From Dr. Oz taping: Trump said his campaigning was his exercise. That him "moving his hands around when he was speaking" was a work out.
— Jesse Rodriguez (@JesseRodriguez) September 14, 2016
Press release for Dr. Oz intvu w Trump promised "no holds barred." But Oz told Fox most holds wld in fact be barred https://t.co/pnSNqDfAvX
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) September 14, 2016
He had a colonoscopy last week? And an echocardiogram? And did a fasting blood test? https://t.co/YzjnKjiFw9
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) September 14, 2016
1) Trump says he's overweight at 236 2) Bornstein had said DJT was in greatest shape of any POTUS 3) Bornstein lied/state investigation?
— Glenn Thrush (@GlennThrush) September 14, 2016
@GlennThrush He's under a health audit, rendering him unable to release additional records.
— Daniel Aguilar (@daanielaaguilar) September 14, 2016
Fox's Chris Wallace: "The health transparency gap now works in Trump's favor because of the Dr. Oz incident" https://t.co/6bQ1KdDzR1
— Media Matters (@mmfa) September 14, 2016
just pause for a moment to consider that sentence in isolation https://t.co/EHLKYXtgdV
— Simon Maloy (@SimonMaloy) September 14, 2016
Jesus christ @msnbc interviewed a Dr. OZ audience member for four fucking minutes about what he saw#ourfailedmediaexperiment
— Hillary's Earpiece (@Johngcole) September 14, 2016
CARSON: avg human is 0.15% sodium. donald is 9%
RYAN: Jesus Christ.
CARSON: he has a condition i've decided to call "mcdonald's elbow"— Owen Ellickson (@onlxn) September 14, 2016
Sure, Doc McStuffins could have done @realDonaldTrump's physical. But she treats toys, not clowns.
— Chris Nee (@chrisdocnee) September 14, 2016
It's simple. Trump will never release med recs, tax returns, Melania's immigration history, fndn recs, or anything else we need to see.
— elissa taub (@ejtaub) September 14, 2016
True statement. Challenge is will press ever move off of story about whether & address implications of won’t? https://t.co/psFmZpVOd3
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) September 14, 2016
The polling shouldn’t be anything this close. If we had an elite national press that did its job, we’d be looking at 1964 levels. Instead, the thumbs on the scales combined with a 30 year propaganda exercise trashing a really virtuous woman have put us in some real danger.
So what’s even worse than the notion of any aspect of a Trump presidency (which would in and of itself be an unparalleled disaster) would be the specter of the backup plan – the presidency of his successor, that God-humping mediocrity Mike Pence.
On an anecdotal level, a few Trumpists work as support staff for other lawyers in my office, and I’m acquainted with others who are lower middle class white people. To a one, they won’t care about any revelation about Trump. To them (and they won’t overtly say it) but listening to everything they ever talk about, the thing is purely about sticking it to “them n*****s and the s***s and the gays and the Jews”. Pure racial and cultural animus on behalf of those older lizard brain notions of white supremacy. Oh, they’ll deny it, but I see the bright light in their eyes on this stuff.
I count my mother among those with the grand vision of “saving younger white people from their own naïveté by reinstalling the older superior culture for their benefit, and they might get mad now but they’ll appreciate what we’re doing for them later when they come to understand what ‘those people’ are all about”.
James E Powell
It’s like a variation of Cleek’s Law – Vote for the candidate who drives your liberal brother in law crazy.
@James E Powell: No, it’s who they’ve always been. Remember what Lee Atwater said. They just don’t need the dog whistles anymore.
“If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,” Bornstein said. He added, “I’ll write you scripts for Valium, Adderal and barbiturates, but don’t take them all to the same pharmacy, okay?”
Yup. Despite the furious denials over the past several decades, it is.
Those white mobs inside and outside those lunch counters (some holding axe handles and baseball bats) were frequently the beloved parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, coaches, teachers, pastors and mentors of the current batch of wingnuts. At best, a lot of them stood by and went “tsk tsk, how unseemly” about the violence while taking the cowards way.
@Botsplainer: Yup, Atwater gave the Republicans the dog whistle; Trump found that he didn’t need that.
@Botsplainer: I survived too many years in Kentucky. There are some wonderful people there. But the Ville, and Lexington – and don’t you dare tell me Left-ington –
But you’re not wrong about the race stuff. I actually got a bit woke many years ago when I worked for Housing Services in Lex. That’s when I learned you can’t ignore race. You have to accept the obvious facts that people aren’t treated the same on the outside trying to deal with housing shit, and inside too. There was cooperation, and often good will, but there was no getting away from if you were white or if you were black.
