Little Miss Flint met both Trump and Obama this year.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) September 15, 2016
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Little Miss Flint met both Trump and Obama this year.
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) September 15, 2016
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She looks like Trump has taken her prisoner.
Hunter Gathers
I’ve seen that face before. Granted it was Mississippi, circa 1852, but I’ve seen that face before.
that poor baby
Reason #1,999,999,999 I cannot abide Fallon…but he’s perfect as pseudo Leno…I miss Dave Letterman…smh
Donald Trump gets his hair messed up on Jimmy Fallon’s ‘Tonight Show’
Keith P.
Is Trump holding in a fart or something?
Gelfling 545
She looks a bit like Christie did in his first appearance as a Trump supporter. Obviously, I mean her facial expression because she’s very cute & Christie is…..otherwise.
“No, Mr. Trump, I’m not getting on that van. I’m not Mexican.”
Little Miss Flint is a beauty.. Ignore Trump.
Omnes Omnibus
I want to see film. I need to know if she was blinking S.O.S in Morse Code.
The little girl looks terrified and he looks borderline disgusted.
Seriously, the look of pure terror on that child’s face is a perfect reflection of my own personal horror.
That pore chile.
So thrilled to be with POTUS earlier this year.
So … NOT thrilled to be with Drumpf yesterday.
Kids know. They just know.
KS in MA
In the pic lamh36 posted earlier, you can see Trump has her wrist in a death grip. But then, you can see the thug in the background in this one. Ominous! Clearly we need to hunt down and post the whole gallery.
The Dangerman
This election cannot be over fast enough; Green Balloons, dammit.
Sadly, this is true of ALOT of Trump voters and non-Trump voters on our side who love to police the “tone” of how folks express their disgust about racist like Donald Trump and his “basket of deplorables”
@Hunter Gathers:
Yup. Me too. TheGuardian.
Out of the facial expressions of babes!
She sure is.
Doesn’t matter who the GOP floats, there is a LOT of photographic evidence that children and even little babies love Obama and are scared of McCain/Romney/Trump.
Children and even little babies KNOW.
We don’t diddle kids!
I get ads on this site from Silver Airways, which is a regional Florida/Caribbean airline, and I swear to god the latest ad was, “Escape from Your Deplorables” with fares inside a basket.
At least the ad was targeted correctly, but I’m surprised they jumped on it so quickly.
Mike in NC
Poor kid traumatized meeting creepy megalomaniac.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: Where is his right hand? Could explain that face?
Like Cruz trying to kiss his daughter.
NR will come and tell us how Little Miss Flint’s favorability numbers are up after the Trump photo, ergo, we should have nominated Sanders.
@Adam L Silverman: The way he’s holding her wrist. When a child is being chastised or scolded and the parent grabs their arm, it tends to be at the wrist….he looks like he’s holding her wrist and it looks like she trying to take it away from him, just like a child would if scolded by a parent.
That coupled with her face makes the pic even more ugh…
Mary G
If you look at the replies to that tweet, there are a couple more examples, one with an eagle and the other with twin babies, that turn out the same way.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: That’s his left hand, where is his right hand? You notice how when Ivanka is with him how she hits her mark to stop and stand, quickly sees where her dad is standing, and then adjusts a step to make sure she’s out of reach?
I’m sure he never held his kids, changed their diapers, etc. in his whole life. So he has no idea how to handle kids.
@Adam L Silverman:
You should get someone to do a video compilation of that if it happens more than once. It’s something the comedy shows would love to run with.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: I loved Letterman too.
Feel sorry for Little Miss Flint. She should have called in sick to avoid Trump.
Miss Bianca
@redshirt: snerk
The man just can’t stop.
Trump Doubles Down on Birtherism
Adam L Silverman
@BR: Outside of my skill set. Also, I don’t actually know anyone that could or would do so.
Keith P.
