Make America Parasitic Again! E. Coli Unum!
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) September 15, 2016
JUST IN: Trump says he would eliminate food safety regulations
— The Hill (@thehill) September 15, 2016
In a fact sheet posted online Thursday, the campaign highlighted a number of “specific regulations to be eliminated” under the GOP nominee’s economic plan, including what they called the “FDA Food Police.”
“The FDA Food Police, which dictate how the federal government expects farmers to produce fruits and vegetables and even dictates the nutritional content of dog food,” it read…
The fact sheet was later removed from the website and a new fact sheet detailing Trump’s economic agenda did not include mention of the FDA.
The FDA recently completed an overhaul of the food safety system with seven rules to better protect consumers from food-borne illnesses. Manufacturers of both animal and human food are now required to implement preventive controls to minimize the risk of contaminating food when it’s manufactured, processed, packed or held by a facility.
Trump’s economic policy plan also calls for “an immediate halt to new federal regulations and a very thorough agency-level review of previous regulations to see which need to be scrapped.”…
This from a notorious germophobe. Of course, what that ‘float’ was really about is the usual Republican aversion to being “forced” to spend money just to keep other people safe. Because spending a few extra pennies on providing sanitary facilities for those lettuce-pickers is just like being forced to pray to Allah — it’s a religious issue, really!
At this point he's just curious to test how stupid his supporters are exactly.
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) September 15, 2016
Make botulism great again!
Yes We Con(taminate)
i’m with schooley — the trump campaign is really a national intelligence test
cat copeland
I SHOULD GET ALL THE ATTENTION!! Not food borne pathogens, idiots!
I don’t worry about these things as I have “food tasters” at my beck & call!
“Hell’ whictacha’ all”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is also going to get rid of seat belts, air bags, speed limits, guardrails.
E coli; if it doesn’t kill ya, it’ll help you shed that extra weight. It’s the Trump diet plan. WIN!
Major Major Major Major
I asked my lovely family to help come up with a nickname for Ivanka like we have for Uday and Qusay. They suggested Lucrezia Borgia. Rude!
Keith G
@Cacti: Points
@Kryptik: Points
A good, old fashioned cholera outbreak never killed anyone.
Well, no more than 2 million anyway.
So I’m guessing if we look into his history, I bet there was once a Trump branded food product that was taken off the market for not containing food.
@lollipopguild: But keep stop signs and traffic lights? Poser. I’m voting for the Hillbeast then.
Well that will improve visits to Trump properties…..go eat where the owner wants no food safety regulations. I don’t think so.
@Major Major Major Major: I like your family.
Squeaky?@Major Major Major Major: Squeaky?
he’s still pissed that trump vodka was taken off the shelves on account of all the hantavirus.
I am surprised Trump would be pro parasite, seems like he would not want the competition.
Roger Moore
He’s just looking out for his family.
Ugh… Real talk, this has been on my mine for a while now, particularly this election season.
I get that you don’t “chose” your family, but u can chose your friends. U got bigots, prejudiced, offensive friends, well…if it’s true that birds of a feather flock together then what does that make you?
if u have “friends” who traffic in racial insensitivity/bigotry/xenophobia/whatever…YOU ARE WHO YOU HANG WITH.
the friends U keep are the friends you choose to keep. I don’t call anyone “friend” who I consider a bigot or racist jackass or who I KNOW has said or outright expressed bigotry or racist language.
I get it, people change, maybe you’ve been friends for a long time, and all of a sudden they just change with age…fine. But, you chose your friends, not your family, I can understand you can’t get rid of family. That’s fine, but if u choose to keep the bigots as friends, I rather NOT call you my friend or even an acquaintance…
I thought about this when I was reading a post by a family member, who had these “friends” from college who would respond to her gentle posting about anything that involved discussion of racial charged events (police brutality, Confederate flag, protesting, BLM, etc)…
Steeplejack (phone)
@Major Major Major Major:
I donated 25 bucks to Hillary today. It’s not much, but I’m poor. I think I might just do 25 every pay day until the election. At least I’ll have contributed in some way.