ETA: and to be clear, my first boss was a black woman, and the ExD of HS was a black man. I got hired away by an ExD who was a white woman.
Mustang Bobby
“CARSON: avg human is 0.15% sodium. donald is 9%”
That puts Trump in the range of Lot’s wife: a pillar of salt.
9% sounds dehydrated. Time to push fluids. I hope Hills is ready to go tonight, but takes it easy for the next few days out on the trail.
I imagine for the average Trump voter, his crappy diet and apparent lack of exercise are selling points. He’s just as unhealthy as we are! In a race vs. Hillary, these people would gladly vote for frickin’ Mayor McCheese. Well, if he weren’t a political insider.
WHO they have ALWAYS been.
Jack the Second
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yeah, can you imagine how the last two or three batches of presidential hopefuls feel, believing Lee Atwater, when they could have just been shouting– …?
Jews in fourth place. #progressIguess?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
So I am following this correctly, Trump wheels out a quack, someone dares call aforesaid quack a quack and that’s a win for the Donald, according to the press? This is sounding more and more like big time wrestling.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
Oh I see why now,.,,,
Alzheimer’s tends to be hereditary.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
If Trump has early Alzheimer’s it all make sense now, why he thinks it’s 1980, the weird rants, why no medical records, why suddenly they are trying to claim his family will be some kind of co-presidents.
@Botsplainer: Also don’t forget about Al Gore.
Seriously, even if I smoked a bunch of crack and took a bunch of meth at the same time I couldn’t come up with the comedic gold I read from people like you daily around here.
I wish HRC and her surrogates would really, really start calling out Trump on his sniveling cowardice in repeatedly failing to provide standard info in a timely manner. That ship appears to have sailed in that, so far, he’s getting away with his routine, but wouldn’t hurt to ask, “How can you seek to lead the USA when you appear to be so afraid on any number of fronts? Do you not trust the judgement and essential fairness of the American people?” I.e, folks typically hide out of fear. And he is afraid. Call him cowardly to his face, repeatedly.
By a similar token, those reporters who have had the courage to pursue their jobs properly, assiduously, need to be praised to the high heavens. It’s been years and years since “Newsweek” appeared to be relevant in any way, shape or form. Kudos to Kurt Eichenwald — and to David Farenthold at WaPo.
I don;t know… Trump looks exhausted. He must have been up all night studying for his blood test.
@Botsplainer: Most of the Trump supporters I know are lawyers or doctors. Racist as hell even though they’d never admit it and a few of them honestly don’t see their own bigotry. Most white people don’t.
James E Powell
And those who do tend to be quite proud of it.
@Stan: This is unfortunately the case in my very small circle of friends. It’s shocking to me to see some of my old hippie friends, many of them reasonably successful professional artists, engage in blatantly racist talk and jokes. When called on it, they demure and pretend we’re all just riffing on SNL. Most of them are no longer pals. And some of them have so many personal issues gnawing at them that they just can’t get out from under and blaming works. They will insist they’re not racist while calling folks all manner of names and doing lame improvs on stereotypes. Then, of course, they want you to borrow their old Bob Dylan biographies. It’s beyond strange but denial is a powerful force.
It was interesting how he’s gotten taller — most web pages I’ve seen have him at 6’2″, not 6’3″. And since 70-year-olds usually don’t get taller (saying that as a 60-year-old who’s gotten shorter, apparently), I’m wondering if Dr. Feelgood goosed certain numbers (height up, weight down) so that he falls into “Overweight,” not “Obese.” And a BP of 116/70, with that much fat on him? Right.
Not that I should dare question the honesty of any physician who declares Trump “the most healthiest candidate EVAH” with a straight face, so to speak. I mean, why would he lie? It’s not like Trump has anything to gain from being made to appear better than he actually is. (Plus, the MSM might get upset that Bornstein is horning in on their action.)
As the kids say: Delete your self.
when you’re voting out of spite you don’t really care what your candidate says. fuckers.
what do you mean, “if”?
Grumpy Code Monkey
God love Owen Ellickson. We need all the laughs we can get.
Sam Wang applies a gentle smack upside the head to his readers:
Clinton’s not in any real danger of losing (yet). Where people should be directing their energy right now (and, frankly, every election) is Congress and state houses. That’s where the real problem is.
Oh, and this is probably my favorite comment ever:
I’ve never seen Trump’s height listed as 6’3″. If he weighs 236 pounds and is 6’2″ tall, then he is obese, not overweight. If he is 6’3″ tall and weighs 241 pounds, he’s still obese. Unfortunately, apart from forcing him to have his height and weight checked in public on scales verified independently as accurate, we’ll never know the truth.
Given that his brain is 99% fat, his actual height and weight don’t really matter.