@SiubhanDuinne: Here you go…
EDIT: Ahh, I see Maddow has finally zeroed in on Trump’s BMI being just a hair under “Obese”…because he suddenly got an inch taller
@Adam L Silverman: Ugh…right…dude has a problem with hand placement…remember the hands on Ivanka at the convention where he essentially tried to grab her hips. I almost expected him to slap IVanka on the butt….shudders…ugh
Major Major Major Major
I learned a new conspiracy! Apparently Hitlery invaded Libya because the Fed knew that they were about to introduce a new gold backed currency to compete with the dollar. He linked to an RT piece. I said I was surprised Hillary let Sidney Blumenthal live. He agreed and I steered the conversation to Israel. Well, as usual, scratch a goldbug, find an anti-Semite.
Where does San Francisco find these people?
Matt McIrvin
NYT today: “Young Blacks Voice Skepticism on Hillary Clinton, Worrying Democrats”
@lamh36: If you heard Hillary’s speech tonight, you’d see she isn’t backing down one whit from her calling out Trump’s bigotry.
@Matt McIrvin: That’s old:
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: I think there is a very good reason that Marla Maples moved herself and their infant daughter all the way across the country to California when she separated from and divorced Trump. You don’t do that if you’re comfortable having your daughter’s father near her and seeing her on a regular basis. Its not like she moved to California for work. She didn’t have an acting career. She wasn’t modeling any more and if she was than staying in New York or moving to Miami or London or Paris or Rome would have made more sense.
@Major Major Major Major:
Uh, that’s a garbled version of one of Bush’s rationales for invading Iraq — Saddam wanted to switch to the Euro instead of US dollars.
Weird how so many truths about Republicans get regurgitated as lies about Democrats. Okay, not weird — infuriating.
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: here is one of the more credible links he gave.
ETA: which doesn’t help his case since it directly discredits what he was trying to say, but it’s not the sadaam thing. I mentioned Hillary murdering people to judge whether or not he had misspoken or did in fact believe crazy things.
Its back
I guess this is part of his African-American outreach
ThresherK (GPad)
He’s scaring the children. Too many people have their Halloween costume already, I figure.
You are one of the most vile human beings alive. You should be banned for this shit. Sick mother fucker.
@sigaba: Thank you, God. The more he doubles down on ugly, the more public it is, the less we need the media.
Little Miss Flint, blink twice if you’re being held against your will, sweetheart.
@Adam L Silverman: ugh…right…
So the little girl could be freaked out cause instead of holding her shoulder, he likely had his hand on her back…and she’s NOT comfortable.
Damn her parents or whoever staged this photo op…
kenyan mantra
Don’t boo. VOTE.
Looks like Trump just told her about his plan to take Flint nation-wide.
@Emma: Maybe he feels like he’s just ahead enough that he can be hisself.
Of course if he wins he’s going to have Obama locked up for
crimes against white culturePresidenting without a Birth Certificate. Arresting his opposition is his platform.But expect the press meh the whole thing, unless they think they can get him to move the story.
Kinda OT (not really as the thread is titled “I’m Dying Here”) but this – from an NYT piece today about Dem efforts to make sure potential Clinton voters don’t drift over to Johnson or Stein
is hysterical. I’m not doubting that Daley and/or the data is correct, that many Ds and independents don’t know a whole lot about Clinton’s views, policies, etc. I’m just kind of, well, sobbing that Americans could be that uninformed about someone with about 50 years in public life, who had an entire week-long convention about her (ok ok, there may have been some Donald-bashing here and there as well), and who has EIGHTY KAJILLION WORDS ON POLICY ON HER WEBSITE.
Come ON Millenials…it’s on the Intertoobz and everything! Go check it out !!
Yup, and sign up to volunteer.
Yup. What were they thinking?
Mary G
In case anyone needed to be reminded of the contrasting example.
I love Michelle’s indignant expression in that. I suspect that Sasha and Malia were most easily soothed by Daddy, too.
@sigaba: Nah. He’s who he is. He only controlled when they have him tranked and between two teleprompters. And I think Hillary’s ads will play all the crazy up.
Mary G
Tom Hilton on No More Mister Nice Blog explains the 2016 news cycle:
Also, too, if you had any doubt about what NYC babies think of Hillary.
Matt McIrvin
@raven: Ah, it got barfed up by my Facebook feed today for some reason. Did not get off the boat.