Steeplejack (phone)
Not sayin’ we wouldn’t get our hair missed, but two million tops!
@Major Major Major Major:
I’d say go with someone more familiar to the average voter:
Veruca Salt.
I posted this pic in an earlier thread, but I didn’t realize this was the same young lady who met and hugged POTUS in Flint when he visited…
Little Miss Flint is all of us with half a brain…
@Major Major Major Major:
I like that one. I thought maybe Phoebe Boffay, but she was not evil.
@Major Major Major Major: What was the girl from Willy Wonka? Veruca Salt?
On the bright side, if Short Fingers really does disband the FDA or whatever, this infamous tweet might actually become something that happens in real life.
KS in MA
@lamh36: Classic.
My goodness, what a jerk. My sister had ecoli and spent 19 days in intensive care. Her liver and kidneys shut down and they had to keep her alive with machines. There was no guarantee in the first few days that she was going to live. She blew up like a basketball and was the same shade of orange as Trump is — from being sick not through vanity. She still suffers health effects to this day from what happened to her and was never able to prove that the offending hamburger came from the local grocery store, thus was never compensated for being nearly poisoned to death. I hope Trump DIAF.
@Steeplejack (phone):
Mr. President, we must not allow a Listeria Gap!
I am happy to say that I only have 2 idiots in my Facebook feed, and they know better than to argue with me. One is my cousin’s husband and the other is my late brother’s girlfriend. All of my college and work friends are firmly on the liberal side, thank God.
I did do a big post right after the DNC saying that I wasn’t going to back down on my Hillary support and anyone who didn’t like that was free to unfollow me. Since then, no problems.
Game over. You win.
@Major Major Major Major: I mentioned it in a thread last night that I think “Gulnara” as in Gulnara Karimova would be fitting. Especially if she were to acquire any sort of power in a Trump administration. And it fits with Quday & Usay
@Mnemosyne: Typhoid Mary. or E coli Mary.
@efgoldman: Can’t imagine what you are going through. Peace be with you.
@Major Major Major Major: I think ivankas nickname should be Little Imelda. Or theres Little Leona in honor of Leona’only the.little people pay taxes’ Helmsley
@efgoldman: Hugs. You will be missed.
A Trump administration would be nightmare because of inattention and ignorance as well as horrible values. What the WH proposed would be a function of which high rolling billionaire extremist fanatic of one kind or another, or which corrupt industry hack, or whether one of the more sane or one of the less sane Trump kids got into the oval office on a given day.
Major Major Major Major
@efgoldman: Uh. E-hugs. Hang in there. At least he got beat up.
We aren’t all Eeyores and Chicken Littles! I’m way too tall to be an Eeyore, I’m more like if Tigger took his meds.
Gin & Tonic
@efgoldman: Don’t recall where your SIL lived, but there’s a Wine and Harvest Festival at Mt Snow in the southern part of the state, probably similar things elsewhere.
Anyway, wishing you and Mrs efg the strength to deal with this. I, luckily, am going in the opposite direction and for opposite purpose – will be visiting my grand-daughter, whom I haven’t seen since July.
KS in MA
@efgoldman: Hugs from me too.
@efgoldman: ef, whatever my good wishes can do for you and yours, consider them added to the pile. No weekend Eeyoreing allowed. Time for sports!
Keith P.
@hovercraft: Ursula?
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: @Major Major Major Major: I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words Bother Me.
This Trump guy is so corrupt the character that keeps running through my mind is the Captain Stern guy from “Heavy Metal”….
Major Major Major Major
@Omnes Omnibus: You love long words.
Ivan X
This is the greatest thing I’ve seen this election season.
I wish Liz Spayd could be required to read it every day until election day, or she understands it.
It is to chortle.
I hope it goes as smoothly as possible. If there is some kind of state victims’ services office, you should be able to get a caseworker to keep you informed. I’m a little surprised that the prosecutor isn’t doing it — are they hoping he’ll plea bargain?
