fund Me link here, the goal isn’t much, but it’s badly needed.
Florida !!
Today I took my 95-year-old friend to the podiatrist. In the waiting room was another elderly lady, very elderly, very frail, with a walker. But she had a smart phone and was busy laughing at something at it and scrolling!
It’s a new world.
I’m acquainted with a 104-year-old lady who has all the latest technology and is the one who helps her fellow oldsters with their iPhones at the Motion Picture Home. She is a pistol!
@Miss Bianca:
HINT, since they are not a minority group there is no pathology. Just like Dylan Root and Adam Lanza were disturbed or racist individuals, therefore their actions didn’t say anything about young white men. Whereas the Tzarnyev brothers and the Pulse guy, show the dangers of Islam, and the killers of Dwyane Wade’s cousin Nykea Aldridge are reflection of the breakdown of the black family.
@SiubhanDuinne: So you almost owe me a Kindle. I didn’t quite drop it.
@schrodinger’s cat:
If I can find those films elsewhere I’ll vote and watch.
@schrodinger’s cat:
@grandpa john:
Uh huh
Uh huh
When I used to visit my grandmother in Florida for spring break, she’d drag me along to the jai a lai games and run bets to the window for her. Plenty of sharp elbows among the gambling broads.
Miss Bianca
@hovercraft: you are, of course, correct on this point.
“Queen” also appears to be available for streaming on Amazon Prime and Netflix. If you want a totally free place, you’re gonna have to track one down yourself.
@satby: And some wonderful person just pushed us over the goal! Don’t know if it was a BJreader, but thanks to the person who is making it possible for the surgery to save Katie kitten’s leg!
Yet another confirmation of my feeling that there should be a cable show dedicated to the exploits of….Florida Man!
Miss Bianca
@satby: yay! I felt terrible that I had no spare scratch for Katie kitty, but I did post the link on my FB page!
J R in WV
Flying Spaghetti Monster, the object of worship of Pastafarians the world over. Some even wear a colander on their heads for religious ceremonial reasons, like having a driver’s licence picture taken.
Wonderful religion. No hell, unless you refuse to eat pasta. Or is it the other way ’round?
J R in WV
That’s so sweet!! Good luck with kitty’s leg!!! She will get the best of care, I can tell from here.
PS, thanks for letting us know… keep us posted on how she does.
Mr. Mack
@Barbara: No doubt. When I was a kid, I got to play some hoops with OJ, cuz a friend’s dad was a big USC alumni…he was fun and I was awestruck. I totally realize that anyone is capable of anything. Funny thing…I met him years later at a nightclub and he was a complete jerk.