I adore that clip. Could watch it again and again.
Michelle’s “No you DINT!” and Barack’s smug “Hunh yes I did” just make me smile every time.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
That second picture,.. just wow.
It would be great if Clinton ran some long-form ads that are 2-3 minutes long that have extended clips of Trump’s total nonsense — his full on crazy for more than a few seconds. People understand it’s easy to take something out of context, but 30 seconds or 60 seconds of crazy isn’t a smear and people get that.
@Emma: I dunno. If Trump had a meltdown at this point, how would anybody know? He’s constantly in meltdown, to the point that the people covering him assume this is all part of his platform and people must really want it.
@Jeffro: The biggest problem in this regard is just that: the fact she has been in front of a camera for so long means that people feel they know her even if they can’t actually answer a question about who she is or what she plans to do.
@Matt McIrvin:
Major Major Major Major
@Mary G: lol! Thanks for the link!
@Keith P.: And I still call bullshit on that 236 number. I think the 267 is closer to truth, but still a low-ball. If DTs was 6’2″ when he went before the draft board, he’s probably closer to 5’11 – 6′ now (because Gravity is a harsh mistress and steals about .25″ of height per decade). Mr. Me is now 6’2″, down from 6’3″ and I knew him when he was running 230-240. I made cargo pants for him at that weight. I’ve made him cargos at 250 and 260, too, and collared shirts. I don’t have to fit around turkey waddles or triple chins. DTs wears his casual pants high, and that masks a lot of cheesecake sinning. My guess, just eyeballing with a clothier’s eye, is a 50-52″ waist on a 32 inch inseam and a 19-20″ neck. His tailor, who sucks more than I can say, does pad out his shoulders, and is good at that — they only show when light is hitting from just the right angle — but when you look at the guy in profile, he’s thicker front to back than he appears side to side from the front. He’s carrying a hell of a lot of torso weight.
No wonder this is the case, what with the media amplifying every lie the Republican noise machine puts out about her and Democrats generally and being unwilling to focus on anything of substance in general.
Major Major Major Major
@CZanne: yeah he is just massive. Just a huge guy. I’m 6’4 and 190 and I’m a scarecrow so there’s no way he’s 6’2″ and 230.
Mmmm, babies….
@Adam L Silverman:
Good Grief!
Donald Trump Jr., at his mom’s wedding, toasted her by saying she had “great boobs”
@Jeffro: If it’s not about the Hillbeast’s emails, the press doesn’t cover it.
I wanted to thank the commenters from this morning’s post (by Betty Cracker) for leaving great reviews on my kindle book listing this morning! Thanks again in case you see this here. Thanks, Miss Bianca, (and yes they’re watercolors), Iowa Old Lady, and eclare. I did have to tweak the colors for some of the images on my ipad and reduce the resolution so the final product wasn’t too large.
The great thing about watercolors is that you can just play with the water and pigment and still get a great artistic result. I learned a neat watercolor trick for creating snow years ago. You cover a sheet of paper (thick and absorbent like watercolor paper) with a watercolor wash with the pigment of your choice across it. Wait for it to dry a bit, then sprinkle salt across it. The reaction the salt will have with the wash will cause salt crystals to form on the paper and affect the way the pigment dries on the paper. You get a snowflake effect on the paper. It depends on how wet the paper is, the wetter the paper, the more pronounced the snowflake effect is. Too dry, the snowflakes don’t really bloom on the paper. It’s a really fun and breathtaking effect. I think you should be able to find youtube videos showing this trick.
@Adam L Silverman:
From something I read earlier today — sorry, cannot remember where or I would provide a link — Tiffany saw her dad a couple of times a year in NYC for an afternoon meeting and dinner, and maybe another two weeks at Mar-a-Lago.
My memory of her RNC speech about him is that it was pretty generalized. I don’t remember any nice humanizing anecdotes from her (or for that matter, from Uday, Qusay, or Goneril).
Is she blinking her eyes in code, SOS?
@Major Major Major Major:
I need to avoid you; you’ll not notice me down here, I’ll end up getting stepped on!