Matt McIrvin
@efgoldman: Dunno what it is… but there does seem to be a music festival on in Burlington over the weekend. One of the bands there, I saw in Newburyport a couple of weeks ago (Kaleo, surprisingly great Icelandic blues rockers).
Anyway, best wishes for the weekend.
Villago Delenda Est
A parasite standing up for fellow parasites.
I am so surprised.
Enhanced Voting Techinques
Trump FACToid – Trump personally shot Osama Ben Ladin when he led Seal Team Six in between hosting episodes of the Apprentice.
@lamh36: She’s terrified. She’s seen some shit. Trump is the heart of Darkness. Enhance!
Ms. Little Flint’s fear
gogol's wife
@Ivan X:
@Major Major Major Major:
“Extract of Malt. Roo’s strengthening medicine.”
— Kanga
Villago Delenda Est
@Cacti: Lolita.
I hope the weekend isn’t too painful for you and mrs efg. It’s good that her friends will be there. It’s also good that he’s still locked up without bail. That doesn’t bode well for him.
I laughed out loud at work when I heard Trump telling Oz that when he looks in the mirror, he sees a 35-year-old.
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: His meds, not Roo’s!
So the President of the United States is giving a speech and it’s only on MSNBC.. Really.. Really
well just fk.. they cut away. just fk..
@efgoldman: Man I’m sorry about all this. I’m flying to Chicago Saturday for a memorial service for my buddy who died a couple of weeks ago. I’m hoping this will be a celebration of how he lived and I’m going to do my best to make it just that.
I hope all goes well in an unthinkably difficult situation. We will miss you.
Pence has said that he doesn’t think cigarette smoke causes cancer, so FDA food police doesn’t surprise me.
@debbie: That was after his fucking bone spurs healed.
schrodinger's cat
@singfoom: Children know, as do puppies and kittehs.
@Major Major Major Major:
What shall we do about poor little Tigger?
If he never eats nothing, he’ll never get bigger,
He doesn’t like hunny or haycorns or thistles
Because of the taste and because of the bristles.
And all the good things that an animal likes
Have the wrong sort of swallow, or too many spikes,
But whatever his weight in pounds, shillings, and ounces,
He’ll always look bigger because of his bounces.
Villago Delenda Est
@Cacti: Make America Retch Again!
Oh EFG, I’m so sorry. I am sending you and Mrs EFG hugs.
I don’t know what possessed me to put Politico in my twitter feed. Christ, what clickbait.
I liked his reference to that hopey changey thing.
@Ivan X:
The Dangerman
Are we sure Andy Kaufman is dead? Seriously, if Trump starts singing Mighty Mouse, I’m calling shenanigans.
In Ohio, Donald Trump Refuses to Say Obama Was Born in the US
Will be thinking of you this weekend as well as efg and Mrs. efg.
@efgoldman: Dang…I’m sorry I missed the background information, but I wont bother you with that…Just wanted to say I’m sending good vibes and healing thoughts your way.
Villago Delenda Est
@lamh36: Well, he was born in “exotic” (h/t Cokie Roberts) Hawaii.
I don’t know what to say, my thoughts are with you both. Stay safe and lean on each other.
@SiubhanDuinne: His widow went to OPRF HS.
Maybe I already told you that.
@Keith P.:
Phoebe from FRIENDS.
Ursula, I don’t know.
@schrodinger’s cat:
I’m surprised at how many cats seem to hate Trump, at least on YouTube. This one seems totally spontaneous.
@jonfavs Jon Favreau Retweeted Philip Rucker
Trump said he’d “answer at the right time,” which is at the debate, so he gets credit from the media for the pivot.
Of course he will, and the shitty media will fall for it hook, line and sinker.
@efgoldman: Take care of yourself and yours.
Ursula was Phoebe’s evil twin, played by the same actress.
@hovercraft: I loved that. CNN showed it several minutes late, but in the entirety.