@SiubhanDuinne: Tiffany said that Donald did such wonderful fatherly things like calling her on the phone when someone close to her died.
Keith P.
@CZanne: Yep, I also don’t think 236 is a realistic weight. 6’2 is pretty tall (I’ve had a friend who was under 6′ and hit 300 without looking morbid, with the swollen cheeks and hands), and Trump has pretty wide hips (in the volleyball video, he even seems to have a FUPA, and he was a bit slimmer back then). And I don’t buy him having normal triglycerides for a second. Not with that neck waddle and a diet of KFC, McD’s and taco bowls.
That being said, I can say I have a BMI of 20.8 and cholesterol in the 120s (consistently, I get tested monthly), but I’m extremely unhealthy. It will be kind of embarrassing if Trump outlives me.
Is anyone seriously going to watch Brian Williams about anything?
@Adam L Silverman:
Also ewww.
@Keith P.:
Those are incredibly disturbing. Incredibly.
Because of course he did.
So the man himself can’t be bothered to VERBALIZE his belief in where POTUS was born, but the campaign spokesperson issues statement saying he believes POTUS was born in US…but wait…
Trump campaign statement also falsely claims that birtherism started with Hillary Clinton and her campaign.
That kids expression is what I’ll be making if Trumpy wins in Nov.
Someone needs to go check up on Baron, he needs to be interviewed away from his family members. What the fuck is wrong with this family? It’s bad enough they all lie as easily as they breath, and now I find out that they all see each other in sexual terms. Uday or Qusay or maybe both have commented on Ursula’s hottness, and now this. Ewwww!
@Kropadope: No, that’s on the voters. At some point, you have to take responsibility for informing yourself. We all have access to primary sources now.
That was one of the criticisms of the RNC speeches, that none of them had any personal anecdotes about him, except Ursula.
Yea but Al Gore…so voters will ignore this.
And didn’t he mark up her letters or school papers or something? Can’t be arsed to go back and find the transcript of her RNC speech, but there was something like that, I think.
@JoshuaGreen 2m2 minutes ago
Trump’s suggesting this language from Clinton’s chief strategist Mark Penn was identical to his own “birther” stuff
Worse decision HRC made in ’08..,may have been.having Mark Penn as her campaign person…smh.
8 years later, he’s still coming back to bite her in the azz..
Adam L Silverman
@CZanne: I’m 5’11 and my weight has been stable between 265 and 268 for the past five plus years. Over the past two years, because of my schedule flexibility, I have added significant amounts of muscle on top of what I already have and that weight has remained stable within that four to five lbs swing between 265 to 268. If he weights 236 I’m a monkey’s uncle!
ETA: I have a 52 inch chest circumference. 18 inch neck. 18 inch circumference to my upper arms, 38 inch waist. 30 inch inseam. Can’t remember the circumference of my thighs, but I can squat over 300 lbs, so…
Uncle Cosmo
@BR: Cosign. Why is this shitstain allowed to hang around here?
Pretty sure he’s not going to get her vote. In some places, that sort of behavior would be considered child abuse.
@Adam L Silverman:
Bubbles is that you?
Patricia Kayden
@redshirt: lol! Dying.
As if Sanders wouldn’t be put through the media grinder as well.
@Uncle Cosmo: ‘cos cole gotta prove his librul street creds.
@JMG: If people turn to a professional organization expecting to be informed and that organization lies to them, how can we expect the people to sort out that sort of misinformation having lacked a previous foundation of accurate information. Most other businesses we hold accountable for selling a faulty product, why not the media?
I know, I know, I know I shouldn’t FTT, but I must ask, after two or three days of this from you: exactly what is your unhealthy obsession with Al Gore?
Here’s a clue: no Democratic voters in 2016 are thinking about Al Gore.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: It is what it is. And I guarantee that whatever it actually is, we’ll never actually know.
@Adam L Silverman: You’re a sparkplug, right? A regular Ben Grimm?
Adam L Silverman
@SiubhanDuinne: That sounds about like what I’ve read. Clearly very limited contacts.