Also, his waving his arms when he’s speaking is his exercise! Sometimes, I can’t figure out how he does this without breaking into laughter.
Good luck to you too this weekend.
Omnes Omnibus
Propane Jane™ @docrocktex26 Sep 6
Black voters tout our strength and you warn us about complacency, as if we aren’t >90% #WithHer. What are you saying to your White peers?
Propane Jane™
The horse race is between the White left and the White right. Y’all are battling over the soul of *White America*, not us. Understand that.
It’s insane. Every time Trump burps or farts it’s wall-to-wall cable coverage. HRC or her surrogates? Couple of minutes, then back to the studio so all the pundits can mutually bloviate.
Re: being a birther:
Maybe true, but in part it’s due to phrasing. Instead of asking Trump the factual question of where Obama is born, the question a moderator or Clinton should ask is “will you apologize to President Obama for lying about where he was born and claiming he’s not a citizen?”
What year, do you know?
@SiubhanDuinne: I suspect 68-9 or so. They met at SIU
Felonius Monk
@efgoldman: @raven: Safe traveling to you all. We will keep the fires burning while you are gone and a light in the window.
Mike R
@Skerry: Good grief, he should have stopped at doesn’t think.
@Steeplejack (phone): Bellatrix.
@rikyrah: Oy, truth. If only it didn’t have so many other side effects. Phuqqing haterz getting their hate on is bad for everyone, everything that lives and breathes.
You should email / call and shout at them. The crazies on the right work the refs. We don’t.
Just read at TPM that the food safety thing has vanished from Trump’s economic plan. Who knows what else will stay or go from his fantastic economic plans up to election day.
Thanks, well then the shoe fits. I was only an occasional viewer.
Harry Reid roasted the Orange Buffoon on the Senate floor. He looks so meek and mild but spits hot fire on the right-wing, I love it. Frankly, it’s his last term, he should just come up with sick burns from now until the end, let the MSM freak out and get publicity as the Trump-slayer. The press would report his accusations, like the Romney claims he made years ago.
Anne Laurie
Due to this summer’s drought, predictions around here are for a disappointing foliage color display and a premature ‘leaf drop’. I suspect New Englanders may just be trying to get away from the enervating humidity and to beat the post-Columbus-Day crowds, because Vermont is absolutely beautiful this time of year.
Wish that you & Mrs. EFG were going up there for a less heartbreaking reason — I’ll keep you both in my thoughts this weekend.
Major Major Major Major
@Bex: not bad.
You should have stuck with msnbc, after Tweety signed off, Joy Reid showed the whole thing, and her panel was troll free.
@raven: Peace be with you too. Safe travels.
I got people at my office to literally LOL at Joy’s WTF? reaction to the taco trucks guy.
That was one of my favorite clips of this entire year.
Anne Laurie
A.A. Milne is a much underrated philosopher. If you haven’t already sent her the poetry books — When We Were Very Young and Now We Are Six… they would be perfect for both her & the people forced to read the same bits to her seventy-leven times over. I can still recite bits (“Now why would I go to the zoo to be bad? And would I be likely to say, if I had?”) even though the younger siblings I read them to are now AARP-eligible!
Well, apparently the Dr. Oz show edited out the bit with Trump kissing Ivanka and the creepy exchange about “I kiss her every chance I get.”
Don’t these people understand that EVERYTHING is permanent?
@Anne Laurie:
I grew up learning the H. Fraser-Simpson songbooks, and to this day I can (and do!) sing just about all of them. They are perfect settings of the Milne poems.
No offence to, um, anyone here who might have a Disney connection, but I loathe, detest, and despise what Disney did to Pooh, Christopher Robin, and the rest.
I am a Proud Pooh Purist.
@eclare: thx
Anne Laurie
@Felonius Monk:
Just don’t let Cole near the fires, or the light in the window will be the building burning down!
What the hell is wrong with this man? We all already think you want to fuck your own daughter, why would you perpetuate that image.
Eric S.
@Omnes Omnibus: I thought Idaho.
Iowa Old Lady
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m speechless.
Anne Laurie
You are not alone. (Although it was the 1960s Jungle Book atrocity that first broke my outrage meter, since I’d actually committed many of those poems to memory.)
Roger Moore
Maybe he really does want to have sex with his daughter and he doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with feeling that way. It seems like the simplest explanation.
Uncle Cosmo
@raven: Do your level best to make it a celebration of a life worth celebrating.
Our family is facing the same challenge of memorial and commemoration after the death of my 28-year-old nephew. I’ve pondered this in the intervening month, & this is what seems to me to be worth saying:
Good luck with it.
Cry me a river media folks. You all allow Trump to skirt around unchallenged, for clickbait and access…so oh well
Not about individuals but role of media who travel country with Trump to inform public. @realDonaldTrump in NH.
@hovercraft: I think it’s the same phenomenon as those personality tests where it’s perfectly obvious what the wrong answers are. Unless you’re a sociopath. Or say a sociopath who thinks there’s nothing wrong with wanting to fuck your own daughter.
edit: Or what Roger Moore said, just in fewer words.
@Uncle Cosmo: Very nice. He and I went to high school together, spent time in Vietnam together and saw each other quite a bit until the last 18 years. He was one of those people you just expected would always be there even though you both knew better. I’m concerned most with his widow, they live in very rural Eastern Kentucky and I’m interested to see what she’s going to do.
@Roger Moore:
I’m going to be a sneering liberal here, and say maybe his fans don’t think marring your sister or screwing your daughter is such a bad thing, but to normal people that’s beyond fucked up. Come on, he’s not from from Alabama.
Hillary agrees with all the normal people who think that a taco truck on every corner, sounds delicious.
EDIT: She’s getting a pretty good reception, and damn she looks great.
cause no one wants to admit, crazy Uncle Don who keeps forwarding those Obama/Kenyan emails is a bigot not just misinformed
Uncle Cosmo
@efgoldman: I had let your atrocious situation slip from my memory. The grief of future lives lost must be near-impossible to bear when it’s the result, not of chance or huge impersonal forces but personal malevolence.
I will hold you all in whatever light there may be as you make your hard way through the gloom.
I read a Vanity Fair article during the Shrub years about the beef industry, and the protections from lawsuits they received. I began to curtail my beef intake soon after.
Gin & Tonic
@lamh36: Man, between that and dissing Rev. Faith Timmons this morning, he’s really trying to get down to zero % of the AA vote.
Ack, she just said “basket” when she meant “basketball”>
Blessings that you can get through the weekend with little drama as possible.
Iowa Old Lady
@lamh36: He says he’ll talk about it at the debates. I’ll bet he’s planning to accuse Clinton of starting the whole birther thing.
@hovercraft: Looking at this speech, HRC looks and sounds well rested and refreshed. I betting that break to recuperate was just what she needed
It was one of her better speeches. A good first day back.
Major Major Major Major
I learned a new conspiracy! Apparently Hitlery invaded Libya because the Fed knew that they were about to introduce a new gold backed currency to compete with the dollar. He linked to an RT piece. I said I was surprised Hillary let Sidney Blumenthal live. He agreed and I steered the conversation to Israel. Well, as usual, scratch a goldbug, find an anti-Semite.
Where does San Francisco find these people?
@Major Major Major Major:
@Major Major Major Major:
I’m late to the thread, but my vote goes for Lolita.
scott alloway
@Hal: Find a way to volunteer. Phone bank, door to door, office work. It’s more valuable than cash.
scott alloway
@eclare: Such a sad happening. I wish you well.
J R in WV
If $25 is all you can, then you have done all you can do. It counts as much as the self-funding Trump did for his primary race, more, really.
Since he got those loans paid off by the RNC, his contributions don’t count at all.
I’m sure Hillary is more grateful for your $25 than Trump is for the millions he’s stealing from the Republican party!