That horrible rictus grin when he thinks he’s being personable.
Patricia Kayden
@geg6: I guess he’ll have to use the “N” word spelled out in 60 point font to get banned. So many here find him funny at times for some reason. Oh well.
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: I’m sorry, but I don’t get that reference.
@Adam L Silverman: the entire family is trash…smh…God save that poor Baron kid…smh
Ladies and gentlemen…the US media…smh
UPDATE: Trump now says he “believes that President Obama was born in the United States.”
Bulltshit..not true…his SPOKESPERSON said so…yet da man himself can’t seem to VERBALIZE the same when asked
Adam L Silverman
@redshirt: My folks had a mixed marriage. My dad was a grizzly bear. It was the love that dared not speak its name, but did involve lots of pickanick baskets!
@SiubhanDuinne: Maybe someone will clue you in.
We joke about this, and it is funny in some ways, but I know plenty of minority kids who are mortally fearful of a Trump presidency. In that sense, it’s hard to laugh.
@SiubhanDuinne: I was thinking shomi was referring to how Al Gore’s campaign was obliterated by the media while it simultaneously propped up George Bush. Now Clinton is getting the same treatment.
Adam L Silverman
@Gravenstone: He’s the Joker? Would explain the covering makeup to hide the bleached white skin.
Patricia Kayden
@Jeffro: Exactly. She’s been in the national spotlight for decades now and her background was heavily covered during the DNC. Plus, we can go to her website to learn details of her proposed policies.
Secretary Clinton will just have to find a way to introduce herself over and over again before November through ads, press conferences, the debates, etc. Sigh.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
And Shomi will bray about how we’re all pissing ourselves for somehow not sufficiently believing in Hillary. We need better trolls.
Doesn’t it seem a little bit strange that he named his kid the same name that he used as a fake PR spokesman? (I think it was “Barron Miller” or something, but Barron anyhow.)
@Adam L Silverman:
Michael Jackson’s chimp, who shockingly I just discovered when I googled him is still alive in Florida.
Waddya mean “We”, dude?
And it ain’t no joke…
What you say is true, but I think you’re giving shomi way too much credit.
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: Ahh, now it makes sense.
Drumpf is going all in with the “election fraud” Washinghton eliteS, and main stream media working to throw the election for Hillary. Just saw a call to action commercial “trump supporters if you agree that the Washington elite and mainstream media is throwing the election call xcxcc.”
@Major Major Major Major: the thing about that that gets me is that a lot of the male talking heads are actually in the claimed height-weight range, and they’re not calling bullshit. (Okay, yeah, it’s a stupid story, but if The Hair That Ate Cincinnati is willing to lie about *this*, what else is there?)
Are you Spider Robinson in disguise?
CNN is now breathlessly reporting that the Trump campaign has put out a statement saying that Pres. Obama was born in the US. In the space of three hours tonight he gets to feed his rabid base with the Washington Post interview in which he refuses to renege on his birther claims and then to earn the approval of the press corps with a written statement of the campaign saying he accepts Obama’s a natural born citizen.
He’s playing the press and they like it. Sick.
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m bad with names, so I was just taking the individual comment within the context of the thread. If there’s some sort of grudge in play here I was unaware and will, thus, refrain from commenting about it.
@CZanne: all of it Katie.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: Trump doesn’t get away with blaming his racism on someone else though. Penn was a douche for bringing it up but Trump is the one who ran with it and pumped it up. It appears he just can’t let it go. That Negro just doesn’t deserve to be in the White House just like Blacks didn’t deserve to be in Trump rentals.
They should offer a full can of soda and extra peanuts/pretzels to everyone sporting an “I Voted Today” sticker on Nov. 8.
@Keith P.: FUPA? (do I want to google that one?)
I think we’ve still got a spare life from out last cat packed away. Would you like the power up?
Patricia Kayden
@hovercraft: Bubbles!!
@CZanne: Fat Upper Private Area
This asshole needs to be banned. Cole?
@redshirt: Always heard that description as being a “fireplug”
@hovercraft: Bubbles Lives?!
J R in WV
That little girl has more native intelligence than Andrea Mitchell, more than 40% of the voting adult population appears to have. She just knows evil when it approaches her. She needs to be interviewed about how she felt as Satan got nearer and nearer to her.
What a monster he is to keep on trying to get close to that little girl.
Adam L Silverman
@Gravenstone: Its regional. I’ve heard both. I may also resemble both. Or, I might just be a Susquatch-Jewish-American. Its impossible to know on the Internet.
@Patricia Kayden: @redshirt:
I know, it feels like a lifetime ago when he was all the rage, but I guess I never payed attention to his age at that time. I guess 33 years young is not that old for a chimp? VH1 should feature him on an episode of Where Are They Now.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: At least you’re not a Dogman…
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: I’m very much a dog person.
Did anyone else have the impression in the second photo she was going to start shouting “STRANGER DANGER!!!!!!” any second now?
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: not all the same thing.
ETA: As I’m sure you’re aware. ; )
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: I am. Though this is the first I’ve heard of dogman sightings in Pennsylvania.
Omnes Omnibus
@Uncle Cosmo: Do you know Cole’s troll rules? He only bans for flat-out racism, sexism, etc., and doxxing. Dont drop the n or c word don’t out someone and you get to stay. The other FPer tend to abide by Cole’s rules. Adam is a bit more aggressive.
@Patricia Kayden: I thought he had been behaving better, but that right there was so awful it was breath-taking.
Regine Touchon
@KS in MA: yes the thug behind them making sure she doesn’t run away in horror!
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: Where would you draw the lines? How do you choose who is a troll as opposed to a person who feels strongly about an issue. Or someone who disagrees with you?
@J R in WV:
And the great big saw came nearer and nearer….
@Omnes Omnibus: Engagement?
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: For some, it is enough.
Good wishes to you for your shitty weekend.
I’m with you. Adam’s 5’11” and 265? Sheesh, is everybody here huge? I’m 5’4″ 145 and I feel overweight. ‘Course I didn’t break 100 til after high school. That’s what 3 years of track and cross country will do.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: But in a kind and gentle way…
This one has to be on Cole.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: amk would have you banned as a troll.
@Omnes Omnibus: If that’s true, amk can lick my sweaty nutsack, A. B, the impulse to ban is an authoritarian impulse. And C, people who aren’t ordinarily trolls may engage in trollish behavior under the right circumstances.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: If I had FP privileges, I would be lighter with the hammer than you have been. I am not judging. Just offering my opinion. I like the fact that Cole let’s virtually anyone say virtually anything. Others may differ.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I’ve done exactly two. One of whom spent about two months trying to sneak back in. That one was for going over the line in regard to transgender people. The other one, BIP, was engaging in personal attacks and when repeatedly asked to stop doing so he simply doubled down. This isn’t a willy nilly sort of thing. I know exactly what Cole’s rules are – I emailed him and asked him to delineate them for me – and other than the two I’ve done, nothing else has gotten close no matter how annoying.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Read me at 157. I have issues with you and your views, but I would never stop you from making your views public.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: Okay. I was under the impression that you had done more. My error, I am sorry.
@Omnes Omnibus: I noticed and I appreciate that.
@Omnes Omnibus: You are a grudge bearing bore.
@Kropadope: Meh. You will always be a troll to me.
@amk: Oh noes!!! ::Yawn::
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: No worries, just the two. Though as I wrote that first one had to be redone about a dozen times as he or she kept trying to sneak back in.
I understand your concerns and largely agree with them, but I’ve been not just a front pager, but someone specifically tasked with helping to run the previous site I wrote at. The site owner basically allows the comments to be a free fire zone, unless a comment specifically irks him. The result is, especially after he linked the site to Facebook and Twitter and set it up so that people could comment through those platforms, that the comments tend towards stormfront territory.
Omnes Omnibus
@amk: Come on…. Disagreement = Troll for you.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: It’s cool. End. Okay?
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: But of course.
@geg6: totally with you. Not even any amusement value with this boring malevolent fucktard. I don’t understand why our Fearless Leader spares the mighty ban hammer.